Java Code Examples for htsjdk.variant.variantcontext.VariantContextBuilder#stop()

The following examples show how to use htsjdk.variant.variantcontext.VariantContextBuilder#stop() . You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example 1
Source File:    From picard with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
protected static VariantContextBuilder liftSimpleVariantContext(VariantContext source, Interval target) {
    if (target == null || source.getReference().length() != target.length()) {
        return null;

    // Build the new variant context.  Note: this will copy genotypes, annotations and filters
    final VariantContextBuilder builder = new VariantContextBuilder(source);

    return builder;
Example 2
Source File:    From gatk with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Create a block substitution out of two variant contexts that start at the same position
 * vc1 can be SNP, and vc2 can then be either a insertion or deletion.
 * If vc1 is an indel, then vc2 must be the opposite type (vc1 deletion => vc2 must be an insertion)
 * @param vc1 the first variant context we want to merge
 * @param vc2 the second
 * @return a block substitution that represents the composite substitution implied by vc1 and vc2
protected VariantContext makeBlock(final VariantContext vc1, final VariantContext vc2) {
    Utils.validateArg( vc1.getStart() == vc2.getStart(), () -> "vc1 and 2 must have the same start but got " + vc1 + " and " + vc2);
    Utils.validateArg( vc1.isBiallelic(), "vc1 must be biallelic");
    if ( ! vc1.isSNP() ) {
        Utils.validateArg ( (vc1.isSimpleDeletion() && vc2.isSimpleInsertion()) || (vc1.isSimpleInsertion() && vc2.isSimpleDeletion()),
                () -> "Can only merge single insertion with deletion (or vice versa) but got " + vc1 + " merging with " + vc2);
    } else {
        Utils.validateArg(!vc2.isSNP(), () -> "vc1 is " + vc1 + " but vc2 is a SNP, which implies there's been some terrible bug in the cigar " + vc2);

    final Allele ref, alt;
    final VariantContextBuilder b = new VariantContextBuilder(vc1);
    if ( vc1.isSNP() ) {
        // we have to repair the first base, so SNP case is special cased
        if ( vc1.getReference().equals(vc2.getReference()) ) {
            // we've got an insertion, so we just update the alt to have the prev alt
            ref = vc1.getReference();
            alt = Allele.create(vc1.getAlternateAllele(0).getDisplayString() + vc2.getAlternateAllele(0).getDisplayString().substring(1), false);
        } else {
            // we're dealing with a deletion, so we patch the ref
            ref = vc2.getReference();
            alt = vc1.getAlternateAllele(0);
    } else {
        final VariantContext insertion = vc1.isSimpleInsertion() ? vc1 : vc2;
        final VariantContext deletion  = vc1.isSimpleInsertion() ? vc2 : vc1;
        ref = deletion.getReference();
        alt = insertion.getAlternateAllele(0);

    return b.alleles(Arrays.asList(ref, alt)).make();
Example 3
Source File:    From gatk with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Convert a HomRefBlock into a VariantContext
 * @param sampleName sample name to give this variant context
 * @return a VariantContext representing the gVCF encoding for this block.
 * It will return {@code null} if input {@code block} is {@code null}, indicating that there
 * is no variant-context to be output into the VCF.
public VariantContext toVariantContext(String sampleName, final boolean floorBlocks) {
    final VariantContextBuilder vcb = new VariantContextBuilder(getStartingVC());
    vcb.attributes(new LinkedHashMap<>(2)); // clear the attributes
    vcb.attribute(VCFConstants.END_KEY, getEnd());
    final Genotype genotype = createHomRefGenotype(sampleName, floorBlocks);

    return vcb.genotypes(genotype).make();
Example 4
Source File:    From picard with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
private VariantContext makeVariantContext(Build37ExtendedIlluminaManifestRecord record, final InfiniumGTCRecord gtcRecord,
                                          final InfiniumEGTFile egtFile, final ProgressLogger progressLogger) {
    // If the record is not flagged as errant in the manifest we include it in the VCF
    Allele A = record.getAlleleA();
    Allele B = record.getAlleleB();
    Allele ref = record.getRefAllele();

    final String chr = record.getB37Chr();
    final Integer position = record.getB37Pos();
    final Integer endPosition = position + ref.length() - 1;
    Integer egtIndex = egtFile.rsNameToIndex.get(record.getName());
    if (egtIndex == null) {
        throw new PicardException("Found no record in cluster file for manifest entry '" + record.getName() + "'");

    progressLogger.record(chr, position);

