Java Code Examples for

The following examples show how to use . You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example 1
Source File:    From jdk1.8-source-analysis with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
private CMNode expandContentModel(CMNode node,
                                  int minOccurs, int maxOccurs, boolean optimize) {

    CMNode nodeRet = null;

    if (minOccurs==1 && maxOccurs==1) {
        nodeRet = node;
    else if (minOccurs==0 && maxOccurs==1) {
        //zero or one
        nodeRet = fNodeFactory.getCMUniOpNode(XSParticleDecl.PARTICLE_ZERO_OR_ONE, node);
    else if (minOccurs == 0 && maxOccurs==SchemaSymbols.OCCURRENCE_UNBOUNDED) {
        //zero or more
        nodeRet = fNodeFactory.getCMUniOpNode(XSParticleDecl.PARTICLE_ZERO_OR_MORE, node);
    else if (minOccurs == 1 && maxOccurs==SchemaSymbols.OCCURRENCE_UNBOUNDED) {
        //one or more
        nodeRet = fNodeFactory.getCMUniOpNode(XSParticleDecl.PARTICLE_ONE_OR_MORE, node);
    else if (optimize && node.type() == XSParticleDecl.PARTICLE_ELEMENT ||
             node.type() == XSParticleDecl.PARTICLE_WILDCARD) {
        // Only for elements and wildcards, subsume e{n,m} and e{n,unbounded} to e*
        // or e+ and, once the DFA reaches a final state, check if the actual number
        // of elements is between minOccurs and maxOccurs. This new algorithm runs
        // in constant space.

        // TODO: What is the impact of this optimization on the PSVI?
        nodeRet = fNodeFactory.getCMUniOpNode(
                minOccurs == 0 ? XSParticleDecl.PARTICLE_ZERO_OR_MORE
                    : XSParticleDecl.PARTICLE_ONE_OR_MORE, node);
        nodeRet.setUserData(new int[] { minOccurs, maxOccurs });
    else if (maxOccurs == SchemaSymbols.OCCURRENCE_UNBOUNDED) {
        // => a,a,..,a+
        // create a+ node first, then put minOccurs-1 a's in front of it
        // for the first time "node" is used, we don't need to make a copy
        // and for other references to node, we make copies
        nodeRet = fNodeFactory.getCMUniOpNode(XSParticleDecl.PARTICLE_ONE_OR_MORE, node);
        // (task 4) we need to call copyNode here, so that we append
        // an entire new copy of the node (a subtree). this is to ensure
        // all leaf nodes have distinct position
        // we know that minOccurs > 1
        nodeRet = fNodeFactory.getCMBinOpNode(XSModelGroupImpl.MODELGROUP_SEQUENCE,
                                              multiNodes(node, minOccurs-1, true), nodeRet);
    else {
        // {n,m} => a,a,a,...(a),(a),...
        // first n a's, then m-n a?'s.
        // copyNode is called, for the same reason as above
        if (minOccurs > 0) {
            nodeRet = multiNodes(node, minOccurs, false);
        if (maxOccurs > minOccurs) {
            node = fNodeFactory.getCMUniOpNode(XSParticleDecl.PARTICLE_ZERO_OR_ONE, node);
            if (nodeRet == null) {
                nodeRet = multiNodes(node, maxOccurs-minOccurs, false);
            else {
                nodeRet = fNodeFactory.getCMBinOpNode(XSModelGroupImpl.MODELGROUP_SEQUENCE,
                                                      nodeRet, multiNodes(node, maxOccurs-minOccurs, true));

    return nodeRet;
Example 2
Source File:    From TencentKona-8 with GNU General Public License v2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
private CMNode expandContentModel(CMNode node,
                                  int minOccurs, int maxOccurs, boolean optimize) {

    CMNode nodeRet = null;

    if (minOccurs==1 && maxOccurs==1) {
        nodeRet = node;
    else if (minOccurs==0 && maxOccurs==1) {
        //zero or one
        nodeRet = fNodeFactory.getCMUniOpNode(XSParticleDecl.PARTICLE_ZERO_OR_ONE, node);
    else if (minOccurs == 0 && maxOccurs==SchemaSymbols.OCCURRENCE_UNBOUNDED) {
        //zero or more
        nodeRet = fNodeFactory.getCMUniOpNode(XSParticleDecl.PARTICLE_ZERO_OR_MORE, node);
    else if (minOccurs == 1 && maxOccurs==SchemaSymbols.OCCURRENCE_UNBOUNDED) {
        //one or more
        nodeRet = fNodeFactory.getCMUniOpNode(XSParticleDecl.PARTICLE_ONE_OR_MORE, node);
    else if (optimize && node.type() == XSParticleDecl.PARTICLE_ELEMENT ||
             node.type() == XSParticleDecl.PARTICLE_WILDCARD) {
        // Only for elements and wildcards, subsume e{n,m} and e{n,unbounded} to e*
        // or e+ and, once the DFA reaches a final state, check if the actual number
        // of elements is between minOccurs and maxOccurs. This new algorithm runs
        // in constant space.

