Java Code Examples for

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Example 1
Source File:    From openjdk-jdk8u with GNU General Public License v2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
protected boolean substitutionGroupOK(XSElementDecl element, XSElementDecl exemplar, short blockingConstraint) {
    // For an element declaration (call it D) to be validly substitutable for another element declaration (call it C) subject to a blocking constraint (a subset of {substitution, extension, restriction}, the value of a {disallowed substitutions}) one of the following must be true:
    // 1. D and C are the same element declaration.
    if (element == exemplar)
        return true;

    // 2 All of the following must be true:
    // 2.1 The blocking constraint does not contain substitution.
    if ((blockingConstraint & XSConstants.DERIVATION_SUBSTITUTION) != 0)
        return false;

    // 2.2 There is a chain of {substitution group affiliation}s from D to C, that is, either D's {substitution group affiliation} is C, or D's {substitution group affiliation}'s {substitution group affiliation} is C, or . . .
    XSElementDecl subGroup = element.fSubGroup;
    while (subGroup != null && subGroup != exemplar) {
        subGroup = subGroup.fSubGroup;

    if (subGroup == null)
        return false;

    // 2.3 The set of all {derivation method}s involved in the derivation of D's {type definition} from C's {type definition} does not intersect with the union of the blocking constraint, C's {prohibited substitutions} (if C is complex, otherwise the empty set) and the {prohibited substitutions} (respectively the empty set) of any intermediate {type definition}s in the derivation of D's {type definition} from C's {type definition}.
    // prepare the combination of {derivation method} and
    // {disallowed substitution}
    return typeDerivationOK(element.fType, exemplar.fType, blockingConstraint);
Example 2
Source File:    From openjdk-8 with GNU General Public License v2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
protected boolean substitutionGroupOK(XSElementDecl element, XSElementDecl exemplar, short blockingConstraint) {
    // For an element declaration (call it D) to be validly substitutable for another element declaration (call it C) subject to a blocking constraint (a subset of {substitution, extension, restriction}, the value of a {disallowed substitutions}) one of the following must be true:
    // 1. D and C are the same element declaration.
    if (element == exemplar)
        return true;

    // 2 All of the following must be true:
    // 2.1 The blocking constraint does not contain substitution.
    if ((blockingConstraint & XSConstants.DERIVATION_SUBSTITUTION) != 0)
        return false;

    // 2.2 There is a chain of {substitution group affiliation}s from D to C, that is, either D's {substitution group affiliation} is C, or D's {substitution group affiliation}'s {substitution group affiliation} is C, or . . .
    XSElementDecl subGroup = element.fSubGroup;
    while (subGroup != null && subGroup != exemplar) {
        subGroup = subGroup.fSubGroup;

    if (subGroup == null)
        return false;

    // 2.3 The set of all {derivation method}s involved in the derivation of D's {type definition} from C's {type definition} does not intersect with the union of the blocking constraint, C's {prohibited substitutions} (if C is complex, otherwise the empty set) and the {prohibited substitutions} (respectively the empty set) of any intermediate {type definition}s in the derivation of D's {type definition} from C's {type definition}.
    // prepare the combination of {derivation method} and
    // {disallowed substitution}
    return typeDerivationOK(element.fType, exemplar.fType, blockingConstraint);
Example 3
Source File:    From TencentKona-8 with GNU General Public License v2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
protected boolean substitutionGroupOK(XSElementDecl element, XSElementDecl exemplar, short blockingConstraint) {
    // For an element declaration (call it D) to be validly substitutable for another element declaration (call it C) subject to a blocking constraint (a subset of {substitution, extension, restriction}, the value of a {disallowed substitutions}) one of the following must be true:
    // 1. D and C are the same element declaration.
    if (element == exemplar)
        return true;

    // 2 All of the following must be true:
    // 2.1 The blocking constraint does not contain substitution.
    if ((blockingConstraint & XSConstants.DERIVATION_SUBSTITUTION) != 0)
        return false;

