Java Code Examples for org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.OffsetAndMetadata#offset()

The following examples show how to use org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.OffsetAndMetadata#offset() . You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example 1
Source File:    From kafka-workers with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
private void removeCommitted(TopicPartition partition, OffsetAndMetadata offsetAndMetadata) {
    ConsumedOffsets consumedOffsets = consumedOffsetsMap.get(partition);
    SortedRanges processedOffsets = processedOffsetsMap.get(partition);
    if (consumedOffsets == null || processedOffsets == null) {
        logger.warn("Aborting removeCommitted for partition [{}] (partition probably unregistered)", partition);

    synchronized (consumedOffsets) {
        synchronized (processedOffsets) {
            long maxOffsetToRemove = offsetAndMetadata.offset() - 1;

Example 2
Source File:    From li-apache-kafka-clients with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License 6 votes vote down vote up
public void seekToCommitted(Collection<TopicPartition> partitions) {
  // current offsets are being moved so don't throw cached exceptions in poll.

  for (TopicPartition tp : partitions) {
    OffsetAndMetadata offsetAndMetadata = _kafkaConsumer.committed(tp);
    if (offsetAndMetadata == null) {
      throw new NoOffsetForPartitionException(tp);
    }, offsetAndMetadata.offset());
    Long hw = LiKafkaClientsUtils.offsetFromWrappedMetadata(offsetAndMetadata.metadata());
    if (hw == null) {
      hw = offsetAndMetadata.offset();
    _consumerRecordsProcessor.setPartitionConsumerHighWaterMark(tp, hw);
Example 3
Source File:    From storm_spring_boot_demo with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
 * sets the cursor to the location dictated by the first poll strategy and returns the fetch offset
private long doSeek(TopicPartition tp, OffsetAndMetadata committedOffset) {
    long fetchOffset;
    if (committedOffset != null) {             // offset was committed for this TopicPartition
        if (firstPollOffsetStrategy.equals(EARLIEST)) {
            fetchOffset = kafkaConsumer.position(tp);
        } else if (firstPollOffsetStrategy.equals(LATEST)) {
            fetchOffset = kafkaConsumer.position(tp);
        } else {
            // By default polling starts at the last committed offset. +1 to point fetch to the first uncommitted offset.
            fetchOffset = committedOffset.offset() + 1;
  , fetchOffset);
    } else {    // no commits have ever been done, so start at the beginning or end depending on the strategy
        if (firstPollOffsetStrategy.equals(EARLIEST) || firstPollOffsetStrategy.equals(UNCOMMITTED_EARLIEST)) {
        } else if (firstPollOffsetStrategy.equals(LATEST) || firstPollOffsetStrategy.equals(UNCOMMITTED_LATEST)) {
        fetchOffset = kafkaConsumer.position(tp);
    return fetchOffset;
Example 4
Source File:    From common-kafka with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
protected void commitOffsets(Map<TopicPartition, OffsetAndMetadata> offsetsToCommit) throws KafkaException {

    // Record the commit in the history for all applicable records
    for (RecordId recordId : recordsToBeCommitted) {
        OffsetAndMetadata offset = offsetsToCommit.get(new TopicPartition(recordId.topic, recordId.partition));
        if (offset != null && offset.offset() > recordId.offset) {
            // Delay history recording if there is an ack in progress so that we can verify ack/commit order
            if (ackInProgress) {
            } else {
                addRecordHistory(recordId, Action.COMMITTED);
Example 5
Source File:    From kbear with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
protected void commitSync(
        java.util.function.BiConsumer<Consumer<String, String>, Map<TopicPartition, OffsetAndMetadata>> committer)
        throws InterruptedException {

