Java Code Examples for com.jstarcraft.core.utility.KeyValue#getKey()

The following examples show how to use com.jstarcraft.core.utility.KeyValue#getKey() . You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example 1
Source File:    From jstarcraft-example with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
 * 个性化搜索
 * @param userIndex
 * @param searchKey
 * @return
 * @throws Exception
@LockableMethod(strategy = HashLockableStrategy.class)
public Object2FloatMap<MovieItem> getSearchItems(@LockableParameter int userIndex, String searchKey) throws Exception {
    // 标识-得分映射
    Object2FloatMap<MovieItem> item2ScoreMap = new Object2FloatOpenHashMap<>();

    long current = System.currentTimeMillis();
    Query query = queryParser.parse(searchKey, MovieItem.TITLE);
    KeyValue<List<Document>, FloatList> search = engine.retrieveDocuments(query, null, 0, 1000);
    List<Document> documents = search.getKey();
    FloatList scores = search.getValue();
    for (int index = 0, size = documents.size(); index < size; index++) {
        Document document = documents.get(index);
        MovieItem item = items.get(document.getField(MovieItem.INDEX).numericValue().intValue());
        float score = scores.getFloat(index);
        item2ScoreMap.put(item, score);
    String message = StringUtility.format("搜索数量:{},搜索耗时:{}", documents.size(), System.currentTimeMillis() - current);;

    return item2ScoreMap;
Example 2
Source File:    From jstarcraft-core with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
public <K extends Comparable, T extends IdentityObject<K>> List<T> queryUnion(Class<T> clazz, Map<String, Object> condition, StoragePagination pagination) {
	LuceneMetadata metadata = metadatas.get(clazz);
	Query query = null;
	BooleanQuery.Builder buffer = new BooleanQuery.Builder();
	for (Entry<String, Object> term : condition.entrySet()) {
		KeyValue<Field, IndexConverter> keyValue = metadata.getIndexKeyValue(term.getKey());
		Field key = keyValue.getKey();
		IndexConverter value = keyValue.getValue();
		query = value.query(context, term.getKey(), key, key.getAnnotation(LuceneIndex.class), key.getGenericType(), ConditionType.Equal, term.getValue());
		buffer.add(query, Occur.SHOULD);
	query =;
	int offset = pagination == null ? 0 : pagination.getFirst();
	int size = pagination == null ? Integer.MAX_VALUE : pagination.getSize();
	KeyValue<List<Document>, FloatList> retrieve = engine.retrieveDocuments(query, null, offset, size);
	List<Document> documents = retrieve.getKey();
	List<T> list = new ArrayList<>(BATCH_SIZE);
	for (Document document : documents) {
		list.add((T) metadata.decodeDocument(document));
	return list;
Example 3
Source File:    From jstarcraft-core with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
public <K extends Comparable, T extends IdentityObject<K>> void iterateUnion(StorageIterator<T> iterator, Class<T> clazz, Map<String, Object> condition, StoragePagination pagination) {
	LuceneMetadata metadata = metadatas.get(clazz);
	Query query = null;
	BooleanQuery.Builder buffer = new BooleanQuery.Builder();
	for (Entry<String, Object> term : condition.entrySet()) {
		KeyValue<Field, IndexConverter> keyValue = metadata.getIndexKeyValue(term.getKey());
		Field key = keyValue.getKey();
		IndexConverter value = keyValue.getValue();
		query = value.query(context, term.getKey(), key, key.getAnnotation(LuceneIndex.class), key.getGenericType(), ConditionType.Equal, term.getValue());
		buffer.add(query, Occur.SHOULD);
	query =;
	int offset = pagination == null ? 0 : pagination.getFirst();
	int size = pagination == null ? Integer.MAX_VALUE : pagination.getSize();
	engine.iterateDocuments((document) -> {
		iterator.iterate((T) metadata.decodeDocument(document));
	}, query, null, offset, size);
Example 4
Source File:    From jstarcraft-rns with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
 * Compute group-to-item AR and store them into map itemCorrsGAR
private void computeAssociationRuleByGroup(int groupIndex, LinkedList<KeyValue<Integer, Integer>> itemList) {
    List<KeyValue<KeyValue<Integer, Integer>, Float>> coefficientList = new LinkedList<>();