    // 2.2 There is a chain of {substitution group affiliation}s from D to C, that is, either D's {substitution group affiliation} is C, or D's {substitution group affiliation}'s {substitution group affiliation} is C, or . . .
    XSElementDecl subGroup = element.fSubGroup;
    while (subGroup != null && subGroup != exemplar) {
        subGroup = subGroup.fSubGroup;

    if (subGroup == null)
        return false;

    // 2.3 The set of all {derivation method}s involved in the derivation of D's {type definition} from C's {type definition} does not intersect with the union of the blocking constraint, C's {prohibited substitutions} (if C is complex, otherwise the empty set) and the {prohibited substitutions} (respectively the empty set) of any intermediate {type definition}s in the derivation of D's {type definition} from C's {type definition}.
    // prepare the combination of {derivation method} and
    // {disallowed substitution}
    return typeDerivationOK(element.fType, exemplar.fType, blockingConstraint);
Example 4
Source File:    From jdk8u60 with GNU General Public License v2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
protected boolean substitutionGroupOK(XSElementDecl element, XSElementDecl exemplar, short blockingConstraint) {
    // For an element declaration (call it D) to be validly substitutable for another element declaration (call it C) subject to a blocking constraint (a subset of {substitution, extension, restriction}, the value of a {disallowed substitutions}) one of the following must be true:
    // 1. D and C are the same element declaration.
    if (element == exemplar)
        return true;

    // 2 All of the following must be true:
    // 2.1 The blocking constraint does not contain substitution.
    if ((blockingConstraint & XSConstants.DERIVATION_SUBSTITUTION) != 0)
        return false;

    // 2.2 There is a chain of {substitution group affiliation}s from D to C, that is, either D's {substitution group affiliation} is C, or D's {substitution group affiliation}'s {substitution group affiliation} is C, or . . .
    XSElementDecl subGroup = element.fSubGroup;
    while (subGroup != null && subGroup != exemplar) {
        subGroup = subGroup.fSubGroup;

    if (subGroup == null)
        return false;

    // 2.3 The set of all {derivation method}s involved in the derivation of D's {type definition} from C's {type definition} does not intersect with the union of the blocking constraint, C's {prohibited substitutions} (if C is complex, otherwise the empty set) and the {prohibited substitutions} (respectively the empty set) of any intermediate {type definition}s in the derivation of D's {type definition} from C's {type definition}.
    // prepare the combination of {derivation method} and
    // {disallowed substitution}
    return typeDerivationOK(element.fType, exemplar.fType, blockingConstraint);
Example 5
Source File:    From jdk8u60 with GNU General Public License v2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * get all elements that can substitute the given element,
 * according to the spec, we shouldn't consider the {block} constraints.
 * from the spec, substitution group of a given element decl also contains
 * the element itself. but the array returned from this method doesn't
 * containt this element.
public XSElementDecl[] getSubstitutionGroup(XSElementDecl element) {
    // If we already have sub group for this element, just return it.
    Object subGroup = fSubGroups.get(element);
    if (subGroup != null)
        return (XSElementDecl[])subGroup;

    if ((element.fBlock & XSConstants.DERIVATION_SUBSTITUTION) != 0) {
        fSubGroups.put(element, EMPTY_GROUP);
        return EMPTY_GROUP;

    // Otherwise, get all potential sub group elements
    // (without considering "block" on this element
    OneSubGroup[] groupB = getSubGroupB(element, new OneSubGroup());
    int len = groupB.length, rlen = 0;
    XSElementDecl[] ret = new XSElementDecl[len];
    // For each of such elements, check whether the derivation methods
    // overlap with "block". If not, add it to the sub group
    for (int i = 0 ; i < len; i++) {
        if ((element.fBlock & groupB[i].dMethod) == 0)
            ret[rlen++] = groupB[i].sub;
    // Resize the array if necessary
    if (rlen < len) {
        XSElementDecl[] ret1 = new XSElementDecl[rlen];
        System.arraycopy(ret, 0, ret1, 0, rlen);
        ret = ret1;
    // Store the subgroup
    fSubGroups.put(element, ret);

