Java Code Examples for org.nd4j.linalg.ops.transforms.Transforms#exp()

The following examples show how to use org.nd4j.linalg.ops.transforms.Transforms#exp() . You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example 1
Source File:    From AILibs with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 6 votes vote down vote up
 * Computes the gradient of the NLL for PL networks w.r.t. the k-th dyad according to equation (28) in [1].
 * @param plNetOutputs  The outputs for M_n dyads generated by a PLNet's output layer in order of their ranking (from best to worst).
 * @param k				The ranking position with respect to which the gradient should be computed. Assumes zero-based indices, unlike the paper.
 * @return				The gradient of the NLL loss w.r.t. the k-th dyad in the ranking.
public static INDArray computeLossGradient(INDArray plNetOutputs, int k) {
	if (!(plNetOutputs.isRowVector()) || plNetOutputs.size(1) < 2 || k < 0 || k >= plNetOutputs.size(1)) {
		throw new IllegalArgumentException("Input has to be a row vector of 2 or more elements. And k has to be a valid index of plNetOutputs.");
	long dyadRankingLength = plNetOutputs.size(1);
	double errorGradient = 0;
	for (int m = 0; m <= k; m++) {
		INDArray innerSumSlice = plNetOutputs.get(NDArrayIndex.interval(m, dyadRankingLength));
		innerSumSlice = Transforms.exp(innerSumSlice);
		double innerSum = innerSumSlice.sum(1).getDouble(0);
		errorGradient += Math.exp(plNetOutputs.getDouble(k)) / innerSum;
	errorGradient -= 1;
	return Nd4j.create(new double[] {errorGradient});
Example 2
Source File:    From deeplearning4j with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
public void testLogSumExp2() {

    for (int dim = 0; dim <= 2; dim++) {
        INDArray inputArr = Nd4j.rand(DataType.DOUBLE, 3, 4, 5);
        SameDiff sd = SameDiff.create();
        SDVariable in = sd.var(inputArr);
        SDVariable lse = sd.math().logSumExp(in, dim);

        INDArray exp = Transforms.exp(inputArr, true);
        INDArray sum = exp.sum(dim);
        INDArray log = Transforms.log(sum);

        OpValidation.validate(new TestCase(sd)
                .expectedOutput(, log)
Example 3
Source File:    From ml-models with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public INDArray op(INDArray neighbourhoodFeatures, INDArray nodeFeature) {
    double sigma = 16;
    final INDArray norm2 = Transforms.pow(neighbourhoodFeatures.subRowVector(nodeFeature), 2).sum(0);
    norm2.divi(-sigma * sigma);
    return Transforms.exp(norm2);
Example 4
Source File:    From deeplearning4j with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public INDArray generateRandom(INDArray preOutDistributionParams) {
    INDArray output = preOutDistributionParams.dup();
    activationFn.getActivation(output, true);

    val size = output.size(1) / 2;
    INDArray mean = output.get(NDArrayIndex.all(), NDArrayIndex.interval(0, size));
    INDArray logStdevSquared = output.get(NDArrayIndex.all(), NDArrayIndex.interval(size, 2 * size));

    INDArray sigma = Transforms.exp(logStdevSquared, true);
    Transforms.sqrt(sigma, false);

    INDArray e = Nd4j.randn(sigma.shape());
    return e.muli(sigma).addi(mean); //mu + sigma * N(0,1) ~ N(mu,sigma^2)
Example 5
Source File:    From deeplearning4j with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
private INDArray[] calcLogProbArrayExConstants(INDArray x, INDArray preOutDistributionParams) {
    INDArray output = preOutDistributionParams.dup();
    activationFn.getActivation(output, false);

    val size = output.size(1) / 2;
    INDArray mean = output.get(NDArrayIndex.all(), NDArrayIndex.interval(0, size));
    INDArray logStdevSquared = output.get(NDArrayIndex.all(), NDArrayIndex.interval(size, 2 * size));

    INDArray sigmaSquared = Transforms.exp(logStdevSquared, true);
    INDArray lastTerm = x.sub(mean.castTo(x.dataType()));

    return new INDArray[] {logStdevSquared, lastTerm};
Example 6
Source File:    From deeplearning4j with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public INDArray generateAtMean(INDArray preOutDistributionParams) {
    //Input: gamma = log(lambda)    ->  lambda = exp(gamma)
    //Mean for exponential distribution: 1/lambda

