Java Code Examples for org.eclipse.jface.text.IDocument#addPosition()

The following examples show how to use org.eclipse.jface.text.IDocument#addPosition() . You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example 1
Source File:    From e4macs with Eclipse Public License 1.0 6 votes vote down vote up
 * Insert tab/spaces at selection offset and each subsequent line origin
 * @see com.mulgasoft.emacsplus.commands.EmacsPlusCmdHandler#transform(ITextEditor, IDocument, ITextSelection, ExecutionEvent)
protected int transform(ITextEditor editor, IDocument document, ITextSelection currentSelection, ExecutionEvent event)
throws BadLocationException {
	// if we're here, either ^U or no relevant ^I
	ColumnSupport cs = new ColumnSupport(document,editor); 
	String tab = cs.getSpaces(0,cs.getTabWidth());
	int off = currentSelection.getOffset();
	Position coff = new Position(getCursorOffset(editor,currentSelection),0);
	try {
		int begin = document.getLineOfOffset(off);
		int end = document.getLineOfOffset(off+ currentSelection.getLength());
		if (begin != end) {
			while (++begin <= end) {
				document.replace(document.getLineOffset(begin), 0, tab);
		document.replace(off, 0, tab);
	} finally {
	return coff.offset;
Example 2
Source File:    From xtext-eclipse with Eclipse Public License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Positions created for template contexts have to be added to the document so they are updated when the document
 * is modified.
 * @since 2.8
protected Position createPosition(ContentAssistContext context) {
	Position position = new Position(context.getReplaceRegion().getOffset(), context.getReplaceRegion().getLength());
	IDocument document = context.getDocument();
	if (document.containsPositionCategory(XTEXT_TEMPLATE_POS_CATEGORY)) {
		try {
			document.addPosition(XTEXT_TEMPLATE_POS_CATEGORY, position);
		} catch (Exception e) {
			log.error(e.getMessage(), e);
	return position;
Example 3
Source File:    From Eclipse-Postfix-Code-Completion with Eclipse Public License 1.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Called before document changes occur. It must be followed by a call to postReplace().
 * @param document the document on which to track the reference position.
 * @param offset the offset
 * @throws BadLocationException if the offset describes an invalid range in this document
public void preReplace(IDocument document, int offset) throws BadLocationException {
	try {
		document.addPosition(CATEGORY, fPosition);

	} catch (BadPositionCategoryException e) {
		// should not happen
Example 4
Source File:    From e4macs with Eclipse Public License 1.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * @see com.mulgasoft.emacsplus.commands.EmacsPlusCmdHandler#transform(ITextEditor, IDocument, ITextSelection, ExecutionEvent)
protected int transform(ITextEditor editor, IDocument document, ITextSelection currentSelection, ExecutionEvent event)
throws BadLocationException {
	int result = NO_OFFSET; 
	Control c = MarkUtils.getTextWidget(editor);
	if (c instanceof StyledText) {
		StyledText st = (StyledText)c;
		String ld = st.getLineDelimiter();
		int insertionOffset = getCursorOffset(editor,currentSelection);
		int widgetInsertionOffset = st.getCaretOffset();
		// the offset position will be updated by the internals on insertion/indent
		Position caret= new Position(insertionOffset, 0);
		st.setSelectionRange(widgetInsertionOffset, 0);
		// operate directly on the widget
		st.replaceTextRange(widgetInsertionOffset, 0, ld);
		if (st.getSelection().x == widgetInsertionOffset) {
			// move cursor by the amount detected
			result = getCursorOffset(editor) + caret.offset - insertionOffset;
	return result;
Example 5
Source File:    From n4js with Eclipse Public License 1.0 4 votes vote down vote up
 * Really do apply the proposal. Assumed to be run within the prevent flickering mode.
private int doApply(QualifiedName qualifiedName, String alias, IDocument document,
		ConfigurableCompletionProposal proposal) throws BadLocationException {
	String shortSemanticReplacementString = alias != null ? alias : lastSegmentOrDefaultHost(qualifiedName);
	String shortSyntacticReplacementString = valueConverter.toString(shortSemanticReplacementString);
	String longReplacementString = shortSyntacticReplacementString
			+ ConfigurableCompletionProposalExtensions.getReplacementSuffix(proposal);

	ImportRewriter importRewriter = importRewriterFactory.create(document, context);

	ReplaceEdit replaceEdit = new ReplaceEdit(
	MultiTextEdit compound = new MultiTextEdit();
	AliasLocation aliasLocation = null;
	if (alias != null) {
		aliasLocation = importRewriter.addSingleImport(qualifiedName, alias, compound);
	} else {
		importRewriter.addSingleImport(qualifiedName, compound);

	Position caret = new Position(proposal.getReplacementOffset(), 0);

	int cursorPosition = caret.getOffset();
	proposal.setReplacementOffset(cursorPosition - longReplacementString.length());
	proposal.setReplacementLength(shortSyntacticReplacementString.length()); // do not include suffix!
			cursorPosition - proposal.getReplacementOffset()); // cursorPosition is relative to replacementOffset!

