Java Code Examples for org.apache.catalina.tribes.Channel#SND_RX_SEQ

The following examples show how to use org.apache.catalina.tribes.Channel#SND_RX_SEQ . You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example 1
Source File:    From Tomcat8-Source-Read with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Shuts down the channel. This can be called multiple times for individual services to shutdown
 * The svc parameter can be the logical or value of any constants
 * @param svc int value of <BR>
 * DEFAULT - will shutdown all services <BR>
 * MBR_RX_SEQ - starts the membership receiver <BR>
 * MBR_TX_SEQ - starts the membership broadcaster <BR>
 * SND_TX_SEQ - starts the replication transmitter<BR>
 * SND_RX_SEQ - starts the replication receiver<BR>
 * @throws ChannelException if a startup error occurs or the service is already started.
protected synchronized void internalStop(int svc) throws ChannelException {
    try {
        //make sure we don't pass down any flags that are unrelated to the bottom layer
        svc = svc & Channel.DEFAULT;

        if (startLevel == 0) return; //we have already stopped up all components
        if (svc == 0 ) return;//nothing to stop

        boolean valid = false;
        if ( Channel.SND_RX_SEQ==(svc & Channel.SND_RX_SEQ) ) {
            valid = true;
        if ( Channel.SND_TX_SEQ==(svc & Channel.SND_TX_SEQ) ) {
            valid = true;

        if ( Channel.MBR_RX_SEQ==(svc & Channel.MBR_RX_SEQ) ) {
            valid = true;

        if ( Channel.MBR_TX_SEQ==(svc & Channel.MBR_TX_SEQ) ) {
            valid = true;
        if ( !valid) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(sm.getString("channelCoordinator.invalid.startLevel"));

        startLevel = (startLevel & (~svc));
    } catch (Exception x) {
        throw new ChannelException(x);
Example 2
Source File:    From Tomcat8-Source-Read with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
 * {@inheritDoc}
 * <p>
 * Sends notifications upwards.
public void start(int svc) throws ChannelException {
    if ( (Channel.SND_RX_SEQ&svc)==Channel.SND_RX_SEQ ) super.start(Channel.SND_RX_SEQ);
    if ( (Channel.SND_TX_SEQ&svc)==Channel.SND_TX_SEQ ) super.start(Channel.SND_TX_SEQ);
    final ChannelInterceptorBase base = this;
    for (final Member member : members) {
        Thread t = new Thread() {
            public void run() {
                if (getfirstInterceptor().getMember(member) != null) {
                    sendLocalMember(new Member[]{member});
    super.start(svc & (~Channel.SND_RX_SEQ) & (~Channel.SND_TX_SEQ));

    // check required interceptors
    TcpFailureDetector failureDetector = null;
    TcpPingInterceptor pingInterceptor = null;
    ChannelInterceptor prev = getPrevious();
    while (prev != null) {
        if (prev instanceof TcpFailureDetector ) failureDetector = (TcpFailureDetector) prev;
        if (prev instanceof TcpPingInterceptor) pingInterceptor = (TcpPingInterceptor) prev;
        prev = prev.getPrevious();
    if (failureDetector == null) {
    if (pingInterceptor == null) {
Example 3
Source File:    From Tomcat7.0.67 with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Send notifications upwards
 * @param svc int
 * @throws ChannelException
public void start(int svc) throws ChannelException {
    if ( (Channel.SND_RX_SEQ&svc)==Channel.SND_RX_SEQ ) super.start(Channel.SND_RX_SEQ); 
    if ( (Channel.SND_TX_SEQ&svc)==Channel.SND_TX_SEQ ) super.start(Channel.SND_TX_SEQ); 
    final Member[] mbrs = members.toArray(new Member[members.size()]);
    final ChannelInterceptorBase base = this;
    Thread t = new Thread() {
        public void run() {
            for (int i=0; i<mbrs.length; i++ ) {
    super.start(svc & (~Channel.SND_RX_SEQ) & (~Channel.SND_TX_SEQ));