        // TODO: What is the impact of this optimization on the PSVI?
        nodeRet = fNodeFactory.getCMUniOpNode(
                minOccurs == 0 ? XSParticleDecl.PARTICLE_ZERO_OR_MORE
                    : XSParticleDecl.PARTICLE_ONE_OR_MORE, node);
        nodeRet.setUserData(new int[] { minOccurs, maxOccurs });
    else if (maxOccurs == SchemaSymbols.OCCURRENCE_UNBOUNDED) {
        // => a,a,..,a+
        // create a+ node first, then put minOccurs-1 a's in front of it
        // for the first time "node" is used, we don't need to make a copy
        // and for other references to node, we make copies
        nodeRet = fNodeFactory.getCMUniOpNode(XSParticleDecl.PARTICLE_ONE_OR_MORE, node);
        // (task 4) we need to call copyNode here, so that we append
        // an entire new copy of the node (a subtree). this is to ensure
        // all leaf nodes have distinct position
        // we know that minOccurs > 1
        nodeRet = fNodeFactory.getCMBinOpNode(XSModelGroupImpl.MODELGROUP_SEQUENCE,
                                              multiNodes(node, minOccurs-1, true), nodeRet);
    else {
        // {n,m} => a,a,a,...(a),(a),...
        // first n a's, then m-n a?'s.
        // copyNode is called, for the same reason as above
        if (minOccurs > 0) {
            nodeRet = multiNodes(node, minOccurs, false);
        if (maxOccurs > minOccurs) {
            node = fNodeFactory.getCMUniOpNode(XSParticleDecl.PARTICLE_ZERO_OR_ONE, node);
            if (nodeRet == null) {
                nodeRet = multiNodes(node, maxOccurs-minOccurs, false);
            else {
                nodeRet = fNodeFactory.getCMBinOpNode(XSModelGroupImpl.MODELGROUP_SEQUENCE,
                                                      nodeRet, multiNodes(node, maxOccurs-minOccurs, true));

    return nodeRet;
Example 3
Source File:    From jdk8u60 with GNU General Public License v2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
private CMNode expandContentModel(CMNode node,
                                  int minOccurs, int maxOccurs, boolean optimize) {

    CMNode nodeRet = null;

    if (minOccurs==1 && maxOccurs==1) {
        nodeRet = node;
    else if (minOccurs==0 && maxOccurs==1) {
        //zero or one
        nodeRet = fNodeFactory.getCMUniOpNode(XSParticleDecl.PARTICLE_ZERO_OR_ONE, node);
    else if (minOccurs == 0 && maxOccurs==SchemaSymbols.OCCURRENCE_UNBOUNDED) {
        //zero or more
        nodeRet = fNodeFactory.getCMUniOpNode(XSParticleDecl.PARTICLE_ZERO_OR_MORE, node);
    else if (minOccurs == 1 && maxOccurs==SchemaSymbols.OCCURRENCE_UNBOUNDED) {
        //one or more
        nodeRet = fNodeFactory.getCMUniOpNode(XSParticleDecl.PARTICLE_ONE_OR_MORE, node);
    else if (optimize && node.type() == XSParticleDecl.PARTICLE_ELEMENT ||
             node.type() == XSParticleDecl.PARTICLE_WILDCARD) {
        // Only for elements and wildcards, subsume e{n,m} and e{n,unbounded} to e*
        // or e+ and, once the DFA reaches a final state, check if the actual number
        // of elements is between minOccurs and maxOccurs. This new algorithm runs
        // in constant space.

