Java Code Examples for org.apache.calcite.schema.impl.ViewTable#viewMacro()

The following examples show how to use org.apache.calcite.schema.impl.ViewTable#viewMacro() . You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example 1
Source File:    From calcite with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
/** Executes a {@code CREATE VIEW} command. */
public void execute(SqlCreateView create,
    CalcitePrepare.Context context) {
  final Pair<CalciteSchema, String> pair =
      schema(context, true,;
  final SchemaPlus schemaPlus =;
  for (Function function : schemaPlus.getFunctions(pair.right)) {
    if (function.getParameters().isEmpty()) {
      if (!create.getReplace()) {
        throw SqlUtil.newContextException(,
  final SqlNode q = renameColumns(create.columnList, create.query);
  final String sql = q.toSqlString(CalciteSqlDialect.DEFAULT).getSql();
  final ViewTableMacro viewTableMacro =
      ViewTable.viewMacro(schemaPlus, sql, pair.left.path(null),
          context.getObjectPath(), false);
  final TranslatableTable x = viewTableMacro.apply(ImmutableList.of());
  schemaPlus.add(pair.right, viewTableMacro);
Example 2
Source File:    From calcite with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
private CalciteAssert.ConnectionFactory newConnectionFactory() {
  return new CalciteAssert.ConnectionFactory() {
    @Override public Connection createConnection() throws SQLException {
      final Connection connection = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:calcite:lex=JAVA");
      final SchemaPlus root = connection.unwrap(CalciteConnection.class).getRootSchema();

      root.add("geode", new GeodeSchema(POLICY.cache(), Collections.singleton("zips")));

      // add calcite view programmatically
      final String viewSql =  "select \"_id\" AS \"id\", \"city\", \"loc\", "
          + "cast(\"pop\" AS integer) AS \"pop\", cast(\"state\" AS varchar(2)) AS \"state\" "
          + "from \"geode\".\"zips\"";

      ViewTableMacro macro = ViewTable.viewMacro(root, viewSql,
          Collections.singletonList("geode"), Arrays.asList("geode", "view"), false);
      root.add("view", macro);

      return connection;
Example 3
Source File:    From calcite with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
private CalciteAssert.ConnectionFactory newConnectionFactory() {
  return new CalciteAssert.ConnectionFactory() {
    @Override public Connection createConnection() throws SQLException {
      final Connection connection = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:calcite:");
      final SchemaPlus root = connection.unwrap(CalciteConnection.class).getRootSchema();

      root.add("elastic", new ElasticsearchSchema(NODE.restClient(), NODE.mapper(), NAME));

      // add calcite view programmatically
      final String viewSql = String.format(Locale.ROOT,
          "select _MAP['a'] AS \"a\", "
              + " _MAP['b.a']  AS \"b.a\", "
              +  " _MAP['b.b'] AS \"b.b\", "
              +  " _MAP['b.c.a'] AS \"b.c.a\", "
              +  " _MAP['_id'] AS \"id\" " // _id field is implicit
              +  " from \"elastic\".\"%s\"", NAME);

      ViewTableMacro macro = ViewTable.viewMacro(root, viewSql,
          Collections.singletonList("elastic"), Arrays.asList("elastic", "view"), false);
      root.add("VIEW", macro);
      return connection;
Example 4
Source File:    From calcite with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
private CalciteAssert.ConnectionFactory newConnectionFactory() {
  return new CalciteAssert.ConnectionFactory() {
    @Override public Connection createConnection() throws SQLException {
      final Connection connection = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:calcite:lex=JAVA");
      final SchemaPlus root = connection.unwrap(CalciteConnection.class).getRootSchema();

      root.add("elastic", new ElasticsearchSchema(NODE.restClient(), NODE.mapper(), ZIPS));

      // add calcite view programmatically
      final String viewSql = String.format(Locale.ROOT,
          "select cast(_MAP['city'] AS varchar(20)) AS \"city\", "
          + " cast(_MAP['loc'][0] AS float) AS \"longitude\",\n"
          + " cast(_MAP['loc'][1] AS float) AS \"latitude\",\n"
          + " cast(_MAP['pop'] AS integer) AS \"pop\", "
          +  " cast(_MAP['state'] AS varchar(2)) AS \"state\", "
          +  " cast(_MAP['id'] AS varchar(5)) AS \"id\" "
          +  "from \"elastic\".\"%s\"", ZIPS);

