Java Code Examples for org.apache.calcite.rel.core.Join#getRight()

The following examples show how to use org.apache.calcite.rel.core.Join#getRight() . You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example 1
Source File:    From calcite with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
private List<Double> averageJoinColumnSizes(Join rel, RelMetadataQuery mq) {
  boolean semiOrAntijoin = !rel.getJoinType().projectsRight();
  final RelNode left = rel.getLeft();
  final RelNode right = rel.getRight();
  final List<Double> lefts = mq.getAverageColumnSizes(left);
  final List<Double> rights =
      semiOrAntijoin ? null : mq.getAverageColumnSizes(right);
  if (lefts == null && rights == null) {
    return null;
  final int fieldCount = rel.getRowType().getFieldCount();
  Double[] sizes = new Double[fieldCount];
  if (lefts != null) {
  if (rights != null) {
    final int leftCount = left.getRowType().getFieldCount();
    for (int i = 0; i < rights.size(); i++) {
      sizes[leftCount + i] = rights.get(i);
  return ImmutableNullableList.copyOf(sizes);
Example 2
Source File:    From Bats with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
 * Determines whether a join is a removable self-join. It is if it's an
 * inner join between identical, simple factors and the equality portion of
 * the join condition consists of the same set of unique keys.
 * @param joinRel the join
 * @return true if the join is removable
public static boolean isRemovableSelfJoin(Join joinRel) {
  final RelNode left = joinRel.getLeft();
  final RelNode right = joinRel.getRight();

  if (joinRel.getJoinType() != JoinRelType.INNER) {
    return false;

  // Make sure the join is between the same simple factor
  final RelMetadataQuery mq = joinRel.getCluster().getMetadataQuery();
  final RelOptTable leftTable = mq.getTableOrigin(left);
  if (leftTable == null) {
    return false;
  final RelOptTable rightTable = mq.getTableOrigin(right);
  if (rightTable == null) {
    return false;
  if (!leftTable.getQualifiedName().equals(rightTable.getQualifiedName())) {
    return false;

  // Determine if the join keys are identical and unique
  return areSelfJoinKeysUnique(mq, left, right, joinRel.getCondition());
Example 3
Source File:    From calcite with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
 * Determines whether a join is a removable self-join. It is if it's an
 * inner join between identical, simple factors and the equality portion of
 * the join condition consists of the same set of unique keys.
 * @param joinRel the join
 * @return true if the join is removable
public static boolean isRemovableSelfJoin(Join joinRel) {
  final RelNode left = joinRel.getLeft();
  final RelNode right = joinRel.getRight();

  if (joinRel.getJoinType().isOuterJoin()) {
    return false;

  // Make sure the join is between the same simple factor
  final RelMetadataQuery mq = joinRel.getCluster().getMetadataQuery();
  final RelOptTable leftTable = mq.getTableOrigin(left);
  if (leftTable == null) {
    return false;
  final RelOptTable rightTable = mq.getTableOrigin(right);
  if (rightTable == null) {
    return false;
  if (!leftTable.getQualifiedName().equals(rightTable.getQualifiedName())) {
    return false;

  // Determine if the join keys are identical and unique
  return areSelfJoinKeysUnique(mq, left, right, joinRel.getCondition());
Example 4
Source File:    From dremio-oss with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
public void onMatch(RelOptRuleCall call) {
  final Join join = call.rel(0);
  final RelNode left = join.getLeft();
  final RelNode right = join.getRight();
  final RelNode convertedLeft = convertIfNecessary(left);
  final RelNode convertedRight = convertIfNecessary(right);
  final RelBuilder builder = factory.create(join.getCluster(), null);

  builder.pushAll(ImmutableList.of(convertedLeft, convertedRight));
  builder.join(join.getJoinType(), join.getCondition());

  final RelNode newJoin =;
  if(newJoin != null) {
Example 5
Source File:    From calcite with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public void onMatch(RelOptRuleCall call) {
  final Delta delta = call.rel(0);
  final Join join = call.rel(1);
  final RelNode left = join.getLeft();
  final RelNode right = join.getRight();

  final LogicalDelta rightWithDelta = LogicalDelta.create(right);
  final LogicalJoin joinL = LogicalJoin.create(left,

  final LogicalDelta leftWithDelta = LogicalDelta.create(left);
  final LogicalJoin joinR = LogicalJoin.create(leftWithDelta,