        // TODO: What is the impact of this optimization on the PSVI?
        nodeRet = fNodeFactory.getCMUniOpNode(
                minOccurs == 0 ? XSParticleDecl.PARTICLE_ZERO_OR_MORE
                    : XSParticleDecl.PARTICLE_ONE_OR_MORE, node);
        nodeRet.setUserData(new int[] { minOccurs, maxOccurs });
    else if (maxOccurs == SchemaSymbols.OCCURRENCE_UNBOUNDED) {
        // => a,a,..,a+
        // create a+ node first, then put minOccurs-1 a's in front of it
        // for the first time "node" is used, we don't need to make a copy
        // and for other references to node, we make copies
        nodeRet = fNodeFactory.getCMUniOpNode(XSParticleDecl.PARTICLE_ONE_OR_MORE, node);
        // (task 4) we need to call copyNode here, so that we append
        // an entire new copy of the node (a subtree). this is to ensure
        // all leaf nodes have distinct position
        // we know that minOccurs > 1
        nodeRet = fNodeFactory.getCMBinOpNode(XSModelGroupImpl.MODELGROUP_SEQUENCE,
                                              multiNodes(node, minOccurs-1, true), nodeRet);
    else {
        // {n,m} => a,a,a,...(a),(a),...
        // first n a's, then m-n a?'s.
        // copyNode is called, for the same reason as above
        if (minOccurs > 0) {
            nodeRet = multiNodes(node, minOccurs, false);
        if (maxOccurs > minOccurs) {
            node = fNodeFactory.getCMUniOpNode(XSParticleDecl.PARTICLE_ZERO_OR_ONE, node);
            if (nodeRet == null) {
                nodeRet = multiNodes(node, maxOccurs-minOccurs, false);
            else {
                nodeRet = fNodeFactory.getCMBinOpNode(XSModelGroupImpl.MODELGROUP_SEQUENCE,
                                                      nodeRet, multiNodes(node, maxOccurs-minOccurs, true));

    return nodeRet;
Example 4
Source File:    From JDKSourceCode1.8 with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
private CMNode expandContentModel(CMNode node,
                                  int minOccurs, int maxOccurs, boolean optimize) {

    CMNode nodeRet = null;

    if (minOccurs==1 && maxOccurs==1) {
        nodeRet = node;
    else if (minOccurs==0 && maxOccurs==1) {
        //zero or one
        nodeRet = fNodeFactory.getCMUniOpNode(XSParticleDecl.PARTICLE_ZERO_OR_ONE, node);
    else if (minOccurs == 0 && maxOccurs==SchemaSymbols.OCCURRENCE_UNBOUNDED) {
        //zero or more
        nodeRet = fNodeFactory.getCMUniOpNode(XSParticleDecl.PARTICLE_ZERO_OR_MORE, node);
    else if (minOccurs == 1 && maxOccurs==SchemaSymbols.OCCURRENCE_UNBOUNDED) {
        //one or more
        nodeRet = fNodeFactory.getCMUniOpNode(XSParticleDecl.PARTICLE_ONE_OR_MORE, node);
    else if (optimize && node.type() == XSParticleDecl.PARTICLE_ELEMENT ||
             node.type() == XSParticleDecl.PARTICLE_WILDCARD) {
        // Only for elements and wildcards, subsume e{n,m} and e{n,unbounded} to e*
        // or e+ and, once the DFA reaches a final state, check if the actual number
        // of elements is between minOccurs and maxOccurs. This new algorithm runs
        // in constant space.

        // TODO: What is the impact of this optimization on the PSVI?
        nodeRet = fNodeFactory.getCMUniOpNode(
                minOccurs == 0 ? XSParticleDecl.PARTICLE_ZERO_OR_MORE
                    : XSParticleDecl.PARTICLE_ONE_OR_MORE, node);
        nodeRet.setUserData(new int[] { minOccurs, maxOccurs });
    else if (maxOccurs == SchemaSymbols.OCCURRENCE_UNBOUNDED) {
        // => a,a,..,a+
        // create a+ node first, then put minOccurs-1 a's in front of it
        // for the first time "node" is used, we don't need to make a copy
        // and for other references to node, we make copies
        nodeRet = fNodeFactory.getCMUniOpNode(XSParticleDecl.PARTICLE_ONE_OR_MORE, node);
        // (task 4) we need to call copyNode here, so that we append
        // an entire new copy of the node (a subtree). this is to ensure
        // all leaf nodes have distinct position
        // we know that minOccurs > 1
        nodeRet = fNodeFactory.getCMBinOpNode(XSModelGroupImpl.MODELGROUP_SEQUENCE,
                                              multiNodes(node, minOccurs-1, true), nodeRet);
    else {
        // {n,m} => a,a,a,...(a),(a),...
        // first n a's, then m-n a?'s.
        // copyNode is called, for the same reason as above
        if (minOccurs > 0) {
            nodeRet = multiNodes(node, minOccurs, false);
        if (maxOccurs > minOccurs) {
            node = fNodeFactory.getCMUniOpNode(XSParticleDecl.PARTICLE_ZERO_OR_ONE, node);
            if (nodeRet == null) {
                nodeRet = multiNodes(node, maxOccurs-minOccurs, false);
            else {
                nodeRet = fNodeFactory.getCMBinOpNode(XSModelGroupImpl.MODELGROUP_SEQUENCE,
                                                      nodeRet, multiNodes(node, maxOccurs-minOccurs, true));

