Java Code Examples for org.deeplearning4j.nn.multilayer.MultiLayerNetwork#getLayer()

The following examples show how to use org.deeplearning4j.nn.multilayer.MultiLayerNetwork#getLayer() . You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example 1
Source File:    From deeplearning4j with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
public VariationalAutoencoder getVaeLayer() {
    MultiLayerNetwork network =
                    new MultiLayerNetwork(MultiLayerConfiguration.fromJson((String) jsonConfig.getValue()));
    INDArray val = ((INDArray) params.value()).unsafeDuplication();
    if (val.length() != network.numParams(false))
        throw new IllegalStateException(
                        "Network did not have same number of parameters as the broadcast set parameters");

    Layer l = network.getLayer(0);
    if (!(l instanceof VariationalAutoencoder)) {
        throw new RuntimeException(
                        "Cannot use VaeReconstructionProbWithKeyFunction on network that doesn't have a VAE "
                                        + "layer as layer 0. Layer type: " + l.getClass());
    return (VariationalAutoencoder) l;
Example 2
Source File:    From deeplearning4j with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
public void testEmbeddingLayerConfig() {

    for (boolean hasBias : new boolean[]{true, false}) {
        MultiLayerConfiguration conf = new NeuralNetConfiguration.Builder().activation(Activation.TANH).list()
                .layer(0, new EmbeddingLayer.Builder().hasBias(hasBias).nIn(10).nOut(5).build())
                .layer(1, new OutputLayer.Builder().nIn(5).nOut(4).activation(Activation.SOFTMAX).build())

        MultiLayerNetwork net = new MultiLayerNetwork(conf);

        Layer l0 = net.getLayer(0);

        assertEquals(org.deeplearning4j.nn.layers.feedforward.embedding.EmbeddingLayer.class, l0.getClass());
        assertEquals(10, ((FeedForwardLayer) l0.conf().getLayer()).getNIn());
        assertEquals(5, ((FeedForwardLayer) l0.conf().getLayer()).getNOut());

        INDArray weights = l0.getParam(DefaultParamInitializer.WEIGHT_KEY);
        INDArray bias = l0.getParam(DefaultParamInitializer.BIAS_KEY);
        assertArrayEquals(new long[]{10, 5}, weights.shape());
        if (hasBias) {
            assertArrayEquals(new long[]{1, 5}, bias.shape());
Example 3
Source File:    From deeplearning4j with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
public VariationalAutoencoder getVaeLayer() {
    MultiLayerNetwork network =
                    new MultiLayerNetwork(MultiLayerConfiguration.fromJson((String) jsonConfig.getValue()));
    INDArray val = ((INDArray) params.value()).unsafeDuplication();
    if (val.length() != network.numParams(false))
        throw new IllegalStateException(
                        "Network did not have same number of parameters as the broadcast set parameters");

    Layer l = network.getLayer(0);
    if (!(l instanceof VariationalAutoencoder)) {
        throw new RuntimeException(
                        "Cannot use VaeReconstructionErrorWithKeyFunction on network that doesn't have a VAE "
                                        + "layer as layer 0. Layer type: " + l.getClass());
    return (VariationalAutoencoder) l;
Example 4
Source File:    From deeplearning4j with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public void testEmbeddingSequenceLayerConfig() {

    int inputLength = 6;
    int nIn = 10;
    int embeddingDim = 5;
    int nout = 4;

    for (boolean hasBias : new boolean[]{true, false}) {
        MultiLayerConfiguration conf = new NeuralNetConfiguration.Builder().activation(Activation.TANH).list()
                .layer(new EmbeddingSequenceLayer.Builder().hasBias(hasBias)
                .layer(new RnnOutputLayer.Builder().nIn(embeddingDim).nOut(nout).activation(Activation.SOFTMAX).build())

        MultiLayerNetwork net = new MultiLayerNetwork(conf);

        Layer l0 = net.getLayer(0);

        assertEquals(org.deeplearning4j.nn.layers.feedforward.embedding.EmbeddingSequenceLayer.class, l0.getClass());
        assertEquals(10, ((FeedForwardLayer) l0.conf().getLayer()).getNIn());
        assertEquals(5, ((FeedForwardLayer) l0.conf().getLayer()).getNOut());

        INDArray weights = l0.getParam(DefaultParamInitializer.WEIGHT_KEY);
        INDArray bias = l0.getParam(DefaultParamInitializer.BIAS_KEY);
        assertArrayEquals(new long[]{10, 5}, weights.shape());
        if (hasBias) {
            assertArrayEquals(new long[]{1, 5}, bias.shape());
Example 5
Source File:    From deeplearning4j with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public void testDropConnectValues() {

    MultiLayerConfiguration conf = new NeuralNetConfiguration.Builder()
            .layer(new OutputLayer.Builder().nIn(10).nOut(10).activation(Activation.SOFTMAX).build())
    MultiLayerNetwork net = new MultiLayerNetwork(conf);

    Layer l = net.getLayer(0);
    DropConnect d = new DropConnect(0.5);

    INDArray outTest = d.getParameter(l, "W", 0, 0, false, LayerWorkspaceMgr.noWorkspaces());
    assertTrue(l.getParam("W") == outTest);    //Should be same object
    INDArray outTrain = d.getParameter(l, "W", 0, 0, true, LayerWorkspaceMgr.noWorkspaces());
    assertNotEquals(l.getParam("W"), outTrain);

    assertEquals(l.getParam("W"), Nd4j.ones(DataType.FLOAT, 10, 10));

    int countZeros = Nd4j.getExecutioner().exec(new MatchCondition(outTrain, Conditions.equals(0))).getInt(0);
    int countOnes = Nd4j.getExecutioner().exec(new MatchCondition(outTrain, Conditions.equals(1))).getInt(0);

    assertEquals(100, countZeros + countOnes);  //Should only be 0 or 2
    //Stochastic, but this should hold for most cases
    assertTrue(countZeros >= 25 && countZeros <= 75);
    assertTrue(countOnes >= 25 && countOnes <= 75);
Example 6
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public void testCausalCon1D() throws Exception {
    String[] names = new String[]{

    for(String name : names ){
        System.out.println("Starting test: " + name);
        String modelPath = "modelimport/keras/examples/causal_conv1d/" + name;
        String inputsOutputPath = "modelimport/keras/examples/causal_conv1d/" + (name.substring(0,name.length()-"model.h5".length()) + "inputs_and_outputs.h5");

