Java Code Examples for org.eclipse.jface.text.source.Annotation#getText()

The following examples show how to use org.eclipse.jface.text.source.Annotation#getText() . You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example 1
Source File:    From xtext-eclipse with Eclipse Public License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
protected Object getHoverInfoInternal(ITextViewer textViewer, final int lineNumber, final int offset) {
	AnnotationInfo result = recentAnnotationInfo;
	if (result != null)
		return result;
	List<Annotation> annotations = getAnnotations(lineNumber, offset);
	for (Annotation annotation : sortBySeverity(annotations)) {
		Position position = getAnnotationModel().getPosition(annotation);
		if (annotation.getText() != null && position != null) {
			final QuickAssistInvocationContext invocationContext = new QuickAssistInvocationContext(sourceViewer, position.getOffset(), position.getLength(), true);
			CompletionProposalRunnable runnable = new CompletionProposalRunnable(invocationContext);
			// Note: the resolutions have to be retrieved from the UI thread, otherwise
			// workbench.getActiveWorkbenchWindow() will return null in LanguageSpecificURIEditorOpener and
			// cause an exception
			if (invocationContext.isMarkedCancelled()) {
				return null;
			result = new AnnotationInfo(annotation, position, sourceViewer, runnable.proposals);
			recentAnnotationInfo = result;
			return result;
	return null;
Example 2
Source File:    From xtext-xtend with Eclipse Public License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
private void assertNumberOfErrorAnnotations(final XtextEditor editor, final int expectedNumber) {
  final Function0<Boolean> _function = () -> {
    int _size = this.getErrorAnnotations(editor).size();
    return Boolean.valueOf((_size == expectedNumber));
  this.helper.awaitUIUpdate(_function, DirtyStateEditorValidationTest.VALIDATION_TIMEOUT);
  final List<Annotation> errors = this.getErrorAnnotations(editor);
  final Function1<Annotation, String> _function_1 = (Annotation it) -> {
    String _text = it.getText();
    String _plus = (_text + "(");
    boolean _isPersistent = it.isPersistent();
    String _plus_1 = (_plus + Boolean.valueOf(_isPersistent));
    return (_plus_1 + ")");
  Assert.assertEquals(IterableExtensions.join(ListExtensions.<Annotation, String>map(errors, _function_1), ", "), expectedNumber, errors.size());
Example 3
Source File:    From xtext-eclipse with Eclipse Public License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
protected void updateStatusLine() {
	ISelectionProvider selectionProvider = getSelectionProvider();
	if (selectionProvider != null) {
		final ITextSelection selection = (ITextSelection) selectionProvider.getSelection();
		final Annotation annotation = getAnnotation(selection.getOffset(), selection.getLength());
		String message = null;
		if (annotation != null) {
			if (isProblemMarkerAnnotation(annotation)) {
				message = annotation.getText();
Example 4
Source File:    From xtext-eclipse with Eclipse Public License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
private void createAnnotationInformation(Composite parent, final Annotation annotation) {
	Composite composite= new Composite(parent, SWT.NONE);
	composite.setLayoutData(new GridData(SWT.FILL, SWT.TOP, true, false));
	GridLayout layout= new GridLayout(2, false);
	layout.marginHeight= 2;
	layout.marginWidth= 2;
	layout.horizontalSpacing= 0;

	final Canvas canvas= new Canvas(composite, SWT.NO_FOCUS);
	GridData gridData= new GridData(SWT.BEGINNING, SWT.BEGINNING, false, false);
	gridData.widthHint= 17;
	gridData.heightHint= 16;
	canvas.addPaintListener(new PaintListener() {
		public void paintControl(PaintEvent e) {
			fMarkerAnnotationAccess.paint(annotation, e.gc, canvas, new Rectangle(0, 0, 16, 16));

