Java Code Examples for org.ejml.simple.SimpleMatrix#set()

The following examples show how to use org.ejml.simple.SimpleMatrix#set() . You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example 1
Source File:    From cocolian-nlp with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
	 * 用textRank算法计算权重矩阵。
	 * @param matrix
	 * @return
	protected SimpleMatrix buildWeightVector(SimpleMatrix matrix) {
		SimpleMatrix vector = new SimpleMatrix(matrix.numCols(), 1);
		SimpleMatrix vecDamp = new SimpleMatrix(matrix.numCols(), 1);
		vecDamp.set(1- this.damp);
		double diff = 1;
		while(diff > this.threshold){
			SimpleMatrix next = matrix.mult(vector);
			//next = (1-damp)+damp * next;
			next =, next);			
			diff = next.minus(vector).normF();
			vector = next;
//			System.out.println("weight==========");
//			System.out.println(vector);
		return vector;
Example 2
Source File:    From cocolian-nlp with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
 * 建立相似度矩阵
 * @param sentences
 * @return
protected SimpleMatrix buildSimilarityMatrix(List<Sentence> sentences) {
	for (Sentence sentence : sentences) {
		List<Term> terms = this.tokenizer.tokenize(sentence.toString());
		((SentenceWrapper) sentence).setTerms(terms);
	SimpleMatrix matrix = new SimpleMatrix(sentences.size(),
	for (int i = 0; i < sentences.size(); i++)
		for (int j = i + 1; j < sentences.size(); j++) {
			// 相似度+1,消除0值;
			double similarity = this.similarity(sentences.get(i),
					sentences.get(j)) + 1;
			matrix.set(i, j, similarity);
			matrix.set(j, i, similarity);
	return matrix;
Example 3
Source File:    From okde-java with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
private static SimpleMatrix transformMatrix(SimpleMatrix trnsF, SimpleMatrix matrix, Double[] validElements, int countValidElements) {
	// forward transform the pdf and remove non-valid eigendirections
	//if(matrix.numRows()!= countValidElements)
	//	System.out.println("projection was necessary!!!");
	SimpleMatrix tmp = trnsF.mult(matrix).mult(trnsF.transpose());
	SimpleMatrix trnsMatrix = new SimpleMatrix(countValidElements, countValidElements);
	int row=0, column=0;
	for(int i=0; i< validElements.length; i++){
		for(int j=0; j< validElements.length; j++){
			if(validElements[i] == 1 && validElements[j] == 1)
				trnsMatrix.set(row, column++, tmp.get(i, j));
		column = 0;
	return trnsMatrix;
Example 4
Source File:    From okde-java with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Splits a single component distribution into two components as described in the oKDE-paper.
 * @return a TwoComponentDistribution
public TwoComponentDistribution split(double parentWeight){
	SimpleSVD<?> svd = mGlobalCovariance.svd(true);
	SimpleMatrix S = svd.getW();
	SimpleMatrix V = svd.getV();
	SimpleMatrix d = S.extractDiag();
	double max = MatrixOps.maxVectorElement(d);
	int maxIndex = MatrixOps.maxVectorElementIndex(d);
	int len = mGlobalCovariance.numRows();
	SimpleMatrix M = new SimpleMatrix(len,1);
	M.set(maxIndex, 0, 1.0d);
	SimpleMatrix dMean = V.mult(M).scale(0.5*Math.sqrt(max));
	SimpleMatrix meanSplit1 =;
	SimpleMatrix meanSplit2 = mGlobalMean.minus(dMean);
	SimpleMatrix dyadMean = mGlobalMean.mult(mGlobalMean.transpose());
	SimpleMatrix dyadMeanSplit1 = meanSplit1.mult(meanSplit1.transpose());
	SimpleMatrix dyadMeanSplit2 = meanSplit2.mult(meanSplit2.transpose());
	SimpleMatrix covSplit =;
	SimpleMatrix[] means = {meanSplit1, meanSplit2};
	SimpleMatrix[] covariances = {covSplit, covSplit};
	double[] weights = {0.5, 0.5};
	TwoComponentDistribution splitDist = null;
	try {
		splitDist = new TwoComponentDistribution(weights, means, covariances, mBandwidthMatrix);
	} catch (TooManyComponentsException e) {
		// cant be thrown
	return splitDist;
Example 5
Source File:    From GNSS_Compare with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Factory method for converting RxPos to a SimpleMatrix
 * @param rxPos rxPos Coordinates object
 * @return RxPos as a 4z1 vector
public static SimpleMatrix getRxPosAsVector(Coordinates rxPos){
    SimpleMatrix rxPosSimpleVector = new SimpleMatrix(4, 1);
    rxPosSimpleVector.set(0, rxPos.getX());
    rxPosSimpleVector.set(1, rxPos.getY());
    rxPosSimpleVector.set(2, rxPos.getZ());
    rxPosSimpleVector.set(3, 0);

