Java Code Examples for

The following examples show how to use . You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example 1
Source File:    From MegviiFacepp-Android-SDK with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
     * Method to set byte array to the MediaCodec encoder
     * @param buffer
     * @param length length of byte array, zero means EOS.
     * @param presentationTimeUs
    protected void encode(final ByteBuffer buffer, final int length, final long presentationTimeUs) {
    	if (!mIsCapturing) return;
        final ByteBuffer[] inputBuffers = mMediaCodec.getInputBuffers();
        while (mIsCapturing) {
	        final int inputBufferIndex = mMediaCodec.dequeueInputBuffer(TIMEOUT_USEC);
	        if (inputBufferIndex >= 0) {
	            final ByteBuffer inputBuffer = inputBuffers[inputBufferIndex];
	            if (buffer != null) {
//	            if (DEBUG) Log.v(TAG, "encode:queueInputBuffer");
	            if (length <= 0) {
	            	// send EOS
	            	mIsEOS = true;
	            	if (DEBUG) Log.i(TAG, "send BUFFER_FLAG_END_OF_STREAM");
	            	mMediaCodec.queueInputBuffer(inputBufferIndex, 0, 0,
	            		presentationTimeUs, MediaCodec.BUFFER_FLAG_END_OF_STREAM);
	            } else {
	            	mMediaCodec.queueInputBuffer(inputBufferIndex, 0, length,
	            		presentationTimeUs, 0);
	        } else if (inputBufferIndex == MediaCodec.INFO_TRY_AGAIN_LATER) {
	        	// wait for MediaCodec encoder is ready to encode
	        	// nothing to do here because MediaCodec#dequeueInputBuffer(TIMEOUT_USEC)
	        	// will wait for maximum TIMEOUT_USEC(10msec) on each call
Example 2
Source File:    From SimpleVideoEditor with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
private void decodeOutput21() throws InterruptedException {
    while (true) {
        int outputBufferId = decoder.dequeueOutputBuffer(info, TIME_OUT);
        switch (outputBufferId) {
            case MediaCodec.INFO_OUTPUT_BUFFERS_CHANGED:
                Log.d(TAG, "decodeOutput20: INFO_OUTPUT_BUFFERS_CHANGED");
            case MediaCodec.INFO_OUTPUT_FORMAT_CHANGED:
                Log.d(TAG, "decodeOutput20: INFO_OUTPUT_FORMAT_CHANGED");
                MediaFormat mf = decoder.getOutputFormat();
                // start encode worker
                EncodeInputWorker encodeTask = new EncodeInputWorker();
                int sampleRate = mf.getInteger(MediaFormat.KEY_SAMPLE_RATE);
                int channelCount = mf.getInteger(MediaFormat.KEY_CHANNEL_COUNT);
                encodeTask.setAudioParams(sampleRate, channelCount);
            case MediaCodec.INFO_TRY_AGAIN_LATER:
                Log.d(TAG, "dequeueOutputBuffer timed out!");
                if ((info.flags & MediaCodec.BUFFER_FLAG_END_OF_STREAM) != 0) {
                    mRawQueue.put(new RawBuffer(null, true, info.presentationTimeUs));
                } else {
                    ByteBuffer buffer = decoder.getOutputBuffer(outputBufferId);
                    byte[] outData = new byte[info.size];
                    buffer.get(outData, 0, info.size);
                    mRawQueue.put(new RawBuffer(outData, false, info.presentationTimeUs));
                decoder.releaseOutputBuffer(outputBufferId, false);
        if ((info.flags & MediaCodec.BUFFER_FLAG_END_OF_STREAM) != 0) {
            Log.d(TAG, "Decode output reach eos.");
Example 3
Source File:    From android-transcoder with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
private int drainDecoder(long timeoutUs) {
    if (mIsDecoderEOS) return DRAIN_STATE_NONE;
    int result = mDecoder.dequeueOutputBuffer(mBufferInfo, timeoutUs);
    switch (result) {
        case MediaCodec.INFO_TRY_AGAIN_LATER:
            return DRAIN_STATE_NONE;
        case MediaCodec.INFO_OUTPUT_FORMAT_CHANGED:
        case MediaCodec.INFO_OUTPUT_BUFFERS_CHANGED:
    if ((mBufferInfo.flags & MediaCodec.BUFFER_FLAG_END_OF_STREAM) != 0) {
        mIsDecoderEOS = true;
        mBufferInfo.size = 0;
    boolean doRender = (mBufferInfo.size > 0);
    // NOTE: doRender will block if buffer (of encoder) is full.
    // Refer:
    mDecoder.releaseOutputBuffer(result, doRender);
    if (doRender) {
        mEncoderInputSurfaceWrapper.setPresentationTime(mBufferInfo.presentationTimeUs * 1000);
Example 4
Source File:    From AudioVideoPlayerSample with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
	 * @param frameCallback
	private final void handleOutputVideo(final IFrameCallback frameCallback) {
//    	if (DEBUG) Log.v(TAG, "handleDrainVideo:");
		while (mIsRunning && !mVideoOutputDone) {
			final int decoderStatus = mVideoMediaCodec.dequeueOutputBuffer(mVideoBufferInfo, TIMEOUT_USEC);
			if (decoderStatus == MediaCodec.INFO_TRY_AGAIN_LATER) {
			} else if (decoderStatus == MediaCodec.INFO_OUTPUT_BUFFERS_CHANGED) {
				mVideoOutputBuffers = mVideoMediaCodec.getOutputBuffers();
			} else if (decoderStatus == MediaCodec.INFO_OUTPUT_FORMAT_CHANGED) {
				final MediaFormat newFormat = mVideoMediaCodec.getOutputFormat();
				if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "video decoder output format changed: " + newFormat);
			} else if (decoderStatus < 0) {
				throw new RuntimeException(
					"unexpected result from video decoder.dequeueOutputBuffer: " + decoderStatus);
			} else { // decoderStatus >= 0
				boolean doRender = false;
				if (mVideoBufferInfo.size > 0) {
					doRender = (mVideoBufferInfo.size != 0)
						&& !internalWriteVideo(mVideoOutputBuffers[decoderStatus],
							0, mVideoBufferInfo.size, mVideoBufferInfo.presentationTimeUs);
					if (doRender) {
						if (!frameCallback.onFrameAvailable(mVideoBufferInfo.presentationTimeUs))
							mVideoStartTime = adjustPresentationTime(mVideoStartTime, mVideoBufferInfo.presentationTimeUs);
				mVideoMediaCodec.releaseOutputBuffer(decoderStatus, doRender);
				if ((mVideoBufferInfo.flags & MediaCodec.BUFFER_FLAG_END_OF_STREAM) != 0) {
					if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "video:output EOS");
					synchronized (mSync) {
						mVideoOutputDone = true;
Example 5
Source File:    From phoenix with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
private int drainEncoder(long timeoutUs) {
    if (mIsEncoderEOS) return DRAIN_STATE_NONE;
    int result = mEncoder.dequeueOutputBuffer(mBufferInfo, timeoutUs);
    switch (result) {
        case MediaCodec.INFO_TRY_AGAIN_LATER:
            return DRAIN_STATE_NONE;
        case MediaCodec.INFO_OUTPUT_FORMAT_CHANGED:
            if (mActualOutputFormat != null)
                throw new RuntimeException("Video output format changed twice.");
            mActualOutputFormat = mEncoder.getOutputFormat();
            mMuxer.setOutputFormat(QueuedMuxer.SampleType.VIDEO, mActualOutputFormat);
        case MediaCodec.INFO_OUTPUT_BUFFERS_CHANGED:
            mEncoderOutputBuffers = mEncoder.getOutputBuffers();
    if (mActualOutputFormat == null) {
        throw new RuntimeException("Could not determine actual output format.");