    INDArray gamma = activationFn.getActivation(preOutDistributionParams.dup(), false);

    INDArray lambda = Transforms.exp(gamma, true);
    return lambda.rdivi(1.0); //mean = 1.0 / lambda
Example 7
Source File:    From deeplearning4j with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public void testLogSumExp() {
    INDArray inputArr = Nd4j.rand(DataType.FLOAT, 1, 4);
    SameDiff sd = SameDiff.create();
    SDVariable in = sd.var(inputArr);
    SDVariable lse = sd.math().logSumExp(in);
    INDArray out = lse.eval();

    INDArray exp = Transforms.exp(inputArr, true);
    INDArray sum = exp.sum();
    INDArray log = Transforms.log(sum);
    assertEquals(log, out);
Example 8
Source File:    From nd4j with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public void testExp() {
    INDArray n = Nd4j.create(new double[] {1, 2, 3, 4});
    INDArray assertion = Nd4j.create(new double[] {2.71828183f, 7.3890561f, 20.08553692f, 54.59815003f});
    INDArray exped = Transforms.exp(n);
    assertEquals(assertion, exped);
Example 9
Source File:    From deeplearning4j with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public INDArray gradient(INDArray x, INDArray preOutDistributionParams) {
    //p(x) = lambda * exp( -lambda * x)
    //logp(x) = log(lambda) - lambda * x = gamma - lambda * x
    //dlogp(x)/dgamma = 1 - lambda * x      (or negative of this for d(-logp(x))/dgamma

    INDArray gamma = activationFn.getActivation(preOutDistributionParams.dup(), true);

    INDArray lambda = Transforms.exp(gamma, true);
    INDArray dLdx = x.mul(lambda).subi(1.0);

    return activationFn.backprop(preOutDistributionParams.dup(), dLdx).getFirst();
Example 10
Source File:    From gatk-protected with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 5 votes vote down vote up
private List<List<HiddenStateSegmentRecord<STATE, Target>>> getCopyRatioSegmentsLocal() {
    final List<List<CoverageModelCopyRatioEmissionData>> copyRatioEmissionData = fetchCopyRatioEmissionDataLocal();
    final INDArray sampleReadDepths = Transforms.exp(sampleMeanLogReadDepths, true);
    return sampleIndexStream()
            .mapToObj(si -> {
                final CopyRatioCallingMetadata metadata = CopyRatioCallingMetadata.builder()
                return copyRatioExpectationsCalculator.getCopyRatioHMMResults(metadata,
                        processedTargetList, copyRatioEmissionData.get(si));
            /* segment each sample individually */
            .map(result -> {
                final HMMSegmentProcessor<CoverageModelCopyRatioEmissionData, STATE, Target> processor =
                        new HMMSegmentProcessor<>(
                                Collections.singletonList(new HashedListTargetCollection<>(processedTargetList)),
                return processor.getSegmentsAsList();
Example 11
Source File:    From AILibs with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Computes the NLL for PL networks according to equation (27) in [1].
 * @param 	plNetOutputs The outputs for M_n dyads generated by a PLNet's output layer in order of their ranking (from best to worst).
 * @return	The NLL loss for the given PLNet outputs.
public static INDArray computeLoss(INDArray plNetOutputs) {
	if (!(plNetOutputs.isRowVector()) || plNetOutputs.size(1) < 2 ) {
		throw new IllegalArgumentException("Input has to be a row vector of 2 or more elements.");
	long dyadRankingLength = plNetOutputs.size(1);
	double loss = 0;
	for (int m = 0; m <= dyadRankingLength - 2; m++) {
		INDArray innerSumSlice = plNetOutputs.get(NDArrayIndex.interval(m, dyadRankingLength));
		innerSumSlice = Transforms.exp(innerSumSlice);
		loss += Transforms.log(innerSumSlice.sum(1)).getDouble(0);
	loss -= plNetOutputs.get(NDArrayIndex.interval(0, dyadRankingLength - 1)).sum(1).getDouble(0);
	return Nd4j.create(new double[]{loss});
Example 12
Source File:    From ml-models with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public INDArray ndOp(INDArray features, INDArray adjacencyMatrix) {
    double sigma = 16;
    INDArray[] sumsOfSquareDiffs = new INDArray[adjacencyMatrix.rows()];
    for (int node = 0; node < adjacencyMatrix.rows(); node++) {
        INDArray column = adjacencyMatrix.getColumn(node);
        INDArray repeat = features.getRow(node).repeat(0, features.rows()).muliColumnVector(column);
        INDArray sub = repeat.sub(features.mulColumnVector(column));
        sumsOfSquareDiffs[node] = Transforms.pow(sub, 2).sum(0);
    INDArray sumOfSquareDiffs = Nd4j.vstack(sumsOfSquareDiffs).muli(-(1d / Math.pow(sigma, 2)));
    return Transforms.exp(sumOfSquareDiffs);
Example 13
Source File:    From nd4j with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
private void calculate(INDArray labels, INDArray preOutput, IActivation activationFn, INDArray mask, INDArray scoreOutput, INDArray gradientOutput) {
    if (scoreOutput == null && gradientOutput == null) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("You have to provide at least one of scoreOutput or gradientOutput!");
    if (labels.size(1) != preOutput.size(1)) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                "Labels array numColumns (size(1) = " + labels.size(1) + ") does not match output layer"
                        + " number of outputs (nOut = " + preOutput.size(1) + ") ");