  List<RelNode> inputsToUnion = new ArrayList<>();

  final LogicalUnion newNode = LogicalUnion.create(inputsToUnion, true);
Example 6
Source File:    From flink with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public boolean matches(RelOptRuleCall call) {
	// avoid push aggregates through dim join
	Join join = call.rel(1);
	RelNode right = join.getRight();
	// right tree should not contain temporal table
	return !containsSnapshot(right);
Example 7
Source File:    From dremio-oss with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
   * Check if the given RelNode contains any Cartesian join.
   * Return true if find one. Otherwise, return false.
   * @param relNode   the RelNode to be inspected.
   * @param leftKeys  a list used for the left input into the join which has
   *                  equi-join keys. It can be empty or not (but not null),
   *                  this method will clear this list before using it.
   * @param rightKeys a list used for the right input into the join which has
   *                  equi-join keys. It can be empty or not (but not null),
   *                  this method will clear this list before using it.
   * @param filterNulls   The join key positions for which null values will not
   *                      match. null values only match for the "is not distinct
   *                      from" condition.
   * @return          Return true if the given relNode contains Cartesian join.
   *                  Otherwise, return false
public static boolean checkCartesianJoin(RelNode relNode, List<Integer> leftKeys, List<Integer> rightKeys, List<Boolean> filterNulls) {
  if (relNode instanceof Join) {

    Join joinRel = (Join) relNode;
    RelNode left = joinRel.getLeft();
    RelNode right = joinRel.getRight();

    RexNode remaining = RelOptUtil.splitJoinCondition(left, right, joinRel.getCondition(), leftKeys, rightKeys, filterNulls);
    if(joinRel.getJoinType() == JoinRelType.INNER) {
      if(leftKeys.isEmpty() || rightKeys.isEmpty()) {
        return true;
    } else {
      if(!remaining.isAlwaysTrue() || leftKeys.isEmpty() || rightKeys.isEmpty()) {
        return true;

  for (RelNode child : relNode.getInputs()) {
    if(checkCartesianJoin(child, leftKeys, rightKeys, filterNulls)) {
      return true;

  return false;
Example 8
Source File:    From flink with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public boolean matches(RelOptRuleCall call) {
	// avoid push aggregates through dim join
	Join join = call.rel(1);
	RelNode right = join.getRight();
	// right tree should not contain temporal table
	return !containsSnapshot(right);
Example 9
Source File:    From dremio-oss with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public void onMatch(RelOptRuleCall call) {
  final Join join = call.rel(0);
  final RelNode left = join.getLeft();
  final RelNode right = join.getRight();
  RelBuilder builder = factory.create(join.getCluster(), null);
  RelNode newJoin = canonicalizeJoinCondition(builder, join.getJoinType(), join.getCondition(), left, right);
  if(newJoin != null) {
Example 10
Source File:    From calcite with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
@Override public void onMatch(RelOptRuleCall call) {
  final Sort sort = call.rel(0);
  final Join join = call.rel(1);

  // We create a new sort operator on the corresponding input
  final RelNode newLeftInput;
  final RelNode newRightInput;
  final RelMetadataQuery mq = call.getMetadataQuery();
  if (join.getJoinType() == JoinRelType.LEFT) {
    // If the input is already sorted and we are not reducing the number of tuples,
    // we bail out
    if (RelMdUtil.checkInputForCollationAndLimit(mq, join.getLeft(),
        sort.getCollation(), sort.offset, sort.fetch)) {
    newLeftInput = sort.copy(sort.getTraitSet(), join.getLeft(), sort.getCollation(),
        sort.offset, sort.fetch);
    newRightInput = join.getRight();
  } else {
    final RelCollation rightCollation =
    // If the input is already sorted and we are not reducing the number of tuples,
    // we bail out
    if (RelMdUtil.checkInputForCollationAndLimit(mq, join.getRight(),
        rightCollation, sort.offset, sort.fetch)) {
    newLeftInput = join.getLeft();
    newRightInput = sort.copy(sort.getTraitSet().replace(rightCollation),
        join.getRight(), rightCollation, sort.offset, sort.fetch);
  // We copy the join and the top sort operator
  final RelNode joinCopy = join.copy(join.getTraitSet(), join.getCondition(), newLeftInput,
      newRightInput, join.getJoinType(), join.isSemiJoinDone());
  final RelNode sortCopy = sort.copy(sort.getTraitSet(), joinCopy, sort.getCollation(),
      sort.offset, sort.fetch);

