Java Code Examples for org.apache.flink.streaming.connectors.kinesis.model.StreamShardHandle#getStreamName()

The following examples show how to use org.apache.flink.streaming.connectors.kinesis.model.StreamShardHandle#getStreamName() . You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example 1
Source File:    From Flink-CEPplus with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
 * FLINK-8484: ensure that a state change in the StreamShardMetadata other than {@link StreamShardMetadata#shardId} or
 * {@link StreamShardMetadata#streamName} does not result in the shard not being able to be restored.
 * This handles the corner case where the stored shard metadata is open (no ending sequence number), but after the
 * job restore, the shard has been closed (ending number set) due to re-sharding, and we can no longer rely on
 * {@link StreamShardMetadata#equals(Object)} to find back the sequence number in the collection of restored shard metadata.
 * <p></p>
 * Therefore, we will rely on synchronizing the snapshot's state with the Kinesis shard before attempting to find back
 * the sequence number to restore.
public void testFindSequenceNumberToRestoreFromIfTheShardHasBeenClosedSinceTheStateWasStored() throws Exception {
	// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
	// setup initial state
	// ----------------------------------------------------------------------

	HashMap<StreamShardHandle, SequenceNumber> fakeRestoredState = getFakeRestoredStore("all");

	// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
	// mock operator state backend and initial state for initializeState()
	// ----------------------------------------------------------------------

	TestingListState<Tuple2<StreamShardMetadata, SequenceNumber>> listState = new TestingListState<>();
	for (Map.Entry<StreamShardHandle, SequenceNumber> state : fakeRestoredState.entrySet()) {
		listState.add(Tuple2.of(KinesisDataFetcher.convertToStreamShardMetadata(state.getKey()), state.getValue()));

	OperatorStateStore operatorStateStore = mock(OperatorStateStore.class);

	StateInitializationContext initializationContext = mock(StateInitializationContext.class);

	// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
	// mock fetcher
	// ----------------------------------------------------------------------

	KinesisDataFetcher mockedFetcher = mockKinesisDataFetcher();
	List<StreamShardHandle> shards = new ArrayList<>();

	// create a fake stream shard handle based on the first entry in the restored state
	final StreamShardHandle originalStreamShardHandle = fakeRestoredState.keySet().iterator().next();
	final StreamShardHandle closedStreamShardHandle = new StreamShardHandle(originalStreamShardHandle.getStreamName(), originalStreamShardHandle.getShard());
	// close the shard handle by setting an ending sequence number
	final SequenceNumberRange sequenceNumberRange = new SequenceNumberRange();



	// assume the given config is correct

	// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
	// start to test fetcher's initial state seeding
	// ----------------------------------------------------------------------

	TestableFlinkKinesisConsumer consumer = new TestableFlinkKinesisConsumer(
		"fakeStream", new Properties(), 10, 2);
	consumer.initializeState(initializationContext); Configuration());;

		new KinesisStreamShardState(KinesisDataFetcher.convertToStreamShardMetadata(closedStreamShardHandle),
			closedStreamShardHandle, fakeRestoredState.get(closedStreamShardHandle)));
Example 2
Source File:    From Flink-CEPplus with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
private static String getShardIterator(StreamShardHandle shardHandle) {
	return shardHandle.getStreamName() + "-" + shardHandle.getShard().getShardId();
Example 3
Source File:    From flink with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
 * FLINK-8484: ensure that a state change in the StreamShardMetadata other than {@link StreamShardMetadata#getShardId()} or
 * {@link StreamShardMetadata#getStreamName()} does not result in the shard not being able to be restored.
 * This handles the corner case where the stored shard metadata is open (no ending sequence number), but after the
 * job restore, the shard has been closed (ending number set) due to re-sharding, and we can no longer rely on
 * {@link StreamShardMetadata#equals(Object)} to find back the sequence number in the collection of restored shard metadata.
 * <p></p>
 * Therefore, we will rely on synchronizing the snapshot's state with the Kinesis shard before attempting to find back
 * the sequence number to restore.
public void testFindSequenceNumberToRestoreFromIfTheShardHasBeenClosedSinceTheStateWasStored() throws Exception {
	// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
	// setup initial state
	// ----------------------------------------------------------------------

	HashMap<StreamShardHandle, SequenceNumber> fakeRestoredState = getFakeRestoredStore("all");

	// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
	// mock operator state backend and initial state for initializeState()
	// ----------------------------------------------------------------------

	TestingListState<Tuple2<StreamShardMetadata, SequenceNumber>> listState = new TestingListState<>();
	for (Map.Entry<StreamShardHandle, SequenceNumber> state : fakeRestoredState.entrySet()) {
		listState.add(Tuple2.of(KinesisDataFetcher.convertToStreamShardMetadata(state.getKey()), state.getValue()));

