Java Code Examples for com.sun.jmx.snmp.SnmpStatusException#noAccess()

The following examples show how to use com.sun.jmx.snmp.SnmpStatusException#noAccess() . You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example 1
Source File:    From jdk1.8-source-analysis with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Set the value of an SNMP variable.
 * <p><b><i>
 * You should never need to use this method directly.
 * </i></b></p>
 * @param meta  The impacted metadata object
 * @param name  The ObjectName of the impacted MBean
 * @param x     The new requested SnmpValue
 * @param id    The OID arc identifying the variable we're trying to set.
 * @param data  User contextual data allocated through the
 *        {@link com.sun.jmx.snmp.agent.SnmpUserDataFactory}
 * @return The new value of the variable after the operation.
 * @exception SnmpStatusException whenever an SNMP exception must be
 *      raised. Raising an exception will abort the request. <br>
 *      Exceptions should never be raised directly, but only by means of
 * <code>
 * req.registerSetException(<i>VariableId</i>,<i>SnmpStatusException</i>)
 * </code>
public SnmpValue set(SnmpGenericMetaServer meta, ObjectName name,
                     SnmpValue x, long id, Object data)
    throws SnmpStatusException {
    final String attname = meta.getAttributeName(id);
    final Object attvalue=
    final Attribute att = new Attribute(attname,attvalue);

    Object result = null;

    try {
        result = server.getAttribute(name,attname);
    } catch(InvalidAttributeValueException iv) {
        throw new
    } catch (InstanceNotFoundException f) {
        throw new
    } catch (ReflectionException r) {
        throw new
    } catch (MBeanException m) {
        Exception t = m.getTargetException();
        if (t instanceof SnmpStatusException)
            throw (SnmpStatusException) t;
        throw new
    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new

    return meta.buildSnmpValue(id,result);
Example 2
Source File:    From openjdk-8-source with GNU General Public License v2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Set the value of an SNMP variable.
 * <p><b><i>
 * You should never need to use this method directly.
 * </i></b></p>
 * @param meta  The impacted metadata object
 * @param name  The ObjectName of the impacted MBean
 * @param x     The new requested SnmpValue
 * @param id    The OID arc identifying the variable we're trying to set.
 * @param data  User contextual data allocated through the
 *        {@link com.sun.jmx.snmp.agent.SnmpUserDataFactory}
 * @return The new value of the variable after the operation.
 * @exception SnmpStatusException whenever an SNMP exception must be
 *      raised. Raising an exception will abort the request. <br>
 *      Exceptions should never be raised directly, but only by means of
 * <code>
 * req.registerSetException(<i>VariableId</i>,<i>SnmpStatusException</i>)
 * </code>
public SnmpValue set(SnmpGenericMetaServer meta, ObjectName name,
                     SnmpValue x, long id, Object data)
    throws SnmpStatusException {
    final String attname = meta.getAttributeName(id);
    final Object attvalue=
    final Attribute att = new Attribute(attname,attvalue);

    Object result = null;

    try {
        result = server.getAttribute(name,attname);
    } catch(InvalidAttributeValueException iv) {
        throw new
    } catch (InstanceNotFoundException f) {
        throw new
    } catch (ReflectionException r) {
        throw new
    } catch (MBeanException m) {
        Exception t = m.getTargetException();
        if (t instanceof SnmpStatusException)
            throw (SnmpStatusException) t;
        throw new
    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new

    return meta.buildSnmpValue(id,result);
Example 3
Source File:    From jdk8u60 with GNU General Public License v2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Set the value of an SNMP variable.
 * <p><b><i>
 * You should never need to use this method directly.
 * </i></b></p>
 * @param meta  The impacted metadata object
 * @param name  The ObjectName of the impacted MBean
 * @param x     The new requested SnmpValue
 * @param id    The OID arc identifying the variable we're trying to set.
 * @param data  User contextual data allocated through the
 *        {@link com.sun.jmx.snmp.agent.SnmpUserDataFactory}
 * @return The new value of the variable after the operation.
 * @exception SnmpStatusException whenever an SNMP exception must be
 *      raised. Raising an exception will abort the request. <br>
 *      Exceptions should never be raised directly, but only by means of
 * <code>
 * req.registerSetException(<i>VariableId</i>,<i>SnmpStatusException</i>)
 * </code>
public SnmpValue set(SnmpGenericMetaServer meta, ObjectName name,
                     SnmpValue x, long id, Object data)
    throws SnmpStatusException {
    final String attname = meta.getAttributeName(id);
    final Object attvalue=
    final Attribute att = new Attribute(attname,attvalue);

