Java Code Examples for

The following examples show how to use . You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example 1
Source File:    From MediaSDK with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
/** Populates {@code buffer} with an AC-4 sample header for a sample of the specified size. */
public static void getAc4SampleHeader(int size, ParsableByteArray buffer) {
  // See ETSI TS 103 190-1 V1.3.1, Annex G.
  buffer.reset(/* limit= */ 7);[0] = (byte) 0xAC;[1] = 0x40;[2] = (byte) 0xFF;[3] = (byte) 0xFF;[4] = (byte) ((size >> 16) & 0xFF);[5] = (byte) ((size >> 8) & 0xFF);[6] = (byte) (size & 0xFF);
Example 2
Source File:    From Telegram-FOSS with GNU General Public License v2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
/** Populates {@code buffer} with an AC-4 sample header for a sample of the specified size. */
public static void getAc4SampleHeader(int size, ParsableByteArray buffer) {
  // See ETSI TS 103 190-1 V1.3.1, Annex G.
  buffer.reset(/* limit= */ 7);[0] = (byte) 0xAC;[1] = 0x40;[2] = (byte) 0xFF;[3] = (byte) 0xFF;[4] = (byte) ((size >> 16) & 0xFF);[5] = (byte) ((size >> 8) & 0xFF);[6] = (byte) (size & 0xFF);
Example 3
Source File:    From Telegram with GNU General Public License v2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
/** Populates {@code buffer} with an AC-4 sample header for a sample of the specified size. */
public static void getAc4SampleHeader(int size, ParsableByteArray buffer) {
  // See ETSI TS 103 190-1 V1.3.1, Annex G.
  buffer.reset(/* limit= */ 7);[0] = (byte) 0xAC;[1] = 0x40;[2] = (byte) 0xFF;[3] = (byte) 0xFF;[4] = (byte) ((size >> 16) & 0xFF);[5] = (byte) ((size >> 8) & 0xFF);[6] = (byte) (size & 0xFF);
Example 4
Source File:    From MediaSDK with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
private static boolean sniffInternal(ExtractorInput input, boolean fragmented)
    throws IOException, InterruptedException {
  long inputLength = input.getLength();
  int bytesToSearch = (int) (inputLength == C.LENGTH_UNSET || inputLength > SEARCH_LENGTH
      ? SEARCH_LENGTH : inputLength);

  ParsableByteArray buffer = new ParsableByteArray(64);
  int bytesSearched = 0;
  boolean foundGoodFileType = false;
  boolean isFragmented = false;
  while (bytesSearched < bytesToSearch) {
    // Read an atom header.
    int headerSize = Atom.HEADER_SIZE;
    input.peekFully(, 0, headerSize);
    long atomSize = buffer.readUnsignedInt();
    int atomType = buffer.readInt();
    if (atomSize == Atom.DEFINES_LARGE_SIZE) {
      // Read the large atom size.
      headerSize = Atom.LONG_HEADER_SIZE;
      input.peekFully(, Atom.HEADER_SIZE, Atom.LONG_HEADER_SIZE - Atom.HEADER_SIZE);
      atomSize = buffer.readLong();
    } else if (atomSize == Atom.EXTENDS_TO_END_SIZE) {
      // The atom extends to the end of the file.
      long fileEndPosition = input.getLength();
      if (fileEndPosition != C.LENGTH_UNSET) {
        atomSize = fileEndPosition - input.getPeekPosition() + headerSize;

    if (atomSize < headerSize) {
      // The file is invalid because the atom size is too small for its header.
      return false;
    bytesSearched += headerSize;

    if (atomType == Atom.TYPE_moov) {
      // We have seen the moov atom. We increase the search size to make sure we don't miss an
      // mvex atom because the moov's size exceeds the search length.
      bytesToSearch += (int) atomSize;
      if (inputLength != C.LENGTH_UNSET && bytesToSearch > inputLength) {
        // Make sure we don't exceed the file size.
        bytesToSearch = (int) inputLength;
      // Check for an mvex atom inside the moov atom to identify whether the file is fragmented.

