Java Code Examples for javax.cache.configuration.CompleteConfiguration#getCacheLoaderFactory()

The following examples show how to use javax.cache.configuration.CompleteConfiguration#getCacheLoaderFactory() . You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example 1
Source File:    From ehcache3 with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
private <K, V> Jsr107CacheLoaderWriter<K, V> initCacheLoaderWriter(CompleteConfiguration<K, V> config) {
  Factory<CacheLoader<K, V>> cacheLoaderFactory = config.getCacheLoaderFactory();
  Factory<CacheWriter<K, V>> cacheWriterFactory = (Factory<CacheWriter<K, V>>) (Object) config.getCacheWriterFactory();

  if (config.isReadThrough() && cacheLoaderFactory == null) {
    throw new IllegalArgumentException("read-through enabled without a CacheLoader factory provided");
  if (config.isWriteThrough() && cacheWriterFactory == null) {
    throw new IllegalArgumentException("write-through enabled without a CacheWriter factory provided");

  CacheLoader<K, V> cacheLoader = cacheLoaderFactory == null ? null : cacheLoaderFactory.create();
  CacheWriter<K, V> cacheWriter;
  try {
    cacheWriter = cacheWriterFactory == null ? null : cacheWriterFactory.create();
  } catch (Throwable t) {
    throw closeAllAfter(new CacheException(t), cacheLoader);

  if (cacheLoader == null && cacheWriter == null) {
    return null;
  } else {
    return new Eh107CacheLoaderWriter<>(cacheLoader, config.isReadThrough(), cacheWriter, config.isWriteThrough());
Example 2
Source File:    From commons-jcs with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public JCSConfiguration(final Configuration<K, V> configuration, final Class<K> keyType, final Class<V> valueType)
    this.keyType = keyType;
    this.valueType = valueType;
    if (configuration instanceof CompleteConfiguration)
        final CompleteConfiguration<K, V> cConfiguration = (CompleteConfiguration<K, V>) configuration;
        storeByValue = configuration.isStoreByValue();
        readThrough = cConfiguration.isReadThrough();
        writeThrough = cConfiguration.isWriteThrough();
        statisticsEnabled = cConfiguration.isStatisticsEnabled();
        managementEnabled = cConfiguration.isManagementEnabled();
        cacheLoaderFactory = cConfiguration.getCacheLoaderFactory();
        cacheWristerFactory = cConfiguration.getCacheWriterFactory();
        this.expiryPolicyFactory = cConfiguration.getExpiryPolicyFactory();
        cacheEntryListenerConfigurations = new HashSet<>();

        final Iterable<CacheEntryListenerConfiguration<K, V>> entryListenerConfigurations = cConfiguration
        if (entryListenerConfigurations != null)
            for (final CacheEntryListenerConfiguration<K, V> kvCacheEntryListenerConfiguration : entryListenerConfigurations)
        expiryPolicyFactory = EternalExpiryPolicy.factoryOf();
        storeByValue = true;
        readThrough = false;
        writeThrough = false;
        statisticsEnabled = false;
        managementEnabled = false;
        cacheLoaderFactory = null;
        cacheWristerFactory = null;
        cacheEntryListenerConfigurations = new HashSet<>();
Example 3
Source File:    From triava with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
 * Copies the configuration to the target Builder. If the source (configuration)
 * is also a Builder, its fields also get copied. Any null-value in the
 * configuration is ignored in the copying process, leaving the corresponding
 * target value unchanged. The CacheWriteMode can be
 * defined in two ways: If configuration is a Builder it is copied plainly,
 * otherwise it is derived from configuration.isStoreByValue().
 * @param configuration The source builder
 * @param target The target builder
private void copyBuilder(Configuration<K, V> configuration, Builder<K, V> target)
	CacheWriteMode tcacheWriteMode = null;
	if (configuration instanceof Builder)
		Builder<K, V> sourceB = (Builder<K, V>)configuration;
		// tCache native configuration
		if ( != null) =;
		target.strictJSR107 = sourceB.strictJSR107;
		target.maxCacheTime = sourceB.maxCacheTime;
		target.maxCacheTimeSpread = sourceB.maxCacheTimeSpread;
		this.cleanUpIntervalMillis = sourceB.cleanUpIntervalMillis;
		target.expectedMapSize = sourceB.expectedMapSize;
		target.concurrencyLevel = sourceB.concurrencyLevel;
		if (sourceB.evictionPolicy != null)
			target.evictionPolicy = sourceB.evictionPolicy;
		if (sourceB.evictionClass != null)
			target.evictionClass = sourceB.evictionClass;			
		if (sourceB.hashImplementation != null)
			target.hashImplementation = sourceB.hashImplementation;
		if (sourceB.jamPolicy != null)
			target.jamPolicy = sourceB.jamPolicy;
		if (sourceB.loader != null)
			target.loader = sourceB.loader; // loader vs loaderFactory

