Java Code Examples for org.apache.atlas.AtlasErrorCode#INTERNAL_ERROR

The following examples show how to use org.apache.atlas.AtlasErrorCode#INTERNAL_ERROR . You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example 1
Source File:    From incubator-atlas with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
private AtlasEdge updateEdge(AtlasAttributeDef attributeDef, Object value, AtlasEdge currentEdge, final AtlasVertex entityVertex) throws AtlasBaseException {

        LOG.debug("Updating entity reference {} for reference attribute {}",  attributeDef.getName());
        // Update edge if it exists

        AtlasVertex currentVertex = currentEdge.getInVertex();
        String currentEntityId = getIdFromVertex(currentVertex);
        String newEntityId = getIdFromVertex(entityVertex);

        AtlasEdge newEdge = currentEdge;
        if (!currentEntityId.equals(newEntityId)) {
            // add an edge to the class vertex from the instance
            if (entityVertex != null) {
                try {
                    newEdge = graphHelper.getOrCreateEdge(currentEdge.getOutVertex(), entityVertex, currentEdge.getLabel());
                } catch (RepositoryException e) {
                    throw new AtlasBaseException(AtlasErrorCode.INTERNAL_ERROR, e);

        return newEdge;
Example 2
Source File:    From incubator-atlas with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
private AtlasEdge createInverseReference(AtlasAttribute inverseAttribute, AtlasStructType inverseAttributeType,
                                         AtlasVertex inverseVertex, AtlasVertex vertex) throws AtlasBaseException {

    String propertyName     = AtlasGraphUtilsV1.getQualifiedAttributePropertyKey(inverseAttributeType, inverseAttribute.getName());
    String inverseEdgeLabel = AtlasGraphUtilsV1.getEdgeLabel(propertyName);
    AtlasEdge ret;

    try {
        ret = graphHelper.getOrCreateEdge(inverseVertex, vertex, inverseEdgeLabel);

    } catch (RepositoryException e) {
        throw new AtlasBaseException(AtlasErrorCode.INTERNAL_ERROR, e);

    return ret;
Example 3
Source File:    From atlas with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
private AtlasEdge createInverseReference(AtlasAttribute inverseAttribute, AtlasStructType inverseAttributeType,
                                         AtlasVertex inverseVertex, AtlasVertex vertex) throws AtlasBaseException {

    String propertyName     = AtlasGraphUtilsV2.getQualifiedAttributePropertyKey(inverseAttributeType, inverseAttribute.getName());
    String inverseEdgeLabel = AtlasGraphUtilsV2.getEdgeLabel(propertyName);
    AtlasEdge ret;

    try {
        ret = graphHelper.getOrCreateEdge(inverseVertex, vertex, inverseEdgeLabel);

    } catch (RepositoryException e) {
        throw new AtlasBaseException(AtlasErrorCode.INTERNAL_ERROR, e);

    return ret;
Example 4
Source File:    From incubator-atlas with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
public void validateType(AtlasBaseTypeDef typeDef) throws AtlasBaseException {
    if (!isValidName(typeDef.getName())) {
        throw new AtlasBaseException(AtlasErrorCode.TYPE_NAME_INVALID_FORMAT, typeDef.getName(), typeDef.getCategory().name());

    try {
        final boolean allowReservedKeywords = ApplicationProperties.get().getBoolean(ALLOW_RESERVED_KEYWORDS, true);

        if (!allowReservedKeywords && typeDef instanceof AtlasStructDef) {
            final List<AtlasStructDef.AtlasAttributeDef> attributeDefs = ((AtlasStructDef) typeDef).getAttributeDefs();
            for (AtlasStructDef.AtlasAttributeDef attrDef : attributeDefs) {
                if (QueryParser.isKeyword(attrDef.getName())) {
                    throw new AtlasBaseException(AtlasErrorCode.ATTRIBUTE_NAME_INVALID, attrDef.getName(), typeDef.getCategory().name());
    } catch (AtlasException e) {
        LOG.error("Exception while loading configuration ", e);
        throw new AtlasBaseException(AtlasErrorCode.INTERNAL_ERROR, "Could not load configuration");
Example 5
Source File:    From atlas with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
private AtlasEdge updateEdge(AtlasAttributeDef attributeDef, Object value, AtlasEdge currentEdge, final AtlasVertex entityVertex) throws AtlasBaseException {
    if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
        LOG.debug("Updating entity reference {} for reference attribute {}",  attributeDef.getName());

