Java Code Examples for java.util.logging.Level#parse()

The following examples show how to use java.util.logging.Level#parse() . You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example 1
Source File:    From JglTF with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
 * Try to parse a log level from the given value. If the given value
 * cannot be parsed, then a warning will be printed and <code>INFO</code>
 * will be returned.
 * @param value The value
 * @return The log level
private static Level parseLogLevel(String value)
    if (value == null)
        logger.warning("Invalid log level: "+value);
        return Level.INFO;
        return Level.parse(value);
    catch (IllegalArgumentException e)
        logger.warning("Invalid log level: "+value);
        return Level.INFO;
Example 2
Source File:    From gemfirexd-oss with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
protected void configureLogger() throws SecurityException, IOException {
  if (logger == null) {
    logger = Logger.getLogger(LOGGER_NAME);
  logFileHandler = new FileHandler(logFilePath);
  logFileHandler.setFormatter(new SimpleFormatter());
  Level logLevel = Level.INFO;
  try {
    logLevel = Level.parse(logLevelString);
  } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
    logInfo("Unrecognized log level :" + logLevelString + " defaulting to :" + logLevel);
Example 3
Source File:    From openjdk-jdk8u-backup with GNU General Public License v2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
 * Initialization function that is called to instantiate the logging system. It takes
 * logger names (keys) and logging labels respectively
 * @param map a map where the key is a logger name and the value a logging level
 * @throws IllegalArgumentException if level or names cannot be parsed
private void initialize(final Map<String, String> logMap) throws IllegalArgumentException {
    try {
        for (final Entry<String, String> entry : logMap.entrySet()) {
            Level level;
            final String name        = lastPart(entry.getKey());
            final String levelString = entry.getValue().toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH);
            final boolean isQuiet;

            if ("".equals(levelString)) {
                level = Level.INFO;
                isQuiet = false;
            } else if ("QUIET".equals(levelString)) {
                level = Level.INFO;
                isQuiet = true;
            } else {
                level = Level.parse(levelString);
                isQuiet = false;

            loggers.put(name, new LoggerInfo(level, isQuiet));
    } catch (final IllegalArgumentException | SecurityException e) {
        throw e;
Example 4
Source File:    From perf-harness with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
 * Register our presence and look up any required parameters for this class. 
 * @see Config#registerSelf(Class)
   public static void registerConfig() {	
	// Register ourselves.
	Config.registerSelf( Log.class );

	// Now we can use the Log parameters
	if (loggerHandler != null) {
		loggerHandler.setFormatter(logFormatter = new LogThreadFormatter());


		try {
			loggerLevel = Level.parse(Config.parms.getString("vo"));
		} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
					.log(Level.WARNING, "-vo is out of valid range", e);
	} // end if loggerHandler!=null

Example 5
Source File:    From AndrOBD with GNU General Public License v3.0 6 votes vote down vote up
 * Set logging levels from shared preferences
private void setLogLevels()
	// get level from preferences
	Level level;
           level = Level.parse(prefs.getString(LOG_MASTER, "INFO"));
       catch(Exception e)
           level = Level.INFO;

       // set logger main level
Example 6
Source File:    From hottub with GNU General Public License v2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
 * Initialization function that is called to instantiate the logging system. It takes
 * logger names (keys) and logging labels respectively
 * @param map a map where the key is a logger name and the value a logging level
 * @throws IllegalArgumentException if level or names cannot be parsed
private void initialize(final Map<String, String> logMap) throws IllegalArgumentException {
    try {
        for (final Entry<String, String> entry : logMap.entrySet()) {
            Level level;
            final String name        = lastPart(entry.getKey());
            final String levelString = entry.getValue().toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH);
            final boolean isQuiet;

            if ("".equals(levelString)) {
                level = Level.INFO;
                isQuiet = false;
            } else if ("QUIET".equals(levelString)) {
                level = Level.INFO;
                isQuiet = true;
            } else {
                level = Level.parse(levelString);
                isQuiet = false;

