Java Code Examples for org.apache.spark.sql.Dataset#randomSplit()

The following examples show how to use org.apache.spark.sql.Dataset#randomSplit() . You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example 1
Source File:    From SparkDemo with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
public static void main(String[] args) {
  SparkSession spark = SparkSession

  // $example on$
  // Load and parse the data file, converting it to a DataFrame.
  Dataset<Row> data ="libsvm").load("data/mllib/sample_libsvm_data.txt");

  // Index labels, adding metadata to the label column.
  // Fit on whole dataset to include all labels in index.
  StringIndexerModel labelIndexer = new StringIndexer()
  // Automatically identify categorical features, and index them.
  // Set maxCategories so features with > 4 distinct values are treated as continuous.
  VectorIndexerModel featureIndexer = new VectorIndexer()

  // Split the data into training and test sets (30% held out for testing)
  Dataset<Row>[] splits = data.randomSplit(new double[] {0.7, 0.3});
  Dataset<Row> trainingData = splits[0];
  Dataset<Row> testData = splits[1];

  // Train a RandomForest model.
  RandomForestClassifier rf = new RandomForestClassifier()

  // Convert indexed labels back to original labels.
  IndexToString labelConverter = new IndexToString()

  // Chain indexers and forest in a Pipeline
  Pipeline pipeline = new Pipeline()
    .setStages(new PipelineStage[] {labelIndexer, featureIndexer, rf, labelConverter});

  // Train model. This also runs the indexers.
  PipelineModel model =;

  // Make predictions.
  Dataset<Row> predictions = model.transform(testData);

  // Select example rows to display."predictedLabel", "label", "features").show(5);

  // Select (prediction, true label) and compute test error
  MulticlassClassificationEvaluator evaluator = new MulticlassClassificationEvaluator()
  double accuracy = evaluator.evaluate(predictions);
  System.out.println("Test Error = " + (1.0 - accuracy));

  RandomForestClassificationModel rfModel = (RandomForestClassificationModel)(model.stages()[2]);
  System.out.println("Learned classification forest model:\n" + rfModel.toDebugString());
  // $example off$

Example 2
Source File:    From SparkDemo with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
public static void main(String[] args) {
  SparkSession spark = SparkSession

  // $example on$
  JavaRDD<Rating> ratingsRDD = spark
    .read().textFile(Constant.LOCAL_FILE_PREX +"data/mllib/als/sample_movielens_ratings.txt").javaRDD()
    .map(new Function<String, Rating>() {
      public Rating call(String str) {
        return Rating.parseRating(str);
  Dataset<Row> ratings = spark.createDataFrame(ratingsRDD, Rating.class);
  Dataset<Row>[] splits = ratings.randomSplit(new double[]{0.8, 0.2});
  Dataset<Row> training = splits[0];
  Dataset<Row> test = splits[1];

  // Build the recommendation model using ALS on the training data
  ALS als = new ALS()
  ALSModel model =;

  // Evaluate the model by computing the RMSE on the test data
  Dataset<Row> predictions = model.transform(test);

  RegressionEvaluator evaluator = new RegressionEvaluator()
  Double rmse = evaluator.evaluate(predictions);
  System.out.println("Root-mean-square error = " + rmse);
  // $example off$
Example 3
Source File:    From spark-transformers with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public void testGradientBoostClassification() {
	// Load the data stored in LIBSVM format as a DataFrame.
	String datapath = "src/test/resources/binary_classification_test.libsvm";

	Dataset<Row> data ="libsvm").load(datapath);

	// Split the data into training and test sets (30% held out for testing)
	Dataset<Row>[] splits = data.randomSplit(new double[]{0.7, 0.3});
	Dataset<Row> trainingData = splits[0];
	Dataset<Row> testData = splits[1];

	// Train a RandomForest model.
	GBTClassificationModel classificationModel = new GBTClassifier().fit(trainingData);

	byte[] exportedModel = ModelExporter.export(classificationModel);

	Transformer transformer = ModelImporter.importAndGetTransformer(exportedModel);

	List<Row> sparkOutput =
	        classificationModel.transform(testData).select("features", "prediction","label").collectAsList();