    AtlasVertex currentVertex   = currentEdge.getInVertex();
    String      currentEntityId = getIdFromVertex(currentVertex);
    String      newEntityId     = getIdFromVertex(entityVertex);
    AtlasEdge   newEdge         = currentEdge;

    if (!currentEntityId.equals(newEntityId) && entityVertex != null) {
        try {
            newEdge = graphHelper.getOrCreateEdge(currentEdge.getOutVertex(), entityVertex, currentEdge.getLabel());
        } catch (RepositoryException e) {
            throw new AtlasBaseException(AtlasErrorCode.INTERNAL_ERROR, e);

    return newEdge;
Example 6
Source File:    From atlas with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public EntityGraphDiscoveryContext resolveEntityReferences(EntityGraphDiscoveryContext context) throws AtlasBaseException {
    if (context == null) {
        throw new AtlasBaseException(AtlasErrorCode.INTERNAL_ERROR, "UniqAttrBasedEntityResolver.resolveEntityReferences(): context is null");

    //Resolve attribute references
    List<AtlasObjectId> resolvedReferences = new ArrayList<>();

    for (AtlasObjectId objId : context.getReferencedByUniqAttribs()) {
        //query in graph repo that given unique attribute - check for deleted also?
        AtlasEntityType entityType = typeRegistry.getEntityTypeByName(objId.getTypeName());

        if (entityType == null) {
            throw new AtlasBaseException(AtlasErrorCode.TYPE_NAME_INVALID,, objId.getTypeName());

        AtlasVertex vertex = AtlasGraphUtilsV2.findByUniqueAttributes(this.graph, entityType, objId.getUniqueAttributes());

        if (vertex == null && RequestContext.get().isCreateShellEntityForNonExistingReference()) {
            vertex = entityGraphMapper.createShellEntityVertex(objId, context);

        if (vertex != null) {
            context.addResolvedIdByUniqAttribs(objId, vertex);
        } else {
            throw new AtlasBaseException(AtlasErrorCode.REFERENCED_ENTITY_NOT_FOUND, objId.toString());

    return context;
Example 7
Source File:    From incubator-atlas with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
private AtlasRelationship createRelationship(AtlasRelationship relationship, AtlasVertex end1Vertex, AtlasVertex end2Vertex)
                                             throws AtlasBaseException {
    AtlasRelationship ret;

    try {
        AtlasEdge relationshipEdge = getRelationshipEdge(end1Vertex, end2Vertex, relationship);

        if (relationshipEdge == null) {
            relationshipEdge = createRelationshipEdge(end1Vertex, end2Vertex, relationship);

            AtlasRelationshipType relationType = typeRegistry.getRelationshipTypeByName(relationship.getTypeName());

            if (MapUtils.isNotEmpty(relationType.getAllAttributes())) {
                for (AtlasAttribute attr : relationType.getAllAttributes().values()) {
                    String attrName           = attr.getName();
                    String attrVertexProperty = attr.getVertexPropertyName();
                    Object attrValue          = relationship.getAttribute(attrName);

                    AtlasGraphUtilsV1.setProperty(relationshipEdge, attrVertexProperty, attrValue);

            ret = mapEdgeToAtlasRelationship(relationshipEdge);

        } else {
            throw new AtlasBaseException(AtlasErrorCode.RELATIONSHIP_ALREADY_EXISTS, relationship.getTypeName(),
                                         relationship.getEnd1().getGuid(), relationship.getEnd2().getGuid());
    } catch (RepositoryException e) {
        throw new AtlasBaseException(AtlasErrorCode.INTERNAL_ERROR, e);

    return ret;
Example 8
Source File:    From incubator-atlas with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public EntityGraphDiscoveryContext resolveEntityReferences(EntityGraphDiscoveryContext context) throws AtlasBaseException {
    if (context == null) {
        throw new AtlasBaseException(AtlasErrorCode.INTERNAL_ERROR, "IDBasedEntityResolver.resolveEntityReferences(): context is null");