		tcacheWriteMode = sourceB.writeMode;
	if (configuration instanceof CompleteConfiguration)
		CompleteConfiguration<K,V> cc = (CompleteConfiguration<K,V>)configuration;
		target.statistics = cc.isStatisticsEnabled(); = cc.isManagementEnabled();
		target.expiryPolicyFactory = cc.getExpiryPolicyFactory();
		target.writerFactory = cc.getCacheWriterFactory();
		Factory<javax.cache.integration.CacheLoader<K, V>> lf = cc.getCacheLoaderFactory();
		if (lf != null)
			target.loader = null; // loader vs loaderFactory
			target.loaderFactory = lf;
		Collection<CacheEntryListenerConfiguration<K, V>> listenerConfsCopy = new ArrayList<>(0);
		for (CacheEntryListenerConfiguration<K, V> entry : cc.getCacheEntryListenerConfigurations())
		target.listenerConfigurations = listenerConfsCopy;
		target.writeThrough = cc.isWriteThrough();
		target.readThrough =  cc.isReadThrough();
	// JSR107 configuration follows
	if (tcacheWriteMode != null)
		target.writeMode = tcacheWriteMode;
		target.writeMode = CacheWriteMode.fromStoreByValue(configuration.isStoreByValue());
	target.keyType = configuration.getKeyType();
	target.valueType = configuration.getValueType();

Example 4
Source File:    From blazingcache with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public BlazingCacheCache(String cacheName, CacheClient client, CacheManager cacheManager, Serializer<K, String, String> keysSerializer,
        Serializer<V, InputStream, byte[]> valuesSerializer, boolean usefetch, Configuration<K, V> configuration) {
    this.cacheName = cacheName;
    this.cacheManager = cacheManager;
    this.client = client;
    this.keysSerializer = keysSerializer;
    this.valuesSerializer = valuesSerializer;
    this.valueType = configuration.getValueType();
    this.keyType = configuration.getKeyType();
    this.usefetch = usefetch;
    this.configurationMXBean = new BlazingCacheConfigurationMXBean<>(this);
    this.statisticsMXBean = new BlazingCacheStatisticsMXBean<>(this);
    this.storeByReference = !configuration.isStoreByValue();
    if (configuration instanceof CompleteConfiguration) {
        this.configuration = new MutableConfiguration<>((CompleteConfiguration<K, V>) configuration);
        CompleteConfiguration<K, V> cc = (CompleteConfiguration<K, V>) configuration;
        if (cc.getExpiryPolicyFactory() == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("ExpiryPolicyFactory cannot be null");
        } else {
            ExpiryPolicy _policy = cc.getExpiryPolicyFactory().create();;
            if (_policy == null) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("ExpiryPolicy cannot be null");
            if (_policy instanceof EternalExpiryPolicy) {
                this.policy = null; // shortcut for the most common case
            } else {
                this.policy = _policy;

        if (cc.getCacheLoaderFactory() != null) {
            cacheLoader = (CacheLoader) cc.getCacheLoaderFactory().create();
        } else {
            cacheLoader = null;
        if (cc.getCacheWriterFactory() != null) {
            cacheWriter = (CacheWriter<K, V>) cc.getCacheWriterFactory().create();
        } else {
            cacheWriter = null;
        isReadThrough = cc.isReadThrough();
        isWriteThrough = cc.isWriteThrough();
        needPreviuosValueForListeners = policy != null;
        if (cc.getCacheEntryListenerConfigurations() != null) {
            for (CacheEntryListenerConfiguration<K, V> listenerConfig : cc.getCacheEntryListenerConfigurations()) {
    } else {
        this.configuration = new MutableConfiguration<K, V>()
                .setTypes(configuration.getKeyType(), configuration.getValueType())
        this.policy = null; // means "eternal"
        cacheLoader = null;
        needPreviuosValueForListeners = false;
        cacheWriter = null;
        isReadThrough = false;
        isWriteThrough = false;
    if (isReadThrough && cacheLoader == null) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("cache isReadThrough=" + isReadThrough + " cacheLoader=" + cacheLoader);
    if (isWriteThrough && cacheWriter == null) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("cache isWriteThrough=" + isWriteThrough + " cacheWriter=" + cacheWriter);
    if (this.configuration.isManagementEnabled()) {

