Java Code Examples for

The following examples show how to use . You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example 1
Source File:    From flink-connectors with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
public T map(T value) throws Exception {
    if (this.sideStreamReader == null) {
        this.sideStreamReader = getIntegerReader();
    EventRead<Integer> rule = sideStreamReader.readNextEvent(50);
    if (rule.getEvent() != null) {"Mapper: received side stream event: {}", rule.getEvent());
         * Event == 1, continue process original events
         * Event == 2, trigger an exception (simulate failure) and reset the writer thread and start processing all the records
        if (rule.getEvent() == 2) {
            throw new IntentionalException("artificial test failure");
    return value;
Example 2
Source File:    From pravega with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
private void readNextItem(Consumer<ReadItem> eventHandler) {
    int readAttempts = MAX_READ_ATTEMPTS;
    long timeoutMillis = ClientReader.this.testConfig.getTimeout().toMillis();
    while (readAttempts-- > 0) {
        EventRead<byte[]> readResult = -> getReader().readNextEvent(timeoutMillis));
        if (readResult.getEvent() == null && readAttempts > 0) {
            // EventStreamReader.readNextEvent() will return null if we get no new events within the given timeout.
            // Retry the read up to the maximum allowed number of times before giving up.
            Thread.sleep(timeoutMillis / MAX_READ_ATTEMPTS);
        } else if (readResult.getEvent() == null) {
            // We are done.
        } else {
            StreamReadItem readItem = toReadItem(readResult.getEvent(), readResult.getEventPointer());

Example 3
Source File:    From pravega with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
private <T extends Serializable> int createReaderAndReadEvents(ReaderGroupManager rgMgr, EventStreamClientFactory clientFactory,
                                                               String rGroupId, int readerIndex) {
    // create a reader.
    EventStreamReader<T> reader = clientFactory.createReader(rGroupId + "-" + readerIndex, rGroupId, new JavaSerializer<>(),
    EventRead<T> event = null;
    int validEvents = 0;
    AtomicBoolean sealedSegmentUpdated = new AtomicBoolean(false);
    try {
        do {
            try {
                event = reader.readNextEvent(READ_TIMEOUT);
                log.debug("Read event result in readEvents: {}.", event.getEvent());
                if (event.getEvent() == null && !event.isCheckpoint() && !sealedSegmentUpdated.get()) {
                    // initiate a checkpoint to ensure all sealed segments are acquired by the reader.
                    ReaderGroup readerGroup = rgMgr.getReaderGroup(rGroupId);
                    readerGroup.initiateCheckpoint("chkPoint", chkPointExecutor)
                               .whenComplete((checkpoint, t) -> {
                                   if (t != null) {
                                       log.error("Checkpoint operation failed", t);
                                   } else {
                             "Checkpoint {} completed", checkpoint);
                if (event.getEvent() != null) {
            } catch (ReinitializationRequiredException e) {
                log.error("Reinitialization Exception while reading event using readerId: {}", reader, e);
                fail("Reinitialization Exception is not expected");
        } while (event.getEvent() != null || event.isCheckpoint() || !sealedSegmentUpdated.get());
    } finally {
    return validEvents;
Example 4
Source File:    From pravega with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
private <T> int readEvents(EventStreamReader<T> reader, int limit, boolean reinitializationExpected) {
    EventRead<T> event = null;
    int validEvents = 0;
    boolean reinitializationRequired = false;
    try {
        do {
            try {
                event = reader.readNextEvent(READ_TIMEOUT);
                log.debug("Read event result in readEvents: {}.", event.getEvent());
                if (event.getEvent() != null) {
                reinitializationRequired = false;
            } catch (ReinitializationRequiredException e) {
                log.error("Exception while reading event using readerId: {}", reader, e);
                if (reinitializationExpected) {
                    reinitializationRequired = true;
                } else {
                    fail("Reinitialization Exception is not expected");
        } while (reinitializationRequired || ((event.getEvent() != null || event.isCheckpoint()) && validEvents < limit));
    } finally {