    // check required interceptors
    TcpFailureDetector failureDetector = null;
    TcpPingInterceptor pingInterceptor = null;
    ChannelInterceptor prev = getPrevious();
    while (prev != null) {
        if (prev instanceof TcpFailureDetector ) failureDetector = (TcpFailureDetector) prev;
        if (prev instanceof TcpPingInterceptor) pingInterceptor = (TcpPingInterceptor) prev;
        prev = prev.getPrevious();
    if (failureDetector == null) {
        log.warn("There is no TcpFailureDetector. Automatic detection of static members does"
                + " not work properly. By defining the StaticMembershipInterceptor under the"
                + " TcpFailureDetector, automatic detection of the static members will work.");
    if (pingInterceptor == null) {
        log.warn("There is no TcpPingInterceptor. The health check of static member does"
                + " not work properly. By defining the TcpPingInterceptor, the health check of"
                + " static member will work.");
Example 4
Source File:    From tomcatsrc with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Send notifications upwards
 * @param svc int
 * @throws ChannelException
public void start(int svc) throws ChannelException {
    if ( (Channel.SND_RX_SEQ&svc)==Channel.SND_RX_SEQ ) super.start(Channel.SND_RX_SEQ); 
    if ( (Channel.SND_TX_SEQ&svc)==Channel.SND_TX_SEQ ) super.start(Channel.SND_TX_SEQ); 
    final ChannelInterceptorBase base = this;
    for (final Member member : members) {
        Thread t = new Thread() {
            public void run() {
                if (getfirstInterceptor().getMember(member) != null) {
                    sendLocalMember(new Member[]{member});
    super.start(svc & (~Channel.SND_RX_SEQ) & (~Channel.SND_TX_SEQ));

    // check required interceptors
    TcpFailureDetector failureDetector = null;
    TcpPingInterceptor pingInterceptor = null;
    ChannelInterceptor prev = getPrevious();
    while (prev != null) {
        if (prev instanceof TcpFailureDetector ) failureDetector = (TcpFailureDetector) prev;
        if (prev instanceof TcpPingInterceptor) pingInterceptor = (TcpPingInterceptor) prev;
        prev = prev.getPrevious();
    if (failureDetector == null) {
        log.warn("There is no TcpFailureDetector. Automatic detection of static members does"
                + " not work properly. By defining the StaticMembershipInterceptor under the"
                + " TcpFailureDetector, automatic detection of the static members will work.");
    if (pingInterceptor == null) {
        log.warn("There is no TcpPingInterceptor. The health check of static member does"
                + " not work properly. By defining the TcpPingInterceptor, the health check of"
                + " static member will work.");
Example 5
Source File:    From Tomcat8-Source-Read with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
 * Starts up the channel. This can be called multiple times for individual services to start
 * The svc parameter can be the logical or value of any constants
 * @param svc int value of <BR>
 * DEFAULT - will start all services <BR>
 * MBR_RX_SEQ - starts the membership receiver <BR>
 * MBR_TX_SEQ - starts the membership broadcaster <BR>
 * SND_TX_SEQ - starts the replication transmitter<BR>
 * SND_RX_SEQ - starts the replication receiver<BR>
 * @throws ChannelException if a startup error occurs or the service is already started.
protected synchronized void internalStart(int svc) throws ChannelException {
    try {
        boolean valid = false;
        //make sure we don't pass down any flags that are unrelated to the bottom layer
        svc = svc & Channel.DEFAULT;

        if (startLevel == Channel.DEFAULT) return; //we have already started up all components
        if (svc == 0 ) return;//nothing to start

        if (svc == (svc & startLevel)) {
            throw new ChannelException(sm.getString("channelCoordinator.alreadyStarted",

        //must start the receiver first so that we can coordinate the port it
        //listens to with the local membership settings
        if ( Channel.SND_RX_SEQ==(svc & Channel.SND_RX_SEQ) ) {
            //synchronize, big time FIXME
            Member localMember = getChannel().getLocalMember(false);
            if (localMember instanceof StaticMember) {
                // static member
                StaticMember staticMember = (StaticMember)localMember;
            } else {
                // multicast member
            valid = true;
        if ( Channel.SND_TX_SEQ==(svc & Channel.SND_TX_SEQ) ) {
            valid = true;

