Java Code Examples for org.antlr.v4.runtime.misc.IntervalSet#contains()

The following examples show how to use org.antlr.v4.runtime.misc.IntervalSet#contains() . You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example 1
Source File:    From batfish with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
 * Consume all tokens a whole line at a time until the next token is one expected by the current
 * rule. Each line (as delimited by supplied separator token) starting from the current line up to
 * the last line consumed is placed in an {@link ErrorNode} and inserted as a child of the current
 * rule.
 * @param recognizer The {@link Parser} to whom to delegate creation of each {@link ErrorNode}
private void consumeBlocksUntilWanted(Parser recognizer) {
  IntervalSet expecting = recognizer.getExpectedTokens();
  IntervalSet whatFollowsLoopIterationOrRule = expecting.or(getErrorRecoverySet(recognizer));

  int nextToken;
  do {
    // Eat tokens until we are at the end of the line

    // Get the line number and separator text from the separator token
    Token separatorToken = recognizer.getCurrentToken();

    // Insert the current line as an {@link ErrorNode} as a child of the current rule
    createErrorNode(recognizer, recognizer.getContext(), separatorToken);

    // Eat the separator token

    nextToken = recognizer.getInputStream().LA(1);
  } while (!whatFollowsLoopIterationOrRule.contains(nextToken) && nextToken != Lexer.EOF);
Example 2
Source File:    From jStyleParser with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 6 votes vote down vote up
 * Consumes token until lexer state is function-balanced and
 * token from follow is matched. Matched token is also consumed
protected void consumeUntilGreedy(Parser recognizer, IntervalSet set, CSSLexerState.RecoveryMode mode) {
    CSSToken t;
    do {
        Token next = recognizer.getInputStream().LT(1);
        if (next instanceof CSSToken) {
            t = (CSSToken) recognizer.getInputStream().LT(1);
            if (t.getType() == Token.EOF) {
                logger.trace("token eof ");
        } else
            break; /* not a CSSToken, probably EOF */
        logger.trace("Skipped greedy: {}", t.getText());
        // consume token even if it will match
    while (!(t.getLexerState().isBalanced(mode, null, t) && set.contains(t.getType())));
Example 3
Source File:    From jStyleParser with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 6 votes vote down vote up
 * Consumes token until lexer state is function-balanced and
 * token from follow is matched.
public void consumeUntil(Parser recognizer, IntervalSet follow, CSSLexerState.RecoveryMode mode, CSSLexerState ls) {
    CSSToken t;
    boolean finish;
    TokenStream input = recognizer.getInputStream();
    do {
        Token next = input.LT(1);
        if (next instanceof CSSToken) {
            t = (CSSToken) input.LT(1);
            if (t.getType() == Token.EOF) {
                logger.trace("token eof ");
        } else
            break; /* not a CSSToken, probably EOF */
        // consume token if does not match
        finish = (t.getLexerState().isBalanced(mode, ls, t) && follow.contains(t.getType()));
        if (!finish) {
            logger.trace("Skipped: {}", t);
    } while (!finish);
Example 4
Source File:    From codebuff with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License 5 votes vote down vote up
public List<GrammarAST> getNodesWithType(IntervalSet types) {
	List<GrammarAST> nodes = new ArrayList<GrammarAST>();
	List<GrammarAST> work = new LinkedList<GrammarAST>();
	GrammarAST t;
	while ( !work.isEmpty() ) {
		t = work.remove(0);
		if ( types==null || types.contains(t.getType()) ) nodes.add(t);
		if ( t.children!=null ) {
	return nodes;
Example 5
Source File:    From codebuff with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License 5 votes vote down vote up
public void getNodesWithTypePreorderDFS_(List<GrammarAST> nodes, IntervalSet types) {
	if ( types.contains(this.getType()) ) nodes.add(this);
	// walk all children of root.
	for (int i= 0; i < getChildCount(); i++) {
		GrammarAST child = (GrammarAST)getChild(i);
		child.getNodesWithTypePreorderDFS_(nodes, types);
Example 6
Source File:    From codebuff with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License 5 votes vote down vote up
protected void processLexer() {
	// make sure all non-fragment lexer rules must match at least one symbol
	for (Rule rule : g.rules.values()) {
		if (rule.isFragment()) {

		LL1Analyzer analyzer = new LL1Analyzer(g.atn);
		IntervalSet look = analyzer.LOOK(g.atn.ruleToStartState[rule.index], null);
		if (look.contains(Token.EPSILON)) {
			g.tool.errMgr.grammarError(ErrorType.EPSILON_TOKEN, g.fileName, ((GrammarAST)rule.ast.getChild(0)).getToken(),;
Example 7
Source File:    From presto with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
private Set<Integer> process(ParsingState start, int precedence)
    Set<Integer> result = memo.get(start);
    if (result != null) {
        return result;

    ImmutableSet.Builder<Integer> endTokens = ImmutableSet.builder();

    // Simulates the ATN by consuming input tokens and walking transitions.
    // The ATN can be in multiple states (similar to an NFA)
    Deque<ParsingState> activeStates = new ArrayDeque<>();

    while (!activeStates.isEmpty()) {
        ParsingState current = activeStates.pop();

