Java Code Examples for

The following examples show how to use . You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example 1
Source File:    From canal-1.1.3 with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
 * Creates a new <code>Rotate_log_event</code> object read normally from
 * log.
 * @throws MySQLExtractException
public RotateLogEvent(LogHeader header, LogBuffer buffer, FormatDescriptionLogEvent descriptionEvent){

    final int headerSize = descriptionEvent.commonHeaderLen;
    final int postHeaderLen = descriptionEvent.postHeaderLen[ROTATE_EVENT - 1];

    buffer.position(headerSize + R_POS_OFFSET);
    position = (postHeaderLen != 0) ? buffer.getLong64() : 4; // !uint8korr(buf
                                                              // +
                                                              // R_POS_OFFSET)

    final int filenameOffset = headerSize + postHeaderLen;
    int filenameLen = buffer.limit() - filenameOffset;
    if (filenameLen > FN_REFLEN - 1) filenameLen = FN_REFLEN - 1;

    filename = buffer.getFixString(filenameLen);
Example 2
Source File:    From canal with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
public IncidentLogEvent(LogHeader header, LogBuffer buffer, FormatDescriptionLogEvent descriptionEvent){

    final int commonHeaderLen = descriptionEvent.commonHeaderLen;
    final int postHeaderLen = descriptionEvent.postHeaderLen[header.type - 1];

    final int incidentNumber = buffer.getUint16();
    if (incidentNumber >= INCIDENT_COUNT || incidentNumber <= INCIDENT_NONE) {
        // If the incident is not recognized, this binlog event is
        // invalid. If we set incident_number to INCIDENT_NONE, the
        // invalidity will be detected by is_valid().
        incident = INCIDENT_NONE;
        message = null;
    incident = incidentNumber;

    buffer.position(commonHeaderLen + postHeaderLen);
    message = buffer.getString();
Example 3
Source File:    From canal with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
public ExecuteLoadQueryLogEvent(LogHeader header, LogBuffer buffer, FormatDescriptionLogEvent descriptionEvent)
                                                                                                               throws IOException{
    super(header, buffer, descriptionEvent);

    buffer.position(descriptionEvent.commonHeaderLen + ELQ_FILE_ID_OFFSET);

    fileId = buffer.getUint32(); // ELQ_FILE_ID_OFFSET
    fnPosStart = (int) buffer.getUint32(); // ELQ_FN_POS_START_OFFSET
    fnPosEnd = (int) buffer.getUint32(); // ELQ_FN_POS_END_OFFSET
    dupHandling = buffer.getInt8(); // ELQ_DUP_HANDLING_OFFSET

    final int len = query.length();
    if (fnPosStart > len || fnPosEnd > len || dupHandling > LOAD_DUP_REPLACE) {
        throw new IOException(String.format("Invalid ExecuteLoadQueryLogEvent: fn_pos_start=%d, "
                                            + "fn_pos_end=%d, dup_handling=%d", fnPosStart, fnPosEnd, dupHandling));
Example 4
Source File:    From canal-1.1.3 with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
public XaPrepareLogEvent(LogHeader header, LogBuffer buffer, FormatDescriptionLogEvent descriptionEvent){

    final int commonHeaderLen = descriptionEvent.getCommonHeaderLen();
    final int postHeaderLen = descriptionEvent.getPostHeaderLen()[header.getType() - 1];

    int offset = commonHeaderLen + postHeaderLen;

    onePhase = (buffer.getInt8() == 0x00 ? false : true);

    formatId = buffer.getInt32();
    gtridLength = buffer.getInt32();
    bqualLength = buffer.getInt32();

    int MY_XIDDATASIZE = 128;
    if (MY_XIDDATASIZE >= gtridLength + bqualLength && gtridLength >= 0 && gtridLength <= 64 && bqualLength >= 0
        && bqualLength <= 64) {
        data = buffer.getData(gtridLength + bqualLength);
    } else {
        formatId = -1;
        gtridLength = 0;
        bqualLength = 0;
Example 5
Source File:    From canal-1.1.3 with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
private void parse_geometry_type(LogBuffer buffer, int length) {
    // stores geometry column's types extracted from field.
    int limit = buffer.position() + length;

    List<Integer> datas = new ArrayList<Integer>();
    while (buffer.hasRemaining() && buffer.position() < limit) {
        int col_type = (int) buffer.getPackedLong();

    int index = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < columnCnt; i++) {
        if (columnInfo[i].type == LogEvent.MYSQL_TYPE_GEOMETRY) {
            columnInfo[i].geoType = datas.get(index);
Example 6
Source File:    From canal with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public CreateFileLogEvent(LogHeader header, LogBuffer buffer, FormatDescriptionLogEvent descriptionEvent){
    super(header, buffer, descriptionEvent);

    final int headerLen = descriptionEvent.commonHeaderLen;
    final int loadHeaderLen = descriptionEvent.postHeaderLen[LOAD_EVENT - 1];
    final int createFileHeaderLen = descriptionEvent.postHeaderLen[CREATE_FILE_EVENT - 1];

