Java Code Examples for org.skife.jdbi.v2.Handle#update()

The following examples show how to use org.skife.jdbi.v2.Handle#update() . You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example 1
Source File:    From syndesis with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
private static int deleteJsonRecords(Handle dbi, String baseDBPath, String like) {

        ArrayList<String> expressions = new ArrayList<>();
        ArrayList<String> queryParams = new ArrayList<>();
        for (String p : getAllParentPaths(baseDBPath)) {
            expressions.add("path = ?");
        expressions.add("path LIKE ?");

        StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder("DELETE FROM jsondb WHERE ");
        sql.append(String.join(" OR ", expressions));

        return dbi.update(sql.toString(), queryParams.toArray());
Example 2
Source File:    From digdag with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
public void migrate(Handle handle, MigrationContext context)
    if (context.isPostgres()) {
        handle.update("alter table projects" +
                " add column deleted_at timestamp with time zone");
        handle.update("alter table projects" +
                " add column deleted_name text");
        handle.update("alter table projects" +
                " alter column name drop not null");
    else {
        handle.update("alter table projects" +
                " add column deleted_at timestamp");
        handle.update("alter table projects" +
                " add column deleted_name varchar(255)");
        handle.update("alter table projects" +
                " alter column name drop not null");
Example 3
Source File:    From digdag with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
public void migrate(Handle handle, MigrationContext context)
                    .addLong("site_id", "not null")
                    .addLong("project_id", "not null references projects (id)")
                    .addString("scope", "not null")
                    .addString("engine", "not null")
                    .addString("key", "not null")
                    .addLongText("value", "not null")
                    .addTimestamp("updated_at", "not null")

    handle.update("create index secrets_on_site_id_and_project_id_and_scope_and_key on secrets (site_id, project_id, scope, key)");
Example 4
Source File:    From digdag with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
public void migrate(Handle handle, MigrationContext context)
    if (context.isPostgres()) {
        handle.update("alter table schedules" +
                " add column disabled_at timestamp with time zone");
    else {
        handle.update("alter table schedules" +
                " add column disabled_at timestamp");

    if (context.isPostgres()) {
        handle.update("drop index schedules_on_next_run_time");
        handle.update("create index schedules_on_next_run_time on schedules (next_run_time) where disabled_at is null");
Example 5
Source File:    From digdag with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
public void migrate(Handle handle, MigrationContext context)
    if (context.isPostgres()) {
        handle.update("alter table tasks" +
                " add column started_at timestamp with time zone");
    else {
        handle.update("alter table tasks" +
                " add column started_at timestamp");

    if (context.isPostgres()) {
        handle.update("create index tasks_on_state_and_started_at on tasks (state, started_at, id asc) where started_at is not null");
    } else {
        handle.update("create index tasks_on_state_and_started_at on tasks (state, started_at, id asc)");
Example 6
Source File:    From digdag with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
public void migrate(Handle handle, MigrationContext context)
    if (context.isPostgres()) {
        handle.update("alter table sessions" +
                " add column last_attempt_created_at timestamp with time zone");
                "update sessions" +
                " set last_attempt_created_at = session_attempts.created_at" +
                " from session_attempts" +
                " where = sessions.last_attempt_id");
    else {
        handle.update("alter table sessions" +
                " add column last_attempt_created_at timestamp");
        handle.update("update sessions" +
                " set last_attempt_created_at = (" +
                    " select created_at from session_attempts" +
                    " where = sessions.last_attempt_id" +

