Java Code Examples for fiji.util.gui.GenericDialogPlus#addNumericField()

The following examples show how to use fiji.util.gui.GenericDialogPlus#addNumericField() . You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example 1
Source File:    From 3Dscript with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License 6 votes vote down vote up
public void run(ImageProcessor ip) {
	GenericDialogPlus gd = new GenericDialogPlus("Povray Animator");
	gd.addDirectoryField("Output_folder", "");
	gd.addNumericField("Target_width", 640, 0);
	gd.addNumericField("Target_height", 480, 0);


	String outputFolder = gd.getNextString();
	int tgtW = (int)gd.getNextNumber();
	int tgtH = (int)gd.getNextNumber();

	run(image, outputFolder, tgtW, tgtH);
Example 2
Source File:    From SPIM_Registration with GNU General Public License v2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
protected DHMMetaData queryDirectoryAndRatio()
	GenericDialogPlus gd = new GenericDialogPlus( "Specify Holographic Acquistion Directory" );

	gd.addDirectoryField( "Holographic_Acquisition main directory", defaultDir, 50 );

	gd.addMessage( "" );
	gd.addMessage( "Camera pixel size (e.g. 3.45um) / Magnification (e.g. 20):" );
	gd.addNumericField( "Pixel_distance_x", defaulCalX, 5 );
	gd.addNumericField( "Pixel_distance_y", defaulCalY, 5 );
	gd.addMessage( "Depth between planes (e.g. 0.5mm) / Magnification^2 (e.g. 20^2) * 1000 (mm to um):" );
	gd.addNumericField( "Pixel_distance_z", defaulCalZ, 5 );
	gd.addStringField( "Pixel_unit", defaulCalUnit );
	gd.addMessage( "" );
	gd.addCheckbox( "Open_all planes to ensure they have the same dimensions (takes time!)", defaultOpenAll );

	if ( gd.wasCanceled() )
		return null;

	return new DHMMetaData(
			new File( defaultDir = gd.getNextString() ),
			defaulCalX = gd.getNextNumber(),
			defaulCalY = gd.getNextNumber(),
			defaulCalZ = gd.getNextNumber(),
			defaulCalUnit = gd.getNextString(),
			defaultOpenAll = gd.getNextBoolean() );
Example 3
Source File:    From Stitching with GNU General Public License v2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public void run(String arg0)
	GenericDialogPlus gd = new GenericDialogPlus( "Stitch Multiple Series File" );
	gd.addFileField( "File", fileNameStatic, 50 );		
	gd.addCheckbox( "Compute_overlap (or trust coordinates in the file)", computeOverlapStatic );
	gd.addCheckbox( "Ignore_Calibration", ignoreCalibrationStatic );
	gd.addSlider( "Increase_overlap [%]", 0, 100, overlapStatic );
	gd.addCheckbox( "Invert_X coordinates", invertXStatic );
	gd.addCheckbox( "Invert_Y coordinates", invertYStatic );
	gd.addCheckbox("Ignore_Z_stage position", ignoreZStageStatic);
	gd.addChoice( "Fusion_Method", methodListCollection, fusionMethodStatic );
	gd.addNumericField( "Fusion alpha", alphaStatic, 2 );
	gd.addNumericField( "Regression Threshold", thresholdRStatic, 2 );
	gd.addNumericField( "Max/Avg Displacement Threshold", thresholdDisplacementRelativeStatic, 2 );		
	gd.addNumericField( "Absolute Avg Displacement Threshold", thresholdDisplacementAbsoluteStatic, 2 );		
	gd.addCheckbox("Create_only_preview", previewOnlyStatic);
	gd.addMessage( "" );
	gd.addMessage( "This Plugin is developed by Stephan Preibisch\n" + myURL );

	MultiLineLabel text = (MultiLineLabel) gd.getMessage();
	addHyperLinkListener(text, myURL);

	if (gd.wasCanceled()) 

	String fileName = gd.getNextString();
	fileNameStatic = fileName;

	boolean computeOverlap = gd.getNextBoolean();
	computeOverlapStatic = computeOverlap;

	boolean ignoreCalibration = gd.getNextBoolean();
	ignoreCalibrationStatic = ignoreCalibration;
	double overlap = gd.getNextNumber();
	overlapStatic = overlap;

	boolean invertX = gd.getNextBoolean();
	invertXStatic = invertX;

	boolean invertY = gd.getNextBoolean();
	invertYStatic = invertY;

	boolean ignoreZStage = gd.getNextBoolean();
	ignoreZStageStatic = ignoreZStage;