    try (Consumer<String, String> consumer = createConsumerWithoutAutoCommit()) {

        OffsetAndMetadata committed = consumer.committed(_topicPartition);
        System.out.println("committed: " + committed);
        OffsetAndMetadata committed2 = new OffsetAndMetadata(committed.offset() + _messageCount,
        System.out.println("committed2: " + committed2);
        Map<TopicPartition, OffsetAndMetadata> offsetMap = new HashMap<>();
        offsetMap.put(_topicPartition, committed2);
        committer.accept(consumer, offsetMap);
        OffsetAndMetadata committed3 = consumer.committed(_topicPartition);
        System.out.println("committed3: " + committed3);
        Assert.assertEquals(committed2.offset(), committed3.offset());
Example 6
Source File:    From li-apache-kafka-clients with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License 5 votes vote down vote up
public Long committedSafeOffset(TopicPartition tp) {
  OffsetAndMetadata rawOffsetAndMetadata = _kafkaConsumer.committed(tp);
  if (rawOffsetAndMetadata == null || rawOffsetAndMetadata.metadata().isEmpty()) {
    return null;
  return rawOffsetAndMetadata.offset();
Example 7
Source File:    From jeesuite-libs with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * 按上次记录重置offsets
private void resetCorrectOffsets(ConsumerWorker worker) {	
	KafkaConsumer<String, Serializable> consumer = worker.consumer;
	Map<String, List<PartitionInfo>> topicInfos = consumer.listTopics();
	Set<String> topics = topicInfos.keySet();
	List<String> expectTopics = new ArrayList<>(topicHandlers.keySet());
	List<PartitionInfo> patitions = null;
	for (String topic : topics) {
		patitions = topicInfos.get(topic);
		for (PartitionInfo partition : patitions) {
			try {						
				long expectOffsets = consumerContext.getLatestProcessedOffsets(topic, partition.partition());
				TopicPartition topicPartition = new TopicPartition(partition.topic(), partition.partition());
				OffsetAndMetadata metadata = consumer.committed(topicPartition);
				Set<TopicPartition> assignment = consumer.assignment();
					if(expectOffsets > 0 && expectOffsets < metadata.offset()){					, expectOffsets);
		">>>>>>> seek Topic[{}] partition[{}] from {} to {}",topic, partition.partition(),metadata.offset(),expectOffsets);
			} catch (Exception e) {
				logger.warn("try seek topic["+topic+"] partition["+partition.partition()+"] offsets error");
Example 8
Source File:    From ja-micro with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
private void checkIfRefreshCommitRequired() {
    // Here's the issue:
    // The retention of __consumer_offsets is less than most topics itself, so we need to re-commit regularly to keep the
    // last committed offset per consumer group. This is especially an issue in cases were we have bursty / little traffic.

    Map<TopicPartition, OffsetAndMetadata> commitOffsets = new HashMap<>();
    long now = System.currentTimeMillis();

    if (nextCommitRefreshRequiredTimestamp < now) {
        nextCommitRefreshRequiredTimestamp = now + COMMIT_REFRESH_INTERVAL_MILLIS;

        for (PartitionProcessor processor : partitions.allProcessors()) {
            TopicPartition assignedPartition = processor.getAssignedPartition();
            long lastCommittedOffset = processor.getLastCommittedOffset();

            // We haven't committed from this partiton yet
            if (lastCommittedOffset < 0) {
                OffsetAndMetadata offset = kafka.committed(assignedPartition);
                if (offset == null) {
                    // there was no commit on this partition at all
                lastCommittedOffset = offset.offset();

            commitOffsets.put(assignedPartition, new OffsetAndMetadata(lastCommittedOffset));

        kafka.commitSync(commitOffsets);"Refreshing last committed offset {}", commitOffsets);