      ViewTableMacro macro = ViewTable.viewMacro(root, viewSql,
          Collections.singletonList("elastic"), Arrays.asList("elastic", "view"), false);
      root.add(ZIPS, macro);

      return connection;
Example 5
Source File:    From calcite with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
private CalciteAssert.ConnectionFactory newConnectionFactory() {
  return new CalciteAssert.ConnectionFactory() {
    @Override public Connection createConnection() throws SQLException {
      final Connection connection = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:calcite:");
      final SchemaPlus root = connection.unwrap(CalciteConnection.class).getRootSchema();

      root.add("elastic", new ElasticsearchSchema(NODE.restClient(), NODE.mapper(), NAME));

      // add calcite view programmatically
      final String viewSql = String.format(Locale.ROOT,
          "select cast(_MAP['A'] AS varchar(2)) AS a,"
              + " cast(_MAP['b'] AS varchar(2)) AS b, "
              +  " cast(_MAP['cCC'] AS varchar(2)) AS c, "
              +  " cast(_MAP['DDd'] AS varchar(2)) AS d "
              +  " from \"elastic\".\"%s\"", NAME);

      ViewTableMacro macro = ViewTable.viewMacro(root, viewSql,
              Collections.singletonList("elastic"), Arrays.asList("elastic", "view"), false);
      root.add("VIEW", macro);

      return connection;
Example 6
Source File:    From calcite with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
private CalciteAssert.ConnectionFactory newConnectionFactory() {
  return new CalciteAssert.ConnectionFactory() {
    @Override public Connection createConnection() throws SQLException {
      final Connection connection = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:calcite:lex=JAVA");
      final SchemaPlus root = connection.unwrap(CalciteConnection.class).getRootSchema();

      root.add("elastic", new ElasticsearchSchema(NODE.restClient(), NODE.mapper(), NAME));

      // add calcite view programmatically
      final String viewSql = String.format(Locale.ROOT,
          "select _MAP['cat1'] AS \"cat1\", "
              + " _MAP['cat2']  AS \"cat2\", "
              +  " _MAP['cat3'] AS \"cat3\", "
              +  " _MAP['cat4'] AS \"cat4\", "
              +  " _MAP['cat5'] AS \"cat5\", "
              +  " _MAP['val1'] AS \"val1\", "
              +  " _MAP['val2'] AS \"val2\" "
              +  " from \"elastic\".\"%s\"", NAME);

      ViewTableMacro macro = ViewTable.viewMacro(root, viewSql,
          Collections.singletonList("elastic"), Arrays.asList("elastic", "view"), false);
      root.add("view", macro);
      return connection;
Example 7
Source File:    From calcite with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
private CalciteAssert.ConnectionFactory newConnectionFactory() {
  return new CalciteAssert.ConnectionFactory() {
    @Override public Connection createConnection() throws SQLException {
      final Connection connection = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:calcite:lex=JAVA");
      final SchemaPlus root = connection.unwrap(CalciteConnection.class).getRootSchema();

      root.add("elastic", new ElasticsearchSchema(NODE.restClient(), NODE.mapper(), ZIPS));

      // add calcite view programmatically
      final String viewSql = "select cast(_MAP['city'] AS varchar(20)) AS \"city\", "
          + " cast(_MAP['loc'][0] AS float) AS \"longitude\",\n"
          + " cast(_MAP['loc'][1] AS float) AS \"latitude\",\n"
          + " cast(_MAP['pop'] AS integer) AS \"pop\", "
          +  " cast(_MAP['state'] AS varchar(2)) AS \"state\", "
          +  " cast(_MAP['id'] AS varchar(5)) AS \"id\" "
          +  "from \"elastic\".\"zips\"";

      ViewTableMacro macro = ViewTable.viewMacro(root, viewSql,
          Collections.singletonList("elastic"), Arrays.asList("elastic", "view"), false);
      root.add("zips", macro);

      return connection;
Example 8
Source File:    From calcite with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
private CalciteAssert.ConnectionFactory newConnectionFactory() {
  return new CalciteAssert.ConnectionFactory() {
    @Override public Connection createConnection() throws SQLException {
      final Connection connection = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:calcite:");
      final SchemaPlus root = connection.unwrap(CalciteConnection.class).getRootSchema();

      root.add("elastic", new ElasticsearchSchema(NODE.restClient(), NODE.mapper(), NAME));