    for (KeyValue<Integer, Integer> keyValue : itemList) {
        int leftIndex = keyValue.getKey();
        int rightIndex = keyValue.getValue();
        SparseVector groupVector = scoreMatrix.getColumnVector(groupIndex);
        int count = 0;
        for (VectorScalar term : groupVector) {
            int userIndex = term.getIndex();
            if (dataTable.contains(userIndex, leftIndex) && dataTable.contains(userIndex, rightIndex)) {
        if (count > 0) {
            float shrink = count / (count + reliability);
            int co_bc = itemCount.get(leftIndex, rightIndex);
            float coefficient = shrink * (count + 0F) / co_bc;
            coefficientList.add(new KeyValue<>(keyValue, coefficient));
    itemCorrsGAR.put(groupIndex, new ArrayList<>(coefficientList));
Example 5
Source File:    From jstarcraft-ai with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
 * 预测
 * @param inputs
 * @param outputs
public void predict(MathMatrix[] samples, MathMatrix[] marks) {
    doCache(samples, marks);
    for (int index = 0, size = marks.length; index < size; index++) {
        // 检查数量
        if (marks[index].getRowSize() != numberOfSamples) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException();

    for (int index = 0, size = outputVertices.length; index < size; index++) {
        Vertex vertex = outputVertices[index];
        KeyValue<MathMatrix, MathMatrix> keyValue = vertex.getOutputKeyValue();
        MathMatrix outputData = keyValue.getKey();
        marks[index].iterateElement(MathCalculator.PARALLEL, (scalar) -> {
            scalar.setValue(outputData.getValue(scalar.getRow(), scalar.getColumn()));
Example 6
Source File:    From jstarcraft-core with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
public <K extends Comparable, I, T extends IdentityObject<K>> List<T> queryInstances(Class<T> clazz, String name, StorageCondition<I> condition) {
	LuceneMetadata metadata = metadatas.get(clazz);
	Query query;
		KeyValue<Field, IndexConverter> keyValue = metadata.getIndexKeyValue(name);
		Field key = keyValue.getKey();
		IndexConverter value = keyValue.getValue();
		query = value.query(context, metadata.getPrimaryName(), key, key.getAnnotation(LuceneIndex.class), key.getGenericType(), condition.getType(), condition.getValues());
	KeyValue<List<Document>, FloatList> retrieve = engine.retrieveDocuments(query, null, 0, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
	List<Document> documents = retrieve.getKey();
	List<T> list = new ArrayList<>(BATCH_SIZE);
	for (Document document : documents) {
		list.add((T) metadata.decodeDocument(document));
	return list;
Example 7
Source File:    From jstarcraft-core with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
public <K extends Comparable, T extends IdentityObject<K>> void iterateIntersection(StorageIterator<T> iterator, Class<T> clazz, Map<String, Object> condition, StoragePagination pagination) {
	LuceneMetadata metadata = metadatas.get(clazz);
	Query query = null;
	BooleanQuery.Builder buffer = new BooleanQuery.Builder();
	for (Entry<String, Object> term : condition.entrySet()) {
		KeyValue<Field, IndexConverter> keyValue = metadata.getIndexKeyValue(term.getKey());
		Field key = keyValue.getKey();
		IndexConverter value = keyValue.getValue();
		query = value.query(context, term.getKey(), key, key.getAnnotation(LuceneIndex.class), key.getGenericType(), ConditionType.Equal, term.getValue());
		buffer.add(query, Occur.MUST);
	query =;
	int offset = pagination == null ? 0 : pagination.getFirst();
	int size = pagination == null ? Integer.MAX_VALUE : pagination.getSize();
	engine.iterateDocuments((document) -> {
		iterator.iterate((T) metadata.decodeDocument(document));
	}, query, null, offset, size);
Example 8
Source File:    From jstarcraft-ai with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
public void connect(Vertex vertex, String... dependencies) {
    String name = vertex.getVertexName();
    int index = vertices.size();
    KeyValue<Integer, Vertex> vertexKeyValue = new KeyValue<>(index, vertex);
    if (vertices.putIfAbsent(name, vertexKeyValue) != null) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("节点冲突");