	// compare predictions
	for (Row row : sparkOutput) {
		Map<String, Object> data_ = new HashMap<>();
		data_.put("features", ((SparseVector) row.get(0)).toArray());
		data_.put("label", (row.get(2)).toString());
		System.out.println(data_.get("prediction")+" ,"+row.get(1));
		assertEquals((double) data_.get("prediction"), (double) row.get(1), EPSILON);

Example 4
Source File:    From -Data-Stream-Development-with-Apache-Spark-Kafka-and-Spring-Boot with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException, StreamingQueryException {

                System.setProperty("hadoop.home.dir", HADOOP_HOME_DIR_VALUE);

                // * the schema can be written on disk, and read from disk
                // * the schema is not mandatory to be complete, it can contain only the needed fields    
                StructType HOUSES_SCHEMA = 
                       new StructType()
                           .add("House", LongType, true)
                           .add("Taxes", LongType, true)
                           .add("Bedrooms", LongType, true)
                           .add("Baths", FloatType, true)
                           .add("Quadrant", LongType, true)
                           .add("NW", StringType, true)
                           .add("Price($)", LongType, false)
                           .add("Size(sqft)", LongType, false)
                           .add("lot", LongType, true);

                final SparkConf conf = new SparkConf()
                    .set("spark.sql.caseSensitive", CASE_SENSITIVE);

                SparkSession sparkSession = SparkSession.builder()

                Dataset<Row> housesDF =
                // Gathering Data				
                Dataset<Row> gatheredDF ="Taxes"), 
                    col("Bedrooms"), col("Baths"),
                    col("Size(sqft)"), col("Price($)"));
                // Data Preparation  
                Dataset<Row> labelDF = gatheredDF.withColumnRenamed("Price($)", "label");
                Imputer imputer = new Imputer()
                    // .setMissingValue(1.0d)
                    .setInputCols(new String[] { "Baths" })
                    .setOutputCols(new String[] { "~Baths~" });

                VectorAssembler assembler = new VectorAssembler()
                    .setInputCols(new String[] { "Taxes", "Bedrooms", "~Baths~", "Size(sqft)" })
                // Choosing a Model               
                LinearRegression linearRegression = new LinearRegression();

                Pipeline pipeline = new Pipeline()
                                .setStages(new PipelineStage[] {
                                    imputer, assembler, linearRegression 

                // Training The Data
                Dataset<Row>[] splitDF = labelDF.randomSplit(new double[] { 0.8, 0.2 });

                Dataset<Row> trainDF = splitDF[0];
                Dataset<Row> evaluationDF = splitDF[1];

                PipelineModel pipelineModel =;
                // Evaluation 
                Dataset<Row> predictionsDF = pipelineModel.transform(evaluationDF);


                Dataset<Row> forEvaluationDF ="label"), 

                RegressionEvaluator evaluteR2 = new RegressionEvaluator().setMetricName("r2");
                RegressionEvaluator evaluteRMSE = new RegressionEvaluator().setMetricName("rmse");

                double r2 = evaluteR2.evaluate(forEvaluationDF);
                double rmse = evaluteRMSE.evaluate(forEvaluationDF);

      "R2 =" + r2);
      "RMSE =" + rmse);
Example 5
Source File:    From spark-transformers with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public void testDecisionTreeClassificationPrediction() {
    // Load the data stored in LIBSVM format as a DataFrame.
	String datapath = "src/test/resources/classification_test.libsvm";
	Dataset<Row> data ="libsvm").load(datapath);

    // Split the data into training and test sets (30% held out for testing)
    Dataset<Row>[] splits = data.randomSplit(new double[]{0.7, 0.3});
    Dataset<Row> trainingData = splits[0];
    Dataset<Row> testData = splits[1];

    // Train a DecisionTree model.
    DecisionTreeClassificationModel classifierModel = new DecisionTreeClassifier().fit(trainingData);
    List<Row> output = classifierModel.transform(testData).select("features", "prediction","rawPrediction").collectAsList();
    byte[] exportedModel = ModelExporter.export(classifierModel);

    DecisionTreeTransformer transformer = (DecisionTreeTransformer) ModelImporter.importAndGetTransformer(exportedModel);

