Java Code Examples for java.util.Stack#pop()

The following examples show how to use java.util.Stack#pop() . You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example 1
Source File:    From algorithms with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
private void dfs(UnorderedGraph graph, int source, int index) {
    Stack<Integer> elements = new Stack<Integer>();
    while (!elements.isEmpty()) {
        int element = elements.pop();
        connectivityGroups[element] = index;
        marked[element] = true;
        Iterator<Integer> iterator = graph.adj(element).iterator();
        // added
        boolean isNotElement = element >= graph.verticesCount() / 2;
        int elementIndex = isNotElement ? graph.verticesCount() - 1 - element : element;
        solution[elementIndex] = !isNotElement;
        // end added
        while (iterator.hasNext()) {
            int w =;
            if (!marked[w]) {
                // added
                if (connectivityGroups[graph.verticesCount() - 1 - w] == index) {
                    isSolutionExists = false;
Example 2
Source File:    From tesb-studio-se with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
private String searchNearestOpenedTag(int lastOffset) {
	Stack<String> closeTagStack = new Stack<String>();
	boolean hasSingleEndTag = false;
	for (int i = lastOffset; i >= 0; i--) {
		String currentChar = getText(i, i);
		if (isCommentBlock(i)) {
		if (">".equals(currentChar)) {
			if (hasSingleEndTag) {
				return null;
			if (i > 0 && "/".equals(getText(i - 1, i - 1))) {
				hasSingleEndTag = true;
		if ("<".equals(currentChar)) {
			if (hasSingleEndTag) {
				hasSingleEndTag = false;
			String nextChar = getText(i + 1, i + 1);
			if ("/".equals(nextChar)) {
				String searchTagName = searchTagName(i + 2, lastOffset);
			String currentTagName = searchTagName(i + 1, lastOffset);
			if (closeTagStack.isEmpty()) {
				return currentTagName.isEmpty()?null:currentTagName+">";
			} else {
				String pop = closeTagStack.pop();
				if (!currentTagName.equals(pop)) {
					return null;

	return null;
Example 3
Source File:    From tajo with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
public EvalNode visitBetween(Context ctx, Stack<Expr> stack, BetweenPredicate between) throws TajoException {
  EvalNode predicand = visit(ctx, stack, between.predicand());
  EvalNode begin = visit(ctx, stack, between.begin());
  EvalNode end = visit(ctx, stack, between.end());

  // implicit type conversion
  DataType widestType = CatalogUtil.getWidestType(

  BetweenPredicateEval betweenEval = new BetweenPredicateEval(
      predicand, begin, end);

  betweenEval = (BetweenPredicateEval) convertType(ctx, betweenEval, TypeConverter.convert(widestType));
  return betweenEval;
Example 4
Source File:    From atlas with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
 * Visits blocks in dom-tree order, starting at the current node.
 * The {@code parent} parameter of the Visitor.visitBlock callback
 * is currently always set to null.
 * @param v {@code non-null;} callback interface
public void forEachBlockDepthFirstDom(SsaBasicBlock.Visitor v) {
    BitSet visited = new BitSet(getBlocks().size());
    Stack<SsaBasicBlock> stack = new Stack<SsaBasicBlock>();


    while (stack.size() > 0) {
        SsaBasicBlock cur = stack.pop();
        ArrayList<SsaBasicBlock> curDomChildren = cur.getDomChildren();

        if (!visited.get(cur.getIndex())) {
            // We walk the tree this way for historical reasons...
            for (int i = curDomChildren.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
                SsaBasicBlock child = curDomChildren.get(i);
            v.visitBlock(cur, null);
Example 5
Source File:    From swellrt with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
private FocusedRange restoreSelectionAfterUndoRedo(DocOp transformedNonUndoable,
    Stack<FocusedRange> selectionStack) {
  if (selectionStack.isEmpty()) {
        "SelectionStack empty! This probably shouldn't be reached, but we can live with it.");
    return null;
  FocusedRange selection = selectionStack.pop();
  if (selection == UNKNOWN_SELECTION) {
    logger.log(Level.TRACE, "unknown selection");
    return null;
  } else {
    if (transformedNonUndoable != null) {
      selection =
          RangeHelper.applyModifier(transformedNonUndoable, selection);
    return selection;
Example 6
Source File:    From tajo with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
public EvalNode visitFuncCall(LogicalPlanner.PlanContext context, FunctionEval function, Stack<EvalNode> stack) {

