Java Code Examples for

The following examples show how to use . You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example 1
Source File:    From lucene-solr with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
private Suggester getNodeAddedSuggester(SolrCloudManager cloudManager, Policy.Session session, TriggerEvent event) throws IOException {
  String preferredOp = (String) event.getProperty(AutoScalingParams.PREFERRED_OP, CollectionParams.CollectionAction.MOVEREPLICA.toLower());
  Replica.Type replicaType = (Replica.Type) event.getProperty(AutoScalingParams.REPLICA_TYPE, Replica.Type.NRT);
  CollectionParams.CollectionAction action = CollectionParams.CollectionAction.get(preferredOp);

  Suggester suggester = session.getSuggester(action)
      .hint(Suggester.Hint.TARGET_NODE, event.getProperty(NODE_NAMES));
  switch (action) {
    case ADDREPLICA:
      // add all collection/shard pairs and let policy engine figure out which one
      // to place on the target node
      ClusterState clusterState = cloudManager.getClusterStateProvider().getClusterState();
      Set<Pair<String, String>> collShards = new HashSet<>();
              .filter(e -> collectionsPredicate.test(e.getKey()))
              .forEach(entry -> {
                DocCollection docCollection = entry.getValue().get();
                if (docCollection != null) {
                          .map(slice -> new Pair<>(entry.getKey(), slice.getName()))
      suggester.hint(Suggester.Hint.COLL_SHARD, collShards);
      suggester.hint(Suggester.Hint.REPLICATYPE, replicaType);
    case NONE:
      throw new SolrException(SolrException.ErrorCode.SERVER_ERROR,
          "Unsupported preferredOperation=" + preferredOp + " for node added event");
  return suggester;
Example 2
Source File:    From lucene-solr with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
private ImmutableMap<Replica.Type, Integer> countsPerReplicaType(AssignRequest assignRequest) {
  return ImmutableMap.of(
      Replica.Type.NRT, assignRequest.numNrtReplicas,
      Replica.Type.TLOG, assignRequest.numTlogReplicas,
      Replica.Type.PULL, assignRequest.numPullReplicas
Example 3
Source File:    From lucene-solr with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
private void queryReplicaType(CloudSolrClient cloudClient,
                                        Replica.Type typeToQuery,
                                        String collectionName)
    throws Exception
  SolrQuery qRequest = new SolrQuery("*:*");

  ModifiableSolrParams qParams = new ModifiableSolrParams();
  qParams.add(ShardParams.SHARDS_PREFERENCE, ShardParams.SHARDS_PREFERENCE_REPLICA_TYPE + ":" + typeToQuery.toString());
  qParams.add(ShardParams.SHARDS_INFO, "true");

  Map<String, String> replicaTypeToReplicas = mapReplicasToReplicaType(getCollectionState(collectionName));

  QueryResponse qResponse = cloudClient.query(collectionName, qRequest);

  Object shardsInfo = qResponse.getResponse().get(ShardParams.SHARDS_INFO);
  assertNotNull("Unable to obtain "+ShardParams.SHARDS_INFO, shardsInfo);

  // Iterate over shards-info and check what cores responded
  SimpleOrderedMap<?> shardsInfoMap = (SimpleOrderedMap<?>)shardsInfo;
  Iterator<Map.Entry<String, ?>> itr = shardsInfoMap.asMap(100).entrySet().iterator();
  List<String> shardAddresses = new ArrayList<String>();
  while (itr.hasNext()) {
    Map.Entry<String, ?> e =;
    assertTrue("Did not find map-type value in "+ShardParams.SHARDS_INFO, e.getValue() instanceof Map);
    String shardAddress = (String)((Map)e.getValue()).get("shardAddress");
    if (shardAddress.endsWith("/")) {
      shardAddress = shardAddress.substring(0, shardAddress.length() - 1);
    assertNotNull(ShardParams.SHARDS_INFO+" did not return 'shardAddress' parameter", shardAddress);
  assertEquals("Shard addresses must be of size 1, since there is only 1 shard in the collection", 1, shardAddresses.size());