    EntityStream entityStream = context.getEntityStream();

    for (String guid : context.getReferencedGuids()) {
        boolean isAssignedGuid = AtlasTypeUtil.isAssignedGuid(guid);
        AtlasVertex vertex = isAssignedGuid ? AtlasGraphUtilsV1.findByGuid(guid) : null;

        if (vertex == null && !(entityStream instanceof EntityImportStream)) { // if not found in the store, look if the entity is present in the stream
            AtlasEntity entity = entityStream.getByGuid(guid);

            if (entity != null) { // look for the entity in the store using unique-attributes
                AtlasEntityType entityType = typeRegistry.getEntityTypeByName(entity.getTypeName());

                if (entityType == null) {
                    throw new AtlasBaseException(AtlasErrorCode.TYPE_NAME_INVALID,, entity.getTypeName());

                vertex = AtlasGraphUtilsV1.findByUniqueAttributes(entityType, entity.getAttributes());
            } else if (!isAssignedGuid) { // for local-guids, entity must be in the stream
                throw new AtlasBaseException(AtlasErrorCode.REFERENCED_ENTITY_NOT_FOUND, guid);

        if (vertex != null) {
            context.addResolvedGuid(guid, vertex);
        } else {
            if (isAssignedGuid && !(entityStream instanceof EntityImportStream)) {
                throw new AtlasBaseException(AtlasErrorCode.REFERENCED_ENTITY_NOT_FOUND, guid);
            } else {

    return context;
Example 9
Source File:    From atlas with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public EntityGraphDiscoveryContext resolveEntityReferences(EntityGraphDiscoveryContext context) throws AtlasBaseException {
    if (context == null) {
        throw new AtlasBaseException(AtlasErrorCode.INTERNAL_ERROR, "IDBasedEntityResolver.resolveEntityReferences(): context is null");

    EntityStream entityStream = context.getEntityStream();

    for (String guid : context.getReferencedGuids()) {
        boolean isAssignedGuid = AtlasTypeUtil.isAssignedGuid(guid);
        AtlasVertex vertex = isAssignedGuid ? AtlasGraphUtilsV2.findByGuid(this.graph, guid) : null;

        if (vertex == null && !RequestContext.get().isImportInProgress()) { // if not found in the store, look if the entity is present in the stream
            AtlasEntity entity = entityStream.getByGuid(guid);

            if (entity != null) { // look for the entity in the store using unique-attributes
                AtlasEntityType entityType = typeRegistry.getEntityTypeByName(entity.getTypeName());

                if (entityType == null) {
                    throw new AtlasBaseException(AtlasErrorCode.TYPE_NAME_INVALID,, entity.getTypeName());

                vertex = AtlasGraphUtilsV2.findByUniqueAttributes(this.graph, entityType, entity.getAttributes());
            } else if (!isAssignedGuid) { // for local-guids, entity must be in the stream
                throw new AtlasBaseException(AtlasErrorCode.REFERENCED_ENTITY_NOT_FOUND, guid);

        if (vertex != null) {
            context.addResolvedGuid(guid, vertex);
        } else {
            if (isAssignedGuid && !RequestContext.get().isImportInProgress()) {
                throw new AtlasBaseException(AtlasErrorCode.REFERENCED_ENTITY_NOT_FOUND, guid);
            } else {

    return context;
Example 10
Source File:    From atlas with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
private AtlasEdge createVertex(AtlasStruct struct, AtlasVertex referringVertex, String edgeLabel, EntityMutationContext context) throws AtlasBaseException {
    AtlasVertex vertex = createStructVertex(struct);

    mapAttributes(struct, vertex, CREATE, context);

    try {
        //TODO - Map directly in AtlasGraphUtilsV1
        return graphHelper.getOrCreateEdge(referringVertex, vertex, edgeLabel);
    } catch (RepositoryException e) {
        throw new AtlasBaseException(AtlasErrorCode.INTERNAL_ERROR, e);
Example 11
Source File:    From incubator-atlas with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
private AtlasEdge mapClassification(EntityOperation operation,  final EntityMutationContext context, AtlasClassification classification, AtlasEntityType entityType, AtlasVertex parentInstanceVertex, AtlasVertex traitInstanceVertex)
    throws AtlasBaseException {

    // map all the attributes to this newly created AtlasVertex
    mapAttributes(classification, traitInstanceVertex, operation, context);

