Java Code Examples for org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.RegionInfo#getTable()

The following examples show how to use org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.RegionInfo#getTable() . You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example 1
Source File:    From hbase with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
public void preCommitStoreFile(final ObserverContext<RegionCoprocessorEnvironment> ctx,
    final byte[] family, final List<Pair<Path, Path>> pairs) throws IOException {
  Configuration cfg = ctx.getEnvironment().getConfiguration();
  if (pairs == null || pairs.isEmpty() || !BackupManager.isBackupEnabled(cfg)) {
    LOG.debug("skipping recording bulk load in preCommitStoreFile since backup is disabled");
  try (Connection connection = ConnectionFactory.createConnection(cfg);
      BackupSystemTable tbl = new BackupSystemTable(connection)) {
    List<TableName> fullyBackedUpTables = tbl.getTablesForBackupType(BackupType.FULL);
    RegionInfo info = ctx.getEnvironment().getRegionInfo();
    TableName tableName = info.getTable();
    if (!fullyBackedUpTables.contains(tableName)) {
      if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) {
        LOG.trace(tableName + " has not gone thru full backup");
    tbl.writeFilesForBulkLoadPreCommit(tableName, info.getEncodedNameAsBytes(), family, pairs);
Example 2
Source File:    From hbase with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
 * All regions have an assignment.
protected void assertImmediateAssignment(List<RegionInfo> regions, List<ServerName> servers,
    Map<RegionInfo, ServerName> assignments) throws IOException {
  for (RegionInfo region : regions) {
    ServerName server = assignments.get(region);
    TableName tableName = region.getTable();

    String groupName =
    RSGroupInfo gInfo = getMockedGroupInfoManager().getRSGroup(groupName);
    assertTrue("Region is not correctly assigned to group servers.",
Example 3
Source File:    From hbase with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
 * Tests the bulk assignment used during cluster startup.
 * <p/>
 * Round-robin. Should yield a balanced cluster so same invariant as the load balancer holds, all
 * servers holding either floor(avg) or ceiling(avg).
public void testBulkAssignment() throws Exception {
  List<RegionInfo> regions = randomRegions(25);
  Map<ServerName, List<RegionInfo>> assignments =
      loadBalancer.roundRobinAssignment(regions, servers);
  // test empty region/servers scenario
  // this should not throw an NPE
  loadBalancer.roundRobinAssignment(regions, Collections.emptyList());
  // test regular scenario
  assertTrue(assignments.keySet().size() == servers.size());
  for (ServerName sn : assignments.keySet()) {
    List<RegionInfo> regionAssigned = assignments.get(sn);
    for (RegionInfo region : regionAssigned) {
      TableName tableName = region.getTable();
      String groupName =
      RSGroupInfo gInfo = getMockedGroupInfoManager().getRSGroup(groupName);
      assertTrue("Region is not correctly assigned to group servers.",
  ArrayListMultimap<String, ServerAndLoad> loadMap = convertToGroupBasedMap(assignments);
Example 4
Source File:    From hbase with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
 * A 'full' WAL transaction involves starting an mvcc transaction followed by an append, an
 * optional sync, and then a call to complete the mvcc transaction. This method does it all. Good
 * for case of adding a single edit or marker to the WAL.
 * <p/>
 * This write is for internal use only. Not for external client consumption.
 * @return WALKeyImpl that was added to the WAL.
private static WALKeyImpl doFullMarkerAppendTransaction(final WAL wal,
  final NavigableMap<byte[], Integer> replicationScope, final RegionInfo hri, final WALEdit edit,
  final MultiVersionConcurrencyControl mvcc,
  final Map<String, byte[]> extendedAttributes, final boolean sync) throws IOException {
  // TODO: Pass in current time to use?
  WALKeyImpl walKey = new WALKeyImpl(hri.getEncodedNameAsBytes(), hri.getTable(),
    System.currentTimeMillis(), mvcc, replicationScope, extendedAttributes);
  long trx = MultiVersionConcurrencyControl.NONE;
  try {
    trx = wal.appendMarker(hri, walKey, edit);
    if (sync) {
    // Call complete only here because these are markers only. They are not for clients to read.
  } catch (IOException ioe) {
    if (walKey.getWriteEntry() != null) {
    throw ioe;
  return walKey;
Example 5
Source File:    From hbase with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
private Map<TableName, Map<ServerName, List<RegionInfo>>> getRSGroupAssignmentsByTable(
    String groupName) throws IOException {
  Map<TableName, Map<ServerName, List<RegionInfo>>> result = Maps.newHashMap();
  Set<TableName> tablesInGroupCache = new HashSet<>();
  for (Map.Entry<RegionInfo, ServerName> entry :
      .getRegionAssignments().entrySet()) {
    RegionInfo region = entry.getKey();
    TableName tn = region.getTable();
    ServerName server = entry.getValue();
    if (isTableInGroup(tn, groupName, tablesInGroupCache)) {
      result.computeIfAbsent(tn, k -> new HashMap<>())
          .computeIfAbsent(server, k -> new ArrayList<>()).add(region);
  RSGroupInfo rsGroupInfo = getRSGroupInfo(groupName);
  for (ServerName serverName : masterServices.getServerManager().getOnlineServers().keySet()) {
    if (rsGroupInfo.containsServer(serverName.getAddress())) {
      for (Map<ServerName, List<RegionInfo>> map : result.values()) {
        map.computeIfAbsent(serverName, k -> Collections.emptyList());