	String fusionMethod = gd.getNextChoice();
	fusionMethodStatic = fusionMethod;
	this.alpha = gd.getNextNumber();
	alphaStatic = alpha;
	this.thresholdR = gd.getNextNumber();
	thresholdRStatic = thresholdR;
	this.thresholdDisplacementRelative = gd.getNextNumber();
	thresholdDisplacementRelativeStatic = thresholdDisplacementRelative;
	this.thresholdDisplacementAbsolute = gd.getNextNumber();
	thresholdDisplacementAbsoluteStatic = thresholdDisplacementAbsolute;
	boolean previewOnly = gd.getNextBoolean();
	previewOnlyStatic = previewOnly;

	ArrayList<ImageInformation> imageInformationList = parseMultiSeriesFile( fileName, overlap,  ignoreCalibration, invertX, invertY, ignoreZStage );
	if ( imageInformationList == null )
	for ( ImageInformation iI : imageInformationList )
	{ iI.imageName );
		String offset = "";
		for ( int d = 0; d < iI.offset.length; ++d )
			offset += iI.offset[ d ] + ", "; offset );

	final GridLayout gridLayout = new GridLayout();

	gridLayout.imageInformationList = imageInformationList;
	gridLayout.fusionMethod = fusionMethod;
	gridLayout.alpha = this.alpha;
	gridLayout.thresholdR = this.thresholdR;
	gridLayout.thresholdDisplacementRelative = this.thresholdDisplacementRelative;
	gridLayout.thresholdDisplacementAbsolute = this.thresholdDisplacementAbsolute;
	gridLayout.dim = imageInformationList.get( 0 ).dim;
	gridLayout.rgbOrder = rgbTypes[0];

	new Stitch_Image_Collection().work( gridLayout, previewOnly, computeOverlap, fileName + ".txt", true );
Example 4
Source File:    From Stitching with GNU General Public License v2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public void run(String arg0)
	GenericDialogPlus gd = new GenericDialogPlus("Stitch Image Collection");
	//gd.addStringField("Layout file", fileNameStatic, 50);
	gd.addFileField("Layout file", fileNameStatic, 50);		
	gd.addCheckbox("compute_overlap (otherwise use the coordinates given in the layout file)", computeOverlapStatic );
	gd.addChoice("Channels_for_Registration", colorList, handleRGBStatic);
	gd.addChoice("rgb_order", rgbTypes, rgbOrderStatic);
	gd.addChoice("Fusion_Method", methodListCollection, methodListCollection[LIN_BLEND]);
	gd.addNumericField("Fusion alpha", alphaStatic, 2);
	gd.addNumericField("Regression Threshold", thresholdRStatic, 2);
	gd.addNumericField("Max/Avg Displacement Threshold", thresholdDisplacementRelativeStatic, 2);		
	gd.addNumericField("Absolute Avg Displacement Threshold", thresholdDisplacementAbsoluteStatic, 2);		
	gd.addCheckbox("Create_only_Preview", previewOnlyStatic);
	gd.addMessage("This Plugin is developed by Stephan Preibisch\n" + myURL);

	MultiLineLabel text = (MultiLineLabel) gd.getMessage();
	addHyperLinkListener(text, myURL);

	if (gd.wasCanceled()) return;

	String fileName = gd.getNextString();
	fileNameStatic = fileName;

	boolean computeOverlap = gd.getNextBoolean();
	computeOverlapStatic = computeOverlap;