        if ( Channel.MBR_RX_SEQ==(svc & Channel.MBR_RX_SEQ) ) {
            if (membershipService instanceof McastService) {
            valid = true;
        if ( Channel.MBR_TX_SEQ==(svc & Channel.MBR_TX_SEQ) ) {
            valid = true;

        if (!valid) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(sm.getString("channelCoordinator.invalid.startLevel"));
        startLevel = (startLevel | svc);
    }catch ( ChannelException cx ) {
        throw cx;
    }catch ( Exception x ) {
        throw new ChannelException(x);
Example 6
Source File:    From Tomcat7.0.67 with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
 * Starts up the channel. This can be called multiple times for individual services to start
 * The svc parameter can be the logical or value of any constants
 * @param svc int value of <BR>
 * DEFAULT - will start all services <BR>
 * MBR_RX_SEQ - starts the membership receiver <BR>
 * MBR_TX_SEQ - starts the membership broadcaster <BR>
 * SND_TX_SEQ - starts the replication transmitter<BR>
 * SND_RX_SEQ - starts the replication receiver<BR>
 * @throws ChannelException if a startup error occurs or the service is already started.
protected synchronized void internalStart(int svc) throws ChannelException {
    try {
        boolean valid = false;
        //make sure we don't pass down any flags that are unrelated to the bottom layer
        svc = svc & Channel.DEFAULT;

        if (startLevel == Channel.DEFAULT) return; //we have already started up all components
        if (svc == 0 ) return;//nothing to start
        if (svc == (svc & startLevel)) throw new ChannelException("Channel already started for level:"+svc);

        //must start the receiver first so that we can coordinate the port it
        //listens to with the local membership settings
        if ( Channel.SND_RX_SEQ==(svc & Channel.SND_RX_SEQ) ) {
            //synchronize, big time FIXME
            valid = true;
        if ( Channel.SND_TX_SEQ==(svc & Channel.SND_TX_SEQ) ) {
            valid = true;
        if ( Channel.MBR_RX_SEQ==(svc & Channel.MBR_RX_SEQ) ) {
            if (membershipService instanceof McastService) {
            valid = true;
        if ( Channel.MBR_TX_SEQ==(svc & Channel.MBR_TX_SEQ) ) {
            valid = true;
        if ( !valid) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid start level, valid levels are:SND_RX_SEQ,SND_TX_SEQ,MBR_TX_SEQ,MBR_RX_SEQ");
        startLevel = (startLevel | svc);
    }catch ( ChannelException cx ) {
        throw cx;
    }catch ( Exception x ) {
        throw new ChannelException(x);
Example 7
Source File:    From Tomcat7.0.67 with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
 * Shuts down the channel. This can be called multiple times for individual services to shutdown
 * The svc parameter can be the logical or value of any constants
 * @param svc int value of <BR>
 * DEFAULT - will shutdown all services <BR>
 * MBR_RX_SEQ - starts the membership receiver <BR>
 * MBR_TX_SEQ - starts the membership broadcaster <BR>
 * SND_TX_SEQ - starts the replication transmitter<BR>
 * SND_RX_SEQ - starts the replication receiver<BR>
 * @throws ChannelException if a startup error occurs or the service is already started.
protected synchronized void internalStop(int svc) throws ChannelException {
    try {
        //make sure we don't pass down any flags that are unrelated to the bottom layer
        svc = svc & Channel.DEFAULT;

        if (startLevel == 0) return; //we have already stopped up all components
        if (svc == 0 ) return;//nothing to stop

        boolean valid = false;
        if ( Channel.SND_RX_SEQ==(svc & Channel.SND_RX_SEQ) ) {
            valid = true;
        if ( Channel.SND_TX_SEQ==(svc & Channel.SND_TX_SEQ) ) {
            valid = true;

        if ( Channel.MBR_RX_SEQ==(svc & Channel.MBR_RX_SEQ) ) {
            valid = true;
        if ( Channel.MBR_TX_SEQ==(svc & Channel.MBR_TX_SEQ) ) {
            valid = true;
        if ( !valid) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid start level, valid levels are:SND_RX_SEQ,SND_TX_SEQ,MBR_TX_SEQ,MBR_RX_SEQ");

        startLevel = (startLevel & (~svc));
    }catch ( Exception x ) {
        throw new ChannelException(x);
    } finally {