    if (atomType == Atom.TYPE_moof || atomType == Atom.TYPE_mvex) {
      // The movie is fragmented. Stop searching as we must have read any ftyp atom already.
      isFragmented = true;

    if (bytesSearched + atomSize - headerSize >= bytesToSearch) {
      // Stop searching as peeking this atom would exceed the search limit.

    int atomDataSize = (int) (atomSize - headerSize);
    bytesSearched += atomDataSize;
    if (atomType == Atom.TYPE_ftyp) {
      // Parse the atom and check the file type/brand is compatible with the extractors.
      if (atomDataSize < 8) {
        return false;
      input.peekFully(, 0, atomDataSize);
      int brandsCount = atomDataSize / 4;
      for (int i = 0; i < brandsCount; i++) {
        if (i == 1) {
          // This index refers to the minorVersion, not a brand, so skip it.
        } else if (isCompatibleBrand(buffer.readInt())) {
          foundGoodFileType = true;
      if (!foundGoodFileType) {
        // The types were not compatible and there is only one ftyp atom, so reject the file.
        return false;
    } else if (atomDataSize != 0) {
      // Skip the atom.
  return foundGoodFileType && fragmented == isFragmented;
Example 5
Source File:    From TelePlus-Android with GNU General Public License v2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
private static boolean sniffInternal(ExtractorInput input, boolean fragmented)
    throws IOException, InterruptedException {
  long inputLength = input.getLength();
  int bytesToSearch = (int) (inputLength == C.LENGTH_UNSET || inputLength > SEARCH_LENGTH
      ? SEARCH_LENGTH : inputLength);

  ParsableByteArray buffer = new ParsableByteArray(64);
  int bytesSearched = 0;
  boolean foundGoodFileType = false;
  boolean isFragmented = false;
  while (bytesSearched < bytesToSearch) {
    // Read an atom header.
    int headerSize = Atom.HEADER_SIZE;
    input.peekFully(, 0, headerSize);
    long atomSize = buffer.readUnsignedInt();
    int atomType = buffer.readInt();
    if (atomSize == Atom.DEFINES_LARGE_SIZE) {
      // Read the large atom size.
      headerSize = Atom.LONG_HEADER_SIZE;
      input.peekFully(, Atom.HEADER_SIZE, Atom.LONG_HEADER_SIZE - Atom.HEADER_SIZE);
      atomSize = buffer.readUnsignedLongToLong();
    } else if (atomSize == Atom.EXTENDS_TO_END_SIZE) {
      // The atom extends to the end of the file.
      long endPosition = input.getLength();
      if (endPosition != C.LENGTH_UNSET) {
        atomSize = endPosition - input.getPosition() + headerSize;

    if (atomSize < headerSize) {
      // The file is invalid because the atom size is too small for its header.
      return false;
    bytesSearched += headerSize;

    if (atomType == Atom.TYPE_moov) {
      // Check for an mvex atom inside the moov atom to identify whether the file is fragmented.

    if (atomType == Atom.TYPE_moof || atomType == Atom.TYPE_mvex) {
      // The movie is fragmented. Stop searching as we must have read any ftyp atom already.
      isFragmented = true;

    if (bytesSearched + atomSize - headerSize >= bytesToSearch) {
      // Stop searching as peeking this atom would exceed the search limit.

    int atomDataSize = (int) (atomSize - headerSize);
    bytesSearched += atomDataSize;
    if (atomType == Atom.TYPE_ftyp) {
      // Parse the atom and check the file type/brand is compatible with the extractors.
      if (atomDataSize < 8) {
        return false;
      input.peekFully(, 0, atomDataSize);
      int brandsCount = atomDataSize / 4;
      for (int i = 0; i < brandsCount; i++) {
        if (i == 1) {
          // This index refers to the minorVersion, not a brand, so skip it.
        } else if (isCompatibleBrand(buffer.readInt())) {
          foundGoodFileType = true;
      if (!foundGoodFileType) {
        // The types were not compatible and there is only one ftyp atom, so reject the file.
        return false;
    } else if (atomDataSize != 0) {
      // Skip the atom.
  return foundGoodFileType && fragmented == isFragmented;
Example 6
Source File:    From TelePlus-Android with GNU General Public License v2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
private static boolean sniffInternal(ExtractorInput input, boolean fragmented)
    throws IOException, InterruptedException {
  long inputLength = input.getLength();
  int bytesToSearch = (int) (inputLength == C.LENGTH_UNSET || inputLength > SEARCH_LENGTH
      ? SEARCH_LENGTH : inputLength);