  for (int i = 0; i < function.getArgs().length; i++) {
    if (function.getArgs()[i].getType() == EvalType.FIELD) {
      FieldEval fieldEval = (FieldEval) function.getArgs()[i];
      if (context.getQueryBlock().isConstReference(fieldEval.getName())) {
        function.setArg(i, context.getQueryBlock().getConstByReference(fieldEval.getName()));

    visit(context, function.getArgs()[i], stack);


  return function;
Example 7
Source File:    From neoscada with Eclipse Public License 1.0 6 votes vote down vote up
private void walk ( final Stack<DataSourceNode> stack, final DataSourceNode node )
    if ( stack.contains ( node ) )
        this.logStream.println ( "Loop found: " + StringHelper.join ( stack, " -> " ) );
        // loop found

    stack.push ( node );
    for ( final DataSourceNode ref : node.getReferences () )
        walk ( stack, ref );
    stack.pop ();
Example 8
Source File:    From cs-summary-reflection with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
/** 使用栈 */
public boolean isValid(String s) {
    Stack<Character> stack = new Stack<>();
    for (char c : s.toCharArray()) {
        if (c == '(' || c == '{' || c == '[') {
        } else {
            if (stack.isEmpty()) {
                return false;
            char cStack = stack.pop(); // 先进后出,如果找到一个‘(’但是栈顶不为‘)’,则不可能匹配
            boolean b1 = c == ')' && cStack != '(';
            boolean b2 = c == ']' && cStack != '[';
            boolean b3 = c == '}' && cStack != '{';
            if (b1 || b2 || b3) {
                return false;
    return stack.isEmpty();
Example 9
Source File:    From PneumaticCraft with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
protected void transformSourceBlock(Block turningBlockSource, Block turningBlockFlowing){
    if(FluidUtils.isSourceBlock(getWorld(), getX(), getY(), getZ())) {
        getWorld().setBlock(getX(), getY(), getZ(), turningBlockSource);
        onLiquidTransition(getX(), getY(), getZ());
    } else {
        Set<ChunkPosition> traversed = new HashSet<ChunkPosition>();
        Stack<ChunkPosition> pending = new Stack<ChunkPosition>();
        pending.push(new ChunkPosition(getX(), getY(), getZ()));
        while(!pending.isEmpty()) {
            ChunkPosition pos = pending.pop();
            for(ForgeDirection d : ForgeDirection.VALID_DIRECTIONS) {
                ChunkPosition newPos = new ChunkPosition(pos.chunkPosX + d.offsetX, pos.chunkPosY + d.offsetY, pos.chunkPosZ + d.offsetZ);
                Block checkingBlock = getWorld().getBlock(newPos.chunkPosX, newPos.chunkPosY, newPos.chunkPosZ);
                if((checkingBlock == getBlock() || getBlock() == Blocks.flowing_water && checkingBlock == Blocks.water || getBlock() == Blocks.flowing_lava && checkingBlock == Blocks.lava) && traversed.add(newPos)) {
                    if(FluidUtils.isSourceBlock(getWorld(), newPos.chunkPosX, newPos.chunkPosY, newPos.chunkPosZ)) {
                        getWorld().setBlock(newPos.chunkPosX, newPos.chunkPosY, newPos.chunkPosZ, turningBlockSource);
                        onLiquidTransition(newPos.chunkPosX, newPos.chunkPosY, newPos.chunkPosZ);
                    } else {
                        getWorld().setBlock(newPos.chunkPosX, newPos.chunkPosY, newPos.chunkPosZ, turningBlockFlowing);
                        onLiquidTransition(newPos.chunkPosX, newPos.chunkPosY, newPos.chunkPosZ);
Example 10
Source File:    From MyVirtualDirectory with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public void postSearchComplete(PostSearchCompleteInterceptorChain chain,
		DistinguishedName base, Int scope, Filter filter,
		ArrayList<Attribute> attributes, Bool typesOnly,
		LDAPSearchConstraints constraints) throws LDAPException {
	Stack<JoinData> joinStack = (Stack<JoinData>) chain.getRequest().get(this.stackKey);
	if (joinStack != null && joinStack.size() > 0 ) {