    return nodeRet;
Example 5
Source File:    From openjdk-jdk8u with GNU General Public License v2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
private CMNode expandContentModel(CMNode node,
                                  int minOccurs, int maxOccurs, boolean optimize) {

    CMNode nodeRet = null;

    if (minOccurs==1 && maxOccurs==1) {
        nodeRet = node;
    else if (minOccurs==0 && maxOccurs==1) {
        //zero or one
        nodeRet = fNodeFactory.getCMUniOpNode(XSParticleDecl.PARTICLE_ZERO_OR_ONE, node);
    else if (minOccurs == 0 && maxOccurs==SchemaSymbols.OCCURRENCE_UNBOUNDED) {
        //zero or more
        nodeRet = fNodeFactory.getCMUniOpNode(XSParticleDecl.PARTICLE_ZERO_OR_MORE, node);
    else if (minOccurs == 1 && maxOccurs==SchemaSymbols.OCCURRENCE_UNBOUNDED) {
        //one or more
        nodeRet = fNodeFactory.getCMUniOpNode(XSParticleDecl.PARTICLE_ONE_OR_MORE, node);
    else if (optimize && node.type() == XSParticleDecl.PARTICLE_ELEMENT ||
             node.type() == XSParticleDecl.PARTICLE_WILDCARD) {
        // Only for elements and wildcards, subsume e{n,m} and e{n,unbounded} to e*
        // or e+ and, once the DFA reaches a final state, check if the actual number
        // of elements is between minOccurs and maxOccurs. This new algorithm runs
        // in constant space.

        // TODO: What is the impact of this optimization on the PSVI?
        nodeRet = fNodeFactory.getCMUniOpNode(
                minOccurs == 0 ? XSParticleDecl.PARTICLE_ZERO_OR_MORE
                    : XSParticleDecl.PARTICLE_ONE_OR_MORE, node);
        nodeRet.setUserData(new int[] { minOccurs, maxOccurs });
    else if (maxOccurs == SchemaSymbols.OCCURRENCE_UNBOUNDED) {
        // => a,a,..,a+
        // create a+ node first, then put minOccurs-1 a's in front of it
        // for the first time "node" is used, we don't need to make a copy
        // and for other references to node, we make copies
        nodeRet = fNodeFactory.getCMUniOpNode(XSParticleDecl.PARTICLE_ONE_OR_MORE, node);
        // (task 4) we need to call copyNode here, so that we append
        // an entire new copy of the node (a subtree). this is to ensure
        // all leaf nodes have distinct position
        // we know that minOccurs > 1
        nodeRet = fNodeFactory.getCMBinOpNode(XSModelGroupImpl.MODELGROUP_SEQUENCE,
                                              multiNodes(node, minOccurs-1, true), nodeRet);
    else {
        // {n,m} => a,a,a,...(a),(a),...
        // first n a's, then m-n a?'s.
        // copyNode is called, for the same reason as above
        if (minOccurs > 0) {
            nodeRet = multiNodes(node, minOccurs, false);
        if (maxOccurs > minOccurs) {
            node = fNodeFactory.getCMUniOpNode(XSParticleDecl.PARTICLE_ZERO_OR_ONE, node);
            if (nodeRet == null) {
                nodeRet = multiNodes(node, maxOccurs-minOccurs, false);
            else {
                nodeRet = fNodeFactory.getCMBinOpNode(XSModelGroupImpl.MODELGROUP_SEQUENCE,
                                                      nodeRet, multiNodes(node, maxOccurs-minOccurs, true));

    return nodeRet;
Example 6
Source File:    From openjdk-jdk8u-backup with GNU General Public License v2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
private CMNode expandContentModel(CMNode node,
                                  int minOccurs, int maxOccurs, boolean optimize) {