  ParsableByteArray buffer = new ParsableByteArray(64);
  int bytesSearched = 0;
  boolean foundGoodFileType = false;
  boolean isFragmented = false;
  while (bytesSearched < bytesToSearch) {
    // Read an atom header.
    int headerSize = Atom.HEADER_SIZE;
    input.peekFully(, 0, headerSize);
    long atomSize = buffer.readUnsignedInt();
    int atomType = buffer.readInt();
    if (atomSize == Atom.DEFINES_LARGE_SIZE) {
      // Read the large atom size.
      headerSize = Atom.LONG_HEADER_SIZE;
      input.peekFully(, Atom.HEADER_SIZE, Atom.LONG_HEADER_SIZE - Atom.HEADER_SIZE);
      atomSize = buffer.readUnsignedLongToLong();
    } else if (atomSize == Atom.EXTENDS_TO_END_SIZE) {
      // The atom extends to the end of the file.
      long endPosition = input.getLength();
      if (endPosition != C.LENGTH_UNSET) {
        atomSize = endPosition - input.getPosition() + headerSize;

    if (atomSize < headerSize) {
      // The file is invalid because the atom size is too small for its header.
      return false;
    bytesSearched += headerSize;

    if (atomType == Atom.TYPE_moov) {
      // Check for an mvex atom inside the moov atom to identify whether the file is fragmented.

    if (atomType == Atom.TYPE_moof || atomType == Atom.TYPE_mvex) {
      // The movie is fragmented. Stop searching as we must have read any ftyp atom already.
      isFragmented = true;

    if (bytesSearched + atomSize - headerSize >= bytesToSearch) {
      // Stop searching as peeking this atom would exceed the search limit.

    int atomDataSize = (int) (atomSize - headerSize);
    bytesSearched += atomDataSize;
    if (atomType == Atom.TYPE_ftyp) {
      // Parse the atom and check the file type/brand is compatible with the extractors.
      if (atomDataSize < 8) {
        return false;
      input.peekFully(, 0, atomDataSize);
      int brandsCount = atomDataSize / 4;
      for (int i = 0; i < brandsCount; i++) {
        if (i == 1) {
          // This index refers to the minorVersion, not a brand, so skip it.
        } else if (isCompatibleBrand(buffer.readInt())) {
          foundGoodFileType = true;
      if (!foundGoodFileType) {
        // The types were not compatible and there is only one ftyp atom, so reject the file.
        return false;
    } else if (atomDataSize != 0) {
      // Skip the atom.
  return foundGoodFileType && fragmented == isFragmented;
Example 7
Source File:    From K-Sonic with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
private static boolean sniffInternal(ExtractorInput input, boolean fragmented)
    throws IOException, InterruptedException {
  long inputLength = input.getLength();
  int bytesToSearch = (int) (inputLength == C.LENGTH_UNSET || inputLength > SEARCH_LENGTH
      ? SEARCH_LENGTH : inputLength);

  ParsableByteArray buffer = new ParsableByteArray(64);
  int bytesSearched = 0;
  boolean foundGoodFileType = false;
  boolean isFragmented = false;
  while (bytesSearched < bytesToSearch) {
    // Read an atom header.
    int headerSize = Atom.HEADER_SIZE;
    input.peekFully(, 0, headerSize);
    long atomSize = buffer.readUnsignedInt();
    int atomType = buffer.readInt();
    if (atomSize == Atom.LONG_SIZE_PREFIX) {
      headerSize = Atom.LONG_HEADER_SIZE;
      input.peekFully(, Atom.HEADER_SIZE, Atom.LONG_HEADER_SIZE - Atom.HEADER_SIZE);
      atomSize = buffer.readUnsignedLongToLong();

    if (atomSize < headerSize) {
      // The file is invalid because the atom size is too small for its header.
      return false;
    bytesSearched += headerSize;

    if (atomType == Atom.TYPE_moov) {
      // Check for an mvex atom inside the moov atom to identify whether the file is fragmented.

