Java Code Examples for javassist.bytecode.Bytecode#addInvokevirtual()

The following examples show how to use javassist.bytecode.Bytecode#addInvokevirtual() . You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example 1
Source File:    From lams with GNU General Public License v2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
private void addUnwrapper(Bytecode code, Class type) {
	final int index = FactoryHelper.typeIndex( type );
	final String wrapperType = FactoryHelper.wrapperTypes[index];
	// checkcast
	code.addCheckcast( wrapperType );
	// invokevirtual
	code.addInvokevirtual( wrapperType, FactoryHelper.unwarpMethods[index], FactoryHelper.unwrapDesc[index] );
Example 2
Source File:    From cacheonix-core with GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 5 votes vote down vote up
private void addUnwrapper(
		ClassFile classfile,
        Bytecode code,
        Class type) {
	int index = FactoryHelper.typeIndex( type );
	String wrapperType = FactoryHelper.wrapperTypes[index];
	// checkcast
	code.addCheckcast( wrapperType );
	// invokevirtual
	code.addInvokevirtual( wrapperType, FactoryHelper.unwarpMethods[index], FactoryHelper.unwrapDesc[index] );
Example 3
Source File:    From ProjectAres with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public static CtMethod delegateMethod(CtClass implClass, CtMethod method, CtMethod delegateGetter) throws NotFoundException, CannotCompileException {
                  "Cannot delegate static method " + method.getLongName());
                  "Delegate getter method " + delegateGetter.getLongName() + " must not be static");
    checkArgument(isSubtype(delegateGetter.getDeclaringClass(), implClass),
                  "Implementation class " + implClass + " does not contain delegate getter method " + delegateGetter.getLongName());
    checkArgument(delegateGetter.getParameterTypes().length == 0,
                  "Delegate getter method " + delegateGetter.getLongName() + " must not take any parameters");
                  "Delegate getter method " + delegateGetter.getLongName() + " must return an object");

    try {
        final CtMethod conflict = implClass.getDeclaredMethod(method.getName(), method.getParameterTypes());
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Class " + implClass.getName() +
                                           " already contains a method " + conflict.getLongName() +
                                           " that conflicts with the delegated method " + method.getLongName());
    } catch(NotFoundException ignored) {}

    final String name = method.getName();
    final CtClass[] paramTypes = method.getParameterTypes();
    final CtClass returnType = method.getReturnType();
    final MethodInfo info = method.getMethodInfo2(); // Must be read-only
    final String descriptor = info.getDescriptor();
    final CtClass decl = method.getDeclaringClass();

    final Bytecode bc = new Bytecode(implClass.getClassFile().getConstPool());
    int maxStack = 1;
    bc.addAload(0); // push this
    bc.addInvokeinterface(delegateGetter.getDeclaringClass(), delegateGetter.getName(), delegateGetter.getReturnType(), null, 1); // get delegate
    bc.addCheckcast(decl); // make the verifier happy
    maxStack += bc.addLoadParameters(paramTypes, 1); // push all params
    if(decl.isInterface()) { // call the method on delegate
        bc.addInvokeinterface(decl, name, descriptor, 1 + paramTypes.length);
    } else {
        bc.addInvokevirtual(decl, name, descriptor);
    bc.addReturn(returnType); // forward the return value

    bc.setMaxLocals(false, paramTypes, 0);
    bc.setMaxStack(Math.max(2, maxStack)); // return value might be up to 2 stack ops

    final CtMethod delegator = CtNewMethod.copy(method, implClass, null);
    setAccessModifiers(delegator, method.getModifiers());
    setModifier(delegator, Modifier.ABSTRACT, false);
    setModifier(delegator, Modifier.NATIVE, false);
    return delegator;
Example 4
Source File:    From lams with GNU General Public License v2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
private void addGetter(ClassFile classfile, final Method[] getters) throws CannotCompileException {
	final ConstPool constPool = classfile.getConstPool();
	final int targetBeanConstPoolIndex = constPool.addClassInfo( this.targetBean.getName() );
	final String desc = GET_SETTER_DESC;
	final MethodInfo getterMethodInfo = new MethodInfo( constPool, GENERATED_GETTER_NAME, desc );