            loggers.put(name, new LoggerInfo(level, isQuiet));
    } catch (final IllegalArgumentException | SecurityException e) {
        throw e;
Example 7
Source File:    From iot-java with Eclipse Public License 1.0 6 votes vote down vote up
public static ApplicationConfigOptions generateFromConfig(Map<String, Object> yamlOptions) {
	ApplicationConfigOptions options = new ApplicationConfigOptions();

	if (yamlOptions.get("domain") != null)
		options.domain = (String) yamlOptions.get("domain");

	if (yamlOptions.get("logLevel") != null) {
		final String logLevelName = (String) yamlOptions.get("logLevel");
		options.logLevel = Level.parse(logLevelName);

	if (yamlOptions.get("mqtt") instanceof Map<?, ?>) {
		options.mqtt = ApplicationConfigOptionsMqtt
				.generateFromConfig((Map<String, Object>) yamlOptions.get("mqtt"));
	// else mqtt is missing or in the wrong format

	return options;
Example 8
Source File:    From jdk8u60 with GNU General Public License v2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
private Level getLevelValue(String propertyName) {
    Level retVal = null;

    String stringValue = System.getProperty(propertyName);
    if (stringValue != null) {
        // if value is not null => property is set, we will try to override the default logging level
        LOGGER.fine(TubelineassemblyMessages.MASM_0018_MSG_LOGGING_SYSTEM_PROPERTY_SET_TO_VALUE(propertyName, stringValue));
        try {
            retVal = Level.parse(stringValue);
        } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) {
            LOGGER.warning(TubelineassemblyMessages.MASM_0019_MSG_LOGGING_SYSTEM_PROPERTY_ILLEGAL_VALUE(propertyName, stringValue), ex);

    return retVal;
Example 9
Source File:    From bazel-buildfarm with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public LogMetricsPublisher(MetricsConfig metricsConfig) {
  if (!metricsConfig.getLogMetricsConfig().getLogLevel().isEmpty()) {
    logLevel = Level.parse(metricsConfig.getLogMetricsConfig().getLogLevel());
  } else {
    logLevel = Level.FINEST;
Example 10
Source File:    From selenium with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public static Level getDefaultLogLevel() {
  final String logLevelProperty = System.getProperty("selenium.LOGGER.level");
  if (null == logLevelProperty) {
    return null;
  return Level.parse(logLevelProperty);
Example 11
Source File:    From baratine with GNU General Public License v2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
protected void setLoggingLevels() throws Exception
  LogConfigs logConfigs = getTestClass().getAnnotation(LogConfigs.class);
  LogConfig[] logs = null;

  if (logConfigs != null)
    logs = logConfigs.value();

  if (logs == null) {
    List<LogConfig> temp = new ArrayList<>();
    Annotation[] annotations = getTestClass().getAnnotations();
    for (Annotation annotation : annotations) {
      if (annotation instanceof LogConfig) {
        temp.add((LogConfig) annotation);
    logs = temp.toArray(new LogConfig[temp.size()]);

  for (LogConfig config : logs) {
    Logger log = Logger.getLogger(config.value());

    _loggers.add(log); //GC protect

    Level level = Level.parse(config.level());

    Handler handler = getHandler(config);

    if (handler == null)

    if (handler.getLevel().intValue() > level.intValue())

Example 12
Source File:    From otroslogviewer with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Create new rule.
 * @param inequalitySymbol inequality symbol.
 * @param value            Symbolic name of comparison level.
 * @return instance of AbstractRule.
public static Rule getRule(final String inequalitySymbol, final String value) {

  Level thisLevel;

  // if valid util.logging levels are used against events
  // with log4j levels, the
  // DEBUG level is used and an illegalargumentexception won't be generated