Example 9
Source File:    From ja-micro with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public void subscriberLosesPartitionAssignment() {
    KafkaSubscriber<String> subscriber = new KafkaSubscriber<>(new MessageCallback(),
            "topic", "groupId", false,
            KafkaSubscriber.OffsetReset.Earliest, 1, 1, 1,
            5000, 5000, KafkaSubscriber.QueueType.OffsetBlocking, 1000);
    KafkaTopicInfo message1 = new KafkaTopicInfo("topic", 0, 1, null);
    KafkaTopicInfo message2 = new KafkaTopicInfo("topic", 0, 2, null);
    KafkaTopicInfo message3 = new KafkaTopicInfo("topic", 1, 1, null);
    KafkaTopicInfo message4 = new KafkaTopicInfo("topic", 1, 2, null);
    KafkaConsumer realConsumer = mock(KafkaConsumer.class);
    class ArgMatcher implements ArgumentMatcher<Map<TopicPartition, OffsetAndMetadata>> {
        public boolean matches(Map<TopicPartition, OffsetAndMetadata> arg) {
            OffsetAndMetadata oam = arg.values().iterator().next();
            return oam.offset() == 3;
    doThrow(new CommitFailedException()).when(realConsumer).commitSync(argThat(new ArgMatcher()));
    subscriber.realConsumer = realConsumer;
    subscriber.offsetCommitter = new OffsetCommitter(realConsumer, Clock.systemUTC());
Example 10
Source File:    From azeroth with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * 按上次记录重置offsets
private void resetCorrectOffsets() {
    Map<String, List<PartitionInfo>> topicInfos = consumer.listTopics();
    Set<String> topics = topicInfos.keySet();

    List<String> expectTopics = new ArrayList<>(topicHandlers.keySet());

    List<PartitionInfo> patitions = null;
    for (String topic : topics) {
        if (!expectTopics.contains(topic))

        patitions = topicInfos.get(topic);
        for (PartitionInfo partition : patitions) {
            try {
                long expectOffsets = consumerContext.getLatestProcessedOffsets(topic,
                TopicPartition topicPartition = new TopicPartition(topic,
                OffsetAndMetadata metadata = consumer
                    .committed(new TopicPartition(partition.topic(), partition.partition()));
                if (expectOffsets >= 0) {
                    if (expectOffsets < metadata.offset()) {
              , expectOffsets);
              "seek Topic[{}] partition[{}] from {} to {}", topic,
                            partition.partition(), metadata.offset(), expectOffsets);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                logger.warn("try seek topic[" + topic + "] partition[" + partition.partition()
                            + "] offsets error");
Example 11
Source File:    From kbear with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public void commitAsyncWithOffsetsAndCallback() throws InterruptedException {

    try (Consumer<String, String> consumer = createConsumerWithoutAutoCommit()) {

        OffsetAndMetadata committed = consumer.committed(_topicPartition);
        System.out.println("committed: " + committed);
        OffsetAndMetadata committed2 = new OffsetAndMetadata(committed.offset() + _messageCount,
        System.out.println("committed2: " + committed2);
        Map<TopicPartition, OffsetAndMetadata> offsetMap = new HashMap<>();
        offsetMap.put(_topicPartition, committed2);
        CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(offsetMap.size());
        AtomicBoolean failed = new AtomicBoolean();
        consumer.commitAsync(offsetMap, (m, e) -> {
            if (e != null) {
            } else
                System.out.println("offsetsMap: " + m);


        long timeout = 30 * 1000;
        _messageCount = 0;
        _pollTimeout = 100;
        pollDurationTimeout(consumer); // callback is invoked when next poll or commit

        if (!latch.await(1000, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS))
  "commitAsyncWithCallback wait timeout: " + timeout);

        OffsetAndMetadata committed3 = consumer.committed(_topicPartition);
        System.out.println("committed3: " + committed3);
        Assert.assertEquals(committed2.offset(), committed3.offset());
Example 12
Source File:    From flink with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public Long getCommittedOffset(String topicName, int partition) {
	OffsetAndMetadata committed = offsetClient.committed(new TopicPartition(topicName, partition));
	return (committed != null) ? committed.offset() : null;
Example 13
Source File:    From flink with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public Long getCommittedOffset(String topicName, int partition) {
	OffsetAndMetadata committed = offsetClient.committed(new TopicPartition(topicName, partition));
	return (committed != null) ? committed.offset() : null;
Example 14
Source File:    From Flink-CEPplus with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public Long getCommittedOffset(String topicName, int partition) {
	OffsetAndMetadata committed = offsetClient.committed(new TopicPartition(topicName, partition));
	return (committed != null) ? committed.offset() : null;
Example 15
Source File:    From common-kafka with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
 * Returns the offset to use as the partition's last committed offset. This value indicates where we will start
 * reading on the partition and is used to determine what offset is eligible for committing and where to rewind to
 * re-read a message. The returned offset is ensured to be committed, if {@link ProcessingConfig#getCommitInitialOffset()
 * allowed} by the configuration.
 * @return the offset to use as the partition's last committed offset
 * @throws IllegalStateException if an error occurs looking up the consumer's committed offset or broker offset values
protected long getLastCommittedOffset() {
    OffsetAndMetadata lastCommittedOffset;
    try {
        lastCommittedOffset = consumer.committed(topicPartition);
    } catch (KafkaException e) {
        throw new IllegalStateException("Unable to retrieve committed offset for topic partition [" + topicPartition + "]", e);