Example 11
Source File:    From calcite with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public Boolean areColumnsUnique(Join rel, RelMetadataQuery mq,
    ImmutableBitSet columns, boolean ignoreNulls) {
  columns = decorateWithConstantColumnsFromPredicates(columns, rel, mq);
  if (columns.cardinality() == 0) {
    return false;

  final RelNode left = rel.getLeft();
  final RelNode right = rel.getRight();

  // Semi or anti join should ignore uniqueness of the right input.
  if (!rel.getJoinType().projectsRight()) {
    return mq.areColumnsUnique(left, columns, ignoreNulls);

  // Divide up the input column mask into column masks for the left and
  // right sides of the join
  final Pair<ImmutableBitSet, ImmutableBitSet> leftAndRightColumns =
  final ImmutableBitSet leftColumns = leftAndRightColumns.left;
  final ImmutableBitSet rightColumns = leftAndRightColumns.right;

  // for FULL OUTER JOIN if columns contain column from both inputs it is not
  // guaranteed that the result will be unique
  if (!ignoreNulls && rel.getJoinType() == JoinRelType.FULL
      && leftColumns.cardinality() > 0 && rightColumns.cardinality() > 0) {
    return false;

  // If the original column mask contains columns from both the left and
  // right hand side, then the columns are unique if and only if they're
  // unique for their respective join inputs
  Boolean leftUnique = mq.areColumnsUnique(left, leftColumns, ignoreNulls);
  Boolean rightUnique = mq.areColumnsUnique(right, rightColumns, ignoreNulls);
  if ((leftColumns.cardinality() > 0)
      && (rightColumns.cardinality() > 0)) {
    if ((leftUnique == null) || (rightUnique == null)) {
      return null;
    } else {
      return leftUnique && rightUnique;

  // If we're only trying to determine uniqueness for columns that
  // originate from one join input, then determine if the equijoin
  // columns from the other join input are unique.  If they are, then
  // the columns are unique for the entire join if they're unique for
  // the corresponding join input, provided that input is not null
  // generating.
  final JoinInfo joinInfo = rel.analyzeCondition();
  if (leftColumns.cardinality() > 0) {
    if (rel.getJoinType().generatesNullsOnLeft()) {
      return false;
    Boolean rightJoinColsUnique =
        mq.areColumnsUnique(right, joinInfo.rightSet(), ignoreNulls);
    if ((rightJoinColsUnique == null) || (leftUnique == null)) {
      return null;
    return rightJoinColsUnique && leftUnique;
  } else if (rightColumns.cardinality() > 0) {
    if (rel.getJoinType().generatesNullsOnRight()) {
      return false;
    Boolean leftJoinColsUnique =
        mq.areColumnsUnique(left, joinInfo.leftSet(), ignoreNulls);
    if ((leftJoinColsUnique == null) || (rightUnique == null)) {
      return null;
    return leftJoinColsUnique && rightUnique;

  throw new AssertionError();
Example 12
Source File:    From calcite with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public Set<ImmutableBitSet> getUniqueKeys(Join rel, RelMetadataQuery mq,
    boolean ignoreNulls) {
  if (!rel.getJoinType().projectsRight()) {
    // only return the unique keys from the LHS since a semijoin only
    // returns the LHS
    return mq.getUniqueKeys(rel.getLeft(), ignoreNulls);

  final RelNode left = rel.getLeft();
  final RelNode right = rel.getRight();

  // first add the different combinations of concatenated unique keys
  // from the left and the right, adjusting the right hand side keys to
  // reflect the addition of the left hand side
  // NOTE zfong 12/18/06 - If the number of tables in a join is large,
  // the number of combinations of unique key sets will explode.  If
  // that is undesirable, use RelMetadataQuery.areColumnsUnique() as
  // an alternative way of getting unique key information.

  final Set<ImmutableBitSet> retSet = new HashSet<>();
  final Set<ImmutableBitSet> leftSet = mq.getUniqueKeys(left, ignoreNulls);
  Set<ImmutableBitSet> rightSet = null;

  final Set<ImmutableBitSet> tmpRightSet = mq.getUniqueKeys(right, ignoreNulls);
  int nFieldsOnLeft = left.getRowType().getFieldCount();

  if (tmpRightSet != null) {
    rightSet = new HashSet<>();
    for (ImmutableBitSet colMask : tmpRightSet) {
      ImmutableBitSet.Builder tmpMask = ImmutableBitSet.builder();
      for (int bit : colMask) {
        tmpMask.set(bit + nFieldsOnLeft);

    if (leftSet != null) {
      for (ImmutableBitSet colMaskRight : rightSet) {
        for (ImmutableBitSet colMaskLeft : leftSet) {