    for (String dependency : dependencies) {
        vertexKeyValue = vertices.get(dependency);
        if (vertexKeyValue == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("节点缺失");
        Integer2IntegerKeyValue edgeKeyValue = new Integer2IntegerKeyValue(vertexKeyValue.getKey(), index);
        if (!edges.add(edgeKeyValue)) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("边冲突");
Example 9
Source File:    From jstarcraft-example with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * @param userIndex
 * @param modelKey
 * @param queryKey
 * @param filterClicked
 * @return
 * @throws Exception
@LockableMethod(strategy = HashLockableStrategy.class)
public Object2FloatMap<MovieItem> getItems(@LockableParameter int userIndex, String modelKey, String queryKey, boolean filterClicked) throws Exception {
    // 标识-得分映射
    Object2FloatMap<MovieItem> item2ScoreMap = new Object2FloatOpenHashMap<>();

    long current = System.currentTimeMillis();
    Model model = models.get(modelKey);
    ArrayInstance instance = new ArrayInstance(qualityOrder, quantityOrder);
    MovieUser user = users.get(userIndex);
    Query query = StringUtility.isBlank(queryKey) ? new MatchAllDocsQuery() : queryParser.parse(queryKey, MovieItem.TITLE);
    KeyValue<List<Document>, FloatList> retrieve = engine.retrieveDocuments(query, null, 0, 1000);
    List<Document> documents = retrieve.getKey();
    for (int index = 0, size = documents.size(); index < size; index++) {
        Document document = documents.get(index);
        MovieItem item = items.get(document.getField(MovieItem.INDEX).numericValue().intValue());
        int itemIndex = item.getIndex();
        // 过滤条目
        if (filterClicked && user.isClicked(itemIndex)) {
        instance.setQualityFeature(userDimension, userIndex);
        instance.setQualityFeature(itemDimension, itemIndex);
        float score = instance.getQuantityMark();
        item2ScoreMap.put(item, score);
    String message = StringUtility.format("预测数量:{},预测耗时:{}", modelKey, documents.size(), System.currentTimeMillis() - current);;