    if ((mBufferInfo.flags & MediaCodec.BUFFER_FLAG_END_OF_STREAM) != 0) {
        mIsEncoderEOS = true;
        mBufferInfo.set(0, 0, 0, mBufferInfo.flags);
    if ((mBufferInfo.flags & MediaCodec.BUFFER_FLAG_CODEC_CONFIG) != 0) {
        // SPS or PPS, which should be passed by MediaFormat.
        mEncoder.releaseOutputBuffer(result, false);
    mMuxer.writeSampleData(QueuedMuxer.SampleType.VIDEO, mEncoderOutputBuffers[result], mBufferInfo);
    mWrittenPresentationTimeUs = mBufferInfo.presentationTimeUs;
    mEncoder.releaseOutputBuffer(result, false);
Example 6
Source File:    From Mp4Composer-android with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
private int drainEncoder() {
    if (isEncoderEOS) return DRAIN_STATE_NONE;
    int result = encoder.dequeueOutputBuffer(bufferInfo, 0);
    switch (result) {
        case MediaCodec.INFO_TRY_AGAIN_LATER:
            return DRAIN_STATE_NONE;
        case MediaCodec.INFO_OUTPUT_FORMAT_CHANGED:
            if (actualOutputFormat != null) {
                throw new RuntimeException("Video output format changed twice.");
            actualOutputFormat = encoder.getOutputFormat();
            muxRender.setOutputFormat(SampleType.VIDEO, actualOutputFormat);
        case MediaCodec.INFO_OUTPUT_BUFFERS_CHANGED:
    if (actualOutputFormat == null) {
        throw new RuntimeException("Could not determine actual output format.");

    if ((bufferInfo.flags & MediaCodec.BUFFER_FLAG_END_OF_STREAM) != 0) {
        isEncoderEOS = true;
        bufferInfo.set(0, 0, 0, bufferInfo.flags);
    if ((bufferInfo.flags & MediaCodec.BUFFER_FLAG_CODEC_CONFIG) != 0) {
        // SPS or PPS, which should be passed by MediaFormat.
        encoder.releaseOutputBuffer(result, false);
    muxRender.writeSampleData(SampleType.VIDEO, encoder.getOutputBuffer(result), bufferInfo);
    writtenPresentationTimeUs = bufferInfo.presentationTimeUs;
    encoder.releaseOutputBuffer(result, false);
Example 7
Source File:    From Tok-Android with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Method to set byte array to the MediaCodec encoder
 * @param length  length of byte array, zero means EOS.
protected void encode(final ByteBuffer buffer, final int length,
    final long presentationTimeUs) {
    if (!mIsCapturing) return;
    final ByteBuffer[] inputBuffers = mMediaCodec.getInputBuffers();
    while (mIsCapturing) {
        final int inputBufferIndex = mMediaCodec.dequeueInputBuffer(TIMEOUT_USEC);
        if (inputBufferIndex >= 0) {
            final ByteBuffer inputBuffer = inputBuffers[inputBufferIndex];
            if (buffer != null) {
            //	            if (DEBUG) Log.v(TAG, "encode:queueInputBuffer");
            if (length <= 0) {
                // send EOS
                mIsEOS = true;
                if (DEBUG) Log.i(TAG, "send BUFFER_FLAG_END_OF_STREAM");
                mMediaCodec.queueInputBuffer(inputBufferIndex, 0, 0, presentationTimeUs,
            } else {
                mMediaCodec.queueInputBuffer(inputBufferIndex, 0, length, presentationTimeUs,
        } else if (inputBufferIndex == MediaCodec.INFO_TRY_AGAIN_LATER) {
            // wait for MediaCodec encoder is ready to encode
            // nothing to do here because MediaCodec#dequeueInputBuffer(TIMEOUT_USEC)
            // will wait for maximum TIMEOUT_USEC(10msec) on each call
Example 8
Source File:    From AAVT with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
private boolean videoDecodeStep(){
    int mInputIndex=mVideoDecoder.dequeueInputBuffer(TIME_OUT);
        ByteBuffer buffer= CodecUtil.getInputBuffer(mVideoDecoder,mInputIndex);
        synchronized (Extractor_LOCK) {
            int ret = mExtractor.readSampleData(buffer, 0);
            if (ret != -1) {
                mVideoDecoder.queueInputBuffer(mInputIndex, 0, ret, mVideoStopTimeStamp, mExtractor.getSampleFlags());
                isVideoExtractorEnd = false;
                //可以用!mExtractor.advance,但是貌似会延迟一帧。readSampleData 返回 -1 也表示没有更多数据了
                isVideoExtractorEnd = true;
    while (true){
        int mOutputIndex=mVideoDecoder.dequeueOutputBuffer(videoDecodeBufferInfo,TIME_OUT);
            try {
            } catch (InterruptedException e) {
        }else if(mOutputIndex== MediaCodec.INFO_OUTPUT_FORMAT_CHANGED){

        }else if(mOutputIndex== MediaCodec.INFO_TRY_AGAIN_LATER){
    return isVideoExtractorEnd||isUserWantToStop;
Example 9
Source File:    From pause-resume-video-recording with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
 * Extracts all pending data from the encoder and forwards it to the muxer.
 * <p>
 * If endOfStream is not set, this returns when there is no more data to drain.  If it
 * is set, we send EOS to the encoder, and then iterate until we see EOS on the output.
 * Calling this with endOfStream set should be done once, right before stopping the muxer.
 * <p>
 * We're just using the muxer to get a .mp4 file (instead of a raw H.264 stream).  We're
 * not recording audio.
public void drainEncoder(boolean endOfStream) {
    final int TIMEOUT_USEC = 10000;
    if (VERBOSE) Log.d(TAG, "drainEncoder(" + endOfStream + ")");

    if (endOfStream) {
        if (VERBOSE) Log.d(TAG, "sending EOS to encoder");