  // locate the columns that participate in equijoins
  final JoinInfo joinInfo = rel.analyzeCondition();

  // determine if either or both the LHS and RHS are unique on the
  // equijoin columns
  final Boolean leftUnique =
      mq.areColumnsUnique(left, joinInfo.leftSet(), ignoreNulls);
  final Boolean rightUnique =
      mq.areColumnsUnique(right, joinInfo.rightSet(), ignoreNulls);

  // if the right hand side is unique on its equijoin columns, then we can
  // add the unique keys from left if the left hand side is not null
  // generating
  if ((rightUnique != null)
      && rightUnique
      && (leftSet != null)
      && !(rel.getJoinType().generatesNullsOnLeft())) {

  // same as above except left and right are reversed
  if ((leftUnique != null)
      && leftUnique
      && (rightSet != null)
      && !(rel.getJoinType().generatesNullsOnRight())) {

  return retSet;
Example 13
Source File:    From flink with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
 * Pulls the project above the semi/anti join and returns the resulting semi/anti join
 * condition. As a result, the semi/anti join condition should be modified such
 * that references to the LHS of a semi/anti join should now reference the
 * children of the project that's on the LHS.
 * @param project LogicalProject on the LHS of the semi/anti join
 * @param join the semi/anti join
 * @return the modified semi/anti join condition
private RexNode adjustCondition(LogicalProject project, Join join) {
	// create two RexPrograms -- the bottom one representing a
	// concatenation of the project and the RHS of the semi/anti join and the
	// top one representing the semi/anti join condition

	RexBuilder rexBuilder = project.getCluster().getRexBuilder();
	RelDataTypeFactory typeFactory = rexBuilder.getTypeFactory();
	RelNode rightChild = join.getRight();

	// for the bottom RexProgram, the input is a concatenation of the
	// child of the project and the RHS of the semi/anti join
	RelDataType bottomInputRowType =
	RexProgramBuilder bottomProgramBuilder =
			new RexProgramBuilder(bottomInputRowType, rexBuilder);

	// add the project expressions, then add input references for the RHS
	// of the semi/anti join
	for (Pair<RexNode, String> pair : project.getNamedProjects()) {
		bottomProgramBuilder.addProject(pair.left, pair.right);
	int nLeftFields = project.getInput().getRowType().getFieldCount();
	List<RelDataTypeField> rightFields =
	int nRightFields = rightFields.size();
	for (int i = 0; i < nRightFields; i++) {
		final RelDataTypeField field = rightFields.get(i);
		RexNode inputRef =
						field.getType(), i + nLeftFields);
		bottomProgramBuilder.addProject(inputRef, field.getName());
	RexProgram bottomProgram = bottomProgramBuilder.getProgram();

	// input rowtype into the top program is the concatenation of the
	// project and the RHS of the semi/anti join
	RelDataType topInputRowType =
	RexProgramBuilder topProgramBuilder =
			new RexProgramBuilder(
	RexProgram topProgram = topProgramBuilder.getProgram();

	// merge the programs and expand out the local references to form
	// the new semi/anti join condition; it now references a concatenation of
	// the project's child and the RHS of the semi/anti join
	RexProgram mergedProgram =

	return mergedProgram.expandLocalRef(
Example 14
Source File:    From calcite with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public void onMatch(final RelOptRuleCall call) {
  final Join topJoin = call.rel(0);
  final Join bottomJoin = call.rel(1);
  final RelNode relA = bottomJoin.getLeft();
  final RelNode relB = bottomJoin.getRight();
  final RelSubset relC = call.rel(2);
  final RelOptCluster cluster = topJoin.getCluster();
  final RexBuilder rexBuilder = cluster.getRexBuilder();

  if (relC.getConvention() != relA.getConvention()) {
    // relC could have any trait-set. But if we're matching say
    // EnumerableConvention, we're only interested in enumerable subsets.