    CMNode nodeRet = null;

    if (minOccurs==1 && maxOccurs==1) {
        nodeRet = node;
    else if (minOccurs==0 && maxOccurs==1) {
        //zero or one
        nodeRet = fNodeFactory.getCMUniOpNode(XSParticleDecl.PARTICLE_ZERO_OR_ONE, node);
    else if (minOccurs == 0 && maxOccurs==SchemaSymbols.OCCURRENCE_UNBOUNDED) {
        //zero or more
        nodeRet = fNodeFactory.getCMUniOpNode(XSParticleDecl.PARTICLE_ZERO_OR_MORE, node);
    else if (minOccurs == 1 && maxOccurs==SchemaSymbols.OCCURRENCE_UNBOUNDED) {
        //one or more
        nodeRet = fNodeFactory.getCMUniOpNode(XSParticleDecl.PARTICLE_ONE_OR_MORE, node);
    else if (optimize && node.type() == XSParticleDecl.PARTICLE_ELEMENT ||
             node.type() == XSParticleDecl.PARTICLE_WILDCARD) {
        // Only for elements and wildcards, subsume e{n,m} and e{n,unbounded} to e*
        // or e+ and, once the DFA reaches a final state, check if the actual number
        // of elements is between minOccurs and maxOccurs. This new algorithm runs
        // in constant space.

        // TODO: What is the impact of this optimization on the PSVI?
        nodeRet = fNodeFactory.getCMUniOpNode(
                minOccurs == 0 ? XSParticleDecl.PARTICLE_ZERO_OR_MORE
                    : XSParticleDecl.PARTICLE_ONE_OR_MORE, node);
        nodeRet.setUserData(new int[] { minOccurs, maxOccurs });
    else if (maxOccurs == SchemaSymbols.OCCURRENCE_UNBOUNDED) {
        // => a,a,..,a+
        // create a+ node first, then put minOccurs-1 a's in front of it
        // for the first time "node" is used, we don't need to make a copy
        // and for other references to node, we make copies
        nodeRet = fNodeFactory.getCMUniOpNode(XSParticleDecl.PARTICLE_ONE_OR_MORE, node);
        // (task 4) we need to call copyNode here, so that we append
        // an entire new copy of the node (a subtree). this is to ensure
        // all leaf nodes have distinct position
        // we know that minOccurs > 1
        nodeRet = fNodeFactory.getCMBinOpNode(XSModelGroupImpl.MODELGROUP_SEQUENCE,
                                              multiNodes(node, minOccurs-1, true), nodeRet);
    else {
        // {n,m} => a,a,a,...(a),(a),...
        // first n a's, then m-n a?'s.
        // copyNode is called, for the same reason as above
        if (minOccurs > 0) {
            nodeRet = multiNodes(node, minOccurs, false);
        if (maxOccurs > minOccurs) {
            node = fNodeFactory.getCMUniOpNode(XSParticleDecl.PARTICLE_ZERO_OR_ONE, node);
            if (nodeRet == null) {
                nodeRet = multiNodes(node, maxOccurs-minOccurs, false);
            else {
                nodeRet = fNodeFactory.getCMBinOpNode(XSModelGroupImpl.MODELGROUP_SEQUENCE,
                                                      nodeRet, multiNodes(node, maxOccurs-minOccurs, true));

    return nodeRet;
Example 7
Source File:    From Bytecoder with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
private CMNode expandContentModel(CMNode node,
                                  int minOccurs, int maxOccurs, boolean optimize) {

    CMNode nodeRet = null;

    if (minOccurs==1 && maxOccurs==1) {
        nodeRet = node;
    else if (minOccurs==0 && maxOccurs==1) {
        //zero or one
        nodeRet = fNodeFactory.getCMUniOpNode(XSParticleDecl.PARTICLE_ZERO_OR_ONE, node);
    else if (minOccurs == 0 && maxOccurs==SchemaSymbols.OCCURRENCE_UNBOUNDED) {
        //zero or more
        nodeRet = fNodeFactory.getCMUniOpNode(XSParticleDecl.PARTICLE_ZERO_OR_MORE, node);
    else if (minOccurs == 1 && maxOccurs==SchemaSymbols.OCCURRENCE_UNBOUNDED) {
        //one or more
        nodeRet = fNodeFactory.getCMUniOpNode(XSParticleDecl.PARTICLE_ONE_OR_MORE, node);
    else if (optimize && node.type() == XSParticleDecl.PARTICLE_ELEMENT ||
             node.type() == XSParticleDecl.PARTICLE_WILDCARD) {
        // Only for elements and wildcards, subsume e{n,m} and e{n,unbounded} to e*
        // or e+ and, once the DFA reaches a final state, check if the actual number
        // of elements is between minOccurs and maxOccurs. This new algorithm runs
        // in constant space.