    return rxPosSimpleVector;
Example 6
Source File:    From okde-java with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
private static SimpleMatrix projectBandwidthToOriginalSpace(SampleModel distribution, double bandwidthFactor) {
	SimpleMatrix bandwidth = SimpleMatrix.identity(distribution.getGlobalCovariance().numCols());
	SimpleMatrix subSpaceBandwidth = distribution.getSubspaceGlobalCovariance().scale(Math.pow(bandwidthFactor, 2));
	ArrayList<Integer> subspace = distribution.getmSubspace();
	for (int i = 0; i < subSpaceBandwidth.numRows(); i++) {
		for (int j = 0; j < subSpaceBandwidth.numCols(); j++) {
			if (subspace.contains(new Integer(i)) && subspace.contains(new Integer(j)))
				bandwidth.set(i, j, subSpaceBandwidth.get(i, j));
	SimpleMatrix invSubspaceCov = distribution.getSubspaceInverseCovariance();
	bandwidth = invSubspaceCov.transpose().mult(bandwidth).mult(invSubspaceCov);
	return bandwidth;
Example 7
Source File:    From okde-java with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
public static SimpleMatrix ones(int rows, int cols) {
	SimpleMatrix matrix = new SimpleMatrix(rows, cols);
	for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++) {
		for (int j = 0; j < rows; j++) {
			matrix.set(i, j, 1);
	return matrix;
Example 8
Source File:    From okde-java with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
public static SimpleMatrix deleteElementsFromVector(SimpleMatrix vector, List<Double> elements, int vectorSize) {
	SimpleMatrix newVector = new SimpleMatrix(vectorSize, 1);
	int j = 0;
	for (int i = 0; i < vector.numRows(); i++)
		if (elements.get(i) == 1)
			newVector.set(j++, 0, vector.get(i));
	return newVector;
Example 9
Source File:    From okde-java with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
public static SimpleMatrix elemPow(SimpleMatrix matrix, double p) {
	for (int i = 0; i < matrix.numRows(); i++) {
		for (int j = 0; j < matrix.numCols(); j++) {
			matrix.set(i, j, Math.pow(matrix.get(i, j), p));
	return matrix;
Example 10
Source File:    From okde-java with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
public static SimpleMatrix elemSqrt(SimpleMatrix matrix) {
	for (int i = 0; i < matrix.numRows(); i++) {
		for (int j = 0; j < matrix.numCols(); j++) {
			matrix.set(i, j, Math.sqrt(matrix.get(i, j)));
	return matrix;
Example 11
Source File:    From okde-java with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
public static SimpleMatrix abs(SimpleMatrix matrix) {
	for (int i = 0; i < matrix.numRows(); i++) {
		for (int j = 0; j < matrix.numCols(); j++) {
			matrix.set(i, j, Math.abs(matrix.get(i, j)));
	return matrix;
Example 12
Source File:    From okde-java with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
private static SimpleMatrix setVectorElements(SimpleMatrix v1, SimpleMatrix v2, Double[] elementsInV1) {
	int j = 0;
	for (int i = 0; i < v1.numRows(); i++)
		if (elementsInV1[i] == 1)
			v1.set(i, 0, v2.get(j++));
	return v1;
Example 13
Source File:    From okde-java with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
private static SimpleMatrix backTransformMatrix(SimpleMatrix matrix, SimpleMatrix matrixToTransform, Double[] validElements) {
	// add removed eigendirections and backwards transform
	int row=0, column=0;
	for(int i=0; i< validElements.length; i++){
		for(int j=0; j< validElements.length; j++){
			if(validElements[i] == 1 && validElements[j] == 1)
				matrix.set(i, j, matrixToTransform.get(row, column++));
		column = 0;
	int a=0,b=0;
	for (int row = 0; row < matrix.numRows(); row++) {
		for (int column = 0; column < matrix.numCols(); column++) {
			if (validElements[row] == 1)
				matrix.set(row, column, matrixToTransform.get(row, column));
			else if (validElements[column] == 1)
				matrix.set(row, column, matrixToTransform.get(row, column));
				matrix.set(row, column, 0);
	return matrix;
Example 14
Source File:    From ACManager with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * The team assignment matrix is often referred to as the "A" matrix.
 * It's a matrix whose rows represent the players and the columns
 * represent teams. At Matrix[row, column] represents that player[row]
 * is on team[col] Positive values represent an assignment and a
 * negative value means that we subtract the value of the next team
 * since we're dealing with pairs. This means that this matrix always
 * has teams - 1 columns. The only other tricky thing is that values
 * represent the play percentage.
 * <p>
 * For example, consider a 3 team game where team1 is just player1, team
 * 2 is player 2 and player 3, and team3 is just player 4. Furthermore,
 * player 2 and player 3 on team 2 played 25% and 75% of the time (e.g.
 * partial play), the A matrix would be:
 * <p><pre>
 * A = this 4x2 matrix:
 * |  1.00  0.00 |
 * | -0.25  0.25 |
 * | -0.75  0.75 |
 * |  0.00 -1.00 |
 * </pre>
private static SimpleMatrix CreatePlayerTeamAssignmentMatrix(List<ITeam> teamAssignmentsList, int totalPlayers) {