    return validEvents;
Example 5
Source File:    From pravega with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Reads events and puts them in a queue for later checking (potentially by another thread).
private void readAndQueueEvents(EventStreamReader<String> reader, int eventsToWrite, Queue<Entry<Integer, PositionImpl>> readEventsPositions) {
    int eventCount = 1;
    for (int i = 0; i < eventsToWrite; i++) {
        final EventRead<String> event = reader.readNextEvent(1000);
        if (event.getEvent() != null && !event.isCheckpoint()) {
            // The reader should own only 1 segment.
            readEventsPositions.add(new AbstractMap.SimpleEntry<>(eventCount, (PositionImpl) event.getPosition()));
Example 6
Source File:    From pravega with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
@Test(timeout = 10000)
public void testEndOfSegmentWithoutSuccessors() throws SegmentSealedException, ReaderNotInReaderGroupException {
    AtomicLong clock = new AtomicLong();
    MockSegmentStreamFactory segmentStreamFactory = new MockSegmentStreamFactory();
    Orderer orderer = new Orderer();
    ReaderGroupStateManager groupState = Mockito.mock(ReaderGroupStateManager.class);
    EventStreamReaderImpl<byte[]> reader = new EventStreamReaderImpl<>(segmentStreamFactory, segmentStreamFactory,
                                                                       new ByteArraySerializer(), groupState,
                                                                       orderer, clock::get,
    Segment segment = Segment.fromScopedName("Foo/Bar/0");
    Mockito.when(groupState.acquireNewSegmentsIfNeeded(eq(0L), any()))
           .thenReturn(ImmutableMap.of(new SegmentWithRange(segment, 0, 1), 0L))
    SegmentOutputStream stream = segmentStreamFactory.createOutputStreamForSegment(segment, segmentSealedCallback, writerConfig,
    ByteBuffer buffer = writeInt(stream, 1);
    EventRead<byte[]> read = reader.readNextEvent(0);
    byte[] event = read.getEvent();
    assertEquals(buffer, ByteBuffer.wrap(event));
    read = reader.readNextEvent(0);
    read = reader.readNextEvent(0);
    assertEquals(0, reader.getReaders().size());
    assertEquals(1, reader.getRanges().size());
    read = reader.readNextEvent(0);
    read = reader.readNextEvent(0);
    assertEquals(0, reader.getRanges().size());
Example 7
Source File:    From pravega-samples with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * This method continuously performs two tasks: first, it reads events that are being written by console writer
 * or by any other process in that stream. Second, it creates a new StreamCut after every read event. The new
 * {@link StreamCut} represents the current tail of the {@link Stream} and it may be used to read events to or from
 * that position in the {@link Stream}.
public void run() {
    final ReaderGroupConfig readerGroupConfig = ReaderGroupConfig.builder().disableAutomaticCheckpoints()
                                                                 .stream(Stream.of(scope, streamName)).build();

    try (ReaderGroupManager readerGroupManager = ReaderGroupManager.withScope(scope, controllerURI);
         EventStreamClientFactory clientFactory = EventStreamClientFactory.withScope(scope,
                 ClientConfig.builder().controllerURI(controllerURI).build())) {

        // Create the ReaderGroup to which readers will belong to.
        readerGroupManager.createReaderGroup(readerGroupName, readerGroupConfig);
        ReaderGroup readerGroup = readerGroupManager.getReaderGroup(readerGroupName);

        EventStreamReader<String> reader = clientFactory.createReader("backgroundReader", readerGroupName,
                new JavaSerializer<>(), ReaderConfig.builder().build());
        EventRead<String> event;

        // Start main loop to continuously read and display events written to the scope/stream."Start reading events from {}/{}.", scope, streamName);
        do {
            event = reader.readNextEvent(READER_TIMEOUT_MS);
            if (event.getEvent() != null) {
                // TODO: Problem finding logback.xml in Pravega example applications (Issue #87).
                System.out.println("[BackgroundReader] Read event: " + event.getEvent());
      "[BackgroundReader] Read event: {}.", event.getEvent());

            // Update the StreamCut after every event read, just in case the user wants to use it.
            if (!event.isCheckpoint()) {
                readerGroup.initiateCheckpoint("myCheckpoint" + System.nanoTime(), executor)
                           .thenAccept(checkpoint -> lastStreamCut.set(checkpoint.asImpl().getPositions()));
        } while (!end.get());
    } catch (ReinitializationRequiredException e) {
        // We do not expect this Exception from the reader in this situation, so we leave.
        log.error("Non-expected reader re-initialization.");
Example 8
Source File:    From pravega-samples with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public void run() {
    final String readerGroup = UUID.randomUUID().toString().replace("-", "");
    final ReaderGroupConfig readerGroupConfig = ReaderGroupConfig.builder()
            .stream(Stream.of(scope, streamName))