    Object result = null;

    try {
        result = server.getAttribute(name,attname);
    } catch(InvalidAttributeValueException iv) {
        throw new
    } catch (InstanceNotFoundException f) {
        throw new
    } catch (ReflectionException r) {
        throw new
    } catch (MBeanException m) {
        Exception t = m.getTargetException();
        if (t instanceof SnmpStatusException)
            throw (SnmpStatusException) t;
        throw new
    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new

    return meta.buildSnmpValue(id,result);
Example 4
Source File:    From jdk8u_jdk with GNU General Public License v2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
void findHandlingNode(SnmpVarBind varbind,
                      long[] oid, int depth,
                      SnmpRequestTree handlers)
    throws SnmpStatusException {

    int length = oid.length;

    if (handlers == null)
        throw new SnmpStatusException(SnmpStatusException.snmpRspGenErr);

    final Object data = handlers.getUserData();

    if (depth >= length) {
        // Nothing is left... the oid is not valid
        throw new SnmpStatusException(SnmpStatusException.noAccess);

    long arc = oid[depth];

    if (isNestedArc(arc)) {
        // This arc leads to a subgroup: delegates the search to the
        // method defined in SnmpMibOid
    } else if (isTable(arc)) {
        // This arc leads to a table: forward the search to the table.

        // Gets the table
        SnmpMibTable table = getTable(arc);

        // Forward the search to the table

    } else {
        // If it's not a variable, throws an exception
        validateVarId(arc, data);

        // The trailing .0 is missing in the OID
        if (depth+2 > length) {
            throw new SnmpStatusException(SnmpStatusException.noSuchInstance);

        // There are too many arcs left in the OID (there should remain
        // a single trailing .0)
        if (depth+2 < length) {
            throw new SnmpStatusException(SnmpStatusException.noSuchInstance);

        // The last trailing arc is not .0
        if (oid[depth+1] != 0L) {
            throw new SnmpStatusException(SnmpStatusException.noSuchInstance);

        // It's one of our variable, register this node.
Example 5
Source File:    From openjdk-8 with GNU General Public License v2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public static int mapGetException(int errorStatus, int version)
    throws SnmpStatusException {

    final int errorCode = errorStatus;
    if (version == SnmpDefinitions.snmpVersionOne)
        return errorCode;

    int mappedErrorCode = errorCode;

    // Now take care of V2 errorCodes that can be stored
    // in the varbind itself:
    if (errorCode ==
        // noSuchObject => noSuchObject
        mappedErrorCode = errorCode;

    else if (errorCode ==
        // noSuchInstance => noSuchInstance
        mappedErrorCode = errorCode;

    // Now we're going to try to transform every other
    // global code in either noSuchInstance or noSuchObject,
    // so that the get can return a partial result.
    // Only noSuchInstance or noSuchObject can be stored
    // in the varbind itself.

    // According to RFC 1905: noAccess is emitted when the
    // the access is denied because it is not in the MIB view...
    else if (errorCode ==
        // noAccess => noSuchInstance
        mappedErrorCode = SnmpStatusException.noSuchInstance;

    // According to RFC 1905: (my interpretation because it is not
    // really clear) The specified variable name exists - but the
    // variable does not exists and cannot be created under the
    // present circumstances (probably because the request specifies
    // another variable/value which is incompatible, or because the
    // value of some other variable in the MIB prevents the creation)
    // Note that this error should never be raised in a GET context
    // but who knows?
    else if (errorCode == SnmpStatusException.snmpRspInconsistentName)
        // inconsistentName => noSuchInstance
        mappedErrorCode = SnmpStatusException.noSuchInstance;

    // All the errors comprised between snmpRspWrongType and
    // snmpRspInconsistentValue concern values: so we're going
    // to assume the OID was correct, and reply with noSuchInstance.
    // Note that this error should never be raised in a GET context
    // but who knows?
    else if ((errorCode >= SnmpStatusException.snmpRspWrongType) &&
             (errorCode <= SnmpStatusException.snmpRspInconsistentValue))
        mappedErrorCode = SnmpStatusException.noSuchInstance;