        // TODO: What is the impact of this optimization on the PSVI?
        nodeRet = fNodeFactory.getCMUniOpNode(
                minOccurs == 0 ? XSParticleDecl.PARTICLE_ZERO_OR_MORE
                    : XSParticleDecl.PARTICLE_ONE_OR_MORE, node);
        nodeRet.setUserData(new int[] { minOccurs, maxOccurs });
    else if (maxOccurs == SchemaSymbols.OCCURRENCE_UNBOUNDED) {
        // => a,a,..,a+
        // create a+ node first, then put minOccurs-1 a's in front of it
        // for the first time "node" is used, we don't need to make a copy
        // and for other references to node, we make copies
        nodeRet = fNodeFactory.getCMUniOpNode(XSParticleDecl.PARTICLE_ONE_OR_MORE, node);
        // (task 4) we need to call copyNode here, so that we append
        // an entire new copy of the node (a subtree). this is to ensure
        // all leaf nodes have distinct position
        // we know that minOccurs > 1
        nodeRet = fNodeFactory.getCMBinOpNode(XSModelGroupImpl.MODELGROUP_SEQUENCE,
                                              multiNodes(node, minOccurs-1, true), nodeRet);
    else {
        // {n,m} => a,a,a,...(a),(a),...
        // first n a's, then m-n a?'s.
        // copyNode is called, for the same reason as above
        if (minOccurs > 0) {
            nodeRet = multiNodes(node, minOccurs, false);
        if (maxOccurs > minOccurs) {
            node = fNodeFactory.getCMUniOpNode(XSParticleDecl.PARTICLE_ZERO_OR_ONE, node);
            if (nodeRet == null) {
                nodeRet = multiNodes(node, maxOccurs-minOccurs, false);
            else {
                nodeRet = fNodeFactory.getCMBinOpNode(XSModelGroupImpl.MODELGROUP_SEQUENCE,
                                                      nodeRet, multiNodes(node, maxOccurs-minOccurs, true));

    return nodeRet;
Example 8
Source File:    From openjdk-jdk9 with GNU General Public License v2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
private CMNode expandContentModel(CMNode node,
                                  int minOccurs, int maxOccurs, boolean optimize) {

    CMNode nodeRet = null;

    if (minOccurs==1 && maxOccurs==1) {
        nodeRet = node;
    else if (minOccurs==0 && maxOccurs==1) {
        //zero or one
        nodeRet = fNodeFactory.getCMUniOpNode(XSParticleDecl.PARTICLE_ZERO_OR_ONE, node);
    else if (minOccurs == 0 && maxOccurs==SchemaSymbols.OCCURRENCE_UNBOUNDED) {
        //zero or more
        nodeRet = fNodeFactory.getCMUniOpNode(XSParticleDecl.PARTICLE_ZERO_OR_MORE, node);
    else if (minOccurs == 1 && maxOccurs==SchemaSymbols.OCCURRENCE_UNBOUNDED) {
        //one or more
        nodeRet = fNodeFactory.getCMUniOpNode(XSParticleDecl.PARTICLE_ONE_OR_MORE, node);
    else if (optimize && node.type() == XSParticleDecl.PARTICLE_ELEMENT ||
             node.type() == XSParticleDecl.PARTICLE_WILDCARD) {
        // Only for elements and wildcards, subsume e{n,m} and e{n,unbounded} to e*
        // or e+ and, once the DFA reaches a final state, check if the actual number
        // of elements is between minOccurs and maxOccurs. This new algorithm runs
        // in constant space.