    List<List<Double>> playerAssignments = new ArrayList<List<Double>>();
    int totalPreviousPlayers = 0;

    for (int i = 0; i < teamAssignmentsList.size() - 1; i++) {
        ITeam currentTeam = teamAssignmentsList.get(i);

        // Need to add in 0's for all the previous players, since they're not
        // on this team
        List<Double> currentRowValues = new ArrayList<Double>();
        for(int j = 0; j < totalPreviousPlayers; j++) currentRowValues.add(0.);

        for(IPlayer player: currentTeam.keySet()) {
            // indicates the player is on the team

        ITeam nextTeam = teamAssignmentsList.get(i + 1);
        for(IPlayer nextTeamPlayer : nextTeam.keySet()) {
            // Add a -1 * playing time to represent the difference
            currentRowValues.add(-1 * PartialPlay.getPartialPlayPercentage(nextTeamPlayer));

    SimpleMatrix playerTeamAssignmentsMatrix = new SimpleMatrix(totalPlayers, teamAssignmentsList.size() - 1);
    for(int i=0; i < playerAssignments.size(); i++)
        for(int j=0; j < playerAssignments.get(i).size(); j++)
            playerTeamAssignmentsMatrix.set(j, i, playerAssignments.get(i).get(j));

    return playerTeamAssignmentsMatrix;
Example 15
Source File:    From cocolian-nlp with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * 将matrix归一化处理。
 * @param matrix
protected void normalize(SimpleMatrix matrix) {
	SimpleMatrix one = new SimpleMatrix(matrix.numCols(), matrix.numRows());
	SimpleMatrix sum = matrix.mult(one);
	//CommonOps.elementDiv(matrix.getMatrix(), sum.getMatrix());
Example 16
Source File:    From okde-java with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
 * This method searches a local maximum by gradient-quadratic search. First a direct leap to the maximum by 
 * quadratic optimization is tried. Then gradient search is used to refine the result in case of an overshoot.
 * Uses means, covariances and component weights given as parameters.
 * This algorithm was motivated by this paper: 
 * Miguel A. Carreira-Perpinan (2000): "Mode-finding for mixtures of
 * Gaussian distributions", IEEE Trans. on Pattern Analysis and
 * Machine Intelligence 22(11): 1318-1323.
 * @param start Defines the starting point for the search.
 * @return The serach result containing the point and the probability value at that point.
public static SearchResult gradQuadrSearch(SimpleMatrix start, ArrayList<SimpleMatrix> means, ArrayList<SimpleMatrix> covs, ArrayList<Double> weights, SampleModel model){