    // We're going to assume the OID was correct, and reply
    // with noSuchInstance.
    else if (errorCode == SnmpStatusException.readOnly)
        mappedErrorCode = SnmpStatusException.noSuchInstance;

    // For all other errors but genErr, we're going to reply with
    // noSuchObject
    else if (errorCode != SnmpStatusException.snmpRspAuthorizationError &&
             errorCode != SnmpStatusException.snmpRspGenErr)
        mappedErrorCode = SnmpStatusException.noSuchObject;

    // Only genErr will abort the GET and be returned as global
    // error.
    return mappedErrorCode;

Example 6
Source File:    From openjdk-jdk8u-backup with GNU General Public License v2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public static int mapGetException(int errorStatus, int version)
    throws SnmpStatusException {

    final int errorCode = errorStatus;
    if (version == SnmpDefinitions.snmpVersionOne)
        return errorCode;

    int mappedErrorCode = errorCode;

    // Now take care of V2 errorCodes that can be stored
    // in the varbind itself:
    if (errorCode ==
        // noSuchObject => noSuchObject
        mappedErrorCode = errorCode;

    else if (errorCode ==
        // noSuchInstance => noSuchInstance
        mappedErrorCode = errorCode;

    // Now we're going to try to transform every other
    // global code in either noSuchInstance or noSuchObject,
    // so that the get can return a partial result.
    // Only noSuchInstance or noSuchObject can be stored
    // in the varbind itself.

    // According to RFC 1905: noAccess is emitted when the
    // the access is denied because it is not in the MIB view...
    else if (errorCode ==
        // noAccess => noSuchInstance
        mappedErrorCode = SnmpStatusException.noSuchInstance;

    // According to RFC 1905: (my interpretation because it is not
    // really clear) The specified variable name exists - but the
    // variable does not exists and cannot be created under the
    // present circumstances (probably because the request specifies
    // another variable/value which is incompatible, or because the
    // value of some other variable in the MIB prevents the creation)
    // Note that this error should never be raised in a GET context
    // but who knows?
    else if (errorCode == SnmpStatusException.snmpRspInconsistentName)
        // inconsistentName => noSuchInstance
        mappedErrorCode = SnmpStatusException.noSuchInstance;

    // All the errors comprised between snmpRspWrongType and
    // snmpRspInconsistentValue concern values: so we're going
    // to assume the OID was correct, and reply with noSuchInstance.
    // Note that this error should never be raised in a GET context
    // but who knows?
    else if ((errorCode >= SnmpStatusException.snmpRspWrongType) &&
             (errorCode <= SnmpStatusException.snmpRspInconsistentValue))
        mappedErrorCode = SnmpStatusException.noSuchInstance;

    // We're going to assume the OID was correct, and reply
    // with noSuchInstance.
    else if (errorCode == SnmpStatusException.readOnly)
        mappedErrorCode = SnmpStatusException.noSuchInstance;

    // For all other errors but genErr, we're going to reply with
    // noSuchObject
    else if (errorCode != SnmpStatusException.snmpRspAuthorizationError &&
             errorCode != SnmpStatusException.snmpRspGenErr)
        mappedErrorCode = SnmpStatusException.noSuchObject;

    // Only genErr will abort the GET and be returned as global
    // error.
    return mappedErrorCode;

Example 7
Source File:    From dragonwell8_jdk with GNU General Public License v2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public static int mapGetException(int errorStatus, int version)
    throws SnmpStatusException {

    final int errorCode = errorStatus;
    if (version == SnmpDefinitions.snmpVersionOne)
        return errorCode;

    int mappedErrorCode = errorCode;

    // Now take care of V2 errorCodes that can be stored
    // in the varbind itself:
    if (errorCode ==
        // noSuchObject => noSuchObject
        mappedErrorCode = errorCode;

    else if (errorCode ==
        // noSuchInstance => noSuchInstance
        mappedErrorCode = errorCode;

    // Now we're going to try to transform every other
    // global code in either noSuchInstance or noSuchObject,
    // so that the get can return a partial result.
    // Only noSuchInstance or noSuchObject can be stored
    // in the varbind itself.