        // TODO: What is the impact of this optimization on the PSVI?
        nodeRet = fNodeFactory.getCMUniOpNode(
                minOccurs == 0 ? XSParticleDecl.PARTICLE_ZERO_OR_MORE
                    : XSParticleDecl.PARTICLE_ONE_OR_MORE, node);
        nodeRet.setUserData(new int[] { minOccurs, maxOccurs });
    else if (maxOccurs == SchemaSymbols.OCCURRENCE_UNBOUNDED) {
        // => a,a,..,a+
        // create a+ node first, then put minOccurs-1 a's in front of it
        // for the first time "node" is used, we don't need to make a copy
        // and for other references to node, we make copies
        nodeRet = fNodeFactory.getCMUniOpNode(XSParticleDecl.PARTICLE_ONE_OR_MORE, node);
        // (task 4) we need to call copyNode here, so that we append
        // an entire new copy of the node (a subtree). this is to ensure
        // all leaf nodes have distinct position
        // we know that minOccurs > 1
        nodeRet = fNodeFactory.getCMBinOpNode(XSModelGroupImpl.MODELGROUP_SEQUENCE,
                                              multiNodes(node, minOccurs-1, true), nodeRet);
    else {
        // {n,m} => a,a,a,...(a),(a),...
        // first n a's, then m-n a?'s.
        // copyNode is called, for the same reason as above
        if (minOccurs > 0) {
            nodeRet = multiNodes(node, minOccurs, false);
        if (maxOccurs > minOccurs) {
            node = fNodeFactory.getCMUniOpNode(XSParticleDecl.PARTICLE_ZERO_OR_ONE, node);
            if (nodeRet == null) {
                nodeRet = multiNodes(node, maxOccurs-minOccurs, false);
            else {
                nodeRet = fNodeFactory.getCMBinOpNode(XSModelGroupImpl.MODELGROUP_SEQUENCE,
                                                      nodeRet, multiNodes(node, maxOccurs-minOccurs, true));

    return nodeRet;
Example 9
Source File:    From hottub with GNU General Public License v2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
private CMNode expandContentModel(CMNode node,
                                  int minOccurs, int maxOccurs, boolean optimize) {

    CMNode nodeRet = null;

    if (minOccurs==1 && maxOccurs==1) {
        nodeRet = node;
    else if (minOccurs==0 && maxOccurs==1) {
        //zero or one
        nodeRet = fNodeFactory.getCMUniOpNode(XSParticleDecl.PARTICLE_ZERO_OR_ONE, node);
    else if (minOccurs == 0 && maxOccurs==SchemaSymbols.OCCURRENCE_UNBOUNDED) {
        //zero or more
        nodeRet = fNodeFactory.getCMUniOpNode(XSParticleDecl.PARTICLE_ZERO_OR_MORE, node);
    else if (minOccurs == 1 && maxOccurs==SchemaSymbols.OCCURRENCE_UNBOUNDED) {
        //one or more
        nodeRet = fNodeFactory.getCMUniOpNode(XSParticleDecl.PARTICLE_ONE_OR_MORE, node);
    else if (optimize && node.type() == XSParticleDecl.PARTICLE_ELEMENT ||
             node.type() == XSParticleDecl.PARTICLE_WILDCARD) {
        // Only for elements and wildcards, subsume e{n,m} and e{n,unbounded} to e*
        // or e+ and, once the DFA reaches a final state, check if the actual number
        // of elements is between minOccurs and maxOccurs. This new algorithm runs
        // in constant space.

        // TODO: What is the impact of this optimization on the PSVI?
        nodeRet = fNodeFactory.getCMUniOpNode(
                minOccurs == 0 ? XSParticleDecl.PARTICLE_ZERO_OR_MORE
                    : XSParticleDecl.PARTICLE_ONE_OR_MORE, node);
        nodeRet.setUserData(new int[] { minOccurs, maxOccurs });
    else if (maxOccurs == SchemaSymbols.OCCURRENCE_UNBOUNDED) {
        // => a,a,..,a+
        // create a+ node first, then put minOccurs-1 a's in front of it
        // for the first time "node" is used, we don't need to make a copy
        // and for other references to node, we make copies
        nodeRet = fNodeFactory.getCMUniOpNode(XSParticleDecl.PARTICLE_ONE_OR_MORE, node);
        // (task 4) we need to call copyNode here, so that we append
        // an entire new copy of the node (a subtree). this is to ensure
        // all leaf nodes have distinct position
        // we know that minOccurs > 1
        nodeRet = fNodeFactory.getCMBinOpNode(XSModelGroupImpl.MODELGROUP_SEQUENCE,
                                              multiNodes(node, minOccurs-1, true), nodeRet);
    else {
        // {n,m} => a,a,a,...(a),(a),...
        // first n a's, then m-n a?'s.
        // copyNode is called, for the same reason as above
        if (minOccurs > 0) {
            nodeRet = multiNodes(node, minOccurs, false);
        if (maxOccurs > minOccurs) {
            node = fNodeFactory.getCMUniOpNode(XSParticleDecl.PARTICLE_ZERO_OR_ONE, node);
            if (nodeRet == null) {
                nodeRet = multiNodes(node, maxOccurs-minOccurs, false);
            else {
                nodeRet = fNodeFactory.getCMBinOpNode(XSModelGroupImpl.MODELGROUP_SEQUENCE,
                                                      nodeRet, multiNodes(node, maxOccurs-minOccurs, true));

    return nodeRet;
Example 10
Source File:    From openjdk-8-source with GNU General Public License v2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
private CMNode expandContentModel(CMNode node,
                                  int minOccurs, int maxOccurs, boolean optimize) {

