Java Code Examples for javax.jms.Message#setByteProperty()

The following examples show how to use javax.jms.Message#setByteProperty() . You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example 1
Source File:    From activemq-artemis with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
protected Message createMessage() throws JMSException {
   Message message = createMessage("FOO.BAR");
   message.setObjectProperty("name", "James");
   message.setObjectProperty("location", "London");

   message.setByteProperty("byteProp", (byte) 123);
   message.setByteProperty("byteProp2", (byte) 33);
   message.setShortProperty("shortProp", (short) 123);
   message.setIntProperty("intProp", 123);
   message.setLongProperty("longProp", 123);
   message.setFloatProperty("floatProp", 123);
   message.setDoubleProperty("doubleProp", 123);

   message.setIntProperty("rank", 123);
   message.setIntProperty("version", 2);
   message.setStringProperty("quote", "'In God We Trust'");
   message.setStringProperty("foo", "_foo");
   message.setStringProperty("punctuation", "!#$&()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\\]^`{|}~");
   message.setBooleanProperty("trueProp", true);
   message.setBooleanProperty("falseProp", false);
   return message;
Example 2
Source File:    From qpid-broker-j with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
protected void setCustomProperty(Message message, String propertyName, Object propertyValue) throws JMSException
    if (propertyValue instanceof Integer)
        message.setIntProperty(propertyName, ((Integer) propertyValue).intValue());
    else if (propertyValue instanceof Long)
        message.setLongProperty(propertyName, ((Long) propertyValue).longValue());
    else if (propertyValue instanceof Boolean)
        message.setBooleanProperty(propertyName, ((Boolean) propertyValue).booleanValue());
    else if (propertyValue instanceof Byte)
        message.setByteProperty(propertyName, ((Byte) propertyValue).byteValue());
    else if (propertyValue instanceof Double)
        message.setDoubleProperty(propertyName, ((Double) propertyValue).doubleValue());
    else if (propertyValue instanceof Float)
        message.setFloatProperty(propertyName, ((Float) propertyValue).floatValue());
    else if (propertyValue instanceof Short)
        message.setShortProperty(propertyName, ((Short) propertyValue).shortValue());
    else if (propertyValue instanceof String)
        message.setStringProperty(propertyName, (String) propertyValue);
        message.setObjectProperty(propertyName, propertyValue);
Example 3
Source File:    From qpid-broker-j with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public void propertyValues() throws Exception
    Queue queue = createQueue(getTestName());
    Connection connection = getConnection();
        Session session = connection.createSession(false, Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE);
        MessageProducer producer = session.createProducer(queue);
        Message message = session.createMessage();

        message.setBooleanProperty("boolean", true);
        message.setByteProperty("byte", Byte.MAX_VALUE);
        message.setShortProperty("short", Short.MAX_VALUE);
        message.setIntProperty("int", Integer.MAX_VALUE);
        message.setFloatProperty("float", Float.MAX_VALUE);
        message.setDoubleProperty("double", Double.MAX_VALUE);


        final MessageConsumer consumer = session.createConsumer(queue);

        final Message receivedMessage = consumer.receive(getReceiveTimeout());

        assertEquals("Unexpected boolean property value", Boolean.TRUE, message.getBooleanProperty("boolean"));
        assertEquals("Unexpected byte property value", Byte.MAX_VALUE, message.getByteProperty("byte"));
        assertEquals("Unexpected short property value", Short.MAX_VALUE, message.getShortProperty("short"));
        assertEquals("Unexpected int property value", Integer.MAX_VALUE, message.getIntProperty("int"));
        assertEquals("Unexpected float property value", Float.MAX_VALUE, message.getFloatProperty("float"), 0f);
        assertEquals("Unexpected double property value", Double.MAX_VALUE, message.getDoubleProperty("double"), 0d);
Example 4
Source File:    From product-ei with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Set JMS Headers to the message according to publisher configuration
 * @param message message to set properties
private void setMessageProperties(Message message) throws JMSException {