    return item2ScoreMap;
Example 10
Source File:    From jstarcraft-core with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public <K extends Comparable, T extends IdentityObject<K>> long countUnion(Class<T> clazz, Map<String, Object> condition) {
	LuceneMetadata metadata = metadatas.get(clazz);
	Query query = null;
	BooleanQuery.Builder buffer = new BooleanQuery.Builder();
	for (Entry<String, Object> term : condition.entrySet()) {
		KeyValue<Field, IndexConverter> keyValue = metadata.getIndexKeyValue(term.getKey());
		Field key = keyValue.getKey();
		IndexConverter value = keyValue.getValue();
		query = value.query(context, term.getKey(), key, key.getAnnotation(LuceneIndex.class), key.getGenericType(), ConditionType.Equal, term.getValue());
		buffer.add(query, Occur.SHOULD);
	query =;
	return engine.countDocuments(query);
Example 11
Source File:    From jstarcraft-core with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public <K extends Comparable, T extends IdentityObject<K>> long countIntersection(Class<T> clazz, Map<String, Object> condition) {
	LuceneMetadata metadata = metadatas.get(clazz);
	Query query = null;
	BooleanQuery.Builder buffer = new BooleanQuery.Builder();
	for (Entry<String, Object> term : condition.entrySet()) {
		KeyValue<Field, IndexConverter> keyValue = metadata.getIndexKeyValue(term.getKey());
		Field key = keyValue.getKey();
		IndexConverter value = keyValue.getValue();
		query = value.query(context, term.getKey(), key, key.getAnnotation(LuceneIndex.class), key.getGenericType(), ConditionType.Equal, term.getValue());
		buffer.add(query, Occur.MUST);
	query =;
	return engine.countDocuments(query);
Example 12
Source File:    From jstarcraft-core with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public <K extends Comparable, T extends IdentityObject<K>> List<T> queryInstances(Class<T> clazz, StoragePagination pagination) {
	LuceneMetadata metadata = metadatas.get(clazz);
	Query query = new MatchAllDocsQuery();
	int offset = pagination == null ? 0 : pagination.getFirst();
	int size = pagination == null ? Integer.MAX_VALUE : pagination.getSize();
	KeyValue<List<Document>, FloatList> retrieve = engine.retrieveDocuments(query, null, offset, size);
	List<Document> documents = retrieve.getKey();
	List<T> list = new ArrayList<>(BATCH_SIZE);
	for (Document document : documents) {
		list.add((T) metadata.decodeDocument(document));
	return list;
Example 13
Source File:    From jstarcraft-core with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public <K extends Comparable, T extends IdentityObject<K>> T getInstance(Class<T> clazz, K id) {
	LuceneMetadata metadata = metadatas.get(clazz);
	KeyValue<Field, IndexConverter> keyValue = metadata.getIndexKeyValue(metadata.getPrimaryName());
	Field key = keyValue.getKey();
	IndexConverter value = keyValue.getValue();
	Query query = value.query(context, metadata.getPrimaryName(), key, key.getAnnotation(LuceneIndex.class), key.getGenericType(), ConditionType.Equal, id);
	KeyValue<List<Document>, FloatList> retrieve = engine.retrieveDocuments(query, null, 0, 100);
	List<Document> documents = retrieve.getKey();
	if (documents.size() > 0) {
		return (T) metadata.decodeDocument(documents.get(0));
	} else {
		return null;
Example 14
Source File:    From jstarcraft-ai with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public void doForward() {
    MathMatrix outputData = outputKeyValue.getKey();
    for (KeyValue<MathMatrix, MathMatrix> keyValue : inputKeyValues) {
        MathMatrix inputData = keyValue.getKey();
        outputData.addMatrix(inputData, false);
    MathMatrix innerError = outputKeyValue.getValue();
Example 15
Source File:    From jstarcraft-ai with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public float computeScore(MathMatrix tests, MathMatrix trains, MathMatrix masks) {
    KeyValue<Float, Float> keyValue = computeNumeratorWithDenominator(tests, trains, masks);
    float numerator = keyValue.getKey();
    float denominator = keyValue.getValue();
    if (numerator == 0F && denominator == 0F) {
        return 0F;
    return 1F - numerator / denominator;
Example 16
Source File:    From jstarcraft-rns with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public void prepare(Configurator configuration, DataModule model, DataSpace space) {
    userField = configuration.getString("data.model.fields.user", "user");
    itemField = configuration.getString("data.model.fields.item", "item");

    userDimension = model.getQualityInner(userField);
    itemDimension = model.getQualityInner(itemField);
    userSize = space.getQualityAttribute(userField).getSize();
    itemSize = space.getQualityAttribute(itemField).getSize();

    DataSplitter splitter = new QualityFeatureDataSplitter(userDimension);
    DataModule[] models = splitter.split(model, userSize);
    DataSorter sorter = new AllFeatureDataSorter();
    for (int index = 0; index < userSize; index++) {
        models[index] = sorter.sort(models[index]);