Example 11
Source File:    From incubator-tajo with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public RESULT visitTableSubQuery(CONTEXT context, LogicalPlan plan, LogicalPlan.QueryBlock block,
                                 TableSubQueryNode node, Stack<LogicalNode> stack) throws PlanningException {
  LogicalPlan.QueryBlock childBlock = plan.getBlock(node.getSubQuery());
  RESULT result = visit(context, plan, childBlock, childBlock.getRoot(), new Stack<LogicalNode>());
  return result;
Example 12
Source File:    From jpexs-decompiler with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
private static void parseProxy(Stack<String> args) {
    int port = 55555;
    String portStr = args.peek();
    if (portStr != null && portStr.startsWith("-P")) {
        try {
            port = Integer.parseInt(portStr.substring(2));
        } catch (NumberFormatException nex) {
            System.err.println("Bad port number");
Example 13
Source File:    From LeetCode-Solution-in-Good-Style with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public int largestRectangleArea(int[] heights) {
    int len = heights.length;
    List<Integer> heightsArr = new ArrayList<>();
    for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
    // 这里 -1 换成 0 也是可以的

    int res = 0;
    Stack<Integer> stack = new Stack<>();
    // 注意这里是等于 i <= len;
    for (int i = 0; i <= len; i++) {
        // 严格小于的时候,才弹栈结算
        while (!stack.isEmpty() && heightsArr.get(stack.peek()) > heightsArr.get(i)) {
            int left = stack.pop();

            // 这一步要小心,如果弹出以后,栈是空的,那说明,刚刚弹出的就是目前看到的所有高度里最小的
            if (!stack.isEmpty()) {
                res = Math.max(res, heightsArr.get(left) * (i - stack.peek() - 1));
            } else {
                res = Math.max(res, heightsArr.get(left) * i);
    return res;
Example 14
Source File:    From LeetCode-Sol-Res with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Stack.
 * Let's say we are now at temperatures[i], t[i]. We need to:
 * 1. Update all t[j], j in [0..i-1], that t[j] < t[i].
 * 2. t[j] has not been updated.
 * How can we know t[j] has not been updated yet?
 * We can remove t[j] from some data structure when it gets updated.
 * How to avoid scanning through all values in the data structure we are to use?
 * The data structure records insertion order. Queue or stack?
 * If queue, first removed value is the largest. If stack, first removed value is the smallest.
 * Since t[i] is looking for smaller values and will stop and larger or equal value, we should use stack.
 * Note that temperatures can duplicate.
public int[] dailyTemperatures(int[] temperatures) {
    int[] result = new int[temperatures.length];
    Stack<Integer> stack = new Stack<>(); // A stack of indices.
    for (int i = 0; i < temperatures.length; i++) {
        while (!stack.isEmpty() && temperatures[i] > temperatures[stack.peek()]) {
            int index = stack.pop();
            result[index] = i - index;
    return result;
Example 15
Source File:    From jumbune with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 4 votes vote down vote up
 * Populate queue stats.
 * @param cluster the cluster
 * @return the list
 * @throws IOException Signals that an I/O exception has occurred.
 * @throws InterruptedException the interrupted exception
public List<QueueStats> getQueueStats(String clusterName, RMCommunicator rmCommunicator) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
	List<QueueStats> queueInformation = new ArrayList<QueueStats>();
	QueueInfo queueInfo;
	try {
		queueInfo = rmCommunicator.getQueueInfo(ROOT);
		Stack<QueueInfo> stack = new Stack<QueueInfo>();
		QueueInfo temp;
		List<QueueInfo> list = null;

		while (!stack.isEmpty()){
			temp = stack.pop();
			YarnQueueStats yarnQueueStats = new YarnQueueStats();
				if (Constants.CLOUDERA.equals(FileUtil.getClusterInfoDetail(Constants.HADOOP_DISTRIBUTION))
						|| Constants.MAPR.equals(FileUtil.getClusterInfoDetail(Constants.HADOOP_DISTRIBUTION))
						|| Constants.EMRMAPR.equals(FileUtil.getClusterInfoDetail(Constants.HADOOP_DISTRIBUTION))){//mapr code changes
			list = temp.getChildQueues();
			if (list != null && !list.isEmpty()) {
				Iterator<QueueInfo> it = list.iterator();
				while (it.hasNext()) {
			yarnQueueStats =null;
		return queueInformation;
	} catch (YarnException e) {
	return queueInformation;