    ByteBuffer[] encoderOutputBuffers = mEncoder.getOutputBuffers();
    while (true) {
        int encoderStatus = mEncoder.dequeueOutputBuffer(mBufferInfo, TIMEOUT_USEC);
        if (encoderStatus == MediaCodec.INFO_TRY_AGAIN_LATER) {
            // no output available yet
            if (!endOfStream) {
                break;      // out of while
            } else {
                if (VERBOSE) Log.d(TAG, "no output available, spinning to await EOS");
        } else if (encoderStatus == MediaCodec.INFO_OUTPUT_BUFFERS_CHANGED) {
            // not expected for an encoder
            encoderOutputBuffers = mEncoder.getOutputBuffers();
        } else if (encoderStatus == MediaCodec.INFO_OUTPUT_FORMAT_CHANGED) {
            // should happen before receiving buffers, and should only happen once
            if (mMuxerStarted) {
                throw new RuntimeException("format changed twice");
            MediaFormat newFormat = mEncoder.getOutputFormat();
            Log.d(TAG, "encoder output format changed: " + newFormat);

            // now that we have the Magic Goodies, start the muxer
            mTrackIndex = mMuxer.addTrack(newFormat);
            mMuxerStarted = true;
        } else if (encoderStatus < 0) {
            Log.w(TAG, "unexpected result from encoder.dequeueOutputBuffer: " +
            // let's ignore it
        } else {
            ByteBuffer encodedData = encoderOutputBuffers[encoderStatus];
            if (encodedData == null) {
                throw new RuntimeException("encoderOutputBuffer " + encoderStatus +
                        " was null");

            if ((mBufferInfo.flags & MediaCodec.BUFFER_FLAG_CODEC_CONFIG) != 0) {
                // The codec config data was pulled out and fed to the muxer when we got
                // the INFO_OUTPUT_FORMAT_CHANGED status.  Ignore it.
                if (VERBOSE) Log.d(TAG, "ignoring BUFFER_FLAG_CODEC_CONFIG");
                mBufferInfo.size = 0;

            if (mBufferInfo.size != 0) {
                if (!mMuxerStarted) {
                    throw new RuntimeException("muxer hasn't started");

                // adjust the ByteBuffer values to match BufferInfo (not needed?)
                encodedData.limit(mBufferInfo.offset + mBufferInfo.size);

                mMuxer.writeSampleData(mTrackIndex, encodedData, mBufferInfo);
                if (VERBOSE) {
                    Log.d(TAG, "sent " + mBufferInfo.size + " bytes to muxer, ts=" +

            mEncoder.releaseOutputBuffer(encoderStatus, false);

            if ((mBufferInfo.flags & MediaCodec.BUFFER_FLAG_END_OF_STREAM) != 0) {
                if (!endOfStream) {
                    Log.w(TAG, "reached end of stream unexpectedly");
                } else {
                    if (VERBOSE) Log.d(TAG, "end of stream reached");
                break;      // out of while
Example 10
Source File:    From Android-MediaCodec-Examples with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
 * Extracts all pending data from the encoder.
 * <p>
 * If endOfStream is not set, this returns when there is no more data to drain.  If it
 * is set, we send EOS to the encoder, and then iterate until we see EOS on the output.
 * Calling this with endOfStream set should be done once, right before stopping the muxer.
private void drainEncoder(boolean endOfStream) {
    final int TIMEOUT_USEC = 10000;
    if (VERBOSE) Log.d(TAG, "drainEncoder(" + endOfStream + ")");

    if (endOfStream) {
        if (VERBOSE) Log.d(TAG, "sending EOS to encoder");

    ByteBuffer[] encoderOutputBuffers = mEncoder.getOutputBuffers();
    while (true) {
        int encoderStatus = mEncoder.dequeueOutputBuffer(mBufferInfo, TIMEOUT_USEC);
        if (encoderStatus == MediaCodec.INFO_TRY_AGAIN_LATER) {
            // no output available yet
            if (!endOfStream) {
                break;      // out of while
            } else {
                if (VERBOSE) Log.d(TAG, "no output available, spinning to await EOS");
        } else if (encoderStatus == MediaCodec.INFO_OUTPUT_BUFFERS_CHANGED) {
            // not expected for an encoder
            encoderOutputBuffers = mEncoder.getOutputBuffers();
        } else if (encoderStatus == MediaCodec.INFO_OUTPUT_FORMAT_CHANGED) {
            // should happen before receiving buffers, and should only happen once
            if (mMuxerStarted) {
                throw new RuntimeException("format changed twice");
            MediaFormat newFormat = mEncoder.getOutputFormat();
            Log.d(TAG, "encoder output format changed: " + newFormat);

            // now that we have the Magic Goodies, start the muxer
            mTrackIndex = mMuxer.addTrack(newFormat);
            mMuxerStarted = true;
        } else if (encoderStatus < 0) {
            Log.w(TAG, "unexpected result from encoder.dequeueOutputBuffer: " +
            // let's ignore it
        } else {
            ByteBuffer encodedData = encoderOutputBuffers[encoderStatus];
            if (encodedData == null) {
                throw new RuntimeException("encoderOutputBuffer " + encoderStatus +
                        " was null");

            if ((mBufferInfo.flags & MediaCodec.BUFFER_FLAG_CODEC_CONFIG) != 0) {
                // The codec config data was pulled out and fed to the muxer when we got
                // the INFO_OUTPUT_FORMAT_CHANGED status.  Ignore it.
                if (VERBOSE) Log.d(TAG, "ignoring BUFFER_FLAG_CODEC_CONFIG");
                mBufferInfo.size = 0;

            if (mBufferInfo.size != 0) {
                if (!mMuxerStarted) {
                    throw new RuntimeException("muxer hasn't started");

                // adjust the ByteBuffer values to match BufferInfo (not needed?)
                encodedData.limit(mBufferInfo.offset + mBufferInfo.size);

                mMuxer.writeSampleData(mTrackIndex, encodedData, mBufferInfo);
                if (VERBOSE) Log.d(TAG, "sent " + mBufferInfo.size + " bytes to muxer");

            mEncoder.releaseOutputBuffer(encoderStatus, false);