  return result;
Example 6
Source File:    From hbase with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
private void prepareTableToReopenRegionsMap(
    final Map<TableName, List<byte[]>> tableToReopenRegionsMap,
    final byte[] regionName, final int regionStoreRefCount) {

  final RegionInfo regionInfo = hMaster.getAssignmentManager().getRegionInfo(regionName);
  final TableName tableName = regionInfo.getTable();
  if (TableName.isMetaTableName(tableName)) {
    // Do not reopen regions of meta table even if it has
    // high store file reference count
  LOG.warn("Region {} for Table {} has high storeFileRefCount {}, considering it for reopen..",
    regionInfo.getRegionNameAsString(), tableName, regionStoreRefCount);
      .computeIfAbsent(tableName, (key) -> new ArrayList<>()).add(regionName);
Example 7
Source File:    From hbase with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
 * Compact a region on the master.
 * @param controller the RPC controller
 * @param request the request
 * @throws ServiceException
public CompactRegionResponse compactRegion(final RpcController controller,
  final CompactRegionRequest request) throws ServiceException {
  try {
    byte[] regionName = request.getRegion().getValue().toByteArray();
    TableName tableName = RegionInfo.getTable(regionName);
    // TODO: support CompactType.MOB
    // if the region is a mob region, do the mob file compaction.
    if (MobUtils.isMobRegionName(tableName, regionName)) {
      //TODO: support CompactType.MOB
      // HBASE-23571
      LOG.warn("CompactType.MOB is not supported yet, will run regular compaction."+
          " Refer to HBASE-23571.");
      return super.compactRegion(controller, request);
    } else {
      return super.compactRegion(controller, request);
  } catch (IOException ie) {
    throw new ServiceException(ie);
Example 8
Source File:    From hbase with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public SplitTableRegionProcedure(final MasterProcedureEnv env,
    final RegionInfo regionToSplit, final byte[] splitRow) throws IOException {
  super(env, regionToSplit);
  preflightChecks(env, true);
  // When procedure goes to run in its prepare step, it also does these checkOnline checks. Here
  // we fail-fast on construction. There it skips the split with just a warning.
  checkOnline(env, regionToSplit);
  this.bestSplitRow = splitRow;
  checkSplittable(env, regionToSplit, bestSplitRow);
  final TableName table = regionToSplit.getTable();
  final long rid = getDaughterRegionIdTimestamp(regionToSplit);
  this.daughterOneRI = RegionInfoBuilder.newBuilder(table)
  this.daughterTwoRI = RegionInfoBuilder.newBuilder(table)
  TableDescriptor htd = env.getMasterServices().getTableDescriptors().get(getTableName());
  if(htd.getRegionSplitPolicyClassName() != null) {
    // Since we don't have region reference here, creating the split policy instance without it.
    // This can be used to invoke methods which don't require Region reference. This instantiation
    // of a class on Master-side though it only makes sense on the RegionServer-side is
    // for Phoenix Local Indexing. Refer HBASE-12583 for more information.
    Class<? extends RegionSplitPolicy> clazz =
        RegionSplitPolicy.getSplitPolicyClass(htd, env.getMasterConfiguration());
    this.splitPolicy = ReflectionUtils.newInstance(clazz, env.getMasterConfiguration());
Example 9
Source File:    From hbase with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
protected Map<TableName, Map<ServerName, List<String>>> getTableServerRegionMap()
  throws IOException {
  Map<TableName, Map<ServerName, List<String>>> map = Maps.newTreeMap();
  Admin admin = TEST_UTIL.getAdmin();
  ClusterMetrics metrics =
  for (ServerName serverName : metrics.getServersName()) {
    for (RegionInfo region : admin.getRegions(serverName)) {
      TableName tableName = region.getTable();
      map.computeIfAbsent(tableName, k -> new TreeMap<>())
        .computeIfAbsent(serverName, k -> new ArrayList<>()).add(region.getRegionNameAsString());
  return map;
Example 10
Source File:    From hbase with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * This method implements Admin getRegionInfo. On RegionServer, it is
 * able to return RegionInfo and detail. On Master, it just returns
 * RegionInfo. On Master it has been hijacked to return Mob detail.
 * Master implementation is good for querying full region name if