    handle.update("create index sessions_on_project_id_and_workflow_name_and_last_attempt_created_at on sessions (project_id, workflow_name, last_attempt_created_at desc)");
Example 7
Source File:    From digdag with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public void migrate(Handle handle, MigrationContext context)
    // DatabaseSessionStoreManager.getActiveAttemptCount uses this index.
    if (context.isPostgres()) {
        handle.update("create index concurrently session_attempts_on_site_id_and_state_flags_partial_2 on session_attempts"
                + " using btree(site_id) where state_flags & 2 = 0");
    else {
        // H2 does not support partial index
Example 8
Source File:    From digdag with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public void migrate(Handle handle, MigrationContext context)
            .addLongIdNoAutoIncrement("id", "references session_attempts (id)")
            .addLong("dependent_session_id", "")
            .addLong("next_run_time", "not null")
            .addTimestamp("updated_at", "not null")
    handle.update("create index delayed_session_attempts_on_next_run_time on delayed_session_attempts (next_run_time)");
Example 9
Source File:    From digdag with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public void migrate(Handle handle, MigrationContext context)
    // DatabaseProjectStoreManager.PgDao.getLatestActiveWorkflowDefinitions uses these indexes.
    handle.update("create index workflow_definitions_on_revision_id_and_id on workflow_definitions (revision_id, id)");
    if (context.isPostgres()) {
        handle.update("create index projects_on_site_id_and_id on projects (site_id, id) where deleted_at is null");
    else {
        handle.update("create index projects_on_site_id_and_id on projects (site_id, id)");
Example 10
Source File:    From digdag with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public void migrate(Handle handle, MigrationContext context)
    if (context.isPostgres()) {
        // make sure records are unique
        handle.update("delete from secrets where id = any(select id from (select row_number() over (partition by site_id, project_id, scope, key order by id) as i, id from secrets) win where i > 1)");
    else {
        // h2 doesn't support window function...
    handle.update("create unique index secrets_unique_on_site_id_and_project_id_and_scope_and_key on secrets (site_id, project_id, scope, key)");
    handle.update("drop index secrets_on_site_id_and_project_id_and_scope_and_key");
Example 11
Source File:    From digdag with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public void migrate(Handle handle, MigrationContext context)
    handle.update("alter table task_state_details" +
            " add column reset_store_params text");
    handle.update("alter table resuming_tasks" +
            " add column reset_store_params text");
Example 12
Source File:    From digdag with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public void migrate(Handle handle, MigrationContext context)
    // resuming_tasks
            .addLong("attempt_id", "not null references session_attempts (id)")
            .addLong("source_task_id", "not null")
            .addMediumText("full_name", "not null")
            .addTimestamp("updated_at", "not null")
            .addMediumText("local_config", "")
            .addMediumText("export_config", "")
            .addMediumText("subtask_config", "")
            .addMediumText("export_params", "")
            .addMediumText("store_params", "")
            .addMediumText("report", "")
            .addMediumText("error", "")
    if (context.isPostgres()) {
        handle.update("create index resuming_tasks_on_attempt_id_and_full_name on resuming_tasks (attempt_id, full_name)");
    else {
        // h2 doesn't support index on text
        handle.update("create index resuming_tasks_on_attempt_id on resuming_tasks (attempt_id)");

    // task_details.resuming_task_id
    handle.update("alter table task_details" +
            " add column resuming_task_id bigint");
Example 13
Source File:    From digdag with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public void migrate(Handle handle, MigrationContext context)
    if (context.isPostgres()) {
        handle.update("create index concurrently sessions_on_project_id_and_workflow_name_desc on sessions (project_id, workflow_name, id DESC)");
    } else {
        handle.update("create index sessions_on_project_id_and_workflow_name_desc on sessions (project_id, workflow_name, id DESC)");
Example 14
Source File:    From digdag with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public void createSchemaMigrationsTable(Handle handle, MigrationContext context)
            .addString("name", "not null")
            .addTimestamp("created_at", "not null")
Example 15
Source File:    From digdag with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public void migrate(Handle handle, MigrationContext context)
    if (context.isPostgres()) {
                "update session_attempts set index = seq.index " +
                "from (" +
                    "select id, rank() over (partition by session_id order by id) as index from session_attempts" +
                ") seq " +
                "where =");
    else {
        List<IdAndSessionId> list =
            handle.createQuery("select id, session_id from session_attempts order by session_id, id")
            .map((index, r, ctx) -> new IdAndSessionId(r.getLong("id"), r.getLong("session_id")))
        long lastSessionId = 0L;
        long lastIndex = 0;
        for (IdAndSessionId s : list) {
            if (lastSessionId != s.sessionId) {
                lastSessionId = s.sessionId;
                lastIndex = 0;
            handle.createStatement("update session_attempts set index = :index where id = :id")
                .bind("index", lastIndex)

    handle.update("alter table session_attempts" +
            " alter column index set not null");

    handle.update("create unique index session_attempts_on_session_id_and_index on session_attempts (session_id, index desc)");
Example 16
Source File:    From digdag with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public void migrate(Handle handle, MigrationContext context)
    handle.update("alter table session_attempts" +
            " add column index int");
Example 17
Source File:    From syndesis with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
private static boolean doDelete(Handle h, String path) {
    return h.update("DELETE FROM filestore WHERE path=?", path) > 0;
Example 18
Source File:    From digdag with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public void migrate(Handle handle, MigrationContext context)
    // queued_task_locks
    handle.update("drop table queued_task_locks");
    handle.update("drop table queued_shared_task_locks");