    return ret;
Example 6
Source File:    From hottub with GNU General Public License v2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
private XSElementDecl createAnnotationElementDecl(String localName) {
    XSElementDecl eDecl = new XSElementDecl();
    eDecl.fName = localName;
    eDecl.fTargetNamespace = fTargetNamespace;
    eDecl.fBlock = (XSConstants.DERIVATION_EXTENSION |
    return eDecl;
Example 7
Source File:    From openjdk-jdk8u with GNU General Public License v2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * get all elements that can substitute the given element,
 * according to the spec, we shouldn't consider the {block} constraints.
 * from the spec, substitution group of a given element decl also contains
 * the element itself. but the array returned from this method doesn't
 * containt this element.
public XSElementDecl[] getSubstitutionGroup(XSElementDecl element) {
    // If we already have sub group for this element, just return it.
    XSElementDecl[] subGroup = fSubGroups.get(element);
    if (subGroup != null)
        return subGroup;

    if ((element.fBlock & XSConstants.DERIVATION_SUBSTITUTION) != 0) {
        fSubGroups.put(element, EMPTY_GROUP);
        return EMPTY_GROUP;

    // Otherwise, get all potential sub group elements
    // (without considering "block" on this element
    OneSubGroup[] groupB = getSubGroupB(element, new OneSubGroup());
    int len = groupB.length, rlen = 0;
    XSElementDecl[] ret = new XSElementDecl[len];
    // For each of such elements, check whether the derivation methods
    // overlap with "block". If not, add it to the sub group
    for (int i = 0 ; i < len; i++) {
        if ((element.fBlock & groupB[i].dMethod) == 0)
            ret[rlen++] = groupB[i].sub;
    // Resize the array if necessary
    if (rlen < len) {
        XSElementDecl[] ret1 = new XSElementDecl[rlen];
        System.arraycopy(ret, 0, ret1, 0, rlen);
        ret = ret1;
    // Store the subgroup
    fSubGroups.put(element, ret);

    return ret;
Example 8
Source File:    From Bytecoder with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
private XSElementDecl createAnnotationElementDecl(String localName) {
    XSElementDecl eDecl = new XSElementDecl();
    eDecl.fName = localName;
    eDecl.fTargetNamespace = fTargetNamespace;
    eDecl.fBlock = (XSConstants.DERIVATION_EXTENSION |
    return eDecl;
Example 9
Source File:    From hottub with GNU General Public License v2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public XSElementDecl getMatchingElemDecl(QName element, XSElementDecl exemplar) {
    if (element.localpart == exemplar.fName &&
        element.uri == exemplar.fTargetNamespace) {
        return exemplar;

    // if the exemplar is not a global element decl, then it's not possible
    // to be substituted by another element.
    if (exemplar.fScope != XSConstants.SCOPE_GLOBAL)
        return null;

    // if the decl blocks substitution, return false
    if ((exemplar.fBlock & XSConstants.DERIVATION_SUBSTITUTION) != 0)
        return null;

    // get grammar of the element
    SchemaGrammar sGrammar = fGrammarBucket.getGrammar(element.uri);
    if (sGrammar == null)
        return null;

    // get the decl for the element
    XSElementDecl eDecl = sGrammar.getGlobalElementDecl(element.localpart);
    if (eDecl == null)
        return null;

    // and check by using substitutionGroup information
    if (substitutionGroupOK(eDecl, exemplar, exemplar.fBlock))
        return eDecl;

    return null;
Example 10
Source File:    From openjdk-jdk9 with GNU General Public License v2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
private XSElementDecl createAnnotationElementDecl(String localName) {
    XSElementDecl eDecl = new XSElementDecl();
    eDecl.fName = localName;
    eDecl.fTargetNamespace = fTargetNamespace;
    eDecl.fBlock = (XSConstants.DERIVATION_EXTENSION |
    return eDecl;
Example 11
Source File:    From JDKSourceCode1.8 with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
public XSElementDecl getMatchingElemDecl(QName element, XSElementDecl exemplar) {
    if (element.localpart == exemplar.fName &&
        element.uri == exemplar.fTargetNamespace) {
        return exemplar;