	String handleRGB = gd.getNextChoice();
	handleRGBStatic = handleRGB;
	this.rgbOrder = gd.getNextChoice();
	rgbOrderStatic = rgbOrder;
	String fusionMethod = gd.getNextChoice();
	fusionMethodStatic = fusionMethod;
	this.alpha = gd.getNextNumber();
	alphaStatic = alpha;
	this.thresholdR = gd.getNextNumber();
	thresholdRStatic = thresholdR;
	this.thresholdDisplacementRelative = gd.getNextNumber();
	thresholdDisplacementRelativeStatic = thresholdDisplacementRelative;
	this.thresholdDisplacementAbsolute = gd.getNextNumber();
	thresholdDisplacementAbsoluteStatic = thresholdDisplacementAbsolute;
	boolean previewOnly = gd.getNextBoolean();
	previewOnlyStatic = previewOnly;
	work(fileName, previewOnly, computeOverlap, fusionMethod, handleRGB, true);		
Example 5
Source File:    From Stitching with GNU General Public License v2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
 * Manages the dialog for stitching a collection of images defined by a Tileconfiguration file
public void stitchCollection()
	final GenericDialogPlus gd = new GenericDialogPlus("Stitch Image Collection");
	//gd.addStringField("Layout file", fileNameStatic, 50);
	gd.addFileField( "Layout file", fileNameStatic, 50 );		
	gd.addCheckbox( "compute_overlap (otherwise use the coordinates given in the layout file)", computeOverlapStatic );
	gd.addChoice( "Channels_for_Registration", colorList, handleRGBStatic );
	gd.addChoice( "rgb_order", rgbTypes, rgbOrderStatic );
	gd.addChoice( "Fusion_Method", methodListCollection, methodListCollection[LIN_BLEND] );
	gd.addNumericField( "Fusion alpha", alphaStatic, 2 );
	gd.addNumericField( "Regression Threshold", thresholdRStatic, 2 );
	gd.addNumericField( "Max/Avg Displacement Threshold", thresholdDisplacementRelativeStatic, 2 );		
	gd.addNumericField( "Absolute Avg Displacement Threshold", thresholdDisplacementAbsoluteStatic, 2 );		
	gd.addCheckbox( "Create_only_Preview", previewOnlyStatic );
	gd.addMessage( "");
	gd.addMessage( "This Plugin is developed by Stephan Preibisch\n" + myURL );

	MultiLineLabel text = (MultiLineLabel) gd.getMessage();
	addHyperLinkListener(text, myURL);

	if (gd.wasCanceled()) return;

	String fileName = gd.getNextString();
	fileNameStatic = fileName;

	boolean computeOverlap = gd.getNextBoolean();
	computeOverlapStatic = computeOverlap;

	String handleRGB = gd.getNextChoice();
	handleRGBStatic = handleRGB;
	String rgbOrder = gd.getNextChoice();
	rgbOrderStatic = rgbOrder;
	String fusionMethod = gd.getNextChoice();
	fusionMethodStatic = fusionMethod;
	double alpha = gd.getNextNumber();
	alphaStatic = alpha;
	double thresholdR = gd.getNextNumber();
	thresholdRStatic = thresholdR;
	double thresholdDisplacementRelative = gd.getNextNumber();
	thresholdDisplacementRelativeStatic = thresholdDisplacementRelative;
	double thresholdDisplacementAbsolute = gd.getNextNumber();
	thresholdDisplacementAbsoluteStatic = thresholdDisplacementAbsolute;
	boolean previewOnly = gd.getNextBoolean();
	previewOnlyStatic = previewOnly;	
Example 6
Source File:    From Stitching with GNU General Public License v2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
 * Displays a dialog to harvest user input, allowing scaling from a
 * specified image width and height.
 * @param imgWidth Base image width
 * @param imgHeight Base image height
public void getInput(int imgWidth, int imgHeight) {
	originalWidth = imgWidth;
	originalHeight = imgHeight;
	final GenericDialogPlus gdDownSample = new GenericDialogPlus("Downsample");
	String[] methods = ImageProcessor.getInterpolationMethods();

	gdDownSample.addNumericField("x scale", 1, 1);
	gdDownSample.addNumericField("y scale", 1, 1);
	gdDownSample.addNumericField("width (pixels)", imgWidth, 0);
	gdDownSample.addNumericField("height (pixels)", imgHeight, 0);
	gdDownSample.addChoice("Interpolation:", methods,
		methods[methods.length - 1]);
	gdDownSample.addCheckbox("Average when downsizing", true);
	Vector<?> fields = gdDownSample.getNumericFields();
	xField = (TextComponent) fields.get(0);
	yField = (TextComponent) fields.get(1);
	widthField = (TextComponent) fields.get(2);
	heightField = (TextComponent) fields.get(3);


