Java Code Examples for org.apache.arrow.vector.TinyIntVector#setNull()

The following examples show how to use org.apache.arrow.vector.TinyIntVector#setNull() . You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example 1
Source File:    From dremio-oss with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
private Pair<TinyIntVector, ResultVerifier> testTinyIntVector() {
  final String colName = "colTinyInt";
  final List<Byte> values =  asList((byte)0, (byte)-1, (byte)1, null, (byte)-54);

  TinyIntVector valuesVector = new TinyIntVector(colName, allocator);
  for (int i = 0; i < values.size(); i++) {
    if (values.get(i) == null) {
    } else {
      valuesVector.set(i, values.get(i));

  ResultVerifier verifier = new ResultVerifier() {
    public void verify(DataPOJO output) {
      verifyIntValues(values, output, colName);

  return Pair.of(valuesVector, verifier);
Example 2
Source File:    From yosegi with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public void T_convert_1() throws IOException{
  BufferAllocator allocator = new RootAllocator( 1024 * 1024 * 10 );
  TinyIntVector vector = new TinyIntVector( "test" , allocator );
  vector.setSafe( 0 , (byte)0 );
  vector.setSafe( 1 , (byte)1 );
  vector.setSafe( 2 , (byte)0 );
  vector.setNull( 3 );
  vector.setSafe( 4 , (byte)1 );
  vector.setSafe( 5 , (byte)1 );
  vector.setSafe( 6 , (byte)1 );
  vector.setNull( 7 );
  vector.setValueCount( 8 );

  IColumn column = ArrowColumnFactory.convert( "test" , vector );
  assertEquals( column.getColumnName() , "test" );
  assertEquals( column.size() , 8 );
  assertTrue( ( column.getColumnType() == ColumnType.BYTE ) );
  assertEquals( ( (PrimitiveObject)( column.get(0).getRow() ) ).getByte() , (byte)0  );
  assertEquals( ( (PrimitiveObject)( column.get(1).getRow() ) ).getByte() , (byte)1  );
  assertEquals( ( (PrimitiveObject)( column.get(2).getRow() ) ).getByte() , (byte)0  );
  assertEquals( column.get(3).getRow() , null  );
  assertEquals( ( (PrimitiveObject)( column.get(4).getRow() ) ).getByte() , (byte)1 );
  assertEquals( ( (PrimitiveObject)( column.get(5).getRow() ) ).getByte() , (byte)1 );
  assertEquals( ( (PrimitiveObject)( column.get(6).getRow() ) ).getByte() , (byte)1 );
  assertEquals( column.get(7).getRow() , null  );
Example 3
Source File:    From multiple-dimension-spread with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public void T_convert_1() throws IOException{
  BufferAllocator allocator = new RootAllocator( 1024 * 1024 * 10 );
  TinyIntVector vector = new TinyIntVector( "test" , allocator );
  vector.setSafe( 0 , (byte)0 );  
  vector.setSafe( 1 , (byte)1 );  
  vector.setSafe( 2 , (byte)0 );  
  vector.setNull( 3 );  
  vector.setSafe( 4 , (byte)1 );  
  vector.setSafe( 5 , (byte)1 );  
  vector.setSafe( 6 , (byte)1 );  
  vector.setNull( 7 );  
  vector.setValueCount( 8 );

  IColumn column = ArrowColumnFactory.convert( "test" , vector );
  assertEquals( column.getColumnName() , "test" );
  assertEquals( column.size() , 8 );
  assertTrue( ( column.getColumnType() == ColumnType.BYTE ) );
  assertEquals( ( (PrimitiveObject)( column.get(0).getRow() ) ).getByte() , (byte)0  );
  assertEquals( ( (PrimitiveObject)( column.get(1).getRow() ) ).getByte() , (byte)1  );
  assertEquals( ( (PrimitiveObject)( column.get(2).getRow() ) ).getByte() , (byte)0  );
  assertEquals( column.get(3).getRow() , null  );
  assertEquals( ( (PrimitiveObject)( column.get(4).getRow() ) ).getByte() , (byte)1 );
  assertEquals( ( (PrimitiveObject)( column.get(5).getRow() ) ).getByte() , (byte)1 );
  assertEquals( ( (PrimitiveObject)( column.get(6).getRow() ) ).getByte() , (byte)1 );
  assertEquals( column.get(7).getRow() , null  );
Example 4
Source File:    From snowflake-jdbc with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public void testGetBooleanNoScale() throws SFException
  Map<String, String> customFieldMeta = new HashMap<>();
  customFieldMeta.put("logicalType", "FIXED");
  customFieldMeta.put("precision", "10");
  customFieldMeta.put("scale", "0");

  FieldType fieldType = new FieldType(true,
                                      null, customFieldMeta);