    // if the exemplar is not a global element decl, then it's not possible
    // to be substituted by another element.
    if (exemplar.fScope != XSConstants.SCOPE_GLOBAL)
        return null;

    // if the decl blocks substitution, return false
    if ((exemplar.fBlock & XSConstants.DERIVATION_SUBSTITUTION) != 0)
        return null;

    // get grammar of the element
    SchemaGrammar sGrammar = fGrammarBucket.getGrammar(element.uri);
    if (sGrammar == null)
        return null;

    // get the decl for the element
    XSElementDecl eDecl = sGrammar.getGlobalElementDecl(element.localpart);
    if (eDecl == null)
        return null;

    // and check by using substitutionGroup information
    if (substitutionGroupOK(eDecl, exemplar, exemplar.fBlock))
        return eDecl;

    return null;
Example 12
Source File:    From Bytecoder with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
protected boolean substitutionGroupOK(XSElementDecl element, XSElementDecl exemplar, short blockingConstraint) {
    // For an element declaration (call it D) to be validly substitutable for another element declaration (call it C) subject to a blocking constraint (a subset of {substitution, extension, restriction}, the value of a {disallowed substitutions}) one of the following must be true:
    // 1. D and C are the same element declaration.
    if (element == exemplar) {
        return true;

    // 2 All of the following must be true:
    // 2.1 The blocking constraint does not contain substitution.
    if ((blockingConstraint & XSConstants.DERIVATION_SUBSTITUTION) != 0) {
        return false;

    // 2.2 There is a chain of {substitution group affiliation}s from D to C, that is, either D's {substitution group affiliation} is C, or D's {substitution group affiliation}'s {substitution group affiliation} is C, or . . .
    XSElementDecl subGroup = element.fSubGroup;
    while (subGroup != null && subGroup != exemplar) {
        subGroup = subGroup.fSubGroup;

    if (subGroup == null) {
        return false;

    // 2.3 The set of all {derivation method}s involved in the derivation of D's {type definition} from C's {type definition} does not intersect with the union of the blocking constraint, C's {prohibited substitutions} (if C is complex, otherwise the empty set) and the {prohibited substitutions} (respectively the empty set) of any intermediate {type definition}s in the derivation of D's {type definition} from C's {type definition}.
    // prepare the combination of {derivation method} and
    // {disallowed substitution}
    return typeDerivationOK(element.fType, exemplar.fType, blockingConstraint);
Example 13
Source File:    From jdk1.8-source-analysis with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public XSElementDecl getMatchingElemDecl(QName element, XSElementDecl exemplar) {
    if (element.localpart == exemplar.fName &&
        element.uri == exemplar.fTargetNamespace) {
        return exemplar;

    // if the exemplar is not a global element decl, then it's not possible
    // to be substituted by another element.
    if (exemplar.fScope != XSConstants.SCOPE_GLOBAL)
        return null;

    // if the decl blocks substitution, return false
    if ((exemplar.fBlock & XSConstants.DERIVATION_SUBSTITUTION) != 0)
        return null;

    // get grammar of the element
    SchemaGrammar sGrammar = fGrammarBucket.getGrammar(element.uri);
    if (sGrammar == null)
        return null;

    // get the decl for the element
    XSElementDecl eDecl = sGrammar.getGlobalElementDecl(element.localpart);
    if (eDecl == null)
        return null;

    // and check by using substitutionGroup information
    if (substitutionGroupOK(eDecl, exemplar, exemplar.fBlock))
        return eDecl;

    return null;
Example 14
Source File:    From openjdk-jdk9 with GNU General Public License v2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * get all elements that can substitute the given element,
 * according to the spec, we shouldn't consider the {block} constraints.
 * from the spec, substitution group of a given element decl also contains
 * the element itself. but the array returned from this method doesn't
 * containt this element.
public XSElementDecl[] getSubstitutionGroup(XSElementDecl element) {
    // If we already have sub group for this element, just return it.
    XSElementDecl[] subGroup = fSubGroups.get(element);
    if (subGroup != null)
        return subGroup;

    if ((element.fBlock & XSConstants.DERIVATION_SUBSTITUTION) != 0) {
        fSubGroups.put(element, EMPTY_GROUP);
        return EMPTY_GROUP;