	StyledText text= new StyledText(composite, SWT.MULTI | SWT.WRAP | SWT.READ_ONLY);
	GridData data= new GridData(SWT.FILL, SWT.FILL, true, true);
	String annotationText= annotation.getText();
	if (annotationText != null)
Example 5
Source File:    From xtext-eclipse with Eclipse Public License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
protected Object getHoverInfoInternal(final ITextViewer textViewer, final int lineNumber, final int offset) {
	final Set<String> messages = Sets.newLinkedHashSet();
	List<Annotation> annotations = getAnnotations(lineNumber, offset);
	for (Annotation annotation : annotations) {
		String text = annotation.getText();
		if (text != null) {
	if (messages.size() > 0)
		return formatInfo(messages);
	return null;
Example 6
Source File:    From tlaplus with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
public boolean equals(final Object other) {
	if (other == null) {
		return false;
	if (!Annotation.class.isAssignableFrom(other.getClass())) {
		return false;
	final Annotation otherAnnotation = (Annotation)other;
	final String otherText = otherAnnotation.getText();
	return Objects.equals(getText(), otherText);
Example 7
Source File:    From with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
private void createAnnotationInformation(Composite parent, final Annotation annotation) {
	Composite composite = new Composite(parent, SWT.NONE);
	composite.setLayoutData(new GridData(SWT.FILL, SWT.TOP, true, false));
	GridLayout layout = new GridLayout(2, false);
	layout.marginHeight = 2;
	layout.marginWidth = 2;
	layout.horizontalSpacing = 0;

	final Canvas canvas = new Canvas(composite, SWT.NO_FOCUS);
	GridData gridData = new GridData(SWT.BEGINNING, SWT.BEGINNING, false, false);
	gridData.widthHint = 17;
	gridData.heightHint = 16;
	canvas.addPaintListener(new PaintListener() {

		public void paintControl(PaintEvent e) {
			fMarkerAnnotationAccess.paint(annotation, e.gc, canvas, new Rectangle(0, 0, 16, 16));

	StyledText text = new StyledText(composite, SWT.MULTI | SWT.WRAP | SWT.READ_ONLY);
	GridData data = new GridData(SWT.FILL, SWT.FILL, true, true);
	String annotationText = annotation.getText();
	if (annotationText != null)
Example 8
Source File:    From APICloud-Studio with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
private boolean includeAnnotation(Annotation annotation, Position position, Map<Position, Object> messagesAtPosition)
	if (!isIncluded(annotation))
		return false;

	String text = annotation.getText();
	return (text != null && !isDuplicateAnnotation(messagesAtPosition, position, text));
Example 9
Source File:    From Eclipse-Postfix-Code-Completion with Eclipse Public License 1.0 5 votes vote down vote up
protected void updateStatusLine() {
	ITextSelection selection= (ITextSelection) getSelectionProvider().getSelection();
	Annotation annotation= getAnnotation(selection.getOffset(), selection.getLength());
	String message= null;
	if (annotation != null) {
		if (annotation instanceof IJavaAnnotation && ((IJavaAnnotation) annotation).isProblem() || isProblemMarkerAnnotation(annotation))
			message= annotation.getText();
Example 10
Source File:    From Eclipse-Postfix-Code-Completion with Eclipse Public License 1.0 5 votes vote down vote up
protected void computeInformation() {
	if (fSelection != null) {
		Rectangle subjectArea= fSelection.canvas.getBounds();
		Annotation annotation= fSelection.fAnnotation;
		String msg;
		if (annotation != null)
			msg= annotation.getText();
			msg= null;

		setInformation(msg, subjectArea);
Example 11
Source File:    From Eclipse-Postfix-Code-Completion with Eclipse Public License 1.0 5 votes vote down vote up
private void createAnnotationInformation(Composite parent, final Annotation annotation) {
	Composite composite= new Composite(parent, SWT.NONE);
	composite.setLayoutData(new GridData(SWT.FILL, SWT.TOP, true, false));
	GridLayout layout= new GridLayout(2, false);
	layout.marginHeight= 2;
	layout.marginWidth= 2;
	layout.horizontalSpacing= 0;

	final Canvas canvas= new Canvas(composite, SWT.NO_FOCUS);
	GridData gridData= new GridData(SWT.BEGINNING, SWT.BEGINNING, false, false);
	gridData.widthHint= 17;
	gridData.heightHint= 16;
	canvas.addPaintListener(new PaintListener() {
		public void paintControl(PaintEvent e) {
			fMarkerAnnotationAccess.paint(annotation, e.gc, canvas, new Rectangle(0, 0, 16, 16));

