Java Code Examples for org.eclipse.xtext.ui.editor.contentassist.ConfigurableCompletionProposal#setDisplayString()

The following examples show how to use org.eclipse.xtext.ui.editor.contentassist.ConfigurableCompletionProposal#setDisplayString() . You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example 1
Source File:    From xtext-eclipse with Eclipse Public License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
protected ICompletionProposal createFeatureProposal(EStructuralFeature feature, int priorityFactor, Function<IEObjectDescription, ICompletionProposal> factory, 
		ContentAssistContext context) {
	IEObjectDescription description = EObjectDescription.create(QualifiedName.create(feature.getName()),
	ConfigurableCompletionProposal proposal = (ConfigurableCompletionProposal) factory.apply(description);
	if (proposal != null) {
		proposal.setPriority(proposal.getPriority() * priorityFactor);
		if(SemanticHighlightingCalculator.SPECIAL_ATTRIBUTES.contains(feature.getName())) {
			StyledString displayString = stylerFactory.createFromXtextStyle(feature.getName(),
					.append(" - Assignment of special attribute ")
		} else {
			proposal.setDisplayString(new StyledString(feature.getName() + " - Assignment of feature " + feature.getName()));
		if(feature.isMany()) {
			proposal.setReplacementString(feature.getName() + "+=");
			proposal.setCursorPosition(proposal.getCursorPosition() + 2);
		} else if(feature.getEType() == EcorePackage.Literals.EBOOLEAN) {
			proposal.setReplacementString(feature.getName() + "?=");
			proposal.setCursorPosition(proposal.getCursorPosition() + 2);
		} else {
			proposal.setReplacementString(feature.getName() + "=");
			proposal.setCursorPosition(proposal.getCursorPosition() + 1);
	return proposal;
Example 2
Source File:    From xtext-eclipse with Eclipse Public License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
private void createClassifierProposals(AbstractMetamodelDeclaration declaration, EObject model,
		ContentAssistContext context, ICompletionProposalAcceptor acceptor) {
	String alias = declaration.getAlias();
	QualifiedName prefix = (!Strings.isEmpty(alias)) ? QualifiedName.create(getValueConverter().toString(alias,
			grammarAccess.getValidIDRule().getName())) : null;
	boolean createDatatypeProposals = !(model instanceof AbstractElement)
			&& modelOrContainerIs(model, AbstractRule.class);
	boolean createEnumProposals = !(model instanceof AbstractElement) && modelOrContainerIs(model, EnumRule.class);
	boolean createClassProposals = modelOrContainerIs(model, ParserRule.class, CrossReference.class, Action.class);
	Function<IEObjectDescription, ICompletionProposal> factory = new DefaultProposalCreator(context, null, classifierQualifiedNameConverter);
	for (EClassifier classifier : declaration.getEPackage().getEClassifiers()) {
		if (classifier instanceof EDataType && createDatatypeProposals || classifier instanceof EEnum
				&& createEnumProposals || classifier instanceof EClass && createClassProposals) {
			String classifierName = getValueConverter().toString(classifier.getName(), grammarAccess.getValidIDRule().getName());
			QualifiedName proposalQualifiedName = (prefix != null) ? prefix.append(classifierName) : QualifiedName
			IEObjectDescription description = EObjectDescription.create(proposalQualifiedName, classifier);
			ConfigurableCompletionProposal proposal = (ConfigurableCompletionProposal) factory.apply(description);
			if (proposal != null) {
				if (prefix != null)
					proposal.setDisplayString(classifier.getName() + " - " + alias);
				proposal.setPriority(proposal.getPriority() * 2);
Example 3
Source File:    From gama with GNU General Public License v3.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public ICompletionProposal apply(final IEObjectDescription candidate) {

	final ConfigurableCompletionProposal cp = (ConfigurableCompletionProposal) super.apply(candidate);
	boolean isOperator = false;
	String doc = candidate.getUserData("doc");
	final String title = candidate.getUserData("title");
	if (doc == null) {
		doc = "Not documented yet";
	if (cp != null) {
		cp.setAdditionalProposalInfo("<b>" + title + "</b><p/><p>" + doc + "</p>");

		final String type = candidate.getUserData("type");
		if (type != null) {
			if (type.equals("operator")) {
				isOperator = true;
				cp.setDisplayString(cp.getDisplayString().concat(" (Built-in operator) "));
			} else if (type.equals("variable")) {
				cp.setDisplayString(cp.getDisplayString().concat(" (Built-in variable) "));
			} else if (type.equals("field")) {
				cp.setDisplayString(cp.getDisplayString().concat(" (Built-in field) "));
			} else if (type.equals("action")) {
				cp.setDisplayString(cp.getDisplayString().concat(" (Built-in action) "));
			} else if (type.equals("unit")) {
				isOperator = true;
				cp.setDisplayString(cp.getDisplayString().concat(" (Built-in unit) "));
			} else if (type.equals("type")) {
				isOperator = true;
				cp.setDisplayString(cp.getDisplayString().concat(" (Built-in type) "));

	if (context.getPrefix().equals(".")) {
		if (isOperator) { return null; }
		if (cp != null && cp.getPriority() > 500) {
	return cp;