    List<JMSHeaderProperty> headerPropertyList = publisherConfig.getJMSHeaderProperties();

    for (JMSHeaderProperty jmsHeaderProperty : headerPropertyList) {
        JMSHeaderPropertyType type = jmsHeaderProperty.getType();
        String propertyKey = jmsHeaderProperty.getKey();
        Object propertyValue = jmsHeaderProperty.getValue();
        switch (type) {
            case OBJECT:
                message.setObjectProperty(propertyKey, propertyValue);
            case BYTE:
                message.setByteProperty(propertyKey, (Byte) propertyValue);
            case BOOLEAN:
                message.setBooleanProperty(propertyKey, (Boolean) propertyValue);
            case DOUBLE:
                message.setDoubleProperty(propertyKey, (Double) propertyValue);
            case FLOAT:
                message.setFloatProperty(propertyKey, (Float) propertyValue);
            case SHORT:
                message.setShortProperty(propertyKey, (Short) propertyValue);
            case STRING:
                message.setStringProperty(propertyKey, (String) propertyValue);
            case INTEGER:
                message.setIntProperty(propertyKey, (Integer) propertyValue);
            case LONG:
                message.setLongProperty(propertyKey, (Long) propertyValue);
Example 5
Source File:    From activemq-artemis with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * if a property is set as a <code>byte</code>,
 * it can also be read as a <code>String</code>.
public void testByte2String() {
   try {
      Message message = senderSession.createMessage();
      message.setByteProperty("prop", (byte) 127);
      Assert.assertEquals("127", message.getStringProperty("prop"));
   } catch (JMSException e) {
Example 6
Source File:    From activemq-artemis with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * if a property is set as a <code>byte</code>,
 * it can also be read as a <code>long</code>.
public void testByte2Long() {
   try {
      Message message = senderSession.createMessage();
      message.setByteProperty("prop", (byte) 127);
      Assert.assertEquals(127L, message.getLongProperty("prop"));
   } catch (JMSException e) {
Example 7
Source File:    From activemq-artemis with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * if a property is set as a <code>byte</code>,
 * it can also be read as an <code>int</code>.
public void testByte2Int() {
   try {
      Message message = senderSession.createMessage();
      message.setByteProperty("prop", (byte) 127);
      Assert.assertEquals(127, message.getIntProperty("prop"));
   } catch (JMSException e) {
Example 8
Source File:    From activemq-artemis with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * if a property is set as a <code>byte</code>,
 * it can also be read as a <code>short</code>.
public void testByte2Short() {
   try {
      Message message = senderSession.createMessage();
      message.setByteProperty("prop", (byte) 127);
      Assert.assertEquals((short) 127, message.getShortProperty("prop"));
   } catch (JMSException e) {
Example 9
Source File:    From activemq-artemis with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * if a property is set as a <code>byte</code>,
 * it can also be read as a <code>byte</code>.
public void testByte2Byte() {
   try {
      Message message = senderSession.createMessage();
      message.setByteProperty("prop", (byte) 127);
      Assert.assertEquals((byte) 127, message.getByteProperty("prop"));
   } catch (JMSException e) {
Example 10
Source File:    From activemq-artemis with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
protected void prepareMessage(final Message m) throws JMSException {
   m.setBooleanProperty("booleanProperty", true);
   m.setByteProperty("byteProperty", (byte) 3);
   m.setDoubleProperty("doubleProperty", 4.0);
   m.setFloatProperty("floatProperty", 5.0f);
   m.setIntProperty("intProperty", 6);
   m.setLongProperty("longProperty", 7);
   m.setShortProperty("shortProperty", (short) 8);
   m.setStringProperty("stringProperty", "this is a String property");

   m.setJMSCorrelationID("this is the correlation ID");
Example 11
Source File:    From localization_nifi with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
 * Iterates through all of the flow file's metadata and for any metadata key that starts with <code>jms.</code>, the value for the corresponding key is written to the JMS message as a property.
 * The name of this property is equal to the key of the flow file's metadata minus the <code>jms.</code>. For example, if the flowFile has a metadata entry:
 * <br /><br />
 * <code>jms.count</code> = <code>8</code>
 * <br /><br />
 * then the JMS message will have a String property added to it with the property name <code>count</code> and value <code>8</code>.
 * If the flow file also has a metadata key with the name <code>jms.count.type</code>, then the value of that metadata entry will determine the JMS property type to use for the value. For example,
 * if the flow file has the following properties:
 * <br /><br />
 * <code>jms.count</code> = <code>8</code><br />
 * <code>jms.count.type</code> = <code>integer</code>
 * <br /><br />
 * Then <code>message</code> will have an INTEGER property added with the value 8.
 * <br /><br/>
 * If the type is not valid for the given value (e.g., <code>jms.count.type</code> = <code>integer</code> and <code>jms.count</code> = <code>hello</code>, then this JMS property will not be added
 * to <code>message</code>.
 * @param flowFile The flow file whose metadata should be examined for JMS properties.
 * @param message The JMS message to which we want to add properties.
 * @throws JMSException ex
private void copyAttributesToJmsProps(final FlowFile flowFile, final Message message) throws JMSException {
    final ComponentLog logger = getLogger();

