Java Code Examples for org.apache.arrow.vector.complex.StructVector#addOrGetUnion()

The following examples show how to use org.apache.arrow.vector.complex.StructVector#addOrGetUnion() . You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example 1
Source File:    From yosegi with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
 * Set the vector of Struct and initialize it.
public static IMemoryAllocator getFromStructVector(
    final ColumnType columnType ,
    final String columnName ,
    final BufferAllocator allocator ,
    final StructVector vector ,
    final int rowCount ) {
  switch ( columnType ) {
    case UNION:
      UnionVector unionVector = vector.addOrGetUnion( columnName );
      return new ArrowUnionMemoryAllocator( allocator , unionVector , rowCount );
    case ARRAY:
      return new ArrowArrayMemoryAllocator(
          allocator , vector.addOrGetList( columnName ) , rowCount );
    case SPREAD:
      StructVector mapVector = vector.addOrGetStruct( columnName );
      return new ArrowMapMemoryAllocator( allocator , mapVector , rowCount );

    case BOOLEAN:
      BitVector bitVector =  vector.addOrGet(
          columnName ,
          new FieldType( true , ArrowType.Bool.INSTANCE , null , null ) ,
          BitVector.class );
      return new ArrowBooleanMemoryAllocator( bitVector , rowCount );
    case BYTE:
      TinyIntVector byteVector =  vector.addOrGet(
          columnName ,
          new FieldType( true , new ArrowType.Int( 8 , true ) , null , null ) ,
          TinyIntVector.class );
      return new ArrowByteMemoryAllocator( byteVector , rowCount );
    case SHORT:
      SmallIntVector shortVector = vector.addOrGet(
          columnName ,
          new FieldType(
            true ,
            new ArrowType.Int( 16 , true ) ,
            null ,
            null ) ,
          SmallIntVector.class );
      return new ArrowShortMemoryAllocator( shortVector , rowCount );
    case INTEGER:
      IntVector integerVector =  vector.addOrGet(
          columnName ,
          new FieldType( true , new ArrowType.Int( 32 , true ) , null , null ) ,
          IntVector.class );
      return new ArrowIntegerMemoryAllocator( integerVector , rowCount );
    case LONG:
      BigIntVector longVector = vector.addOrGet(
          columnName ,
          new FieldType(
            true ,
            new ArrowType.Int( 64 , true ) ,
            null ,
            null ) ,
            BigIntVector.class );
      return new ArrowLongMemoryAllocator( longVector , rowCount );
    case FLOAT:
      Float4Vector floatVector = vector.addOrGet(
          columnName ,
          new FieldType(
            true ,
            new ArrowType.FloatingPoint( FloatingPointPrecision.SINGLE ) ,
            null ,
            null ) ,
          Float4Vector.class );
      return new ArrowFloatMemoryAllocator( floatVector , rowCount );
    case DOUBLE:
      Float8Vector doubleVector = vector.addOrGet(
          columnName ,
          new FieldType(
            true ,
            new ArrowType.FloatingPoint( FloatingPointPrecision.DOUBLE ) ,
            null ,
            null ) ,
          Float8Vector.class );
      return new ArrowDoubleMemoryAllocator( doubleVector , rowCount );
    case STRING:
      VarCharVector charVector = vector.addOrGet(
          columnName ,
          new FieldType( true , ArrowType.Utf8.INSTANCE , null , null ) ,
          VarCharVector.class );
      return new ArrowStringMemoryAllocator( charVector , rowCount );
    case BYTES:
      VarBinaryVector binaryVector = vector.addOrGet(
          columnName ,
          new FieldType( true , ArrowType.Binary.INSTANCE , null , null ) ,
          VarBinaryVector.class );
      return new ArrowBytesMemoryAllocator( binaryVector , rowCount );

    case NULL:
    case EMPTY_ARRAY:
    case EMPTY_SPREAD:
      return NullMemoryAllocator.INSTANCE;
Example 2
Source File:    From multiple-dimension-spread with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public static IMemoryAllocator getFromStructVector( final ColumnType columnType , final String columnName , final BufferAllocator allocator , final StructVector vector , final int rowCount ){
  switch( columnType ){
    case UNION:
      UnionVector unionVector = vector.addOrGetUnion( columnName );
      return new ArrowUnionMemoryAllocator( allocator , unionVector , rowCount );
    case ARRAY:
      return new ArrowArrayMemoryAllocator( allocator , vector.addOrGetList( columnName ) , rowCount );
    case SPREAD:
      StructVector mapVector = vector.addOrGetStruct( columnName );
      return new ArrowMapMemoryAllocator( allocator , mapVector , rowCount );

    case BOOLEAN:
      BitVector bitVector =  vector.addOrGet( columnName , new FieldType( true , ArrowType.Bool.INSTANCE , null , null ) , BitVector.class );
      return new ArrowBooleanMemoryAllocator( bitVector , rowCount );
    case BYTE:
      TinyIntVector byteVector =  vector.addOrGet( columnName , new FieldType( true , new ArrowType.Int( 8 , true ) , null , null ) , TinyIntVector.class );
      return new ArrowByteMemoryAllocator( byteVector , rowCount );
    case SHORT:
      SmallIntVector shortVector =  vector.addOrGet( columnName , new FieldType( true , new ArrowType.Int( 16 , true ) , null , null ) , SmallIntVector.class );
      return new ArrowShortMemoryAllocator( shortVector , rowCount );
    case INTEGER:
      IntVector integerVector =  vector.addOrGet( columnName , new FieldType( true , new ArrowType.Int( 32 , true ) , null , null ) , IntVector.class );
      return new ArrowIntegerMemoryAllocator( integerVector , rowCount );
    case LONG:
      BigIntVector longVector =  vector.addOrGet( columnName , new FieldType( true , new ArrowType.Int( 64 , true ) , null , null ) , BigIntVector.class );
      return new ArrowLongMemoryAllocator( longVector , rowCount );
    case FLOAT:
      Float4Vector floatVector =  vector.addOrGet( columnName , new FieldType( true , new ArrowType.FloatingPoint( FloatingPointPrecision.SINGLE ) , null , null ) , Float4Vector.class );
      return new ArrowFloatMemoryAllocator( floatVector , rowCount );
    case DOUBLE:
      Float8Vector doubleVector =  vector.addOrGet( columnName , new FieldType( true , new ArrowType.FloatingPoint( FloatingPointPrecision.DOUBLE ) , null , null ) , Float8Vector.class );
      return new ArrowDoubleMemoryAllocator( doubleVector , rowCount );
    case STRING:
      VarCharVector charVector =  vector.addOrGet( columnName , new FieldType( true , ArrowType.Utf8.INSTANCE , null , null ) , VarCharVector.class );
      return new ArrowStringMemoryAllocator( charVector , rowCount );
    case BYTES:
      VarBinaryVector binaryVector =  vector.addOrGet( columnName , new FieldType( true , ArrowType.Binary.INSTANCE , null , null ) , VarBinaryVector.class );
      return new ArrowBytesMemoryAllocator( binaryVector , rowCount );

    case NULL:
    case EMPTY_ARRAY:
    case EMPTY_SPREAD:
      return NullMemoryAllocator.INSTANCE;