	SimpleMatrix gradient = new SimpleMatrix(2,1);
	SimpleMatrix hessian = new SimpleMatrix(2,2);
	double n = means.get(0).numRows();
	double a = Math.pow(Math.sqrt(2 * Math.PI), n);
	SimpleMatrix x = new SimpleMatrix(2,1);
	ArrayList<Double> mahalanobisDistances;
	double step = START_STEP_SIZE;
	double probability = 0;
	SimpleMatrix gradStep = null;
	int count =0;
	do {
		mahalanobisDistances = mahalanobis(x, means, covs);
		double prob = 0;
		// this loop calculates gradient and hessian as well as probability at x
		for (int i = 0; i < means.size(); i++) {
			// check whether the component actually contributes to to the density at given point by mahalanobis distance
			if(mahalanobisDistances.get(i) < MAX_MAHALANOBIS_DIST) {
				SimpleMatrix m = means.get(i);
				SimpleMatrix dm = m.minus(x);
				SimpleMatrix c = covs.get(i);
				SimpleMatrix invC = c.invert();
				double w = weights.get(i);
				//probability p(x,m) under component m
				double p = ((1 / (a * Math.sqrt(c.determinant()))) * Math.exp((-0.5d) * mahalanobisDistances.get(i))) * w;
				prob += p; 
				// gradient at x
				gradient = invC.mult(dm).scale(p) );
				// hessian at x
				hessian = invC.mult( dm.mult(dm.transpose()).minus(c) ).mult(invC).scale(p) );

		// save x
		SimpleMatrix xOld = new SimpleMatrix(x);
		double tst = evaluate(xOld, means, covs, weights);
		// check if hessian is negative definite
		SimpleEVD hessianEVD = hessian.eig();
		int maxEVIndex = hessianEVD.getIndexMax();
		// try a direct leap by quadratic optimization
		if(hessianEVD.getEigenvalue(maxEVIndex).getReal() < 0){
			gradStep = hessian.invert().mult(gradient);
			x = xOld.minus(gradStep);
		double prob1 = 	evaluate(x, means, covs, weights);
		// if quadratic optimization did not work try gradient ascent
		if( prob1 <= prob | hessianEVD.getEigenvalue(maxEVIndex).getReal() >= 0) {
			gradStep = gradient.scale(step);
			x =;
			// if still not ok decrease step size iteratively
			while(evaluate(x, means, covs, weights) < prob){
				step = step/2;
				gradStep = gradient.scale(step);
				x =;
		probability =	model.evaluate(x, means, covs, weights);
		// continue until the last step is sufficiently small or
		// a predefined amount of steps was performed
	}while(gradStep.elementMaxAbs() > STOP_STEP_SIZE && count<10);

	// return results
	return new SearchResult(x, probability);
Example 17
Source File:    From okde-java with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
public static SimpleMatrix doubleListToMatrix(List<Double> valueList) {
	SimpleMatrix m = new SimpleMatrix(1, valueList.size());
	for (int i = 0; i < valueList.size(); i++)
		m.set(0, i, valueList.get(i));
	return m;
Example 18
Source File:    From okde-java with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
 * This method derives the conditional distribution of the sample model kde with distribution p(x).
 * It marginalizes on the first n dimensions. The number n is given as a parameter.
 * @param firstDimensions
 * @return
public ConditionalDistribution getMarginalDistribution(int n){
	ArrayList<SimpleMatrix> means = this.getSubMeans();
	ArrayList<SimpleMatrix> marginalMeans = new ArrayList<SimpleMatrix>();