	if (aliasLocation != null) {
		final int aliasOffset = aliasLocation.getBaseOffset() + aliasLocation.getRelativeOffset();
		final int aliasLength = shortSyntacticReplacementString.length();
		N4JSCompletionProposal castedProposal = (N4JSCompletionProposal) proposal;
		castedProposal.setLinkedModeBuilder((appliedProposal, currentDocument) -> {
			if (viewer.getTextWidget() == null || viewer.getTextWidget().isDisposed()) {
				return; // do not attempt to set up linked mode in a disposed UI
			try {
				LinkedPositionGroup group = new LinkedPositionGroup();
				group.addPosition(new LinkedPosition(
				group.addPosition(new LinkedPosition(
				LinkedModeModel model = new LinkedModeModel();

				LinkedModeUI ui = new LinkedModeUI(model, viewer);
				ui.setExitPolicy(new IdentifierExitPolicy('\n'));
								+ proposal.getCursorPosition()
								+ ConfigurableCompletionProposalExtensions.getCursorOffset(proposal),
			} catch (BadLocationException e) {
				logger.error(e.getMessage(), e);
	} else {
	return cursorPosition;
Example 6
Source File:    From tlaplus with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
 * Constructor for the position.
 * For the offset and length for the proof and statement, first obtain the {@link Location} from the syntax tree. For the proof, use
 * the location returned by {@link ProofNode#getLocation()}, where the {@link ProofNode} is obtained by {@link TheoremNode#getProof()}.
 * For initTheoremOffset, use the beginning of the location returned by {@link TheoremNode#getLocation()}.
 * For the end of the statement, use the end of the location returned by {@link LevelNode#getLocation()} 
 * for the {@link LevelNode} returned by {@link TheoremNode#getTheorem()}.
 * To convert from the 4-int {@link Location} to the offset and length, use {@link AdapterFactory#locationToRegion(IDocument, Location)} and
 * then use the offset and length for the returned region.
 * @param initProofOffset initial offset of the proof
 * @param initProofLength initial length of the proof
 * @param initTheoremOffset initial offset of the theorem or step
 * for which this is a proof
 * @param initLengthToEndOfStatement initial length from initTheoremOffset to the end of
 * the statement of the theorem
 * @param annotation {@link ProjectionAnnotation} that should be at this position
 * @param document
public TLAProofPosition(int initProofOffset, int initProofLength, int initTheoremOffset,
        int initLengthToEndOfStatement, ProjectionAnnotation annotation, IDocument document)
     * This seems to be a bit of a hack, but I see
     * no other way to do it correctly because of
     * how eclipse expands folds. In particular, when eclipse
     * is asked to expand a fold, it expands all lines between
     * the start line and end line, including the start line but
     * excluding the end line. It computes start
     * and end lines for a fold with offset and length in the following way:
     * start line: the greatest numbered line with
     *      first character offset <= offset of fold
     * end line: the greatest numbered line with
     *      first character offset <= offset + length of fold
     * In other words, it takes the offset of the fold and moves it back until it finds the start
     * of a line and takes the offset+length of a fold and moves it back until it finds the
     * start of a line. It then expands all lines in between and including the start line but excluding
     * the end line. See ProjectionViewer.addMasterDocumentRange() to see the exact implementation.
     * I think this is a silly way of doing things. The interface IProjectionPosition
     * allows the position to compute what lines are collapsed using the method
     * computeProjectionRegions but does not provide a way for the position to compute
     * what lines are expanded. This asymmetry can result in lines being collapsed
     * when a fold is collapsed but not re-expanded when the fold is expanded so that
     * lines just disappear. This requires being careful about the offset and length
     * of the position as well as what regions are collapsed.
     * The method alignRegion is stolen from the code for Java editor folding. Read the method
     * comments to see what it does. It should ensure that the entire proof is revealed
     * when expanded.
    IRegion region = alignRegion(new Region(initTheoremOffset, initProofOffset + initProofLength
            - initTheoremOffset), document);

    offset = region.getOffset();
    length = region.getLength();

    positionOfStatement = new Position(initTheoremOffset, initLengthToEndOfStatement);
    positionOfProof = new Position(initProofOffset, initProofLength);
    this.annotation = annotation;

    // add positions to document so that they are updated on document changes.
    } catch (BadLocationException e)
        Activator.getDefault().logError("Error installing positions for proof fold at " + this, e);

Example 7
Source File:    From Eclipse-Postfix-Code-Completion with Eclipse Public License 1.0 4 votes vote down vote up
private List<TypedPosition> createRangeMarkers(TemplateVariable[] variables, IDocument document) throws MalformedTreeException, BadLocationException {
	Map<ReplaceEdit, String> markerToOriginal= new HashMap<ReplaceEdit, String>();

