Java Code Examples for javax.swing.JLabel#getText()

The following examples show how to use javax.swing.JLabel#getText() . You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example 1
Source File:    From ghidra with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
private void checkDisplayValues(Long latest, Long my, Long original) throws Exception {
	String latestExpected = getValueString(latest);
	String myExpected = getValueString(my);
	String originalExpected = getValueString(original);
	Window window = windowForComponent(getMergePanel());
	final VerticalChoicesPanel comp = findComponent(window, VerticalChoicesPanel.class);
	JLabel latestLabel = (JLabel) findComponentByName(comp, comp.getComponentName(1, 1));
	JLabel myLabel = (JLabel) findComponentByName(comp, comp.getComponentName(2, 1));
	JLabel originalLabel = (JLabel) findComponentByName(comp, comp.getComponentName(3, 1));
	String latestValue = latestLabel.getText();
	String myValue = myLabel.getText();
	String originalValue = originalLabel.getText();
	assertEquals(latestExpected, latestValue);
	assertEquals(myExpected, myValue);
	assertEquals(originalExpected, originalValue);
Example 2
Source File:    From jclic with GNU General Public License v2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
public Object clone() {
  AbstractBox bx = (AbstractBox) super.clone();
  if (specialShape)
    bx.shape = new Area(shape);
    bx.shape = bx;
  if (hostedComponent != null) {
    if (hostedComponent instanceof JLabel) {
      JLabel lb = (JLabel) hostedComponent;
      bx.hostedComponent = new JLabel(lb.getText(), lb.getIcon(), lb.getHorizontalAlignment());
      JComponent jc = bx.getContainerResolve();
      if (jc != null)
    } else
      bx.hostedComponent = null;
  return bx;
Example 3
Source File:    From netbeans with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
private static String computeFitText(JLabel label) {
    String text = label.getText();
    if(text == null) text = "";
    if (text.length() <= VISIBLE_START_CHARS + 3) return text;
    Icon icon = label.getIcon();
    int iconWidth = icon != null ? icon.getIconWidth() : 0;
    FontMetrics fm = label.getFontMetrics(label.getFont());
    int width = label.getSize().width - iconWidth;

    String sufix = "...";                                                   // NOI18N
    int sufixLength = fm.stringWidth(sufix);
    int desired = width - sufixLength;
    if (desired <= 0) return text;

    for (int i = 0; i <= text.length() - 1; i++) {
        String prefix = text.substring(0, i);
        int swidth = fm.stringWidth(prefix);
        if (swidth >= desired) {
            return prefix.length() > 0 ? prefix + sufix: text;
    return text;
Example 4
Source File:    From visualvm with GNU General Public License v2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
private String layout(JLabel label, FontMetrics fm, int width, int height) {
    Insets insets = label.getInsets(paintViewInsets);
    String text = label.getText();
    Icon icon = (label.isEnabled()) ? label.getIcon() : label.getDisabledIcon();
    paintViewR.x = insets.left;
    paintViewR.y =;

    if (vertical) {
        paintViewR.height = width - (insets.left + insets.right);
        paintViewR.width = height - ( + insets.bottom);
    } else {
        paintViewR.width = width - (insets.left + insets.right);
        paintViewR.height = height - ( + insets.bottom);

    paintIconR.x = paintIconR.y = paintIconR.width = paintIconR.height = 0;
    paintTextR.x = paintTextR.y = paintTextR.width = paintTextR.height = 0;
    return layoutCL(label, fm, text, icon, paintViewR, paintIconR, paintTextR);
Example 5
Source File:    From pumpernickel with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
protected void calculateGeometry(JLabel label) {
	FontMetrics fm = label.getFontMetrics(label.getFont());
	String text = label.getText();
	Icon icon = label.getIcon();
	int verticalAlignment = label.getVerticalAlignment();
	int horizontalAlignment = label.getHorizontalAlignment();
	int verticalTextPosition = label.getVerticalTextPosition();
	int horizontalTextPosition = label.getHorizontalTextPosition();
	int textIconGap = label.getIconTextGap();
	viewR.setFrame(0, 0, getViewWidth(label), label.getHeight());
	SwingUtilities.layoutCompoundLabel(fm, text, icon, verticalAlignment,
			horizontalAlignment, verticalTextPosition,
			horizontalTextPosition, viewR, iconRect, textRect, textIconGap);