  //        topJoin
  //        /     \
  //   bottomJoin  C
  //    /    \
  //   A      B

  final int aCount = relA.getRowType().getFieldCount();
  final int bCount = relB.getRowType().getFieldCount();
  final int cCount = relC.getRowType().getFieldCount();
  final ImmutableBitSet aBitSet = ImmutableBitSet.range(0, aCount);
  final ImmutableBitSet bBitSet =
      ImmutableBitSet.range(aCount, aCount + bCount);

  if (!topJoin.getSystemFieldList().isEmpty()) {
    // FIXME Enable this rule for joins with system fields

  // If either join is not inner, we cannot proceed.
  // (Is this too strict?)
  if (topJoin.getJoinType() != JoinRelType.INNER
      || bottomJoin.getJoinType() != JoinRelType.INNER) {

  // Goal is to transform to
  //       newTopJoin
  //        /     \
  //       A   newBottomJoin
  //               /    \
  //              B      C

  // Split the condition of topJoin and bottomJoin into a conjunctions. A
  // condition can be pushed down if it does not use columns from A.
  final List<RexNode> top = new ArrayList<>();
  final List<RexNode> bottom = new ArrayList<>();
  JoinPushThroughJoinRule.split(topJoin.getCondition(), aBitSet, top, bottom);
  JoinPushThroughJoinRule.split(bottomJoin.getCondition(), aBitSet, top,

  // Mapping for moving conditions from topJoin or bottomJoin to
  // newBottomJoin.
  // target: | B | C      |
  // source: | A       | B | C      |
  final Mappings.TargetMapping bottomMapping =
          aCount + bCount + cCount,
          0, aCount, bCount,
          bCount, aCount + bCount, cCount);
  final List<RexNode> newBottomList =
      new RexPermuteInputsShuttle(bottomMapping, relB, relC)
  RexNode newBottomCondition =
      RexUtil.composeConjunction(rexBuilder, newBottomList);

  final Join newBottomJoin =
      bottomJoin.copy(bottomJoin.getTraitSet(), newBottomCondition, relB,
          relC, JoinRelType.INNER, false);

  // Condition for newTopJoin consists of pieces from bottomJoin and topJoin.
  // Field ordinals do not need to be changed.
  RexNode newTopCondition = RexUtil.composeConjunction(rexBuilder, top);
  final Join newTopJoin =
      topJoin.copy(topJoin.getTraitSet(), newTopCondition, relA,
          newBottomJoin, JoinRelType.INNER, false);

Example 15
Source File:    From Bats with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public void onMatch(final RelOptRuleCall call) {
  final Join topJoin = call.rel(0);
  final Join bottomJoin = call.rel(1);
  final RelNode relA = bottomJoin.getLeft();
  final RelNode relB = bottomJoin.getRight();
  final RelSubset relC = call.rel(2);
  final RelOptCluster cluster = topJoin.getCluster();
  final RexBuilder rexBuilder = cluster.getRexBuilder();

  if (relC.getConvention() != relA.getConvention()) {
    // relC could have any trait-set. But if we're matching say
    // EnumerableConvention, we're only interested in enumerable subsets.

  //        topJoin
  //        /     \
  //   bottomJoin  C
  //    /    \
  //   A      B

  final int aCount = relA.getRowType().getFieldCount();
  final int bCount = relB.getRowType().getFieldCount();
  final int cCount = relC.getRowType().getFieldCount();
  final ImmutableBitSet aBitSet = ImmutableBitSet.range(0, aCount);
  final ImmutableBitSet bBitSet =
      ImmutableBitSet.range(aCount, aCount + bCount);

  if (!topJoin.getSystemFieldList().isEmpty()) {
    // FIXME Enable this rule for joins with system fields

  // If either join is not inner, we cannot proceed.
  // (Is this too strict?)
  if (topJoin.getJoinType() != JoinRelType.INNER
      || bottomJoin.getJoinType() != JoinRelType.INNER) {

  // Goal is to transform to
  //       newTopJoin
  //        /     \
  //       A   newBottomJoin
  //               /    \
  //              B      C

  // Split the condition of topJoin and bottomJoin into a conjunctions. A
  // condition can be pushed down if it does not use columns from A.
  final List<RexNode> top = new ArrayList<>();
  final List<RexNode> bottom = new ArrayList<>();
  JoinPushThroughJoinRule.split(topJoin.getCondition(), aBitSet, top, bottom);
  JoinPushThroughJoinRule.split(bottomJoin.getCondition(), aBitSet, top,