  assertEquals("Make sure that the replica queried was the replicaType desired", typeToQuery.toString().toUpperCase(Locale.ROOT), replicaTypeToReplicas.get(shardAddresses.get(0)).toUpperCase(Locale.ROOT));
Example 4
Source File:    From lucene-solr with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
private void addReplicaToShard(String shardName, Replica.Type type) throws ClientProtocolException, IOException, SolrServerException {
  switch (random().nextInt(3)) {
    case 0: // Add replica with SolrJ
      CollectionAdminResponse response = CollectionAdminRequest.addReplicaToShard(collectionName, shardName, type).process(cluster.getSolrClient());
      assertEquals("Unexpected response status: " + response.getStatus(), 0, response.getStatus());
    case 1: // Add replica with V1 API
      String url = String.format(Locale.ROOT, "%s/admin/collections?action=ADDREPLICA&collection=%s&shard=%s&type=%s",
      HttpGet addReplicaGet = new HttpGet(url);
      HttpResponse httpResponse = cluster.getSolrClient().getHttpClient().execute(addReplicaGet);
      assertEquals(200, httpResponse.getStatusLine().getStatusCode());
    case 2:// Add replica with V2 API
      url = String.format(Locale.ROOT, "%s/____v2/c/%s/shards",
      String requestBody = String.format(Locale.ROOT, "{add-replica:{shard:%s, type:%s}}",
      HttpPost addReplicaPost = new HttpPost(url);
      addReplicaPost.setHeader("Content-type", "application/json");
      addReplicaPost.setEntity(new StringEntity(requestBody));
      httpResponse = cluster.getSolrClient().getHttpClient().execute(addReplicaPost);
      assertEquals(200, httpResponse.getStatusLine().getStatusCode());
Example 5
Source File:    From lucene-solr with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public Row removeReplica(String coll, String shard, Replica.Type type, int recursionCount) {
  if (recursionCount > 3) {
    log.error("more than 3 levels of recursion ", new RuntimeException());
    return this;
  List<OperationInfo> furtherOps = new LinkedList<>();
  Consumer<OperationInfo> opCollector = it -> furtherOps.add(it);
  Row row = session.copy().getNode(this.node);
  row.lazyCopyReplicas(coll, shard);
  Map<String, List<ReplicaInfo>> c = row.collectionVsShardVsReplicas.get(coll);
  if (c == null) return null;
  List<ReplicaInfo> r = c.get(shard);
  if (r == null) return null;
  int idx = -1;
  for (int i = 0; i < r.size(); i++) {
    ReplicaInfo info = r.get(i);
    if (type == null || info.getType() == type) {
      idx = i;
  if (idx == -1) return null;
  ReplicaInfo removed = r.remove(idx);
  for (Cell cell : row.cells) {
    cell.type.projectRemoveReplica(cell, removed, opCollector);
  return row;

Example 6
Source File:    From lucene-solr with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Creates a JettySolrRunner with a socket proxy sitting infront of the Jetty server,
 * which gives us the ability to simulate network partitions without having to fuss
 * with IPTables.
public JettySolrRunner createProxiedJetty(File solrHome, String dataDir,
                                   String shardList, String solrConfigOverride, String schemaOverride, Replica.Type replicaType)
    throws Exception {

  JettyConfig jettyconfig = JettyConfig.builder()

  Properties props = new Properties();
  if (solrConfigOverride != null)
    props.setProperty("solrconfig", solrConfigOverride);
  if (schemaOverride != null)
    props.setProperty("schema", schemaOverride);
  if (shardList != null)
    props.setProperty("shards", shardList);
  if (dataDir != null)
    props.setProperty("", getDataDir(dataDir));
  if (replicaType != null) {
    props.setProperty("replicaType", replicaType.toString());
  } else if (random().nextBoolean()) {
    props.setProperty("replicaType", Replica.Type.NRT.toString());
  props.setProperty("coreRootDirectory", solrHome.toPath().resolve("cores").toString());

