Java Code Examples for

The following examples show how to use . You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example 1
Source File:    From emodb with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
void readAll(String channel, SlabFilter filter, EventSink sink, boolean weak) {
    // PeekingIterator is needed so that we can look ahead and see the next slab Id
    PeekingIterator<Column<ByteBuffer>> manifestColumns = Iterators.peekingIterator(readManifestForChannel(channel, weak));

    while (manifestColumns.hasNext()) {
        Column<ByteBuffer> manifestColumn =;
        ByteBuffer slabId = manifestColumn.getName();
        ByteBuffer nextSlabId = manifestColumns.hasNext() ? manifestColumns.peek().getName() : null;
        boolean open = manifestColumn.getBooleanValue();
        if (filter != null && !filter.accept(slabId, open, nextSlabId)) {
        if (!readSlab(channel, slabId, new SlabCursor(), open, sink)) {
Example 2
Source File:    From usergrid with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
public MvccEntity parseColumn( Column<UUID> column ) {

    final EntityWrapper deSerialized;
    final UUID version = column.getName();

    try {
        deSerialized = column.getValue( entityJsonSerializer );
    catch ( DataCorruptionException e ) {
                "DATA CORRUPTION DETECTED when de-serializing entity with Id {} and version {}.  This means the write was truncated.",
                id, version, e );
        //return an empty entity, we can never load this one, and we don't want it to bring the system
        //to a grinding halt
        return new MvccEntityImpl( id, version, MvccEntity.Status.DELETED, Optional.<Entity>absent(),0 );

    //Inject the id into it.
    if ( deSerialized.entity.isPresent() ) {
        EntityUtils.setId( deSerialized.entity.get(), id );

    return new MvccEntityImpl( id, version, deSerialized.status, deSerialized.entity, 0 );
Example 3
Source File:    From emodb with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public boolean moveIfFast(String fromChannel, String toChannel) {
    Iterator<Column<ByteBuffer>> manifestColumns = executePaginated(
            _keyspace.prepareQuery(ColumnFamilies.MANIFEST, ConsistencyLevel.CL_LOCAL_QUORUM)
                    .withColumnRange(new RangeBuilder().setLimit(50).build())

    List<ByteBuffer> closedSlabs = Lists.newArrayList();
    boolean movedAll = true;
    while (manifestColumns.hasNext()) {
        Column<ByteBuffer> manifestColumn =;
        ByteBuffer slabId = manifestColumn.getName();
        boolean open = manifestColumn.getBooleanValue();
        if (open) {
            // Can't safely re-assign open slabs to another channel since writers may still be writing.
            movedAll = false;  // All events in the open slab might be deleted, but don't check for that here.
        if (closedSlabs.size() >= SLAB_MOVE_BATCH) {
            _manifestPersister.move(fromChannel, toChannel, closedSlabs, false);
    if (!closedSlabs.isEmpty()) {
        _manifestPersister.move(fromChannel, toChannel, closedSlabs, false);

