Java Code Examples for net.runelite.api.ItemID#PLATINUM_TOKEN

The following examples show how to use net.runelite.api.ItemID#PLATINUM_TOKEN . You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example 1
Source File:    From runelite with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Look up an item's price
 * @param itemID item id
 * @param ignoreUntradeableMap should the price returned ignore the {@link UntradeableItemMapping}
 * @return item price
public int getItemPrice(int itemID, boolean ignoreUntradeableMap)
	if (itemID == ItemID.COINS_995)
		return 1;
	if (itemID == ItemID.PLATINUM_TOKEN)
		return 1000;

	ItemComposition itemComposition = getItemComposition(itemID);
	if (itemComposition.getNote() != -1)
		itemID = itemComposition.getLinkedNoteId();
	itemID = WORN_ITEMS.getOrDefault(itemID, itemID);

	if (!ignoreUntradeableMap)
		UntradeableItemMapping p =;
		if (p != null)
			return getItemPrice(p.getPriceID()) * p.getQuantity();

	int price = 0;
	for (int mappedID :
		ItemPrice ip = itemPrices.get(mappedID);
		if (ip != null)
			price += ip.getPrice();

	return price;
Example 2
Source File:    From plugins with GNU General Public License v3.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public ContainerPrices calculate(@Nullable Item[] items)
	if (items == null)
		return null;

	long ge = 0;
	long alch = 0;

	for (final Item item : items)
		final int qty = item.getQuantity();
		final int id = item.getId();

		if (id <= 0 || qty == 0)

		switch (id)
			case ItemID.COINS_995:
				ge += qty;
				alch += qty;
				ge += qty * 1000L;
				alch += qty * 1000L;
				final long storePrice = itemManager.getItemDefinition(id).getPrice();
				final long alchPrice = (long) (storePrice * Constants.HIGH_ALCHEMY_MULTIPLIER);
				alch += alchPrice * qty;
				ge += (long) itemManager.getItemPrice(id) * qty;

	return new ContainerPrices(ge, alch);
Example 3
Source File:    From plugins with GNU General Public License v3.0 4 votes vote down vote up
private String getItemStackValueText(Item item)
	int id = itemManager.canonicalize(item.getId());
	int qty = item.getQuantity();

	// Special case for coins and platinum tokens
	if (id == ItemID.COINS_995)
		return QuantityFormatter.formatNumber(qty) + " gp";
	else if (id == ItemID.PLATINUM_TOKEN)
		return QuantityFormatter.formatNumber(qty * 1000) + " gp";

	ItemDefinition itemDef = itemManager.getItemDefinition(id);

	// Only check prices for things with store prices
	if (itemDef.getPrice() <= 0)
		return null;

	int gePrice = 0;
	int haPrice = 0;
	int haProfit = 0;
	final int itemHaPrice = Math.round(itemDef.getPrice() * Constants.HIGH_ALCHEMY_MULTIPLIER);

	if (config.showGEPrice())
		gePrice = itemManager.getItemPrice(id);
	if (config.showHAValue())
		haPrice = itemManager.getAlchValue(id);
	if (gePrice > 0 && itemHaPrice > 0 && config.showAlchProfit())
		haProfit = calculateHAProfit(itemHaPrice, gePrice);

	if (gePrice > 0 || haPrice > 0)
		return stackValueText(qty, gePrice, haPrice, haProfit);

	return null;
Example 4
Source File:    From runelite with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License 4 votes vote down vote up
ContainerPrices calculate(@Nullable Item[] items)
	if (items == null)
		return null;

	long ge = 0;
	long alch = 0;

	for (final Item item : items)
		final int qty = item.getQuantity();
		final int id = item.getId();

		if (id <= 0 || qty == 0)

		switch (id)
			case ItemID.COINS_995:
				ge += qty;
				alch += qty;
				ge += qty * 1000L;
				alch += qty * 1000L;
				final int alchPrice = itemManager.getItemComposition(id).getHaPrice();
				alch += (long) alchPrice * qty;
				ge += (long) itemManager.getItemPrice(id) * qty;

	return new ContainerPrices(ge, alch);
Example 5
Source File:    From runelite with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License 4 votes vote down vote up
private String getItemStackValueText(Item item)
	int id = itemManager.canonicalize(item.getId());
	int qty = item.getQuantity();

	// Special case for coins and platinum tokens
	if (id == ItemID.COINS_995)
		return QuantityFormatter.formatNumber(qty) + " gp";
	else if (id == ItemID.PLATINUM_TOKEN)
		return QuantityFormatter.formatNumber(qty * 1000) + " gp";

	ItemComposition itemDef = itemManager.getItemComposition(id);

	// Only check prices for things with store prices
	if (itemDef.getPrice() <= 0)
		return null;

	int gePrice = 0;
	int haPrice = 0;
	int haProfit = 0;
	final int itemHaPrice = itemDef.getHaPrice();

	if (config.showGEPrice())
		gePrice = itemManager.getItemPrice(id);
	if (config.showHAValue())
		haPrice = itemHaPrice;
	if (gePrice > 0 && itemHaPrice > 0 && config.showAlchProfit())
		haProfit = calculateHAProfit(itemHaPrice, gePrice);

	if (gePrice > 0 || haPrice > 0)
		return stackValueText(qty, gePrice, haPrice, haProfit);

	return null;