Java Code Examples for

The following examples show how to use . You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example 1
Source File:    From 365browser with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
 * Builds a payment instrument for the given credit card.
 * @param webContents    The web contents where PaymentRequest was invoked.
 * @param card           The autofill card that can be used for payment.
 * @param billingAddress The billing address for the card.
 * @param methodName     The payment method name, e.g., "basic-card", "visa", amex", or null.
public AutofillPaymentInstrument(WebContents webContents, CreditCard card,
        @Nullable AutofillProfile billingAddress, @Nullable String methodName) {
    super(card.getGUID(), card.getObfuscatedNumber(), card.getName(), null);
    mWebContents = webContents;
    mCard = card;
    mBillingAddress = billingAddress;
    mIsEditable = true;
    mMethodName = methodName;

    Context context = ChromeActivity.fromWebContents(mWebContents);
    if (context == null) return;

    if (card.getIssuerIconDrawableId() != 0) {
                AppCompatResources.getDrawable(context, card.getIssuerIconDrawableId()));

Example 2
Source File:    From delion with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Builds a payment instrument for the given credit card.
 * @param webContents    The web contents where PaymentRequest was invoked.
 * @param card           The autofill card that can be used for payment.
 * @param billingAddress The optional billing address for the card.
public AutofillPaymentInstrument(
        WebContents webContents, CreditCard card, @Nullable AutofillProfile billingAddress) {
    super(card.getGUID(), card.getObfuscatedNumber(), card.getName(),
    mWebContents = webContents;
    mCard = card;
    mBillingAddress = billingAddress;
Example 3
Source File:    From AndroidChromium with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Builds a payment instrument for the given credit card.
 * @param context        The application context.
 * @param webContents    The web contents where PaymentRequest was invoked.
 * @param card           The autofill card that can be used for payment.
 * @param billingAddress The billing address for the card.
public AutofillPaymentInstrument(Context context, WebContents webContents, CreditCard card,
        @Nullable AutofillProfile billingAddress) {
    super(card.getGUID(), card.getObfuscatedNumber(), card.getName(),
            card.getIssuerIconDrawableId() == 0
            ? null
            : ApiCompatibilityUtils.getDrawable(
                    context.getResources(), card.getIssuerIconDrawableId()));
    mContext = context;
    mWebContents = webContents;
    mCard = card;
    mBillingAddress = billingAddress;
    mIsEditable = true;