	StyledText text= new StyledText(composite, SWT.MULTI | SWT.WRAP | SWT.READ_ONLY);
	GridData data= new GridData(SWT.FILL, SWT.FILL, true, true);
	String annotationText= annotation.getText();
	if (annotationText != null)
Example 12
Source File:    From goclipse with Eclipse Public License 1.0 5 votes vote down vote up
private void createAnnotationInformation(Composite parent, final Annotation annotation) {
	Composite composite= new Composite(parent, SWT.NONE);
	composite.setLayoutData(new GridData(SWT.FILL, SWT.TOP, true, false));
	GridLayout layout= new GridLayout(2, false);
	layout.marginHeight= 2;
	layout.marginWidth= 2;
	layout.horizontalSpacing= 0;

	final Canvas canvas= new Canvas(composite, SWT.NO_FOCUS);
	GridData gridData= new GridData(SWT.BEGINNING, SWT.BEGINNING, false, false);
	gridData.widthHint= 17;
	gridData.heightHint= 16;
	canvas.addPaintListener(new PaintListener() {
		public void paintControl(PaintEvent e) {
			fMarkerAnnotationAccess.paint(annotation, e.gc, canvas, new Rectangle(0, 0, 16, 16));

	StyledText text= new StyledText(composite, SWT.MULTI | SWT.WRAP | SWT.READ_ONLY);
	GridData data= new GridData(SWT.FILL, SWT.FILL, true, true);
	String annotationText= annotation.getText();
	if (annotationText != null)
Example 13
Source File:    From with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
public Object getHoverInfo2(ITextViewer textViewer, IRegion hoverRegion) {
	IPath path;
	IAnnotationModel model;
	if (textViewer instanceof ISourceViewer) {
		path = null;
		model = ((ISourceViewer) textViewer).getAnnotationModel();
	} else {
		// Get annotation model from file buffer manager
		path = getEditorInputPath();
		model = getAnnotationModel(path);
	if (model == null)
		return null;

	try {
		Iterator<Annotation> parent;
		if (model instanceof IAnnotationModelExtension2)
			parent = ((IAnnotationModelExtension2) model).getAnnotationIterator(hoverRegion.getOffset(),
					hoverRegion.getLength() > 0 ? hoverRegion.getLength() : 1, true, true);
			parent = model.getAnnotationIterator();
		Iterator<Annotation> e = new TypeScriptAnnotationIterator(parent, fAllAnnotations);

		int layer = -1;
		Annotation annotation = null;
		Position position = null;
		while (e.hasNext()) {
			Annotation a =;

			AnnotationPreference preference = getAnnotationPreference(a);
			if (preference == null || !(preference.getTextPreferenceKey() != null
			 * && fStore.getBoolean(preference.getTextPreferenceKey()) ||
			 * (preference.getHighlightPreferenceKey() != null &&
			 * fStore.getBoolean(preference.getHighlightPreferenceKey()))

			Position p = model.getPosition(a);

			int l = fAnnotationAccess.getLayer(a);

			if (l > layer && p != null && p.overlapsWith(hoverRegion.getOffset(), hoverRegion.getLength())) {
				String msg = a.getText();
				if (msg != null && msg.trim().length() > 0) {
					layer = l;
					annotation = a;
					position = p;
		if (layer > -1)
			return createAnnotationInfo(annotation, position, textViewer);

	} finally {
		try {
			if (path != null) {
				ITextFileBufferManager manager = FileBuffers.getTextFileBufferManager();
				manager.disconnect(path, LocationKind.NORMALIZE, null);
		} catch (CoreException ex) {

	return null;
Example 14
Source File:    From Eclipse-Postfix-Code-Completion with Eclipse Public License 1.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public Object getHoverInfo2(ITextViewer textViewer, IRegion hoverRegion) {
	IPath path;
	IAnnotationModel model;
	if (textViewer instanceof ISourceViewer) {
		path= null;
		model= ((ISourceViewer)textViewer).getAnnotationModel();
	} else {
		// Get annotation model from file buffer manager
		path= getEditorInputPath();
		model= getAnnotationModel(path);
	if (model == null)
		return null;