  JettySolrRunner jetty = new JettySolrRunner(solrHome.getPath(), props, jettyconfig, true);

  return jetty;
Example 7
Source File:    From lucene-solr with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * this simulates adding a replica of a certain coll+shard to node. as a result of adding a replica ,
 * values of certain attributes will be modified, in this node as well as other nodes. Please note that
 * the state of the current session is kept intact while this operation is being performed
 * @param coll           collection name
 * @param shard          shard name
 * @param type           replica type
 * @param recursionCount the number of times we have recursed to add more replicas
 * @param strictMode     whether suggester is operating in strict mode or not
Row addReplica(String coll, String shard, Replica.Type type, int recursionCount, boolean strictMode) {
  if (recursionCount > 3) {
    log.error("more than 3 levels of recursion ", new RuntimeException());
    return this;
  lazyCopyReplicas(coll, shard);
  List<OperationInfo> furtherOps = new LinkedList<>();
  Consumer<OperationInfo> opCollector = it -> furtherOps.add(it);
  Row row = null;
  row = session.copy().getNode(this.node);
  if (row == null) throw new RuntimeException("couldn't get a row");
  row.lazyCopyReplicas(coll, shard);
  Map<String, List<ReplicaInfo>> c = row.collectionVsShardVsReplicas.computeIfAbsent(coll, k -> new HashMap<>());
  List<ReplicaInfo> replicas = c.computeIfAbsent(shard, k -> new ArrayList<>());
  String replicaname = "SYNTHETIC." + new Random().nextInt(1000) + 1000;
  ReplicaInfo ri = new ReplicaInfo(replicaname, replicaname, coll, shard, type, this.node,
      Utils.makeMap(ZkStateReader.REPLICA_TYPE, type != null ? type.toString() : Replica.Type.NRT.toString()));
  for (Cell cell : row.cells) {
    cell.type.projectAddReplica(cell, ri, opCollector, strictMode);
  for (OperationInfo op : furtherOps) {
    if (op.isAdd) {
      row = row.session.getNode(op.node).addReplica(op.coll, op.shard, op.type, recursionCount + 1, strictMode);
    } else {
      row.session.getNode(op.node).removeReplica(op.coll, op.shard, op.type, recursionCount + 1);

  return row;
Example 8
Source File:    From lucene-solr with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Overrides the parent implementation to install a SocketProxy in-front of the Jetty server.
public JettySolrRunner createJetty(File solrHome, String dataDir,
                                   String shardList, String solrConfigOverride, String schemaOverride, Replica.Type replicaType)
    throws Exception {
  return createProxiedJetty(solrHome, dataDir, shardList, solrConfigOverride, schemaOverride, replicaType);
Example 9
Source File:    From lucene-solr with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Overrides the parent implementation to install a SocketProxy in-front of the Jetty server.
public JettySolrRunner createJetty(File solrHome, String dataDir,
                                   String shardList, String solrConfigOverride, String schemaOverride, Replica.Type replicaType)
    throws Exception
  return createProxiedJetty(solrHome, dataDir, shardList, solrConfigOverride, schemaOverride, replicaType);
Example 10
Source File:    From lucene-solr with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public void increment(Replica.Type type) {
  switch (type) {
    case NRT:
    case PULL:
    case TLOG:
Example 11
Source File:    From lucene-solr with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Overrides the parent implementation to install a SocketProxy in-front of the Jetty server.
public JettySolrRunner createJetty(File solrHome, String dataDir,
    String shardList, String solrConfigOverride, String schemaOverride, Replica.Type replicaType)
    throws Exception
  return createProxiedJetty(solrHome, dataDir, shardList, solrConfigOverride, schemaOverride, replicaType);
Example 12
Source File:    From lucene-solr with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public static CreateReplica assignReplicaDetails(SolrCloudManager cloudManager, ClusterState clusterState,
                                               ZkNodeProps message, ReplicaPosition replicaPosition) {
  boolean skipCreateReplicaInClusterState = message.getBool(SKIP_CREATE_REPLICA_IN_CLUSTER_STATE, false);

