Java Code Examples for processing.core.PApplet#translate()

The following examples show how to use processing.core.PApplet#translate() . You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example 1
Source File:    From haxademic with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
public static void drawPointsWithAudio( PApplet p, WETriangleMesh mesh, AudioInputWrapper audioData, float spectrumFaceRatio, float pointSize, TColor fillColor, TColor strokeColor, float baseAlpha ) {
	p.rectMode( P.CENTER );
	int faceIndex = 0;
	int color = fillColor.toARGB();
	Face f;
	float alpha;
	baseAlpha = baseAlpha * 255;
	for (Iterator<Face> i = mesh.faces.iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
		if( faceIndex % 2 == 0 ) {
			// set colors
			alpha = audioData.getFFT().spectrum[(int)(faceIndex/spectrumFaceRatio) % 512] * 1.3f;
			p.fill( color, baseAlpha + alpha * 255 );
			f = (Face);
			Vec3D center = f.getCentroid();
			p.translate( center.x, center.y, center.z );
			p.rotateX( f.normal.x );
			p.rotateY( f.normal.y );
			p.rotateZ( f.normal.z );
			p.rect( 0, 0, pointSize + pointSize * alpha, pointSize + pointSize * alpha );
		faceIndex ++;
Example 2
Source File:    From haxademic with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
public void drawPointCloudForRect( PApplet p, boolean mirrored, int pixelSkip, float alpha, float scale, float depthClose, float depthFar, int top, int right, int bottom, int left ) {

	// Translate and rotate
	int curZ;
	// Scale up by 200
	float scaleFactor = scale;
	for (int x = left; x < right; x += pixelSkip) {
		for (int y = top; y < bottom; y += pixelSkip) {
			curZ = getDepthAt(x, y);
			// draw a point within the specified depth range
			if( curZ > depthClose && curZ < depthFar ) {
				p.fill( 255, alpha * 255f );
			} else {
				p.fill( 255, 0, 0, alpha * 255f );
			p.translate( x * scaleFactor, y * scaleFactor, scaleFactor * curZ/40f );
			// Draw a point
			p.point(0, 0);
			p.rect(0, 0, 4, 4);
Example 3
Source File:    From haxademic with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
public void drawPointCloudForRect( PApplet p, boolean mirrored, int pixelSkip, float alpha, float scale, float depthClose, float depthFar, int top, int right, int bottom, int left ) {

