Java Code Examples for org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFSheet#setColumnWidth()

The following examples show how to use org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFSheet#setColumnWidth() . You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example 1
Source File:    From unitime with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
private ClientAnchorDetail fitImageToColumns(HSSFSheet sheet, int colNumber, double reqImageWidthMM, int resizeBehaviour) {
    double colWidthMM;
    double colCoordinatesPerMM;
    int pictureWidthCoordinates;
    ClientAnchorDetail colClientAnchorDetail = null;

    colWidthMM = ConvertImageUnits.widthUnits2Millimetres((short)sheet.getColumnWidth(colNumber));

    if (colWidthMM < reqImageWidthMM) {
        if (resizeBehaviour == EXPAND_COLUMN || resizeBehaviour == EXPAND_ROW_AND_COLUMN) {
        	sheet.setColumnWidth(colNumber, ConvertImageUnits.millimetres2WidthUnits(reqImageWidthMM));
        	colWidthMM = reqImageWidthMM;
            colCoordinatesPerMM = ConvertImageUnits.TOTAL_COLUMN_COORDINATE_POSITIONS / colWidthMM;
            pictureWidthCoordinates = (int)(reqImageWidthMM * colCoordinatesPerMM);
            colClientAnchorDetail = new ClientAnchorDetail(colNumber, colNumber, pictureWidthCoordinates);
        } else if (resizeBehaviour == OVERLAY_ROW_AND_COLUMN || resizeBehaviour == EXPAND_ROW) {
        	colClientAnchorDetail = calculateColumnLocation(sheet, colNumber, reqImageWidthMM);
    } else {
    	colCoordinatesPerMM = ConvertImageUnits.TOTAL_COLUMN_COORDINATE_POSITIONS / colWidthMM;
        pictureWidthCoordinates = (int)(reqImageWidthMM * colCoordinatesPerMM);
        colClientAnchorDetail = new ClientAnchorDetail(colNumber, colNumber, pictureWidthCoordinates);
Example 2
Source File:    From with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public void test_001()
    HSSFWorkbook v_Workbook = new HSSFWorkbook();
    HSSFSheet    v_Sheet    = v_Workbook.createSheet("测试单元格颜色");
    v_Sheet.setColumnWidth(0 ,2560);
    for (int v_RowIndex=0; v_RowIndex<4000; v_RowIndex++)
        HSSFRow v_Row = v_Sheet.createRow(v_RowIndex);
        for (int v_ColIndex=0; v_ColIndex<1; v_ColIndex++)
            HSSFCell      v_Cell = v_Row.createCell(v_ColIndex);
            HSSFCellStyle v_CellStyle = v_Workbook.createCellStyle();
            v_CellStyle.setFillForegroundColor((short)(v_RowIndex + 1));
            v_Cell.setCellValue("" + (v_RowIndex + 1));
    } ,"/Users/hy/Downloads/测试2003版本的单元格颜色");
Example 3
Source File:    From phone with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * 自动重置列宽
 * @param sheet
 * @param columnJson
void autoSheetWidth(HSSFSheet sheet){
	Set<String> keySet = getColumnJson().keySet();
	int i = 0;
	for (String key : keySet) {
		Integer width = columnMaxValue.get(key);
		if (width!=null&&width>0) {
			sheet.setColumnWidth(i, width);
Example 4
Source File:    From danyuan-application with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
 * @方法名 copySheet
 * @功能 复制sheet
 * @参数 @param sheetFrom
 * @参数 @param sheetTo
 * @参数 @return
 * @返回 HSSFSheet
 * @author Administrator
 * @throws
private static HSSFSheet copySheet(HSSFSheet sheetFrom, HSSFSheet sheetTo) {
	// 初期化
	CellRangeAddress region = null;
	Row rowFrom = null;
	Row rowTo = null;
	Cell cellFrom = null;
	Cell cellTo = null;
	// セル結合のコピー
	for (int i = 0; i < sheetFrom.getNumMergedRegions(); i++) {
		region = sheetFrom.getMergedRegion(i);
		if ((region.getFirstColumn() >= sheetFrom.getFirstRowNum()) && (region.getLastRow() <= sheetFrom.getLastRowNum())) {