        MultiLayerNetwork net = importEndModelTest(modelPath, inputsOutputPath, true, true,
                true, true, false, null, null);
        Layer l = net.getLayer(0);
        Convolution1DLayer c1d = (Convolution1DLayer) l.getConfig();
        assertEquals(ConvolutionMode.Causal, c1d.getConvolutionMode());
Example 7
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public void testConvolutionalNoBias() throws Exception {
    int[] minibatchSizes = {1, 4};
    int width = 6;
    int height = 6;
    int inputDepth = 2;
    int nOut = 3;

    Field f = org.deeplearning4j.nn.layers.convolution.ConvolutionLayer.class.getDeclaredField("helper");

    Random r = new Random(12345);
    for (int minibatchSize : minibatchSizes) {
        for (boolean convHasBias : new boolean[]{true, false}) {

            INDArray input = Nd4j.rand(new int[]{minibatchSize, inputDepth, height, width});
            INDArray labels = Nd4j.zeros(minibatchSize, nOut);
            for (int i = 0; i < minibatchSize; i++) {
                labels.putScalar(i, r.nextInt(nOut), 1.0);

            MultiLayerConfiguration.Builder builder = new NeuralNetConfiguration.Builder()
                    .dist(new UniformDistribution(-1, 1))
                    .updater(new NoOp()).seed(12345L)
                    .layer(0, new ConvolutionLayer.Builder(2, 2).stride(2, 2).padding(1, 1).nOut(3)
                    .layer(1, new ConvolutionLayer.Builder(2, 2).stride(2, 2).padding(0, 0).nOut(3)
                    .layer(2, new OutputLayer.Builder(LossFunctions.LossFunction.MCXENT)
                    .setInputType(InputType.convolutional(height, width, inputDepth))

            MultiLayerConfiguration conf =;

            MultiLayerNetwork mln = new MultiLayerNetwork(conf);

            org.deeplearning4j.nn.layers.convolution.ConvolutionLayer c0 =
                    (org.deeplearning4j.nn.layers.convolution.ConvolutionLayer) mln.getLayer(0);
            ConvolutionHelper ch0 = (ConvolutionHelper) f.get(c0);
            assertTrue(ch0 instanceof CudnnConvolutionHelper);

            org.deeplearning4j.nn.layers.convolution.ConvolutionLayer c1 =
                    (org.deeplearning4j.nn.layers.convolution.ConvolutionLayer) mln.getLayer(1);
            ConvolutionHelper ch1 = (ConvolutionHelper) f.get(c1);
            assertTrue(ch1 instanceof CudnnConvolutionHelper);

            String name = new Object() {}.getClass().getEnclosingMethod().getName() + ", minibatch = "
                    + minibatchSize + ", convHasBias = " + convHasBias;

            if (PRINT_RESULTS) {
                for (int j = 0; j < mln.getnLayers(); j++)
                    System.out.println("Layer " + j + " # params: " + mln.getLayer(j).numParams());

            boolean gradOK = GradientCheckUtil.checkGradients(mln, DEFAULT_EPS, DEFAULT_MAX_REL_ERROR,

            assertTrue(name, gradOK);
Example 8
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public void validateImplMultiLayerTBPTT() throws Exception {

    int minibatch = 10;
    int inputSize = 3;
    int lstmLayerSize = 4;
    int timeSeriesLength = 23;
    int tbpttLength = 5;
    int nOut = 2;

    MultiLayerConfiguration conf = new NeuralNetConfiguration.Builder().updater(new NoOp())
                    .dist(new NormalDistribution(0, 2)).list()
                    .layer(0, new LSTM.Builder().nIn(inputSize).nOut(lstmLayerSize)
                    .layer(1, new LSTM.Builder().nIn(lstmLayerSize).nOut(lstmLayerSize)
                    .layer(2, new RnnOutputLayer.Builder(LossFunctions.LossFunction.MCXENT)

    MultiLayerNetwork mln1 = new MultiLayerNetwork(conf.clone());

    MultiLayerNetwork mln2 = new MultiLayerNetwork(conf.clone());

    assertEquals(mln1.params(), mln2.params());

    Field f = org.deeplearning4j.nn.layers.recurrent.LSTM.class.getDeclaredField("helper");

    Layer l0 = mln1.getLayer(0);
    Layer l1 = mln1.getLayer(1);
    f.set(l0, null);
    f.set(l1, null);

    l0 = mln2.getLayer(0);
    l1 = mln2.getLayer(1);
    assertTrue(f.get(l0) instanceof CudnnLSTMHelper);
    assertTrue(f.get(l1) instanceof CudnnLSTMHelper);

    Random r = new Random(12345);
    for (int x = 0; x < 1; x++) {
        INDArray input = Nd4j.rand(new int[] {minibatch, inputSize, timeSeriesLength});
        INDArray labels = Nd4j.zeros(minibatch, nOut, timeSeriesLength);
        for (int i = 0; i < minibatch; i++) {
            for (int j = 0; j < timeSeriesLength; j++) {
                labels.putScalar(i, r.nextInt(nOut), j, 1.0);

