Java Code Examples for javafx.scene.shape.Path#setOnMousePressed()

The following examples show how to use javafx.scene.shape.Path#setOnMousePressed() . You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example 1
Source File:    From OEE-Designer with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
private Path createSegment(final double START_ANGLE, final double END_ANGLE, final double INNER_RADIUS, final double OUTER_RADIUS, final Color FILL, final Color STROKE, final TreeNode NODE) {
    double  startAngleRad = Math.toRadians(START_ANGLE + 90);
    double  endAngleRad   = Math.toRadians(END_ANGLE + 90);
    boolean largeAngle    = Math.abs(END_ANGLE - START_ANGLE) > 180.0;

    double x1 = centerX + INNER_RADIUS * Math.sin(startAngleRad);
    double y1 = centerY - INNER_RADIUS * Math.cos(startAngleRad);

    double x2 = centerX + OUTER_RADIUS * Math.sin(startAngleRad);
    double y2 = centerY - OUTER_RADIUS * Math.cos(startAngleRad);

    double x3 = centerX + OUTER_RADIUS * Math.sin(endAngleRad);
    double y3 = centerY - OUTER_RADIUS * Math.cos(endAngleRad);

    double x4 = centerX + INNER_RADIUS * Math.sin(endAngleRad);
    double y4 = centerY - INNER_RADIUS * Math.cos(endAngleRad);

    MoveTo moveTo1 = new MoveTo(x1, y1);
    LineTo lineTo2 = new LineTo(x2, y2);
    ArcTo  arcTo3  = new ArcTo(OUTER_RADIUS, OUTER_RADIUS, 0, x3, y3, largeAngle, true);
    LineTo lineTo4 = new LineTo(x4, y4);
    ArcTo  arcTo1  = new ArcTo(INNER_RADIUS, INNER_RADIUS, 0, x1, y1, largeAngle, false);

    Path path = new Path(moveTo1, lineTo2, arcTo3, lineTo4, arcTo1);


    String tooltipText = new StringBuilder(NODE.getData().getName()).append("\n").append(String.format(Locale.US, formatString, NODE.getData().getValue())).toString();
    Tooltip.install(path, new Tooltip(tooltipText));

    path.setOnMousePressed(new WeakEventHandler<>(e -> NODE.getTreeRoot().fireTreeNodeEvent(new TreeNodeEvent(NODE, EventType.NODE_SELECTED))));

    return path;
Example 2
Source File:    From charts with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
private Path createSegment(final double START_ANGLE, final double END_ANGLE, final double INNER_RADIUS, final double OUTER_RADIUS, final Paint FILL, final Color STROKE, final TreeNode NODE) {
    double  startAngleRad = Math.toRadians(START_ANGLE + 90);
    double  endAngleRad   = Math.toRadians(END_ANGLE + 90);
    boolean largeAngle    = Math.abs(END_ANGLE - START_ANGLE) > 180.0;

    double x1 = centerX + INNER_RADIUS * Math.sin(startAngleRad);
    double y1 = centerY - INNER_RADIUS * Math.cos(startAngleRad);

    double x2 = centerX + OUTER_RADIUS * Math.sin(startAngleRad);
    double y2 = centerY - OUTER_RADIUS * Math.cos(startAngleRad);

    double x3 = centerX + OUTER_RADIUS * Math.sin(endAngleRad);
    double y3 = centerY - OUTER_RADIUS * Math.cos(endAngleRad);

    double x4 = centerX + INNER_RADIUS * Math.sin(endAngleRad);
    double y4 = centerY - INNER_RADIUS * Math.cos(endAngleRad);

    MoveTo moveTo1 = new MoveTo(x1, y1);
    LineTo lineTo2 = new LineTo(x2, y2);
    ArcTo  arcTo3  = new ArcTo(OUTER_RADIUS, OUTER_RADIUS, 0, x3, y3, largeAngle, true);
    LineTo lineTo4 = new LineTo(x4, y4);
    ArcTo  arcTo1  = new ArcTo(INNER_RADIUS, INNER_RADIUS, 0, x1, y1, largeAngle, false);

    Path path = new Path(moveTo1, lineTo2, arcTo3, lineTo4, arcTo1);


    String tooltipText = new StringBuilder(NODE.getItem().getName()).append("\n").append(String.format(Locale.US, formatString, NODE.getItem().getValue())).toString();
    Tooltip.install(path, new Tooltip(tooltipText));

    path.setOnMousePressed(new WeakEventHandler<>(e -> NODE.getTreeRoot().fireTreeNodeEvent(new TreeNodeEvent(NODE, EventType.NODE_SELECTED))));

    return path;
Example 3
Source File:    From tilesfx with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
private Path createSegment(final double START_ANGLE, final double END_ANGLE, final double INNER_RADIUS, final double OUTER_RADIUS, final Color FILL, final Color STROKE, final TreeNode<ChartData> NODE) {
    double  startAngleRad = Math.toRadians(START_ANGLE + 90);
    double  endAngleRad   = Math.toRadians(END_ANGLE + 90);
    boolean largeAngle    = Math.abs(END_ANGLE - START_ANGLE) > 180.0;

    double x1 = centerX + INNER_RADIUS * Math.sin(startAngleRad);
    double y1 = centerY - INNER_RADIUS * Math.cos(startAngleRad);

    double x2 = centerX + OUTER_RADIUS * Math.sin(startAngleRad);
    double y2 = centerY - OUTER_RADIUS * Math.cos(startAngleRad);

    double x3 = centerX + OUTER_RADIUS * Math.sin(endAngleRad);
    double y3 = centerY - OUTER_RADIUS * Math.cos(endAngleRad);

    double x4 = centerX + INNER_RADIUS * Math.sin(endAngleRad);
    double y4 = centerY - INNER_RADIUS * Math.cos(endAngleRad);

    MoveTo moveTo1 = new MoveTo(x1, y1);
    LineTo lineTo2 = new LineTo(x2, y2);
    ArcTo  arcTo3  = new ArcTo(OUTER_RADIUS, OUTER_RADIUS, 0, x3, y3, largeAngle, true);
    LineTo lineTo4 = new LineTo(x4, y4);
    ArcTo  arcTo1  = new ArcTo(INNER_RADIUS, INNER_RADIUS, 0, x1, y1, largeAngle, false);

    Path path = new Path(moveTo1, lineTo2, arcTo3, lineTo4, arcTo1);


    String tooltipText = new StringBuilder(NODE.getItem().getName()).append("\n").append(String.format(Locale.US, formatString, NODE.getItem().getValue())).toString();
    Tooltip.install(path, new Tooltip(tooltipText));

    path.setOnMousePressed(new WeakEventHandler<>(e -> NODE.getTreeRoot().fireTreeNodeEvent(new TreeNodeEvent(NODE, EventType.NODE_SELECTED))));

    return path;