Java Code Examples for

The following examples show how to use . You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example 1
Source File:    From UDepLambda with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public static LogicalExpression read(String string) {
  TypeRepository typeRepository = LogicLanguageServices
  ITypeComparator typeComparator = LogicLanguageServices
  LogicalExpression exp =, new ScopeMapping<>(), typeRepository,
  return Simplify.of(exp);
Example 2
Source File:    From spf with GNU General Public License v2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
private SplittingPair createSplittingPair(Lambda f, LogicalExpression g) {
	// Simplify f and g
	final LogicalExpression simplifiedF = Simplify.of(f);
	final LogicalExpression simlifiedG = Simplify.of(g);

	// Create the categories for the composition
	final Slash slash = originalCategory.getSlash();
	final Category<LogicalExpression> sharedCategory = Category
	final ComplexCategory<LogicalExpression> fCategory = new ComplexCategory<LogicalExpression>(
			new ComplexSyntax(originalCategory.getSyntax().getLeft(),
					sharedCategory.getSyntax(), slash), simplifiedF);
	final ComplexCategory<LogicalExpression> gCategory = new ComplexCategory<LogicalExpression>(
			new ComplexSyntax(sharedCategory.getSyntax(), originalCategory
					.getSyntax().getRight(), slash), simlifiedG);

	// Create the splitting pair. Don't allow crossing composition
	final SplittingPair newSplit;
	if (slash == Slash.BACKWARD) {
		// Cator goes on right
		newSplit = new SplittingPair(gCategory, fCategory);
	} else {
		// Cator goes on left
		newSplit = new SplittingPair(fCategory, gCategory);

	// Error checking
	final Category<LogicalExpression> composed = categoryServices.compose(
			fCategory, gCategory, 1, false);
	if (!originalCategory.equals(composed)) {
		LOG.error("ERROR: bad Cat composition split");
		LOG.error("%s ---> %s != %s", newSplit, composed, originalCategory);

	return newSplit;
Example 3
Source File:    From spf with GNU General Public License v2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public LogicalExpression readSemantics(String string, boolean checkType) {
	final LogicalExpression exp =;
	if (checkType) {

		final Pair<Boolean, String> typeChecking = IsTypeConsistent
		if (!typeChecking.first()) {
			throw new IllegalStateException("Semantics not well typed ["
					+ typeChecking.second() + "]: " + string);
	return Simplify.of(exp);
Example 4
Source File:    From spf with GNU General Public License v2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public LogicalExpression createSimpleCoordination(
		LogicalExpression coordinated, LogicalExpression coordinator) {
	// Create a binary predicate from coordinator
	if (!isBaseCoordinator(coordinator)) {
		return null;

	if (LogicLanguageServices.getTypeRepository().getTruthValueType()
			.equals(coordinated.getType())) {
		// Case coordinating truth-typed expressions
		final LogicalExpression coordinationPredicate;
		if (isConjunctionCoordinator((LogicalConstant) coordinator)) {
			coordinationPredicate = LogicLanguageServices
		} else if (isDisjunctionCoordinator((LogicalConstant) coordinator)) {
			coordinationPredicate = LogicLanguageServices
		} else {
			throw new IllegalStateException("invalid coordinator: "
					+ coordinator);

		final Variable variable = new Variable(LogicLanguageServices
		final LogicalExpression[] args = new LogicalExpression[2];
		args[0] = variable;
		args[1] = coordinated;
		return Simplify.of(new Literal(coordinationPredicate, args));

	return null;
Example 5
Source File:    From spf with GNU General Public License v2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
 * (lambda $0:x (g $0)) ==> (lambda $0:<x,t> (lambda $1:x (and:<t*,t> ($0
 * $1) (g $1))))
protected LogicalExpression typeShiftSemantics(LogicalExpression sem) {
	final Type semType = sem.getType();
	final Type range = semType.getRange();

	if (semType.isComplex()
			&& range.equals(LogicLanguageServices.getTypeRepository()
					.getTruthValueType())) {

		// Make sure the expression is wrapped with lambda operators, since
		// the variables are required
		final Lambda lambda = (Lambda) sem;

		// Variable for the new outer lambda
		final Variable outerVariable = new Variable(LogicLanguageServices