    final Map<String, String> attributes = flowFile.getAttributes();
    for (final Entry<String, String> entry : attributes.entrySet()) {
        final String key = entry.getKey();
        final String value = entry.getValue();

        if (key.toLowerCase().startsWith(ATTRIBUTE_PREFIX.toLowerCase()) && !key.toLowerCase().endsWith(ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_SUFFIX.toLowerCase())) {

            final String jmsPropName = key.substring(ATTRIBUTE_PREFIX.length());
            final String type = attributes.get(key + ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_SUFFIX);

            try {
                if (type == null || type.equalsIgnoreCase(PROP_TYPE_STRING)) {
                    message.setStringProperty(jmsPropName, value);
                } else if (type.equalsIgnoreCase(PROP_TYPE_INTEGER)) {
                    message.setIntProperty(jmsPropName, Integer.parseInt(value));
                } else if (type.equalsIgnoreCase(PROP_TYPE_BOOLEAN)) {
                    message.setBooleanProperty(jmsPropName, Boolean.parseBoolean(value));
                } else if (type.equalsIgnoreCase(PROP_TYPE_SHORT)) {
                    message.setShortProperty(jmsPropName, Short.parseShort(value));
                } else if (type.equalsIgnoreCase(PROP_TYPE_LONG)) {
                    message.setLongProperty(jmsPropName, Long.parseLong(value));
                } else if (type.equalsIgnoreCase(PROP_TYPE_BYTE)) {
                    message.setByteProperty(jmsPropName, Byte.parseByte(value));
                } else if (type.equalsIgnoreCase(PROP_TYPE_DOUBLE)) {
                    message.setDoubleProperty(jmsPropName, Double.parseDouble(value));
                } else if (type.equalsIgnoreCase(PROP_TYPE_FLOAT)) {
                    message.setFloatProperty(jmsPropName, Float.parseFloat(value));
                } else if (type.equalsIgnoreCase(PROP_TYPE_OBJECT)) {
                    message.setObjectProperty(jmsPropName, value);
                } else {
                    logger.warn("Attribute key '{}' for {} has value '{}', but expected one of: integer, string, object, byte, double, float, long, short, boolean; not adding this property",
                            new Object[]{key, flowFile, value});
            } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
                logger.warn("Attribute key '{}' for {} has value '{}', but attribute key '{}' has value '{}'. Not adding this JMS property",
                        new Object[]{key, flowFile, value, key + ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_SUFFIX, PROP_TYPE_INTEGER});
Example 12
Source File:    From activemq-artemis with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
protected void configureMessage(Message message) throws JMSException {
   message.setByteProperty("dummy", (byte) 33);
Example 13
Source File:    From qpid-jms with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
@Test(timeout = 20000)
public void testSendMessageWithApplicationProperties() throws Exception {
    try (TestAmqpPeer testPeer = new TestAmqpPeer();) {
        Connection connection = testFixture.establishConnecton(testPeer);

        Session session = connection.createSession(false, Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE);
        String queueName = "myQueue";
        Queue queue = session.createQueue(queueName);
        MessageProducer producer = session.createProducer(queue);

        ApplicationPropertiesSectionMatcher appPropsMatcher = new ApplicationPropertiesSectionMatcher(true);
        appPropsMatcher.withEntry(NULL_STRING_PROP, nullValue());
        appPropsMatcher.withEntry(STRING_PROP, equalTo(STRING_PROP_VALUE));
        appPropsMatcher.withEntry(BOOLEAN_PROP, equalTo(BOOLEAN_PROP_VALUE));
        appPropsMatcher.withEntry(BYTE_PROP, equalTo(BYTE_PROP_VALUE));
        appPropsMatcher.withEntry(SHORT_PROP, equalTo(SHORT_PROP_VALUE));
        appPropsMatcher.withEntry(INT_PROP, equalTo(INT_PROP_VALUE));
        appPropsMatcher.withEntry(LONG_PROP, equalTo(LONG_PROP_VALUE));
        appPropsMatcher.withEntry(FLOAT_PROP, equalTo(FLOAT_PROP_VALUE));
        appPropsMatcher.withEntry(DOUBLE_PROP, equalTo(DOUBLE_PROP_VALUE));