    if (this.configuration.isStatisticsEnabled()) {

Example 5
Source File:    From ehcache3 with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public Eh107CompleteConfiguration(Configuration<K, V> config, final CacheConfiguration<K, V> ehcacheConfig, boolean useEhcacheExpiry, boolean useEhcacheLoaderWriter) {
  this.ehcacheConfig = ehcacheConfig;
  this.keyType = config.getKeyType();
  this.valueType = config.getValueType();
  this.isStoreByValue = isStoreByValue(config, ehcacheConfig);

  Factory<ExpiryPolicy> tempExpiryPolicyFactory = EternalExpiryPolicy.factoryOf();

  if (config instanceof CompleteConfiguration) {
    CompleteConfiguration<K, V> completeConfig = (CompleteConfiguration<K, V>) config;
    this.isReadThrough = completeConfig.isReadThrough();
    this.isWriteThrough = completeConfig.isWriteThrough();
    this.isStatisticsEnabled = completeConfig.isStatisticsEnabled();
    this.isManagementEnabled = completeConfig.isManagementEnabled();

    if (useEhcacheLoaderWriter) {
      this.cacheLoaderFactory = createThrowingFactory();
      this.cacheWriterFactory = createThrowingFactory();
    } else {
      this.cacheLoaderFactory = completeConfig.getCacheLoaderFactory();
      this.cacheWriterFactory = completeConfig.getCacheWriterFactory();

    tempExpiryPolicyFactory = completeConfig.getExpiryPolicyFactory();
    for (CacheEntryListenerConfiguration<K, V> listenerConfig : completeConfig.getCacheEntryListenerConfigurations()) {
  } else {
    this.isReadThrough = false;
    this.isWriteThrough = false;
    this.isStatisticsEnabled = false;
    this.isManagementEnabled = false;
    this.cacheLoaderFactory = null;
    this.cacheWriterFactory = null;

  if (useEhcacheExpiry) {
    tempExpiryPolicyFactory = createThrowingFactory();

  this.expiryPolicyFactory = tempExpiryPolicyFactory;
Example 6
Source File:    From cache2k with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
 * Delegates to the wrapped cache. Wrap configuration and return true on store by value
public <C extends Configuration<K, T>> C getConfiguration(Class<C> clazz) {
  final C c = cache.getConfiguration(clazz);
  if (c instanceof CompleteConfiguration) {
    final CompleteConfiguration<K, T> cc = (CompleteConfiguration<K,T>) c;
    return (C) new CompleteConfiguration<K, T>() {
      public Iterable<CacheEntryListenerConfiguration<K, T>> getCacheEntryListenerConfigurations() {
        return cc.getCacheEntryListenerConfigurations();

      public boolean isReadThrough() {
        return cc.isReadThrough();

      public boolean isWriteThrough() {
        return cc.isWriteThrough();

      public boolean isStatisticsEnabled() {
        return cc.isStatisticsEnabled();

      public boolean isManagementEnabled() {
        return cc.isManagementEnabled();

      public Factory<CacheLoader<K, T>> getCacheLoaderFactory() {
        return cc.getCacheLoaderFactory();

      public Factory<CacheWriter<? super K, ? super T>> getCacheWriterFactory() {
        return cc.getCacheWriterFactory();

      public Factory<ExpiryPolicy> getExpiryPolicyFactory() {
        return cc.getExpiryPolicyFactory();

      public Class<K> getKeyType() {
        return cc.getKeyType();

      public Class<T> getValueType() {
        return cc.getValueType();

      public boolean isStoreByValue() {
        return true;
  } else if (c instanceof Configuration) {
    return (C) new Configuration<K, T>() {
      public Class<K> getKeyType() {
        return c.getKeyType();

      public Class<T> getValueType() {
        return c.getValueType();

      public boolean isStoreByValue() {
        return true;
  return c;