            if ((mBufferInfo.flags & MediaCodec.BUFFER_FLAG_END_OF_STREAM) != 0) {
                if (!endOfStream) {
                    Log.w(TAG, "reached end of stream unexpectedly");
                } else {
                    if (VERBOSE) Log.d(TAG, "end of stream reached");
                break;      // out of while
Example 11
Source File:    From UVCCameraZxing with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
     * drain encoded data and write them to muxer
    protected void drain() {
    	if (mMediaCodec == null) return;
        ByteBuffer[] encoderOutputBuffers = mMediaCodec.getOutputBuffers();
        int encoderStatus, count = 0;
        final MediaMuxerWrapper muxer = mWeakMuxer.get();
        if (muxer == null) {
//        	throw new NullPointerException("muxer is unexpectedly null");
        	Log.w(TAG, "muxer is unexpectedly null");
LOOP:	while (mIsCapturing) {
			// get encoded data with maximum timeout duration of TIMEOUT_USEC(=10[msec])
            encoderStatus = mMediaCodec.dequeueOutputBuffer(mBufferInfo, TIMEOUT_USEC);
            if (encoderStatus == MediaCodec.INFO_TRY_AGAIN_LATER) {
                // wait 5 counts(=TIMEOUT_USEC x 5 = 50msec) until data/EOS come
                if (!mIsEOS) {
                	if (++count > 5)
                		break LOOP;		// out of while
            } else if (encoderStatus == MediaCodec.INFO_OUTPUT_BUFFERS_CHANGED) {
            	if (DEBUG) Log.v(TAG, "INFO_OUTPUT_BUFFERS_CHANGED");
                // this shoud not come when encoding
                encoderOutputBuffers = mMediaCodec.getOutputBuffers();
            } else if (encoderStatus == MediaCodec.INFO_OUTPUT_FORMAT_CHANGED) {
            	if (DEBUG) Log.v(TAG, "INFO_OUTPUT_FORMAT_CHANGED");
            	// this status indicate the output format of codec is changed
                // this should come only once before actual encoded data
            	// but this status never come on Android4.3 or less
            	// and in that case, you should treat when MediaCodec.BUFFER_FLAG_CODEC_CONFIG come.
                if (mMuxerStarted) {	// second time request is error
                    throw new RuntimeException("format changed twice");
				// get output format from codec and pass them to muxer
				// getOutputFormat should be called after INFO_OUTPUT_FORMAT_CHANGED otherwise crash.
                final MediaFormat format = mMediaCodec.getOutputFormat(); // API >= 16
               	mTrackIndex = muxer.addTrack(format);
               	mMuxerStarted = true;
               	if (!muxer.start()) {
               		// we should wait until muxer is ready
               		synchronized (muxer) {
	               		while (!muxer.isStarted())
						try {
						} catch (final InterruptedException e) {
							break LOOP;
            } else if (encoderStatus < 0) {
            	// unexpected status
            	if (DEBUG) Log.w(TAG, "drain:unexpected result from encoder#dequeueOutputBuffer: " + encoderStatus);
            } else {
                final ByteBuffer encodedData = encoderOutputBuffers[encoderStatus];
                if (encodedData == null) {
                	// this never should come...may be a MediaCodec internal error
                    throw new RuntimeException("encoderOutputBuffer " + encoderStatus + " was null");
                if ((mBufferInfo.flags & MediaCodec.BUFFER_FLAG_CODEC_CONFIG) != 0) {
                	// You shoud set output format to muxer here when you target Android4.3 or less
                	// but MediaCodec#getOutputFormat can not call here(because INFO_OUTPUT_FORMAT_CHANGED don't come yet)
                	// therefor we should expand and prepare output format from buffer data.
                	// This sample is for API>=18(>=Android 4.3), just ignore this flag here
					if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "drain:BUFFER_FLAG_CODEC_CONFIG");
					mBufferInfo.size = 0;

                if (mBufferInfo.size != 0) {
                	// encoded data is ready, clear waiting counter
            		count = 0;
                    if (!mMuxerStarted) {
                    	// muxer is not ready...this will prrograming failure.
                        throw new RuntimeException("drain:muxer hasn't started");
                    // write encoded data to muxer(need to adjust presentationTimeUs.
                   	mBufferInfo.presentationTimeUs = getPTSUs();
                   	muxer.writeSampleData(mTrackIndex, encodedData, mBufferInfo);
					prevOutputPTSUs = mBufferInfo.presentationTimeUs;
                // return buffer to encoder
                mMediaCodec.releaseOutputBuffer(encoderStatus, false);
                if ((mBufferInfo.flags & MediaCodec.BUFFER_FLAG_END_OF_STREAM) != 0) {
                	// when EOS come.
               		mMuxerStarted = mIsCapturing = false;
                    break;      // out of while
Example 12
Source File:    From speechutils with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
 * Reads bytes from the given recorder and encodes them with the given encoder.
 * Uses the (deprecated) Synchronous Processing using Buffer Arrays.
 * <p/>
 * Encoders (or codecs that generate compressed data) will create and return the codec specific
 * data before any valid output buffer in output buffers marked with the codec-config flag.
 * Buffers containing codec-specific-data have no meaningful timestamps.
private int recorderEncoderLoop(MediaCodec codec, SpeechRecord speechRecord) {
    int status = -1;
        // Getting some buffers (e.g. 4 of each) to communicate with the codec
        ByteBuffer[] codecInputBuffers = codec.getInputBuffers();
        ByteBuffer[] codecOutputBuffers = codec.getOutputBuffers();
        Log.i("input buffers " + codecInputBuffers.length + "; output buffers: " + codecOutputBuffers.length);
        boolean doneSubmittingInput = false;
        int numDequeueOutputBufferTimeout = 0;
        int index;
        while (true) {
            if (!doneSubmittingInput) {
                index = codec.dequeueInputBuffer(DEQUEUE_INPUT_BUFFER_TIMEOUT);
                if (index >= 0) {
                    int size = queueInputBuffer(codec, codecInputBuffers, index, speechRecord);
                    if (size == -1) {
                        codec.queueInputBuffer(index, 0, 0, 0, MediaCodec.BUFFER_FLAG_END_OF_STREAM);
                        Log.i("enc: in: EOS");
                        doneSubmittingInput = true;
                    } else {
                        Log.i("enc: in: " + size);
                        mNumBytesSubmitted += size;
                } else {
                    Log.i("enc: in: timeout, will try again");
            MediaCodec.BufferInfo info = new MediaCodec.BufferInfo();
            index = codec.dequeueOutputBuffer(info, DEQUEUE_OUTPUT_BUFFER_TIMEOUT);
            Log.i("enc: out: flags/index: " + info.flags + "/" + index);
            if (index == MediaCodec.INFO_TRY_AGAIN_LATER) {
                Log.i("enc: out: INFO_TRY_AGAIN_LATER: " + numDequeueOutputBufferTimeout);
                if (numDequeueOutputBufferTimeout > MAX_NUM_RETRIES_DEQUEUE_OUTPUT_BUFFER) {
            } else if (index == MediaCodec.INFO_OUTPUT_FORMAT_CHANGED) {
                MediaFormat format = codec.getOutputFormat();
                Log.i("enc: out: INFO_OUTPUT_FORMAT_CHANGED: " + format.toString());
            } else if (index == MediaCodec.INFO_OUTPUT_BUFFERS_CHANGED) {
                codecOutputBuffers = codec.getOutputBuffers();
                Log.i("enc: out: INFO_OUTPUT_BUFFERS_CHANGED");
            } else {
                dequeueOutputBuffer(codec, codecOutputBuffers, index, info);
                mNumBytesDequeued += info.size;
                numDequeueOutputBufferTimeout = 0;
                if ((info.flags & MediaCodec.BUFFER_FLAG_END_OF_STREAM) != 0) {
                    Log.i("enc: out: EOS");
                    status = 0;
        Log.i("stopped and released codec");
    return status;
Example 13
Source File:    From EZFilter with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
private int drainEncoder() {
    if (mIsEncoderEOS) return DRAIN_STATE_NONE;