        MessageHeaderSectionMatcher headersMatcher = new MessageHeaderSectionMatcher(true).withDurable(equalTo(true));

        MessageAnnotationsSectionMatcher msgAnnotationsMatcher = new MessageAnnotationsSectionMatcher(true);

        MessagePropertiesSectionMatcher propsMatcher = new MessagePropertiesSectionMatcher(true).withTo(equalTo(queueName));

        TransferPayloadCompositeMatcher messageMatcher = new TransferPayloadCompositeMatcher();
        //TODO: currently we aren't sending any body section, decide if this is allowed
        //messageMatcher.setMessageContentMatcher(new EncodedAmqpValueMatcher(null));

        Message message = session.createMessage();
        message.setStringProperty(NULL_STRING_PROP, NULL_STRING_PROP_VALUE);
        message.setStringProperty(STRING_PROP, STRING_PROP_VALUE);
        message.setBooleanProperty(BOOLEAN_PROP, BOOLEAN_PROP_VALUE);
        message.setByteProperty(BYTE_PROP, BYTE_PROP_VALUE);
        message.setShortProperty(SHORT_PROP, SHORT_PROP_VALUE);
        message.setIntProperty(INT_PROP, INT_PROP_VALUE);
        message.setLongProperty(LONG_PROP, LONG_PROP_VALUE);
        message.setFloatProperty(FLOAT_PROP, FLOAT_PROP_VALUE);
        message.setDoubleProperty(DOUBLE_PROP, DOUBLE_PROP_VALUE);



Example 14
Source File:    From amazon-sqs-java-messaging-lib with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
 * Test setting SQSMessage property
public void testProperty() throws JMSException {
    when(mockSQSSession.createMessage()).thenReturn(new SQSMessage());
    Message message = mockSQSSession.createMessage();

    message.setBooleanProperty("myTrueBoolean", true);
    message.setBooleanProperty("myFalseBoolean", false);
    message.setIntProperty("myInteger", 100);
    message.setDoubleProperty("myDouble", 2.1768);
    message.setFloatProperty("myFloat", 3.1457f);
    message.setLongProperty("myLong", 1290772974281L);
    message.setShortProperty("myShort", (short) 123);
    message.setByteProperty("myByteProperty", (byte) 'a');
    message.setStringProperty("myString", "StringValue");
    message.setStringProperty("myNumber", "500");

    Assert.assertEquals(message.getObjectProperty("myTrueBoolean"), true);
    Assert.assertEquals(message.getBooleanProperty("myTrueBoolean"), true);
    Assert.assertEquals(message.getObjectProperty("myFalseBoolean"), false);
    Assert.assertEquals(message.getBooleanProperty("myFalseBoolean"), false);
    Assert.assertEquals(message.getObjectProperty("myInteger"), 100);
    Assert.assertEquals(message.getIntProperty("myInteger"), 100);
    Assert.assertEquals(message.getObjectProperty("myDouble"), 2.1768);
    Assert.assertEquals(message.getDoubleProperty("myDouble"), 2.1768);
    Assert.assertEquals(message.getObjectProperty("myFloat"), 3.1457f);
    Assert.assertEquals(message.getFloatProperty("myFloat"), 3.1457f);
    Assert.assertEquals(message.getObjectProperty("myLong"), 1290772974281L);
    Assert.assertEquals(message.getLongProperty("myLong"), 1290772974281L);
    Assert.assertEquals(message.getObjectProperty("myShort"), (short) 123);
    Assert.assertEquals(message.getShortProperty("myShort"), (short) 123);
    Assert.assertEquals(message.getObjectProperty("myByteProperty"), (byte) 'a');
    Assert.assertEquals(message.getByteProperty("myByteProperty"), (byte) 'a');
    Assert.assertEquals(message.getObjectProperty("myString"), "StringValue");
    Assert.assertEquals(message.getStringProperty("myString"), "StringValue");

    Assert.assertEquals(message.getObjectProperty("myNumber"), "500");
    Assert.assertEquals(message.getStringProperty("myNumber"), "500");
    Assert.assertEquals(message.getLongProperty("myNumber"), 500L);
    Assert.assertEquals(message.getFloatProperty("myNumber"), 500f);
    Assert.assertEquals(message.getShortProperty("myNumber"), (short) 500);
    Assert.assertEquals(message.getDoubleProperty("myNumber"), 500d);
    Assert.assertEquals(message.getIntProperty("myNumber"), 500);