    //compare predictions
    for (Row row : output) {
    	Map<String, Object> data_ = new HashMap<>();
    	double [] actualRawPrediction = ((DenseVector) row.get(2)).toArray();
        data_.put("features", ((SparseVector) row.get(0)).toArray());
        assertEquals((double)data_.get("prediction"), (double)row.get(1), EPSILON);
        assertArrayEquals((double[]) data_.get("rawPrediction"), actualRawPrediction, EPSILON);
Example 6
Source File:    From spark-transformers with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public void testDecisionTreeRegressionPrediction() {
    // Load the data stored in LIBSVM format as a DataFrame.
	String datapath = "src/test/resources/regression_test.libsvm";
	Dataset<Row> data ="libsvm").load(datapath);

    // Split the data into training and test sets (30% held out for testing)
    Dataset<Row>[] splits = data.randomSplit(new double[]{0.7, 0.3});
    Dataset<Row> trainingData = splits[0];
    Dataset<Row> testData = splits[1];

    // Train a DecisionTree model.
    DecisionTreeRegressionModel regressionModel = new DecisionTreeRegressor().fit(trainingData);
    List<Row> output = regressionModel.transform(testData).select("features", "prediction").collectAsList();
    byte[] exportedModel = ModelExporter.export(regressionModel);

    DecisionTreeTransformer transformer = (DecisionTreeTransformer) ModelImporter.importAndGetTransformer(exportedModel);

    //compare predictions
    for (Row row : output) {
    	Map<String, Object> data_ = new HashMap<>();
        data_.put("features", ((SparseVector) row.get(0)).toArray());
        assertEquals((double)data_.get("prediction"), (double)row.get(1), EPSILON);
Example 7
Source File:    From SparkDemo with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
public static void main(String[] args) {
  SparkSession spark = SparkSession

  // $example on$
  Dataset<Row> data ="libsvm")

  // Prepare training and test data.
  Dataset<Row>[] splits = data.randomSplit(new double[] {0.9, 0.1}, 12345);
  Dataset<Row> training = splits[0];
  Dataset<Row> test = splits[1];

  LinearRegression lr = new LinearRegression();

  // We use a ParamGridBuilder to construct a grid of parameters to search over.
  // TrainValidationSplit will try all combinations of values and determine best model using
  // the evaluator.
  ParamMap[] paramGrid = new ParamGridBuilder()
    .addGrid(lr.regParam(), new double[] {0.1, 0.01})
    .addGrid(lr.elasticNetParam(), new double[] {0.0, 0.5, 1.0})

  // In this case the estimator is simply the linear regression.
  // A TrainValidationSplit requires an Estimator, a set of Estimator ParamMaps, and an Evaluator.
  TrainValidationSplit trainValidationSplit = new TrainValidationSplit()
    .setEvaluator(new RegressionEvaluator())
    .setTrainRatio(0.8);  // 80% for training and the remaining 20% for validation

  // Run train validation split, and choose the best set of parameters.
  TrainValidationSplitModel model =;

  // Make predictions on test data. model is the model with combination of parameters
  // that performed best.
    .select("features", "label", "prediction")
  // $example off$

Example 8
Source File:    From mmtf-spark with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
 * Dataset must at least contain the following two columns:
 * label: the class labels
 * features: feature vector
 * @param data
 * @return map with metrics
public Map<String,String> fit(Dataset<Row> data) {
	int classCount = (int);

	StringIndexerModel labelIndexer = new StringIndexer()

	// Split the data into training and test sets (30% held out for testing)
	Dataset<Row>[] splits = data.randomSplit(new double[] {1.0-testFraction, testFraction}, seed);
	Dataset<Row> trainingData = splits[0];
	Dataset<Row> testData = splits[1];
	String[] labels = labelIndexer.labels();
	for (String l: labels) {
		System.out.println(l + "\t" + + " = '" + l + "'").count()
				+ "\t" 
				+ + " = '" + l + "'").count());
	// Set input columns

	// Convert indexed labels back to original labels.
	IndexToString labelConverter = new IndexToString()