  // an illegalargumentexception is only generated
  // if the user types a level name
  // that doesn't exist as either a log4j or util.logging level name
  if (levelList.contains(value.toUpperCase())) {
    thisLevel = Level.parse(value.toUpperCase());
  } else {
    throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid level inequality rule - " + value + " is not a supported level");

  if ("<".equals(inequalitySymbol)) {
    return new LessThanRule(thisLevel);
  if (">".equals(inequalitySymbol)) {
    return new GreaterThanRule(thisLevel);
  if ("<=".equals(inequalitySymbol)) {
    return new LessThanEqualsRule(thisLevel);
  if (">=".equals(inequalitySymbol)) {
    return new GreaterThanEqualsRule(thisLevel);

  return null;
Example 13
Source File:    From iot-java with Eclipse Public License 1.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public static DeviceConfigOptions generateFromEnv() {
	DeviceConfigOptions options = new DeviceConfigOptions();

	if (System.getenv("WIOTP_OPTIONS_DOMAIN") != null)
		options.domain = System.getenv("WIOTP_OPTIONS_DOMAIN");

	if (System.getenv("WIOTP_OPTIONS_LOGLEVEL") != null) {
		final String logLevelName = System.getenv("WIOTP_OPTIONS_LOGLEVEL");
		options.logLevel = Level.parse(logLevelName);

	options.mqtt = DeviceConfigOptionsMqtt.generateFromEnv();

	return options;
Example 14
Source File:    From syslog-java-client with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Simplification: use delegate to {@link Level#parse(String)} even if the behavior is slightly different for localized log levels.
 * @param name {@code null} or empty returns {@code null}
 * @return
public static Level findLevel(@Nullable String name) {
    if(name == null || name.isEmpty())
        return null;
    return Level.parse(name);

Example 15
Source File:    From TencentKona-8 with GNU General Public License v2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
@FeatureConstructor({"enabled", "messageLoggingRoot", "messageLoggingLevel", "storeMessages"})
public MessageDumpingFeature(boolean enabled, String msgLogRoot, String msgLogLevel, boolean storeMessages) {
    // this constructor is here just to satisfy JAX-WS specification requirements
    this(msgLogRoot, Level.parse(msgLogLevel), storeMessages);

    super.enabled = enabled;
Example 16
Source File:    From tsml with GNU General Public License v3.0 4 votes vote down vote up
private void parseArguments(String[] args) throws Exception {
            Builder b = JCommander.newBuilder();
            JCommander jc =;
            jc.setProgramName("");  //todo maybe add copyright etcetc
            try {
            } catch (Exception e) {
                if (!help) {
                    //we actually errored, instead of the program simply being called with the --help flag
                    System.err.println("Parsing of arguments failed, parameter information follows after the error. Parameters that require values should have the flag and value separated by '='.");
                    System.err.println("For example: java -jar TimeSeriesClassification.jar -dp=data/path/ -rp=results/path/ -cn=someClassifier -dn=someDataset -f=0");
                    System.err.println("Parameters prefixed by a * are REQUIRED. These are the first five parameters, which are needed to run a basic experiment.");
                    System.err.println("Error: \n\t"+e+"\n\n");
//                Thread.sleep(1000); //usage can take a second to print for some reason?... no idea what it's actually doing
//                System.exit(1);

            foldId -= 1; //go from one-indexed to zero-indexed
            Experiments.debug = this.debug;

            resultsWriteLocation = StrUtils.asDirPath(resultsWriteLocation);
            dataReadLocation = StrUtils.asDirPath(dataReadLocation);
            if (checkpointingStr != null) {
                //some kind of checkpointing is wanted

                // is it simply "true"?

                checkpointing = Boolean.parseBoolean(checkpointingStr.toLowerCase());
                    //it's not. must be a timing string
                    checkpointing = true;
                    checkpointInterval = parseTiming(checkpointingStr);


            //populating the contract times if present
            if (contractTrainTimeString != null)
                contractTrainTimeNanos = parseTiming(contractTrainTimeString);
            if (contractTestTimeString != null)
                contractTestTimeNanos = parseTiming(contractTestTimeString);

            if(contractTrainTimeNanos > 0) {

            // check the contracts are in ascending order // todo sort them
            for(int i = 1; i < trainContracts.size(); i += 2) {
                trainContracts.set(i, trainContracts.get(i).toUpperCase());
            long prev = -1;
            for(int i = 0; i < trainContracts.size(); i += 2) {
                long nanos = TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.convert(Long.parseLong(trainContracts.get(i)),
                        TimeUnit.valueOf(trainContracts.get(i + 1)));
                if(prev > nanos) {
                    throw new IllegalArgumentException("contracts not in asc order");
                prev = nanos;