	// Translate and rotate
	int curZ;
	// Scale up by 200
	float scaleFactor = scale;
	for (int x = left; x < right; x += pixelSkip) {
		for (int y = top; y < bottom; y += pixelSkip) {
			curZ = getDepthAt(x, y);
			// draw a point within the specified depth range
			if( curZ > depthClose && curZ < depthFar ) {
				p.fill( 255, alpha * 255f );
			} else {
				p.fill( 255, 0, 0, alpha * 255f );
			p.translate( x * scaleFactor, y * scaleFactor, scaleFactor * curZ/40f );
			// Draw a point
			p.point(0, 0);
			p.rect(0, 0, 4, 4);
Example 4
Source File:    From haxademic with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
public void drawDisc( PApplet p, float radius, float innerRadius, int numSegments, float offsetRads, float childDistAmp, int level, float x, float y ) {
		float segmentRads = P.TWO_PI / numSegments;
//		float halfThickness = lineWeight.value() / 2f;
		float leveActiveAmp = (level < 20) ? levelsActive[level].value() : 0;
		float nextRadius = radius * iterateShrink.value() * leveActiveAmp;
		float nextInnerRadius = innerRadius * iterateShrink.value() * leveActiveAmp;
		nextInnerRadius = nextRadius - lineWeight.value() * leveActiveAmp;
		offsetRads = (offsetRads == 0) ? (segmentRads / 2f) * offsetRotation.value() : 0;
		if(level < 1) offsetRads = 0;
		for( int i = 0; i < numSegments; i++ ) {
			// calc vertex
			float curRads = startRads + i * segmentRads + offsetRads;
			float nextRads = startRads + (i + 1) * segmentRads + offsetRads;
			// draw polygon mesh
			p.vertex( P.cos( curRads ) * innerRadius, 	P.sin( curRads ) * innerRadius );
			p.vertex( P.cos( curRads ) * radius, 		P.sin( curRads ) * radius );
			p.vertex( P.cos( nextRads ) * radius, 		P.sin( nextRads ) * radius );
			p.vertex( P.cos( curRads ) * innerRadius, 	P.sin( curRads ) * innerRadius );
			p.vertex( P.cos( nextRads ) * innerRadius, 	P.sin( nextRads ) * innerRadius );
			p.vertex( P.cos( nextRads ) * radius, 		P.sin( nextRads ) * radius );
			// update analysis
			numVertices += 6;
			minY = P.min(minY, y + P.sin( curRads ) * radius);
			maxY = P.max(maxY, y + P.sin( curRads ) * radius);
			// draw radial sticks
			if(radialConnections.value() > 0 && level < 99) {
				p.strokeWeight(lineWeight.value() * radialConnections.value());
				p.line(0, 0, P.cos( curRads ) * innerRadius, P.sin( curRads ) * innerRadius);
			// draw circle
			if(circleRadius.value() > 0.0f && (level == || == 0) && level < 99) {
				float circleR = radius * circleRadius.value();
				float circleInnerR = circleR - lineWeight.value() / 2f;
				if((numVertices < 300000 || RENDERING == true) && circleR > 1) drawDisc(p, circleR, circleInnerR, circleResolution, offsetRads, 999, 999, x, y);
			// draw children 
			if(level < && radius > 1) {
				// draw child polygon at vertices
				float radiusFromParent = (radius - ((radius - innerRadius)));
				radiusFromParent *= childDistAmp;
				float xAdd = P.cos( curRads ) * radiusFromParent;
				float yAdd = P.sin( curRads ) * radiusFromParent;
				p.translate(xAdd, yAdd);	// recursion makes this additive
				if(numVertices < 300000 || RENDERING == true) drawDisc(p, nextRadius, nextInnerRadius, numSegments, offsetRads, childDistAmp, level + 1, x + xAdd, y + yAdd);
				// draw stick from parent to child
//				if(radialConnections.value() > 0 && level < 99) {
//					p.pushStyle();
//					p.stroke(255);
//					p.strokeWeight(lineWeight.value() * radialConnections.value());
//					p.line(0, 0, xAdd, yAdd);
//					p.popStyle();
//				}
Example 5
Source File:    From haxademic with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
public void drawPolygon( PApplet p, float radius, float innerRadius, int numSegments, float offsetRads, float childDistAmp, int level, float x, float y ) {
		float segmentRads = P.TWO_PI / numSegments;
//		float halfThickness = lineWeight.value() / 2f;
		float leveActiveAmp = (level < 20) ? levelsActive[level].value() : 0;
		float nextRadius = radius * iterateShrink.value() * leveActiveAmp;
		float nextInnerRadius = innerRadius * iterateShrink.value() * leveActiveAmp;
		nextInnerRadius = nextRadius - lineWeight.value() * leveActiveAmp;
		offsetRads = (offsetRads == 0) ? (segmentRads / 2f) * offsetRotation.value() : 0;
		if(level < 1) offsetRads = 0;
		for( int i = 0; i < numSegments; i++ ) {
			// calc vertex
			float curRads = startRads + i * segmentRads + offsetRads;
			float nextRads = startRads + (i + 1) * segmentRads + offsetRads;
			// draw polygon mesh
			p.vertex( P.cos( curRads ) * innerRadius, 	P.sin( curRads ) * innerRadius );
			p.vertex( P.cos( curRads ) * radius, 		P.sin( curRads ) * radius );
			p.vertex( P.cos( nextRads ) * radius, 		P.sin( nextRads ) * radius );
			p.vertex( P.cos( curRads ) * innerRadius, 	P.sin( curRads ) * innerRadius );
			p.vertex( P.cos( nextRads ) * innerRadius, 	P.sin( nextRads ) * innerRadius );
			p.vertex( P.cos( nextRads ) * radius, 		P.sin( nextRads ) * radius );
			// update analysis
			numVertices += 6;
			minY = P.min(minY, y + P.sin( curRads ) * radius);
			maxY = P.max(maxY, y + P.sin( curRads ) * radius);
			// draw circles at vertices
			if(level < - 1) {
				if(circleRadius.value() > 0.0f && (level == || == 0) && level < 99) {
					float circleR = radius * circleRadius.value();
					float circleInnerR = circleR - lineWeight.value() / 2f;
					p.translate(P.cos( curRads ) * innerRadius, P.sin( curRads ) * innerRadius);
					if(circleR > 1) drawPolygon(p, circleR, circleInnerR, circleResolution, offsetRads, 999, 999, x, y);
			// draw radial sticks
			if(radialConnections.value() > 0 && level < 99) {
				p.strokeWeight(lineWeight.value() * radialConnections.value());
				p.line(0, 0, P.cos( curRads ) * innerRadius, P.sin( curRads ) * innerRadius);
			// draw children 
			if(level < && radius > 1) {
				// draw child polygon at vertices
				float radiusFromParent = (radius - ((radius - innerRadius)));
				radiusFromParent *= childDistAmp;
				float xAdd = P.cos( curRads ) * radiusFromParent;
				float yAdd = P.sin( curRads ) * radiusFromParent;
				p.translate(xAdd, yAdd);	// recursion makes this additive
				drawPolygon(p, nextRadius, nextInnerRadius, numSegments, offsetRads, childDistAmp, level + 1, x + xAdd, y + yAdd);
				// draw stick from parent to child
//				if(radialConnections.value() > 0 && level < 99) {
//					p.pushStyle();
//					p.stroke(255);
//					p.strokeWeight(lineWeight.value() * radialConnections.value());
//					p.line(0, 0, xAdd, yAdd);
//					p.popStyle();
//				}
			// draw circle from center of shape
//			if(circleRadius.value() > 0.0f && (level == || == 0) && level < 99) {
//				float circleR = radius * circleRadius.value();
//				float circleInnerR = circleR - lineWeight.value() / 2f;
//				if(circleR > 1) drawPolygon(p, circleR, circleInnerR, circleResolution, offsetRads, 999, 999, x, y);
//			}