	// Chain indexers and forest in a Pipeline
	Pipeline pipeline = new Pipeline()
	  .setStages(new PipelineStage[] {labelIndexer, predictor, labelConverter});

	// Train model. This also runs the indexers.
	PipelineModel model =;

	// Make predictions.
	Dataset<Row> predictions = model.transform(testData).cache();
	// Display some sample predictions
	System.out.println("Sample predictions: " + predictor.getClass().getSimpleName());

	predictions.sample(false, 0.1, seed).show(25);	

	predictions = predictions.withColumnRenamed(label, "stringLabel");
	predictions = predictions.withColumnRenamed("indexedLabel", label);
	// collect metrics
	Dataset<Row> pred ="prediction",label);
       Map<String,String> metrics = new LinkedHashMap<>();       
       metrics.put("Method", predictor.getClass().getSimpleName());
       if (classCount == 2) {
       	    BinaryClassificationMetrics b = new BinaryClassificationMetrics(pred);
         	metrics.put("AUC", Float.toString((float)b.areaUnderROC()));
       MulticlassMetrics m = new MulticlassMetrics(pred); 
       metrics.put("F", Float.toString((float)m.weightedFMeasure()));
       metrics.put("Accuracy", Float.toString((float)m.accuracy()));
       metrics.put("Precision", Float.toString((float)m.weightedPrecision()));
       metrics.put("Recall", Float.toString((float)m.weightedRecall()));
       metrics.put("False Positive Rate", Float.toString((float)m.weightedFalsePositiveRate()));
       metrics.put("True Positive Rate", Float.toString((float)m.weightedTruePositiveRate()));
       metrics.put("", "\nConfusion Matrix\n" 
           + Arrays.toString(labels) +"\n" 
       		+ m.confusionMatrix().toString());
       return metrics;
Example 9
Source File:    From SparkDemo with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
public static void main(String[] args) {
  SparkSession spark = SparkSession

  // $example on$
  // Load and parse the data file, converting it to a DataFrame.
  Dataset<Row> data ="libsvm").load("data/mllib/sample_libsvm_data.txt");

  // Automatically identify categorical features, and index them.
  // Set maxCategories so features with > 4 distinct values are treated as continuous.
  VectorIndexerModel featureIndexer = new VectorIndexer()

  // Split the data into training and test sets (30% held out for testing).
  Dataset<Row>[] splits = data.randomSplit(new double[] {0.7, 0.3});
  Dataset<Row> trainingData = splits[0];
  Dataset<Row> testData = splits[1];

  // Train a GBT model.
  GBTRegressor gbt = new GBTRegressor()

  // Chain indexer and GBT in a Pipeline.
  Pipeline pipeline = new Pipeline().setStages(new PipelineStage[] {featureIndexer, gbt});

  // Train model. This also runs the indexer.
  PipelineModel model =;

  // Make predictions.
  Dataset<Row> predictions = model.transform(testData);

  // Select example rows to display."prediction", "label", "features").show(5);

  // Select (prediction, true label) and compute test error.
  RegressionEvaluator evaluator = new RegressionEvaluator()
  double rmse = evaluator.evaluate(predictions);
  System.out.println("Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE) on test data = " + rmse);

  GBTRegressionModel gbtModel = (GBTRegressionModel)(model.stages()[1]);
  System.out.println("Learned regression GBT model:\n" + gbtModel.toDebugString());
  // $example off$

Example 10
Source File:    From SparkDemo with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
public static void main(String[] args) {
  SparkSession spark = SparkSession

  // $example on$
  // Load training data
  String path = "data/mllib/sample_multiclass_classification_data.txt";
  Dataset<Row> dataFrame ="libsvm").load(path);

  // Split the data into train and test
  Dataset<Row>[] splits = dataFrame.randomSplit(new double[]{0.6, 0.4}, 1234L);
  Dataset<Row> train = splits[0];
  Dataset<Row> test = splits[1];

  // specify layers for the neural network:
  // input layer of size 4 (features), two intermediate of size 5 and 4
  // and output of size 3 (classes)
  int[] layers = new int[] {4, 5, 4, 3};

  // create the trainer and set its parameters
  MultilayerPerceptronClassifier trainer = new MultilayerPerceptronClassifier()

