Java Code Examples for org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.MarkerUtilities#getCharStart()

The following examples show how to use org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.MarkerUtilities#getCharStart() . You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example 1
Source File:    From dsl-devkit with Eclipse Public License 1.0 6 votes vote down vote up
 * Instantiates a new MarkerIdentity.
 * @param annotation
 *          the Annotation
 * @return MarkerIdentity - this
public MarkerIdentity create(final Annotation annotation) {
  MarkerIdentity result = provider.get();
  if (annotation instanceof XtextAnnotation) {
    Issue issue = ((XtextAnnotation) annotation).getIssue();
    result.start = issue.getOffset();
    result.end = result.start == ATTRIBUTE_MISSING ? ATTRIBUTE_MISSING : result.start + issue.getLength();
    result.message = issue.getMessage();
  } else if (annotation instanceof org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.MarkerAnnotation) {
    result.start = MarkerUtilities.getCharStart(((org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.MarkerAnnotation) annotation).getMarker());
    result.end = MarkerUtilities.getCharEnd(((org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.MarkerAnnotation) annotation).getMarker());
    result.message = MarkerUtilities.getMessage(((org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.MarkerAnnotation) annotation).getMarker());
  } else {
    result.end = ATTRIBUTE_MISSING;
    result.start = ATTRIBUTE_MISSING;
    result.message = null; // NOPMD
  result.problemCode = issueUtil.getCode(annotation);
  result.problemURI = issueUtil.getUriToProblem(annotation);
  result.resourceURI = result.problemURI == null ? null : result.problemURI.trimFragment();
  return result;
Example 2
Source File:    From dsl-devkit with Eclipse Public License 1.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Instantiates a new MarkerIdentity.
 * @param marker
 *          the marker
 * @return MarkerIdentity - this
public MarkerIdentity create(final IMarker marker) {
  MarkerIdentity result = provider.get();
  result.start = MarkerUtilities.getCharStart(marker);
  result.end = MarkerUtilities.getCharEnd(marker);
  result.problemCode = issueUtil.getCode(marker);
  result.problemURI = issueUtil.getUriToProblem(marker);
  result.resourceURI = result.problemURI == null ? null : result.problemURI.trimFragment();
  result.message = MarkerUtilities.getMessage(marker);
  return result;
Example 3
Source File:    From Pydev with Eclipse Public License 1.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * @return the position for a marker.
public static Position getMarkerPosition(IDocument document, IMarker marker, IAnnotationModel model) {
    if (model instanceof AbstractMarkerAnnotationModel) {
        Position ret = ((AbstractMarkerAnnotationModel) model).getMarkerPosition(marker);
        if (ret != null) {
            return ret;
    int start = MarkerUtilities.getCharStart(marker);
    int end = MarkerUtilities.getCharEnd(marker);

    if (start > end) {
        end = start + end;
        start = end - start;
        end = end - start;

    if (start == -1 && end == -1) {
        // marker line number is 1-based
        int line = MarkerUtilities.getLineNumber(marker);
        if (line > 0 && document != null) {
            try {
                start = document.getLineOffset(line - 1);
                end = start;
            } catch (BadLocationException x) {

    if (start > -1 && end > -1) {
        return new Position(start, end - start);

    return null;
Example 4
Source File:    From n4js with Eclipse Public License 1.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public void run(IMarker[] markers, IProgressMonitor monitor) {
	if (isBasedOnN4Modification()) {
		// applying an N4Modification to one or more markers

		try {
			// collect all changes
			final List<IChange> changes = new ArrayList<>();
			for (IMarker currMarker : markers) {

				if (!isMarkerStillValid(currMarker))

				final Issue currIssue = issueUtil.createIssue(currMarker);
				final IModificationContext currContext = modificationContextFactory
				final int offset = MarkerUtilities.getCharStart(currMarker);
				final int length = MarkerUtilities.getCharEnd(currMarker) - offset;
				final EObject element = getElementForMarker(currContext, currMarker);

				Collection<? extends IChange> changeSet = getN4Modification().computeChanges(
						currContext, currMarker, offset, length, element);

			// perform changes

		} catch (Exception e) {
			throw new WrappedException(
					"exception while applying resolution for quick fix '" + resolution.getLabel() + "'", e);
	} else {
		// support for applying modifications other than N4Modification

		// applying a single quick fix to multiple markers only supported for N4Modifications (see
		// #findOtherMarkers(IMarker[]) below), so we assert markers.length==1 here
		if (markers.length != 1)
			throw new IllegalStateException();

		// default Xtext implementation
Example 5
Source File:    From birt with Eclipse Public License 1.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public boolean selectReveal( Object marker )
	int start = MarkerUtilities.getCharStart( (IMarker) marker );
	int end = MarkerUtilities.getCharEnd( (IMarker) marker );

	boolean selectLine = start < 0 || end < 0;

	// look up the current range of the marker when the document has been
	// edited
	IAnnotationModel model = reportXMLEditor.getDocumentProvider( )
			.getAnnotationModel( reportXMLEditor.getEditorInput( ) );
	if ( model instanceof AbstractMarkerAnnotationModel )
		AbstractMarkerAnnotationModel markerModel = (AbstractMarkerAnnotationModel) model;
		Position pos = markerModel.getMarkerPosition( (IMarker) marker );
		if ( pos != null )
			if ( !pos.isDeleted( ) )
				// use position instead of marker values
				start = pos.getOffset( );
				end = pos.getOffset( ) + pos.getLength( );
				return false;

	IDocument document = reportXMLEditor.getDocumentProvider( )
			.getDocument( reportXMLEditor.getEditorInput( ) );
	if ( selectLine )
		int line;
			if ( start >= 0 )
				line = document.getLineOfOffset( start );
				line = MarkerUtilities.getLineNumber( (IMarker) marker );
				// Marker line numbers are 1-based
				if ( line >= 1 )
				start = document.getLineOffset( line );
			end = start + document.getLineLength( line ) - 1;
		catch ( BadLocationException e )
			return false;

	int length = document.getLength( );
	if ( end - 1 < length && start < length )
		reportXMLEditor.selectAndReveal( start, end - start );
	return true;