Example 16
Source File:    From onedev with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
public static boolean migrate(String fromVersion, Object migrator, Object customData) {
	Stack<Integer> versionParts = new Stack<Integer>();
	for (String part: StringUtils.split(fromVersion, "."))
	boolean migrated = false;
	Class<?> current = migrator.getClass();
	while (current != null && current != Object.class) {
		MigratorAnalyzeResult migratorAnalyzeResult = getMigratorAnalyzeResult(current);
		int version;
		if (!versionParts.empty())
			version = versionParts.pop();
			version = 0;
		int size = migratorAnalyzeResult.getMigrateMethods().size();
		int start;
		if (version != 0) {
			start = size;
			for (int i=0; i<size; i++) {
				Method method = migratorAnalyzeResult.getMigrateMethods().get(i);
				if (method.getName().equals("migrate" + version)) {
					start = i;
			if (start == size) {
				throw new RuntimeException("Can not find migrate method (migrator: " + current.getName() + ", method: " + "migrate" + version + ")"); 
			} else {
		} else {
			start = 0;
		for (int i=start; i<size; i++) {
			Method migrateMethod = migratorAnalyzeResult.getMigrateMethods().get(i);
			int previousVersion;
			if (i != 0) {
				Method previousMigrateMethod =
				previousVersion = migratorAnalyzeResult.getMigrateVersions()
			} else {
				previousVersion = 0;
			int currentVersion = migratorAnalyzeResult.getMigrateVersions()
			Object[] params = new String[]{current.getName(), 
			logger.debug("Migrating data (migrator: {}, from version: {}, " + "to version: {})", params);
			try {
				migrateMethod.invoke(migrator, customData, versionParts);
			} catch (Exception e) {
				throw ExceptionUtils.unchecked(e);
			migrated = true;
		current = current.getSuperclass();
	return migrated;
Example 17
Source File:    From pcgen with GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 4 votes vote down vote up
 * Runs getvar on the inStack. The parameter is popped
 * off the {@code inStack}, and the variable's value is
 * pushed back to the top of {@code inStack}.
 * @param inStack the jep stack
 * @throws ParseException
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") //Uses JEP, which doesn't use generics
public void run(final Stack inStack) throws ParseException
	// check the stack

	// get the parameter from the stack
	final Object param1;
	Object param2 = null;

	// have to do this in reverse order...this is a stack afterall
	if (curNumberOfParameters == 1)
		param1 = inStack.pop();
	else if (curNumberOfParameters == 2)
		param2 = inStack.pop();
		param1 = inStack.pop();

		if (!(param2 instanceof Double))
			throw new ParseException("Invalid parameter type");
		throw new ParseException("Invalid parameter count");

	if (param1 instanceof String)
		Float result = null;
		if (parent instanceof PlayerCharacter)
			final PlayerCharacter character = (PlayerCharacter) parent;
			result = getVariableForCharacter(character, param1);
		else if (parent instanceof Equipment)
			boolean bPrimary = true;

			if (param2 != null)
				bPrimary = (((Double) param2).intValue() != 0);

			result = ((Equipment) parent).getVariableValue((String) param1, "", bPrimary, null);
		else if (parent instanceof VariableProcessorPC)
			final VariableProcessorPC vpc = (VariableProcessorPC) parent;
			// check to see if this is just a variable
			result = vpc.lookupVariable((String) param1, variableSource, null);
			if (result == null)
				result = vpc.getVariableValue(null, (String) param1, variableSource, 0);
		else if (parent instanceof VariableProcessorEq)
			VariableProcessorEq veq = (VariableProcessorEq) parent;
			result = veq.getVariableValue(null, (String) param1, variableSource, 0);
		else if (parent == null)
			Logging.errorPrint("Ignored request for var " + String.valueOf(param1) + " with no parent.");

		if (result == null)
			throw new ParseException("Error retreiving variable:" + param1);

		throw new ParseException("Invalid parameter type");
Example 18
Source File:    From wildfly-core with GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 4 votes vote down vote up
private static void compare(ModelNode node1, ModelNode node2, boolean ignoreUndefined, boolean ignoreType, Stack<String> stack) {
    if (! ignoreType) {
        Assert.assertEquals(getCompareStackAsString(stack) + " types", node1.getType(), node2.getType());
    if (node1.getType() == ModelType.OBJECT) {
        ModelNode model1 = ignoreUndefined ? trimUndefinedChildren(node1) : node1;
        ModelNode model2 = ignoreUndefined ? trimUndefinedChildren(node2) : node2;
        final Set<String> keys1 = new TreeSet<String>(model1.keys());
        final Set<String> keys2 = new TreeSet<String>(model2.keys());