    HashMatrix dataTable = new HashMatrix(true, userSize, itemSize, new Long2FloatRBTreeMap());
    for (DataInstance instance : model) {
        int rowIndex = instance.getQualityFeature(userDimension);
        int columnIndex = instance.getQualityFeature(itemDimension);
        dataTable.setValue(rowIndex, columnIndex, instance.getQuantityMark());
    scoreMatrix = SparseMatrix.valueOf(userSize, itemSize, dataTable);
    actionSize = scoreMatrix.getElementSize();
    KeyValue<Float, Float> attribute = scoreMatrix.getBoundary(false);
    minimumScore = attribute.getKey();
    maximumScore = attribute.getValue();
    meanScore = scoreMatrix.getSum(false);
    meanScore /= actionSize;
Example 17
Source File:    From jstarcraft-nlp with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
protected NlpTokenizer<? extends NlpToken> getNlpTokenizer(Map<String, String> configurations) {
    KeyValue<JiebaSegmenter, SegMode> keyValue = build(configurations);
    JiebaSegmenter segmenter = keyValue.getKey();
    SegMode mode = keyValue.getValue();

    JiebaTokenizer tokenizer = new JiebaTokenizer(segmenter, mode);
    return tokenizer;
Example 18
Source File:    From jstarcraft-nlp with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
protected NlpTokenizer<? extends NlpToken> getNlpTokenizer(Map<String, String> configurations) {
    KeyValue<Analysis, List<Recognition>> keyValue = build(configurations);
    Analysis analysis = keyValue.getKey();
    List<Recognition> recognitions = keyValue.getValue();

    AnsjTokenizer tokenizer = new AnsjTokenizer(analysis, recognitions);
    return tokenizer;
Example 19
Source File:    From jstarcraft-ai with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public void doCache(KeyValue<MathMatrix, MathMatrix>... samples) {
    // 检查样本
    if (samples.length == 0) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException();

    this.inputKeyValues = samples;
    this.outputKeyValue = new KeyValue<>(null, null);
    this.middleKeyValue = new KeyValue<>(null, null);

    inputLocalDatas = new MathMatrix[numberOfShares];
    middleLocalDatas = new MathMatrix[numberOfShares];
    outputLocalDatas = new MathMatrix[numberOfShares];
    outterLocalErrors = new MathMatrix[numberOfShares];
    middleLocalErrors = new MathMatrix[numberOfShares];
    innerLocalErrors = new MathMatrix[numberOfShares];

    for (int shareIndex = 0; shareIndex < numberOfShares; shareIndex++) {
        // 输入部分
        MathMatrix key = inputKeyValues[0].getKey();
        MathMatrix value = inputKeyValues[0].getValue();
        int from = shareIndex * key.getColumnSize() / numberOfShares;
        int to = from + key.getColumnSize() / numberOfShares;

        if (key instanceof ColumnGlobalMatrix) {
            key = ColumnGlobalMatrix.detachOf(ColumnGlobalMatrix.class.cast(key), from, to);
            if (value != null) {
                value = ColumnGlobalMatrix.detachOf(ColumnGlobalMatrix.class.cast(value), from, to);
        } else {
            key = new LocalMatrix(key, from, to, 0, key.getRowSize());
            if (value != null) {
                value = new LocalMatrix(value, from, to, 0, key.getRowSize());