    try (ReaderGroupManager readerGroupManager = ReaderGroupManager.withScope(scope, controllerURI)) {
        readerGroupManager.createReaderGroup(readerGroup, readerGroupConfig);

    try (EventStreamClientFactory clientFactory = EventStreamClientFactory.withScope(scope, ClientConfig.builder().controllerURI(controllerURI).build());
         EventStreamReader<T> reader = clientFactory.createReader("reader",
                 readerGroup, serializer, ReaderConfig.builder().build())) {

        while (isRunning()) {
            try {
                EventRead<T> event = reader.readNextEvent(READER_TIMEOUT_MS);
                T eventData = event.getEvent();
                if (eventData != null) {
            catch (ReinitializationRequiredException e) {
Example 9
Source File:    From pravega-samples with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * This method is an example of bounded processing in Pravega with {@link StreamCut}s. {@link ReaderGroupConfig}
 * contains the information related to the {@link Stream}s to be read as well as the (optional) user-defined
 * boundaries in the form of {@link StreamCut}s that will limit the events to be read by reader processes. Note that
 * event readers (i.e., {@link EventStreamReader}) are agnostic to any notion of boundaries and they do not interact
 * with {@link StreamCut}s; they only consume events, which will be bounded within specific {@link Stream} slices as
 * configured in {@link ReaderGroupConfig}. The method basically creates a string representation of the events read
 * from {@link Stream}s within the bounds defined in the configuration parameter.
 * @param config Configuration for the {@link ReaderGroup}, possibly containing {@link StreamCut} boundaries for
 *               limiting the number of events to read.
 * @return String representation of the events read by the reader.
public String printBoundedStreams(ReaderGroupConfig config) {
    StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();
    final String randomId = String.valueOf(new Random(System.nanoTime()).nextInt());
    try (ReaderGroupManager manager = ReaderGroupManager.withScope(scope, controllerURI);
         EventStreamClientFactory clientFactory = EventStreamClientFactory.withScope(scope,
                 ClientConfig.builder().controllerURI(controllerURI).build())) {
        final String readerGroupName = "RG" + randomId;
        manager.createReaderGroup(readerGroupName, config);
        EventStreamReader<String> reader = clientFactory.createReader(randomId, readerGroupName,
                new JavaSerializer<>(), ReaderConfig.builder().build());

        // Write dummy events that identify each Stream.
        EventRead<String> event;
        do {
            event = reader.readNextEvent(1000);
            if (event.getEvent() != null) {
                result = result.append(event.getEvent()).append('|');

        } while (event.isCheckpoint() || event.getEvent() != null);

        result = result.append('\n');
    } catch (ReinitializationRequiredException e) {
        // We do not expect this Exception from the reader in this situation, so we leave.
        log.error("Non-expected reader re-initialization.");
    return result.toString();
Example 10
Source File:    From pravega with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
private <T extends Serializable> List<EventRead<T>> readEvents(final String scope, final String readerId) {
    List<EventRead<T>> events = new ArrayList<>();

    final ClientConfig clientConfig = Utils.buildClientConfig(controllerURI);

    try (EventStreamClientFactory clientFactory = EventStreamClientFactory.withScope(scope, clientConfig);
         EventStreamReader<T> reader = clientFactory.createReader(readerId,
                 new JavaSerializer<T>(),
                 readerConfig)) {"Reading events from {}/{} with readerId: {}", scope, STREAM, readerId);
        EventRead<T> event = null;
        do {
            try {
                event = reader.readNextEvent(READ_TIMEOUT);
                if (event.getEvent() != null) {
          "Read event {}", event.getEvent());
                if (event.isCheckpoint()) {
          "Read a check point event, checkpointName: {}", event.getCheckpointName());
            } catch (ReinitializationRequiredException e) {
                log.error("Exception while reading event using readerId: {}", readerId, e);
                fail("Reinitialization Exception is not expected");
        } while (event.isCheckpoint() || event.getEvent() != null);
        //stop reading if event read(non-checkpoint) is null."No more events from {}/{} for readerId: {}", scope, STREAM, readerId);
    } //reader.close() will automatically invoke ReaderGroup#readerOffline(String, Position)
    return events;
Example 11
Source File:    From flink-connectors with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public IntegerWithEventPointer extractEvent(EventRead<IntegerWithEventPointer> eventRead) {
    if (!includeMetadata) {
        return super.extractEvent(eventRead);