	textRect.x = label.getWidth() / 2 - textRect.width / 2;
	iconRect.x = label.getWidth() / 2 - iconRect.width / 2;
	iconRect.y = 0;
	textRect.y = iconRect.height + label.getIconTextGap();
Example 6
Source File:    From pumpernickel with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
protected void paintText(Graphics2D g, JLabel label, String text,
		boolean isSelected, boolean isIndicated) {
	if (isSelected) {
		roundRect.setRoundRect(textRect.x - 4, textRect.y,
				textRect.width + 8, textRect.height, 16, 16);
	} else {
	super.paintText(g, label, label.getText(), isSelected, isIndicated);
Example 7
Source File:    From slick2d-maven with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 5 votes vote down vote up
 * @see javax.swing.DefaultListCellRenderer#getListCellRendererComponent(javax.swing.JList, java.lang.Object, int, boolean, boolean)
public Component getListCellRendererComponent(JList list, final Object value, int index, boolean isSelected, boolean cellHasFocus) {
	JLabel label = (JLabel) super.getListCellRendererComponent(list, value, index, isSelected,
	final JCheckBox box = new JCheckBox(label.getText());
	box.setSelected(((ConfigurableEmitter) value).isEnabled());
	checks.put(value, box);
	return box;
Example 8
Source File:    From Spark with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
protected String getSelectedUser() {
	JLabel label = (JLabel) participantsList.getSelectedValue();
	if (label != null) {
		return label.getText();

	return null;
Example 9
Source File:    From swing_library with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Adjusts the column width of the row headers table containg the number
 * column. The font metrics are extracted from the label of the row at the
 * bottom of the viewport and used to determing the appropriate width.
 * The reason why this method is important, is that when the row number increases by an extra digit
 * the column needs to get wider. It also needs to shrink when scrolling to smaller digit numbers.
 * @param rowHeadersTable - single column table in the row header
 * @param label - label used to get font metrics
 * @param scrollBarValue - int value for determing point of lowest row
private static void adjustColumnWidth(final JTable rowHeadersTable, final JLabel label, int scrollBarValue) {

	int v = rowHeadersTable.getVisibleRect().height;

	int row = rowHeadersTable.rowAtPoint(new Point(0, v + scrollBarValue));

	Integer modelValue = null;
	if (row != -1) {
		modelValue = (Integer) rowHeadersTable.getModel().getValueAt(row, 0);
	} else {
		RowHeadersTableModel tm = (RowHeadersTableModel) rowHeadersTable.getModel();
		modelValue = new Integer(tm.getMaxIntValue());

	label.setText("" + modelValue);
	FontMetrics fontMetrics = label.getFontMetrics(label.getFont());

	int widthFactor = 0;

	if (fontMetrics != null && label.getText() != null) {
		widthFactor = fontMetrics.stringWidth(label.getText());

		rowHeadersTable.setPreferredScrollableViewportSize(new Dimension(widthFactor + 8, 100)); // height
																									// is
																									// ignored
Example 10
Source File:    From osp with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Returns the rendered component.
public Component getTableCellRendererComponent(JTable table, Object value, boolean isSelected, boolean hasFocus, int row, int column) {      
	Component c = baseRenderer.getTableCellRendererComponent(table, value, isSelected, hasFocus, row, column);
	if (c instanceof JLabel && units!=null) {
		JLabel label = (JLabel)c;
		if (label.getText()!=null && !label.getText().equals("")) //$NON-NLS-1$
	return c;
Example 11
Source File:    From seaglass with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public int getBaseline(JComponent c, int width, int height) {
    if (c == null) {
        throw new NullPointerException("Component must be non-null");
    if (width < 0 || height < 0) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Width and height must be >= 0");
    JLabel label = (JLabel) c;
    String text = label.getText();
    if (text == null || "".equals(text)) {
        return -1;
    Insets i = label.getInsets();
    Rectangle viewRect = new Rectangle();
    Rectangle textRect = new Rectangle();
    Rectangle iconRect = new Rectangle();
    viewRect.x = i.left;
    viewRect.y =;
    viewRect.width = width - (i.right + viewRect.x);
    viewRect.height = height - (i.bottom + viewRect.y);