  // train the model
  MultilayerPerceptronClassificationModel model =;

  // compute accuracy on the test set
  Dataset<Row> result = model.transform(test);
  Dataset<Row> predictionAndLabels ="prediction", "label");
  MulticlassClassificationEvaluator evaluator = new MulticlassClassificationEvaluator()

  System.out.println("Test set accuracy = " + evaluator.evaluate(predictionAndLabels));
  // $example off$

Example 11
Source File:    From mmtf-spark with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
 * Dataset must at least contain the following two columns:
 * label: the class labels
 * features: feature vector
 * @param data
 * @return map with metrics
public Map<String,String> fit(Dataset<Row> data) {

	// Split the data into training and test sets (30% held out for testing)
	Dataset<Row>[] splits = data.randomSplit(new double[] {1.0-testFraction, testFraction}, seed);
	Dataset<Row> trainingData = splits[0];
	Dataset<Row> testData = splits[1];

	// Train a RandomForest model.

	// Chain indexer and forest in a Pipeline
	Pipeline pipeline = new Pipeline()
	  .setStages(new PipelineStage[] {predictor});

	// Train model. This also runs the indexer.
	PipelineModel model =;

	// Make predictions.
	Dataset<Row> predictions = model.transform(testData);

	// Display some sample predictions
	System.out.println("Sample predictions: " + predictor.getClass().getSimpleName());
	String primaryKey = predictions.columns()[0];, label, "prediction").sample(false, 0.1, seed).show(50);
	Map<String,String> metrics = new LinkedHashMap<>();
    metrics.put("Method", predictor.getClass().getSimpleName());
    // Select (prediction, true label) and compute test error
    RegressionEvaluator evaluator = new RegressionEvaluator()
    metrics.put("rmse", Double.toString(evaluator.evaluate(predictions)));

	return metrics;
Example 12
Source File:    From SparkDemo with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
public static void main(String[] args) {
  SparkSession spark = SparkSession

  // $example on$
  // Load and parse the data file, converting it to a DataFrame.
  Dataset<Row> data ="libsvm").load("data/mllib/sample_libsvm_data.txt");

  // Automatically identify categorical features, and index them.
  // Set maxCategories so features with > 4 distinct values are treated as continuous.
  VectorIndexerModel featureIndexer = new VectorIndexer()

  // Split the data into training and test sets (30% held out for testing)
  Dataset<Row>[] splits = data.randomSplit(new double[] {0.7, 0.3});
  Dataset<Row> trainingData = splits[0];
  Dataset<Row> testData = splits[1];

  // Train a RandomForest model.
  RandomForestRegressor rf = new RandomForestRegressor()

  // Chain indexer and forest in a Pipeline
  Pipeline pipeline = new Pipeline()
    .setStages(new PipelineStage[] {featureIndexer, rf});

  // Train model. This also runs the indexer.
  PipelineModel model =;

  // Make predictions.
  Dataset<Row> predictions = model.transform(testData);

  // Select example rows to display."prediction", "label", "features").show(5);

  // Select (prediction, true label) and compute test error
  RegressionEvaluator evaluator = new RegressionEvaluator()
  double rmse = evaluator.evaluate(predictions);
  System.out.println("Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE) on test data = " + rmse);

  RandomForestRegressionModel rfModel = (RandomForestRegressionModel)(model.stages()[1]);
  System.out.println("Learned regression forest model:\n" + rfModel.toDebugString());
  // $example off$

Example 13
Source File:    From SparkDemo with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
public static void main(String[] args) {
  SparkSession spark = SparkSession

  // $example on$
  // Load and parse the data file, converting it to a DataFrame.
  Dataset<Row> data = spark

  // Index labels, adding metadata to the label column.
  // Fit on whole dataset to include all labels in index.
  StringIndexerModel labelIndexer = new StringIndexer()
  // Automatically identify categorical features, and index them.
  // Set maxCategories so features with > 4 distinct values are treated as continuous.
  VectorIndexerModel featureIndexer = new VectorIndexer()

  // Split the data into training and test sets (30% held out for testing)
  Dataset<Row>[] splits = data.randomSplit(new double[] {0.7, 0.3});
  Dataset<Row> trainingData = splits[0];
  Dataset<Row> testData = splits[1];