        DataSet ds = new DataSet(input, labels);;;

    assertEquals(mln1.params(), mln2.params());
Example 9
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public void validateImplMultiLayer() throws Exception {

    int minibatch = 10;
    int inputSize = 3;
    int lstmLayerSize = 4;
    int timeSeriesLength = 3;
    int nOut = 2;
    INDArray input = Nd4j.rand(new int[] {minibatch, inputSize, timeSeriesLength});
    INDArray labels = Nd4j.zeros(minibatch, nOut, timeSeriesLength);
    Random r = new Random(12345);
    for (int i = 0; i < minibatch; i++) {
        for (int j = 0; j < timeSeriesLength; j++) {
            labels.putScalar(i, r.nextInt(nOut), j, 1.0);

    MultiLayerConfiguration conf = new NeuralNetConfiguration.Builder().updater(new NoOp())
                    .dist(new NormalDistribution(0, 2)).list()
                    .layer(0, new LSTM.Builder().nIn(input.size(1)).nOut(lstmLayerSize)
                    .layer(1, new LSTM.Builder().nIn(lstmLayerSize).nOut(lstmLayerSize)
                    .layer(2, new RnnOutputLayer.Builder(LossFunctions.LossFunction.MCXENT)

    MultiLayerNetwork mln1 = new MultiLayerNetwork(conf.clone());

    MultiLayerNetwork mln2 = new MultiLayerNetwork(conf.clone());

    assertEquals(mln1.params(), mln2.params());

    Field f = org.deeplearning4j.nn.layers.recurrent.LSTM.class.getDeclaredField("helper");

    Layer l0 = mln1.getLayer(0);
    Layer l1 = mln1.getLayer(1);
    f.set(l0, null);
    f.set(l1, null);

    l0 = mln2.getLayer(0);
    l1 = mln2.getLayer(1);
    assertTrue(f.get(l0) instanceof CudnnLSTMHelper);
    assertTrue(f.get(l1) instanceof CudnnLSTMHelper);

    INDArray out1 = mln1.output(input);
    INDArray out2 = mln2.output(input);

    assertEquals(out1, out2);

    for (int x = 0; x < 10; x++) {
        input = Nd4j.rand(new int[] {minibatch, inputSize, timeSeriesLength});
        labels = Nd4j.zeros(minibatch, nOut, timeSeriesLength);
        for (int i = 0; i < minibatch; i++) {
            for (int j = 0; j < timeSeriesLength; j++) {
                labels.putScalar(i, r.nextInt(nOut), j, 1.0);




        assertEquals(mln1.score(), mln2.score(), 1e-5);

        assertEquals(mln1.getFlattenedGradients(), mln2.getFlattenedGradients()); DataSet(input, labels)); DataSet(input, labels));

        assertEquals("Iteration: " + x, mln1.params(), mln2.params());
Example 10
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public void validateImplSimple() throws Exception {

    int minibatch = 10;
    int inputSize = 3;
    int lstmLayerSize = 4;
    int timeSeriesLength = 3;
    int nOut = 2;
    INDArray input = Nd4j.rand(new int[] {minibatch, inputSize, timeSeriesLength});
    INDArray labels = Nd4j.zeros(minibatch, nOut, timeSeriesLength);
    Random r = new Random(12345);
    for (int i = 0; i < minibatch; i++) {
        for (int j = 0; j < timeSeriesLength; j++) {
            labels.putScalar(i, r.nextInt(nOut), j, 1.0);

    MultiLayerConfiguration conf = new NeuralNetConfiguration.Builder().inferenceWorkspaceMode(WorkspaceMode.NONE)
                    .trainingWorkspaceMode(WorkspaceMode.NONE).updater(new NoOp())
                    .dist(new NormalDistribution(0, 2)).list()
                    .layer(0, new LSTM.Builder().nIn(input.size(1)).nOut(lstmLayerSize)
                    .layer(1, new RnnOutputLayer.Builder(LossFunctions.LossFunction.MCXENT)

    MultiLayerNetwork mln1 = new MultiLayerNetwork(conf.clone());

    MultiLayerNetwork mln2 = new MultiLayerNetwork(conf.clone());

    assertEquals(mln1.params(), mln2.params());

    Field f = org.deeplearning4j.nn.layers.recurrent.LSTM.class.getDeclaredField("helper");

    Layer l0 = mln1.getLayer(0);
    f.set(l0, null);

    l0 = mln2.getLayer(0);
    assertTrue(f.get(l0) instanceof CudnnLSTMHelper);

    INDArray out1 = mln1.output(input);
    INDArray out2 = mln2.output(input);

    assertEquals(out1, out2);




    assertEquals(mln1.score(), mln2.score(), 1e-5);

    Gradient g1 = mln1.gradient();
    Gradient g2 = mln2.gradient();

    for (Map.Entry<String, INDArray> entry : g1.gradientForVariable().entrySet()) {
        INDArray exp = entry.getValue();
        INDArray act = g2.gradientForVariable().get(entry.getKey());

        //System.out.println(entry.getKey() + "\t" + exp.equals(act));

    assertEquals(mln1.getFlattenedGradients(), mln2.getFlattenedGradients());
Example 11
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public void testCropping2DLayer() {
    int nOut = 2;

    int[] minibatchSizes = {1, 3};
    int width = 12;
    int height = 11;
    int[] inputDepths = {1, 3};

    int[] kernel = {2, 2};
    int[] stride = {1, 1};
    int[] padding = {0, 0};

    int[][] cropTestCases = new int[][]{{0, 0, 0, 0}, {1, 1, 0, 0}, {2, 2, 2, 2}, {1, 2, 3, 4}};

    for (int inputDepth : inputDepths) {
        for (int minibatchSize : minibatchSizes) {
            INDArray input = Nd4j.rand(new int[]{minibatchSize, inputDepth, height, width});
            INDArray labels = Nd4j.zeros(minibatchSize, nOut);
            for (int i = 0; i < minibatchSize; i++) {
                labels.putScalar(new int[]{i, i % nOut}, 1.0);
            for (int[] crop : cropTestCases) {