	if (gdDownSample.wasOKed()) {
		xScale = gdDownSample.getNextNumber();
		yScale = gdDownSample.getNextNumber();
		double width = gdDownSample.getNextNumber();
		double height = gdDownSample.getNextNumber();
		String method = gdDownSample.getNextChoice();
		String average = gdDownSample.getNextBoolean() ? " average" : "";
		params =
			"width=" + width + " height=" +
				height + average + " interpolation=" + method;
Example 7
Source File:    From Stitching with GNU General Public License v2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public void run(String arg0)
	GenericDialogPlus gd = new GenericDialogPlus("Stitch Image Grid");
	GridLayout gridLayout = new GridLayout();
	gd.addNumericField("grid_size_x", gridSizeXStatic, 0);
	gd.addNumericField("grid_size_y", gridSizeYStatic, 0);
	//gd.addChoice("order_of_storage", arrangement, arrangmentStatic );
	gd.addSlider("overlap [%]", 0, 100, overlapStatic);
	gd.addDirectoryField("directory", directoryStatic, 50);
	gd.addStringField("file_names", fileNamesStatic, 50);
	gd.addChoice("rgb_order", rgbTypes, rgbOrderStatic);
	gd.addStringField("Output_file_name", tileConfStatic, 50);
	gd.addCheckbox("Save_Only_Tile_Configuration", writeOnlyTileConfStatic);
	gd.addNumericField("start_x", startXStatic, 0);
	gd.addNumericField("start_y", startYStatic, 0);
	gd.addNumericField("start_i", startIStatic, 0);
	gd.addChoice("channels_for_registration", colorList, handleRGBStatic);
	gd.addChoice("fusion_method", methodListCollection, fusionMethodStatic);
	gd.addNumericField("fusion_alpha", alphaStatic, 2);
	gd.addNumericField("regression_threshold", thresholdRStatic, 2);
	gd.addNumericField("max/avg_displacement_threshold", thresholdDisplacementRelativeStatic, 2);		
	gd.addNumericField("absolute_displacement_threshold", thresholdDisplacementAbsoluteStatic, 2);		
	gd.addCheckbox("create_only_preview", previewOnlyStatic);
	gd.addCheckbox("compute_overlap (otherwise use the coordinates given in the layout file)", computeOverlapStatic );
	gd.addMessage("This Plugin is developed by Stephan Preibisch\n" + myURL);

	MultiLineLabel text = (MultiLineLabel) gd.getMessage();
	addHyperLinkListener(text, myURL);

	if (gd.wasCanceled()) return;
	gridLayout.sizeX = (int)Math.round(gd.getNextNumber());
	gridLayout.sizeY = (int)Math.round(gd.getNextNumber());
	gridSizeXStatic = gridLayout.sizeX;
	gridSizeYStatic = gridLayout.sizeY;

	//gridLayout.arrangement = gd.getNextChoice();
	//arrangmentStatic = gridLayout.arrangement;
	double overlap = gd.getNextNumber()/100;
	overlapStatic = overlap*100;
	String directory = gd.getNextString();
	directoryStatic = directory;
	String filenames = gd.getNextString();
	fileNamesStatic = filenames;
	gridLayout.rgbOrder = gd.getNextChoice();
	rgbOrderStatic = gridLayout.rgbOrder;
	String output = gd.getNextString();
	tileConfStatic = output;
	boolean writeOnlyOutput = gd.getNextBoolean();
	writeOnlyTileConfStatic = writeOnlyOutput;
	int startX = (int)Math.round(gd.getNextNumber());
	startXStatic = startX;
	int startY = (int)Math.round(gd.getNextNumber());
	startYStatic = startY;
	int startI = (int)Math.round(gd.getNextNumber());
	startIStatic = startI;
	String handleRGB = gd.getNextChoice();
	handleRGBStatic = handleRGB;
	String fusionMethod = gd.getNextChoice();
	fusionMethodStatic = fusionMethod;
	gridLayout.alpha = gd.getNextNumber();
	alphaStatic = gridLayout.alpha;
	gridLayout.thresholdR = gd.getNextNumber();
	thresholdRStatic = gridLayout.thresholdR;
	gridLayout.thresholdDisplacementRelative = gd.getNextNumber();
	thresholdDisplacementRelativeStatic = gridLayout.thresholdDisplacementRelative;
	gridLayout.thresholdDisplacementAbsolute = gd.getNextNumber();
	thresholdDisplacementAbsoluteStatic = gridLayout.thresholdDisplacementAbsolute;
	boolean previewOnly = gd.getNextBoolean();
	previewOnlyStatic = previewOnly;
	boolean computeOverlap = gd.getNextBoolean();
	computeOverlapStatic = computeOverlap;
	stitchImageGrid(filenames, directory, gridLayout, handleRGB, 
			fusionMethod, output, overlap, startX, startY, startI, 
			writeOnlyOutput, previewOnly, computeOverlap);