	// セルのコピー
	for (int intRow = sheetFrom.getFirstRowNum(); intRow <= sheetFrom.getLastRowNum(); intRow++) {
		rowFrom = sheetFrom.getRow(intRow);
		rowTo = sheetTo.createRow(intRow);
		if (null == rowFrom) {
		for (int intCol = 0; intCol < rowFrom.getLastCellNum(); intCol++) {
			// セル幅のコピー
			sheetTo.setDefaultColumnStyle(intCol, sheetFrom.getColumnStyle(intCol));
			sheetTo.setColumnWidth(intCol, sheetFrom.getColumnWidth(intCol));
			cellFrom = rowFrom.getCell(intCol);
			cellTo = rowTo.createCell(intCol);
			if (null == cellFrom) {
			// セルスタイルとタイプのコピー
			// タイトル内容のコピー
			// 不同数据类型处理
			int cellFromType = cellFrom.getCellType();
			if (cellFromType == HSSFCell.CELL_TYPE_NUMERIC) {
				if (HSSFDateUtil.isCellDateFormatted(cellFrom)) {
				} else {
			} else if (cellFromType == HSSFCell.CELL_TYPE_STRING) {
			} else if (cellFromType == HSSFCell.CELL_TYPE_BLANK) {
				// nothing21
			} else if (cellFromType == HSSFCell.CELL_TYPE_BOOLEAN) {
			} else if (cellFromType == HSSFCell.CELL_TYPE_ERROR) {
			} else if (cellFromType == HSSFCell.CELL_TYPE_FORMULA) {
			} else { // nothing29
	// 枠線の設定
	// sheetTo.setDisplayGuts(true);
	// sheetTo.setDisplayRowColHeadings(true);
	// 剪切
	// sheetTo.shiftRows(13, 15, 31, false, false, false);
	// Excelのズーム設定
	sheetTo.setZoom(85, 100);
	// シートを戻る。
	return sheetTo;
Example 5
Source File:    From kbase-doc with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
 * Determines whether the sheets columns should be re-sized to accomodate
 * the image, adjusts the columns width if necessary and creates then
 * returns a ClientAnchorDetail object that facilitates construction of
 * an HSSFClientAnchor that will fix the image on the sheet and establish
 * it's size.
 * @param sheet A reference to the sheet that will 'contain' the image.
 * @param colNumber A primtive int that contains the index number of a
 *                  column on the sheet.
 * @param reqImageWidthMM A primtive double that contains the required
 *                        width of the image in millimetres
 * @param resizeBehaviour A primitve int whose value will indicate how the
 *                        width of the column should be adjusted if the
 *                        required width of the image is greater than the
 *                        width of the column.
 * @return An instance of the ClientAnchorDetail class that will contain
 *         the index number of the column containing the cell whose top
 *         left hand corner also defines the top left hand corner of the
 *         image, the index number column containing the cell whose top
 *         left hand corner also defines the bottom right hand corner of
 *         the image and an inset that determines how far the right hand
 *         edge of the image can protrude into the next column - expressed
 *         as a specific number of co-ordinate positions.
private ClientAnchorDetail fitImageToColumns(HSSFSheet sheet, int colNumber,
        double reqImageWidthMM, int resizeBehaviour) {

    double colWidthMM;
    double colCoordinatesPerMM;
    int pictureWidthCoordinates;
    ClientAnchorDetail colClientAnchorDetail = null;

    // Get the colum's width in millimetres
    colWidthMM = ConvertImageUnits.widthUnits2Millimetres(

    // Check that the column's width will accomodate the image at the
    // required dimension. If the width of the column is LESS than the
    // required width of the image, decide how the application should
    // respond - resize the column or overlay the image across one or more
    // columns.
    if(colWidthMM < reqImageWidthMM) {