  // Mapping for moving conditions from topJoin or bottomJoin to
  // newBottomJoin.
  // target: | B | C      |
  // source: | A       | B | C      |
  final Mappings.TargetMapping bottomMapping =
          aCount + bCount + cCount,
          0, aCount, bCount,
          bCount, aCount + bCount, cCount);
  final List<RexNode> newBottomList = new ArrayList<>();
  new RexPermuteInputsShuttle(bottomMapping, relB, relC)
      .visitList(bottom, newBottomList);
  RexNode newBottomCondition =
      RexUtil.composeConjunction(rexBuilder, newBottomList);

  final Join newBottomJoin =
      bottomJoin.copy(bottomJoin.getTraitSet(), newBottomCondition, relB,
          relC, JoinRelType.INNER, false);

  // Condition for newTopJoin consists of pieces from bottomJoin and topJoin.
  // Field ordinals do not need to be changed.
  RexNode newTopCondition = RexUtil.composeConjunction(rexBuilder, top);
  final Join newTopJoin =
      topJoin.copy(topJoin.getTraitSet(), newTopCondition, relA,
          newBottomJoin, JoinRelType.INNER, false);

Example 16
Source File:    From Bats with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
@Override public void onMatch(RelOptRuleCall call) {
  final Sort sort = call.rel(0);
  final Join join = call.rel(1);

  // We create a new sort operator on the corresponding input
  final RelNode newLeftInput;
  final RelNode newRightInput;
  final RelMetadataQuery mq = call.getMetadataQuery();
  if (join.getJoinType() == JoinRelType.LEFT) {
    // If the input is already sorted and we are not reducing the number of tuples,
    // we bail out
    if (RelMdUtil.checkInputForCollationAndLimit(mq, join.getLeft(),
        sort.getCollation(), sort.offset, sort.fetch)) {
    newLeftInput = sort.copy(sort.getTraitSet(), join.getLeft(), sort.getCollation(),
        sort.offset, sort.fetch);
    newRightInput = join.getRight();
  } else {
    final RelCollation rightCollation =
    // If the input is already sorted and we are not reducing the number of tuples,
    // we bail out
    if (RelMdUtil.checkInputForCollationAndLimit(mq, join.getRight(),
        rightCollation, sort.offset, sort.fetch)) {
    newLeftInput = join.getLeft();
    newRightInput = sort.copy(sort.getTraitSet().replace(rightCollation),
        join.getRight(), rightCollation, sort.offset, sort.fetch);
  // We copy the join and the top sort operator
  final RelNode joinCopy = join.copy(join.getTraitSet(), join.getCondition(), newLeftInput,
      newRightInput, join.getJoinType(), join.isSemiJoinDone());
  final RelNode sortCopy = sort.copy(sort.getTraitSet(), joinCopy, sort.getCollation(),
      sort.offset, sort.fetch);

Example 17
Source File:    From calcite with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
 * Similar to {@link #onMatch}, but swaps the upper sibling with the left
 * of the two lower siblings, rather than the right.
private void onMatchLeft(RelOptRuleCall call) {
  final Join topJoin = call.rel(0);
  final Join bottomJoin = call.rel(1);
  final RelNode relC = call.rel(2);
  final RelNode relA = bottomJoin.getLeft();
  final RelNode relB = bottomJoin.getRight();
  final RelOptCluster cluster = topJoin.getCluster();

  //        topJoin
  //        /     \
  //   bottomJoin  C
  //    /    \
  //   A      B

  final int aCount = relA.getRowType().getFieldCount();
  final int bCount = relB.getRowType().getFieldCount();
  final int cCount = relC.getRowType().getFieldCount();
  final ImmutableBitSet aBitSet = ImmutableBitSet.range(aCount);

  // becomes
  //        newTopJoin
  //        /        \
  //   newBottomJoin  A
  //    /    \
  //   C      B

  // If either join is not inner, we cannot proceed.
  // (Is this too strict?)
  if (topJoin.getJoinType() != JoinRelType.INNER
      || bottomJoin.getJoinType() != JoinRelType.INNER) {

  // Split the condition of topJoin into a conjunction. Each of the
  // parts that does not use columns from A can be pushed down.
  final List<RexNode> intersecting = new ArrayList<>();
  final List<RexNode> nonIntersecting = new ArrayList<>();
  split(topJoin.getCondition(), aBitSet, intersecting, nonIntersecting);

  // If there's nothing to push down, it's not worth proceeding.
  if (nonIntersecting.isEmpty()) {