		// Create the literal applying the function to the original
		// argument
		final LogicalExpression[] args = new LogicalExpression[1];
		args[0] = lambda.getArgument();
		final Literal newLiteral = new Literal(outerVariable, args);

		// Create the conjunction of newLitral and the original body
		final Literal conjunction = new Literal(
				ArrayUtils.create(newLiteral, lambda.getBody()));

		// The new inner lambda
		final Lambda innerLambda = new Lambda(lambda.getArgument(),

		// The new outer lambda
		final Lambda outerLambda = new Lambda(outerVariable, innerLambda);

		// Simplify the output and return it
		final LogicalExpression ret = Simplify.of(outerLambda);

		return ret;

	return null;
Example 6
Source File:    From spf with GNU General Public License v2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
 * (lambda $0:x (g $0)) ==> (lambda $0:<x,t> (lambda $1:x (and:<t*,t> ($0
 * $1) (g $1))))
protected LogicalExpression typeShiftSemantics(LogicalExpression sem) {
	final Type semType = sem.getType();
	final Type range = semType.getRange();

	if (semType.isComplex() && range.equals(LogicLanguageServices
			.getTypeRepository().getTruthValueType())) {

		// Make sure the expression is wrapped with lambda operators, since
		// the variables are required
		final Lambda lambda = (Lambda) sem;

		// Variable for the new outer lambda
		final Variable outerVariable = new Variable(LogicLanguageServices

		// Create the literal applying the function to the original
		// argument
		final LogicalExpression[] args = new LogicalExpression[1];
		args[0] = lambda.getArgument();
		final Literal newLiteral = new Literal(outerVariable, args);

		// Create the conjunction of newLitral and the original body
		final Literal conjunction = new Literal(
				ArrayUtils.create(newLiteral, lambda.getBody()));

		// The new inner lambda
		final Lambda innerLambda = new Lambda(lambda.getArgument(),

		// The new outer lambda
		final Lambda outerLambda = new Lambda(outerVariable, innerLambda);

		// Simplify the output and return it
		final LogicalExpression ret = Simplify.of(outerLambda);

		return ret;

	return null;
Example 7
Source File:    From spf with GNU General Public License v2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public static Set<SplittingPair> createAllSplittingPairs(
		Category<LogicalExpression> rootCategory,
		LogicalExpression functor, LogicalExpression functee,
		ICategoryServices<LogicalExpression> categoryServices) {

	// Simplify the functee and functor
	final LogicalExpression simplifiedFunctor = Simplify.of(functor);
	final LogicalExpression simplifiedFunctee = Simplify.of(functee);

	// make the category that will be pulled out
	final Category<LogicalExpression> functeeCategory = makeCategoryFor(simplifiedFunctee);

	// now, make the categories. the split can be either a forward
	// application or a backward application
	final SplittingPair forwardSplit;
	final ComplexCategory<LogicalExpression> forwardCategory = new ComplexCategory<LogicalExpression>(
			new ComplexSyntax(rootCategory.getSyntax(),
					functeeCategory.getSyntax(), Slash.FORWARD),
	forwardSplit = new SplittingPair(forwardCategory, functeeCategory);

	// error check. do the two pieces recombine to make the original
	// category?

	final Category<LogicalExpression> applyCat = categoryServices.apply(
			forwardCategory, functeeCategory);
	if (!rootCategory.equals(applyCat)) {
		LOG.error("ERROR: bad forward split");
		LOG.error("%s --> %s == %s != %s", forwardCategory,
				functeeCategory, applyCat, rootCategory);

	final SplittingPair backSplit;
	final ComplexCategory<LogicalExpression> backCategory = new ComplexCategory<LogicalExpression>(
			new ComplexSyntax(rootCategory.getSyntax(),
					functeeCategory.getSyntax(), Slash.BACKWARD),
	backSplit = new SplittingPair(functeeCategory, backCategory);

	// error check. do the two pieces recombine to make the original
	// category?
	final Category<LogicalExpression> applyCat2 = categoryServices.apply(
			backCategory, functeeCategory);
	if (!rootCategory.equals(applyCat2)) {
		LOG.error("ERROR: bad backward split");
		LOG.error("%s --> %s == %s != %s", functeeCategory, backCategory,
				applyCat2, rootCategory);

	final Set<SplittingPair> newSplits = new HashSet<SplittingServices.SplittingPair>();
	return newSplits;