        // compare string representations of the keys to help see the difference
        if (!keys1.toString().equals(keys2.toString())){
            //Just to make debugging easier
        Assert.assertEquals(getCompareStackAsString(stack) + ": " + node1 + "\n" + node2, keys1.toString(), keys2.toString());

        for (String key : keys1) {
            final ModelNode child1 = model1.get(key);
            Assert.assertTrue("Missing: " + key + "\n" + node1 + "\n" + node2, model2.has(key));
            final ModelNode child2 = model2.get(key);

            if (child1.isDefined()) {
                if (!ignoreUndefined) {
                    Assert.assertTrue(getCompareStackAsString(stack) + " key=" + key + "\n with child1 \n" + child1.toString() + "\n has child2 not defined\n node2 is:\n" + node2.toString(), child2.isDefined());
                stack.push(key + "/");
                compare(child1, child2, ignoreUndefined, ignoreType, stack);
            } else if (!ignoreUndefined) {
                Assert.assertFalse(getCompareStackAsString(stack) + " key=" + key + "\n with child1 undefined has child2 \n" + child2.asString(), child2.isDefined());
    } else if (node1.getType() == ModelType.LIST) {
        List<ModelNode> list1 = node1.asList();
        List<ModelNode> list2 = node2.asList();
        Assert.assertEquals(list1 + "\n" + list2, list1.size(), list2.size());

        for (int i = 0; i < list1.size(); i++) {
            stack.push(i + "/");
            compare(list1.get(i), list2.get(i), ignoreUndefined, ignoreType, stack);

    } else if (node1.getType() == ModelType.PROPERTY) {
        Property prop1 = node1.asProperty();
        Property prop2 = node2.asProperty();
        Assert.assertEquals(prop1 + "\n" + prop2, prop1.getName(), prop2.getName());
        stack.push(prop1.getName() + "/");
        compare(prop1.getValue(), prop2.getValue(), ignoreUndefined, ignoreType, stack);

    } else {
        Assert.assertEquals(getCompareStackAsString(stack) +
                    "\n\"" + node1.asString() + "\"\n\"" + node2.asString() + "\"\n-----", node1.asString().trim(), node2.asString().trim());
Example 19
Source File:    From joshua with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
HyperGraph convert(String inputStr) {

    HyperGraph tree = null;

    Stack<String> stack = new Stack<>();
    for (int i = 0; i < inputStr.length(); i++) {
      char curChar = inputStr.charAt(i);

      if (curChar == ')' && inputStr.charAt(i - 1) != ' ') {// end of a rule
        StringBuffer ruleString = new StringBuffer();

        while (stack.empty() == false) {
          String cur = stack.pop();
          switch (cur) {
          case beginSymbol: // stop
            // setup a node
            // HGNode(int i, int j, int lhs, HashMap<Integer,DPState> dpStates, HyperEdge
            // initHyperedge, double estTotalLogP)
            // public HyperEdge(Rule rule, double bestDerivationLogP, Double transitionLogP,
            // List<HGNode> antNodes, SourcePath srcPath)
            // public Rule(int lhs, int[] sourceRhs, int[] targetRhs, float[]
            // featureScores, int arity, int owner, float latticeCost, int ruleID)

            stack.add(nodeSymbol);// TODO: should be lHS+id

            break label;
          case nodeSymbol:

      } else if (curChar == '(' && inputStr.charAt(i + 1) != ' ') {// begin of a rule
      } else {
        stack.add("" + curChar);

    return tree;
Example 20
Source File:    From LevenshteinAutomaton with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
 * Searches a collection of Strings for those which are within a given edit distance from a particular String.
 * This version of fuzzy search uses a pre-computed map of transitions, and is the fastest method for max 
 * edit distances less than or equal 2. Greater max edit distances require huge amounts of memory and 
 * are not guaranteed to be faster than a non-automaton approach, so use in those cases is discouraged.
 * @param maxEditDistance       an int denoting the maximum amount of edit operations that can separate
 *                              a String in the to-be-searched collection with the String of interest
 * @param automatonString       the String that all edit-distance calculations are to be carried out in relation to
 * @param mdag                  an MDAG containing the set of Strings to be processed against {@code automatonString}
 * @return                      a LinkedList containing all the Strings in {@code mdag} that are at most
 *                              {@code maxEditDistance} away from {@code automatonString}
public static LinkedList<String> tableFuzzySearch(int maxEditDistance, String automatonString, MDAG mdag)
    //LinkedList which will contain Strings in mdag that are within maxEditDistance of automatonString
    LinkedList<String> resultStringLinkedList = new LinkedList<String>();
    //HashMap containing the transition relationships between the parametric states of an automaton with maxEditDistance
    HashMap<ParametricState, HashMap<AugBitSet, ParametricState>> transitionHashMap = transitionHashMapContainerHashMap.get(maxEditDistance);
    //Stack to store collections of objects which collectively represent steps in the search process
    Stack<Object[]> processingStepStack = new Stack<Object[]>();

    boolean mdagIsSimplified = mdag.getSourceNode().getClass().equals(SimpleMDAGNode.class);
    SimpleMDAGNode[] simpleMDAGArray = mdag.getSimpleMDAGArray();
    //Push onto processingStepStack the collection of objects which represent the start step of the search process
    processingStepStack.push(createProcessingStepStackEntry("", mdag.getSourceNode(), initialState, new ParametricState(initialState)));
    //Retrieve the set of characters composing the Strings in mdag
    TreeSet<Character> charTreeSet = mdag.getTransitionLabelSet();
    int charCount = charTreeSet.size();
    //Iterate through charTreeSet, inserting each char in to charArray
    int counter = 0;
    char[] charArray = new char[charCount];
    for(Character c : charTreeSet) charArray[counter++] = c.charValue();
    //Transition through the MDAG and the automaton represented by transitionHashMap in-sync, adding to 
    //resultStringLinkedList the char sequences that lead to both an accept node (MDAG) and accept state (transition map)
        //Pop the processing step at the top of the stack and re-cast its contents
        Object[] currentProcessingStepDataArray = processingStepStack.pop(); 
        Object currentNodeObj = currentProcessingStepDataArray[1];
        State currentState = (State)currentProcessingStepDataArray[2];
        ParametricState currentParametricState = (ParametricState)currentProcessingStepDataArray[3];
        //Loop through the chars in charArray, using each to transition the node & state in the
        //processing step at the top of the stack. If both the node and state have valid
        //transitions on a particular char, push the resulting transition String, node,
        //and State on the top of the stack
        for(int i = 0; i < charCount; i++)
            char currentChar = charArray[i];

            //Execute a transition on the current MDAG node using currentChar     
            Object transitionNode = (mdagIsSimplified ? ((SimpleMDAGNode)currentNodeObj).transition(simpleMDAGArray, currentChar) : ((MDAGNode)currentNodeObj).transition(currentChar));
            if(transitionNode != null)
                //Get currentState's relevant subword (with respect to currentChar) and  
                //use it to get the parametric version of the transition's result State
                AugBitSet rscv = currentState.getRelevantSubwordCharacteristicVector(maxEditDistance, automatonString, currentChar);  
                ParametricState transitionParametricState = transitionHashMap.get(currentParametricState).get(rscv);

                if(transitionParametricState != null)
                    //Use transitionParametricState to create the actual State that is the result of the transition
                    State transitionState = transitionParametricState.createActualState(currentState.getMinimalBoundary() + transitionParametricState.getTransitionBoundaryOffset());
                    String transitionPathString = (String)currentProcessingStepDataArray[0] + currentChar;
                    //Push the resulting processing step on to the top of processingStepStack
                    processingStepStack.push(createProcessingStepStackEntry(transitionPathString, transitionNode, transitionState, transitionParametricState));

                    //If both transitionNode and transitionState are "accepting", add the sequence of chars that lead to them to resultStringLinkedList
                    if(MDAG.isAcceptNode(transitionNode) && isAcceptState(transitionState, automatonString.length(), maxEditDistance))
    return resultStringLinkedList;