    // Create list of unique alleles
    final List<Allele> assayAlleles = new ArrayList<>();

    if (A.equals(B)) {
        throw new PicardException("Found same allele (" + A.getDisplayString() + ") for A and B ");

    if (!ref.equals(A, true)) {

    if (!ref.equals(B, true)) {

    final String sampleName = FilenameUtils.removeExtension(INPUT.getName());
    final Genotype genotype = getGenotype(sampleName, gtcRecord, record, A, B);

    final VariantContextBuilder builder = new VariantContextBuilder();


    VariantContextUtils.calculateChromosomeCounts(builder, false);

    //custom info fields
    builder.attribute(InfiniumVcfFields.ALLELE_A, record.getAlleleA());
    builder.attribute(InfiniumVcfFields.ALLELE_B, record.getAlleleB());
    builder.attribute(InfiniumVcfFields.ILLUMINA_STRAND, record.getIlmnStrand());
    builder.attribute(InfiniumVcfFields.PROBE_A, record.getAlleleAProbeSeq());
    builder.attribute(InfiniumVcfFields.PROBE_B, record.getAlleleBProbeSeq());
    builder.attribute(InfiniumVcfFields.BEADSET_ID, record.getBeadSetId());
    builder.attribute(InfiniumVcfFields.ILLUMINA_CHR, record.getChr());
    builder.attribute(InfiniumVcfFields.ILLUMINA_POS, record.getPosition());
    builder.attribute(InfiniumVcfFields.ILLUMINA_BUILD, record.getGenomeBuild());
    builder.attribute(InfiniumVcfFields.SOURCE, record.getSource().replace(' ', '_'));
    builder.attribute(InfiniumVcfFields.GC_SCORE, formatFloatForVcf(egtFile.totalScore[egtIndex]));

    for (InfiniumVcfFields.GENOTYPE_VALUES gtValue : InfiniumVcfFields.GENOTYPE_VALUES.values()) {
        final int ordinalValue = gtValue.ordinal();
        builder.attribute(InfiniumVcfFields.N[ordinalValue], egtFile.n[egtIndex][ordinalValue]);
        builder.attribute(InfiniumVcfFields.DEV_R[ordinalValue], formatFloatForVcf(egtFile.devR[egtIndex][ordinalValue]));
        builder.attribute(InfiniumVcfFields.MEAN_R[ordinalValue], formatFloatForVcf(egtFile.meanR[egtIndex][ordinalValue]));
        builder.attribute(InfiniumVcfFields.DEV_THETA[ordinalValue], formatFloatForVcf(egtFile.devTheta[egtIndex][ordinalValue]));
        builder.attribute(InfiniumVcfFields.MEAN_THETA[ordinalValue], formatFloatForVcf(egtFile.meanTheta[egtIndex][ordinalValue]));

        final EuclideanValues genotypeEuclideanValues = polarToEuclidean(egtFile.meanR[egtIndex][ordinalValue], egtFile.devR[egtIndex][ordinalValue],
                egtFile.meanTheta[egtIndex][ordinalValue], egtFile.devTheta[egtIndex][ordinalValue]);
        builder.attribute(InfiniumVcfFields.DEV_X[ordinalValue], formatFloatForVcf(genotypeEuclideanValues.devX));
        builder.attribute(InfiniumVcfFields.MEAN_X[ordinalValue], formatFloatForVcf(genotypeEuclideanValues.meanX));
        builder.attribute(InfiniumVcfFields.DEV_Y[ordinalValue], formatFloatForVcf(genotypeEuclideanValues.devY));
        builder.attribute(InfiniumVcfFields.MEAN_Y[ordinalValue], formatFloatForVcf(genotypeEuclideanValues.meanY));

    final String rsid = record.getRsId();
    if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(rsid)) {
        builder.attribute(InfiniumVcfFields.RS_ID, rsid);
    if (egtFile.totalScore[egtIndex] == 0.0) {
        if (genotype.isCalled()) {
                throw new PicardException("Found a call (genotype: " + genotype + ") on a zeroed out Assay!!");
            } else {
                log.warn("Found a call (genotype: " + genotype + ") on a zeroed out Assay. " +
                        "This could occur if you called genotypes on a different cluster file than used here.");
    if (record.isDupe()) {
    return builder.make();
Example 5
Source File:    From Hadoop-BAM with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
public static VariantContext read(final DataInput in) throws IOException {
	final VariantContextBuilder builder = new VariantContextBuilder();

	int count, len;
	byte[] b;

	len = in.readInt();
	b = new byte[len];
	final String chrom = new String(b, "UTF-8");

	final int start = in.readInt();
	builder.stop (in.readInt());

	len = in.readInt();
	if (len == 0)
	else {
		if (len > b.length) b = new byte[len];
		in.readFully(b, 0, len); String(b, 0, len, "UTF-8"));