    final INDArray postOutput = activationFn.getActivation(preOutput.dup(), true);

    final INDArray positive = labels;
    final INDArray negative = labels.eq(0.0);
    final INDArray normFactor = negative.sum(1).muli(positive.sum(1));

    long examples = positive.size(0);
    for (int i = 0; i < examples; i++) {
        final INDArray locCfn = postOutput.getRow(i);
        final long[] shape = locCfn.shape();

        final INDArray locPositive = positive.getRow(i);
        final INDArray locNegative = negative.getRow(i);
        final Double locNormFactor = normFactor.getDouble(i);

        final INDArray operandA = Nd4j.ones(shape[1], shape[0]).mmul(locCfn);
        final INDArray operandB = operandA.transpose();

        final INDArray pairwiseSub = Transforms.exp(operandA.sub(operandB));

        final INDArray selection = locPositive.transpose().mmul(locNegative);

        final INDArray classificationDifferences = pairwiseSub.muli(selection).divi(locNormFactor);

        if (scoreOutput != null) {
            if (mask != null) {
                final INDArray perLabel = classificationDifferences.sum(0);
                LossUtil.applyMask(perLabel, mask.getRow(i));
                perLabel.sum(scoreOutput.getRow(i), 0);
            } else {
                classificationDifferences.sum(scoreOutput.getRow(i), 0, 1);

        if (gradientOutput != null) {

    if (gradientOutput != null) {
        gradientOutput.assign(activationFn.backprop(preOutput.dup(), gradientOutput).getFirst());
        //multiply with masks, always
        if (mask != null) {
            LossUtil.applyMask(gradientOutput, mask);
Example 14
Source File:    From nd4j with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public MixtureDensityComponents extractComponents(INDArray output) {
    long outputSize = output.size(1);
    if (outputSize != (mLabelWidth + 2) * mMixtures) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                        "Network output size " + outputSize + " must be (labels+2)*mixtures where labels = "
                                        + mLabelWidth + " and mixtures = " + mMixtures);

    MixtureDensityComponents mdc = new MixtureDensityComponents();

    // Output is 2 dimensional (samples, labels)
    // For each label vector of length 'labels', we will have
    // an output vector of length '(labels + 2) * nMixtures.
    // The first nMixtures outputs will correspond to the 'alpha' for each mixture.
    // The second nMixtures outputs will correspond to the 'sigma' and the last nMixtures*labels
    // will correspond to the 'mu' (mean) of the output.

    // Reorganize these.
    // alpha = samples, 0 to nMixtures
    // mu = samples, nMixtures to 2*nMixtures
    // sigma = samples, 2*nMixtures to (labels + 2)*nMixtures
    // Alpha is then sub-divided through reshape by mixtures per label and samples.

    mdc.alpha = output.get(NDArrayIndex.all(), NDArrayIndex.interval(0, mMixtures));
    mdc.sigma = output.get(NDArrayIndex.all(), NDArrayIndex.interval(mMixtures, 2 * mMixtures)); = output.get(NDArrayIndex.all(), NDArrayIndex.interval(2 * mMixtures, (mLabelWidth + 2) * mMixtures))
                    .reshape(output.size(0), mMixtures, mLabelWidth);