    // According to RFC 1905: noAccess is emitted when the
    // the access is denied because it is not in the MIB view...
    else if (errorCode ==
        // noAccess => noSuchInstance
        mappedErrorCode = SnmpStatusException.noSuchInstance;

    // According to RFC 1905: (my interpretation because it is not
    // really clear) The specified variable name exists - but the
    // variable does not exists and cannot be created under the
    // present circumstances (probably because the request specifies
    // another variable/value which is incompatible, or because the
    // value of some other variable in the MIB prevents the creation)
    // Note that this error should never be raised in a GET context
    // but who knows?
    else if (errorCode == SnmpStatusException.snmpRspInconsistentName)
        // inconsistentName => noSuchInstance
        mappedErrorCode = SnmpStatusException.noSuchInstance;

    // All the errors comprised between snmpRspWrongType and
    // snmpRspInconsistentValue concern values: so we're going
    // to assume the OID was correct, and reply with noSuchInstance.
    // Note that this error should never be raised in a GET context
    // but who knows?
    else if ((errorCode >= SnmpStatusException.snmpRspWrongType) &&
             (errorCode <= SnmpStatusException.snmpRspInconsistentValue))
        mappedErrorCode = SnmpStatusException.noSuchInstance;

    // We're going to assume the OID was correct, and reply
    // with noSuchInstance.
    else if (errorCode == SnmpStatusException.readOnly)
        mappedErrorCode = SnmpStatusException.noSuchInstance;

    // For all other errors but genErr, we're going to reply with
    // noSuchObject
    else if (errorCode != SnmpStatusException.snmpRspAuthorizationError &&
             errorCode != SnmpStatusException.snmpRspGenErr)
        mappedErrorCode = SnmpStatusException.noSuchObject;

    // Only genErr will abort the GET and be returned as global
    // error.
    return mappedErrorCode;

Example 8
Source File:    From jdk8u-jdk with GNU General Public License v2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public static int mapGetException(int errorStatus, int version)
    throws SnmpStatusException {

    final int errorCode = errorStatus;
    if (version == SnmpDefinitions.snmpVersionOne)
        return errorCode;

    int mappedErrorCode = errorCode;

    // Now take care of V2 errorCodes that can be stored
    // in the varbind itself:
    if (errorCode ==
        // noSuchObject => noSuchObject
        mappedErrorCode = errorCode;

    else if (errorCode ==
        // noSuchInstance => noSuchInstance
        mappedErrorCode = errorCode;

    // Now we're going to try to transform every other
    // global code in either noSuchInstance or noSuchObject,
    // so that the get can return a partial result.
    // Only noSuchInstance or noSuchObject can be stored
    // in the varbind itself.

    // According to RFC 1905: noAccess is emitted when the
    // the access is denied because it is not in the MIB view...
    else if (errorCode ==
        // noAccess => noSuchInstance
        mappedErrorCode = SnmpStatusException.noSuchInstance;

    // According to RFC 1905: (my interpretation because it is not
    // really clear) The specified variable name exists - but the
    // variable does not exists and cannot be created under the
    // present circumstances (probably because the request specifies
    // another variable/value which is incompatible, or because the
    // value of some other variable in the MIB prevents the creation)
    // Note that this error should never be raised in a GET context
    // but who knows?
    else if (errorCode == SnmpStatusException.snmpRspInconsistentName)
        // inconsistentName => noSuchInstance
        mappedErrorCode = SnmpStatusException.noSuchInstance;

    // All the errors comprised between snmpRspWrongType and
    // snmpRspInconsistentValue concern values: so we're going
    // to assume the OID was correct, and reply with noSuchInstance.
    // Note that this error should never be raised in a GET context
    // but who knows?
    else if ((errorCode >= SnmpStatusException.snmpRspWrongType) &&
             (errorCode <= SnmpStatusException.snmpRspInconsistentValue))
        mappedErrorCode = SnmpStatusException.noSuchInstance;

    // We're going to assume the OID was correct, and reply
    // with noSuchInstance.
    else if (errorCode == SnmpStatusException.readOnly)
        mappedErrorCode = SnmpStatusException.noSuchInstance;

    // For all other errors but genErr, we're going to reply with
    // noSuchObject
    else if (errorCode != SnmpStatusException.snmpRspAuthorizationError &&
             errorCode != SnmpStatusException.snmpRspGenErr)
        mappedErrorCode = SnmpStatusException.noSuchObject;

    // Only genErr will abort the GET and be returned as global
    // error.
    return mappedErrorCode;

