Java Code Examples for org.bitcoinj.script.ScriptBuilder#createMultiSigOutputScript()

The following examples show how to use org.bitcoinj.script.ScriptBuilder#createMultiSigOutputScript() . You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example 1
Source File:    From bcm-android with GNU General Public License v3.0 6 votes vote down vote up
public void testMultiSigOutputToString() throws Exception {
    sendMoneyToWallet(AbstractBlockChain.NewBlockType.BEST_CHAIN, Coin.COIN);
    ECKey myKey = new ECKey();

    // Simulate another signatory
    ECKey otherKey = new ECKey();

    // Create multi-sig transaction
    Transaction multiSigTransaction = new Transaction(UNITTEST);
    ImmutableList<ECKey> keys = ImmutableList.of(myKey, otherKey);

    Script scriptPubKey = ScriptBuilder.createMultiSigOutputScript(2, keys);
    multiSigTransaction.addOutput(Coin.COIN, scriptPubKey);

    SendRequest req = SendRequest.forTx(multiSigTransaction);
    TransactionOutput multiSigTransactionOutput = multiSigTransaction.getOutput(0);

    assertThat(multiSigTransactionOutput.toString(), CoreMatchers.containsString("CHECKMULTISIG"));
Example 2
Source File:    From green_android with GNU General Public License v3.0 6 votes vote down vote up
public void testMultiSigOutputToString() throws Exception {
    sendMoneyToWallet(AbstractBlockChain.NewBlockType.BEST_CHAIN, Coin.COIN);
    ECKey myKey = new ECKey();

    // Simulate another signatory
    ECKey otherKey = new ECKey();

    // Create multi-sig transaction
    Transaction multiSigTransaction = new Transaction(PARAMS);
    ImmutableList<ECKey> keys = ImmutableList.of(myKey, otherKey);

    Script scriptPubKey = ScriptBuilder.createMultiSigOutputScript(2, keys);
    multiSigTransaction.addOutput(Coin.COIN, scriptPubKey);

    SendRequest req = SendRequest.forTx(multiSigTransaction);
    TransactionOutput multiSigTransactionOutput = multiSigTransaction.getOutput(0);

    assertThat(multiSigTransactionOutput.toString(), CoreMatchers.containsString("CHECKMULTISIG"));
Example 3
Source File:    From GreenBits with GNU General Public License v3.0 6 votes vote down vote up
public void testMultiSigOutputToString() throws Exception {
    sendMoneyToWallet(AbstractBlockChain.NewBlockType.BEST_CHAIN, Coin.COIN);
    ECKey myKey = new ECKey();

    // Simulate another signatory
    ECKey otherKey = new ECKey();

    // Create multi-sig transaction
    Transaction multiSigTransaction = new Transaction(PARAMS);
    ImmutableList<ECKey> keys = ImmutableList.of(myKey, otherKey);

    Script scriptPubKey = ScriptBuilder.createMultiSigOutputScript(2, keys);
    multiSigTransaction.addOutput(Coin.COIN, scriptPubKey);

    SendRequest req = SendRequest.forTx(multiSigTransaction);
    TransactionOutput multiSigTransactionOutput = multiSigTransaction.getOutput(0);

    assertThat(multiSigTransactionOutput.toString(), CoreMatchers.containsString("CHECKMULTISIG"));
Example 4
Source File:    From bcm-android with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Called when the client provides the refund transaction.
 * The refund transaction must have one input from the multisig contract (that we don't have yet) and one output
 * that the client creates to themselves. This object will later be modified when we start getting paid.
 * @param refundTx             The refund transaction, this object will be mutated when payment is incremented.
 * @param clientMultiSigPubKey The client's pubkey which is required for the multisig output
 * @return Our signature that makes the refund transaction valid
 * @throws VerificationException If the transaction isnt valid or did not meet the requirements of a refund transaction.
public synchronized byte[] provideRefundTransaction(Transaction refundTx, byte[] clientMultiSigPubKey) throws VerificationException {
    stateMachine.checkState(State.WAITING_FOR_REFUND_TRANSACTION);"Provided with refund transaction: {}", refundTx);
    // Do a few very basic syntax sanity checks.
    // Verify that the refund transaction has a single input (that we can fill to sign the multisig output).
    if (refundTx.getInputs().size() != 1)
        throw new VerificationException("Refund transaction does not have exactly one input");
    // Verify that the refund transaction has a time lock on it and a sequence number that does not disable lock time.
    if (refundTx.getInput(0).getSequenceNumber() == TransactionInput.NO_SEQUENCE)
        throw new VerificationException("Refund transaction's input's sequence number disables lock time");
    if (refundTx.getLockTime() < minExpireTime)
        throw new VerificationException("Refund transaction has a lock time too soon");
    // Verify the transaction has one output (we don't care about its contents, its up to the client)
    // Note that because we sign with SIGHASH_NONE|SIGHASH_ANYOENCANPAY the client can later add more outputs and
    // inputs, but we will need only one output later to create the paying transactions
    if (refundTx.getOutputs().size() != 1)
        throw new VerificationException("Refund transaction does not have exactly one output");

    refundTransactionUnlockTimeSecs = refundTx.getLockTime();