                MultiLayerConfiguration conf =
                        new NeuralNetConfiguration.Builder()
                                .updater(new NoOp())
                                .weightInit(new NormalDistribution(0, 1)).list()
                                .layer(new ConvolutionLayer.Builder(kernel, stride, padding)
                                        .nIn(inputDepth).nOut(2).build())//output: (6-2+0)/1+1 = 5
                                .layer(new Cropping2D(crop))
                                .layer(new ConvolutionLayer.Builder(kernel, stride, padding).nIn(2).nOut(2).build())
                                .layer(new SubsamplingLayer.Builder(SubsamplingLayer.PoolingType.AVG).kernelSize(3, 3).stride(3, 3).build())
                                .layer(3, new OutputLayer.Builder(LossFunctions.LossFunction.MCXENT)
                                .setInputType(InputType.convolutional(height, width, inputDepth))

                MultiLayerNetwork net = new MultiLayerNetwork(conf);

                //Check cropping activation shape
                org.deeplearning4j.nn.layers.convolution.Cropping2DLayer cl =
                        (org.deeplearning4j.nn.layers.convolution.Cropping2DLayer) net.getLayer(1);
                val expShape = new long[]{minibatchSize, inputDepth, height - crop[0] - crop[1],
                        width - crop[2] - crop[3]};
                INDArray out = cl.activate(input, false, LayerWorkspaceMgr.noWorkspaces());
                assertArrayEquals(expShape, out.shape());

                String msg = "minibatch=" + minibatchSize + ", channels=" + inputDepth + ", zeroPad = "
                        + Arrays.toString(crop);

                if (PRINT_RESULTS) {

                boolean gradOK = GradientCheckUtil.checkGradients(
                        new GradientCheckUtil.MLNConfig().net(net)

                assertTrue(msg, gradOK);

Example 12
Source File:    From deeplearning4j with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
    public void testCnnZeroPaddingLayer() {
        int nOut = 4;

        int width = 6;
        int height = 6;

        int[] kernel = {2, 2};
        int[] stride = {1, 1};
        int[] padding = {0, 0};

        int[] minibatchSizes = {1, 3, 2};
        int[] inputDepths = {1, 3, 2};
        int[][] zeroPadLayer = new int[][]{{0, 0, 0, 0}, {1, 1, 0, 0}, {2, 2, 2, 2}};

        for( int i=0; i<minibatchSizes.length; i++ ){
            int minibatchSize = minibatchSizes[i];
            int inputDepth = inputDepths[i];
            int[] zeroPad = zeroPadLayer[i];
            INDArray input = Nd4j.rand(DataType.DOUBLE, new int[]{minibatchSize, inputDepth, height, width});
            INDArray labels = TestUtils.randomOneHot(minibatchSize, nOut);

            MultiLayerConfiguration conf =
                    new NeuralNetConfiguration.Builder().updater(new NoOp())
                            .dist(new NormalDistribution(0, 1)).list()
                            .layer(0, new ConvolutionLayer.Builder(kernel, stride, padding)
                                    .nIn(inputDepth).nOut(3).build())//output: (6-2+0)/1+1 = 5
                            .layer(1, new ZeroPaddingLayer.Builder(zeroPad).build()).layer(2,
                            new ConvolutionLayer.Builder(kernel, stride,
                                    padding).nIn(3).nOut(3).build())//output: (6-2+0)/1+1 = 5
                            .layer(3, new OutputLayer.Builder(LossFunctions.LossFunction.MCXENT)
                            .setInputType(InputType.convolutional(height, width, inputDepth))

            MultiLayerNetwork net = new MultiLayerNetwork(conf);

            //Check zero padding activation shape
            org.deeplearning4j.nn.layers.convolution.ZeroPaddingLayer zpl =
                    (org.deeplearning4j.nn.layers.convolution.ZeroPaddingLayer) net.getLayer(1);
            val expShape = new long[]{minibatchSize, inputDepth, height + zeroPad[0] + zeroPad[1],
                    width + zeroPad[2] + zeroPad[3]};
            INDArray out = zpl.activate(input, false, LayerWorkspaceMgr.noWorkspaces());
            assertArrayEquals(expShape, out.shape());

            String msg = "minibatch=" + minibatchSize + ", channels=" + inputDepth + ", zeroPad = "
                    + Arrays.toString(zeroPad);

            if (PRINT_RESULTS) {
//                for (int j = 0; j < net.getnLayers(); j++)
//                    System.out.println("Layer " + j + " # params: " + net.getLayer(j).numParams());

            boolean gradOK = GradientCheckUtil.checkGradients(net, DEFAULT_EPS, DEFAULT_MAX_REL_ERROR,

            assertTrue(msg, gradOK);

Example 13
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public void testLSTM() throws Exception {

    int minibatch = 4;
    int inputSize = 3;
    int lstmLayerSize = 4;
    int timeSeriesLength = 3;
    int nOut = 4;
    INDArray input = Nd4j.rand(new int[] {minibatch, inputSize, timeSeriesLength});
    INDArray labels = Nd4j.zeros(minibatch, nOut, timeSeriesLength);
    Random r = new Random(12345);
    for (int i = 0; i < minibatch; i++) {
        for (int j = 0; j < timeSeriesLength; j++) {
            labels.putScalar(i, r.nextInt(nOut), j, 1.0);