	try {
		Iterator<Annotation> parent;
		if (model instanceof IAnnotationModelExtension2)
			parent= ((IAnnotationModelExtension2)model).getAnnotationIterator(hoverRegion.getOffset(), hoverRegion.getLength(), true, true);
			parent= model.getAnnotationIterator();
		Iterator<Annotation> e= new JavaAnnotationIterator(parent, fAllAnnotations);

		int layer= -1;
		Annotation annotation= null;
		Position position= null;
		while (e.hasNext()) {
			Annotation a=;

			AnnotationPreference preference= getAnnotationPreference(a);
			if (preference == null || !(preference.getTextPreferenceKey() != null && fStore.getBoolean(preference.getTextPreferenceKey()) || (preference.getHighlightPreferenceKey() != null && fStore.getBoolean(preference.getHighlightPreferenceKey()))))

			Position p= model.getPosition(a);

			int l= fAnnotationAccess.getLayer(a);

			if (l > layer && p != null && p.overlapsWith(hoverRegion.getOffset(), hoverRegion.getLength())) {
				String msg= a.getText();
				if (msg != null && msg.trim().length() > 0) {
					layer= l;
					annotation= a;
					position= p;
		if (layer > -1)
			return createAnnotationInfo(annotation, position, textViewer);

	} finally {
		try {
			if (path != null) {
				ITextFileBufferManager manager= FileBuffers.getTextFileBufferManager();
				manager.disconnect(path, LocationKind.NORMALIZE, null);
		} catch (CoreException ex) {

	return null;
Example 15
Source File:    From goclipse with Eclipse Public License 1.0 4 votes vote down vote up
	public Object getHoverInfo(ISourceBuffer sourceBuffer, IRegion hoverRegion, ITextViewer textViewer) {
		if (!(textViewer instanceof ISourceViewer)) {
			return null;
		ISourceViewer sourceViewer = (ISourceViewer) textViewer;
//		IPath path = null;
		IAnnotationModel model = sourceViewer.getAnnotationModel();
//		if (editor.getSourceViewer_() instanceof ISourceViewer) {
//			path= null;
//			model= editor.getSourceViewer_().getAnnotationModel();
//		} else {
//			// Get annotation model from file buffer manager
//			path= getEditorInputPath();
//			model= getAnnotationModel(path);
//		}
		if (model == null)
			return null;

//		try {
			Iterator<Annotation> parent;
			if (model instanceof IAnnotationModelExtension2)
				parent= ((IAnnotationModelExtension2)model).getAnnotationIterator(hoverRegion.getOffset(), hoverRegion.getLength(), true, true);
				parent= model.getAnnotationIterator();
			Iterator<Annotation> e= new JavaAnnotationIterator(parent, fAllAnnotations);

			int layer= -1;
			Annotation annotation= null;
			Position position= null;
			while (e.hasNext()) {
				Annotation a=;

				AnnotationPreference preference= getAnnotationPreference(a);
				if (preference == null || !(preference.getTextPreferenceKey() != null && fStore.getBoolean(preference.getTextPreferenceKey()) || (preference.getHighlightPreferenceKey() != null && fStore.getBoolean(preference.getHighlightPreferenceKey()))))

				Position p= model.getPosition(a);

				int l= fAnnotationAccess.getLayer(a);

				if (l > layer && p != null && p.overlapsWith(hoverRegion.getOffset(), hoverRegion.getLength())) {
					String msg= a.getText();
					if (msg != null && msg.trim().length() > 0) {
						layer= l;
						annotation= a;
						position= p;
			if (layer > -1)
				return createAnnotationInfo(annotation, position, textViewer);

//		} finally {
//			try {
//				if (path != null) {
//					ITextFileBufferManager manager= FileBuffers.getTextFileBufferManager();
//					manager.disconnect(path, LocationKind.NORMALIZE, null);
//				}
//			} catch (CoreException ex) {
//				LangUIPlugin.logStatus(ex);
//			}
//		}

		return null;