Java Code Examples for

The following examples show how to use . You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example 1
Source File:    From feast with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
 * Abort the direct runner job,removing it from the direct jobs registry.
 * @param job to abort.
 * @return The aborted Job
public Job abortJob(Job job) {
  DirectJob directJob = jobs.get(job.getExtId());
  if (directJob != null) {
    try {
    } catch (IOException e) {
      throw new RuntimeException(
          Strings.lenientFormat("Unable to abort DirectRunner job %s", job.getExtId(), e));

  return job;
Example 2
Source File:    From azure-cosmosdb-java with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
public void encode(final ByteBuf out) {

        final int expectedLength = RntbdRequestFrame.LENGTH + this.headers.computeLength();
        final int start = out.writerIndex();


        final RntbdRequestFrame header = new RntbdRequestFrame(this.getActivityId(), RntbdOperationType.Connection, RntbdResourceType.Connection);

        final int observedLength = out.writerIndex() - start;

        if (observedLength != expectedLength) {
            final String reason = Strings.lenientFormat("expectedLength=%s, observedLength=%s", expectedLength, observedLength);
            throw new IllegalStateException(reason);
Example 3
Source File:    From azure-cosmosdb-java with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
 * Decode a {@link UUID} as serialized by Microsoft APIs like {@code System.Guid.ToByteArray}
 * @param in a {@link ByteBuf} containing the serialized {@link UUID} to be decoded
 * @return a new {@link UUID}
public static UUID decode(final ByteBuf in) {

    checkNotNull(in, "in");

    if (in.readableBytes() < 2 * Long.BYTES) {
        final String reason = Strings.lenientFormat("invalid frame length: %s", in.readableBytes());
        throw new CorruptedFrameException(reason);

    long mostSignificantBits = in.readUnsignedIntLE() << 32;

    mostSignificantBits |= (0x000000000000FFFFL & in.readShortLE()) << 16;
    mostSignificantBits |= (0x000000000000FFFFL & in.readShortLE());

    long leastSignificantBits = (0x000000000000FFFFL & in.readShortLE()) << (32 + 16);

    for (int shift = 32 + 8; shift >= 0; shift -= 8) {
        leastSignificantBits |= (0x00000000000000FFL & in.readByte()) << shift;

    return new UUID(mostSignificantBits, leastSignificantBits);
Example 4
Source File:    From azure-cosmosdb-java with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
@BeforeMethod(alwaysRun = true)
public final void setTestName(Method method) {

    final ConnectionPolicy connectionPolicy = this.clientBuilder.getConnectionPolicy();
    final String connectionMode;

    if (connectionPolicy == null) {
        connectionMode = "None";
    } else {
        connectionMode = connectionPolicy.getConnectionMode() == ConnectionMode.Direct
            ? "Direct " + this.clientBuilder.getConfigs().getProtocol().name().toUpperCase()
            : "Gateway";

    this.testName = Strings.lenientFormat("%s::%s[%s with %s consistency]",
        clientBuilder.getDesiredConsistencyLevel());"Starting {}", this.testName);
Example 5
Source File:    From azure-cosmosdb-java with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
@BeforeMethod(alwaysRun = true)
public final void setTestName(Method method) {

    final ConnectionPolicy connectionPolicy = this.clientBuilder.getConnectionPolicy();
    final String connectionMode;

    if (connectionPolicy == null) {
        connectionMode = "None";
    } else {
        connectionMode = connectionPolicy.getConnectionMode() == ConnectionMode.Direct
            ? "Direct " + this.clientBuilder.getConfigs().getProtocol().name().toUpperCase()
            : "Gateway";

    this.testName = Strings.lenientFormat("%s::%s[%s with %s consistency]",
        clientBuilder.getDesiredConsistencyLevel());"Starting {}", this.testName);
Example 6
Source File:    From feast with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Add the given job to the registry.
 * @param job containing the job id,
public void add(DirectJob job) {
  if (jobs.containsKey(job.getJobId())) {
    throw new IllegalArgumentException(
        Strings.lenientFormat("Job with id %s already exists and is running", job.getJobId()));
  jobs.put(job.getJobId(), job);
Example 7
Source File:    From jsinterop-generator with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
private static String formatMessage(String msg, Object... args) {
  if (args.length == 0) {
    return msg;