    if (atomType == Atom.TYPE_moof || atomType == Atom.TYPE_mvex) {
      // The movie is fragmented. Stop searching as we must have read any ftyp atom already.
      isFragmented = true;

    if (bytesSearched + atomSize - headerSize >= bytesToSearch) {
      // Stop searching as peeking this atom would exceed the search limit.

    int atomDataSize = (int) (atomSize - headerSize);
    bytesSearched += atomDataSize;
    if (atomType == Atom.TYPE_ftyp) {
      // Parse the atom and check the file type/brand is compatible with the extractors.
      if (atomDataSize < 8) {
        return false;
      input.peekFully(, 0, atomDataSize);
      int brandsCount = atomDataSize / 4;
      for (int i = 0; i < brandsCount; i++) {
        if (i == 1) {
          // This index refers to the minorVersion, not a brand, so skip it.
        } else if (isCompatibleBrand(buffer.readInt())) {
          foundGoodFileType = true;
      if (!foundGoodFileType) {
        // The types were not compatible and there is only one ftyp atom, so reject the file.
        return false;
    } else if (atomDataSize != 0) {
      // Skip the atom.
  return foundGoodFileType && fragmented == isFragmented;
Example 8
Source File:    From Telegram-FOSS with GNU General Public License v2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
private static boolean sniffInternal(ExtractorInput input, boolean fragmented)
    throws IOException, InterruptedException {
  long inputLength = input.getLength();
  int bytesToSearch = (int) (inputLength == C.LENGTH_UNSET || inputLength > SEARCH_LENGTH
      ? SEARCH_LENGTH : inputLength);

  ParsableByteArray buffer = new ParsableByteArray(64);
  int bytesSearched = 0;
  boolean foundGoodFileType = false;
  boolean isFragmented = false;
  while (bytesSearched < bytesToSearch) {
    // Read an atom header.
    int headerSize = Atom.HEADER_SIZE;
    input.peekFully(, 0, headerSize);
    long atomSize = buffer.readUnsignedInt();
    int atomType = buffer.readInt();
    if (atomSize == Atom.DEFINES_LARGE_SIZE) {
      // Read the large atom size.
      headerSize = Atom.LONG_HEADER_SIZE;
      input.peekFully(, Atom.HEADER_SIZE, Atom.LONG_HEADER_SIZE - Atom.HEADER_SIZE);
      atomSize = buffer.readLong();
    } else if (atomSize == Atom.EXTENDS_TO_END_SIZE) {
      // The atom extends to the end of the file.
      long fileEndPosition = input.getLength();
      if (fileEndPosition != C.LENGTH_UNSET) {
        atomSize = fileEndPosition - input.getPeekPosition() + headerSize;

    if (inputLength != C.LENGTH_UNSET && bytesSearched + atomSize > inputLength + 10) { //added small trashhold for buggy files
      // The file is invalid because the atom extends past the end of the file.
      return false;
    if (atomSize < headerSize) {
      // The file is invalid because the atom size is too small for its header.
      return false;
    bytesSearched += headerSize;

    if (atomType == Atom.TYPE_moov) {
      // We have seen the moov atom. We increase the search size to make sure we don't miss an
      // mvex atom because the moov's size exceeds the search length.
      bytesToSearch += (int) atomSize;
      if (inputLength != C.LENGTH_UNSET && bytesToSearch > inputLength) {
        // Make sure we don't exceed the file size.
        bytesToSearch = (int) inputLength;
      // Check for an mvex atom inside the moov atom to identify whether the file is fragmented.

    if (atomType == Atom.TYPE_moof || atomType == Atom.TYPE_mvex) {
      // The movie is fragmented. Stop searching as we must have read any ftyp atom already.
      isFragmented = true;

    if (bytesSearched + atomSize - headerSize >= bytesToSearch) {
      // Stop searching as peeking this atom would exceed the search limit.