    // Alpha is a softmax because
    // the alpha should all sum to 1 for a given gaussian mixture.
    mdc.alpha = Nd4j.getExecutioner().execAndReturn(new OldSoftMax(mdc.alpha));

    // Mu comes directly from the network as an unmolested value.
    // Note that this effectively means that the output layer of
    // the network should have an activation function at least as large as
    // the expected values.  It is best for the output
    // layer to be an IDENTITY activation function.
    // =;

    // Sigma comes from the network as an exponential in order to
    // ensure that it is positive-definite.
    mdc.sigma = Transforms.exp(mdc.sigma);

    return mdc;
Example 15
Source File:    From gatk-protected with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 4 votes vote down vote up
 * Local implementation of the E-step update of copy ratio posteriors
 * @return a {@link SubroutineSignal} containing the update size (key: "error_norm")
public SubroutineSignal updateCopyRatioPosteriorExpectationsLocal(final double admixingRatio) {
    /* step 1. fetch copy ratio emission data */
    final List<List<CoverageModelCopyRatioEmissionData>> copyRatioEmissionData = fetchCopyRatioEmissionDataLocal();

    /* step 2. run the forward-backward algorithm and calculate copy ratio posteriors */
    final INDArray sampleReadDepths = Transforms.exp(sampleMeanLogReadDepths, true);
    final List<CopyRatioExpectations> copyRatioPosteriorResults = sampleIndexStream()
            .mapToObj(si -> copyRatioExpectationsCalculator.getCopyRatioPosteriorExpectations(

    /* update log chain posterior expectation */
            .toArray(), new int[] {numSamples, 1}));

    /* sent the results back to workers */
    final ImmutablePair<INDArray, INDArray> copyRatioPosteriorDataPair =
    final INDArray log_c_st = copyRatioPosteriorDataPair.left;
    final INDArray var_log_c_st = copyRatioPosteriorDataPair.right;

    /* partition the pair of (log_c_st, var_log_c_st), sent the result to workers via broadcast-hash-map */
    pushToWorkers(mapINDArrayPairToBlocks(log_c_st.transpose(), var_log_c_st.transpose()),
            (p, cb) -> cb.cloneWithUpdatedCopyRatioPosteriors(
    cacheWorkers("after E-step update of copy ratio posteriors");

    /* collect subroutine signals */
    final List<SubroutineSignal> sigs = mapWorkersAndCollect(CoverageModelEMComputeBlock::getLatestMStepSignal);

    final double errorNormInfinity = Collections.max(
            .map(sig -> sig.<Double>get(StandardSubroutineSignals.RESIDUAL_ERROR_NORM))

    return SubroutineSignal.builder()
            .put(StandardSubroutineSignals.RESIDUAL_ERROR_NORM, errorNormInfinity)
Example 16
Source File:    From deeplearning4j with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
private void calculate(INDArray labels, INDArray preOutput, IActivation activationFn, INDArray mask, INDArray scoreOutput, INDArray gradientOutput) {
    if (scoreOutput == null && gradientOutput == null) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("You have to provide at least one of scoreOutput or gradientOutput!");
    if (labels.size(1) != preOutput.size(1)) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                "Labels array numColumns (size(1) = " + labels.size(1) + ") does not match output layer"
                        + " number of outputs (nOut = " + preOutput.size(1) + ") ");

    labels = labels.castTo(preOutput.dataType());   //No-op if already correct dtype
    final INDArray postOutput = activationFn.getActivation(preOutput.dup(), true);

    final INDArray positive = labels;
    final INDArray negative = labels.eq(0.0).castTo(Nd4j.defaultFloatingPointType());
    final INDArray normFactor = negative.sum(true,1).castTo(Nd4j.defaultFloatingPointType()).muli(positive.sum(true,1));

    long examples = positive.size(0);
    for (int i = 0; i < examples; i++) {
        final INDArray locCfn = postOutput.getRow(i, true);
        final long[] shape = locCfn.shape();

        final INDArray locPositive = positive.getRow(i, true);
        final INDArray locNegative = negative.getRow(i, true);
        final Double locNormFactor = normFactor.getDouble(i);