    int result;
    try {
        result = mEncoder.dequeueOutputBuffer(mBufferInfo, 0);
    } catch (Exception e) {

        result = MediaCodec.INFO_TRY_AGAIN_LATER;
    switch (result) {
        case MediaCodec.INFO_TRY_AGAIN_LATER:
            return DRAIN_STATE_NONE;
        case MediaCodec.INFO_OUTPUT_FORMAT_CHANGED:
            if (mActualOutputFormat != null) {
                throw new RuntimeException("Video output format changed twice.");
            mActualOutputFormat = mEncoder.getOutputFormat();
            mMuxer.setOutputFormat(QueuedMuxer.SampleType.VIDEO, mActualOutputFormat);
        case MediaCodec.INFO_OUTPUT_BUFFERS_CHANGED:

    if (mActualOutputFormat == null) {
        throw new RuntimeException("Could not determine actual output format.");

    if ((mBufferInfo.flags & MediaCodec.BUFFER_FLAG_END_OF_STREAM) != 0) {
        mIsEncoderEOS = true;
        mBufferInfo.set(0, 0, 0, mBufferInfo.flags);
    if ((mBufferInfo.flags & MediaCodec.BUFFER_FLAG_CODEC_CONFIG) != 0) {
        // SPS or PPS, which should be passed by MediaFormat.
        mEncoder.releaseOutputBuffer(result, false);
    mMuxer.writeSampleData(QueuedMuxer.SampleType.VIDEO, CodecUtil.getOutputBuffer(mEncoder, result), mBufferInfo);
    mEncoder.releaseOutputBuffer(result, false);
Example 14
Source File:    From myMediaCodecPlayer-for-FPV with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
private void checkOutput() {
    try {
        //outputBuffers = decoder.getOutputBuffers();
        int outputBufferIndex = decoder.dequeueOutputBuffer(info, 0);
        if (outputBufferIndex >= 0) {
            if((System.currentTimeMillis()-timeB2)>1000) {
                int fps = (zaehlerFramerate );
                timeB2 = System.currentTimeMillis();
                zaehlerFramerate = 0;
                //Log.w("ReceiverDecoderThread", "fps:" + fps);
                    makeToast("First video frame has been decoded");
            long latency=((System.nanoTime()-info.presentationTimeUs)/1000000);
            if(latency>=0 && latency<=400){
                //Log.w("checkOutput 1","hw decoder latency:"+latency);
                //Log.w("checkOutput 2","Average HW decoder latency:"+averageHWDecoderLatency);
            //on my device this code snippet from Moonlight is not needed,after testing I doubt if it is really working at all;
            //if(decoder.dequeueOutputBuffer(info, 0) >= 0){ Log.w("...","second available");}
            //for GLSurfaceView,to drop the latest frames except the newest one,the timestamp has to be near the VSYNC signal.
            //requires android 5
            decoder.releaseOutputBuffer(outputBufferIndex,System.nanoTime()); //needs api 21

        } else if (outputBufferIndex == MediaCodec.INFO_OUTPUT_FORMAT_CHANGED || outputBufferIndex==MediaCodec.INFO_OUTPUT_BUFFERS_CHANGED) {
            Log.d("UDP", "output format / buffers changed");
        } else if(outputBufferIndex!=MediaCodec.INFO_TRY_AGAIN_LATER) {
            Log.d("dequeueOutputBuffer", "not normal");
                makeToast("dequeueOutputBuffer;" + "not normal;" + "number:"+outputBufferIndex);
                makeDebugFile("dequeueOutputBuffer;" + "not normal;" + "number:" + outputBufferIndex);

    }catch(Exception e) {
Example 15
Source File:    From MegviiFacepp-Android-SDK with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
     * drain encoded data and write them to muxer
    protected void drain() {
    	if (mMediaCodec == null) return;
        ByteBuffer[] encoderOutputBuffers = mMediaCodec.getOutputBuffers();
        int encoderStatus, count = 0;
        final MediaMuxerWrapper muxer = mWeakMuxer.get();
        if (muxer == null) {
//        	throw new NullPointerException("muxer is unexpectedly null");
        	Log.w(TAG, "muxer is unexpectedly null");
LOOP:	while (mIsCapturing) {
			// get encoded data with maximum timeout duration of TIMEOUT_USEC(=10[msec])
            encoderStatus = mMediaCodec.dequeueOutputBuffer(mBufferInfo, TIMEOUT_USEC);
            if (encoderStatus == MediaCodec.INFO_TRY_AGAIN_LATER) {
                // wait 5 counts(=TIMEOUT_USEC x 5 = 50msec) until data/EOS come
                if (!mIsEOS) {
                	if (++count > 5)
                		break LOOP;		// out of while
            } else if (encoderStatus == MediaCodec.INFO_OUTPUT_BUFFERS_CHANGED) {
            	if (DEBUG) Log.v(TAG, "INFO_OUTPUT_BUFFERS_CHANGED");
                // this shoud not come when encoding
                encoderOutputBuffers = mMediaCodec.getOutputBuffers();
            } else if (encoderStatus == MediaCodec.INFO_OUTPUT_FORMAT_CHANGED) {
            	if (DEBUG) Log.v(TAG, "INFO_OUTPUT_FORMAT_CHANGED");
            	// this status indicate the output format of codec is changed
                // this should come only once before actual encoded data
            	// but this status never come on Android4.3 or less
            	// and in that case, you should treat when MediaCodec.BUFFER_FLAG_CODEC_CONFIG come.
                if (mMuxerStarted) {	// second time request is error
                    throw new RuntimeException("format changed twice");
				// get output format from codec and pass them to muxer
				// getOutputFormat should be called after INFO_OUTPUT_FORMAT_CHANGED otherwise crash.
                final MediaFormat format = mMediaCodec.getOutputFormat(); // API >= 16
               	mTrackIndex = muxer.addTrack(format);
               	mMuxerStarted = true;
               	if (!muxer.start()) {
               		// we should wait until muxer is ready
               		synchronized (muxer) {
	               		while (!muxer.isStarted())
						try {
						} catch (final InterruptedException e) {
							break LOOP;
            } else if (encoderStatus < 0) {
            	// unexpected status
            	if (DEBUG) Log.w(TAG, "drain:unexpected result from encoder#dequeueOutputBuffer: " + encoderStatus);
            } else {
                final ByteBuffer encodedData = encoderOutputBuffers[encoderStatus];
                if (encodedData == null) {
                	// this never should come...may be a MediaCodec internal error
                    throw new RuntimeException("encoderOutputBuffer " + encoderStatus + " was null");
                if ((mBufferInfo.flags & MediaCodec.BUFFER_FLAG_CODEC_CONFIG) != 0) {
                	// You shoud set output format to muxer here when you target Android4.3 or less
                	// but MediaCodec#getOutputFormat can not call here(because INFO_OUTPUT_FORMAT_CHANGED don't come yet)
                	// therefor we should expand and prepare output format from buffer data.
                	// This sample is for API>=18(>=Android 4.3), just ignore this flag here
					if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "drain:BUFFER_FLAG_CODEC_CONFIG");
					mBufferInfo.size = 0;