  // Train a GBT model.
  GBTClassifier gbt = new GBTClassifier()

  // Convert indexed labels back to original labels.
  IndexToString labelConverter = new IndexToString()

  // Chain indexers and GBT in a Pipeline.
  Pipeline pipeline = new Pipeline()
    .setStages(new PipelineStage[] {labelIndexer, featureIndexer, gbt, labelConverter});

  // Train model. This also runs the indexers.
  PipelineModel model =;

  // Make predictions.
  Dataset<Row> predictions = model.transform(testData);

  // Select example rows to display."predictedLabel", "label", "features").show(5);

  // Select (prediction, true label) and compute test error.
  MulticlassClassificationEvaluator evaluator = new MulticlassClassificationEvaluator()
  double accuracy = evaluator.evaluate(predictions);
  System.out.println("Test Error = " + (1.0 - accuracy));

  GBTClassificationModel gbtModel = (GBTClassificationModel)(model.stages()[2]);
  System.out.println("Learned classification GBT model:\n" + gbtModel.toDebugString());
  // $example off$

Example 14
Source File:    From SparkDemo with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
public static void main(String[] args) {
  SparkSession spark = SparkSession

  // $example on$
  // Load the data stored in LIBSVM format as a DataFrame.
  Dataset<Row> data = spark

  // Index labels, adding metadata to the label column.
  // Fit on whole dataset to include all labels in index.
  StringIndexerModel labelIndexer = new StringIndexer()

  // Automatically identify categorical features, and index them.
  VectorIndexerModel featureIndexer = new VectorIndexer()
    .setMaxCategories(4) // features with > 4 distinct values are treated as continuous.

  // Split the data into training and test sets (30% held out for testing).
  Dataset<Row>[] splits = data.randomSplit(new double[]{0.7, 0.3});
  Dataset<Row> trainingData = splits[0];
  Dataset<Row> testData = splits[1];

  // Train a DecisionTree model.
  DecisionTreeClassifier dt = new DecisionTreeClassifier()

  // Convert indexed labels back to original labels.
  IndexToString labelConverter = new IndexToString()

  // Chain indexers and tree in a Pipeline.
  Pipeline pipeline = new Pipeline()
    .setStages(new PipelineStage[]{labelIndexer, featureIndexer, dt, labelConverter});

  // Train model. This also runs the indexers.
  PipelineModel model =;

  // Make predictions.
  Dataset<Row> predictions = model.transform(testData);

  // Select example rows to display."predictedLabel", "label", "features").show(5);

  // Select (prediction, true label) and compute test error.
  MulticlassClassificationEvaluator evaluator = new MulticlassClassificationEvaluator()
  double accuracy = evaluator.evaluate(predictions);
  System.out.println("Test Error = " + (1.0 - accuracy));

  DecisionTreeClassificationModel treeModel =
    (DecisionTreeClassificationModel) (model.stages()[2]);
  System.out.println("Learned classification tree model:\n" + treeModel.toDebugString());
  // $example off$

Example 15
Source File:    From SparkDemo with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
public static void main(String[] args) {
  SparkSession spark = SparkSession
  // $example on$
  // Load the data stored in LIBSVM format as a DataFrame.
  Dataset<Row> data ="libsvm")

  // Automatically identify categorical features, and index them.
  // Set maxCategories so features with > 4 distinct values are treated as continuous.
  VectorIndexerModel featureIndexer = new VectorIndexer()

  // Split the data into training and test sets (30% held out for testing).
  Dataset<Row>[] splits = data.randomSplit(new double[]{0.7, 0.3});
  Dataset<Row> trainingData = splits[0];
  Dataset<Row> testData = splits[1];

  // Train a DecisionTree model.
  DecisionTreeRegressor dt = new DecisionTreeRegressor()

  // Chain indexer and tree in a Pipeline.
  Pipeline pipeline = new Pipeline()
    .setStages(new PipelineStage[]{featureIndexer, dt});

  // Train model. This also runs the indexer.
  PipelineModel model =;

  // Make predictions.
  Dataset<Row> predictions = model.transform(testData);