        final int outSetSize = locNegative.sumNumber().intValue();
        if(outSetSize == 0 || outSetSize == locNegative.columns()){
            if (scoreOutput != null) {
                scoreOutput.getRow(i, true).assign(0);

            if (gradientOutput != null) {
                gradientOutput.getRow(i, true).assign(0);
        }else {
            final INDArray operandA = Nd4j.ones(shape[1], shape[0]).mmul(locCfn);
            final INDArray operandB = operandA.transpose();

            final INDArray pairwiseSub = Transforms.exp(operandA.sub(operandB));

            final INDArray selection = locPositive.transpose().mmul(locNegative);

            final INDArray classificationDifferences = pairwiseSub.muli(selection).divi(locNormFactor);

            if (scoreOutput != null) {
                if (mask != null) {
                    final INDArray perLabel = classificationDifferences.sum(0);
                    LossUtil.applyMask(perLabel, mask.getRow(i, true));
                    perLabel.sum(scoreOutput.getRow(i, true), 0);
                } else {
                    classificationDifferences.sum(scoreOutput.getRow(i, true), 0, 1);

            if (gradientOutput != null) {
                gradientOutput.getRow(i, true).assign(classificationDifferences.sum(true, 0).addi(classificationDifferences.sum(true,1).transposei().negi()));

    if (gradientOutput != null) {
        gradientOutput.assign(activationFn.backprop(preOutput.dup(), gradientOutput).getFirst());
        //multiply with masks, always
        if (mask != null) {
            LossUtil.applyMask(gradientOutput, mask);
Example 17
Source File:    From deeplearning4j with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public MixtureDensityComponents extractComponents(INDArray output) {
    long outputSize = output.size(1);
    if (outputSize != (mLabelWidth + 2) * mMixtures) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                        "Network output size " + outputSize + " must be (labels+2)*mixtures where labels = "
                                        + mLabelWidth + " and mixtures = " + mMixtures);

    MixtureDensityComponents mdc = new MixtureDensityComponents();

    // Output is 2 dimensional (samples, labels)
    // For each label vector of length 'labels', we will have
    // an output vector of length '(labels + 2) * nMixtures.
    // The first nMixtures outputs will correspond to the 'alpha' for each mixture.
    // The second nMixtures outputs will correspond to the 'sigma' and the last nMixtures*labels
    // will correspond to the 'mu' (mean) of the output.

    // Reorganize these.
    // alpha = samples, 0 to nMixtures
    // mu = samples, nMixtures to 2*nMixtures
    // sigma = samples, 2*nMixtures to (labels + 2)*nMixtures
    // Alpha is then sub-divided through reshape by mixtures per label and samples.

    mdc.alpha = output.get(NDArrayIndex.all(), NDArrayIndex.interval(0, mMixtures));
    mdc.sigma = output.get(NDArrayIndex.all(), NDArrayIndex.interval(mMixtures, 2 * mMixtures)); = output.get(NDArrayIndex.all(), NDArrayIndex.interval(2 * mMixtures, (mLabelWidth + 2) * mMixtures))
                    .reshape(output.size(0), mMixtures, mLabelWidth);

    // Alpha is a softmax because
    // the alpha should all sum to 1 for a given gaussian mixture.
    mdc.alpha = Nd4j.exec((CustomOp) new SoftMax(mdc.alpha, mdc.alpha, -1))[0];

    // Mu comes directly from the network as an unmolested value.
    // Note that this effectively means that the output layer of
    // the network should have an activation function at least as large as
    // the expected values.  It is best for the output
    // layer to be an IDENTITY activation function.
    // =;

    // Sigma comes from the network as an exponential in order to
    // ensure that it is positive-definite.
    mdc.sigma = Transforms.exp(mdc.sigma);

    return mdc;
Example 18
Source File:    From deeplearning4j with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public static INDArray activate(@NonNull INDArray boundingBoxPriors, @NonNull INDArray input, boolean nchw, LayerWorkspaceMgr layerWorkspaceMgr){
        input = input.permute(0,3,1,2); //NHWC to NCHW

    long mb = input.size(0);
    long h = input.size(2);
    long w = input.size(3);
    long b = boundingBoxPriors.size(0);
    long c = input.size(1)/b-5;  //input.size(1) == b * (5 + C) -> C = (input.size(1)/b) - 5