	MultiTextEdit root= new MultiTextEdit(0, document.getLength());
	List<TextEdit> edits= new ArrayList<TextEdit>();
	boolean hasModifications= false;
	for (int i= 0; i != variables.length; i++) {
		final TemplateVariable variable= variables[i];
		int[] offsets= variable.getOffsets();

		String value= variable.getDefaultValue();
		if (isWhitespaceVariable(value)) {
			// replace whitespace positions with unformattable comments
			String placeholder= COMMENT_START + value + COMMENT_END;
			for (int j= 0; j != offsets.length; j++) {
				ReplaceEdit replace= new ReplaceEdit(offsets[j], value.length(), placeholder);
				hasModifications= true;
				markerToOriginal.put(replace, value);
		} else {
			for (int j= 0; j != offsets.length; j++) {
				RangeMarker marker= new RangeMarker(offsets[j], value.length());

	if (hasModifications) {
		// update the document and convert the replaces to markers
		root.apply(document, TextEdit.UPDATE_REGIONS);

	List<TypedPosition> positions= new ArrayList<TypedPosition>();
	for (Iterator<TextEdit> it= edits.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
		TextEdit edit=;
		try {
			// abuse TypedPosition to piggy back the original contents of the position
			final TypedPosition pos= new TypedPosition(edit.getOffset(), edit.getLength(), markerToOriginal.get(edit));
			document.addPosition(CATEGORY, pos);
		} catch (BadPositionCategoryException x) {

	return positions;
Example 8
Source File:    From e4macs with Eclipse Public License 1.0 4 votes vote down vote up
 * Determine the correct set of lines and delete the whitespace at the end of each of them.
 * @see com.mulgasoft.emacsplus.commands.EmacsPlusCmdHandler#transform(ITextEditor, IDocument, ITextSelection, ExecutionEvent)
protected int transform(ITextEditor editor, IDocument document, ITextSelection currentSelection,
		ExecutionEvent event) throws BadLocationException {
	int result = NO_OFFSET;
	int lastLine = 0;
	int firstLine = 0;
	int maxOffset = Integer.MAX_VALUE;		
	if (editor.showsHighlightRangeOnly()) {
		// if the buffer is narrowed, then operate on precise region
		IRegion narrow = editor.getHighlightRange();
		int lastOffset = narrow.getOffset() + narrow.getLength();
		firstLine = document.getLineOfOffset(narrow.getOffset()); 
		lastLine = document.getLineOfOffset(lastOffset);
		IRegion endInfo = document.getLineInformationOfOffset(lastOffset);
		if (endInfo.getOffset() != lastOffset) {
			// point maxOffset at the last character in the narrowed region
			maxOffset = lastOffset -1;
		} else {
			// back up if we're at the first offset of the last line
	} else {
		lastLine = document.getNumberOfLines() -1;
	if (firstLine <= lastLine) {
		Position coff = new Position(getCursorOffset(editor,currentSelection),0);
		try {
			// record the position so we can restore it after any whitespace deletions
		} catch (BadLocationException e) {
			// shouldn't happen, but alert user if it does
		} finally {
			result = coff.getOffset();
	return result;
Example 9
Source File:    From goclipse with Eclipse Public License 1.0 4 votes vote down vote up
private List<TypedPosition> createRangeMarkers(TemplateVariable[] variables, IDocument document) throws MalformedTreeException, BadLocationException {
	Map<ReplaceEdit, String> markerToOriginal= new HashMap<ReplaceEdit, String>();

	MultiTextEdit root= new MultiTextEdit(0, document.getLength());
	List<TextEdit> edits= new ArrayList<TextEdit>();
	boolean hasModifications= false;
	for (int i= 0; i != variables.length; i++) {
		final TemplateVariable variable= variables[i];
		int[] offsets= variable.getOffsets();

		String value= variable.getDefaultValue();
		if (isWhitespaceVariable(value)) {
			// replace whitespace positions with unformattable comments
			String placeholder= COMMENT_START + value + COMMENT_END;
			for (int j= 0; j != offsets.length; j++) {
				ReplaceEdit replace= new ReplaceEdit(offsets[j], value.length(), placeholder);
				hasModifications= true;
				markerToOriginal.put(replace, value);
		} else {
			for (int j= 0; j != offsets.length; j++) {
				RangeMarker marker= new RangeMarker(offsets[j], value.length());

	if (hasModifications) {
		// update the document and convert the replaces to markers
		root.apply(document, TextEdit.UPDATE_REGIONS);

	List<TypedPosition> positions= new ArrayList<TypedPosition>();
	for (Iterator<TextEdit> it= edits.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
		TextEdit edit=;
		try {
			// abuse TypedPosition to piggy back the original contents of the position
			final TypedPosition pos= new TypedPosition(edit.getOffset(), edit.getLength(), markerToOriginal.get(edit));
			document.addPosition(CATEGORY, pos);
		} catch (BadPositionCategoryException x) {

	return positions;