    IntegerWithEventPointer event = eventRead.getEvent();
    return event;
Example 12
Source File:    From pravega-samples with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
 * A {@link StreamCut} is a collection of offsets, one for each open segment of a set of {@link Stream}s, which
 * indicates an event boundary. With a {@link StreamCut}, users can instruct readers to read from and/or up to a
 * particular event boundary (e.g., read events from 100 to 200, events created since Tuesday) on multiple
 * {@link Stream}s. To this end, Pravega allows us to create {@link StreamCut}s while readers are reading. In this
 * method, we read create two {@link StreamCut}s for a {@link Stream} according to the initial and final event
 * indexes passed by parameter.
 * @param streamName Name of the {@link Stream} from which {@link StreamCut}s will be created.
 * @param iniEventIndex Index of the initial boundary for the {@link Stream} slice to process.
 * @param endEventIndex Index of the final boundary for the {@link Stream} slice to process.
 * @return Initial and final {@link Stream} boundaries represented as {@link StreamCut}s.
public List<StreamCut> createStreamCutsByIndexFor(String streamName, int iniEventIndex, int endEventIndex) {
    // Create the StreamCuts for the streams.
    final List<StreamCut> streamCuts = new ArrayList<>();
    final String randomId = String.valueOf(new Random(System.nanoTime()).nextInt());

    // Free resources after execution.
    try (ReaderGroupManager manager = ReaderGroupManager.withScope(scope, controllerURI);
         EventStreamClientFactory clientFactory = EventStreamClientFactory.withScope(scope,
                 ClientConfig.builder().controllerURI(controllerURI).build())) {

        // Create a reader group and a reader to read from the stream.
        final String readerGroupName = streamName + randomId;
        ReaderGroupConfig config = ReaderGroupConfig.builder().stream(Stream.of(scope, streamName)).build();
        manager.createReaderGroup(readerGroupName, config);
        ReaderGroup readerGroup = manager.getReaderGroup(readerGroupName);
        EventStreamReader<String> reader = clientFactory.createReader(randomId, readerGroup.getGroupName(),
                new JavaSerializer<>(), ReaderConfig.builder().build());

        // Read streams and create the StreamCuts during the read process.
        int eventIndex = 0;
        EventRead<String> event;
        do {
            // Here is where we create a StreamCut that points to the event indicated by the user.
            if (eventIndex == iniEventIndex || eventIndex == endEventIndex) {
                streamCuts.add(readerGroup.getStreamCuts().get(Stream.of(scope, streamName)));
                reader = clientFactory.createReader(randomId, readerGroup.getGroupName(),
                        new JavaSerializer<>(), ReaderConfig.builder().build());

            event = reader.readNextEvent(1000);
        } while (event.isCheckpoint() || event.getEvent() != null);

        // If there is only the initial StreamCut, this means that the final one is the tail of the stream.
        if (streamCuts.size() == 1) {
    } catch (ReinitializationRequiredException e) {
        // We do not expect this Exception from the reader in this situation, so we leave.
        log.error("Non-expected reader re-initialization.");
    return streamCuts;
Example 13
Source File:    From pravega with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
private int readInt(EventRead<byte[]> eventRead) {
    byte[] event = eventRead.getEvent();
    return ByteBuffer.wrap(event).getInt();
Example 14
Source File:    From pravega with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
@Test(timeout = 60000)
public void testStreamcutsUpdateInReaderGroup() throws Exception {
    final String scope = "testStreamcutsUpdateInReaderGroup";
    final String stream = "myStream";
    final String readerGroupName = "testStreamcutsUpdateInReaderGroupRG";
    final int checkpointingIntervalMs = 2000;
    final int readerSleepInterval = 250;
    final int numEvents = 100;

    // First, create the stream.
    StreamManager streamManager = StreamManager.create(controllerURI);
    StreamConfiguration streamConfiguration = StreamConfiguration.builder()
    streamManager.createStream(scope, stream, streamConfiguration);

    // Write some events in the stream.
    EventStreamClientFactory clientFactory = EventStreamClientFactory.withScope(scope, ClientConfig.builder().controllerURI(controllerURI).build());
    writeEvents(clientFactory, stream, numEvents);

    // Read the events and test that positions are getting updated.
    ReaderGroupConfig readerGroupConfig = ReaderGroupConfig.builder()
                                                           .stream(Stream.of(scope, stream))