    MultiLayerConfiguration.Builder builder = new NeuralNetConfiguration.Builder()
                    .updater(new NoOp()).seed(12345L)
                    .dist(new NormalDistribution(0, 2)).list()
                    .layer(0, new LSTM.Builder().nIn(input.size(1)).nOut(lstmLayerSize)
                    .layer(1, new LSTM.Builder().nIn(lstmLayerSize).nOut(lstmLayerSize)
                    .layer(2, new RnnOutputLayer.Builder(LossFunctions.LossFunction.MCXENT)

    MultiLayerNetwork mln = new MultiLayerNetwork(;

    Field f = org.deeplearning4j.nn.layers.recurrent.LSTM.class.getDeclaredField("helper");

    org.deeplearning4j.nn.layers.recurrent.LSTM l = (org.deeplearning4j.nn.layers.recurrent.LSTM) mln.getLayer(1);
    LSTMHelper helper = (LSTMHelper) f.get(l);
    assertTrue(helper instanceof CudnnLSTMHelper);

    //For debugging/comparison to no-cudnn case: set helper field to null
    //        f.set(l, null);
    //        assertNull(f.get(l));

    if (PRINT_RESULTS) {
        for (int j = 0; j < mln.getnLayers(); j++)
            System.out.println("Layer " + j + " # params: " + mln.getLayer(j).numParams());

    boolean gradOK = GradientCheckUtil.checkGradients(mln, DEFAULT_EPS, DEFAULT_MAX_REL_ERROR,
            DEFAULT_MIN_ABS_ERROR, PRINT_RESULTS, RETURN_ON_FIRST_FAILURE, input, labels, null, null, true, 32, null, null);

Example 14
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public void testLRN() throws Exception {

    int minibatch = 10;
    int depth = 6;
    int hw = 5;
    int nOut = 4;
    INDArray input = Nd4j.rand(new int[] {minibatch, depth, hw, hw});
    INDArray labels = Nd4j.zeros(minibatch, nOut);
    Random r = new Random(12345);
    for (int i = 0; i < minibatch; i++) {
        labels.putScalar(i, r.nextInt(nOut), 1.0);

    MultiLayerConfiguration.Builder builder = new NeuralNetConfiguration.Builder().updater(new NoOp())
                    .dist(new NormalDistribution(0, 2)).list()
                    .layer(0, new ConvolutionLayer.Builder().nOut(6).kernelSize(2, 2).stride(1, 1)
                    .layer(1, new LocalResponseNormalization.Builder().build())
                    .layer(2, new OutputLayer.Builder(LossFunctions.LossFunction.MCXENT)
                    .setInputType(InputType.convolutional(hw, hw, depth));

    MultiLayerNetwork mln = new MultiLayerNetwork(;

    Field f = org.deeplearning4j.nn.layers.normalization.LocalResponseNormalization.class

    org.deeplearning4j.nn.layers.normalization.LocalResponseNormalization l =
                    (org.deeplearning4j.nn.layers.normalization.LocalResponseNormalization) mln.getLayer(1);
    LocalResponseNormalizationHelper lrn = (LocalResponseNormalizationHelper) f.get(l);
    assertTrue(lrn instanceof CudnnLocalResponseNormalizationHelper);

    //For debugging/comparison to no-cudnn case: set helper field to null
    //        f.set(l, null);
    //        assertNull(f.get(l));

    if (PRINT_RESULTS) {
        for (int j = 0; j < mln.getnLayers(); j++)
            System.out.println("Layer " + j + " # params: " + mln.getLayer(j).numParams());

    boolean gradOK = GradientCheckUtil.checkGradients(mln, DEFAULT_EPS, DEFAULT_MAX_REL_ERROR,

Example 15
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public void testBatchNormCnn() throws Exception {
    //Note: CuDNN batch norm supports 4d only, as per 5.1 (according to api reference documentation)
    int minibatch = 10;
    int depth = 1;
    int hw = 4;
    int nOut = 4;
    INDArray input = Nd4j.rand(new int[] {minibatch, depth, hw, hw});
    INDArray labels = Nd4j.zeros(minibatch, nOut);
    Random r = new Random(12345);
    for (int i = 0; i < minibatch; i++) {
        labels.putScalar(i, r.nextInt(nOut), 1.0);

    MultiLayerConfiguration.Builder builder = new NeuralNetConfiguration.Builder().updater(new NoOp())
                    .dist(new NormalDistribution(0, 2)).list()
                    .layer(0, new ConvolutionLayer.Builder().kernelSize(2, 2).stride(1, 1).nIn(depth).nOut(2)
                    .layer(1, new BatchNormalization.Builder().build())
                    .layer(2, new ActivationLayer.Builder().activation(Activation.TANH).build())
                    .layer(3, new OutputLayer.Builder(LossFunctions.LossFunction.MCXENT)
                    .setInputType(InputType.convolutional(hw, hw, depth));

    MultiLayerNetwork mln = new MultiLayerNetwork(;

    Field f = org.deeplearning4j.nn.layers.normalization.BatchNormalization.class.getDeclaredField("helper");

    org.deeplearning4j.nn.layers.normalization.BatchNormalization b =
                    (org.deeplearning4j.nn.layers.normalization.BatchNormalization) mln.getLayer(1);
    BatchNormalizationHelper bn = (BatchNormalizationHelper) f.get(b);
    assertTrue(bn instanceof CudnnBatchNormalizationHelper);

    //For debugging/comparison to no-cudnn case: set helper field to null
    //        f.set(b, null);
    //        assertNull(f.get(b));

    if (PRINT_RESULTS) {
        for (int j = 0; j < mln.getnLayers(); j++)
            System.out.println("Layer " + j + " # params: " + mln.getLayer(j).numParams());