    // layout the text and icon
    SeaGlassContext context = getContext(label);
    FontMetrics fm = context.getComponent().getFontMetrics(context.getStyle().getFont(context));
    context.getStyle().getGraphicsUtils(context).layoutText(context, fm, label.getText(), label.getIcon(),
        label.getHorizontalAlignment(), label.getVerticalAlignment(), label.getHorizontalTextPosition(),
        label.getVerticalTextPosition(), viewRect, iconRect, textRect, label.getIconTextGap());
    View view = (View) label.getClientProperty(BasicHTML.propertyKey);
    int baseline;
    if (view != null) {
        baseline = BasicHTML.getHTMLBaseline(view, textRect.width, textRect.height);
        if (baseline >= 0) {
            baseline += textRect.y;
    } else {
        baseline = textRect.y + fm.getAscent();
    return baseline;
Example 12
Source File:    From dsworkbench with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public Component getTableCellRendererComponent(JTable table, Object value, boolean isSelected, boolean hasFocus, int row, int column) {
    Component c = super.getTableCellRendererComponent(table, value, isSelected, hasFocus, row, column);
    JLabel l = (JLabel) c;
    String text = l.getText();
    l.setText("<html><head>" + BBCodeFormatter.getStyles() + "</head><body><nobr>" + BBCodeFormatter.toHtml(text) + "</nobr></body></html>");
    l.setToolTipText("<html><head>" + BBCodeFormatter.getStyles() + "</head><body>" + BBCodeFormatter.toHtml(text) + "</body></html>");
    return l;
Example 13
Source File:    From SmartIM with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public BlingTimer(Component tab, String name) {
    super(300, null);
    component = tab;
    if (component != null && component instanceof JPanel) {
        label = (JLabel)((JPanel)component).getComponent(0);
        src = label.getText();
        if (src == null || src.isEmpty()) {
            src = name;
        d = label.getSize();
Example 14
Source File:    From marathonv5 with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public String getLabeledBy() {
    if (getComponent() instanceof JComponent) {
        try {
            JLabel label = (JLabel) ((JComponent) getComponent()).getClientProperty("labeledBy");
            if (label != null && label.getText() != null && !label.getText().equals("")) {
                return stripLastColon(label.getText().trim());
        } catch (ClassCastException e) {
    return null;
Example 15
Source File:    From ghidra with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
private void checkStatusMessage(String expectedMessage) {
	PluginTool pluginTool = plugin.getTool();
	DockingWindowManager windowManager = pluginTool.getWindowManager();
	Object rootNode = TestUtils.invokeInstanceMethod("getRootNode", windowManager);
	StatusBar statusBar = (StatusBar) TestUtils.getInstanceField("statusBar", rootNode);
	JLabel statusLabel = (JLabel) TestUtils.getInstanceField("statusLabel", statusBar);
	String statusMessage = statusLabel.getText();
	assertEquals(expectedMessage, statusMessage);
Example 16
Source File:    From ghidra with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
private int getTagConflictCount() throws Exception {
	VerticalChoicesPanel mergePanel = getMergePanel(VerticalChoicesPanel.class);
	JLabel header = (JLabel) TestUtils.getInstanceField("headerLabel", mergePanel);
	String headerStr = header.getText();
	headerStr = headerStr.replaceAll("[^0-9]+", " ");
	String[] numbers = headerStr.trim().split(" ");
	if (numbers.length >= 2) {
		return Integer.valueOf(numbers[1]);

	return -1;
Example 17
Source File:    From mars-sim with GNU General Public License v3.0 4 votes vote down vote up
   public void paint(Graphics g, JComponent c) {
       JLabel label = (JLabel)c;
       String text = label.getText();
       Icon icon = (label.isEnabled()) ? label.getIcon() : label.getDisabledIcon();

       if ((icon == null) && (text == null)) {

       FontMetrics fm = g.getFontMetrics();
       paintViewInsets = c.getInsets(paintViewInsets);

       paintViewR.x = paintViewInsets.left;
       paintViewR.y =;

   	// Use inverted height &amp; width
       paintViewR.height = c.getWidth() - (paintViewInsets.left + paintViewInsets.right);
       paintViewR.width = c.getHeight() - ( + paintViewInsets.bottom);

       paintIconR.x = paintIconR.y = paintIconR.width = paintIconR.height = 0;
       paintTextR.x = paintTextR.y = paintTextR.width = paintTextR.height = 0;