Example 9
Source File:    From jdk8u-jdk with GNU General Public License v2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public static int mapGetException(int errorStatus, int version)
    throws SnmpStatusException {

    final int errorCode = errorStatus;
    if (version == SnmpDefinitions.snmpVersionOne)
        return errorCode;

    int mappedErrorCode = errorCode;

    // Now take care of V2 errorCodes that can be stored
    // in the varbind itself:
    if (errorCode ==
        // noSuchObject => noSuchObject
        mappedErrorCode = errorCode;

    else if (errorCode ==
        // noSuchInstance => noSuchInstance
        mappedErrorCode = errorCode;

    // Now we're going to try to transform every other
    // global code in either noSuchInstance or noSuchObject,
    // so that the get can return a partial result.
    // Only noSuchInstance or noSuchObject can be stored
    // in the varbind itself.

    // According to RFC 1905: noAccess is emitted when the
    // the access is denied because it is not in the MIB view...
    else if (errorCode ==
        // noAccess => noSuchInstance
        mappedErrorCode = SnmpStatusException.noSuchInstance;

    // According to RFC 1905: (my interpretation because it is not
    // really clear) The specified variable name exists - but the
    // variable does not exists and cannot be created under the
    // present circumstances (probably because the request specifies
    // another variable/value which is incompatible, or because the
    // value of some other variable in the MIB prevents the creation)
    // Note that this error should never be raised in a GET context
    // but who knows?
    else if (errorCode == SnmpStatusException.snmpRspInconsistentName)
        // inconsistentName => noSuchInstance
        mappedErrorCode = SnmpStatusException.noSuchInstance;

    // All the errors comprised between snmpRspWrongType and
    // snmpRspInconsistentValue concern values: so we're going
    // to assume the OID was correct, and reply with noSuchInstance.
    // Note that this error should never be raised in a GET context
    // but who knows?
    else if ((errorCode >= SnmpStatusException.snmpRspWrongType) &&
             (errorCode <= SnmpStatusException.snmpRspInconsistentValue))
        mappedErrorCode = SnmpStatusException.noSuchInstance;

    // We're going to assume the OID was correct, and reply
    // with noSuchInstance.
    else if (errorCode == SnmpStatusException.readOnly)
        mappedErrorCode = SnmpStatusException.noSuchInstance;

    // For all other errors but genErr, we're going to reply with
    // noSuchObject
    else if (errorCode != SnmpStatusException.snmpRspAuthorizationError &&
             errorCode != SnmpStatusException.snmpRspGenErr)
        mappedErrorCode = SnmpStatusException.noSuchObject;

    // Only genErr will abort the GET and be returned as global
    // error.
    return mappedErrorCode;

Example 10
Source File:    From jdk8u-dev-jdk with GNU General Public License v2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
final synchronized void findHandlingNode(SnmpVarBind varbind,
                                         long[] oid, int depth,
                                         SnmpRequestTree handlers)
    throws SnmpStatusException {

    final int  length = oid.length;

    if (handlers == null)
        throw new SnmpStatusException(SnmpStatusException.snmpRspGenErr);

    if (depth >= length)
        throw new SnmpStatusException(SnmpStatusException.noAccess);

    if (oid[depth] != nodeId)
        throw new SnmpStatusException(SnmpStatusException.noAccess);

    if (depth+2 >= length)
        throw new SnmpStatusException(SnmpStatusException.noAccess);

    // Checks that the oid is valid
    // validateOid(oid,depth);

    // Gets the part of the OID that identifies the entry
    final SnmpOid entryoid = new SnmpEntryOid(oid, depth+2);

    // Finds the entry: false means that the entry does not exists
    final Object data = handlers.getUserData();
    final boolean hasEntry = contains(entryoid, data);

    // Fails if the entry is not found and the table does not
    // not support creation.
    // We know that the entry does not exists if (isentry == false).
    if (!hasEntry) {
        if (!handlers.isCreationAllowed()) {
            // we're not doing a set
            throw new SnmpStatusException(SnmpStatusException.noSuchInstance);
        } else if (!isCreationEnabled())
            // we're doing a set but creation is disabled.
            throw new

    final long   var  = oid[depth+1];

    // Validate the entry id
    if (hasEntry) {
        // The entry already exists - validate the id