	ArrayList<SimpleMatrix> covs = this.getSubSmoothedCovariances();
	ArrayList<SimpleMatrix> marginalCovs = new ArrayList<SimpleMatrix>();
	ArrayList<Double> weights = this.getSubWeights();
	ArrayList<Double> marginalWeights = new ArrayList<Double>();

	ConditionalDistribution result = null;
	double a = Math.pow(Math.sqrt(2 * Math.PI), n);

	for(int i=0; i<means.size(); i++) {
		SimpleMatrix c = covs.get(i);
		SimpleMatrix m = means.get(i);
		SimpleMatrix m1 = new SimpleMatrix(n,1);
		// extract all elements from covariance that correspond only to m1
		// that means extract the block in the left top corner with height=width=n
		SimpleMatrix newC1 = new SimpleMatrix(n,n);
		for(int j=0; j<n; j++) {
			for(int k=0; k<n; k++) {
				newC1.set(j, k, c.get(j,k) );
		//extract last rows from mean to m1
		for(int j=0; j<n; j++) {

	result = new ConditionalDistribution(marginalMeans, marginalCovs, weights);
	return result;
Example 19
Source File:    From okde-java with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
 * This method derives the conditional distribution of the actual sample model kde with distribution p(x).
 * It takes a condition parameter that is a vector c of dimension m. Using this vector
 * it finds the conditional distribution p(x*|c) where c=(x_0,...,x_m), x*=(x_m+1,...,x_n).
 * For detailed description see:
 * @param condition A vector that defines c in p(x*|c)
 * @return The conditional distribution of this sample model under the given condition
public ConditionalDistribution getConditionalDistribution(SimpleMatrix condition){
	int lenCond = condition.numRows();
	ArrayList<SimpleMatrix> means = this.getSubMeans();
	ArrayList<SimpleMatrix> conditionalMeans = new ArrayList<SimpleMatrix>();

	ArrayList<SimpleMatrix> covs = this.getSubSmoothedCovariances();
	ArrayList<SimpleMatrix> conditionalCovs = new ArrayList<SimpleMatrix>();
	ArrayList<Double> weights = this.getSubWeights();
	ArrayList<Double> conditionalWeights = new ArrayList<Double>();

	ConditionalDistribution result = null;
	double n = condition.numRows();
	double a = Math.pow(Math.sqrt(2 * Math.PI), n);