    // Validate property names
    Set<String> propertyNamesSet = new HashSet<String>(Arrays.asList(

    Enumeration<String > propertyNames = message.getPropertyNames();
    int counter = 0;
    while (propertyNames.hasMoreElements()) {
    assertEquals(propertyNamesSet.size(), counter);

    propertyNames = message.getPropertyNames();
Example 15
Source File:    From nifi with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
 * Iterates through all of the flow file's metadata and for any metadata key that starts with <code>jms.</code>, the value for the corresponding key is written to the JMS message as a property.
 * The name of this property is equal to the key of the flow file's metadata minus the <code>jms.</code>. For example, if the flowFile has a metadata entry:
 * <br /><br />
 * <code>jms.count</code> = <code>8</code>
 * <br /><br />
 * then the JMS message will have a String property added to it with the property name <code>count</code> and value <code>8</code>.
 * If the flow file also has a metadata key with the name <code>jms.count.type</code>, then the value of that metadata entry will determine the JMS property type to use for the value. For example,
 * if the flow file has the following properties:
 * <br /><br />
 * <code>jms.count</code> = <code>8</code><br />
 * <code>jms.count.type</code> = <code>integer</code>
 * <br /><br />
 * Then <code>message</code> will have an INTEGER property added with the value 8.
 * <br /><br/>
 * If the type is not valid for the given value (e.g., <code>jms.count.type</code> = <code>integer</code> and <code>jms.count</code> = <code>hello</code>, then this JMS property will not be added
 * to <code>message</code>.
 * @param flowFile The flow file whose metadata should be examined for JMS properties.
 * @param message The JMS message to which we want to add properties.
 * @throws JMSException ex
private void copyAttributesToJmsProps(final FlowFile flowFile, final Message message) throws JMSException {
    final ComponentLog logger = getLogger();

    final Map<String, String> attributes = flowFile.getAttributes();
    for (final Entry<String, String> entry : attributes.entrySet()) {
        final String key = entry.getKey();
        final String value = entry.getValue();

        if (key.toLowerCase().startsWith(ATTRIBUTE_PREFIX.toLowerCase()) && !key.toLowerCase().endsWith(ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_SUFFIX.toLowerCase())) {

            final String jmsPropName = key.substring(ATTRIBUTE_PREFIX.length());
            final String type = attributes.get(key + ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_SUFFIX);

            try {
                if (type == null || type.equalsIgnoreCase(PROP_TYPE_STRING)) {
                    message.setStringProperty(jmsPropName, value);
                } else if (type.equalsIgnoreCase(PROP_TYPE_INTEGER)) {
                    message.setIntProperty(jmsPropName, Integer.parseInt(value));
                } else if (type.equalsIgnoreCase(PROP_TYPE_BOOLEAN)) {
                    message.setBooleanProperty(jmsPropName, Boolean.parseBoolean(value));
                } else if (type.equalsIgnoreCase(PROP_TYPE_SHORT)) {
                    message.setShortProperty(jmsPropName, Short.parseShort(value));
                } else if (type.equalsIgnoreCase(PROP_TYPE_LONG)) {
                    message.setLongProperty(jmsPropName, Long.parseLong(value));
                } else if (type.equalsIgnoreCase(PROP_TYPE_BYTE)) {
                    message.setByteProperty(jmsPropName, Byte.parseByte(value));
                } else if (type.equalsIgnoreCase(PROP_TYPE_DOUBLE)) {
                    message.setDoubleProperty(jmsPropName, Double.parseDouble(value));
                } else if (type.equalsIgnoreCase(PROP_TYPE_FLOAT)) {
                    message.setFloatProperty(jmsPropName, Float.parseFloat(value));
                } else if (type.equalsIgnoreCase(PROP_TYPE_OBJECT)) {
                    message.setObjectProperty(jmsPropName, value);
                } else {
                    logger.warn("Attribute key '{}' for {} has value '{}', but expected one of: integer, string, object, byte, double, float, long, short, boolean; not adding this property",
                            new Object[]{key, flowFile, value});
            } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
                logger.warn("Attribute key '{}' for {} has value '{}', but attribute key '{}' has value '{}'. Not adding this JMS property",
                        new Object[]{key, flowFile, value, key + ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_SUFFIX, PROP_TYPE_INTEGER});