    // Otherwise, get all potential sub group elements
    // (without considering "block" on this element
    OneSubGroup[] groupB = getSubGroupB(element, new OneSubGroup());
    int len = groupB.length, rlen = 0;
    XSElementDecl[] ret = new XSElementDecl[len];
    // For each of such elements, check whether the derivation methods
    // overlap with "block". If not, add it to the sub group
    for (int i = 0 ; i < len; i++) {
        if ((element.fBlock & groupB[i].dMethod) == 0)
            ret[rlen++] = groupB[i].sub;
    // Resize the array if necessary
    if (rlen < len) {
        XSElementDecl[] ret1 = new XSElementDecl[rlen];
        System.arraycopy(ret, 0, ret1, 0, rlen);
        ret = ret1;
    // Store the subgroup
    fSubGroups.put(element, ret);

    return ret;
Example 15
Source File:    From hottub with GNU General Public License v2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * get all elements that can substitute the given element,
 * according to the spec, we shouldn't consider the {block} constraints.
 * from the spec, substitution group of a given element decl also contains
 * the element itself. but the array returned from this method doesn't
 * containt this element.
public XSElementDecl[] getSubstitutionGroup(XSElementDecl element) {
    // If we already have sub group for this element, just return it.
    XSElementDecl[] subGroup = fSubGroups.get(element);
    if (subGroup != null)
        return subGroup;

    if ((element.fBlock & XSConstants.DERIVATION_SUBSTITUTION) != 0) {
        fSubGroups.put(element, EMPTY_GROUP);
        return EMPTY_GROUP;

    // Otherwise, get all potential sub group elements
    // (without considering "block" on this element
    OneSubGroup[] groupB = getSubGroupB(element, new OneSubGroup());
    int len = groupB.length, rlen = 0;
    XSElementDecl[] ret = new XSElementDecl[len];
    // For each of such elements, check whether the derivation methods
    // overlap with "block". If not, add it to the sub group
    for (int i = 0 ; i < len; i++) {
        if ((element.fBlock & groupB[i].dMethod) == 0)
            ret[rlen++] = groupB[i].sub;
    // Resize the array if necessary
    if (rlen < len) {
        XSElementDecl[] ret1 = new XSElementDecl[rlen];
        System.arraycopy(ret, 0, ret1, 0, rlen);
        ret = ret1;
    // Store the subgroup
    fSubGroups.put(element, ret);

    return ret;
Example 16
Source File:    From Bytecoder with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public XSElementDecl getMatchingElemDecl(QName element, XSElementDecl exemplar) {
    if (Objects.equals(element.localpart, exemplar.fName) &&
        Objects.equals(element.uri, exemplar.fTargetNamespace)) {
        return exemplar;

    // if the exemplar is not a global element decl, then it's not possible
    // to be substituted by another element.
    if (exemplar.fScope != XSConstants.SCOPE_GLOBAL) {
        return null;

    // if the decl blocks substitution, return false
    if ((exemplar.fBlock & XSConstants.DERIVATION_SUBSTITUTION) != 0) {
        return null;

    // get the decl for the element
    XSElementDecl eDecl = fXSElementDeclHelper.getGlobalElementDecl(element);
    if (eDecl == null) {
        return null;

    // and check by using substitutionGroup information
    if (substitutionGroupOK(eDecl, exemplar, exemplar.fBlock)) {
        return eDecl;

    return null;
Example 17
Source File:    From openjdk-8 with GNU General Public License v2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * get all elements that can substitute the given element,
 * according to the spec, we shouldn't consider the {block} constraints.
 * from the spec, substitution group of a given element decl also contains
 * the element itself. but the array returned from this method doesn't
 * containt this element.
public XSElementDecl[] getSubstitutionGroup(XSElementDecl element) {
    // If we already have sub group for this element, just return it.
    Object subGroup = fSubGroups.get(element);
    if (subGroup != null)
        return (XSElementDecl[])subGroup;

    if ((element.fBlock & XSConstants.DERIVATION_SUBSTITUTION) != 0) {
        fSubGroups.put(element, EMPTY_GROUP);
        return EMPTY_GROUP;