        ((header.type == LOAD_EVENT) ? (loadHeaderLen + headerLen) : (headerLen + loadHeaderLen + createFileHeaderLen)),

    if (descriptionEvent.binlogVersion != 1) {
        fileId = buffer.getUint32(headerLen + loadHeaderLen + CF_FILE_ID_OFFSET);
         * Note that it's ok to use get_data_size() below, because it is
         * computed with values we have already read from this event
         * (because we called copy_log_event()); we are not using slave's
         * format info to decode master's format, we are really using
         * master's format info. Anyway, both formats should be identical
         * (except the common_header_len) as these Load events are not
         * changed between 4.0 and 5.0 (as logging of LOAD DATA INFILE does
         * not use Load_log_event in 5.0).
        blockLen = buffer.limit() - buffer.position();
        blockBuf = buffer.duplicate(blockLen);
    } else {
        initedFromOld = true;
Example 7
Source File:    From canal-1.1.3 with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public DeleteFileLogEvent(LogHeader header, LogBuffer buffer, FormatDescriptionLogEvent descriptionEvent){

    final int commonHeaderLen = descriptionEvent.commonHeaderLen;
    buffer.position(commonHeaderLen + DF_FILE_ID_OFFSET);
    fileId = buffer.getUint32(); // DF_FILE_ID_OFFSET
Example 8
Source File:    From canal-1.1.3 with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public RandLogEvent(LogHeader header, LogBuffer buffer, FormatDescriptionLogEvent descriptionEvent){

    /* The Post-Header is empty. The Variable Data part begins immediately. */
    buffer.position(descriptionEvent.commonHeaderLen + descriptionEvent.postHeaderLen[RAND_EVENT - 1]
                    + RAND_SEED1_OFFSET);
    seed1 = buffer.getLong64(); // !uint8korr(buf+RAND_SEED1_OFFSET);
    seed2 = buffer.getLong64(); // !uint8korr(buf+RAND_SEED2_OFFSET);
Example 9
Source File:    From canal-1.1.3 with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public XidLogEvent(LogHeader header, LogBuffer buffer, FormatDescriptionLogEvent descriptionEvent){

    /* The Post-Header is empty. The Variable Data part begins immediately. */
    buffer.position(descriptionEvent.commonHeaderLen + descriptionEvent.postHeaderLen[XID_EVENT - 1]);
    xid = buffer.getLong64(); // !uint8korr
Example 10
Source File:    From canal-1.1.3 with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public IntvarLogEvent(LogHeader header, LogBuffer buffer, FormatDescriptionLogEvent descriptionEvent){

    /* The Post-Header is empty. The Varible Data part begins immediately. */
    buffer.position(descriptionEvent.commonHeaderLen + descriptionEvent.postHeaderLen[INTVAR_EVENT - 1]
                    + I_TYPE_OFFSET);
    type = buffer.getInt8(); // I_TYPE_OFFSET
    value = buffer.getLong64(); // !uint8korr(buf + I_VAL_OFFSET);
Example 11
Source File:    From canal-1.1.3 with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
private void parse_simple_pk(LogBuffer buffer, int length) {
    // stores primary key's column information extracted from
    // field. Each column has an index and a prefix which are
    // stored as a unit_pair. prefix is always 0 for
    // SIMPLE_PRIMARY_KEY field.

    int limit = buffer.position() + length;
    while (buffer.hasRemaining() && buffer.position() < limit) {
        int col_index = (int) buffer.getPackedLong();
        columnInfo[col_index].pk = true;
Example 12
Source File:    From canal-1.1.3 with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
private void parse_set_str_value(LogBuffer buffer, int length, boolean set) {
    // stores SET/ENUM column's string values extracted from
    // field. Each SET/ENUM column's string values are stored
    // into a string separate vector. All of them are stored
    // in 'vec'.
    int limit = buffer.position() + length;
    List<List<String>> datas = new ArrayList<List<String>>();
    while (buffer.hasRemaining() && buffer.position() < limit) {
        int count = (int) buffer.getPackedLong();
        List<String> data = new ArrayList<String>(count);
        for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
            int len1 = (int) buffer.getPackedLong();


    int index = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < columnCnt; i++) {
        if (set && getRealType(columnInfo[i].type, columnInfo[i].meta) == LogEvent.MYSQL_TYPE_SET) {
            columnInfo[i].set_enum_values = datas.get(index);

        if (!set && getRealType(columnInfo[i].type, columnInfo[i].meta) == LogEvent.MYSQL_TYPE_ENUM) {
            columnInfo[i].set_enum_values = datas.get(index);
Example 13
Source File:    From canal with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public IntvarLogEvent(LogHeader header, LogBuffer buffer, FormatDescriptionLogEvent descriptionEvent){