            .addLongId("id")  // references
            .addInt("site_id", "")
            .addInt("queue_id", "")
            .addInt("priority", "not null")
            .addInt("retry_count", "not null default 0")
            .addLong("lock_expire_time", "")
            .addString("lock_agent_id", "")

    handle.update("insert into queued_task_locks" +
            " (id, site_id, queue_id, priority)" +
            " select id, site_id, NULL, priority" +
            " from queued_tasks");

    // queues
    handle.update("alter table queues" +
            " add column shared_site_id int");

    // resource_types
    handle.update("drop table resource_types");

    // queued_tasks
    handle.update("alter table queued_tasks" +
            " alter column task_id drop not null");
    handle.update("alter table queued_tasks" +
            " alter column queue_id drop not null");
    handle.update("alter table queued_tasks" +
            " alter column data drop not null");
    handle.update("alter table queued_tasks" +
            " drop column priority");
    handle.update("alter table queued_tasks" +
            " drop column resource_type_id");
    handle.update("create unique index queued_tasks_on_site_id_task_id on queued_tasks (site_id, task_id)");

    if (context.isPostgres()) {
            "CREATE FUNCTION lock_shared_tasks(target_site_id int, target_site_max_concurrency bigint, limit_count int, lock_expire_seconds int, agent_id text) returns setof bigint as $$\n" +
            "BEGIN\n" +
            "  IF pg_try_advisory_xact_lock(23300, target_site_id) THEN\n" +
            "    RETURN QUERY\n" +
            "      with updated as (\n" +
            "        update queued_task_locks\n" +
            "        set lock_expire_time = cast(extract(epoch from statement_timestamp()) as bigint) + lock_expire_seconds,\n" +
            "            lock_agent_id = agent_id\n" +
            "        where id = any(\n" +
            "          select\n" +
            "          from queued_task_locks\n" +
            "          where lock_expire_time is null\n" +
            "          and site_id = target_site_id\n" +
            "          and not exists (\n" +
            "            select * from (\n" +
            "              select queue_id, count(*) as count\n" +
            "              from queued_task_locks\n" +
            "              where lock_expire_time is not null\n" +
            "                and site_id = target_site_id\n" +
            "              group by queue_id\n" +
            "            ) runnings\n" +
            "            join queues on = runnings.queue_id\n" +
            "            where runnings.count >= queues.max_concurrency\n" +
            "              and runnings.queue_id = queued_task_locks.queue_id\n" +
            "          )\n" +
            "          and not exists (\n" +
            "            select count(*)\n" +
            "            from queued_task_locks\n" +
            "            where lock_expire_time is not null\n" +
            "              and site_id = target_site_id\n" +
            "            having count(*) >= target_site_max_concurrency\n" +
            "          )\n" +
            "          order by queue_id, priority desc, id\n" +
            "          limit limit_count\n" +
            "        )\n" +
            "        returning queue_id, priority, id\n" +
            "      )\n" +
            "      select id from updated\n" +
            "      order by queue_id, priority desc, id;\n" +
            "  END IF;\n" +
            "END;\n" +
            "$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql VOLATILE\n" +

        handle.update("create index queued_tasks_shared_grouping on queued_task_locks (site_id, queue_id) where site_id is not null and lock_expire_time is not null");
        handle.update("create index queued_tasks_ordering on queued_task_locks (site_id, queue_id, priority desc, id) where lock_expire_time is null");
        handle.update("create index queued_tasks_expiration on queued_task_locks (lock_expire_time) where lock_expire_time is not null");
    else {
        handle.update("create index queued_tasks_shared_grouping on queued_task_locks (lock_expire_time, site_id, queue_id)");
        handle.update("create index queued_tasks_ordering on queued_task_locks (site_id, queue_id, lock_expire_time, priority desc, id)");
Example 19
Source File:    From digdag with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public void migrate(Handle handle, MigrationContext context)
    handle.update("alter table revisions" +
            " add column user_info text");
Example 20
Source File:    From digdag with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public void migrate(Handle handle, MigrationContext context)
    handle.update("create index sessions_on_project_id_desc on sessions (project_id, id desc)");
    handle.update("drop index sessions_on_project_id");