Java Code Examples for

The following examples show how to use . You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example 1
Source File:    From Galacticraft-Rewoven with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
private void use(PlayerEntity player, BlockState state, WorldAccess iWorld, BlockPos pos, ItemStack stack) {
    Block block = state.getBlock();
    if (block instanceof Rotatable) {
        StateManager<Block, BlockState> manager = block.getStateManager();
        Collection<Property<?>> collection = manager.getProperties();
        String string_1 = Registry.BLOCK.getId(block).toString();
        if (!collection.isEmpty()) {
            CompoundTag compoundTag_1 = stack.getOrCreateSubTag("wrenchProp");
            String string_2 = compoundTag_1.getString(string_1);
            Property<?> property = manager.getProperty(string_2);
            if (property == null) {
                property = collection.iterator().next();
            if (property.getName().equals("facing")) {
                BlockState blockState_2 = cycle(state, property, player.isSneaking());
                iWorld.setBlockState(pos, blockState_2, 18);
                stack.damage(2, player, (playerEntity) -> playerEntity.sendEquipmentBreakStatus(EquipmentSlot.MAINHAND));
Example 2
Source File:    From Galacticraft-Rewoven with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
default boolean tryFillWithFluid(WorldAccess world, BlockPos pos, BlockState state, FluidState fluidState) {
    if (state.get(FLUID).equals(new Identifier("empty"))) {
        if (!world.isClient()) {
            world.setBlockState(pos, state.with(FLUID, Registry.FLUID.getId(fluidState.getFluid()))
                    .with(FlowableFluid.LEVEL, Math.max(fluidState.getLevel(), 1)), 3);
            world.getFluidTickScheduler().schedule(pos, fluidState.getFluid(), fluidState.getFluid().getTickRate(world));
        return true;
    } else {
        return false;
Example 3
Source File:    From Galacticraft-Rewoven with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
default Fluid tryDrainFluid(WorldAccess world, BlockPos pos, BlockState state) {
    if (!state.get(FLUID).equals(new Identifier("empty"))) {
        world.setBlockState(pos, state.with(FLUID, new Identifier("empty")), 3);
        if (Registry.FLUID.get(state.get(FLUID)).getDefaultState().isStill()) {
            return Registry.FLUID.get(state.get(FLUID));
    return Fluids.EMPTY;
Example 4
Source File:    From multiconnect with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
private static void doFix(WorldAccess world, BlockPos pos, int flags) {
    BlockState state = world.getBlockState(pos);
    for (Direction dir : Direction.values()) {
        BlockPos otherPos = pos.offset(dir);
        state = applyAdjacentBlock(state, dir, world, pos, otherPos);
    world.setBlockState(pos, state, flags | 16);

    inPlaceFix(world.getChunk(pos), state, pos, new BlockPos.Mutable());
Example 5
Source File:    From Galacticraft-Rewoven with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
protected boolean generateVeinPart(WorldAccess world, Random random, GCOreFeatureConfig config, double startX, double endX, double startZ, double endZ, double startY, double endY, int x, int y, int z, int size, int i) {
    int j = 0;
    BitSet bitSet = new BitSet(size * i * size);
    BlockPos.Mutable mutable = new BlockPos.Mutable();
    double[] ds = new double[config.size * 4];

    int m;
    double o;
    double p;
    double q;
    double r;
    for (m = 0; m < config.size; ++m) {
        float f = (float) m / (float) config.size;
        o = MathHelper.lerp(f, startX, endX);
        p = MathHelper.lerp(f, startY, endY);
        q = MathHelper.lerp(f, startZ, endZ);
        r = random.nextDouble() * (double) config.size / 16.0D;
        double l = ((double) (MathHelper.sin(3.1415927F * f) + 1.0F) * r + 1.0D) / 2.0D;
        ds[m * 4 + 0] = o;
        ds[m * 4 + 1] = p;
        ds[m * 4 + 2] = q;
        ds[m * 4 + 3] = l;

    for (m = 0; m < config.size - 1; ++m) {
        if (ds[m * 4 + 3] > 0.0D) {
            for (int n = m + 1; n < config.size; ++n) {
                if (ds[n * 4 + 3] > 0.0D) {
                    o = ds[m * 4 + 0] - ds[n * 4 + 0];
                    p = ds[m * 4 + 1] - ds[n * 4 + 1];
                    q = ds[m * 4 + 2] - ds[n * 4 + 2];
                    r = ds[m * 4 + 3] - ds[n * 4 + 3];
                    if (r * r > o * o + p * p + q * q) {
                        if (r > 0.0D) {
                            ds[n * 4 + 3] = -1.0D;
                        } else {
                            ds[m * 4 + 3] = -1.0D;

    for (m = 0; m < config.size; ++m) {
        double t = ds[m * 4 + 3];
        if (t >= 0.0D) {
            double u = ds[m * 4 + 0];
            double v = ds[m * 4 + 1];
            double w = ds[m * 4 + 2];
            int aa = Math.max(MathHelper.floor(u - t), x);
            int ab = Math.max(MathHelper.floor(v - t), y);
            int ac = Math.max(MathHelper.floor(w - t), z);
            int ad = Math.max(MathHelper.floor(u + t), aa);
            int ae = Math.max(MathHelper.floor(v + t), ab);
            int af = Math.max(MathHelper.floor(w + t), ac);

            for (int ag = aa; ag <= ad; ++ag) {
                double ah = ((double) ag + 0.5D - u) / t;
                if (ah * ah < 1.0D) {
                    for (int ai = ab; ai <= ae; ++ai) {
                        double aj = ((double) ai + 0.5D - v) / t;
                        if (ah * ah + aj * aj < 1.0D) {
                            for (int ak = ac; ak <= af; ++ak) {
                                double al = ((double) ak + 0.5D - w) / t;
                                if (ah * ah + aj * aj + al * al < 1.0D) {
                                    int am = ag - x + (ai - y) * size + (ak - z) * size * i;
                                    if (!bitSet.get(am)) {
                                        mutable.set(ag, ai, ak);
                                        if ( {
                                            world.setBlockState(mutable, config.state, 2);

    return j > 0;