    // add an edge to the newly created AtlasVertex from the parent
    String relationshipLabel = GraphHelper.getTraitLabel(entityType.getTypeName(), classification.getTypeName());
    try {
       return graphHelper.getOrCreateEdge(parentInstanceVertex, traitInstanceVertex, relationshipLabel);
    } catch (RepositoryException e) {
        throw new AtlasBaseException(AtlasErrorCode.INTERNAL_ERROR, e);
Example 12
Source File:    From atlas with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public AtlasBaseException() {
Example 13
Source File:    From atlas with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public AtlasBaseException(String message) {
    this.atlasErrorCode = AtlasErrorCode.INTERNAL_ERROR;
Example 14
Source File:    From incubator-atlas with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public AtlasBaseException() {
Example 15
Source File:    From atlas with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public AtlasBaseException(Throwable cause) {
    this.atlasErrorCode = AtlasErrorCode.INTERNAL_ERROR;
Example 16
Source File:    From atlas with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public AtlasBaseException(AtlasErrorCode errorCode, Throwable cause, boolean enableSuppression,
                          boolean writableStackTrace, String ... params) {
    super(errorCode.getFormattedErrorMessage(params), cause, enableSuppression, writableStackTrace);
    this.atlasErrorCode = AtlasErrorCode.INTERNAL_ERROR;
Example 17
Source File:    From atlas with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
private AtlasEdge mapObjectIdValue(AttributeMutationContext ctx, EntityMutationContext context) throws AtlasBaseException {
    if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
        LOG.debug("==> mapObjectIdValue({})", ctx);

    AtlasEdge ret = null;

    String guid = getGuid(ctx.getValue());

    AtlasVertex entityVertex = context.getDiscoveryContext().getResolvedEntityVertex(guid);

    if (entityVertex == null) {
        if (AtlasTypeUtil.isAssignedGuid(guid)) {
            entityVertex = context.getVertex(guid);

        if (entityVertex == null) {
            AtlasObjectId objId = getObjectId(ctx.getValue());

            if (objId != null) {
                entityVertex = context.getDiscoveryContext().getResolvedEntityVertex(objId);

    if (entityVertex == null) {
        throw new AtlasBaseException(AtlasErrorCode.INVALID_OBJECT_ID, (ctx.getValue() == null ? null : ctx.getValue().toString()));

    if (ctx.getCurrentEdge() != null) {
        ret = updateEdge(ctx.getAttributeDef(), ctx.getValue(), ctx.getCurrentEdge(), entityVertex);
    } else if (ctx.getValue() != null) {
        String edgeLabel = AtlasGraphUtilsV2.getEdgeLabel(ctx.getVertexProperty());

        try {
            ret = graphHelper.getOrCreateEdge(ctx.getReferringVertex(), entityVertex, edgeLabel);
        } catch (RepositoryException e) {
            throw new AtlasBaseException(AtlasErrorCode.INTERNAL_ERROR, e);

    if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
        LOG.debug("<== mapObjectIdValue({})", ctx);

    return ret;
Example 18
Source File:    From incubator-atlas with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public AtlasBaseException(String message, Throwable cause) {
    super(message, cause);
    this.atlasErrorCode = AtlasErrorCode.INTERNAL_ERROR;
Example 19
Source File:    From atlas with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public AtlasEdge createRelationship(AtlasVertex end1Vertex, AtlasVertex end2Vertex, AtlasRelationship relationship, boolean existingRelationshipCheck) throws AtlasBaseException {
    AtlasEdge ret;

    try {
        validateRelationship(end1Vertex, end2Vertex, relationship);

        String relationshipLabel = getRelationshipEdgeLabel(end1Vertex, end2Vertex, relationship.getTypeName());

        if (existingRelationshipCheck) {
            ret = getRelationshipEdge(end1Vertex, end2Vertex, relationshipLabel);

            if (ret != null) {
                throw new AtlasBaseException(AtlasErrorCode.RELATIONSHIP_ALREADY_EXISTS, relationship.getTypeName(),
                                             AtlasGraphUtilsV2.getIdFromVertex(end1Vertex), AtlasGraphUtilsV2.getIdFromVertex(end2Vertex));

        AtlasRelationshipType relationType = typeRegistry.getRelationshipTypeByName(relationship.getTypeName());

        if (!relationType.hasLegacyAttributeEnd()) { // skip authorization for legacy attributes, as these would be covered as entity-update
            AtlasEntityHeader end1Entity = entityRetriever.toAtlasEntityHeaderWithClassifications(end1Vertex);
            AtlasEntityHeader end2Entity = entityRetriever.toAtlasEntityHeaderWithClassifications(end2Vertex);