       String clippedText = layoutCL(label, fm, text, icon, paintViewR, paintIconR, paintTextR);

   	Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D) g;
   	AffineTransform tr = g2.getTransform();
   	if (clockwise) {
           g2.rotate( Math.PI / 2 );
           g2.translate( 0, - c.getWidth() );
   	} else {
           g2.rotate( - Math.PI / 2 );
           g2.translate( - c.getHeight(), 0 );

   	if (icon != null) {
           icon.paintIcon(c, g, paintIconR.x, paintIconR.y);

       if (text != null) {
           int textX = paintTextR.x;
           int textY = paintTextR.y + fm.getAscent();

           if (label.isEnabled()) {
               paintEnabledText(label, g, clippedText, textX, textY);
           } else {
               paintDisabledText(label, g, clippedText, textX, textY);
g2.setTransform( tr );
Example 18
Source File:    From ghidra with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
protected String getStringValue(ROW_OBJECT rowObject, int column) {
	// we have to account for 'magic' hidden columns
	if (columnModel instanceof GTableColumnModel) {
		if (!((GTableColumnModel) columnModel).isVisible(column)) {
			return null;

	if (columnUsesConstraintFilteringOnly(column)) {
		// This allows columns to be ignored for default text filtering while still being
		// filterable through the column constraints API
		return null;

	// note: this call can be slow when columns dynamically calculate values from the database
	Object value = model.getColumnValueForRow(rowObject, column);
	if (value == null) {
		return null;

	 	Methods for turning the cell value into a string to be filtered (in preference order):
	 		1) Use the dynamic column's renderer (if applicable), as this is the most
	 		   direct way for clients to specify the filter value
	 		2) See if the value is an instance of DisplayStringProvider, which describes how
	 		   it should be rendered
	 		3) See if it is a label (this is uncommon)
	 		4) Rely on the toString(); this works as intended for Strings.  This is the 
	 		   default way that built-in table cell renderers will generate display text

	// 1)
	String renderedString = getRenderedColumnValue(value, column);
	if (renderedString != null) {
		return renderedString;

	// 2) special plug-in point where clients can specify a value object that can return 
	// its display string
	if (value instanceof DisplayStringProvider) {
		return ((DisplayStringProvider) value).toString();

	// 3
	if (value instanceof JLabel) { // some models do this odd thing
		JLabel label = (JLabel) value;
		String valueString = label.getText();
		return valueString == null ? "" : valueString;

	// 4)
	return value.toString();
Example 19
Source File:    From visualvm with GNU General Public License v2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public void paint(Graphics g, JComponent c) {
      JLabel label = (JLabel)c;
      String text = label.getText();
      Icon icon = label.isEnabled() ? label.getIcon() : label.getDisabledIcon();

      if (icon == null && text == null) return;

      Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D) g;
  	AffineTransform transform = null;

      if (rotation != ROTATE_0) {
          transform = g2.getTransform();
          if (rotation == ROTATE_90) {
              g2.translate(0, -c.getWidth());
          } else if (rotation == ROTATE_180) {
              g2.translate(-c.getWidth(), -c.getHeight());
          } else if (rotation == ROTATE_270) {
              g2.translate(-c.getHeight(), 0);

      FontMetrics fm = g.getFontMetrics();
      String clippedText = layout(label, fm, c.getWidth(), c.getHeight());

      if (icon != null) icon.paintIcon(c, g, paintIconR.x, paintIconR.y);

      if (text != null) {
   View v = (View)c.getClientProperty(BasicHTML.propertyKey);
   if (v != null) {
v.paint(g, paintTextR);
   } else {
int textX = paintTextR.x;
int textY = paintTextR.y + fm.getAscent();

if (label.isEnabled()) {
    paintEnabledText(label, g, clippedText, textX, textY);
} else {
    paintDisabledText(label, g, clippedText, textX, textY);

      if (transform != null) g2.setTransform(transform);
Example 20
Source File:    From netbeans with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public String getText(String cellName) {
    JLabel cell = getCellByName(cellName);
    return (cell != null) ? cell.getText() : null;