  String collection = message.getStr(COLLECTION_PROP);
  String node = replicaPosition.node;
  String shard = message.getStr(SHARD_ID_PROP);
  String coreName = message.getStr(CoreAdminParams.NAME);
  String coreNodeName = message.getStr(CoreAdminParams.CORE_NODE_NAME);
  Replica.Type replicaType = replicaPosition.type;

  if (StringUtils.isBlank(coreName)) {
    coreName = message.getStr(CoreAdminParams.PROPERTY_PREFIX + CoreAdminParams.NAME);
  }"Node Identified {} for creating new replica of shard {} for collection {}", node, shard, collection);
  if (!clusterState.liveNodesContain(node)) {
    throw new SolrException(SolrException.ErrorCode.BAD_REQUEST, "Node: " + node + " is not live");
  DocCollection coll = clusterState.getCollection(collection);
  if (coreName == null) {
    coreName = Assign.buildSolrCoreName(cloudManager.getDistribStateManager(), coll, shard, replicaType);
  } else if (!skipCreateReplicaInClusterState) {
    //Validate that the core name is unique in that collection
    for (Slice slice : coll.getSlices()) {
      for (Replica replica : slice.getReplicas()) {
        String replicaCoreName = replica.getStr(CORE_NAME_PROP);
        if (coreName.equals(replicaCoreName)) {
          throw new SolrException(SolrException.ErrorCode.BAD_REQUEST, "Another replica with the same core name already exists" +
              " for this collection");
  }"Returning CreateReplica command.");
  return new CreateReplica(collection, shard, node, replicaType, coreName, coreNodeName);
Example 13
Source File:    From lucene-solr with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public Row addReplica(String coll, String shard, Replica.Type type) {
  return addReplica(coll, shard, type, 0, true);
Example 14
Source File:    From lucene-solr with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public int delta(int expectedReplicaCount, Replica.Type type) {
  if (type == Replica.Type.NRT) return (int) (nrt - expectedReplicaCount);
  if (type == Replica.Type.PULL) return (int) (pull - expectedReplicaCount);
  if (type == Replica.Type.TLOG) return (int) (tlog - expectedReplicaCount);
  throw new RuntimeException("NO type");
Example 15
Source File:    From lucene-solr with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
private static Map<String, Object> makeReplicaProps(String sliceName, String node, String replicaName, String stateCode, String replicaTypeCode) {
  if (node == null || node.trim().length() == 0) {
    node = "1";

  Replica.State state = Replica.State.ACTIVE;
  if (stateCode != null) {
    switch (stateCode.charAt(0)) {
      case 'S':
        state = Replica.State.ACTIVE;
      case 'R':
        state = Replica.State.RECOVERING;
      case 'D':
        state = Replica.State.DOWN;
      case 'F':
        state = Replica.State.RECOVERY_FAILED;
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(
            "Unexpected state for replica: " + stateCode);

  Replica.Type replicaType = Replica.Type.NRT;
  switch (replicaTypeCode)  {
    case "t":
      replicaType = Replica.Type.TLOG;
    case "p":
      replicaType = Replica.Type.PULL;