    INDArray output = layerWorkspaceMgr.create(ArrayType.ACTIVATIONS, input.dataType(), input.shape(), 'c');
    INDArray output5 = output.reshape('c', mb, b, 5+c, h, w);
    INDArray output4 = output;  //output.get(all(), interval(0,5*b), all(), all());
    INDArray input4 = input.dup('c');    //input.get(all(), interval(0,5*b), all(), all()).dup('c');
    INDArray input5 = input4.reshape('c', mb, b, 5+c, h, w);

    //X/Y center in grid: sigmoid
    INDArray predictedXYCenterGrid = input5.get(all(), all(), interval(0,2), all(), all());
    Transforms.sigmoid(predictedXYCenterGrid, false);

    //width/height: prior * exp(input)
    INDArray predictedWHPreExp = input5.get(all(), all(), interval(2,4), all(), all());
    INDArray predictedWH = Transforms.exp(predictedWHPreExp, false);
    Broadcast.mul(predictedWH, boundingBoxPriors.castTo(input.dataType()), predictedWH, 1, 2);  //Box priors: [b, 2]; predictedWH: [mb, b, 2, h, w]

    //Confidence - sigmoid
    INDArray predictedConf = input5.get(all(), all(), point(4), all(), all());   //Shape: [mb, B, H, W]
    Transforms.sigmoid(predictedConf, false);


    INDArray inputClassesPreSoftmax = input5.get(all(), all(), interval(5, 5+c), all(), all());   //Shape: [minibatch, C, H, W]
    INDArray classPredictionsPreSoftmax2d = inputClassesPreSoftmax.permute(0,1,3,4,2) //[minibatch, b, c, h, w] To [mb, b, h, w, c]
            .dup('c').reshape('c', new long[]{mb*b*h*w, c});
    Transforms.softmax(classPredictionsPreSoftmax2d, false);
    INDArray postSoftmax5d = classPredictionsPreSoftmax2d.reshape('c', mb, b, h, w, c ).permute(0, 1, 4, 2, 3);

    INDArray outputClasses = output5.get(all(), all(), interval(5, 5+c), all(), all());   //Shape: [minibatch, C, H, W]

        output = output.permute(0,2,3,1);       //NCHW to NHWC

    return output;
Example 19
Source File:    From deeplearning4j with Apache License 2.0 3 votes vote down vote up
public INDArray generateRandom(INDArray preOutDistributionParams) {
    INDArray gamma = activationFn.getActivation(preOutDistributionParams.dup(), false);

    INDArray lambda = Transforms.exp(gamma, true);

    //Inverse cumulative distribution function: -log(1-p)/lambda

    INDArray u = Nd4j.rand(preOutDistributionParams.shape());

    //Note here: if u ~ U(0,1) then 1-u ~ U(0,1)
    return Transforms.log(u, false).divi(lambda).negi();
Example 20
Source File:    From deeplearning4j with Apache License 2.0 2 votes vote down vote up
 * Calculate the reconstruction probability, as described in An & Cho, 2015 - "Variational Autoencoder based
 * Anomaly Detection using Reconstruction Probability" (Algorithm 4)<br>
 * The authors describe it as follows: "This is essentially the probability of the data being generated from a given
 * latent variable drawn from the approximate posterior distribution."<br>
 * <br>
 * Specifically, for each example x in the input, calculate p(x). Note however that p(x) is a stochastic (Monte-Carlo)
 * estimate of the true p(x), based on the specified number of samples. More samples will produce a more accurate
 * (lower variance) estimate of the true p(x) for the current model parameters.<br>
 * <br>
 * Internally uses {@link #reconstructionLogProbability(INDArray, int)} for the actual implementation.
 * That method may be more numerically stable in some cases.<br>
 * <br>
 * The returned array is a column vector of reconstruction probabilities, for each example. Thus, reconstruction probabilities
 * can (and should, for efficiency) be calculated in a batched manner.
 * @param data       The data to calculate the reconstruction probability for
 * @param numSamples Number of samples with which to base the reconstruction probability on.
 * @return Column vector of reconstruction probabilities for each example (shape: [numExamples,1])
public INDArray reconstructionProbability(INDArray data, int numSamples) {
    INDArray reconstructionLogProb = reconstructionLogProbability(data, numSamples);
    return Transforms.exp(reconstructionLogProb.castTo(DataType.DOUBLE), false);    //Cast to double to reduce risk of numerical underflow