  // Select example rows to display."label", "features").show(5);

  // Select (prediction, true label) and compute test error.
  RegressionEvaluator evaluator = new RegressionEvaluator()
  double rmse = evaluator.evaluate(predictions);
  System.out.println("Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE) on test data = " + rmse);

  DecisionTreeRegressionModel treeModel =
    (DecisionTreeRegressionModel) (model.stages()[1]);
  System.out.println("Learned regression tree model:\n" + treeModel.toDebugString());
  // $example off$

Example 16
Source File:    From SparkDemo with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
public static void main(String[] args) {
  SparkSession spark = SparkSession

  // $example on$
  // load data file.
  Dataset<Row> inputData ="libsvm")

  // generate the train/test split.
  Dataset<Row>[] tmp = inputData.randomSplit(new double[]{0.8, 0.2});
  Dataset<Row> train = tmp[0];
  Dataset<Row> test = tmp[1];

  // configure the base classifier.
  LogisticRegression classifier = new LogisticRegression()

  // instantiate the One Vs Rest Classifier.
  OneVsRest ovr = new OneVsRest().setClassifier(classifier);

  // train the multiclass model.
  OneVsRestModel ovrModel =;

  // score the model on test data.
  Dataset<Row> predictions = ovrModel.transform(test)
    .select("prediction", "label");

  // obtain evaluator.
  MulticlassClassificationEvaluator evaluator = new MulticlassClassificationEvaluator()

  // compute the classification error on test data.
  double accuracy = evaluator.evaluate(predictions);
  System.out.println("Test Error = " + (1 - accuracy));
  // $example off$

Example 17
Source File:    From spark-transformers with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
  public void testDecisionTreeRegressionPrediction() {
      // Load the data stored in LIBSVM format as a DataFrame.
  	String datapath = "src/test/resources/regression_test.libsvm";
  	Dataset<Row> data ="libsvm").load(datapath);

      // Split the data into training and test sets (30% held out for testing)
      Dataset<Row>[] splits = data.randomSplit(new double[]{0.7, 0.3});
      Dataset<Row> trainingData = splits[0];
      Dataset<Row> testData = splits[1];

      StringIndexer indexer = new StringIndexer()
DecisionTreeRegressor regressionModel =
        new DecisionTreeRegressor().setLabelCol("labelIndex").setFeaturesCol("features");

Pipeline pipeline = new Pipeline()
              .setStages(new PipelineStage[]{indexer, regressionModel});

PipelineModel sparkPipeline =;

      byte[] exportedModel = ModelExporter.export(sparkPipeline);

      Transformer transformer = ModelImporter.importAndGetTransformer(exportedModel);
      List<Row> output = sparkPipeline.transform(testData).select("features", "prediction", "label").collectAsList();

      //compare predictions
      for (Row row : output) {
      	Map<String, Object> data_ = new HashMap<>();
          data_.put("features", ((SparseVector) row.get(0)).toArray());
          data_.put("label", (row.get(2)).toString());
          assertEquals((double)data_.get("prediction"), (double)row.get(1), EPSILON);
Example 18
Source File:    From spark-transformers with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public void testGradientBoostClassification() {
	// Load the data stored in LIBSVM format as a DataFrame.
	String datapath = "src/test/resources/binary_classification_test.libsvm";

	Dataset<Row> data ="libsvm").load(datapath);
	StringIndexer indexer = new StringIndexer()
	// Split the data into training and test sets (30% held out for testing)
	Dataset<Row>[] splits = data.randomSplit(new double[]{0.7, 0.3});
	Dataset<Row> trainingData = splits[0];
	Dataset<Row> testData = splits[1];

	// Train a RandomForest model.
	GBTClassifier classificationModel = new GBTClassifier().setLabelCol("labelIndex")

        Pipeline pipeline = new Pipeline()
                .setStages(new PipelineStage[]{indexer, classificationModel});

	 PipelineModel sparkPipeline =;

	// Export this model
	byte[] exportedModel = ModelExporter.export(sparkPipeline);

	// Import and get Transformer
	Transformer transformer = ModelImporter.importAndGetTransformer(exportedModel);