        KeyValue<MathMatrix, MathMatrix> keyValue = new KeyValue<>(key, value);
        layer.doCache(factory, keyValue);

        keyValue = layer.getInputKeyValue();
        inputLocalDatas[shareIndex] = keyValue.getKey();
        outterLocalErrors[shareIndex] = keyValue.getValue();
        keyValue = layer.getMiddleKeyValue();
        middleLocalDatas[shareIndex] = keyValue.getKey();
        middleLocalErrors[shareIndex] = keyValue.getValue();
        keyValue = layer.getOutputKeyValue();
        outputLocalDatas[shareIndex] = keyValue.getKey();
        innerLocalErrors[shareIndex] = keyValue.getValue();

    inputGlobalData = ColumnGlobalMatrix.attachOf(inputLocalDatas);
    middleGlobalData = ColumnGlobalMatrix.attachOf(middleLocalDatas);
    outputGlobalData = ColumnGlobalMatrix.attachOf(outputLocalDatas);
    if (inputKeyValues[0].getValue() != null) {
        outterGlobalError = ColumnGlobalMatrix.attachOf(outterLocalErrors);
    middleGlobalError = ColumnGlobalMatrix.attachOf(middleLocalErrors);
    innerGlobalError = ColumnGlobalMatrix.attachOf(innerLocalErrors);

    // 中间部分

    // 输出部分

    iteration = 0;
Example 20
Source File:    From jstarcraft-rns with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
protected void doPractice() {
    for (int epocheIndex = 0; epocheIndex < epocheSize; epocheIndex++) {
        totalError = 0F;
        for (int sampleIndex = 0, sampleTimes = userSize * 100; sampleIndex < sampleTimes; sampleIndex++) {
            // randomly draw (userIdx, posItemIdx, negItemIdx)
            int userIndex, positiveItemIndex, negativeItemIndex = 0;
            List<KeyValue<Integer, Double>> probabilities;
            while (true) {
                userIndex = RandomUtility.randomInteger(userSize);
                SparseVector userVector = scoreMatrix.getRowVector(userIndex);
                if (userVector.getElementSize() == 0) {
                positiveItemIndex = userVector.getIndex(RandomUtility.randomInteger(userVector.getElementSize()));
                // sample j by popularity (probability)
                probabilities = itemProbabilities[userIndex];
                double random = RandomUtility.randomDouble(1D);
                for (KeyValue<Integer, Double> term : probabilities) {
                    if ((random -= term.getValue()) <= 0D) {
                        negativeItemIndex = term.getKey();

            // update parameters
            float positiveScore = predict(userIndex, positiveItemIndex);
            float negativeScore = predict(userIndex, negativeItemIndex);
            float error = positiveScore - negativeScore;
            float value = (float) -Math.log(LogisticUtility.getValue(error));
            totalError += value;
            value = LogisticUtility.getValue(-error);

            // update bias
            float positiveBias = itemBiases.getValue(positiveItemIndex), negativeBias = itemBiases.getValue(negativeItemIndex);
            itemBiases.shiftValue(positiveItemIndex, learnRatio * (value - biasRegularization * positiveBias));
            itemBiases.shiftValue(negativeItemIndex, learnRatio * (-value - biasRegularization * negativeBias));
            totalError += biasRegularization * (positiveBias * positiveBias + negativeBias * negativeBias);

            // update user/item vectors
            for (int factorIndex = 0; factorIndex < factorSize; factorIndex++) {
                float userFactor = userFactors.getValue(userIndex, factorIndex);
                float positiveItemFactor = itemFactors.getValue(positiveItemIndex, factorIndex);
                float negativeItemFactor = itemFactors.getValue(negativeItemIndex, factorIndex);
                userFactors.shiftValue(userIndex, factorIndex, learnRatio * (value * (positiveItemFactor - negativeItemFactor) - userRegularization * userFactor));
                itemFactors.shiftValue(positiveItemIndex, factorIndex, learnRatio * (value * userFactor - itemRegularization * positiveItemFactor));
                itemFactors.shiftValue(negativeItemIndex, factorIndex, learnRatio * (value * (-userFactor) - itemRegularization * negativeItemFactor));
                totalError += userRegularization * userFactor * userFactor + itemRegularization * positiveItemFactor * positiveItemFactor + itemRegularization * negativeItemFactor * negativeItemFactor;
        if (isConverged(epocheIndex) && isConverged) {
        currentError = totalError;