    // Sign the refund tx with the scriptPubKey and return the signature. We don't have the spending transaction
    // so do the steps individually.
    clientKey = ECKey.fromPublicOnly(clientMultiSigPubKey);
    Script multisigPubKey = ScriptBuilder.createMultiSigOutputScript(2, ImmutableList.of(clientKey, serverKey));
    // We are really only signing the fact that the transaction has a proper lock time and don't care about anything
    // else, so we sign SIGHASH_NONE and SIGHASH_ANYONECANPAY.
    TransactionSignature sig = refundTx.calculateSignature(0, serverKey, multisigPubKey, Transaction.SigHash.NONE, true);"Signed refund transaction.");
    this.clientOutput = refundTx.getOutput(0);
    return sig.encodeToBitcoin();
Example 5
Source File:    From bisq-core with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
private Script getMultiSigRedeemScript(byte[] buyerPubKey, byte[] sellerPubKey, byte[] arbitratorPubKey) {
    ECKey buyerKey = ECKey.fromPublicOnly(buyerPubKey);
    ECKey sellerKey = ECKey.fromPublicOnly(sellerPubKey);
    ECKey arbitratorKey = ECKey.fromPublicOnly(arbitratorPubKey);
    // Take care of sorting! Need to reverse to the order we use normally (buyer, seller, arbitrator)
    List<ECKey> keys = ImmutableList.of(arbitratorKey, sellerKey, buyerKey);
    return ScriptBuilder.createMultiSigOutputScript(2, keys);
Example 6
Source File:    From green_android with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Called when the client provides the refund transaction.
 * The refund transaction must have one input from the multisig contract (that we don't have yet) and one output
 * that the client creates to themselves. This object will later be modified when we start getting paid.
 * @param refundTx The refund transaction, this object will be mutated when payment is incremented.
 * @param clientMultiSigPubKey The client's pubkey which is required for the multisig output
 * @return Our signature that makes the refund transaction valid
 * @throws VerificationException If the transaction isnt valid or did not meet the requirements of a refund transaction.
public synchronized byte[] provideRefundTransaction(Transaction refundTx, byte[] clientMultiSigPubKey) throws VerificationException {
    stateMachine.checkState(State.WAITING_FOR_REFUND_TRANSACTION);"Provided with refund transaction: {}", refundTx);
    // Do a few very basic syntax sanity checks.
    // Verify that the refund transaction has a single input (that we can fill to sign the multisig output).
    if (refundTx.getInputs().size() != 1)
        throw new VerificationException("Refund transaction does not have exactly one input");
    // Verify that the refund transaction has a time lock on it and a sequence number that does not disable lock time.
    if (refundTx.getInput(0).getSequenceNumber() == TransactionInput.NO_SEQUENCE)
        throw new VerificationException("Refund transaction's input's sequence number disables lock time");
    if (refundTx.getLockTime() < minExpireTime)
        throw new VerificationException("Refund transaction has a lock time too soon");
    // Verify the transaction has one output (we don't care about its contents, its up to the client)
    // Note that because we sign with SIGHASH_NONE|SIGHASH_ANYOENCANPAY the client can later add more outputs and
    // inputs, but we will need only one output later to create the paying transactions
    if (refundTx.getOutputs().size() != 1)
        throw new VerificationException("Refund transaction does not have exactly one output");

    refundTransactionUnlockTimeSecs = refundTx.getLockTime();