    // If we don't have a committed offset use the reset offset
    if (lastCommittedOffset == null) {
        LOGGER.debug("No offset committed for partition [{}]", topicPartition);
        return getCommittedResetOffset();

    long offset = lastCommittedOffset.offset();

    LOGGER.debug("Last committed offset for partition [{}] is [{}]", topicPartition, offset);

    long startOffset = getEarliestOffset();

    // Verify our committed offset is not before the earliest offset
    if (offset < startOffset) {
        // If our offset is before the start offset this likely means processing was stopped/stalled for so long
        // messages fell off the queue and we failed to process them
        if (LOGGER.isErrorEnabled())
            LOGGER.error("Committed offset [{}] is before earliest offset [{}] partition [{}]. This likely indicates"
                    + " that processing missed messages", offset, startOffset, topicPartition);

        // If it's not in range use the reset offset as that's where we will be starting from
        return getCommittedResetOffset();

    long endOffset = getLatestOffset();

    // Verify our committed offset is not after the latest offset
    if (offset > endOffset) {
        if (LOGGER.isWarnEnabled())
            LOGGER.warn("Committed offset [{}] is after latest offset [{}] for partition [{}]. This could indicate " +
                    "a bug in the ProcessingConsumer, a topic being re-created or something else updating offsets",
                    offset, endOffset, topicPartition);

        // If it's not in range use the reset offset as that's where we will be starting from
        return getCommittedResetOffset();

    if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled())
        LOGGER.debug("Using committed offset [{}] for partition [{}] as it is in range of start [{}] / end [{}] broker offsets",
            offset, topicPartition, startOffset, endOffset);

    return offset;
Example 16
Source File:    From kafka-sink-pg-json with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
 * Flushes content to the database
 * @param offsets map of offsets being flushed
 * @throws ConnectException if flush failed
public void flush(Map<TopicPartition, OffsetAndMetadata> offsets) throws ConnectException {
    fLog.trace("Flush start at "+System.currentTimeMillis());
    try {
      if (iDelivery>FASTEST)//if guaranteed or synchronized
        iWriter.flush();//flush table writes
      if (iDelivery==SYNCHRONIZED) {//if synchronized delivery
        /* create topic, partition and offset arrays for database flush function call */
        int size=offsets.size();//get number of flush map entries
        String[] topicArray=new String[size];//create array for topics
        Integer[] partitionArray=new Integer[size];//create array for partitions 
        Long[] offsetArray=new Long[size];//create array for offsets

        /* populate topic, partition and offset arrays */
        Iterator<Map.Entry<TopicPartition, OffsetAndMetadata>> iterator=offsets.entrySet().iterator();//create map iterator
        for (int i=0;i<size;++i) {//for each flush map entry
          Entry<TopicPartition, OffsetAndMetadata>;//get next entry
          TopicPartition key=entry.getKey();//get topic partition key
          OffsetAndMetadata value=entry.getValue();//get offset value
          topicArray[i]=key.topic();//put topic into array
          partitionArray[i]=key.partition();//put partition in to array
          offsetArray[i]=value.offset();//put offset into array                        
        }//for each flush map entry