    ReaderGroupManager readerGroupManager = ReaderGroupManager.withScope(scope, controllerURI);
    readerGroupManager.createReaderGroup(readerGroupName, readerGroupConfig);
    ReaderGroup readerGroup = readerGroupManager.getReaderGroup(readerGroupName);
    EventStreamReader<Double> reader = clientFactory.createReader("myReader", readerGroupName,
            new JavaSerializer<>(), ReaderConfig.builder().build());

    Map<Stream, StreamCut> currentStreamcuts = readerGroup.getStreamCuts();
    EventRead eventRead;
    int lastIteration = 0, iteration = 0;
    int assertionFrequency = checkpointingIntervalMs / readerSleepInterval;
    do {
        eventRead = reader.readNextEvent(5000);

        // Check that the streamcuts are being updated periodically via automatic reader group checkpoints.
        if (iteration != lastIteration && iteration % assertionFrequency == 0) {
  "Comparing streamcuts: {} / {} in iteration {}.", currentStreamcuts, readerGroup.getStreamCuts(), iteration);
            Assert.assertNotEquals(currentStreamcuts, readerGroup.getStreamCuts());
            currentStreamcuts = readerGroup.getStreamCuts();
            lastIteration = iteration;

        if (!eventRead.isCheckpoint()) {
    } while ((eventRead.isCheckpoint() || eventRead.getEvent() != null) && iteration < numEvents);
Example 15
Source File:    From pravega-samples with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
    // Initialize the parameter utility tool in order to retrieve input parameters.
    ParameterTool params = ParameterTool.fromArgs(args);

    // The writer will contact with the Pravega controller to get information about streams.
    URI pravegaControllerURI = URI.create(params.get(Constants.CONTROLLER_ADDRESS_PARAM, Constants.CONTROLLER_ADDRESS));
    PravegaConfig pravegaConfig = PravegaConfig

    // Create the scope if it is not present.
    StreamManager streamManager = StreamManager.create(pravegaControllerURI);

    // We will read from the stream slices published by StreamBookmarker.
    ReaderGroupConfig readerGroupConfig = ReaderGroupConfig.builder()
                                                           .stream(Stream.of(Constants.DEFAULT_SCOPE, Constants.STREAMCUTS_STREAM))

    // Instantiate the reader group manager to create the reader group and the client factory to create readers.
    try (ReaderGroupManager readerGroupManager = ReaderGroupManager.withScope(Constants.DEFAULT_SCOPE, pravegaControllerURI);
         EventStreamClientFactory clientFactory = EventStreamClientFactory.withScope(Constants.DEFAULT_SCOPE,
                 ClientConfig.builder().controllerURI(pravegaControllerURI).build())) {

        // Create the reader group to read the stream slices.
        readerGroupManager.createReaderGroup(READER_GROUP_NAME, readerGroupConfig);
        EventStreamReader<SensorStreamSlice> sliceReader = clientFactory.createReader("sliceReader", READER_GROUP_NAME,
                new JavaSerializer<>(), ReaderConfig.builder().build());

        // The application locally executes bounded batch jobs for every slice received from StreamBookmarker. Note
        // that this is only for simplifying the demo and have the three processes working in a loop; but, in a real
        // setting, we could pass a representation of the SensorStreamSlice object as input argument for a batch job.
        EventRead<SensorStreamSlice> sliceToAnalyze;
        do {
            sliceToAnalyze = sliceReader.readNextEvent(READER_TIMEOUT_MS);

            // If we got a new stream slice to process, run a new batch job on it.
            if (sliceToAnalyze.getEvent() != null) {
                LOG.warn("Running batch job for slice: {}.", sliceToAnalyze.getEvent());
                triggerBatchJobOnSlice(pravegaConfig, sliceToAnalyze.getEvent());
        } while (sliceToAnalyze.isCheckpoint() || sliceToAnalyze.getEvent() != null);