                if (mBufferInfo.size != 0) {
                	// encoded data is ready, clear waiting counter
            		count = 0;
                    if (!mMuxerStarted) {
                    	// muxer is not ready...this will prrograming failure.
                        throw new RuntimeException("drain:muxer hasn't started");
                    // write encoded data to muxer(need to adjust presentationTimeUs.
                   	mBufferInfo.presentationTimeUs = getPTSUs();
                   	muxer.writeSampleData(mTrackIndex, encodedData, mBufferInfo);
					prevOutputPTSUs = mBufferInfo.presentationTimeUs;
                // return buffer to encoder
                mMediaCodec.releaseOutputBuffer(encoderStatus, false);
                if ((mBufferInfo.flags & MediaCodec.BUFFER_FLAG_END_OF_STREAM) != 0) {
                	// when EOS come.
               		mIsCapturing = false;
                    break;      // out of while
Example 16
Source File:    From AudioVideoRecordingSample with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
     * drain encoded data and write them to muxer
    protected void drain() {
    	if (mMediaCodec == null) return;
        ByteBuffer[] encoderOutputBuffers = mMediaCodec.getOutputBuffers();
        int encoderStatus, count = 0;
        final MediaMuxerWrapper muxer = mWeakMuxer.get();
        if (muxer == null) {
//        	throw new NullPointerException("muxer is unexpectedly null");
        	Log.w(TAG, "muxer is unexpectedly null");
LOOP:	while (mIsCapturing) {
			// get encoded data with maximum timeout duration of TIMEOUT_USEC(=10[msec])
            encoderStatus = mMediaCodec.dequeueOutputBuffer(mBufferInfo, TIMEOUT_USEC);
            if (encoderStatus == MediaCodec.INFO_TRY_AGAIN_LATER) {
                // wait 5 counts(=TIMEOUT_USEC x 5 = 50msec) until data/EOS come
                if (!mIsEOS) {
                	if (++count > 5)
                		break LOOP;		// out of while
            } else if (encoderStatus == MediaCodec.INFO_OUTPUT_BUFFERS_CHANGED) {
            	if (DEBUG) Log.v(TAG, "INFO_OUTPUT_BUFFERS_CHANGED");
                // this shoud not come when encoding
                encoderOutputBuffers = mMediaCodec.getOutputBuffers();
            } else if (encoderStatus == MediaCodec.INFO_OUTPUT_FORMAT_CHANGED) {
            	if (DEBUG) Log.v(TAG, "INFO_OUTPUT_FORMAT_CHANGED");
            	// this status indicate the output format of codec is changed
                // this should come only once before actual encoded data
            	// but this status never come on Android4.3 or less
            	// and in that case, you should treat when MediaCodec.BUFFER_FLAG_CODEC_CONFIG come.
                if (mMuxerStarted) {	// second time request is error
                    throw new RuntimeException("format changed twice");
				// get output format from codec and pass them to muxer
				// getOutputFormat should be called after INFO_OUTPUT_FORMAT_CHANGED otherwise crash.
                final MediaFormat format = mMediaCodec.getOutputFormat(); // API >= 16
               	mTrackIndex = muxer.addTrack(format);
               	mMuxerStarted = true;
               	if (!muxer.start()) {
               		// we should wait until muxer is ready
               		synchronized (muxer) {
	               		while (!muxer.isStarted())
						try {
						} catch (final InterruptedException e) {
							break LOOP;
            } else if (encoderStatus < 0) {
            	// unexpected status
            	if (DEBUG) Log.w(TAG, "drain:unexpected result from encoder#dequeueOutputBuffer: " + encoderStatus);
            } else {
                final ByteBuffer encodedData = encoderOutputBuffers[encoderStatus];
                if (encodedData == null) {
                	// this never should come...may be a MediaCodec internal error
                    throw new RuntimeException("encoderOutputBuffer " + encoderStatus + " was null");
                if ((mBufferInfo.flags & MediaCodec.BUFFER_FLAG_CODEC_CONFIG) != 0) {
                	// You shoud set output format to muxer here when you target Android4.3 or less
                	// but MediaCodec#getOutputFormat can not call here(because INFO_OUTPUT_FORMAT_CHANGED don't come yet)
                	// therefor we should expand and prepare output format from buffer data.
                	// This sample is for API>=18(>=Android 4.3), just ignore this flag here
					if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "drain:BUFFER_FLAG_CODEC_CONFIG");
					mBufferInfo.size = 0;