  return Strings.lenientFormat(msg, args);
Example 8
Source File:    From azure-cosmosdb-java with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
static boolean canDecodePayload(final ByteBuf in, final int start) {

        checkNotNull(in, "in");

        final int readerIndex = in.readerIndex();

        if (start < readerIndex) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("start < in.readerIndex()");

        final int offset = start - readerIndex;

        if (in.readableBytes() - offset < Integer.BYTES) {
            return false;

        final long length = in.getUnsignedIntLE(start);

        if (length > Integer.MAX_VALUE) {
            final String reason = Strings.lenientFormat("Payload frame length exceeds Integer.MAX_VALUE, %s: %s",
                Integer.MAX_VALUE, length
            throw new CorruptedFrameException(reason);

        return offset + Integer.BYTES + length <= in.readableBytes();
Example 9
Source File:    From feast with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Abort an existing Dataflow job. Streaming Dataflow jobs are always drained, not cancelled.
 * @param job to abort.
 * @return The aborted Job.
public Job abortJob(Job job) {
  String dataflowJobId = job.getExtId();
  try { dataflowJob =
        dataflow.projects().locations().jobs().get(projectId, location, dataflowJobId).execute(); content =
    if (dataflowJob.getType().equals(DataflowJobType.JOB_TYPE_BATCH.toString())) {
    } else if (dataflowJob.getType().equals(DataflowJobType.JOB_TYPE_STREAMING.toString())) {
        .update(projectId, location, dataflowJobId, content)
  } catch (Exception e) {
    log.error("Unable to drain job with id: {}, cause: {}", dataflowJobId, e.getMessage());
    throw new RuntimeException(
        Strings.lenientFormat("Unable to drain job with id: %s", dataflowJobId), e);

  return job;
Example 10
Source File:    From azure-cosmosdb-java with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
@Test(dataProvider = "collectionLinkTypeArgProvider", groups = "e2e")
public void readMyWrites(boolean useNameLink) throws Exception {

    int concurrency = 5;

    String cmdFormat = "-serviceEndpoint %s -masterKey %s" +
        " -databaseId %s" +
        " -collectionId %s" +
        " -consistencyLevel %s" +
        " -concurrency %s" +
        " -numberOfOperations %s" +
        " -maxRunningTimeDuration %s" +
        " -operation ReadMyWrites" +
        " -connectionMode Direct" +
        " -numberOfPreCreatedDocuments 100" +
        " -printingInterval 60" +

    String cmd = Strings.lenientFormat(cmdFormat,
        (useNameLink ? " -useNameLink" : ""));

    Configuration cfg = new Configuration();
    new JCommander(cfg, StringUtils.split(cmd));

    AtomicInteger success = new AtomicInteger();
    AtomicInteger error = new AtomicInteger();

    ReadMyWriteWorkflow wf = new ReadMyWriteWorkflow(cfg) {
        protected void onError(Throwable throwable) {

        protected void onSuccess() {

    // schedules a collection scale up after a delay
    scheduleScaleUp(delayForInitiationCollectionScaleUpInSeconds, newCollectionThroughput);;

    int numberOfOperations = Integer.parseInt(numberOfOperationsAsString);