Example 16
Source File:    From pravega with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
 * This test verifies that a event stream reader continues to read events as a result of automatic delegation token
 * renewal, after the initial delegation token it uses expires.
 * We use an extraordinarily high test timeout and read timeouts to account for any inordinate delays that may be
 * encountered in testing environments.
@Test(timeout = 50000)
public void testDelegationTokenGetsRenewedAfterExpiry() throws InterruptedException {
    // Delegation token renewal threshold is 5 seconds, so we are using 6 seconds as Token TTL so that token doesn't
    // get renewed before each use.
    ClusterWrapper pravegaCluster = new ClusterWrapper(true, 6);
    try {

        final String scope = "testscope";
        final String streamName = "teststream";
        final int numSegments = 1;

        final ClientConfig clientConfig = ClientConfig.builder()
                .credentials(new DefaultCredentials("1111_aaaa", "admin"))
        log.debug("Done creating client config.");

        createScopeStream(scope, streamName, numSegments, clientConfig);

        final EventStreamClientFactory clientFactory = EventStreamClientFactory.withScope(scope, clientConfig);

        // Perform writes on a separate thread.
        Runnable runnable = () -> {
            EventStreamWriter<String> writer = clientFactory.createEventWriter(streamName,
                    new JavaSerializer<String>(),

            for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
                String msg = "message: " + i;
                log.debug("Done writing message '{}' to stream '{} / {}'", msg, scope, streamName);
        Thread writerThread = new Thread(runnable);

        // Now, read the events from the stream.

        String readerGroup = UUID.randomUUID().toString().replace("-", "");
        ReaderGroupConfig readerGroupConfig = ReaderGroupConfig.builder()
                .stream(Stream.of(scope, streamName))

        ReaderGroupManager readerGroupManager = ReaderGroupManager.withScope(scope, clientConfig);
        readerGroupManager.createReaderGroup(readerGroup, readerGroupConfig);

        EventStreamReader<String> reader = clientFactory.createReader(
                "readerId", readerGroup,
                new JavaSerializer<String>(), ReaderConfig.builder().build());

        int j = 0;
        EventRead<String> event = null;
        do {
            event = reader.readNextEvent(2000);
            if (event.getEvent() != null) {
      "Done reading event: {}", event.getEvent());

            // We are keeping sleep time relatively large, just to make sure that the delegation token expires
            // midway.
        } while (event.getEvent() != null);

        // Assert that we end up reading 10 events even though delegation token must have expired midway.
        // To look for evidence of delegation token renewal check the logs for the following message:
        // - "Token is nearing expiry, so refreshing it"
        assertSame(10, j);
    } finally {
Example 17
Source File:    From pravega with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
@Test(timeout = 100000)
public void testOrder() throws Exception {
    final AtomicBoolean done = new AtomicBoolean(false);

    CompletableFuture<Void> writer1 = startWriter("1", clientFactory, done);
    CompletableFuture<Void> writer2 = startWriter("2", clientFactory, done);
    CompletableFuture<Void> writer3 = startWriter("3", clientFactory, done);
    CompletableFuture<Void> writer4 = startWriter("4", clientFactory, done);

    // perform multiple scale stream operations so that rolling transactions may happen
    Stream s = new StreamImpl("test", "test");
    Map<Double, Double> map = new HashMap<>();
    map.put(0.0, 1.0);
    ScheduledExecutorService executor = Executors.newSingleThreadScheduledExecutor();

    controller.scaleStream(s, Collections.singletonList(0L), map, executor).getFuture().get();

    controller.scaleStream(s, Collections.singletonList(NameUtils.computeSegmentId(1, 1)), map, executor).getFuture().get();

    controller.scaleStream(s, Collections.singletonList(NameUtils.computeSegmentId(2, 2)), map, executor).getFuture().get();

    // stop writers

    CompletableFuture.allOf(writer1, writer2, writer3, writer4).join();

    // wait for all transactions to commit
                               .map(x -> waitTillCommitted(controller, s, x.getValue(), uncommitted)).collect(Collectors.toList())).join();

