Java Code Examples for

The following examples show how to use . You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example 1
Source File:    From gcs with Mozilla Public License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
 * Process the font color operator.
 * This is assumed to be an RGB color.
 * @param operands the color components
 * @throws IOException in case of the color components not matching
private void processSetFontColor(List<COSBase> operands) throws IOException
    PDColorSpace colorSpace;

    switch (operands.size())
        case 1:
            colorSpace = PDDeviceGray.INSTANCE;
        case 3:
            colorSpace = PDDeviceRGB.INSTANCE;
        case 4:
            colorSpace = PDDeviceCMYK.INSTANCE;
            throw new IOException("Missing operands for set non stroking color operator " + Arrays.toString(operands.toArray()));
    COSArray array = new COSArray();
    setFontColor(new PDColor(array, colorSpace));
Example 2
Source File:    From gcs with Mozilla Public License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
protected PDColor getColor(COSName itemName)
    COSBase c = this.getCOSObject().getItem(itemName);
    if (c instanceof COSArray)
        PDColorSpace colorSpace = null;
        switch (((COSArray) c).size())
        case 1:
            colorSpace = PDDeviceGray.INSTANCE;
        case 3:
            colorSpace = PDDeviceRGB.INSTANCE;
        case 4:
            colorSpace = PDDeviceCMYK.INSTANCE;
        return new PDColor((COSArray) c, colorSpace);
    return null;
Example 3
Source File:    From gcs with Mozilla Public License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
private PDColor getColor(COSName itemName)
    COSBase c = this.getCOSObject().getItem(itemName);
    if (c instanceof COSArray)
        PDColorSpace colorSpace;
        switch (((COSArray) c).size())
        case 1:
            colorSpace = PDDeviceGray.INSTANCE;
        case 3:
            colorSpace = PDDeviceRGB.INSTANCE;
        case 4:
            colorSpace = PDDeviceCMYK.INSTANCE;
            return null;
        return new PDColor((COSArray) c, colorSpace);
    return null;
Example 4
Source File:    From cat-boot with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public void testTextWidth() {
    float fontSize = 0.5f;
    PDColor black = new PDColor(new float[] {0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f}, PDDeviceRGB.INSTANCE);
    PdfTextStyle config = new PdfTextStyle(fontSize, PdfFont.COURIER, black, "bold");

    Float textWidth = PdfBoxHelper.getTextWidth(config.getCurrentFontStyle(), config.getFontSize(), "Some text");

    Assert.assertTrue(textWidth > 0);
Example 5
Source File:    From cat-boot with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public void testFloatSize() {
    float fontSize = 10.5f;
    PDColor red = new PDColor(new float[] {1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f}, PDDeviceRGB.INSTANCE);
    PdfTextStyle config = new PdfTextStyle(fontSize, PdfFont.TIMES_ROMAN, red, "regular");