	for(int i=0; i<means.size(); i++) {
		SimpleMatrix c = covs.get(i);
		SimpleMatrix invC = c.invert();
		SimpleMatrix m = means.get(i);
		int lenM1 = m.numRows()-lenCond;
		SimpleMatrix m1 = new SimpleMatrix(lenM1,1);
		SimpleMatrix m2 = new SimpleMatrix(lenCond,1);
		// extract all elements from inverse covariance that correspond only to m1
		// that means extract the block in the right bottom corner with height=width=lenM1
		SimpleMatrix newC1 = new SimpleMatrix(lenM1,lenM1);
		for(int j=0; j<lenM1; j++) {
			for(int k=0; k<lenM1; k++) {
				newC1.set(j, k, invC.get(j+lenCond,k+lenCond) );
		// extract all elements from inverse covariance that correspond to m1 and m2
		// from the the block in the left bottom corner with height=width=lenM1
		SimpleMatrix newC2 = new SimpleMatrix(lenM1,lenCond);
		for(int j=0; j<lenM1; j++) {
			for(int k=0; k<lenCond; k++) {
				newC2.set(j, k, invC.get(j+lenCond,k) );
		//extract first rows from mean to m2
		for(int j=0; j<lenCond; j++) {
		//extract last rows from mean to m1
		for(int j=0; j<lenM1; j++) {
		SimpleMatrix invNewC1 = newC1.invert();
		// calculate new mean and new covariance of conditional distribution
		SimpleMatrix condMean = m1.minus( invNewC1.mult(newC2).mult( condition.minus(m2) ) );
		SimpleMatrix condCovariance = invNewC1;
		// calculate new weights
		// extract all elements from inverse covariance that correspond only to m2
		// that means extract the block in the left top corner with height=width=lenCond
		SimpleMatrix newC22 = new SimpleMatrix(lenCond,lenCond);
		for(int j=0; j<lenCond; j++) {
			for(int k=0; k<lenCond; k++) {
				newC22.set(j, k, c.get(j,k) );
		double mahalanobisDistance = condition.minus(m2).transpose().mult(newC22.invert()).mult(condition.minus(m2)).trace();
		double newWeight = ((1 / (a * Math.sqrt(newC22.determinant()))) * Math.exp((-0.5d) * mahalanobisDistance))* weights.get(i);
	// normalize weights
	double weightSum = 0;
	for(int i=0; i<conditionalWeights.size(); i++) {
		weightSum += conditionalWeights.get(i);
	for(int i=0; i<conditionalWeights.size(); i++) {
		double weight = conditionalWeights.get(i);
		weight = weight /weightSum;
	result = new ConditionalDistribution(conditionalMeans, conditionalCovs, conditionalWeights);
	return result;
Example 20
Source File:    From okde-java with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
 * Find Maximum by gradient-quadratic search.
 * First a conditional distribution is derived from the kde.
 * @param start
 * @return
public SearchResult gradQuadrSearch(SimpleMatrix start){
	SimpleMatrix condVector = new SimpleMatrix(4,1);
	for(int i=0; i<condVector.numRows(); i++){
	ConditionalDistribution conditionalDist = getConditionalDistribution(condVector);
	ArrayList<SimpleMatrix> means = conditionalDist.conditionalMeans;
	ArrayList<SimpleMatrix> covs = conditionalDist.conditionalCovs;
	ArrayList<Double> weights = conditionalDist.conditionalWeights;

	SimpleMatrix gradient = new SimpleMatrix(2,1);
	SimpleMatrix hessian = new SimpleMatrix(2,2);
	double n = means.get(0).numRows();
	double a = Math.pow(Math.sqrt(2 * Math.PI), n);
	SimpleMatrix x = new SimpleMatrix(2,1);
	ArrayList<Double> mahalanobisDistances;
	double step = 1;
	double probability = 0;
	SimpleMatrix gradStep = null;
	do {
		mahalanobisDistances = mahalanobis(x, means, covs);
		//calculate gradient and hessian:
		double prob = 0;
		for (int i = 0; i < means.size(); i++) {
			// check wether the component actually contributes to to the density at given point 
			if(mahalanobisDistances.get(i) < MAX_MAHALANOBIS_DIST) {
				SimpleMatrix m = means.get(i);

				SimpleMatrix dm = m.minus(x);
				SimpleMatrix c = covs.get(i);

				SimpleMatrix invC = c.invert();
				double w = weights.get(i);
				//probability p(x,m)
				double p = ((1 / (a * Math.sqrt(c.determinant()))) * Math.exp((-0.5d) * mahalanobisDistances.get(i))) * w;
				prob += p; 
				gradient = invC.mult(dm).scale(p) );
				hessian = invC.mult( dm.mult(dm.transpose()).minus(c) ).mult(invC).scale(p) );

		// save x
		SimpleMatrix xOld = new SimpleMatrix(x);
		SimpleEVD<?> hessianEVD = hessian.eig();
		int maxEVIndex = hessianEVD.getIndexMax();
		if(hessianEVD.getEigenvalue(maxEVIndex).getReal() < 0){
			gradStep = hessian.invert().mult(gradient);
			x = xOld.minus(gradStep);
		double prob1 = 	evaluate(x, means, covs, weights);
		if( prob1 <= prob | hessianEVD.getEigenvalue(maxEVIndex).getReal() >= 0) {
			gradStep = gradient.scale(step);
			x =;
			while(evaluate(x, means, covs, weights) < prob){
				step = step/2;
				gradStep = gradient.scale(step);
				x =;
		probability =	evaluate(x, means, covs, weights); 
	}while(gradStep.elementMaxAbs() > 1E-10);
	return new SearchResult(x, probability);