            if(trainContracts.size() % 2 != 0) {
                throw new IllegalStateException("illegal number of args for time");

            if(logLevelStr != null) {
                logLevel = Level.parse(logLevelStr);
Example 17
Source File:    From datacollector with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public List<Stage.ConfigIssue> init(List<Stage.ConfigIssue> issues, Stage.Context context) {
  this.context = context;
  if (jerseyClientConfig.tlsConfig.isEnabled()) {

  resourceVars = context.createELVars();
  resourceEval = context.createELEval(RESOURCE_CONFIG_NAME);

  methodVars = context.createELVars();
  methodEval = context.createELEval(HTTP_METHOD_CONFIG_NAME);

  headerVars = context.createELVars();
  headerEval = context.createELEval(HEADER_CONFIG_NAME);

  String proxyUsername = null;
  String proxyPassword = null;
  if(jerseyClientConfig.useProxy) {
    proxyUsername = jerseyClientConfig.proxy.resolveUsername(context,, "conf.client.proxy.", issues);
    proxyPassword = jerseyClientConfig.proxy.resolvePassword(context,, "conf.client.proxy.", issues);

  jerseyClientConfig.init(context,, "conf.client.", issues);
  // Validation succeeded so configure the client.
  if (issues.isEmpty()) {
    ClientConfig clientConfig = new ClientConfig()
        .property(ClientProperties.CONNECT_TIMEOUT, jerseyClientConfig.connectTimeoutMillis)
        .property(ClientProperties.READ_TIMEOUT, jerseyClientConfig.readTimeoutMillis)
        .property(ClientProperties.ASYNC_THREADPOOL_SIZE, jerseyClientConfig.numThreads);

    if(jerseyClientConfig.useProxy) {
        clientConfig = clientConfig.connectorProvider(new GrizzlyConnectorProvider(new GrizzlyClientCustomizer(

    clientBuilder = ClientBuilder.newBuilder().withConfig(clientConfig);

    if (jerseyClientConfig.requestLoggingConfig.enableRequestLogging) {
      Feature feature = new LoggingFeature(
          jerseyClientConfig.requestLoggingConfig.verbosity, jerseyClientConfig.requestLoggingConfig.maxEntitySize
      clientBuilder = clientBuilder.register(feature);


    if (jerseyClientConfig.useProxy) {
        proxyPassword, clientBuilder

    JerseyClientUtil.configureSslContext(jerseyClientConfig.tlsConfig, clientBuilder);

    configureAuthAndBuildClient(clientBuilder, issues);

  return issues;
Example 18
Source File:    From visualvm with GNU General Public License v2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
static Level parseLevel(String lev) {
    return "USER".equals(lev) ? Level.SEVERE : Level.parse(lev);
Example 19
Source File:    From cxf with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public void setLogLevel(String logLevel) {
    this.logLevel = Level.parse(logLevel);
Example 20
Source File:    From birt with Eclipse Public License 1.0 4 votes vote down vote up
 * Configure the given loggers to send their output to the given folder. 
 * @param loggers map of logger names as key and log level as value
 * 		(strings)
 * @param defaultLevel default level to be used if the given value is empty
 * 		or "DEFAULT"
 * @param directoryName name of the directory to put the output file
 * @see #generateUniqueLogFileName(String, String)
public static void configureLoggers(
		Map loggers, 
		Level defaultLevel, 
		String directoryName )
	// configure loggers to enable logging in the given directory
	for ( 
			Iterator i = loggers.entrySet( ).iterator( ); 
		Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry) );
		String loggerName = (String) entry.getKey( );
		String levelName = 
			(String) entry.getValue( );
		// set default level
		Level level = defaultLevel;
		if ( levelName != null 
				&& !"".equals(levelName) //$NON-NLS-1$
				levelName = levelName.trim();
				if ( !"DEFAULT".equals( levelName ) ) //$NON-NLS-1$
					level = Level.parse( levelName.trim( ) );
			catch ( IllegalArgumentException e )
				logger.log( Level.WARNING, e.getMessage( ), e );