    Assert.assertEquals(fontSize, config.getFontSize(), delta);
Example 6
Source File:    From gcs with Mozilla Public License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
private static PDColorSpace getColorSpaceFromAWT(BufferedImage awtImage)
    if (awtImage.getColorModel().getNumComponents() == 1)
        // 256 color (gray) JPEG
        return PDDeviceGray.INSTANCE;
    ColorSpace awtColorSpace = awtImage.getColorModel().getColorSpace();
    if (awtColorSpace instanceof ICC_ColorSpace && !awtColorSpace.isCS_sRGB())
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException("ICC color spaces not implemented");
    switch (awtColorSpace.getType())
        case ColorSpace.TYPE_RGB:
            return PDDeviceRGB.INSTANCE;
        case ColorSpace.TYPE_GRAY:
            return PDDeviceGray.INSTANCE;
        case ColorSpace.TYPE_CMYK:
            return PDDeviceCMYK.INSTANCE;
            throw new UnsupportedOperationException("color space not implemented: "
                    + awtColorSpace.getType());
Example 7
Source File:    From gcs with Mozilla Public License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Set the stroking color using an AWT color. Conversion uses the default sRGB color space.
 * @param color The color to set.
 * @throws IOException If an IO error occurs while writing to the stream.
public void setStrokingColor(Color color) throws IOException
    float[] components = new float[] {
            color.getRed() / 255f, color.getGreen() / 255f, color.getBlue() / 255f };
    PDColor pdColor = new PDColor(components, PDDeviceRGB.INSTANCE);
Example 8
Source File:    From gcs with Mozilla Public License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Set the non-stroking color using an AWT color. Conversion uses the default sRGB color space.
 * @param color The color to set.
 * @throws IOException If an IO error occurs while writing to the stream.
public void setNonStrokingColor(Color color) throws IOException
    float[] components = new float[] {
            color.getRed() / 255f, color.getGreen() / 255f, color.getBlue() / 255f };
    PDColor pdColor = new PDColor(components, PDDeviceRGB.INSTANCE);
Example 9
Source File:    From gcs with Mozilla Public License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Set the stroking color using an AWT color. Conversion uses the default sRGB color space.
 * @param color The color to set.
 * @throws IOException If an IO error occurs while writing to the stream.
public void setStrokingColor(Color color) throws IOException
    float[] components = new float[] {
            color.getRed() / 255f, color.getGreen() / 255f, color.getBlue() / 255f };
    PDColor pdColor = new PDColor(components, PDDeviceRGB.INSTANCE);
Example 10
Source File:    From gcs with Mozilla Public License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Set the non-stroking color using an AWT color. Conversion uses the default sRGB color space.
 * @param color The color to set.
 * @throws IOException If an IO error occurs while writing to the stream.
public void setNonStrokingColor(Color color) throws IOException
    float[] components = new float[] {
            color.getRed() / 255f, color.getGreen() / 255f, color.getBlue() / 255f };
    PDColor pdColor = new PDColor(components, PDDeviceRGB.INSTANCE);
Example 11
Source File:    From cat-boot with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * This constructor is used by spring when creating a font from properties.
 * @param config e.g. 10,Times-Roman,#000000
public PdfTextStyle(String config) {
    String[] split = config.split(",");
    Assert.isTrue(split.length == 3, "config must look like: 10,Times-Roman,#000000");
    fontSize = Float.parseFloat(split[0]);
    font = PdfFont.getFont(split[1]);
    Color tempColor = new Color(Integer.valueOf(split[2].substring(1), 16));
    float[] components = {tempColor.getRed(), tempColor.getGreen(), tempColor.getBlue()};
    color = new PDColor(components, PDDeviceRGB.INSTANCE);
Example 12
Source File:    From cat-boot with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public void fromConstructor() {
    PdfTextStyle config = new PdfTextStyle("10.5,Times-Roman,#000000");

    PDColor black = new PDColor(new float[] {0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f}, PDDeviceRGB.INSTANCE);