    int atomDataSize = (int) (atomSize - headerSize);
    bytesSearched += atomDataSize;
    if (atomType == Atom.TYPE_ftyp) {
      // Parse the atom and check the file type/brand is compatible with the extractors.
      if (atomDataSize < 8) {
        return false;
      input.peekFully(, 0, atomDataSize);
      int brandsCount = atomDataSize / 4;
      for (int i = 0; i < brandsCount; i++) {
        if (i == 1) {
          // This index refers to the minorVersion, not a brand, so skip it.
        } else if (isCompatibleBrand(buffer.readInt())) {
          foundGoodFileType = true;
      if (!foundGoodFileType) {
        // The types were not compatible and there is only one ftyp atom, so reject the file.
        return false;
    } else if (atomDataSize != 0) {
      // Skip the atom.
  return foundGoodFileType && fragmented == isFragmented;
Example 9
Source File:    From Telegram with GNU General Public License v2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
private static boolean sniffInternal(ExtractorInput input, boolean fragmented)
    throws IOException, InterruptedException {
  long inputLength = input.getLength();
  int bytesToSearch = (int) (inputLength == C.LENGTH_UNSET || inputLength > SEARCH_LENGTH
      ? SEARCH_LENGTH : inputLength);

  ParsableByteArray buffer = new ParsableByteArray(64);
  int bytesSearched = 0;
  boolean foundGoodFileType = false;
  boolean isFragmented = false;
  while (bytesSearched < bytesToSearch) {
    // Read an atom header.
    int headerSize = Atom.HEADER_SIZE;
    input.peekFully(, 0, headerSize);
    long atomSize = buffer.readUnsignedInt();
    int atomType = buffer.readInt();
    if (atomSize == Atom.DEFINES_LARGE_SIZE) {
      // Read the large atom size.
      headerSize = Atom.LONG_HEADER_SIZE;
      input.peekFully(, Atom.HEADER_SIZE, Atom.LONG_HEADER_SIZE - Atom.HEADER_SIZE);
      atomSize = buffer.readLong();
    } else if (atomSize == Atom.EXTENDS_TO_END_SIZE) {
      // The atom extends to the end of the file.
      long fileEndPosition = input.getLength();
      if (fileEndPosition != C.LENGTH_UNSET) {
        atomSize = fileEndPosition - input.getPeekPosition() + headerSize;

    if (inputLength != C.LENGTH_UNSET && bytesSearched + atomSize > inputLength + 10) { //added small trashhold for buggy files
      // The file is invalid because the atom extends past the end of the file.
      return false;
    if (atomSize < headerSize) {
      // The file is invalid because the atom size is too small for its header.
      return false;
    bytesSearched += headerSize;

    if (atomType == Atom.TYPE_moov) {
      // We have seen the moov atom. We increase the search size to make sure we don't miss an
      // mvex atom because the moov's size exceeds the search length.
      bytesToSearch += (int) atomSize;
      if (inputLength != C.LENGTH_UNSET && bytesToSearch > inputLength) {
        // Make sure we don't exceed the file size.
        bytesToSearch = (int) inputLength;
      // Check for an mvex atom inside the moov atom to identify whether the file is fragmented.

    if (atomType == Atom.TYPE_moof || atomType == Atom.TYPE_mvex) {
      // The movie is fragmented. Stop searching as we must have read any ftyp atom already.
      isFragmented = true;

    if (bytesSearched + atomSize - headerSize >= bytesToSearch) {
      // Stop searching as peeking this atom would exceed the search limit.

    int atomDataSize = (int) (atomSize - headerSize);
    bytesSearched += atomDataSize;
    if (atomType == Atom.TYPE_ftyp) {
      // Parse the atom and check the file type/brand is compatible with the extractors.
      if (atomDataSize < 8) {
        return false;
      input.peekFully(, 0, atomDataSize);
      int brandsCount = atomDataSize / 4;
      for (int i = 0; i < brandsCount; i++) {
        if (i == 1) {
          // This index refers to the minorVersion, not a brand, so skip it.
        } else if (isCompatibleBrand(buffer.readInt())) {
          foundGoodFileType = true;
      if (!foundGoodFileType) {
        // The types were not compatible and there is only one ftyp atom, so reject the file.
        return false;
    } else if (atomDataSize != 0) {
      // Skip the atom.
  return foundGoodFileType && fragmented == isFragmented;