    return movedAll;
Example 4
Source File:    From emodb with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
@ParameterizedTimed(type = "AstyanaxEventReaderDAO")
public void readNewer(String channel, EventSink sink) {
    // Algorithm notes:
    // In general this method tries to read sequentially all events for a channel across multiple calls to
    // readNewer().  At the end of call N it remembers its position X using a SlabCursor object and on the next
    // call to readNewer() N+1 it starts reading at position X+1 where it left off.
    // The desire to read sequentially must be balanced by the fact that reading may skip events for various
    // reasons (event already claimed, write isn't yet visible due to out-of-order writes, etc.) so this
    // method must occasionally rewind and re-read events it skipped previously in case those events are now
    // interesting.
    // Two caches are used to implement this: one for a cursor position in "open" slabs (slabs that writers may
    // still be appending to) and second for a cursor position in "closed" slabs (slabs that writers are no
    // longer appending to):
    // 1. The biggest performance advantage comes from the "closed" slab cursor cache: once a closed slab has been
    //    read completely (cursor.get()==END) we can skip it entirely on the next few calls to readNewer() since we
    //    only need to re-read to handle race conditions & retry in the event of claim expiration.  So the closed
    //    slab cursor cache uses a longer TTL (10 seconds) so uninteresting closed slabs will generally be read at
    //    most every 10 seconds.
    // 2. If a slab is "open" then new content may be written at any time.  In that case, we must continuously poll
    //    the slab to discover new content.  Since we're issuing a Cassandra read no matter what, there is minimal
    //    benefit from using a cursor to start the read part-way through the slab.  So the open slab cursor cache
    //    has a very short TTL (250ms) to reduce memory requirements and minimize the latency between the time
    //    data is written and first read.
    // Additionally a third cache is used to track the oldest known slab in channel's manifest.  If the events
    // are written and acknowledged quickly and frequently then the head of the manifest row for the channel may
    // accrue tombstones as older slabs are fully read and deleted.  By caching the oldest slab in the manifest
    // reading the older tombstones can be minimized.  Since slabs can be written out-of-order across the cluster
    // we still occasionally (10 seconds) re-reads all slabs to pick up any of these newer-older slabs we may
    // have missed.

    Iterator<Column<ByteBuffer>> manifestColumns = readManifestForChannel(channel, true);

    while (manifestColumns.hasNext()) {
        Column<ByteBuffer> manifestColumn =;
        ByteBuffer slabId = manifestColumn.getName();
        boolean open = manifestColumn.getBooleanValue();

        ChannelSlab channelSlab = new ChannelSlab(channel, slabId);
        SlabCursor cursor = (open ? _openSlabCursors : _closedSlabCursors).getUnchecked(channelSlab);

        // Optimistic "can we skip this slab?" check outside the synchronized block.
        if (cursor.get() == SlabCursor.END) {

        // If multiple pollers try to query the same slab at the same time there's no reason they should do so
        // in parallel--they'll find the same events and compete for claims.  Might as well just serialize.
        // A smarter algorithm might randomize the order slabs are read to reduce contention between parallel
        // pollers, but be careful to avoid starvation.

        //noinspection SynchronizationOnLocalVariableOrMethodParameter
        synchronized (cursor) {
            if (!readSlab(channel, slabId, cursor, open, sink)) {
Example 5
Source File:    From emodb with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
/** Returns true to keep searching for more events, false to stop searching for events. */
private boolean readSlab(String channel, ByteBuffer slabId, SlabCursor cursor, boolean open, EventSink sink) {
    int start = cursor.get();
    if (start == SlabCursor.END) {
        return true;

    boolean recent = isRecent(slabId);

    // Event add and delete write with local quorum, so read with local quorum to get a consistent view of things.
    // Using a lower consistency level could result in (a) duplicate events because we miss deletes and (b)
    // incorrectly closing or deleting slabs when slabs look empty if we miss adds.
    ColumnList<Integer> eventColumns = execute(
            _keyspace.prepareQuery(ColumnFamilies.SLAB, ConsistencyLevel.CL_LOCAL_QUORUM)
                    .withColumnRange(start, Constants.OPEN_SLAB_MARKER, false, Integer.MAX_VALUE));

    boolean searching = true;
    boolean empty = (start == 0);  // If we skipped events in the query we must assume the slab isn't empty.
    boolean more = false;
    int next = start;
    for (Column<Integer> eventColumn : eventColumns) {
        int eventIdx = eventColumn.getName();

        // Open slabs have a dummy entry at maxint that indicates that this slab is still open.
        if (eventIdx == Constants.OPEN_SLAB_MARKER) {

        // Found at least one data item.
        empty = false;

        if (!searching) {
            more = true;  // There are more events to be found next time we poll this slab.

