Java Code Examples for com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Coordinate#equals3D()

The following examples show how to use com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Coordinate#equals3D() . You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example 1
Source File:    From jts with GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 4 votes vote down vote up
public static double distancePointSegment(Coordinate p,
		Coordinate A, Coordinate B) {
    // if start = end, then just compute distance to one of the endpoints
    if (A.equals3D(B))
      return distance(p, A);

    // otherwise use Frequently Asked Questions method
     * (1) r = AC dot AB 
     *         --------- 
     *         ||AB||^2 
     * r has the following meaning: 
     *   r=0 P = A 
     *   r=1 P = B 
     *   r<0 P is on the backward extension of AB 
     *   r>1 P is on the forward extension of AB 
     *   0<r<1 P is interior to AB

    double len2 = (B.x - A.x) * (B.x - A.x) + (B.y - A.y) * (B.y - A.y) + (B.z - A.z) * (B.z - A.z);
    if (Double.isNaN(len2))
    	throw new IllegalArgumentException("Ordinates must not be NaN");
    double r = ((p.x - A.x) * (B.x - A.x) + (p.y - A.y) * (B.y - A.y) + (p.z - A.z) * (B.z - A.z))
        / len2;

    if (r <= 0.0)
      return distance(p, A);
    if (r >= 1.0)
      return distance(p, B);

    // compute closest point q on line segment
    double qx = A.x + r * (B.x - A.x);
    double qy = A.y + r * (B.y - A.y);
    double qz = A.z + r * (B.z - A.z);
    // result is distance from p to q
    double dx = p.x - qx;
    double dy = p.y - qy;
    double dz = p.z - qz;
    return Math.sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy + dz*dz);
Example 2
Source File:    From jts with GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 4 votes vote down vote up
 * Computes the distance between two 3D segments.
 * @param A the start point of the first segment
 * @param B the end point of the first segment
 * @param C the start point of the second segment
 * @param D the end point of the second segment
 * @return the distance between the segments
public static double distanceSegmentSegment(
		Coordinate A, Coordinate B, Coordinate C, Coordinate D) 
	 * This calculation is susceptible to roundoff errors when 
	 * passed large ordinate values.
	 * It may be possible to improve this by using {@link DD} arithmetic.
    if (A.equals3D(B))
	      return distancePointSegment(A, C, D);
    if (C.equals3D(B))
	      return distancePointSegment(C, A, B);
     * Algorithm derived from
	double a =, B, A, B);
	double b =, B, C, D);
	double c =, D, C, D);
	double d =, B, C, A);
	double e =, D, C, A);
	double denom = a*c - b*b;
    if (Double.isNaN(denom))
    	throw new IllegalArgumentException("Ordinates must not be NaN");
	double s;
	double t;
	if (denom <= 0.0) {
		 * The lines are parallel. 
		 * In this case solve for the parameters s and t by assuming s is 0.
		s = 0;
		// choose largest denominator for optimal numeric conditioning
		if (b > c)
			t = d/b;
			t = e/c;
	else {
		s = (b*e - c*d) / denom;
		t = (a*e - b*d) / denom;
	if (s < 0) 
		return distancePointSegment(A, C, D);
	else if (s > 1)
		return distancePointSegment(B, C, D);
	else if (t < 0)	
		return distancePointSegment(C, A, B);
	else if(t > 1) {
		return distancePointSegment(D, A, B);
	 * The closest points are in interiors of segments,
	 * so compute them directly
	double x1 = A.x + s * (B.x - A.x);
	double y1 = A.y + s * (B.y - A.y);
	double z1 = A.z + s * (B.z - A.z);

	double x2 = C.x + t * (D.x - C.x);
	double y2 = C.y + t * (D.y - C.y);
	double z2 = C.z + t * (D.z - C.z);
	// length (p1-p2)
	return distance(new Coordinate(x1, y1, z1), new Coordinate(x2, y2, z2));