    /* The Post-Header is empty. The Varible Data part begins immediately. */
    buffer.position(descriptionEvent.commonHeaderLen + descriptionEvent.postHeaderLen[INTVAR_EVENT - 1]
                    + I_TYPE_OFFSET);
    type = buffer.getInt8(); // I_TYPE_OFFSET
    value = buffer.getLong64(); // !uint8korr(buf + I_VAL_OFFSET);
Example 14
Source File:    From canal-1.1.3 with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
private List<Integer> parse_column_charset(LogBuffer buffer, int length) {
    // stores collation numbers extracted from field.
    int limit = buffer.position() + length;
    List<Integer> datas = new ArrayList<Integer>();
    while (buffer.hasRemaining() && buffer.position() < limit) {
        int col_charset = (int) buffer.getPackedLong();

    return datas;
Example 15
Source File:    From canal with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public AppendBlockLogEvent(LogHeader header, LogBuffer buffer, FormatDescriptionLogEvent descriptionEvent){

    final int commonHeaderLen = descriptionEvent.commonHeaderLen;
    final int postHeaderLen = descriptionEvent.postHeaderLen[header.type - 1];
    final int totalHeaderLen = commonHeaderLen + postHeaderLen;

    buffer.position(commonHeaderLen + AB_FILE_ID_OFFSET);
    fileId = buffer.getUint32();

    blockLen = buffer.limit() - totalHeaderLen;
    blockBuf = buffer.duplicate(blockLen);
Example 16
Source File:    From canal with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
private void parse_column_name(LogBuffer buffer, int length) {
    // stores column names extracted from field
    int limit = buffer.position() + length;
    int index = 0;
    while (buffer.hasRemaining() && buffer.position() < limit) {
        int len = (int) buffer.getPackedLong();
        columnInfo[index++].name = buffer.getFixString(len);
Example 17
Source File:    From canal-1.1.3 with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public GtidLogEvent(LogHeader header, LogBuffer buffer, FormatDescriptionLogEvent descriptionEvent){

    final int commonHeaderLen = descriptionEvent.commonHeaderLen;
    // final int postHeaderLen = descriptionEvent.postHeaderLen[header.type
    // - 1];

    commitFlag = (buffer.getUint8() != 0); // ENCODED_FLAG_LENGTH

    byte[] bs = buffer.getData(ENCODED_SID_LENGTH);
    ByteBuffer bb = ByteBuffer.wrap(bs);
    long high = bb.getLong();
    long low = bb.getLong();
    sid = new UUID(high, low);

    gno = buffer.getLong64();

    // support gtid lastCommitted and sequenceNumber
    // fix bug #776
    if (buffer.hasRemaining() && buffer.remaining() > 16 && buffer.getUint8() == LOGICAL_TIMESTAMP_TYPE_CODE) {
        lastCommitted = buffer.getLong64();
        sequenceNumber = buffer.getLong64();

    // ignore gtid info read
    // sid.copy_from((uchar *)ptr_buffer);
    // ptr_buffer+= ENCODED_SID_LENGTH;
    // // SIDNO is only generated if needed, in get_sidno().
    // spec.gtid.sidno= -1;
    // spec.gtid.gno= uint8korr(ptr_buffer);
    // ptr_buffer+= ENCODED_GNO_LENGTH;
Example 18
Source File:    From canal-1.1.3 with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public AppendBlockLogEvent(LogHeader header, LogBuffer buffer, FormatDescriptionLogEvent descriptionEvent){

    final int commonHeaderLen = descriptionEvent.commonHeaderLen;
    final int postHeaderLen = descriptionEvent.postHeaderLen[header.type - 1];
    final int totalHeaderLen = commonHeaderLen + postHeaderLen;

    buffer.position(commonHeaderLen + AB_FILE_ID_OFFSET);
    fileId = buffer.getUint32();

    blockLen = buffer.limit() - totalHeaderLen;
    blockBuf = buffer.duplicate(blockLen);
Example 19
Source File:    From canal with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
 * @see mysql-5.1.60/sql/ - Load_log_event::copy_log_event
protected final void copyLogEvent(LogBuffer buffer, final int bodyOffset, FormatDescriptionLogEvent descriptionEvent) {
    /* this is the beginning of the post-header */
    buffer.position(descriptionEvent.commonHeaderLen + L_EXEC_TIME_OFFSET);

    execTime = buffer.getUint32(); // L_EXEC_TIME_OFFSET
    skipLines = (int) buffer.getUint32(); // L_SKIP_LINES_OFFSET
    final int tableNameLen = buffer.getUint8(); // L_TBL_LEN_OFFSET
    final int dbLen = buffer.getUint8(); // L_DB_LEN_OFFSET
    numFields = (int) buffer.getUint32(); // L_NUM_FIELDS_OFFSET