  Map<String,Object> replicaPropMap = new HashMap<>();
  replicaPropMap.put(ZkStateReader.NODE_NAME_PROP, "baseUrl" + node + "_");
  replicaPropMap.put(ZkStateReader.BASE_URL_PROP, "http://baseUrl" + node);
  replicaPropMap.put(ZkStateReader.STATE_PROP, state.toString());
  replicaPropMap.put(ZkStateReader.CORE_NAME_PROP, sliceName + "_" + replicaName);
  return replicaPropMap;
Example 16
Source File:    From lucene-solr with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public static List<ReplicaPosition> buildReplicaPositions(SolrCloudManager cloudManager, ClusterState clusterState,
                                                          String collectionName, ZkNodeProps message,
                                                          EnumMap<Replica.Type, Integer> replicaTypeVsCount,
                                                          AtomicReference< PolicyHelper.SessionWrapper> sessionWrapper) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
  boolean skipCreateReplicaInClusterState = message.getBool(SKIP_CREATE_REPLICA_IN_CLUSTER_STATE, false);
  boolean skipNodeAssignment = message.getBool(SKIP_NODE_ASSIGNMENT, false);
  String sliceName = message.getStr(SHARD_ID_PROP);
  DocCollection collection = clusterState.getCollection(collectionName);

  int numNrtReplicas = replicaTypeVsCount.get(Replica.Type.NRT);
  int numPullReplicas = replicaTypeVsCount.get(Replica.Type.PULL);
  int numTlogReplicas = replicaTypeVsCount.get(Replica.Type.TLOG);
  int totalReplicas = numNrtReplicas + numPullReplicas + numTlogReplicas;

  String node = message.getStr(CoreAdminParams.NODE);
  Object createNodeSetStr = message.get(OverseerCollectionMessageHandler.CREATE_NODE_SET);
  if (createNodeSetStr == null) {
    if (node != null) {
      message.getProperties().put(OverseerCollectionMessageHandler.CREATE_NODE_SET, node);
      createNodeSetStr = node;

  List<ReplicaPosition> positions = null;
  if (!skipCreateReplicaInClusterState && !skipNodeAssignment) {

    positions = Assign.getNodesForNewReplicas(clusterState, collection.getName(), sliceName, numNrtReplicas,
                  numTlogReplicas, numPullReplicas, createNodeSetStr, cloudManager);

  if (positions == null)  {
    assert node != null;
    if (node == null) {
      // in case asserts are disabled
      throw new SolrException(SolrException.ErrorCode.SERVER_ERROR,
          "A node should have been identified to add replica but wasn't. Please inform solr developers at SOLR-9317");
    // it is unlikely that multiple replicas have been requested to be created on
    // the same node, but we've got to accommodate.
    positions = new ArrayList<>(totalReplicas);
    int i = 0;
    for (Map.Entry<Replica.Type, Integer> entry : replicaTypeVsCount.entrySet()) {
      for (int j = 0; j < entry.getValue(); j++) {
        positions.add(new ReplicaPosition(sliceName, i++, entry.getKey(), node));
  return positions;
Example 17
Source File:    From lucene-solr with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public static String buildSolrCoreName(String collectionName, String shard, Replica.Type type, int replicaNum) {
  // TODO: Adding the suffix is great for debugging, but may be an issue if at some point we want to support a way to change replica type
  return String.format(Locale.ROOT, "%s_%s_replica_%s%s", collectionName, shard,,1).toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT), replicaNum);
Example 18
Source File:    From lucene-solr with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
private int compareTypes(Replica.Type t1, Replica.Type t2) {
  if (t1 == null && t2 == null) return 0;
  if (t1 != null && t2 == null) return -1;
  if (t1 == null) return 1;
  return 0;
Example 19
Source File:    From lucene-solr with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
protected Replica.Type computeReplicaType() {
  // can't use cloudDesc since this is called by super class, before the constructor instantiates cloudDesc.
  return req.getCore().getCoreDescriptor().getCloudDescriptor().getReplicaType();
Example 20
Source File:    From lucene-solr with Apache License 2.0 2 votes vote down vote up
 * @return the replica type of the collection.
protected Replica.Type computeReplicaType() {
  return Replica.Type.NRT;