    if (numberOfOperations > 0) {
Example 11
Source File:    From azure-cosmosdb-java with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
public static RntbdResourceType fromId(final short id) throws IllegalArgumentException {
    switch (id) {
        case 0x0000:
            return RntbdResourceType.Connection;
        case 0x0001:
            return RntbdResourceType.Database;
        case 0x0002:
            return RntbdResourceType.Collection;
        case 0x0003:
            return RntbdResourceType.Document;
        case 0x0004:
            return RntbdResourceType.Attachment;
        case 0x0005:
            return RntbdResourceType.User;
        case 0x0006:
            return RntbdResourceType.Permission;
        case 0x0007:
            return RntbdResourceType.StoredProcedure;
        case 0x0008:
            return RntbdResourceType.Conflict;
        case 0x0009:
            return RntbdResourceType.Trigger;
        case 0x000A:
            return RntbdResourceType.UserDefinedFunction;
        case 0x000B:
            return RntbdResourceType.Module;
        case 0x000C:
            return RntbdResourceType.Replica;
        case 0x000D:
            return RntbdResourceType.ModuleCommand;
        case 0x000E:
            return RntbdResourceType.Record;
        case 0x000F:
            return RntbdResourceType.Offer;
        case 0x0010:
            return RntbdResourceType.PartitionSetInformation;
        case 0x0011:
            return RntbdResourceType.XPReplicatorAddress;
        case 0x0012:
            return RntbdResourceType.MasterPartition;
        case 0x0013:
            return RntbdResourceType.ServerPartition;
        case 0x0014:
            return RntbdResourceType.DatabaseAccount;
        case 0x0015:
            return RntbdResourceType.Topology;
        case 0x0016:
            return RntbdResourceType.PartitionKeyRange;
        // Obsolete and now undefined: case 0x0017: return RntbdResourceType.Timestamp;
        case 0x0018:
            return RntbdResourceType.Schema;
        case 0x0019:
            return RntbdResourceType.BatchApply;
        case 0x001A:
            return RntbdResourceType.RestoreMetadata;
        case 0x001B:
            return RntbdResourceType.ComputeGatewayCharges;
        case 0x001C:
            return RntbdResourceType.RidRange;
        case 0x001D:
            return RntbdResourceType.UserDefinedType;
    throw new IllegalArgumentException(Strings.lenientFormat("id: %s", id));
Example 12
Source File:    From azure-cosmosdb-java with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
private static RntbdResourceType map(final ResourceType resourceType) {

        switch (resourceType) {
            case Attachment:
                return RntbdResourceType.Attachment;
            case DocumentCollection:
                return RntbdResourceType.Collection;
            case Conflict:
                return RntbdResourceType.Conflict;
            case Database:
                return RntbdResourceType.Database;
            case Document:
                return RntbdResourceType.Document;
            case Module:
                return RntbdResourceType.Module;
            case ModuleCommand:
                return RntbdResourceType.ModuleCommand;
            case Record:
                return RntbdResourceType.Record;
            case Permission:
                return RntbdResourceType.Permission;
            case Replica:
                return RntbdResourceType.Replica;
            case StoredProcedure:
                return RntbdResourceType.StoredProcedure;
            case Trigger:
                return RntbdResourceType.Trigger;
            case User:
                return RntbdResourceType.User;
            case UserDefinedType:
                return RntbdResourceType.UserDefinedType;
            case UserDefinedFunction:
                return RntbdResourceType.UserDefinedFunction;
            case Offer:
                return RntbdResourceType.Offer;
            case PartitionSetInformation:
                return RntbdResourceType.PartitionSetInformation;
            case XPReplicatorAddress:
                return RntbdResourceType.XPReplicatorAddress;
            case MasterPartition:
                return RntbdResourceType.MasterPartition;
            case ServerPartition:
                return RntbdResourceType.ServerPartition;
            case DatabaseAccount:
                return RntbdResourceType.DatabaseAccount;
            case Topology:
                return RntbdResourceType.Topology;
            case PartitionKeyRange:
                return RntbdResourceType.PartitionKeyRange;
            case Schema:
                return RntbdResourceType.Schema;
            case BatchApply:
                return RntbdResourceType.BatchApply;
            case RestoreMetadata:
                return RntbdResourceType.RestoreMetadata;
            case ComputeGatewayCharges:
                return RntbdResourceType.ComputeGatewayCharges;
            case RidRange:
                return RntbdResourceType.RidRange;
                final String reason = Strings.lenientFormat("Unrecognized resource type: %s", resourceType);
                throw new UnsupportedOperationException(reason);
Example 13
Source File:    From azure-cosmosdb-java with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
private static RntbdOperationType map(final OperationType operationType) {

