Java Code Examples for

The following examples show how to use . You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example 1
Source File:    From JAADAS with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
private void collectIntentFilters(AXmlNode node)
    String componentName = (String) node.getAttribute("name").getValue();
    if(node.getChildrenWithTag("intent-filter").size() != 0) {
        List<IntentFilter> intentFilters = new ArrayList<>();
        List<AXmlNode> currentFilters = node.getChildrenWithTag("intent-filter");
        for(AXmlNode filter: currentFilters)
            IntentFilter intentFilter = new IntentFilter();
            //collect action
            List<AXmlNode> actionNodes = filter.getChildrenWithTag("action");
            //assume action size == 1
            List<String> actions = new ArrayList<>();
            for(AXmlNode actionNode: actionNodes)
                actions.add((String) actionNode.getAttribute("name").getValue());
            List<AXmlNode> categoryNodes = filter.getChildrenWithTag("category");
            //assume action size == 1
            List<String> categories = new ArrayList<>();
            for(AXmlNode categoryNode: categoryNodes)
                categories.add((String) categoryNode.getAttribute("name").getValue());

        this.filters.put(expandClassName(componentName), intentFilters);
        this.filters.put(expandClassName(componentName), Collections.<IntentFilter>emptyList());
Example 2
Source File:    From DroidForce with GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 4 votes vote down vote up
 * Get the name of the main activity in the AndroidManifest.xml file
 * @param apkFileLocation
 * @return
public static String getMainActivityName(String apkFileLocation) {
	String mainActivityName = null;
	try {
		ProcessManifest pm = new ProcessManifest(apkFileLocation);
		AXmlHandler axmlh = pm.getAXml(); 
		// Find main activity and remove main intent-filter
		List<AXmlNode> anodes = axmlh.getNodesWithTag("activity");
		for (AXmlNode an: anodes) {
			boolean hasMain = false;
			boolean hasLauncher = false;
			AXmlNode filter = null;
			AXmlAttribute aname = an.getAttribute("name");
			String aval = (String)aname.getValue();
			System.out.println("activity: "+ aval);
			for (AXmlNode ch : an.getChildren()) {
				System.out.println("children: "+ ch);
			List<AXmlNode> fnodes = an.getChildrenWithTag("intent-filter");
			for (AXmlNode fn: fnodes) {
				hasMain = false;
				hasLauncher = false;
				// check action
				List<AXmlNode> acnodes = fn.getChildrenWithTag("action");
				for (AXmlNode acn: acnodes) {
					AXmlAttribute acname = acn.getAttribute("name");
					String acval = (String)acname.getValue();
					System.out.println("action: "+ acval);
					if (acval.equals("android.intent.action.MAIN")) {
						hasMain = true;
				// check category
				List<AXmlNode> catnodes = fn.getChildrenWithTag("category");
				for (AXmlNode catn: catnodes) {
					AXmlAttribute catname = catn.getAttribute("name");
					String catval = (String)catname.getValue();
					System.out.println("category: "+ catval);
					if (catval.equals("android.intent.category.LAUNCHER")) {
						hasLauncher = true;
						filter = fn;
				if (hasLauncher && hasMain) {
			if (hasLauncher && hasMain) {
				// replace name with the activity waiting for the connection to the PDP
				System.out.println("main activity is: "+ aval);
				System.out.println("excluding filter: "+ filter);
				mainActivityName = aval;
	} catch (IOException | XmlPullParserException ex) {
		System.err.println("Could not read Android manifest file: " + ex.getMessage());
		throw new RuntimeException(ex);

	return mainActivityName;