                if (mBufferInfo.size != 0) {
                	// encoded data is ready, clear waiting counter
            		count = 0;
                    if (!mMuxerStarted) {
                    	// muxer is not ready...this will prrograming failure.
                        throw new RuntimeException("drain:muxer hasn't started");
                    // write encoded data to muxer(need to adjust presentationTimeUs.
                   	mBufferInfo.presentationTimeUs = getPTSUs();
                   	muxer.writeSampleData(mTrackIndex, encodedData, mBufferInfo);
					prevOutputPTSUs = mBufferInfo.presentationTimeUs;
                // return buffer to encoder
                mMediaCodec.releaseOutputBuffer(encoderStatus, false);
                if ((mBufferInfo.flags & MediaCodec.BUFFER_FLAG_END_OF_STREAM) != 0) {
                	// when EOS come.
               		mIsCapturing = false;
                    break;      // out of while
Example 17
Source File:    From AlexaAndroid with GNU General Public License v2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
 * Reads bytes from the given recorder and encodes them with the given encoder.
 * Uses the (deprecated) Synchronous Processing using Buffer Arrays.
 * <p/>
 * Encoders (or codecs that generate compressed data) will create and return the codec specific
 * data before any valid output buffer in output buffers marked with the codec-config flag.
 * Buffers containing codec-specific-data have no meaningful timestamps.
private void recorderEncoderLoop(MediaCodec codec, SpeechRecord speechRecord) {
        // Getting some buffers (e.g. 4 of each) to communicate with the codec
        ByteBuffer[] codecInputBuffers = codec.getInputBuffers();
        ByteBuffer[] codecOutputBuffers = codec.getOutputBuffers();
        Log.i("input buffers " + codecInputBuffers.length + "; output buffers: " + codecOutputBuffers.length);
        boolean doneSubmittingInput = false;
        int numRetriesDequeueOutputBuffer = 0;
        int index;
        while (true) {
            if (!doneSubmittingInput) {
                index = codec.dequeueInputBuffer(DEQUEUE_TIMEOUT);
                if (index >= 0) {
                    int size = queueInputBuffer(codec, codecInputBuffers, index, speechRecord);
                    if (size == -1) {
                        codec.queueInputBuffer(index, 0, 0, 0, MediaCodec.BUFFER_FLAG_END_OF_STREAM);
                        Log.i("enc: in: EOS");
                        doneSubmittingInput = true;
                    } else {
                        Log.i("enc: in: " + size);
                        mNumBytesSubmitted += size;
                } else {
                    Log.i("enc: in: timeout, will try again");
            MediaCodec.BufferInfo info = new MediaCodec.BufferInfo();
            index = codec.dequeueOutputBuffer(info, DEQUEUE_TIMEOUT);
            Log.i("enc: out: flags/index: " + info.flags + "/" + index);
            if (index == MediaCodec.INFO_TRY_AGAIN_LATER) {
                Log.i("enc: out: INFO_TRY_AGAIN_LATER: " + numRetriesDequeueOutputBuffer);
                if (++numRetriesDequeueOutputBuffer > MAX_NUM_RETRIES_DEQUEUE_OUTPUT_BUFFER) {
            } else if (index == MediaCodec.INFO_OUTPUT_FORMAT_CHANGED) {
                MediaFormat format = codec.getOutputFormat();
                Log.i("enc: out: INFO_OUTPUT_FORMAT_CHANGED: " + format.toString());
            } else if (index == MediaCodec.INFO_OUTPUT_BUFFERS_CHANGED) {
                codecOutputBuffers = codec.getOutputBuffers();
                Log.i("enc: out: INFO_OUTPUT_BUFFERS_CHANGED");
            } else {
                dequeueOutputBuffer(codec, codecOutputBuffers, index, info);
                mNumBytesDequeued += info.size;
                if ((info.flags & MediaCodec.BUFFER_FLAG_END_OF_STREAM) != 0) {
                    Log.i("enc: out: EOS");
Example 18
Source File:    From CameraRecorder-android with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
 * drain encoded data and write them to muxer
private void drain() {
    if (mediaCodec == null) return;
    int encoderStatus, count = 0;
    final MediaMuxerCaptureWrapper muxer = weakMuxer.get();
    if (muxer == null) {
        Log.w(TAG, "muxer is unexpectedly null");
    while (isCapturing) {
        // get encoded data with maximum timeout duration of TIMEOUT_USEC(=10[msec])
        encoderStatus = mediaCodec.dequeueOutputBuffer(bufferInfo, TIMEOUT_USEC);
        if (encoderStatus == MediaCodec.INFO_TRY_AGAIN_LATER) {
            // wait 5 counts(=TIMEOUT_USEC x 5 = 50msec) until data/EOS come
            if (!isEOS) {
                if (++count > 5)
                    break LOOP;        // out of while
        } else if (encoderStatus == MediaCodec.INFO_OUTPUT_FORMAT_CHANGED) {
            // this status indicate the output format of codec is changed
            // this should come only once before actual encoded data
            // but this status never come on Android4.3 or less
            // and in that case, you should treat when MediaCodec.BUFFER_FLAG_CODEC_CONFIG come.
            if (muxerStarted) {    // second time request is error
                throw new RuntimeException("format changed twice");
            // get output format from codec and pass them to muxer
            // getOutputFormat should be called after INFO_OUTPUT_FORMAT_CHANGED otherwise crash.
            final MediaFormat format = mediaCodec.getOutputFormat(); // API >= 16
            trackIndex = muxer.addTrack(format);
            muxerStarted = true;
            if (!muxer.start()) {
                // we should wait until muxer is ready
                synchronized (muxer) {
                    while (!muxer.isStarted())
                        try {
                        } catch (final InterruptedException e) {
                            break LOOP;
        } else if (encoderStatus < 0) {
            // unexpected status
            Log.w(TAG, "drain:unexpected result from encoder#dequeueOutputBuffer: " + encoderStatus);
        } else {
            final ByteBuffer encodedData = mediaCodec.getOutputBuffer(encoderStatus);
            if (encodedData == null) {
                // this never should come...may be a MediaCodec internal error
                throw new RuntimeException("encoderOutputBuffer " + encoderStatus + " was null");
            if ((bufferInfo.flags & MediaCodec.BUFFER_FLAG_CODEC_CONFIG) != 0) {
                // You shoud set output format to muxer here when you target Android4.3 or less
                // but MediaCodec#getOutputFormat can not call here(because INFO_OUTPUT_FORMAT_CHANGED don't come yet)
                // therefor we should expand and prepare output format from buffer data.
                // This sample is for API>=18(>=Android 4.3), just ignore this flag here
                Log.d(TAG, "drain:BUFFER_FLAG_CODEC_CONFIG");
                bufferInfo.size = 0;

            if (bufferInfo.size != 0) {
                // encoded data is ready, clear waiting counter
                count = 0;
                if (!muxerStarted) {
                    // muxer is not ready...this will prrograming failure.
                    throw new RuntimeException("drain:muxer hasn't started");
                // write encoded data to muxer(need to adjust presentationTimeUs.
                bufferInfo.presentationTimeUs = getPTSUs();
                muxer.writeSampleData(trackIndex, encodedData, bufferInfo);
                prevOutputPTSUs = bufferInfo.presentationTimeUs;
            // return buffer to encoder
            mediaCodec.releaseOutputBuffer(encoderStatus, false);
            if ((bufferInfo.flags & MediaCodec.BUFFER_FLAG_END_OF_STREAM) != 0) {
                // when EOS come.
                isCapturing = false;
                break;      // out of while
Example 19
Source File:    From grafika with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
 * Extracts all pending data from the encoder.
 * <p>
 * If endOfStream is not set, this returns when there is no more data to drain.  If it
 * is set, we send EOS to the encoder, and then iterate until we see EOS on the output.
 * Calling this with endOfStream set should be done once, right before stopping the muxer.
private void drainEncoder(boolean endOfStream) {
    final int TIMEOUT_USEC = 10000;
    if (VERBOSE) Log.d(TAG, "drainEncoder(" + endOfStream + ")");

    if (endOfStream) {
        if (VERBOSE) Log.d(TAG, "sending EOS to encoder");