     * Sql_ex.init() on success returns the pointer to the first byte after
     * the sql_ex structure, which is the start of field lengths array.
    if (header.type != LOAD_EVENT /* use_new_format */) {
         * The code below assumes that buf will not disappear from under our
         * feet during the lifetime of the event. This assumption holds true
         * in the slave thread if the log is in new format, but is not the
         * case when we have old format because we will be reusing net
         * buffer to read the actual file before we write out the
         * Create_file event.
        fieldTerm = buffer.getString();
        enclosed = buffer.getString();
        lineTerm = buffer.getString();
        lineStart = buffer.getString();
        escaped = buffer.getString();
        optFlags = buffer.getInt8();
        emptyFlags = 0;
    } else {
        fieldTerm = buffer.getFixString(1);
        enclosed = buffer.getFixString(1);
        lineTerm = buffer.getFixString(1);
        lineStart = buffer.getFixString(1);
        escaped = buffer.getFixString(1);
        optFlags = buffer.getUint8();
        emptyFlags = buffer.getUint8();

        if ((emptyFlags & FIELD_TERM_EMPTY) != 0) fieldTerm = null;
        if ((emptyFlags & ENCLOSED_EMPTY) != 0) enclosed = null;
        if ((emptyFlags & LINE_TERM_EMPTY) != 0) lineTerm = null;
        if ((emptyFlags & LINE_START_EMPTY) != 0) lineStart = null;
        if ((emptyFlags & ESCAPED_EMPTY) != 0) escaped = null;

    final int fieldLenPos = buffer.position();
    fields = new String[numFields];
    for (int i = 0; i < numFields; i++) {
        final int fieldLen = buffer.getUint8(fieldLenPos + i);
        fields[i] = buffer.getFixString(fieldLen + 1);

    table = buffer.getFixString(tableNameLen + 1);
    db = buffer.getFixString(dbLen + 1);

    // null termination is accomplished by the caller
    final int from = buffer.position();
    final int end = from + buffer.limit();
    int found = from;
    for (; (found < end) && buffer.getInt8(found) != '\0'; found++)
        /* empty loop */;
    fname = buffer.getString(found);
    buffer.forward(1); // The + 1 is for \0 terminating fname
Example 20
Source File:    From canal with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public UserVarLogEvent(LogHeader header, LogBuffer buffer, FormatDescriptionLogEvent descriptionEvent)
                                                                                                      throws IOException{

    /* The Post-Header is empty. The Variable Data part begins immediately. */
    buffer.position(descriptionEvent.commonHeaderLen + descriptionEvent.postHeaderLen[USER_VAR_EVENT - 1]);
    final int nameLen = (int) buffer.getUint32();
    name = buffer.getFixString(nameLen); // UV_NAME_LEN_SIZE
    isNull = (0 != buffer.getInt8());

    if (isNull) {
        type = STRING_RESULT;
        charsetNumber = 63; /* binary */
        value = null;
    } else {
        type = buffer.getInt8(); // UV_VAL_IS_NULL
        charsetNumber = (int) buffer.getUint32(); // buf + UV_VAL_TYPE_SIZE
        final int valueLen = (int) buffer.getUint32(); // buf +
                                                       // UV_CHARSET_NUMBER_SIZE
        final int limit = buffer.limit(); /* for restore */
        buffer.limit(buffer.position() + valueLen);

        /* @see User_var_log_event::print */
        switch (type) {
            case REAL_RESULT:
                value = Double.valueOf(buffer.getDouble64()); // float8get
            case INT_RESULT:
                if (valueLen == 8) value = Long.valueOf(buffer.getLong64()); // !uint8korr
                else if (valueLen == 4) value = Long.valueOf(buffer.getUint32());
                else throw new IOException("Error INT_RESULT length: " + valueLen);
            case DECIMAL_RESULT:
                final int precision = buffer.getInt8();
                final int scale = buffer.getInt8();
                value = buffer.getDecimal(precision, scale); // bin2decimal
            case STRING_RESULT:
                String charsetName = CharsetConversion.getJavaCharset(charsetNumber);
                value = buffer.getFixString(valueLen, charsetName);
            case ROW_RESULT:
                // this seems to be banned in MySQL altogether
                throw new IOException("ROW_RESULT is unsupported");
                value = null;