Java Code Examples for org.webrtc.Logging#enableTracing()

The following examples show how to use org.webrtc.Logging#enableTracing() . You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example 1
Source File:    From webrtcpeer-android with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
NBMPeerConnection createPeerConnection( SignalingParameters signalingParameters,
                                        MediaConstraints pcConstraints,
                                        String connectionId) {

    Log.d(TAG, "Create peer connection.");
    Log.d(TAG, "PCConstraints: " + pcConstraints.toString());

    // TCP candidates are only useful when connecting to a server that supports ICE-TCP.
    PeerConnection.RTCConfiguration rtcConfig = new PeerConnection.RTCConfiguration(signalingParameters.iceServers);
    rtcConfig.tcpCandidatePolicy = PeerConnection.TcpCandidatePolicy.DISABLED;
    rtcConfig.bundlePolicy = PeerConnection.BundlePolicy.MAXBUNDLE;
    rtcConfig.rtcpMuxPolicy = PeerConnection.RtcpMuxPolicy.REQUIRE;
    rtcConfig.keyType = PeerConnection.KeyType.ECDSA;
    //rtcConfig.iceServers IceServer
    NBMPeerConnection connectionWrapper = new NBMPeerConnection(connectionId, preferIsac, videoCallEnabled, preferH264, executor, peerConnectionParameters);
    PeerConnection peerConnection = factory.createPeerConnection(rtcConfig, pcConstraints, connectionWrapper);

    connections.put(connectionId, connectionWrapper);

    // Set default WebRTC tracing and INFO libjingle logging.
    // NOTE: this _must_ happen while |factory| is alive!
    Logging.enableTracing("logcat:", EnumSet.of(Logging.TraceLevel.TRACE_DEFAULT), Logging.Severity.LS_INFO);

    Log.d(TAG, "Peer connection created.");
    return connectionWrapper;
Example 2
Source File:    From Yahala-Messenger with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
private void createPeerConnectionInternal(EGLContext renderEGLContext) {
    if (factory == null || isError) {
        Log.e(TAG, "Peerconnection factory is not created");
    Log.d(TAG, "Create peer connection.");

    Log.d(TAG, "PCConstraints: " + pcConstraints.toString());
    if (videoConstraints != null) {
        Log.d(TAG, "VideoConstraints: " + videoConstraints.toString());
    queuedRemoteCandidates = new LinkedList<IceCandidate>();

    if (videoCallEnabled) {
        Log.d(TAG, "EGLContext: " + renderEGLContext);
        factory.setVideoHwAccelerationOptions(renderEGLContext, renderEGLContext);

    PeerConnection.RTCConfiguration rtcConfig =
            new PeerConnection.RTCConfiguration(signalingParameters.iceServers);
    // TCP candidates are only useful when connecting to a server that supports
    // ICE-TCP.
    rtcConfig.tcpCandidatePolicy = PeerConnection.TcpCandidatePolicy.DISABLED;
    rtcConfig.bundlePolicy = PeerConnection.BundlePolicy.MAXBUNDLE;
    rtcConfig.rtcpMuxPolicy = PeerConnection.RtcpMuxPolicy.REQUIRE;
    // Use ECDSA encryption.
    rtcConfig.keyType = PeerConnection.KeyType.ECDSA;

    peerConnection = factory.createPeerConnection(
            rtcConfig, pcConstraints, pcObserver);
    isInitiator = false;

    // Set default WebRTC tracing and INFO libjingle logging.
    // NOTE: this _must_ happen while |factory| is alive!


    mediaStream = factory.createLocalMediaStream("ARDAMS");
    if (videoCallEnabled) {
        String cameraDeviceName = CameraEnumerationAndroid.getDeviceName(0);
        String frontCameraDeviceName =
        if (numberOfCameras > 1 && frontCameraDeviceName != null) {
            cameraDeviceName = frontCameraDeviceName;
        Log.d(TAG, "Opening camera: " + cameraDeviceName);
        videoCapturer = VideoCapturerAndroid.create(cameraDeviceName, null,
                peerConnectionParameters.captureToTexture ? renderEGLContext : null);
        if (videoCapturer == null) {
            reportError("Failed to open camera");


    Log.d(TAG, "Peer connection created.");
Example 3
Source File:    From webrtcpeer-android with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
void createLocalMediaStream(Object renderEGLContext,final VideoRenderer.Callbacks localRender) {
    if (factory == null) {
        Log.e(TAG, "Peerconnection factory is not created");
    this.localRender = localRender;
    if (videoCallEnabled) {
        factory.setVideoHwAccelerationOptions(renderEGLContext, renderEGLContext);

    // Set default WebRTC tracing and INFO libjingle logging.
    // NOTE: this _must_ happen while |factory| is alive!
    Logging.enableTracing("logcat:", EnumSet.of(Logging.TraceLevel.TRACE_DEFAULT), Logging.Severity.LS_INFO);

    localMediaStream = factory.createLocalMediaStream("ARDAMS");

    // If video call is enabled and the device has camera(s)
    if (videoCallEnabled && numberOfCameras > 0) {
        String cameraDeviceName; // = CameraEnumerationAndroid.getDeviceName(0);
        String frontCameraDeviceName = CameraEnumerationAndroid.getNameOfFrontFacingDevice();
        String backCameraDeviceName = CameraEnumerationAndroid.getNameOfBackFacingDevice();

        // If current camera is set to front and the device has one
        if (currentCameraPosition==NBMCameraPosition.FRONT && frontCameraDeviceName!=null) {
            cameraDeviceName = frontCameraDeviceName;
        // If current camera is set to back and the device has one
        else if (currentCameraPosition==NBMCameraPosition.BACK && backCameraDeviceName!=null) {
            cameraDeviceName = backCameraDeviceName;
        // If current camera is set to any then we pick the first camera of the device, which
        // should be a back-facing camera according to libjingle API
        else {
            cameraDeviceName = CameraEnumerationAndroid.getDeviceName(0);
            currentCameraPosition = NBMCameraPosition.BACK;

        Log.d(TAG, "Opening camera: " + cameraDeviceName);
        videoCapturer = VideoCapturerAndroid.create(cameraDeviceName, null);
        if (videoCapturer == null) {
            Log.d(TAG, "Error while opening camera");

    // Create audio track
    localMediaStream.addTrack(factory.createAudioTrack(AUDIO_TRACK_ID, factory.createAudioSource(audioConstraints)));

    Log.d(TAG, "Local media stream created.");