  // Split the condition of bottomJoin into a conjunction. Each of the
  // parts that use columns from A will need to be pulled up.
  final List<RexNode> bottomIntersecting = new ArrayList<>();
  final List<RexNode> bottomNonIntersecting = new ArrayList<>();
      bottomJoin.getCondition(), aBitSet, bottomIntersecting,

  // target: | C      | B |
  // source: | A       | B | C      |
  final Mappings.TargetMapping bottomMapping =
          aCount + bCount + cCount,
          cCount, aCount, bCount,
          0, aCount + bCount, cCount);
  final List<RexNode> newBottomList = new ArrayList<>();
  new RexPermuteInputsShuttle(bottomMapping, relC, relB)
      .visitList(nonIntersecting, newBottomList);
  new RexPermuteInputsShuttle(bottomMapping, relC, relB)
      .visitList(bottomNonIntersecting, newBottomList);
  final RexBuilder rexBuilder = cluster.getRexBuilder();
  RexNode newBottomCondition =
      RexUtil.composeConjunction(rexBuilder, newBottomList);
  final Join newBottomJoin =
      bottomJoin.copy(bottomJoin.getTraitSet(), newBottomCondition, relC,
          relB, bottomJoin.getJoinType(), bottomJoin.isSemiJoinDone());

  // target: | C      | B | A       |
  // source: | A       | B | C      |
  final Mappings.TargetMapping topMapping =
          aCount + bCount + cCount,
          cCount + bCount, 0, aCount,
          cCount, aCount, bCount,
          0, aCount + bCount, cCount);
  final List<RexNode> newTopList = new ArrayList<>();
  new RexPermuteInputsShuttle(topMapping, newBottomJoin, relA)
      .visitList(intersecting, newTopList);
  new RexPermuteInputsShuttle(topMapping, newBottomJoin, relA)
      .visitList(bottomIntersecting, newTopList);
  RexNode newTopCondition =
      RexUtil.composeConjunction(rexBuilder, newTopList);
  final Join newTopJoin =
      topJoin.copy(topJoin.getTraitSet(), newTopCondition, newBottomJoin,
          relA, topJoin.getJoinType(), topJoin.isSemiJoinDone());

  final RelBuilder relBuilder = call.builder();
Example 18
Source File:    From Bats with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public Boolean areColumnsUnique(Join rel, RelMetadataQuery mq,
    ImmutableBitSet columns, boolean ignoreNulls) {
  if (columns.cardinality() == 0) {
    return false;

  final RelNode left = rel.getLeft();
  final RelNode right = rel.getRight();

  // Divide up the input column mask into column masks for the left and
  // right sides of the join
  final Pair<ImmutableBitSet, ImmutableBitSet> leftAndRightColumns =
  final ImmutableBitSet leftColumns = leftAndRightColumns.left;
  final ImmutableBitSet rightColumns = leftAndRightColumns.right;

  // If the original column mask contains columns from both the left and
  // right hand side, then the columns are unique if and only if they're
  // unique for their respective join inputs
  Boolean leftUnique = mq.areColumnsUnique(left, leftColumns, ignoreNulls);
  Boolean rightUnique = mq.areColumnsUnique(right, rightColumns, ignoreNulls);
  if ((leftColumns.cardinality() > 0)
      && (rightColumns.cardinality() > 0)) {
    if ((leftUnique == null) || (rightUnique == null)) {
      return null;
    } else {
      return leftUnique && rightUnique;

  // If we're only trying to determine uniqueness for columns that
  // originate from one join input, then determine if the equijoin
  // columns from the other join input are unique.  If they are, then
  // the columns are unique for the entire join if they're unique for
  // the corresponding join input, provided that input is not null
  // generating.
  final JoinInfo joinInfo = rel.analyzeCondition();
  if (leftColumns.cardinality() > 0) {
    if (rel.getJoinType().generatesNullsOnLeft()) {
      return false;
    Boolean rightJoinColsUnique =
        mq.areColumnsUnique(right, joinInfo.rightSet(), ignoreNulls);
    if ((rightJoinColsUnique == null) || (leftUnique == null)) {
      return null;
    return rightJoinColsUnique && leftUnique;
  } else if (rightColumns.cardinality() > 0) {
    if (rel.getJoinType().generatesNullsOnRight()) {
      return false;
    Boolean leftJoinColsUnique =
        mq.areColumnsUnique(left, joinInfo.leftSet(), ignoreNulls);
    if ((leftJoinColsUnique == null) || (rightUnique == null)) {
      return null;
    return leftJoinColsUnique && rightUnique;

  throw new AssertionError();
Example 19
Source File:    From Bats with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public Set<ImmutableBitSet> getUniqueKeys(Join rel, RelMetadataQuery mq,
    boolean ignoreNulls) {
  final RelNode left = rel.getLeft();
  final RelNode right = rel.getRight();