 * you only have the encoded name (useful around region replicas
 * for example which do not have a row in hbase:meta).
public GetRegionInfoResponse getRegionInfo(final RpcController controller,
  final GetRegionInfoRequest request) throws ServiceException {
  RegionInfo ri = null;
  try {
    ri = getRegionInfo(request.getRegion());
  } catch(UnknownRegionException ure) {
    throw new ServiceException(ure);
  GetRegionInfoResponse.Builder builder = GetRegionInfoResponse.newBuilder();
  if (ri != null) {
  } else {
    // Is it a MOB name? These work differently.
    byte [] regionName = request.getRegion().getValue().toByteArray();
    TableName tableName = RegionInfo.getTable(regionName);
    if (MobUtils.isMobRegionName(tableName, regionName)) {
      // a dummy region info contains the compaction state.
      RegionInfo mobRegionInfo = MobUtils.getMobRegionInfo(tableName);
      if (request.hasCompactionState() && request.getCompactionState()) {
    } else {
      // If unknown RegionInfo and not a MOB region, it is unknown.
      throw new ServiceException(new UnknownRegionException(Bytes.toString(regionName)));
Example 11
Source File:    From hbase with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public void postBulkLoadHFile(ObserverContext<RegionCoprocessorEnvironment> ctx,
  List<Pair<byte[], String>> stagingFamilyPaths, Map<byte[], List<Path>> finalPaths)
      throws IOException {
  Configuration cfg = ctx.getEnvironment().getConfiguration();
  if (finalPaths == null) {
    // there is no need to record state
  if (!BackupManager.isBackupEnabled(cfg)) {
    LOG.debug("skipping recording bulk load in postBulkLoadHFile since backup is disabled");
  try (Connection connection = ConnectionFactory.createConnection(cfg);
      BackupSystemTable tbl = new BackupSystemTable(connection)) {
    List<TableName> fullyBackedUpTables = tbl.getTablesForBackupType(BackupType.FULL);
    RegionInfo info = ctx.getEnvironment().getRegionInfo();
    TableName tableName = info.getTable();
    if (!fullyBackedUpTables.contains(tableName)) {
      if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) {
        LOG.trace(tableName + " has not gone thru full backup");
    tbl.writePathsPostBulkLoad(tableName, info.getEncodedNameAsBytes(), finalPaths);
  } catch (IOException ioe) {
    LOG.error("Failed to get tables which have been fully backed up", ioe);
Example 12
Source File:    From hbase with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public void publishWriteTiming(ServerName serverName, RegionInfo region,
    ColumnFamilyDescriptor column, long msTime) {
  RegionTaskResult rtr = new RegionTaskResult(region, region.getTable(), serverName, column);
  List<RegionTaskResult> rtrs = regionMap.get(region.getRegionNameAsString());
  // Note that write success count will be equal to total column family write successes.
  incWriteSuccessCount();"Write to {} on {} {} in {}ms",
    region.getRegionNameAsString(), serverName, column.getNameAsString(), msTime);
Example 13
Source File:    From hbase with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public void publishReadTiming(ServerName serverName, RegionInfo region,
    ColumnFamilyDescriptor column, long msTime) {
  RegionTaskResult rtr = new RegionTaskResult(region, region.getTable(), serverName, column);
  List<RegionTaskResult> rtrs = regionMap.get(region.getRegionNameAsString());
  // Note that read success count will be equal to total column family read successes.
  incReadSuccessCount();"Read from {} on {} {} in {}ms", region.getRegionNameAsString(), serverName,
      column.getNameAsString(), msTime);
Example 14
Source File:    From hbase with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
private TableName getTableName(Region region) {
  RegionInfo regionInfo = region.getRegionInfo();
  if (regionInfo != null) {
    return regionInfo.getTable();
  return null;
Example 15
Source File:    From hbase with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Returns <code>true</code> if the current user is allowed the given action
 * over at least one of the column qualifiers in the given column families.
private boolean hasFamilyQualifierPermission(User user,
    Action perm,
    RegionCoprocessorEnvironment env,
    Map<byte[], ? extends Collection<byte[]>> familyMap)
  throws IOException {
  RegionInfo hri = env.getRegion().getRegionInfo();
  TableName tableName = hri.getTable();