        // Should the column's width simply be expanded?
        if((resizeBehaviour == AddDimensionedImage.EXPAND_COLUMN) ||
           (resizeBehaviour == AddDimensionedImage.EXPAND_ROW_AND_COLUMN)) {
            // Set the width of the column by converting the required image
            // width from millimetres into Excel's column width units.
            // To make the image occupy the full width of the column, convert
            // the required width of the image into co-ordinates. This value
            // will become the inset for the ClientAnchorDetail class that
            // is then instantiated.
            colWidthMM = reqImageWidthMM;
            colCoordinatesPerMM = ConvertImageUnits.TOTAL_COLUMN_COORDINATE_POSITIONS /
            pictureWidthCoordinates = (int)(reqImageWidthMM * colCoordinatesPerMM);
            colClientAnchorDetail = new ClientAnchorDetail(colNumber,
                    colNumber, pictureWidthCoordinates);
        // If the user has chosen to overlay both rows and columns or just
        // to expand ONLY the size of the rows, then calculate how to lay
        // the image out across one or more columns.
        else if ((resizeBehaviour == AddDimensionedImage.OVERLAY_ROW_AND_COLUMN) ||
                 (resizeBehaviour == AddDimensionedImage.EXPAND_ROW)) {
            colClientAnchorDetail = this.calculateColumnLocation(sheet,
                    colNumber, reqImageWidthMM);
    // If the column is wider than the image.
    else {
        // Mow many co-ordinate positions are there per millimetre?
        colCoordinatesPerMM = ConvertImageUnits.TOTAL_COLUMN_COORDINATE_POSITIONS /
        // Given the width of the image, what should be it's co-ordinate?
        pictureWidthCoordinates = (int)(reqImageWidthMM * colCoordinatesPerMM);
        colClientAnchorDetail = new ClientAnchorDetail(colNumber,
                colNumber, pictureWidthCoordinates);
Example 6
Source File:    From util with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
 * 根据条件,生成工作薄对象到内存。
 * @param sheetName 工作表对象名称
 * @param fieldName 首列列名称
 * @param data 数据
 * @return HSSFWorkbook
private HSSFWorkbook makeWorkBook(String sheetName,String[] fieldName
		, List<Object[]> data){
	Integer collength[]=new Integer[fieldName.length];
	// 产生工作薄对象
	HSSFWorkbook workbook = new HSSFWorkbook();
	// 产生工作表对象
	HSSFSheet sheet = workbook.createSheet();
	// 为了工作表能支持中文,设置字符集为UTF_16
	workbook.setSheetName(0, sheetName);
	// 产生一行
	HSSFRow row = sheet.createRow(0);
	// 产生单元格
	HSSFCell cell;
	// 写入各个字段的名称
	for (int i = 0; i < fieldName.length; i++) {
		// 创建第一行各个字段名称的单元格
		cell = row.createCell((short) i);
		// 设置单元格内容为字符串型
		// 为了能在单元格中输入中文,设置字符集为UTF_16
		// cell.setEncoding(HSSFCell.ENCODING_UTF_16);
		// 给单元格内容赋值
		cell.setCellValue(new HSSFRichTextString(fieldName[i]));
	String tempCellContent="";
	// 写入各条记录,每条记录对应excel表中的一行
	for (int i = 0; i < data.size(); i++) {
		Object[] tmp = data.get(i);
		// 生成一行
		row = sheet.createRow(i + 1);
		for (int j = 0; j < tmp.length; j++) {
			cell = row.createCell((short) j);
			tempCellContent=(tmp[j] == null) ? "" : tmp[j].toString();
			cell.setCellValue(new HSSFRichTextString(tempCellContent));
				if(j>=collength.length){	// 标题列数小于数据列数时。
					collength=CollectionUtil.addObjectToArray(collength, tempCellContent.getBytes().length);
		for(int i=0 ; i< fieldName.length ; i++){
	return workbook;