    //Mean and variance vars are not gradient checkable; mean/variance "gradient" is used to implement running mean/variance calc
    //i.e., runningMean = decay * runningMean + (1-decay) * batchMean
    //However, numerical gradient will be 0 as forward pass doesn't depend on this "parameter"
    Set<String> excludeParams = new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList("1_mean", "1_var", "1_log10stdev"));
    boolean gradOK = GradientCheckUtil.checkGradients(mln, DEFAULT_EPS, DEFAULT_MAX_REL_ERROR,
                    DEFAULT_MIN_ABS_ERROR, PRINT_RESULTS, RETURN_ON_FIRST_FAILURE, input, labels, null, null, false, -1, excludeParams, null);

Example 16
Source File:    From deeplearning4j with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public void testConvolutional() throws Exception {

    //Parameterized test, testing combinations of:
    // (a) activation function
    // (b) Whether to test at random initialization, or after some learning (i.e., 'characteristic mode of operation')
    // (c) Loss function (with specified output activations)
    Activation[] activFns = {Activation.SIGMOID, Activation.TANH};
    boolean[] characteristic = {false, true}; //If true: run some backprop steps first

    int[] minibatchSizes = {1, 4};
    int width = 6;
    int height = 6;
    int inputDepth = 2;
    int nOut = 3;

    Field f = org.deeplearning4j.nn.layers.convolution.ConvolutionLayer.class.getDeclaredField("helper");

    Random r = new Random(12345);
    for (Activation afn : activFns) {
        for (boolean doLearningFirst : characteristic) {
            for (int minibatchSize : minibatchSizes) {

                INDArray input = Nd4j.rand(new int[] {minibatchSize, inputDepth, height, width});
                INDArray labels = Nd4j.zeros(minibatchSize, nOut);
                for (int i = 0; i < minibatchSize; i++) {
                    labels.putScalar(i, r.nextInt(nOut), 1.0);

                MultiLayerConfiguration.Builder builder = new NeuralNetConfiguration.Builder()
                                .dist(new UniformDistribution(-1, 1))
                                .updater(new NoOp()).seed(12345L).list()
                                .layer(0, new ConvolutionLayer.Builder(2, 2).stride(2, 2).padding(1, 1).nOut(3)
                                .layer(1, new ConvolutionLayer.Builder(2, 2).stride(2, 2).padding(0, 0).nOut(3)
                                .layer(2, new OutputLayer.Builder(LossFunctions.LossFunction.MCXENT)
                                .setInputType(InputType.convolutional(height, width, inputDepth))

                MultiLayerConfiguration conf =;

                MultiLayerNetwork mln = new MultiLayerNetwork(conf);

                org.deeplearning4j.nn.layers.convolution.ConvolutionLayer c0 =
                                (org.deeplearning4j.nn.layers.convolution.ConvolutionLayer) mln.getLayer(0);
                ConvolutionHelper ch0 = (ConvolutionHelper) f.get(c0);
                assertTrue(ch0 instanceof CudnnConvolutionHelper);

                org.deeplearning4j.nn.layers.convolution.ConvolutionLayer c1 =
                                (org.deeplearning4j.nn.layers.convolution.ConvolutionLayer) mln.getLayer(1);
                ConvolutionHelper ch1 = (ConvolutionHelper) f.get(c1);
                assertTrue(ch1 instanceof CudnnConvolutionHelper);

                //For debugging/comparison to no-cudnn case: set helper field to null
                //                    f.set(c0, null);
                //                    f.set(c1, null);
                //                    assertNull(f.get(c0));
                //                    assertNull(f.get(c1));

                String name = new Object() {}.getClass().getEnclosingMethod().getName();

                if (doLearningFirst) {
                    //Run a number of iterations of learning
                    double scoreBefore = mln.score();
                    for (int j = 0; j < 10; j++)
              , labels);
                    double scoreAfter = mln.score();
                    //Can't test in 'characteristic mode of operation' if not learning
                    String msg = name + " - score did not (sufficiently) decrease during learning - activationFn="
                                    + afn + ", doLearningFirst= " + doLearningFirst + " (before=" + scoreBefore
                                    + ", scoreAfter=" + scoreAfter + ")";
                    assertTrue(msg, scoreAfter < 0.8 * scoreBefore);

                if (PRINT_RESULTS) {
                    System.out.println(name + " - activationFn=" + afn + ", doLearningFirst=" + doLearningFirst);
                    for (int j = 0; j < mln.getnLayers(); j++)
                        System.out.println("Layer " + j + " # params: " + mln.getLayer(j).numParams());

                boolean gradOK = GradientCheckUtil.checkGradients(mln, DEFAULT_EPS, DEFAULT_MAX_REL_ERROR,
                                DEFAULT_MIN_ABS_ERROR, PRINT_RESULTS, RETURN_ON_FIRST_FAILURE, input, labels);

Example 17
Source File:    From deeplearning4j with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
    public void testYoloActivateScoreBasic() {

        //Note that we expect some NaNs here - 0/0 for example in IOU calculation. This is handled explicitly in the

        int mb = 3;
        int b = 4;
        int c = 3;
        int depth = b * (5 + c);
        int w = 6;
        int h = 6;

        INDArray bbPrior = Nd4j.rand(b, 2).muliRowVector(Nd4j.create(new double[]{w, h}));

        MultiLayerConfiguration conf = new NeuralNetConfiguration.Builder()
                .layer(new ConvolutionLayer.Builder().nIn(depth).nOut(depth).kernelSize(1,1).build())
                .layer(new Yolo2OutputLayer.Builder()

        MultiLayerNetwork net = new MultiLayerNetwork(conf);

        org.deeplearning4j.nn.layers.objdetect.Yolo2OutputLayer y2impl = (org.deeplearning4j.nn.layers.objdetect.Yolo2OutputLayer) net.getLayer(1);