        ATNState state = current.state;
        int tokenIndex = current.tokenIndex;
        boolean suppressed = current.suppressed;

        while (stream.get(tokenIndex).getChannel() == Token.HIDDEN_CHANNEL) {
            // Ignore whitespace
        int currentToken = stream.get(tokenIndex).getType();

        if (state.getStateType() == RULE_START) {
            int rule = state.ruleIndex;

            if (specialRules.containsKey(rule)) {
                if (!suppressed) {
                    record(tokenIndex, specialRules.get(rule));
                suppressed = true;
            else if (ignoredRules.contains(rule)) {
                // TODO expand ignored rules like we expand special rules

        if (state instanceof RuleStopState) {

        for (int i = 0; i < state.getNumberOfTransitions(); i++) {
            Transition transition = state.transition(i);

            if (transition instanceof RuleTransition) {
                RuleTransition ruleTransition = (RuleTransition) transition;
                for (int endToken : process(new ParsingState(, tokenIndex, suppressed, parser), ruleTransition.precedence)) {
                    activeStates.push(new ParsingState(ruleTransition.followState, endToken, suppressed, parser));
            else if (transition instanceof PrecedencePredicateTransition) {
                if (precedence < ((PrecedencePredicateTransition) transition).precedence) {
                    activeStates.push(new ParsingState(, tokenIndex, suppressed, parser));
            else if (transition.isEpsilon()) {
                activeStates.push(new ParsingState(, tokenIndex, suppressed, parser));
            else if (transition instanceof WildcardTransition) {
                throw new UnsupportedOperationException("not yet implemented: wildcard transition");
            else {
                IntervalSet labels = transition.label();

                if (transition instanceof NotSetTransition) {
                    labels = labels.complement(IntervalSet.of(Token.MIN_USER_TOKEN_TYPE, atn.maxTokenType));

                // Surprisingly, TokenStream (i.e. BufferedTokenStream) may not have loaded all the tokens from the
                // underlying stream. TokenStream.get() does not force tokens to be buffered -- it just returns what's
                // in the current buffer, or fail with an IndexOutOfBoundsError. Since Antlr decided the error occurred
                // within the current set of buffered tokens, stop when we reach the end of the buffer.
                if (labels.contains(currentToken) && tokenIndex < stream.size() - 1) {
                    activeStates.push(new ParsingState(, tokenIndex + 1, false, parser));
                else {
                    if (!suppressed) {
                        record(tokenIndex, getTokenNames(labels));

    result =;
    memo.put(start, result);
    return result;
Example 8
Source File:    From batfish with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public void sync(Parser recognizer) throws RecognitionException {
   * BEGIN: Copied from super
  ATNState s = recognizer.getInterpreter().atn.states.get(recognizer.getState());
  if (inErrorRecoveryMode(recognizer)) {
  TokenStream tokens = recognizer.getInputStream();
  int la = tokens.LA(1);
  IntervalSet nextTokens = recognizer.getATN().nextTokens(s);
   * If next token is unmatchable (i.e. from a lexer error), we need to hide the whole line before
   * returning so we don't unnecessarily pop out of the star or plus loop (if in one) afterwards.
  int atnStateType = s.getStateType();
  boolean atLoopExitDecision =
      (atnStateType == ATNState.STAR_LOOP_BACK
          || atnStateType == ATNState.PLUS_LOOP_BACK
          || atnStateType == ATNState.STAR_LOOP_ENTRY);
  boolean lexerErrorAtLoopExitDecision =
      la == BatfishLexer.UNMATCHABLE_TOKEN && atLoopExitDecision;
  boolean lexerErrorAtStartOfLineAtLoopExitDecision =
          && ((BatfishParser) recognizer).getLastConsumedToken() == _separatorToken;
  if (!lexerErrorAtStartOfLineAtLoopExitDecision
      && (nextTokens.contains(Token.EPSILON) || nextTokens.contains(la))) {
   * END: Copied from super

  boolean topLevel = recognizer.getContext().parent == null;

  switch (atnStateType) {
    case ATNState.BLOCK_START:
    case ATNState.STAR_LOOP_ENTRY:
    case ATNState.PLUS_LOOP_BACK:
    case ATNState.STAR_LOOP_BACK:
      if (topLevel || lexerErrorAtStartOfLineAtLoopExitDecision) {
         * When at top level, we cannot pop up. So consume every "line" until we have one that
         * starts with a token acceptable at the top level.
         * We also don't want to pop out of star or plus loops whose elements start at the
         * beginning of a line, or else we'd lose the whole loop.
      } else {
         * If not at the top level, error out to pop up a level. This may repeat until the next
         * token is acceptable at the given level.
         * Note that this branch is also taken for errors occurring in start or plus loops in the
         * middle in the middle of a line; in that case we want to throw the whole loop (and its
         * containing context) away.
        throw new InputMismatchException(recognizer);

Example 9
Source File:    From jStyleParser with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 4 votes vote down vote up
 * Eats characters until on from follow is found and Lexer state
 * is balanced at the moment
private void consumeUntilBalanced(IntervalSet follow) {

    if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
        log.debug("Lexer entered consumeUntilBalanced with {} and follow {}",
            ls, follow);

    int c;
    do {
        c = input.LA(1);
        // change apostrophe state
        if (c == '\'' && ls.quotOpen == false) {
            ls.aposOpen = !ls.aposOpen;
        // change quot state
        else if (c == '"' && ls.aposOpen == false) {
            ls.quotOpen = !ls.quotOpen;
        } else if (c == '(') {
        } else if (c == ')' && ls.parenNest > 0) {
        } else if (c == '{') {
        } else if (c == '}' && ls.curlyNest > 0) {
        // handle end of line in string
        else if (c == '\n') {
            if (ls.quotOpen) ls.quotOpen = false;
            else if (ls.aposOpen) ls.aposOpen = false;
        } else if (c == Token.EOF) {
  "Unexpected EOF during consumeUntilBalanced, EOF not consumed");

        // log result
        if (log.isTraceEnabled())
            log.trace("Lexer consumes '{}'({}) until balanced ({}).",
                    new Object[]{
                            Character.toString((char) c),

    } while (!(ls.isBalanced() && follow.contains(c)));