        // Pass the data on to the EventSink.  It will tell us whether or not to keep searching.
        EventId eventId = AstyanaxEventId.create(channel, slabId, eventIdx);
        ByteBuffer eventData = eventColumn.getByteBufferValue();
        searching = sink.accept(eventId, eventData);
        next = eventIdx;

    // Next time we query this slab start the search with last event received by the sink, repeating it.

    // Stale open slab?  Rare, should only happen when a writer crashes without cleaning up and closing its open
    // slabs.  Normally writers re-write the OPEN_SLAB_MARKER column on every write as a sort of heartbeat.  Readers
    // detect "stale" slabs when the open slab markers expire, and they close those slabs on behalf of the crashed writers.
    boolean hasOpenSlabMarker = !eventColumns.isEmpty() &&
            eventColumns.getColumnByIndex(eventColumns.size() - 1).getName() == Constants.OPEN_SLAB_MARKER;
    boolean stale = open && !recent && !hasOpenSlabMarker;
    if (stale) {

    // If the slab is currently closed or should be closed then it will never receive more data so check to see if
    // we can (a) delete it (it's empty) or at least (b) close it.
    if (empty && (!open || stale)) {
        deleteEmptySlabAsync(channel, slabId);
        open = false;
    } else if (stale) {
        closeStaleSlabAsync(channel, slabId);
        open = false;

    // If we ran through all the data in a closed slab, skip this slab next time.  This is especially common with
    // badly-behaving Databus listeners that poll repeatedly but don't ack.
    if (!more && !open) {

    return searching;
Example 6
Source File:    From usergrid with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public String parseColumn( final Column<String> column ) {
    return column.getName();
Example 7
Source File:    From usergrid with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
private static ColumnNameIterator<Long, Long> createIterator( final String rowKey, final boolean reversed ) {

        final ColumnParser<Long, Long> longParser = new ColumnParser<Long, Long>() {
            public Long parseColumn( final Column<Long> column ) {
                return column.getName();

        final RangeBuilder forwardRange = new RangeBuilder().setLimit( 720 ).setReversed( reversed );

        final RowQuery<String, Long> forwardQuery =
                keyspace.prepareQuery( COLUMN_FAMILY ).getKey( rowKey ).withColumnRange( );

        ColumnNameIterator<Long, Long> itr = new ColumnNameIterator<>( forwardQuery, longParser, false );

        return itr;
Example 8
Source File:    From usergrid with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
/** Example CQL schema for this table
 * CREATE TABLE "Usergrid_Applications"."Edge_Shards" (
 *    key blob,
 *    column1 bigint,
 *    value blob,
 *    PRIMARY KEY (key, column1)

public Shard parseColumn( final Column<Long> column ) {

    // A custom serializer was introduced to handle parsing multiple column formats without re-writing the data.
    // The column can be stored as a legacy, single boolean, value OR a new, composite, value which contains
    // every item in the shard. If the legacy value is seen, we return a shard with Long.MIN for index and
    // createdTime so it can be identified later and handled.

    try {

        return column.getValue(SHARD_SERIALIZER);

    } catch ( Exception e) {

        // unable to parse the new format so return the old format
        return new Shard(column.getName(), column.getTimestamp(), column.getBooleanValue());


Example 9
Source File:    From usergrid with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public T parseColumn( final Column<C> column ) {
    final C edge = column.getName();

    return createEdge( edge, column.getBooleanValue() );
Example 10
Source File:    From usergrid with Apache License 2.0 3 votes vote down vote up
private List<MvccLogEntry> parseResults( final ColumnList<UUID> columns, final Id entityId ) {

        List<MvccLogEntry> results = new ArrayList<MvccLogEntry>( columns.size() );

        for ( Column<UUID> col : columns ) {
            final UUID storedVersion = col.getName();
            final StageStatus stage = col.getValue( SER );

            results.add( new MvccLogEntryImpl( entityId, storedVersion, stage.stage, stage.state ) );

        return results;