    // Otherwise, get all potential sub group elements
    // (without considering "block" on this element
    OneSubGroup[] groupB = getSubGroupB(element, new OneSubGroup());
    int len = groupB.length, rlen = 0;
    XSElementDecl[] ret = new XSElementDecl[len];
    // For each of such elements, check whether the derivation methods
    // overlap with "block". If not, add it to the sub group
    for (int i = 0 ; i < len; i++) {
        if ((element.fBlock & groupB[i].dMethod) == 0)
            ret[rlen++] = groupB[i].sub;
    // Resize the array if necessary
    if (rlen < len) {
        XSElementDecl[] ret1 = new XSElementDecl[rlen];
        System.arraycopy(ret, 0, ret1, 0, rlen);
        ret = ret1;
    // Store the subgroup
    fSubGroups.put(element, ret);

    return ret;
Example 18
Source File:    From jdk1.8-source-analysis with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
private XSElementDecl createAnnotationElementDecl(String localName) {
    XSElementDecl eDecl = new XSElementDecl();
    eDecl.fName = localName;
    eDecl.fTargetNamespace = fTargetNamespace;
    eDecl.fBlock = (XSConstants.DERIVATION_EXTENSION |
    return eDecl;
Example 19
Source File:    From jdk1.8-source-analysis with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * get all elements that can substitute the given element,
 * according to the spec, we shouldn't consider the {block} constraints.
 * from the spec, substitution group of a given element decl also contains
 * the element itself. but the array returned from this method doesn't
 * containt this element.
public XSElementDecl[] getSubstitutionGroup(XSElementDecl element) {
    // If we already have sub group for this element, just return it.
    XSElementDecl[] subGroup = fSubGroups.get(element);
    if (subGroup != null)
        return subGroup;

    if ((element.fBlock & XSConstants.DERIVATION_SUBSTITUTION) != 0) {
        fSubGroups.put(element, EMPTY_GROUP);
        return EMPTY_GROUP;

    // Otherwise, get all potential sub group elements
    // (without considering "block" on this element
    OneSubGroup[] groupB = getSubGroupB(element, new OneSubGroup());
    int len = groupB.length, rlen = 0;
    XSElementDecl[] ret = new XSElementDecl[len];
    // For each of such elements, check whether the derivation methods
    // overlap with "block". If not, add it to the sub group
    for (int i = 0 ; i < len; i++) {
        if ((element.fBlock & groupB[i].dMethod) == 0)
            ret[rlen++] = groupB[i].sub;
    // Resize the array if necessary
    if (rlen < len) {
        XSElementDecl[] ret1 = new XSElementDecl[rlen];
        System.arraycopy(ret, 0, ret1, 0, rlen);
        ret = ret1;
    // Store the subgroup
    fSubGroups.put(element, ret);

    return ret;
Example 20
Source File:    From openjdk-jdk9 with GNU General Public License v2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public XSElementDecl getMatchingElemDecl(QName element, XSElementDecl exemplar) {
    if (element.localpart == exemplar.fName &&
        element.uri == exemplar.fTargetNamespace) {
        return exemplar;

    // if the exemplar is not a global element decl, then it's not possible
    // to be substituted by another element.
    if (exemplar.fScope != XSConstants.SCOPE_GLOBAL) {
        return null;

    // if the decl blocks substitution, return false
    if ((exemplar.fBlock & XSConstants.DERIVATION_SUBSTITUTION) != 0) {
        return null;

    // get the decl for the element
    XSElementDecl eDecl = fXSElementDeclHelper.getGlobalElementDecl(element);
    if (eDecl == null) {
        return null;

    // and check by using substitutionGroup information
    if (substitutionGroupOK(eDecl, exemplar, exemplar.fBlock)) {
        return eDecl;

    return null;