      // add calcite view programmatically
      final String viewSql = String.format(Locale.ROOT,
          "select cast(_MAP['a'] AS varchar(2)) AS a, "
              + " cast(_MAP['b'] AS varchar(2)) AS b, "
              +  " cast(_MAP['c'] AS varchar(2)) AS c, "
              +  " cast(_MAP['int'] AS integer) AS num"
              +  " from \"elastic\".\"%s\"", NAME);

      ViewTableMacro macro = ViewTable.viewMacro(root, viewSql,
          Arrays.asList("elastic", "view"), false);
      root.add("VIEW", macro);

      return connection;
Example 9
Source File:    From calcite with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
/** Creates a config builder that will contain a view, "MYVIEW", and also
 * the SCOTT JDBC schema, whose tables implement
 * {@link org.apache.calcite.schema.TranslatableTable}. */
static Frameworks.ConfigBuilder expandingConfig(Connection connection)
    throws SQLException {
  final CalciteConnection calciteConnection =
  final SchemaPlus root = calciteConnection.getRootSchema();
  CalciteAssert.SchemaSpec spec = CalciteAssert.SchemaSpec.SCOTT;
  CalciteAssert.addSchema(root, spec);
  final String viewSql =
      String.format(Locale.ROOT, "select * from \"%s\".\"%s\" where 1=1",
          spec.schemaName, "EMP");

  // create view
  ViewTableMacro macro = ViewTable.viewMacro(root, viewSql,
      Collections.singletonList("test"), Arrays.asList("test", "view"), false);

  // register view (in root schema)
  root.add("MYVIEW", macro);

  return Frameworks.newConfigBuilder().defaultSchema(root);
Example 10
Source File:    From calcite with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
/** Executes a {@code CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW} command. */
public void execute(SqlCreateMaterializedView create,
    CalcitePrepare.Context context) {
  final Pair<CalciteSchema, String> pair = schema(context, true,;
  if ( != null) {
    // Materialized view exists.
    if (!create.ifNotExists) {
      // They did not specify IF NOT EXISTS, so give error.
      throw SqlUtil.newContextException(,
  final SqlNode q = renameColumns(create.columnList, create.query);
  final String sql = q.toSqlString(CalciteSqlDialect.DEFAULT).getSql();
  final List<String> schemaPath = pair.left.path(null);
  final ViewTableMacro viewTableMacro =
      ViewTable.viewMacro(, sql, schemaPath,
          context.getObjectPath(), false);
  final TranslatableTable x = viewTableMacro.apply(ImmutableList.of());
  final RelDataType rowType = x.getRowType(context.getTypeFactory());

  // Table does not exist. Create it.
  final MaterializedViewTable table =
      new MaterializedViewTable(pair.right, RelDataTypeImpl.proto(rowType));
  pair.left.add(pair.right, table);
  populate(, create.query, context);
  table.key =
      MaterializationService.instance().defineMaterialization(pair.left, null,
          sql, schemaPath, pair.right, true, true);
Example 11
Source File:    From calcite with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
/** Executes a {@code CREATE TABLE} command. Called via reflection. */
public void execute(SqlCreateTable create, CalcitePrepare.Context context) {
  final CalciteSchema schema =
  final JavaTypeFactory typeFactory = context.getTypeFactory();
  final RelDataType queryRowType;
  if (create.query != null) {
    // A bit of a hack: pretend it's a view, to get its row type
    final String sql =
    final ViewTableMacro viewTableMacro =
        ViewTable.viewMacro(, sql, schema.path(null),
            context.getObjectPath(), false);
    final TranslatableTable x = viewTableMacro.apply(ImmutableList.of());
    queryRowType = x.getRowType(typeFactory);

    if (create.columnList != null
        && queryRowType.getFieldCount() != create.columnList.size()) {
      throw SqlUtil.newContextException(create.columnList.getParserPosition(),
  } else {
    queryRowType = null;
  final RelDataTypeFactory.Builder builder = typeFactory.builder();
  if (create.columnList != null) {
    final SqlValidator validator = new ContextSqlValidator(context, false);
    create.forEachNameType((name, typeSpec) ->
        builder.add(name.getSimple(), typeSpec.deriveType(validator, true)));
  } else {
    if (queryRowType == null) {
      // "CREATE TABLE t" is invalid; because there is no "AS query" we need
      // a list of column names and types, "CREATE TABLE t (INT c)".
      throw SqlUtil.newContextException(,
  final RelDataType rowType =;
      new MutableArrayTable(,
  if (create.query != null) {
    populate(, create.query, context);