	count = in.readInt();
	final List<Allele> alleles = new ArrayList<Allele>(count);
	for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
		len = in.readInt();
		if (len > b.length) b = new byte[len];
		in.readFully(b, 0, len);
		alleles.add(Allele.create(Arrays.copyOf(b, len), i == 0));

	final int qualInt = in.readInt();
		qualInt == 0x7f800001
			? VariantContext.NO_LOG10_PERROR
			: Float.intBitsToFloat(qualInt));

	count = in.readInt();
	switch (count) {
	case -2: builder.unfiltered(); break;
	case -1: builder.passFilters(); break;
		while (count-- > 0) {
			len = in.readInt();
			if (len > b.length) b = new byte[len];
			in.readFully(b, 0, len);
			builder.filter(new String(b, 0, len, "UTF-8"));

	count = in.readInt();
	final Map<String,Object> attrs = new HashMap<String,Object>(count, 1);
	while (count-- > 0) {
		len = in.readInt();
		if (len > b.length) b = new byte[len];
		in.readFully(b, 0, len);
		attrs.put(new String(b, 0, len, "UTF-8"), decodeAttrVal(in));

	count = in.readInt();
	final byte genoType = in.readByte();
	len = in.readInt();

	// Resize b even if it's already big enough, minimizing the amount of
	// memory LazyGenotypesContext hangs on to.
	b = new byte[len];

	switch (genoType) {
	case 0:
			new LazyVCFGenotypesContext(alleles, chrom, start, b, count));

	case 1:
			new LazyBCFGenotypesContext(alleles, in.readInt(), b, count));

		throw new IOException(
			"Invalid genotypes type identifier: cannot decode");

	return builder.make();
Example 6
Source File:    From gatk with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 4 votes vote down vote up
public void apply(AlignmentContext alignmentContext, ReferenceContext referenceContext, FeatureContext featureContext) {
    final byte referenceBase = referenceContext.getBases()[0];
    final int unconvertedBases;
    final int convertedBases;
    final byte alt;
    byte[] context = null;

    // check the forward strand for methylated coverage
    if (referenceBase == (byte)'C') {
        alt = (byte)'T';
        final ReadPileup forwardBasePileup = alignmentContext.stratify(AlignmentContext.ReadOrientation.FORWARD).getBasePileup();
        // unconverted: C, index=1; converted: T, index=3
        final int[] forwardBaseCounts = forwardBasePileup.getBaseCounts();
        unconvertedBases = forwardBaseCounts[BaseUtils.simpleBaseToBaseIndex((byte)'C')];
        convertedBases = forwardBaseCounts[BaseUtils.simpleBaseToBaseIndex((byte)'T')];

        // if there is methylated coverage
        if (unconvertedBases + convertedBases > 0) {
            context = referenceContext.getBases(0, REFERENCE_CONTEXT_LENGTH);
    // check the reverse strand for methylated coverage
    else if (referenceBase == (byte)'G') {
        alt = (byte)'A';
        final ReadPileup reverseBasePileup = alignmentContext.stratify(AlignmentContext.ReadOrientation.REVERSE).getBasePileup();
        // unconverted: G, index=2; converted: A, index=0
        final int[] reverseBaseCounts = reverseBasePileup.getBaseCounts();
        unconvertedBases = reverseBaseCounts[BaseUtils.simpleBaseToBaseIndex((byte)'G')];
        convertedBases = reverseBaseCounts[BaseUtils.simpleBaseToBaseIndex((byte)'A')];

        // if there is methylated coverage
        if (unconvertedBases + convertedBases > 0) {
            // get the reverse complement for context b/c we are on the reverse strand
            context = BaseUtils.simpleReverseComplement(referenceContext.getBases(REFERENCE_CONTEXT_LENGTH,0));
    // if reference strand does not support methylation
    else {

    // if there are reads that have methylated coverage
    if (context != null) {
        final LinkedHashSet<Allele> alleles = new LinkedHashSet<>();
        alleles.add(Allele.create(referenceBase, true));
        alleles.add(Allele.create(alt, false));

        final VariantContextBuilder vcb = new VariantContextBuilder();
        vcb.attribute(GATKVCFConstants.UNCONVERTED_BASE_COVERAGE_KEY, unconvertedBases);
        vcb.attribute(GATKVCFConstants.CONVERTED_BASE_COVERAGE_KEY, convertedBases);
        vcb.attribute(GATKVCFConstants.METHYLATION_REFERENCE_CONTEXT_KEY, new String(context));
        vcb.attribute(VCFConstants.DEPTH_KEY, alignmentContext.size());

        // write to VCF
        final VariantContext vc = vcb.make();