    // Registers this node for the identified entry.
    if (handlers.isSetRequest() && isRowStatus(entryoid,var,data))

        // We only try to identify the RowStatus for SET operations

Example 11
Source File:    From openjdk-jdk8u with GNU General Public License v2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
void findHandlingNode(SnmpVarBind varbind,
                      long[] oid, int depth,
                      SnmpRequestTree handlers)
    throws SnmpStatusException {

    int length = oid.length;

    if (handlers == null)
        throw new SnmpStatusException(SnmpStatusException.snmpRspGenErr);

    final Object data = handlers.getUserData();

    if (depth >= length) {
        // Nothing is left... the oid is not valid
        throw new SnmpStatusException(SnmpStatusException.noAccess);

    long arc = oid[depth];

    if (isNestedArc(arc)) {
        // This arc leads to a subgroup: delegates the search to the
        // method defined in SnmpMibOid
    } else if (isTable(arc)) {
        // This arc leads to a table: forward the search to the table.

        // Gets the table
        SnmpMibTable table = getTable(arc);

        // Forward the search to the table

    } else {
        // If it's not a variable, throws an exception
        validateVarId(arc, data);

        // The trailing .0 is missing in the OID
        if (depth+2 > length) {
            throw new SnmpStatusException(SnmpStatusException.noSuchInstance);

        // There are too many arcs left in the OID (there should remain
        // a single trailing .0)
        if (depth+2 < length) {
            throw new SnmpStatusException(SnmpStatusException.noSuchInstance);

        // The last trailing arc is not .0
        if (oid[depth+1] != 0L) {
            throw new SnmpStatusException(SnmpStatusException.noSuchInstance);