    // Sign the refund tx with the scriptPubKey and return the signature. We don't have the spending transaction
    // so do the steps individually.
    clientKey = ECKey.fromPublicOnly(clientMultiSigPubKey);
    Script multisigPubKey = ScriptBuilder.createMultiSigOutputScript(2, ImmutableList.of(clientKey, serverKey));
    // We are really only signing the fact that the transaction has a proper lock time and don't care about anything
    // else, so we sign SIGHASH_NONE and SIGHASH_ANYONECANPAY.
    TransactionSignature sig = refundTx.calculateSignature(0, serverKey, multisigPubKey, Transaction.SigHash.NONE, true);"Signed refund transaction.");
    this.clientOutput = refundTx.getOutput(0);
    return sig.encodeToBitcoin();
Example 7
Source File:    From GreenBits with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Called when the client provides the refund transaction.
 * The refund transaction must have one input from the multisig contract (that we don't have yet) and one output
 * that the client creates to themselves. This object will later be modified when we start getting paid.
 * @param refundTx The refund transaction, this object will be mutated when payment is incremented.
 * @param clientMultiSigPubKey The client's pubkey which is required for the multisig output
 * @return Our signature that makes the refund transaction valid
 * @throws VerificationException If the transaction isnt valid or did not meet the requirements of a refund transaction.
public synchronized byte[] provideRefundTransaction(Transaction refundTx, byte[] clientMultiSigPubKey) throws VerificationException {
    stateMachine.checkState(State.WAITING_FOR_REFUND_TRANSACTION);"Provided with refund transaction: {}", refundTx);
    // Do a few very basic syntax sanity checks.
    // Verify that the refund transaction has a single input (that we can fill to sign the multisig output).
    if (refundTx.getInputs().size() != 1)
        throw new VerificationException("Refund transaction does not have exactly one input");
    // Verify that the refund transaction has a time lock on it and a sequence number that does not disable lock time.
    if (refundTx.getInput(0).getSequenceNumber() == TransactionInput.NO_SEQUENCE)
        throw new VerificationException("Refund transaction's input's sequence number disables lock time");
    if (refundTx.getLockTime() < minExpireTime)
        throw new VerificationException("Refund transaction has a lock time too soon");
    // Verify the transaction has one output (we don't care about its contents, its up to the client)
    // Note that because we sign with SIGHASH_NONE|SIGHASH_ANYOENCANPAY the client can later add more outputs and
    // inputs, but we will need only one output later to create the paying transactions
    if (refundTx.getOutputs().size() != 1)
        throw new VerificationException("Refund transaction does not have exactly one output");

    refundTransactionUnlockTimeSecs = refundTx.getLockTime();

    // Sign the refund tx with the scriptPubKey and return the signature. We don't have the spending transaction
    // so do the steps individually.
    clientKey = ECKey.fromPublicOnly(clientMultiSigPubKey);
    Script multisigPubKey = ScriptBuilder.createMultiSigOutputScript(2, ImmutableList.of(clientKey, serverKey));
    // We are really only signing the fact that the transaction has a proper lock time and don't care about anything
    // else, so we sign SIGHASH_NONE and SIGHASH_ANYONECANPAY.
    TransactionSignature sig = refundTx.calculateSignature(0, serverKey, multisigPubKey, Transaction.SigHash.NONE, true);"Signed refund transaction.");
    this.clientOutput = refundTx.getOutput(0);
    return sig.encodeToBitcoin();
Example 8
Source File:    From bisq with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
private Script get2of3MultiSigRedeemScript(byte[] buyerPubKey, byte[] sellerPubKey, byte[] arbitratorPubKey) {
    ECKey buyerKey = ECKey.fromPublicOnly(buyerPubKey);
    ECKey sellerKey = ECKey.fromPublicOnly(sellerPubKey);
    ECKey arbitratorKey = ECKey.fromPublicOnly(arbitratorPubKey);
    // Take care of sorting! Need to reverse to the order we use normally (buyer, seller, arbitrator)
    List<ECKey> keys = ImmutableList.of(arbitratorKey, sellerKey, buyerKey);
    return ScriptBuilder.createMultiSigOutputScript(2, keys);
Example 9
Source File:    From bisq with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
private Script get2of2MultiSigRedeemScript(byte[] buyerPubKey, byte[] sellerPubKey) {
    ECKey buyerKey = ECKey.fromPublicOnly(buyerPubKey);
    ECKey sellerKey = ECKey.fromPublicOnly(sellerPubKey);
    // Take care of sorting! Need to reverse to the order we use normally (buyer, seller)
    List<ECKey> keys = ImmutableList.of(sellerKey, buyerKey);
    return ScriptBuilder.createMultiSigOutputScript(2, keys);
Example 10
Source File:    From bcm-android with GNU General Public License v3.0 4 votes vote down vote up
protected Script createOutputScript() {
    return ScriptBuilder.createMultiSigOutputScript(2, ImmutableList.<ECKey>of(clientKey, serverKey));
Example 11
Source File:    From green_android with GNU General Public License v3.0 4 votes vote down vote up
protected Script createOutputScript() {
    return ScriptBuilder.createMultiSigOutputScript(2, ImmutableList.<ECKey>of(clientKey, serverKey));
Example 12
Source File:    From GreenBits with GNU General Public License v3.0 4 votes vote down vote up
protected Script createOutputScript() {
    return ScriptBuilder.createMultiSigOutputScript(2, ImmutableList.<ECKey>of(clientKey, serverKey));