        /* bind arays to flush statement */
        iFlushStatement.setArray(1, iConnection.createArrayOf("varchar", topicArray));//bind topic array
        iFlushStatement.setArray(2, iConnection.createArrayOf("integer", partitionArray));//bind partition array
        iFlushStatement.setArray(3, iConnection.createArrayOf("bigint", offsetArray));//bind offset array
        /* execute the database flush function */
      }//if synchronized delivery
    } catch (SQLException | IOException exception) {
      throw new ConnectException(exception);
    fLog.trace("Flush stop at "+System.currentTimeMillis());
Example 17
Source File:    From Flink-CEPplus with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public Long getCommittedOffset(String topicName, int partition) {
	OffsetAndMetadata committed = offsetClient.committed(new TopicPartition(topicName, partition));
	return (committed != null) ? committed.offset() : null;
Example 18
Source File:    From li-apache-kafka-clients with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License 4 votes vote down vote up
 * @param messageAssembler non-null.  Assembles large segments segments
 * @param keyDeserializer non-null.
 * @param valueDeserializer non-null
 * @param deliveredMessageOffsetTracker non-null.  Keeps a history of safe offsets.
 * @param auditor This may be null otherwise auditing is called when messages are complete.
 * @param storedOffset non-null.  A function that returns the offset information stored in Kafka.   This may
 *                      be a blocking call and should return null if the information is not available.
public ConsumerRecordsProcessor(MessageAssembler messageAssembler,
                                Deserializer<K> keyDeserializer,
                                Deserializer<V> valueDeserializer,
                                DeliveredMessageOffsetTracker deliveredMessageOffsetTracker,
                                Auditor<K, V> auditor,
                                Function<TopicPartition, OffsetAndMetadata> storedOffset) {
  _messageAssembler = messageAssembler;
  _keyDeserializer = keyDeserializer;
  _valueDeserializer = valueDeserializer;
  _deliveredMessageOffsetTracker = deliveredMessageOffsetTracker;
  _auditor = auditor;
  _partitionConsumerHighWatermark = new HashMap<>();
  if (_auditor == null) {"Auditing is disabled because no auditor is defined.");
  _storedConsumerHighWatermark = (topicPartition) -> {
    OffsetAndMetadata offsetAndMetadata = storedOffset.apply(topicPartition);

    Long consumerHighWatermark = null;
    if (offsetAndMetadata != null) {
      consumerHighWatermark = LiKafkaClientsUtils.offsetFromWrappedMetadata(offsetAndMetadata.metadata());

    if (consumerHighWatermark == null) {
      return new ConsumerHighWatermarkState();
    return new ConsumerHighWatermarkState(consumerHighWatermark, offsetAndMetadata.offset());
  // Performance optimization to avoid a call to instanceof for every deserialization call
  if (_valueDeserializer instanceof ExtendedDeserializer) {
    _deserializeStrategy = new DeserializeStrategy<V>() {
      public V deserialize(String topic, Headers headers, byte[] data) {
        return ((ExtendedDeserializer<V>) _valueDeserializer).deserialize(topic, headers, data);
  } else {
    _deserializeStrategy = new DeserializeStrategy<V>() {
      public V deserialize(String topic, Headers headers, byte[] data) {
        return _valueDeserializer.deserialize(topic, data);
Example 19
Source File:    From Flink-CEPplus with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public Long getCommittedOffset(String topicName, int partition) {
	OffsetAndMetadata committed = offsetClient.committed(new TopicPartition(topicName, partition));
	return (committed != null) ? committed.offset() : null;
Example 20
Source File:    From common-kafka with Apache License 2.0 3 votes vote down vote up
 * Returns the committed offset or -1 for the consumer group and the given topic partition
 * @param topicPartition
 *      a topic partition
 * @return the committed offset or -1 for the consumer group and the given topic partition
 * @throws org.apache.kafka.common.KafkaException
 *      if there is an issue fetching the committed offset
 * @throws IllegalArgumentException
 *      if topicPartition is null
public long getCommittedOffset(TopicPartition topicPartition) {
    if (topicPartition == null)
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("topicPartition cannot be null");

    OffsetAndMetadata offsetAndMetadata = consumer.committed(topicPartition);
    return offsetAndMetadata == null ? -1L : offsetAndMetadata.offset();