  if (user == null) {
    return false;

  if (familyMap != null && familyMap.size() > 0) {
    // at least one family must be allowed
    for (Map.Entry<byte[], ? extends Collection<byte[]>> family :
        familyMap.entrySet()) {
      if (family.getValue() != null && !family.getValue().isEmpty()) {
        for (byte[] qualifier : family.getValue()) {
          if (getAuthManager().authorizeUserTable(user, tableName,
                family.getKey(), qualifier, perm)) {
            return true;
      } else {
        if (getAuthManager().authorizeUserFamily(user, tableName, family.getKey(), perm)) {
          return true;
  } else if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
    LOG.debug("Empty family map passed for permission check");

  return false;
Example 16
Source File:    From hbase with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
private void addRegion(RegionInfo regionInfo) {
  // Process the region name to region info map
  regionNameToRegionInfoMap.put(regionInfo.getRegionNameAsString(), regionInfo);

  // Process the table to region map
  TableName tableName = regionInfo.getTable();
  List<RegionInfo> regionList = tableToRegionMap.get(tableName);
  if (regionList == null) {
    regionList = new ArrayList<>();
  // Add the current region info into the tableToRegionMap
  tableToRegionMap.put(tableName, regionList);
Example 17
Source File:    From hbase with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public TableName getTableName() {
  RegionInfo hri = getRegionInfo();
  return hri != null ? hri.getTable() : null;
Example 18
Source File:    From hbase with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
 * Initialize the region assignment snapshot by scanning the hbase:meta table
 * @throws IOException
public void initialize() throws IOException {"Start to scan the hbase:meta for the current region assignment " +
  // TODO: at some point this code could live in the MetaTableAccessor
  ClientMetaTableAccessor.Visitor v = new ClientMetaTableAccessor.Visitor() {
    public boolean visit(Result result) throws IOException {
      try {
        if (result ==  null || result.isEmpty()) return true;
        RegionLocations rl = CatalogFamilyFormat.getRegionLocations(result);
        if (rl == null) return true;
        RegionInfo hri = rl.getRegionLocation(0).getRegion();
        if (hri == null) return true;
        if (hri.getTable() == null) return true;
        if (disabledTables.contains(hri.getTable())) {
          return true;
        // Are we to include split parents in the list?
        if (excludeOfflinedSplitParents && hri.isSplit()) return true;
        HRegionLocation[] hrls = rl.getRegionLocations();

        // Add the current assignment to the snapshot for all replicas
        for (int i = 0; i < hrls.length; i++) {
          if (hrls[i] == null) continue;
          hri = hrls[i].getRegion();
          if (hri == null) continue;
          addAssignment(hri, hrls[i].getServerName());

        hri = rl.getRegionLocation(0).getRegion();
        // the code below is to handle favored nodes
        byte[] favoredNodes = result.getValue(HConstants.CATALOG_FAMILY,
        if (favoredNodes == null) return true;
        // Add the favored nodes into assignment plan
        ServerName[] favoredServerList =
        // Add the favored nodes into assignment plan