    Assert.assertEquals(10.5, config.getFontSize(), delta);
    Assert.assertEquals("Times-Roman", config.getFont().getBasename());
    Assert.assertEquals(black.getColorSpace(), config.getColor().getColorSpace());
Example 13
Source File:    From pdfbox-layout with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
private static PDColor toPDColor(final Color color) {
       float[] components = new float[] {
               color.getRed() / 255f, color.getGreen() / 255f, color.getBlue() / 255f };
return new PDColor(components, PDDeviceRGB.INSTANCE);
Example 14
Source File:    From gcs with Mozilla Public License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
 * Creates a new lossless encoded image XObject from a BufferedImage.
 * <p>
 * <u>New for advanced users from 2.0.12 on:</u><br>
 * If you created your image with a non standard ICC colorspace, it will be
 * preserved. (If you load images in java using ImageIO then no need to read
 * this segment) However a new colorspace will be created for each image. So
 * if you create a PDF with several such images, consider replacing the
 * colorspace with a common object to save space. This is done with
 * {@link PDImageXObject#getColorSpace()} and
 * {@link PDImageXObject#setColorSpace( PDImageXObject.setColorSpace()}
 * @param document the document where the image will be created
 * @param image the BufferedImage to embed
 * @return a new image XObject
 * @throws IOException if something goes wrong
public static PDImageXObject createFromImage(PDDocument document, BufferedImage image)
        throws IOException
    if ((image.getType() == BufferedImage.TYPE_BYTE_GRAY && image.getColorModel().getPixelSize() <= 8)
            || (image.getType() == BufferedImage.TYPE_BYTE_BINARY && image.getColorModel().getPixelSize() == 1))
        return createFromGrayImage(image, document);
        // We try to encode the image with predictor
        if (usePredictorEncoder)
            PDImageXObject pdImageXObject = new PredictorEncoder(document, image).encode();
            if (pdImageXObject != null)
                if (pdImageXObject.getColorSpace() == PDDeviceRGB.INSTANCE &&
                    pdImageXObject.getBitsPerComponent() < 16 &&
                    image.getWidth() * image.getHeight() <= 50 * 50)
                    // also create classic compressed image, compare sizes
                    PDImageXObject pdImageXObjectClassic = createFromRGBImage(image, document);
                    if (pdImageXObjectClassic.getCOSObject().getLength() < 
                        return pdImageXObjectClassic;
                return pdImageXObject;

        // Fallback: We export the image as 8-bit sRGB and might loose color information
        return createFromRGBImage(image, document);
Example 15
Source File:    From gcs with Mozilla Public License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
 * Creates a new JPEG Image XObject from a byte array containing JPEG data.
 * @param document the document where the image will be created
 * @param byteArray bytes of JPEG image
 * @return a new Image XObject
 * @throws IOException if the input stream cannot be read
public static PDImageXObject createFromByteArray(PDDocument document, byte[] byteArray)
        throws IOException
    // copy stream
    ByteArrayInputStream byteStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(byteArray);

    // read image
    Raster raster = readJPEGRaster(byteStream);

    PDColorSpace colorSpace;
    switch (raster.getNumDataElements())
        case 1:
            colorSpace = PDDeviceGray.INSTANCE;
        case 3:
            colorSpace = PDDeviceRGB.INSTANCE;
        case 4:
            colorSpace = PDDeviceCMYK.INSTANCE;
            throw new UnsupportedOperationException("number of data elements not supported: " +

    // create PDImageXObject from stream
    PDImageXObject pdImage = new PDImageXObject(document, byteStream, 
            COSName.DCT_DECODE, raster.getWidth(), raster.getHeight(), 8, colorSpace);

    if (colorSpace instanceof PDDeviceCMYK)
        COSArray decode = new COSArray();

    return pdImage;
Example 16
Source File:    From gcs with Mozilla Public License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
private PDImageXObject preparePredictorPDImage(ByteArrayOutputStream stream,
        int bitsPerComponent) throws IOException
    int h = image.getHeight();
    int w = image.getWidth();

    ColorSpace srcCspace = image.getColorModel().getColorSpace();
    int srcCspaceType = srcCspace.getType();
    PDColorSpace pdColorSpace = srcCspaceType == ColorSpace.TYPE_CMYK
            ? PDDeviceCMYK.INSTANCE
            : (srcCspaceType == ColorSpace.TYPE_GRAY
                    ? PDDeviceGray.INSTANCE : PDDeviceRGB.INSTANCE);

    // Encode the image profile if the image has one
    if (srcCspace instanceof ICC_ColorSpace)
        ICC_Profile profile = ((ICC_ColorSpace) srcCspace).getProfile();
        // We only encode a color profile if it is not sRGB
        if (profile != ICC_Profile.getInstance(ColorSpace.CS_sRGB))
            PDICCBased pdProfile = new PDICCBased(document);
            OutputStream outputStream = pdProfile.getPDStream()
                    srcCspaceType == ColorSpace.TYPE_GRAY ? COSName.DEVICEGRAY
                            : (srcCspaceType == ColorSpace.TYPE_CMYK ? COSName.DEVICECMYK
                                    : COSName.DEVICERGB));
            pdColorSpace = pdProfile;