        // It's one of our variable, register this node.
Example 12
Source File:    From JDKSourceCode1.8 with MIT License 3 votes vote down vote up
 * Generic handling of the <CODE>check</CODE> operation.
 * <p> This method should be overridden in subclasses.
 * <p>
 * @param req   The sub-request that must be handled by this node.
 * @param depth The depth reached in the OID tree.
 * @exception SnmpStatusException The default implementation (if not
 *            overridden) is to generate a SnmpStatusException.
public void check(SnmpMibSubRequest req, int depth)
    throws SnmpStatusException {
    for (Enumeration<SnmpVarBind> e= req.getElements(); e.hasMoreElements();) {
        SnmpVarBind var= e.nextElement();
        SnmpStatusException x =
            new SnmpStatusException(SnmpStatusException.noAccess);
Example 13
Source File:    From jdk1.8-source-analysis with Apache License 2.0 3 votes vote down vote up
 * Generic handling of the <CODE>set</CODE> operation.
 * <p> This method should be overridden in subclasses.
 * <p>
 * @param req   The sub-request that must be handled by this node.
 * @param depth The depth reached in the OID tree.
 * @exception SnmpStatusException The default implementation (if not
 *            overridden) is to generate a SnmpStatusException.
public void set(SnmpMibSubRequest req, int depth)
    throws SnmpStatusException {
    for (Enumeration<SnmpVarBind> e= req.getElements(); e.hasMoreElements();) {
        SnmpVarBind var= e.nextElement();
        SnmpStatusException x =
            new SnmpStatusException(SnmpStatusException.noAccess);
Example 14
Source File:    From JDKSourceCode1.8 with MIT License 3 votes vote down vote up
 * Generic handling of the <CODE>set</CODE> operation.
 * <p> This method should be overridden in subclasses.
 * <p>
 * @param req   The sub-request that must be handled by this node.
 * @param depth The depth reached in the OID tree.
 * @exception SnmpStatusException The default implementation (if not
 *            overridden) is to generate a SnmpStatusException.
public void set(SnmpMibSubRequest req, int depth)
    throws SnmpStatusException {
    for (Enumeration<SnmpVarBind> e= req.getElements(); e.hasMoreElements();) {
        SnmpVarBind var= e.nextElement();
        SnmpStatusException x =
            new SnmpStatusException(SnmpStatusException.noAccess);
Example 15
Source File:    From jdk8u_jdk with GNU General Public License v2.0 3 votes vote down vote up
 * Generic handling of the <CODE>check</CODE> operation.
 * <p> This method should be overridden in subclasses.
 * <p>
 * @param req   The sub-request that must be handled by this node.
 * @param depth The depth reached in the OID tree.
 * @exception SnmpStatusException The default implementation (if not
 *            overridden) is to generate a SnmpStatusException.
public void check(SnmpMibSubRequest req, int depth)
    throws SnmpStatusException {
    for (Enumeration<SnmpVarBind> e= req.getElements(); e.hasMoreElements();) {
        SnmpVarBind var= e.nextElement();
        SnmpStatusException x =
            new SnmpStatusException(SnmpStatusException.noAccess);
Example 16
Source File:    From TencentKona-8 with GNU General Public License v2.0 3 votes vote down vote up
 * Generic handling of the <CODE>set</CODE> operation.
 * <p> This method should be overridden in subclasses.
 * <p>
 * @param req   The sub-request that must be handled by this node.
 * @param depth The depth reached in the OID tree.
 * @exception SnmpStatusException The default implementation (if not
 *            overridden) is to generate a SnmpStatusException.
public void set(SnmpMibSubRequest req, int depth)
    throws SnmpStatusException {
    for (Enumeration<SnmpVarBind> e= req.getElements(); e.hasMoreElements();) {
        SnmpVarBind var= e.nextElement();
        SnmpStatusException x =
            new SnmpStatusException(SnmpStatusException.noAccess);
Example 17
Source File:    From openjdk-8-source with GNU General Public License v2.0 3 votes vote down vote up
 * Generic handling of the <CODE>check</CODE> operation.
 * <p> This method should be overridden in subclasses.
 * <p>
 * @param req   The sub-request that must be handled by this node.
 * @param depth The depth reached in the OID tree.
 * @exception SnmpStatusException The default implementation (if not
 *            overridden) is to generate a SnmpStatusException.
public void check(SnmpMibSubRequest req, int depth)
    throws SnmpStatusException {
    for (Enumeration<SnmpVarBind> e= req.getElements(); e.hasMoreElements();) {
        SnmpVarBind var= e.nextElement();
        SnmpStatusException x =
            new SnmpStatusException(SnmpStatusException.noAccess);
Example 18
Source File:    From dragonwell8_jdk with GNU General Public License v2.0 3 votes vote down vote up
 * Generic handling of the <CODE>check</CODE> operation.
 * <p> This method should be overridden in subclasses.
 * <p>
 * @param req   The sub-request that must be handled by this node.
 * @param depth The depth reached in the OID tree.
 * @exception SnmpStatusException The default implementation (if not
 *            overridden) is to generate a SnmpStatusException.
public void check(SnmpMibSubRequest req, int depth)
    throws SnmpStatusException {
    for (Enumeration<SnmpVarBind> e= req.getElements(); e.hasMoreElements();) {
        SnmpVarBind var= e.nextElement();
        SnmpStatusException x =
            new SnmpStatusException(SnmpStatusException.noAccess);
Example 19
Source File:    From openjdk-8-source with GNU General Public License v2.0 3 votes vote down vote up
 * Generic handling of the <CODE>set</CODE> operation.
 * <p> This method should be overridden in subclasses.
 * <p>
 * @param req   The sub-request that must be handled by this node.
 * @param depth The depth reached in the OID tree.
 * @exception SnmpStatusException The default implementation (if not
 *            overridden) is to generate a SnmpStatusException.
public void set(SnmpMibSubRequest req, int depth)
    throws SnmpStatusException {
    for (Enumeration<SnmpVarBind> e= req.getElements(); e.hasMoreElements();) {
        SnmpVarBind var= e.nextElement();
        SnmpStatusException x =
            new SnmpStatusException(SnmpStatusException.noAccess);
Example 20
Source File:    From jdk1.8-source-analysis with Apache License 2.0 3 votes vote down vote up
 * Generic handling of the <CODE>check</CODE> operation.
 * <p> This method should be overridden in subclasses.
 * <p>
 * @param req   The sub-request that must be handled by this node.
 * @param depth The depth reached in the OID tree.
 * @exception SnmpStatusException The default implementation (if not
 *            overridden) is to generate a SnmpStatusException.
public void check(SnmpMibSubRequest req, int depth)
    throws SnmpStatusException {
    for (Enumeration<SnmpVarBind> e= req.getElements(); e.hasMoreElements();) {
        SnmpVarBind var= e.nextElement();
        SnmpStatusException x =
            new SnmpStatusException(SnmpStatusException.noAccess);