        INDArray input = Nd4j.rand(new int[]{mb, depth, h, w});

        INDArray out = y2impl.activate(input, false, LayerWorkspaceMgr.noWorkspaces());
        assertArrayEquals(input.shape(), out.shape());

        //Check score method (simple)
        int labelDepth = 4 + c;
        INDArray labels = Nd4j.zeros(mb, labelDepth, h, w);
        //put 1 object per minibatch, at positions (0,0), (1,1) etc.
        //Positions for label boxes: (1,1) to (2,2), (2,2) to (4,4) etc
        labels.putScalar(0, 4 + 0, 0, 0, 1);
        labels.putScalar(1, 4 + 1, 1, 1, 1);
        labels.putScalar(2, 4 + 2, 2, 2, 1);

        labels.putScalar(0, 0, 0, 0, 1);
        labels.putScalar(0, 1, 0, 0, 1);
        labels.putScalar(0, 2, 0, 0, 2);
        labels.putScalar(0, 3, 0, 0, 2);

        labels.putScalar(1, 0, 1, 1, 2);
        labels.putScalar(1, 1, 1, 1, 2);
        labels.putScalar(1, 2, 1, 1, 4);
        labels.putScalar(1, 3, 1, 1, 4);

        labels.putScalar(2, 0, 2, 2, 3);
        labels.putScalar(2, 1, 2, 2, 3);
        labels.putScalar(2, 2, 2, 2, 6);
        labels.putScalar(2, 3, 2, 2, 6);

        y2impl.setInput(input, LayerWorkspaceMgr.noWorkspaces());
        double score = y2impl.computeScore(0.0, true, LayerWorkspaceMgr.noWorkspaces());

//        System.out.println("SCORE: " + score);
        assertTrue(score > 0.0);

        //Finally: test ser/de:
        MultiLayerNetwork netLoaded = TestUtils.testModelSerialization(net);

        y2impl = (org.deeplearning4j.nn.layers.objdetect.Yolo2OutputLayer) netLoaded.getLayer(1);
        y2impl.setInput(input, LayerWorkspaceMgr.noWorkspaces());
        double score2 = y2impl.computeScore(0.0, true, LayerWorkspaceMgr.noWorkspaces());

        assertEquals(score, score2, 1e-8);

        //Test computeScoreForExamples:
        INDArray scoreArr1 = net.scoreExamples(new DataSet(input, labels), false);
        INDArray scoreArr2 = net.scoreExamples(new DataSet(input, labels), true);

        assertArrayEquals(new long[]{mb,1}, scoreArr1.shape());
        assertArrayEquals(new long[]{mb,1}, scoreArr2.shape());
        assertNotEquals(scoreArr1, scoreArr2);
Example 18
Source File:    From deeplearning4j with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public void validateImplMultiLayerRnnTimeStep() throws Exception {

    for(WorkspaceMode wsm : new WorkspaceMode[]{WorkspaceMode.NONE, WorkspaceMode.ENABLED}) {
        int minibatch = 10;
        int inputSize = 3;
        int lstmLayerSize = 4;
        int timeSeriesLength = 3;
        int tbpttLength = 5;
        int nOut = 2;

        MultiLayerConfiguration conf = new NeuralNetConfiguration.Builder().updater(new NoOp())
                .dist(new NormalDistribution(0, 2)).list()
                .layer(0, new LSTM.Builder().nIn(inputSize).nOut(lstmLayerSize)
                .layer(1, new LSTM.Builder().nIn(lstmLayerSize).nOut(lstmLayerSize)
                .layer(2, new RnnOutputLayer.Builder(LossFunctions.LossFunction.MCXENT)

        MultiLayerNetwork mln1 = new MultiLayerNetwork(conf.clone());

        MultiLayerNetwork mln2 = new MultiLayerNetwork(conf.clone());

        assertEquals(mln1.params(), mln2.params());

        Field f = org.deeplearning4j.nn.layers.recurrent.LSTM.class.getDeclaredField("helper");

        Layer l0 = mln1.getLayer(0);
        Layer l1 = mln1.getLayer(1);
        f.set(l0, null);
        f.set(l1, null);

        l0 = mln2.getLayer(0);
        l1 = mln2.getLayer(1);
        assertTrue(f.get(l0) instanceof CudnnLSTMHelper);
        assertTrue(f.get(l1) instanceof CudnnLSTMHelper);

        Random r = new Random(12345);
        for (int x = 0; x < 5; x++) {
            INDArray input = Nd4j.rand(new int[]{minibatch, inputSize, timeSeriesLength});

            INDArray step1 = mln1.rnnTimeStep(input);
            INDArray step2 = mln2.rnnTimeStep(input);

            assertEquals("Step: " + x, step1, step2);

        assertEquals(mln1.params(), mln2.params());

        //Also check fit (mainly for workspaces sanity check):
        INDArray in = Nd4j.rand(new int[]{minibatch, inputSize, 3 * tbpttLength});
        INDArray label = TestUtils.randomOneHotTimeSeries(minibatch, nOut, 3 * tbpttLength);
        for( int i=0; i<3; i++ ){
  , label);
  , label);
Example 19
Source File:    From deeplearning4j with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public void testCropping2DLayer() {
    int nOut = 2;
    int width = 12;
    int height = 11;

    int[] kernel = {2, 2};
    int[] stride = {1, 1};
    int[] padding = {0, 0};

    int[][] cropTestCases = new int[][]{{0, 0, 0, 0}, {1, 1, 0, 0}, {2, 2, 2, 2}, {1, 2, 3, 4}};
    int[] inputDepths = {1, 2, 3, 2};
    int[] minibatchSizes = {2, 1, 3, 2};

    boolean nchw = format == CNN2DFormat.NCHW;

    for (int i = 0; i < cropTestCases.length; i++) {
        int inputDepth = inputDepths[i];
        int minibatchSize = minibatchSizes[i];
        int[] crop = cropTestCases[i];
        long[] inShape = nchw ? new long[]{minibatchSize, inputDepth, height, width} : new long[]{minibatchSize, height, width, inputDepth};
        INDArray input = Nd4j.rand(DataType.DOUBLE, inShape);
        INDArray labels = TestUtils.randomOneHot(minibatchSize, nOut);