  // first add the different combinations of concatenated unique keys
  // from the left and the right, adjusting the right hand side keys to
  // reflect the addition of the left hand side
  // NOTE zfong 12/18/06 - If the number of tables in a join is large,
  // the number of combinations of unique key sets will explode.  If
  // that is undesirable, use RelMetadataQuery.areColumnsUnique() as
  // an alternative way of getting unique key information.

  final Set<ImmutableBitSet> retSet = new HashSet<>();
  final Set<ImmutableBitSet> leftSet = mq.getUniqueKeys(left, ignoreNulls);
  Set<ImmutableBitSet> rightSet = null;

  final Set<ImmutableBitSet> tmpRightSet = mq.getUniqueKeys(right, ignoreNulls);
  int nFieldsOnLeft = left.getRowType().getFieldCount();

  if (tmpRightSet != null) {
    rightSet = new HashSet<>();
    for (ImmutableBitSet colMask : tmpRightSet) {
      ImmutableBitSet.Builder tmpMask = ImmutableBitSet.builder();
      for (int bit : colMask) {
        tmpMask.set(bit + nFieldsOnLeft);

    if (leftSet != null) {
      for (ImmutableBitSet colMaskRight : rightSet) {
        for (ImmutableBitSet colMaskLeft : leftSet) {

  // locate the columns that participate in equijoins
  final JoinInfo joinInfo = rel.analyzeCondition();

  // determine if either or both the LHS and RHS are unique on the
  // equijoin columns
  final Boolean leftUnique =
      mq.areColumnsUnique(left, joinInfo.leftSet(), ignoreNulls);
  final Boolean rightUnique =
      mq.areColumnsUnique(right, joinInfo.rightSet(), ignoreNulls);

  // if the right hand side is unique on its equijoin columns, then we can
  // add the unique keys from left if the left hand side is not null
  // generating
  if ((rightUnique != null)
      && rightUnique
      && (leftSet != null)
      && !(rel.getJoinType().generatesNullsOnLeft())) {

  // same as above except left and right are reversed
  if ((leftUnique != null)
      && leftUnique
      && (rightSet != null)
      && !(rel.getJoinType().generatesNullsOnRight())) {

  return retSet;
Example 20
Source File:    From calcite with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
@Override public void onMatch(RelOptRuleCall call) {
  final Sort sort = call.rel(0);
  final Join join = call.rel(1);
  final RelMetadataQuery metadataQuery = call.getMetadataQuery();

  final RelNode newLeftInput;
  final RelNode newRightInput;

  final List<RelFieldCollation> leftFieldCollation = new ArrayList<>();
  final List<RelFieldCollation> rightFieldCollation = new ArrayList<>();

  // Decompose sort collations into left and right collations
  for (RelFieldCollation relFieldCollation : sort.getCollation().getFieldCollations()) {
    if (relFieldCollation.getFieldIndex() >= join.getLeft().getRowType().getFieldCount()) {
    } else {

  // Add sort to new left node only if sort collations
  // contained fields from left table
  if (leftFieldCollation.isEmpty()) {
    newLeftInput = join.getLeft();
  } else {
    final RelCollation leftCollation = RelCollationTraitDef.INSTANCE.canonize(
    // If left table already sorted don't add a sort
    if (RelMdUtil.checkInputForCollationAndLimit(
        null)) {
      newLeftInput = join.getLeft();
    } else {
      newLeftInput = sort.copy(
              () -> leftCollation),
  // Add sort to new right node only if sort collations
  // contained fields from right table
  if (rightFieldCollation.isEmpty()) {
    newRightInput = join.getRight();
  } else {
    final RelCollation rightCollation = RelCollationTraitDef.INSTANCE.canonize(
    // If right table already sorted don't add a sort
    if (RelMdUtil.checkInputForCollationAndLimit(
        null)) {
      newRightInput = join.getRight();
    } else {
      newRightInput = sort.copy(
              () -> rightCollation),
  // If no change was made no need to apply the rule
  if (newLeftInput == join.getLeft() && newRightInput == join.getRight()) {

  final RelNode joinCopy = join.copy(
  final RelNode sortCopy = sort.copy(