         * Typically there should be FAVORED_NODES_NUM favored nodes for a region in meta. If
         * there is less than FAVORED_NODES_NUM, lets use as much as we can but log a warning.
        if (favoredServerList.length != FavoredNodeAssignmentHelper.FAVORED_NODES_NUM) {
          LOG.warn("Insufficient favored nodes for region " + hri + " fn: " + Arrays
        for (int i = 0; i < favoredServerList.length; i++) {
          if (i == PRIMARY.ordinal()) addPrimaryAssignment(hri, favoredServerList[i]);
          if (i == SECONDARY.ordinal()) addSecondaryAssignment(hri, favoredServerList[i]);
          if (i == TERTIARY.ordinal()) addTeritiaryAssignment(hri, favoredServerList[i]);
        return true;
      } catch (RuntimeException e) {
        LOG.error("Catche remote exception " + e.getMessage() +
            " when processing" + result);
        throw e;
  // Scan hbase:meta to pick up user regions
  MetaTableAccessor.fullScanRegions(connection, v);
  //regionToRegionServerMap = regions;"Finished to scan the hbase:meta for the current region assignment" +
Example 19
Source File:    From hbase with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
 * Find a RS that has regions of a table.
 * @param hasMetaRegion when true, the returned RS has hbase:meta region as well
private HRegionServer findRSToKill(boolean hasMetaRegion) throws Exception {
  List<RegionServerThread> rsts = cluster.getLiveRegionServerThreads();
  List<RegionInfo> regions = null;
  HRegionServer hrs = null;

  for (RegionServerThread rst : rsts) {
    hrs = rst.getRegionServer();
    while (rst.isAlive() && !hrs.isOnline()) {
    if (!rst.isAlive()) {
    boolean isCarryingMeta = false;
    boolean foundTableRegion = false;
    regions = ProtobufUtil.getOnlineRegions(hrs.getRSRpcServices());
    for (RegionInfo region : regions) {
      if (region.isMetaRegion()) {
        isCarryingMeta = true;
      if (region.getTable() == tableName) {
        foundTableRegion = true;
      if (foundTableRegion && (isCarryingMeta || !hasMetaRegion)) {
    if (isCarryingMeta && hasMetaRegion) {
      // clients ask for a RS with META
      if (!foundTableRegion) {
        HRegionServer destRS = hrs;
        // the RS doesn't have regions of the specified table so we need move one to this RS
        List<RegionInfo> tableRegions = TEST_UTIL.getAdmin().getRegions(tableName);
        RegionInfo hri = tableRegions.get(0);
        TEST_UTIL.getAdmin().move(hri.getEncodedNameAsBytes(), destRS.getServerName());
        // wait for region move completes
        RegionStates regionStates =
        TEST_UTIL.waitFor(45000, 200, new Waiter.Predicate<Exception>() {
          public boolean evaluate() throws Exception {
            ServerName sn = regionStates.getRegionServerOfRegion(hri);
            return (sn != null && sn.equals(destRS.getServerName()));
      return hrs;
    } else if (hasMetaRegion || isCarryingMeta) {
    if (foundTableRegion) {

  return hrs;
Example 20
Source File:    From hbase with Apache License 2.0 3 votes vote down vote up
 * Create a new HFileLink
 * <p>It also adds a back-reference to the hfile back-reference directory
 * to simplify the reference-count and the cleaning process.
 * @param conf {@link Configuration} to read for the archive directory name
 * @param fs {@link FileSystem} on which to write the HFileLink
 * @param dstFamilyPath - Destination path (table/region/cf/)
 * @param hfileRegionInfo - Linked HFile Region Info
 * @param hfileName - Linked HFile name
 * @param createBackRef - Whether back reference should be created. Defaults to true.
 * @return true if the file is created, otherwise the file exists.
 * @throws IOException on file or parent directory creation failure
public static boolean create(final Configuration conf, final FileSystem fs,
    final Path dstFamilyPath, final RegionInfo hfileRegionInfo,
    final String hfileName, final boolean createBackRef) throws IOException {
  TableName linkedTable = hfileRegionInfo.getTable();
  String linkedRegion = hfileRegionInfo.getEncodedName();
  return create(conf, fs, dstFamilyPath, linkedTable, linkedRegion, hfileName, createBackRef);