	List<Row> sparkOutput = sparkPipeline.transform(testData).select("features", "prediction", "label").collectAsList();
	// compare predictions
	for (Row row : sparkOutput) {
		Map<String, Object> data_ = new HashMap<>();
		data_.put("features", ((SparseVector) row.get(0)).toArray());
		data_.put("label", (row.get(2)).toString());
		System.out.println(data_.get("prediction")+" ,"+row.get(1));
		assertEquals((double) data_.get("prediction"), (double) row.get(1), EPSILON);

Example 19
Source File:    From spark-transformers with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public void testDecisionTreeClassificationWithPipeline() {

    // Load the data stored in LIBSVM format as a DataFrame.
	String datapath = "src/test/resources/classification_test.libsvm";
	Dataset<Row> data ="libsvm").load(datapath);

    // Split the data into training and test sets (30% held out for testing)
    Dataset<Row>[] splits = data.randomSplit(new double[]{0.7, 0.3});        

    Dataset<Row> trainingData = splits[0];
    Dataset<Row> testData = splits[1];

    StringIndexer indexer = new StringIndexer()

    // Train a DecisionTree model.
    DecisionTreeClassifier classificationModel = new DecisionTreeClassifier()

    Pipeline pipeline = new Pipeline()
            .setStages(new PipelineStage[]{indexer, classificationModel});

    // Train model.  This also runs the indexer.
    PipelineModel sparkPipeline =;

    //Export this model
    byte[] exportedModel = ModelExporter.export(sparkPipeline);

    //Import and get Transformer
    Transformer transformer = ModelImporter.importAndGetTransformer(exportedModel);

    List<Row> output = sparkPipeline.transform(testData).select("features", "label","prediction","rawPrediction").collectAsList();

    //compare predictions
    for (Row row : output) {
    	Map<String, Object> data_ = new HashMap<>();
    	double [] actualRawPrediction = ((DenseVector) row.get(3)).toArray();
        data_.put("features", ((SparseVector) row.get(0)).toArray());
        data_.put("label", (row.get(1)).toString());
        assertEquals((double)data_.get("prediction"), (double)row.get(2), EPSILON);
        assertArrayEquals((double[]) data_.get("rawPrediction"), actualRawPrediction, EPSILON);
Example 20
Source File:    From Spark_ALS with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
public static void main(String[] args) {
    SparkConf conf = new SparkConf().setAppName("JavaALSExample").setMaster("local");
    JavaSparkContext jsc = new JavaSparkContext(conf);
    SQLContext sqlContext = new SQLContext(jsc);

    JavaRDD<Rating> ratingsRDD = jsc.textFile("data/sample_movielens_ratings.txt")
            .map(new Function<String, Rating>() {
                public Rating call(String str) {
                    return Rating.parseRating(str);
    Dataset<Row> ratings = sqlContext.createDataFrame(ratingsRDD, Rating.class);
    Dataset<Row>[] splits = ratings.randomSplit(new double[]{0.8, 0.2}); // //对数据进行分割,80%为训练样例,剩下的为测试样例。
    Dataset<Row> training = splits[0];
    Dataset<Row> test = splits[1];

    // Build the recommendation model using ALS on the training data
    ALS als = new ALS().setMaxIter(5) // 设置迭代次数
            .setRegParam(0.01) // //正则化参数,使每次迭代平滑一些,此数据集取0.1好像错误率低一些。
    ALSModel model =; // //调用算法开始训练

    Dataset<Row> itemFactors = model.itemFactors();;
    Dataset<Row> userFactors = model.userFactors();;

    // Evaluate the model by computing the RMSE on the test data
    Dataset<Row> rawPredictions = model.transform(test); //对测试数据进行预测
    Dataset<Row> predictions = rawPredictions
            .withColumn("rating", rawPredictions.col("rating").cast(DataTypes.DoubleType))
            .withColumn("prediction", rawPredictions.col("prediction").cast(DataTypes.DoubleType));

    RegressionEvaluator evaluator = new RegressionEvaluator().setMetricName("rmse").setLabelCol("rating")
    Double rmse = evaluator.evaluate(predictions);"Root-mean-square error = {} ", rmse);