Example 8
Source File:    From tomcatsrc with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
 * Starts up the channel. This can be called multiple times for individual services to start
 * The svc parameter can be the logical or value of any constants
 * @param svc int value of <BR>
 * DEFAULT - will start all services <BR>
 * MBR_RX_SEQ - starts the membership receiver <BR>
 * MBR_TX_SEQ - starts the membership broadcaster <BR>
 * SND_TX_SEQ - starts the replication transmitter<BR>
 * SND_RX_SEQ - starts the replication receiver<BR>
 * @throws ChannelException if a startup error occurs or the service is already started.
protected synchronized void internalStart(int svc) throws ChannelException {
    try {
        boolean valid = false;
        //make sure we don't pass down any flags that are unrelated to the bottom layer
        svc = svc & Channel.DEFAULT;

        if (startLevel == Channel.DEFAULT) return; //we have already started up all components
        if (svc == 0 ) return;//nothing to start
        if (svc == (svc & startLevel)) throw new ChannelException("Channel already started for level:"+svc);

        //must start the receiver first so that we can coordinate the port it
        //listens to with the local membership settings
        if ( Channel.SND_RX_SEQ==(svc & Channel.SND_RX_SEQ) ) {
            if (clusterReceiver instanceof ReceiverBase) {
            //synchronize, big time FIXME
            Member localMember = getChannel().getLocalMember(false);
            if (localMember instanceof StaticMember) {
                // static member
                StaticMember staticMember = (StaticMember)localMember;
            } else {
                // multicast member
            valid = true;
        if ( Channel.SND_TX_SEQ==(svc & Channel.SND_TX_SEQ) ) {
            if (clusterSender instanceof ReplicationTransmitter) {
            valid = true;
        if ( Channel.MBR_RX_SEQ==(svc & Channel.MBR_RX_SEQ) ) {
            if (membershipService instanceof McastService) {
            valid = true;
        if ( Channel.MBR_TX_SEQ==(svc & Channel.MBR_TX_SEQ) ) {
            if (membershipService instanceof McastService) {
            valid = true;
        if ( !valid) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid start level, valid levels are:SND_RX_SEQ,SND_TX_SEQ,MBR_TX_SEQ,MBR_RX_SEQ");
        startLevel = (startLevel | svc);
    }catch ( ChannelException cx ) {
        throw cx;
    }catch ( Exception x ) {
        throw new ChannelException(x);
Example 9
Source File:    From tomcatsrc with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
 * Shuts down the channel. This can be called multiple times for individual services to shutdown
 * The svc parameter can be the logical or value of any constants
 * @param svc int value of <BR>
 * DEFAULT - will shutdown all services <BR>
 * MBR_RX_SEQ - starts the membership receiver <BR>
 * MBR_TX_SEQ - starts the membership broadcaster <BR>
 * SND_TX_SEQ - starts the replication transmitter<BR>
 * SND_RX_SEQ - starts the replication receiver<BR>
 * @throws ChannelException if a startup error occurs or the service is already started.
protected synchronized void internalStop(int svc) throws ChannelException {
    try {
        //make sure we don't pass down any flags that are unrelated to the bottom layer
        svc = svc & Channel.DEFAULT;

        if (startLevel == 0) return; //we have already stopped up all components
        if (svc == 0 ) return;//nothing to stop

        boolean valid = false;
        if ( Channel.SND_RX_SEQ==(svc & Channel.SND_RX_SEQ) ) {
            valid = true;
        if ( Channel.SND_TX_SEQ==(svc & Channel.SND_TX_SEQ) ) {
            valid = true;

        if ( Channel.MBR_RX_SEQ==(svc & Channel.MBR_RX_SEQ) ) {
            valid = true;
        if ( Channel.MBR_TX_SEQ==(svc & Channel.MBR_TX_SEQ) ) {
            valid = true;
        if ( !valid) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid start level, valid levels are:SND_RX_SEQ,SND_TX_SEQ,MBR_TX_SEQ,MBR_RX_SEQ");

        startLevel = (startLevel & (~svc));
    }catch ( Exception x ) {
        throw new ChannelException(x);
    } finally {