        MultiLayerConfiguration conf =
                new NeuralNetConfiguration.Builder()
                        .updater(new NoOp())
                        .weightInit(new NormalDistribution(0, 1)).list()
                        .layer(new ConvolutionLayer.Builder(kernel, stride, padding)
                                .nIn(inputDepth).nOut(2).build())//output: (6-2+0)/1+1 = 5
                        .layer(new Cropping2D(crop))
                        .layer(new ConvolutionLayer.Builder(kernel, stride, padding).nIn(2).nOut(2).build())
                        .layer(new SubsamplingLayer.Builder(SubsamplingLayer.PoolingType.AVG).kernelSize(3, 3).stride(3, 3).build())
                        .layer(3, new OutputLayer.Builder(LossFunctions.LossFunction.MCXENT)
                        .setInputType(InputType.convolutional(height, width, inputDepth, format))

        MultiLayerNetwork net = new MultiLayerNetwork(conf);

        //Check cropping activation shape
        org.deeplearning4j.nn.layers.convolution.Cropping2DLayer cl =
                (org.deeplearning4j.nn.layers.convolution.Cropping2DLayer) net.getLayer(1);
        long[] expShape;
            expShape = new long[]{minibatchSize, inputDepth, height - crop[0] - crop[1],
                    width - crop[2] - crop[3]};
        } else {
            expShape = new long[]{minibatchSize, height - crop[0] - crop[1],
                    width - crop[2] - crop[3], inputDepth};
        INDArray out = cl.activate(input, false, LayerWorkspaceMgr.noWorkspaces());
        assertArrayEquals(expShape, out.shape());

        String msg = format + " - minibatch=" + minibatchSize + ", channels=" + inputDepth + ", zeroPad = "
                + Arrays.toString(crop);

        if (PRINT_RESULTS) {

        boolean gradOK = GradientCheckUtil.checkGradients(new GradientCheckUtil.MLNConfig().net(net).input(input)

        assertTrue(msg, gradOK);

Example 20
Source File:    From deeplearning4j with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
    public void testCnnZeroPaddingLayer() {
        int nOut = 4;

        int width = 6;
        int height = 6;

        int[] kernel = {2, 2};
        int[] stride = {1, 1};
        int[] padding = {0, 0};

        int[] minibatchSizes = {1, 3, 2};
        int[] inputDepths = {1, 3, 2};
        int[][] zeroPadLayer = new int[][]{{0, 0, 0, 0}, {1, 1, 0, 0}, {2, 2, 2, 2}};

        boolean nchw = format == CNN2DFormat.NCHW;

        for( int i=0; i<minibatchSizes.length; i++ ){
            int minibatchSize = minibatchSizes[i];
            int inputDepth = inputDepths[i];
            int[] zeroPad = zeroPadLayer[i];

            long[] inShape = nchw ? new long[]{minibatchSize, inputDepth, height, width} : new long[]{minibatchSize, height, width, inputDepth};
            INDArray input = Nd4j.rand(DataType.DOUBLE, inShape);
            INDArray labels = TestUtils.randomOneHot(minibatchSize, nOut);

            MultiLayerConfiguration conf =
                    new NeuralNetConfiguration.Builder().updater(new NoOp())
                            .dist(new NormalDistribution(0, 1)).list()
                            .layer(0, new ConvolutionLayer.Builder(kernel, stride, padding)
                                    .nIn(inputDepth).nOut(3).build())//output: (6-2+0)/1+1 = 5
                            .layer(1, new ZeroPaddingLayer.Builder(zeroPad).build()).layer(2,
                            new ConvolutionLayer.Builder(kernel, stride,
                                    padding).nIn(3).nOut(3).build())//output: (6-2+0)/1+1 = 5
                            .layer(3, new OutputLayer.Builder(LossFunctions.LossFunction.MCXENT)
                            .setInputType(InputType.convolutional(height, width, inputDepth, format))

            MultiLayerNetwork net = new MultiLayerNetwork(conf);

            //Check zero padding activation shape
            org.deeplearning4j.nn.layers.convolution.ZeroPaddingLayer zpl =
                    (org.deeplearning4j.nn.layers.convolution.ZeroPaddingLayer) net.getLayer(1);
            long[] expShape;
                expShape = new long[]{minibatchSize, inputDepth, height + zeroPad[0] + zeroPad[1],
                        width + zeroPad[2] + zeroPad[3]};
            } else {
                expShape = new long[]{minibatchSize, height + zeroPad[0] + zeroPad[1],
                        width + zeroPad[2] + zeroPad[3], inputDepth};
            INDArray out = zpl.activate(input, false, LayerWorkspaceMgr.noWorkspaces());
            assertArrayEquals(expShape, out.shape());

            String msg = "minibatch=" + minibatchSize + ", channels=" + inputDepth + ", zeroPad = "
                    + Arrays.toString(zeroPad);

            if (PRINT_RESULTS) {
//                for (int j = 0; j < net.getnLayers(); j++)
//                    System.out.println("Layer " + j + " # params: " + net.getLayer(j).numParams());

            boolean gradOK = GradientCheckUtil.checkGradients(net, DEFAULT_EPS, DEFAULT_MAX_REL_ERROR,

            assertTrue(msg, gradOK);