        switch (operationType) {
            case Crash:
                return RntbdOperationType.Crash;
            case Create:
                return RntbdOperationType.Create;
            case Delete:
                return RntbdOperationType.Delete;
            case ExecuteJavaScript:
                return RntbdOperationType.ExecuteJavaScript;
            case Query:
                return RntbdOperationType.Query;
            case Pause:
                return RntbdOperationType.Pause;
            case Read:
                return RntbdOperationType.Read;
            case ReadFeed:
                return RntbdOperationType.ReadFeed;
            case Recreate:
                return RntbdOperationType.Recreate;
            case Recycle:
                return RntbdOperationType.Recycle;
            case Replace:
                return RntbdOperationType.Replace;
            case Resume:
                return RntbdOperationType.Resume;
            case Stop:
                return RntbdOperationType.Stop;
            case SqlQuery:
                return RntbdOperationType.SQLQuery;
            case Update:
                return RntbdOperationType.Update;
            case ForceConfigRefresh:
                return RntbdOperationType.ForceConfigRefresh;
            case Head:
                return RntbdOperationType.Head;
            case HeadFeed:
                return RntbdOperationType.HeadFeed;
            case Upsert:
                return RntbdOperationType.Upsert;
            case Throttle:
                return RntbdOperationType.Throttle;
            case PreCreateValidation:
                return RntbdOperationType.PreCreateValidation;
            case GetSplitPoint:
                return RntbdOperationType.GetSplitPoint;
            case AbortSplit:
                return RntbdOperationType.AbortSplit;
            case CompleteSplit:
                return RntbdOperationType.CompleteSplit;
            case BatchApply:
                return RntbdOperationType.BatchApply;
            case OfferUpdateOperation:
                return RntbdOperationType.OfferUpdateOperation;
            case OfferPreGrowValidation:
                return RntbdOperationType.OfferPreGrowValidation;
            case BatchReportThroughputUtilization:
                return RntbdOperationType.BatchReportThroughputUtilization;
            case AbortPartitionMigration:
                return RntbdOperationType.AbortPartitionMigration;
            case CompletePartitionMigration:
                return RntbdOperationType.CompletePartitionMigration;
            case PreReplaceValidation:
                return RntbdOperationType.PreReplaceValidation;
            case MigratePartition:
                return RntbdOperationType.MigratePartition;
            case AddComputeGatewayRequestCharges:
                return RntbdOperationType.AddComputeGatewayRequestCharges;
                final String reason = Strings.lenientFormat("Unrecognized operation type: %s", operationType);
                throw new UnsupportedOperationException(reason);
Example 14
Source File:    From dropwizard-guicey with MIT License 3 votes vote down vote up
 * Shortcut for {@link #get(Class)} to immediately fail if value not set. Supposed to be used by shared state
 * consumers (to validate situations when value must exists for sure).
 * @param key     shared object key
 * @param message exception message (could use {@link String#format(String, Object...)} placeholders)
 * @param args    placeholder arguments for error message
 * @param <V>     shared object type
 * @return stored object (never null)
 * @throws IllegalStateException if value not set
public <V> V getOrFail(final Class<?> key, final String message, final Object... args) {
    final V res = get(key);
    if (res == null) {
        throw new IllegalStateException(Strings.lenientFormat(message, args));
    return res;
Example 15
Source File:    From Velocity with MIT License 2 votes vote down vote up
 * Throws {@link CorruptedFrameException} if {@code b} is false.
 * @param b the expression to check
 * @param message the message to include in the thrown {@link CorruptedFrameException}, formatted
 *                like {@link} and
 *                friends
 * @param args the arguments to format the message with-
public static void checkFrame(boolean b, String message, Object... args) {
  if (!b) {
    throw new CorruptedFrameException(Strings.lenientFormat(message, args));
Example 16
Source File:    From Velocity with MIT License 2 votes vote down vote up
 * Throws {@link CorruptedFrameException} if {@code b} is false.
 * @param b the expression to check
 * @param message the message to include in the thrown {@link CorruptedFrameException}, formatted
 *                like {@link} and
 *                friends
 * @param arg1 the first argument to format the message with
 * @param arg2 the second argument to format the message with
public static void checkFrame(boolean b, String message, Object arg1, Object arg2) {
  if (!b) {
    throw new CorruptedFrameException(Strings.lenientFormat(message, arg1, arg2));
Example 17
Source File:    From Velocity with MIT License 2 votes vote down vote up
 * Throws {@link CorruptedFrameException} if {@code b} is false.
 * @param b the expression to check
 * @param message the message to include in the thrown {@link CorruptedFrameException}, formatted
 *                like {@link} and
 *                friends
 * @param arg1 the first argument to format the message with
public static void checkFrame(boolean b, String message, Object arg1) {
  if (!b) {
    throw new CorruptedFrameException(Strings.lenientFormat(message, arg1));