            AtlasAuthorizationUtils.verifyAccess(new AtlasRelationshipAccessRequest(typeRegistry, AtlasPrivilege.RELATIONSHIP_ADD,
                                                                                    relationship.getTypeName(), end1Entity, end2Entity));

        if (existingRelationshipCheck) {
            ret = graphHelper.getOrCreateEdge(end1Vertex, end2Vertex, relationshipLabel);

        } else {
            ret = graphHelper.addEdge(end1Vertex, end2Vertex, relationshipLabel);

            if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
                LOG.debug("Created relationship edge from [{}] --> [{}] using edge label: [{}]", getTypeName(end1Vertex), getTypeName(end2Vertex), relationshipLabel);

        // map additional properties to relationship edge
        if (ret != null) {
            // Accept a valid (assigned) guid from the supplied relationship, or generate one.
            String        relationshipGuid = relationship.getGuid();
            PropagateTags tagPropagation   = getRelationshipTagPropagation(end1Vertex, end2Vertex, relationship);
            final String  guid             = AtlasTypeUtil.isAssignedGuid(relationshipGuid) ? relationshipGuid : UUID.randomUUID().toString();

            AtlasGraphUtilsV2.setEncodedProperty(ret, ENTITY_TYPE_PROPERTY_KEY, relationship.getTypeName());
            AtlasGraphUtilsV2.setEncodedProperty(ret, RELATIONSHIP_GUID_PROPERTY_KEY, guid);
            AtlasGraphUtilsV2.setEncodedProperty(ret, HOME_ID_KEY, relationship.getHomeId());
            AtlasGraphUtilsV2.setEncodedProperty(ret, VERSION_PROPERTY_KEY, getRelationshipVersion(relationship));
            AtlasGraphUtilsV2.setEncodedProperty(ret, PROVENANCE_TYPE_KEY, relationship.getProvenanceType());
            AtlasGraphUtilsV2.setEncodedProperty(ret, RELATIONSHIPTYPE_TAG_PROPAGATION_KEY,;

            // blocked propagated classifications
            handleBlockedClassifications(ret, relationship.getBlockedPropagatedClassifications());

            // propagate tags
            deleteDelegate.getHandler().addTagPropagation(ret, tagPropagation);

        if (MapUtils.isNotEmpty(relationType.getAllAttributes())) {
            for (AtlasAttribute attr : relationType.getAllAttributes().values()) {
                String attrName           = attr.getName();
                String attrVertexProperty = attr.getVertexPropertyName();
                Object attrValue          = relationship.getAttribute(attrName);

                AtlasGraphUtilsV2.setEncodedProperty(ret, attrVertexProperty, attrValue);
    } catch (RepositoryException e) {
        throw new AtlasBaseException(AtlasErrorCode.INTERNAL_ERROR, e);

    sendNotifications(entityRetriever.mapEdgeToAtlasRelationship(ret), OperationType.RELATIONSHIP_CREATE);
    return ret;
Example 20
Source File:    From incubator-atlas with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
private AtlasEdge mapObjectIdValue(AttributeMutationContext ctx, EntityMutationContext context) throws AtlasBaseException {
    if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
        LOG.debug("==> mapObjectIdValue({})", ctx);

    AtlasEdge ret = null;

    String guid = getGuid(ctx.getValue());

    AtlasVertex entityVertex = context.getDiscoveryContext().getResolvedEntityVertex(guid);

    if (entityVertex == null) {
        AtlasObjectId objId = getObjectId(ctx.getValue());

        if (objId != null) {
            entityVertex = context.getDiscoveryContext().getResolvedEntityVertex(objId);

    if (entityVertex == null) {
        throw new AtlasBaseException(AtlasErrorCode.INVALID_OBJECT_ID, (ctx.getValue() == null ? null : ctx.getValue().toString()));

    if (ctx.getCurrentEdge() != null) {
        ret = updateEdge(ctx.getAttributeDef(), ctx.getValue(), ctx.getCurrentEdge(), entityVertex);
    } else if (ctx.getValue() != null) {
        String edgeLabel = AtlasGraphUtilsV1.getEdgeLabel(ctx.getVertexProperty());

        try {
            ret = graphHelper.getOrCreateEdge(ctx.getReferringVertex(), entityVertex, edgeLabel);
        } catch (RepositoryException e) {
            throw new AtlasBaseException(AtlasErrorCode.INTERNAL_ERROR, e);

    if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
        LOG.debug("<== mapObjectIdValue({})", ctx);

    return ret;