    ByteBuffer[] encoderOutputBuffers = mEncoder.getOutputBuffers();
    while (true) {
        int encoderStatus = mEncoder.dequeueOutputBuffer(mBufferInfo, TIMEOUT_USEC);
        if (encoderStatus == MediaCodec.INFO_TRY_AGAIN_LATER) {
            // no output available yet
            if (!endOfStream) {
                break;      // out of while
            } else {
                if (VERBOSE) Log.d(TAG, "no output available, spinning to await EOS");
        } else if (encoderStatus == MediaCodec.INFO_OUTPUT_BUFFERS_CHANGED) {
            // not expected for an encoder
            encoderOutputBuffers = mEncoder.getOutputBuffers();
        } else if (encoderStatus == MediaCodec.INFO_OUTPUT_FORMAT_CHANGED) {
            // should happen before receiving buffers, and should only happen once
            if (mMuxerStarted) {
                throw new RuntimeException("format changed twice");
            MediaFormat newFormat = mEncoder.getOutputFormat();
            Log.d(TAG, "encoder output format changed: " + newFormat);

            // now that we have the Magic Goodies, start the muxer
            mTrackIndex = mMuxer.addTrack(newFormat);
            mMuxerStarted = true;
        } else if (encoderStatus < 0) {
            Log.w(TAG, "unexpected result from encoder.dequeueOutputBuffer: " +
            // let's ignore it
        } else {
            ByteBuffer encodedData = encoderOutputBuffers[encoderStatus];
            if (encodedData == null) {
                throw new RuntimeException("encoderOutputBuffer " + encoderStatus +
                        " was null");

            if ((mBufferInfo.flags & MediaCodec.BUFFER_FLAG_CODEC_CONFIG) != 0) {
                // The codec config data was pulled out and fed to the muxer when we got
                // the INFO_OUTPUT_FORMAT_CHANGED status.  Ignore it.
                if (VERBOSE) Log.d(TAG, "ignoring BUFFER_FLAG_CODEC_CONFIG");
                mBufferInfo.size = 0;

            if (mBufferInfo.size != 0) {
                if (!mMuxerStarted) {
                    throw new RuntimeException("muxer hasn't started");

                // adjust the ByteBuffer values to match BufferInfo
                encodedData.limit(mBufferInfo.offset + mBufferInfo.size);
                mBufferInfo.presentationTimeUs = mFakePts;
                mFakePts += 1000000L / FRAMES_PER_SECOND;

                mMuxer.writeSampleData(mTrackIndex, encodedData, mBufferInfo);
                if (VERBOSE) Log.d(TAG, "sent " + mBufferInfo.size + " bytes to muxer");

            mEncoder.releaseOutputBuffer(encoderStatus, false);

            if ((mBufferInfo.flags & MediaCodec.BUFFER_FLAG_END_OF_STREAM) != 0) {
                if (!endOfStream) {
                    Log.w(TAG, "reached end of stream unexpectedly");
                } else {
                    if (VERBOSE) Log.d(TAG, "end of stream reached");
                break;      // out of while
Example 20
Source File:    From Tok-Android with GNU General Public License v3.0 4 votes vote down vote up
 * drain encoded data and write them to muxer
protected void drain() {
    if (mMediaCodec == null) return;
    ByteBuffer[] encoderOutputBuffers = mMediaCodec.getOutputBuffers();
    int encoderStatus, count = 0;
    final MediaMuxerWrapper muxer = mWeakMuxer.get();
    if (muxer == null) {
        //        	throw new NullPointerException("muxer is unexpectedly null");
        Log.w(TAG, "muxer is unexpectedly null");
    while (mIsCapturing) {
        // get encoded data with maximum timeout duration of TIMEOUT_USEC(=10[msec])
        encoderStatus = mMediaCodec.dequeueOutputBuffer(mBufferInfo, TIMEOUT_USEC);
        if (encoderStatus == MediaCodec.INFO_TRY_AGAIN_LATER) {
            // wait 5 counts(=TIMEOUT_USEC x 5 = 50msec) until data/EOS come
            if (!mIsEOS) {
                if (++count > 5) break LOOP;        // out of while
        } else if (encoderStatus == MediaCodec.INFO_OUTPUT_BUFFERS_CHANGED) {
            // this shoud not come when encoding
            encoderOutputBuffers = mMediaCodec.getOutputBuffers();
        } else if (encoderStatus == MediaCodec.INFO_OUTPUT_FORMAT_CHANGED) {
            if (DEBUG) Log.v(TAG, "INFO_OUTPUT_FORMAT_CHANGED");
            // this status indicate the output format of codec is changed
            // this should come only once before actual encoded data
            // but this status never come on Android4.3 or less
            // and in that case, you should treat when MediaCodec.BUFFER_FLAG_CODEC_CONFIG come.
            if (mMuxerStarted) {    // second time request is error
                throw new RuntimeException("format changed twice");
            // get output format from codec and pass them to muxer
            // getOutputFormat should be called after INFO_OUTPUT_FORMAT_CHANGED otherwise crash.
            final MediaFormat format = mMediaCodec.getOutputFormat(); // API >= 16
            mTrackIndex = muxer.addTrack(format);
            mMuxerStarted = true;
            if (!muxer.start()) {
                // we should wait until muxer is ready
                synchronized (muxer) {
                    while (!muxer.isStarted()) {
                        try {
                        } catch (final InterruptedException e) {
                            break LOOP;
        } else if (encoderStatus < 0) {
            // unexpected status
            if (DEBUG) {
                Log.w(TAG, "drain:unexpected result from encoder#dequeueOutputBuffer: "
                    + encoderStatus);
        } else {
            final ByteBuffer encodedData = encoderOutputBuffers[encoderStatus];
            if (encodedData == null) {
                // this never should come...may be a MediaCodec internal error
                throw new RuntimeException(
                    "encoderOutputBuffer " + encoderStatus + " was null");
            if ((mBufferInfo.flags & MediaCodec.BUFFER_FLAG_CODEC_CONFIG) != 0) {
                // You shoud set output format to muxer here when you target Android4.3 or less
                // but MediaCodec#getOutputFormat can not call here(because INFO_OUTPUT_FORMAT_CHANGED don't come yet)
                // therefor we should expand and prepare output format from buffer data.
                // This sample is for API>=18(>=Android 4.3), just ignore this flag here
                if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "drain:BUFFER_FLAG_CODEC_CONFIG");
                mBufferInfo.size = 0;

            if (mBufferInfo.size != 0) {
                // encoded data is ready, clear waiting counter
                count = 0;
                if (!mMuxerStarted) {
                    // muxer is not ready...this will prrograming failure.
                    throw new RuntimeException("drain:muxer hasn't started");
                // write encoded data to muxer(need to adjust presentationTimeUs.
                mBufferInfo.presentationTimeUs = getPTSUs();
                muxer.writeSampleData(mTrackIndex, encodedData, mBufferInfo);
                prevOutputPTSUs = mBufferInfo.presentationTimeUs;
            // return buffer to encoder
            mMediaCodec.releaseOutputBuffer(encoderStatus, false);
            if ((mBufferInfo.flags & MediaCodec.BUFFER_FLAG_END_OF_STREAM) != 0) {
                // when EOS come.
                mIsCapturing = false;
                break;      // out of while