    // read all events using a single reader and verify the order

    List<Triple<Integer, UUID, String>> eventOrder = new LinkedList<>();
    // create a reader
    while (!eventToTxnMap.isEmpty()) {
        EventRead<Integer> integerEventRead = reader.readNextEvent(SECONDS.toMillis(60));
        if (integerEventRead.getEvent() != null) {
            int event1 = integerEventRead.getEvent();
            UUID txnId = eventToTxnMap.remove(event1);
            String writerId = txnToWriter.get(txnId);
            UUID first = writersList.get(writerId).remove(0);
            eventOrder.add(new ImmutableTriple<>(event1, txnId, writerId));
            assertEquals(first, txnId);
Example 18
Source File:    From pravega with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
@Test(timeout = 30000)
public void testCheckpointsOccur() throws ReinitializationRequiredException, DurableDataLogException {
    String endpoint = "localhost";
    String streamName = "abc";
    String readerName = "reader";
    String readerGroup = "group";
    int port = TestUtils.getAvailableListenPort();
    String testString = "Hello world: ";
    String scope = "Scope1";
    ServiceBuilder serviceBuilder = ServiceBuilder.newInMemoryBuilder(ServiceBuilderConfig.getDefaultConfig());
    StreamSegmentStore store = serviceBuilder.createStreamSegmentService();
    PravegaConnectionListener server = new PravegaConnectionListener(false, port, store, mock(TableStore.class),
    MockStreamManager streamManager = new MockStreamManager(scope, endpoint, port);
    MockClientFactory clientFactory = streamManager.getClientFactory();
    ReaderGroupConfig groupConfig = ReaderGroupConfig.builder()
                                                     .stream(Stream.of(scope, streamName))
    streamManager.createStream(scope, streamName, null);
    streamManager.createReaderGroup(readerGroup, groupConfig);
    JavaSerializer<String> serializer = new JavaSerializer<>();
    populateEvents(streamName, testString, clientFactory, serializer);

    AtomicLong fakeClock = new AtomicLong(0);
    EventStreamReader<String> reader = clientFactory.createReader(readerName, readerGroup, serializer,
                                                                  () -> fakeClock.get(),
                                                                  () -> fakeClock.get() / NANOS_PER_SECOND);
    int numRead = 0;
    int checkpointCount = 0;
    while (numRead < 100) {
        EventRead<String> event = reader.readNextEvent(1000);
        if (event.isCheckpoint()) {
        } else {
            String message = event.getEvent();
            assertEquals(testString + numRead, message);
    assertTrue("Count was " + checkpointCount, checkpointCount > 5);
    assertTrue("Count was " + checkpointCount, checkpointCount < 20);
Example 19
Source File:    From pravega with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
@Test(timeout = 30000)
public void testOnlyOneOutstanding() throws ReinitializationRequiredException, DurableDataLogException {
    String endpoint = "localhost";
    String streamName = "abc";
    String readerGroup = "group";
    int port = TestUtils.getAvailableListenPort();
    String testString = "Hello world: ";
    String scope = "Scope1";
    ServiceBuilder serviceBuilder = ServiceBuilder.newInMemoryBuilder(ServiceBuilderConfig.getDefaultConfig());
    StreamSegmentStore store = serviceBuilder.createStreamSegmentService();
    PravegaConnectionListener server = new PravegaConnectionListener(false, port, store, mock(TableStore.class),
    MockStreamManager streamManager = new MockStreamManager(scope, endpoint, port);
    MockClientFactory clientFactory = streamManager.getClientFactory();
    ReaderGroupConfig groupConfig = ReaderGroupConfig.builder()
                                                     .stream(Stream.of(scope, streamName))
    streamManager.createStream(scope, streamName, null);
    streamManager.createReaderGroup(readerGroup, groupConfig);
    JavaSerializer<String> serializer = new JavaSerializer<>();
    populateEvents(streamName, testString, clientFactory, serializer);
    AtomicLong fakeClock = new AtomicLong(0);
    EventStreamReader<String> reader1 = clientFactory.createReader("reader1", readerGroup, serializer,
                                                                   () -> fakeClock.get(),
                                                                   () -> fakeClock.get() / NANOS_PER_SECOND);
    EventStreamReader<String> reader2 = clientFactory.createReader("reader2", readerGroup, serializer,
                                                                   () -> fakeClock.get(),
                                                                   () -> fakeClock.get() / NANOS_PER_SECOND);
    int numRead = 0;
    int checkpointCount = 0;
    while (numRead < 100) {
        EventRead<String> event = reader1.readNextEvent(1000);
        if (event.isCheckpoint()) {
        } else {
            String message = event.getEvent();
            assertEquals(testString + numRead, message);
    assertEquals("As there is a second reader that does not pass the checkpoint, only one should occur", 1,
Example 20
Source File:    From flink-connectors with Apache License 2.0 2 votes vote down vote up
 * An method for applying the metadata in deserialization.
 * Override it in the custom extended {@link PravegaDeserializationSchema} if the Pravega metadata is needed.
 * @param eventRead The EventRead structure the client returns which contains metadata
 * @return the deserialized event with metadata
public T extractEvent(EventRead<T> eventRead) {
    return eventRead.getEvent();