    PDImageXObject imageXObject = new PDImageXObject(document,
            new ByteArrayInputStream(stream.toByteArray()), COSName.FLATE_DECODE, w,
            h, bitsPerComponent, pdColorSpace);

    COSDictionary decodeParms = new COSDictionary();
    decodeParms.setItem(COSName.BITS_PER_COMPONENT, COSInteger.get(bitsPerComponent));
    decodeParms.setItem(COSName.PREDICTOR, COSInteger.get(15));
    decodeParms.setItem(COSName.COLUMNS, COSInteger.get(w));
    decodeParms.setItem(COSName.COLORS, COSInteger.get(srcCspace.getNumComponents()));
    imageXObject.getCOSObject().setItem(COSName.DECODE_PARMS, decodeParms);

    if (image.getTransparency() != Transparency.OPAQUE)
        PDImageXObject pdMask = prepareImageXObject(document, alphaImageData,
                image.getWidth(), image.getHeight(), 8 * bytesPerComponent, PDDeviceGray.INSTANCE);
        imageXObject.getCOSObject().setItem(COSName.SMASK, pdMask);
    return imageXObject;
Example 17
Source File:    From gcs with Mozilla Public License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
private static PDImageXObject createFromRGBImage(BufferedImage image, PDDocument document) throws IOException
    int height = image.getHeight();
    int width = image.getWidth();
    int[] rgbLineBuffer = new int[width];
    int bpc = 8;
    PDDeviceColorSpace deviceColorSpace = PDDeviceRGB.INSTANCE;
    byte[] imageData = new byte[width * height * 3];
    int byteIdx = 0;
    int alphaByteIdx = 0;
    int alphaBitPos = 7;
    int transparency = image.getTransparency();
    int apbc = transparency == Transparency.BITMASK ? 1 : 8;
    byte[] alphaImageData;
    if (transparency != Transparency.OPAQUE)
        alphaImageData = new byte[((width * apbc / 8) + (width * apbc % 8 != 0 ? 1 : 0)) * height];
        alphaImageData = new byte[0];
    for (int y = 0; y < height; ++y)
        for (int pixel : image.getRGB(0, y, width, 1, rgbLineBuffer, 0, width))
            imageData[byteIdx++] = (byte) ((pixel >> 16) & 0xFF);
            imageData[byteIdx++] = (byte) ((pixel >> 8) & 0xFF);
            imageData[byteIdx++] = (byte) (pixel & 0xFF);
            if (transparency != Transparency.OPAQUE)
                // we have the alpha right here, so no need to do it separately
                // as done prior April 2018
                if (transparency == Transparency.BITMASK)
                    // write a bit
                    alphaImageData[alphaByteIdx] |= ((pixel >> 24) & 1) << alphaBitPos;
                    if (--alphaBitPos < 0)
                        alphaBitPos = 7;
                    // write a byte
                    alphaImageData[alphaByteIdx++] = (byte) ((pixel >> 24) & 0xFF);

        // skip boundary if needed
        if (transparency == Transparency.BITMASK && alphaBitPos != 7)
            alphaBitPos = 7;
    PDImageXObject pdImage = prepareImageXObject(document, imageData,
            image.getWidth(), image.getHeight(), bpc, deviceColorSpace);      
    if (transparency != Transparency.OPAQUE)
        PDImageXObject pdMask = prepareImageXObject(document, alphaImageData,
                image.getWidth(), image.getHeight(), apbc, PDDeviceGray.INSTANCE);
        pdImage.getCOSObject().setItem(COSName.SMASK, pdMask);
    return pdImage;