  TinyIntVector vector = new TinyIntVector("col_one", fieldType, allocator);
  vector.setSafe(0, 0);
  vector.setSafe(1, 1);
  vector.setSafe(3, 5);

  ArrowVectorConverter converter = new TinyIntToFixedConverter(vector, 0, this);

  assertThat(false, is(converter.toBoolean(0)));
  assertThat(true, is(converter.toBoolean(1)));
  assertThat(false, is(converter.toBoolean(2)));
                             () -> converter.toBoolean(3));

Example 5
Source File:    From snowflake-jdbc with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public void testGetBooleanWithScale() throws SFException
  Map<String, String> customFieldMeta = new HashMap<>();
  customFieldMeta.put("logicalType", "FIXED");
  customFieldMeta.put("precision", "10");
  customFieldMeta.put("scale", "3");

  FieldType fieldType = new FieldType(true,
                                      null, customFieldMeta);

  TinyIntVector vector = new TinyIntVector("col_one", fieldType, allocator);
  vector.setSafe(0, 0);
  vector.setSafe(1, 1);
  vector.setSafe(3, 5);

  final ArrowVectorConverter converter = new TinyIntToScaledFixedConverter(vector, 0, this, 3);

  assertThat(false, is(converter.toBoolean(0)));
                             () -> converter.toBoolean(3));
  assertThat(false, is(converter.toBoolean(2)));
                             () -> converter.toBoolean(3));

Example 6
Source File:    From snowflake-jdbc with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public void testFixedNoScale() throws SFException
  final int rowCount = 1000;
  List<Byte> expectedValues = new ArrayList<>();
  Set<Integer> nullValIndex = new HashSet<>();
  for (int i = 0; i < rowCount; i++)
    expectedValues.add((byte) random.nextInt(1 << 8));

  Map<String, String> customFieldMeta = new HashMap<>();
  customFieldMeta.put("logicalType", "FIXED");
  customFieldMeta.put("precision", "10");
  customFieldMeta.put("scale", "0");

  FieldType fieldType = new FieldType(true,
                                      null, customFieldMeta);

  TinyIntVector vector = new TinyIntVector("col_one", fieldType, allocator);
  for (int i = 0; i < rowCount; i++)
    boolean isNull = random.nextBoolean();
    if (isNull)
      vector.setSafe(i, expectedValues.get(i));

  ArrowVectorConverter converter = new TinyIntToFixedConverter(vector, 0, this);

  for (int i = 0; i < rowCount; i++)
    byte byteVal = converter.toByte(i);
    Object longObject = converter.toObject(i); // the logical type is long
    String byteString = converter.toString(i);

    if (nullValIndex.contains(i))
      assertThat(byteVal, is((byte) 0));
      assertThat(longObject, is(nullValue()));
      assertThat(byteString, is(nullValue()));
      assertThat(byteVal, is(expectedValues.get(i)));
      assertEquals(longObject, (long) expectedValues.get(i));
      assertThat(byteString, is(expectedValues.get(i).toString()));
Example 7
Source File:    From snowflake-jdbc with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public void testFixedWithScale() throws SFException
  final int rowCount = 1000;
  List<Byte> expectedValues = new ArrayList<>();
  Set<Integer> nullValIndex = new HashSet<>();
  for (int i = 0; i < rowCount; i++)
    expectedValues.add((byte) random.nextInt(1 << 8));

  Map<String, String> customFieldMeta = new HashMap<>();
  customFieldMeta.put("logicalType", "FIXED");
  customFieldMeta.put("precision", "10");
  customFieldMeta.put("scale", "1");

  FieldType fieldType = new FieldType(true,
                                      null, customFieldMeta);

  TinyIntVector vector = new TinyIntVector("col_one", fieldType, allocator);
  for (int i = 0; i < rowCount; i++)
    boolean isNull = random.nextBoolean();
    if (isNull)
      vector.setSafe(i, expectedValues.get(i));

  ArrowVectorConverter converter = new TinyIntToScaledFixedConverter(vector, 0, this, 1);

  for (int i = 0; i < rowCount; i++)
    BigDecimal bigDecimalVal = converter.toBigDecimal(i);
    Object objectVal = converter.toObject(i);
    String stringVal = converter.toString(i);

    if (nullValIndex.contains(i))
      assertThat(bigDecimalVal, nullValue());
      assertThat(objectVal, nullValue());
      assertThat(stringVal, nullValue());
      BigDecimal expectedVal = BigDecimal.valueOf(expectedValues.get(i), 1);
      assertThat(bigDecimalVal, is(expectedVal));
      assertThat(objectVal, is(expectedVal));
      assertThat(stringVal, is(expectedVal.toString()));