	OperatorStateStore operatorStateStore = mock(OperatorStateStore.class);

	StateInitializationContext initializationContext = mock(StateInitializationContext.class);

	// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
	// mock fetcher
	// ----------------------------------------------------------------------

	KinesisDataFetcher mockedFetcher = mockKinesisDataFetcher();
	List<StreamShardHandle> shards = new ArrayList<>();

	// create a fake stream shard handle based on the first entry in the restored state
	final StreamShardHandle originalStreamShardHandle = fakeRestoredState.keySet().iterator().next();
	final StreamShardHandle closedStreamShardHandle = new StreamShardHandle(originalStreamShardHandle.getStreamName(), originalStreamShardHandle.getShard());
	// close the shard handle by setting an ending sequence number
	final SequenceNumberRange sequenceNumberRange = new SequenceNumberRange();



	// assume the given config is correct

	// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
	// start to test fetcher's initial state seeding
	// ----------------------------------------------------------------------

	TestableFlinkKinesisConsumer consumer = new TestableFlinkKinesisConsumer(
		"fakeStream", new Properties(), 10, 2);
	consumer.initializeState(initializationContext); Configuration());;

		new KinesisStreamShardState(KinesisDataFetcher.convertToStreamShardMetadata(closedStreamShardHandle),
			closedStreamShardHandle, fakeRestoredState.get(closedStreamShardHandle)));
Example 4
Source File:    From flink with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
private static String getShardIterator(StreamShardHandle shardHandle) {
	return shardHandle.getStreamName() + "-" + shardHandle.getShard().getShardId();
Example 5
Source File:    From flink with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
 * FLINK-8484: ensure that a state change in the StreamShardMetadata other than {@link StreamShardMetadata#getShardId()} or
 * {@link StreamShardMetadata#getStreamName()} does not result in the shard not being able to be restored.
 * This handles the corner case where the stored shard metadata is open (no ending sequence number), but after the
 * job restore, the shard has been closed (ending number set) due to re-sharding, and we can no longer rely on
 * {@link StreamShardMetadata#equals(Object)} to find back the sequence number in the collection of restored shard metadata.
 * <p></p>
 * Therefore, we will rely on synchronizing the snapshot's state with the Kinesis shard before attempting to find back
 * the sequence number to restore.
public void testFindSequenceNumberToRestoreFromIfTheShardHasBeenClosedSinceTheStateWasStored() throws Exception {
	// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
	// setup initial state
	// ----------------------------------------------------------------------

	HashMap<StreamShardHandle, SequenceNumber> fakeRestoredState = getFakeRestoredStore("all");

	// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
	// mock operator state backend and initial state for initializeState()
	// ----------------------------------------------------------------------

	TestingListState<Tuple2<StreamShardMetadata, SequenceNumber>> listState = new TestingListState<>();
	for (Map.Entry<StreamShardHandle, SequenceNumber> state : fakeRestoredState.entrySet()) {
		listState.add(Tuple2.of(KinesisDataFetcher.convertToStreamShardMetadata(state.getKey()), state.getValue()));

	OperatorStateStore operatorStateStore = mock(OperatorStateStore.class);

	StateInitializationContext initializationContext = mock(StateInitializationContext.class);

	// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
	// mock fetcher
	// ----------------------------------------------------------------------

	KinesisDataFetcher mockedFetcher = mockKinesisDataFetcher();
	List<StreamShardHandle> shards = new ArrayList<>();

	// create a fake stream shard handle based on the first entry in the restored state
	final StreamShardHandle originalStreamShardHandle = fakeRestoredState.keySet().iterator().next();
	final StreamShardHandle closedStreamShardHandle = new StreamShardHandle(originalStreamShardHandle.getStreamName(), originalStreamShardHandle.getShard());
	// close the shard handle by setting an ending sequence number
	final SequenceNumberRange sequenceNumberRange = new SequenceNumberRange();



	// assume the given config is correct

	// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
	// start to test fetcher's initial state seeding
	// ----------------------------------------------------------------------

	TestableFlinkKinesisConsumer consumer = new TestableFlinkKinesisConsumer(
		"fakeStream", new Properties(), 10, 2);
	consumer.initializeState(initializationContext); Configuration());;

		new KinesisStreamShardState(KinesisDataFetcher.convertToStreamShardMetadata(closedStreamShardHandle),
			closedStreamShardHandle, fakeRestoredState.get(closedStreamShardHandle)));
Example 6
Source File:    From flink with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
private static String getShardIterator(StreamShardHandle shardHandle) {
	return shardHandle.getStreamName() + "-" + shardHandle.getShard().getShardId();