	final Bytecode code = new Bytecode( constPool, 6, 4 );
	/* | this | bean | args | raw bean | */
	if ( getters.length >= 0 ) {
		// aload_1 // load bean
		code.addAload( 1 );
		// checkcast // cast bean
		code.addCheckcast( this.targetBean.getName() );
		// astore_3 // store bean
		code.addAstore( 3 );
		for ( int i = 0; i < getters.length; ++i ) {
			if ( getters[i] != null ) {
				final Method getter = getters[i];
				// aload_2 // args
				code.addAload( 2 );
				// iconst_i // continue to aastore
				// growing stack is 1
				code.addIconst( i );
				final Class returnType = getter.getReturnType();
				int typeIndex = -1;
				if ( returnType.isPrimitive() ) {
					typeIndex = FactoryHelper.typeIndex( returnType );
					// new
					code.addNew( FactoryHelper.wrapperTypes[typeIndex] );
					// dup
					code.addOpcode( Opcode.DUP );

				// aload_3 // load the raw bean
				code.addAload( 3 );
				final String getterSignature = RuntimeSupport.makeDescriptor( getter );
				final String getterName = getter.getName();
				if ( this.targetBean.isInterface() ) {
					// invokeinterface
					code.addInvokeinterface( targetBeanConstPoolIndex, getterName, getterSignature, 1 );
				else {
					// invokevirtual
					code.addInvokevirtual( targetBeanConstPoolIndex, getterName, getterSignature );

				if ( typeIndex >= 0 ) {
					// is a primitive type
					// invokespecial

				// aastore // args
				code.add( Opcode.AASTORE );
				code.growStack( -3 );
	// return
	code.addOpcode( Opcode.RETURN );

	getterMethodInfo.setCodeAttribute( code.toCodeAttribute() );
	getterMethodInfo.setAccessFlags( AccessFlag.PUBLIC );
	classfile.addMethod( getterMethodInfo );
Example 5
Source File:    From cacheonix-core with GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 4 votes vote down vote up
private void addGetter(ClassFile classfile, final Method[] getters) throws CannotCompileException {
	ConstPool cp = classfile.getConstPool();
	int target_type_index = cp.addClassInfo( this.targetBean.getName() );
	String desc = GET_SETTER_DESC;
	MethodInfo mi = new MethodInfo( cp, GENERATED_GETTER_NAME, desc );

	Bytecode code = new Bytecode( cp, 6, 4 );
	/* | this | bean | args | raw bean | */
	if ( getters.length >= 0 ) {
		// aload_1 // load bean
		code.addAload( 1 );
		// checkcast // cast bean
		code.addCheckcast( this.targetBean.getName() );
		// astore_3 // store bean
		code.addAstore( 3 );
		for ( int i = 0; i < getters.length; ++i ) {
			if ( getters[i] != null ) {
				Method getter = getters[i];
				// aload_2 // args
				code.addAload( 2 );
				// iconst_i // continue to aastore
				code.addIconst( i ); // growing stack is 1
				Class returnType = getter.getReturnType();
				int typeIndex = -1;
				if ( returnType.isPrimitive() ) {
					typeIndex = FactoryHelper.typeIndex( returnType );
					// new
					code.addNew( FactoryHelper.wrapperTypes[typeIndex] );
					// dup
					code.addOpcode( Opcode.DUP );

				// aload_3 // load the raw bean
				code.addAload( 3 );
				String getter_desc = RuntimeSupport.makeDescriptor( getter );
				String getterName = getter.getName();
				if ( this.targetBean.isInterface() ) {
					// invokeinterface
					code.addInvokeinterface( target_type_index, getterName, getter_desc, 1 );
				else {
					// invokevirtual
					code.addInvokevirtual( target_type_index, getterName, getter_desc );

				if ( typeIndex >= 0 ) {       // is a primitive type
					// invokespecial

				// aastore // args
				code.add( Opcode.AASTORE );
				code.growStack( -3 );
	// return
	code.addOpcode( Opcode.RETURN );

	mi.setCodeAttribute( code.toCodeAttribute() );
	mi.setAccessFlags( AccessFlag.PUBLIC );
	classfile.addMethod( mi );