    CMNode nodeRet = null;

    if (minOccurs==1 && maxOccurs==1) {
        nodeRet = node;
    else if (minOccurs==0 && maxOccurs==1) {
        //zero or one
        nodeRet = fNodeFactory.getCMUniOpNode(XSParticleDecl.PARTICLE_ZERO_OR_ONE, node);
    else if (minOccurs == 0 && maxOccurs==SchemaSymbols.OCCURRENCE_UNBOUNDED) {
        //zero or more
        nodeRet = fNodeFactory.getCMUniOpNode(XSParticleDecl.PARTICLE_ZERO_OR_MORE, node);
    else if (minOccurs == 1 && maxOccurs==SchemaSymbols.OCCURRENCE_UNBOUNDED) {
        //one or more
        nodeRet = fNodeFactory.getCMUniOpNode(XSParticleDecl.PARTICLE_ONE_OR_MORE, node);
    else if (optimize && node.type() == XSParticleDecl.PARTICLE_ELEMENT ||
             node.type() == XSParticleDecl.PARTICLE_WILDCARD) {
        // Only for elements and wildcards, subsume e{n,m} and e{n,unbounded} to e*
        // or e+ and, once the DFA reaches a final state, check if the actual number
        // of elements is between minOccurs and maxOccurs. This new algorithm runs
        // in constant space.

        // TODO: What is the impact of this optimization on the PSVI?
        nodeRet = fNodeFactory.getCMUniOpNode(
                minOccurs == 0 ? XSParticleDecl.PARTICLE_ZERO_OR_MORE
                    : XSParticleDecl.PARTICLE_ONE_OR_MORE, node);
        nodeRet.setUserData(new int[] { minOccurs, maxOccurs });
    else if (maxOccurs == SchemaSymbols.OCCURRENCE_UNBOUNDED) {
        // => a,a,..,a+
        // create a+ node first, then put minOccurs-1 a's in front of it
        // for the first time "node" is used, we don't need to make a copy
        // and for other references to node, we make copies
        nodeRet = fNodeFactory.getCMUniOpNode(XSParticleDecl.PARTICLE_ONE_OR_MORE, node);
        // (task 4) we need to call copyNode here, so that we append
        // an entire new copy of the node (a subtree). this is to ensure
        // all leaf nodes have distinct position
        // we know that minOccurs > 1
        nodeRet = fNodeFactory.getCMBinOpNode(XSModelGroupImpl.MODELGROUP_SEQUENCE,
                                              multiNodes(node, minOccurs-1, true), nodeRet);
    else {
        // {n,m} => a,a,a,...(a),(a),...
        // first n a's, then m-n a?'s.
        // copyNode is called, for the same reason as above
        if (minOccurs > 0) {
            nodeRet = multiNodes(node, minOccurs, false);
        if (maxOccurs > minOccurs) {
            node = fNodeFactory.getCMUniOpNode(XSParticleDecl.PARTICLE_ZERO_OR_ONE, node);
            if (nodeRet == null) {
                nodeRet = multiNodes(node, maxOccurs-minOccurs, false);
            else {
                nodeRet = fNodeFactory.getCMBinOpNode(XSModelGroupImpl.MODELGROUP_SEQUENCE,
                                                      nodeRet, multiNodes(node, maxOccurs-minOccurs, true));

    return nodeRet;
Example 11
Source File:    From openjdk-8 with GNU General Public License v2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
private CMNode expandContentModel(CMNode node,
                                  int minOccurs, int maxOccurs, boolean optimize) {

    CMNode nodeRet = null;

    if (minOccurs==1 && maxOccurs==1) {
        nodeRet = node;
    else if (minOccurs==0 && maxOccurs==1) {
        //zero or one
        nodeRet = fNodeFactory.getCMUniOpNode(XSParticleDecl.PARTICLE_ZERO_OR_ONE, node);
    else if (minOccurs == 0 && maxOccurs==SchemaSymbols.OCCURRENCE_UNBOUNDED) {
        //zero or more
        nodeRet = fNodeFactory.getCMUniOpNode(XSParticleDecl.PARTICLE_ZERO_OR_MORE, node);
    else if (minOccurs == 1 && maxOccurs==SchemaSymbols.OCCURRENCE_UNBOUNDED) {
        //one or more
        nodeRet = fNodeFactory.getCMUniOpNode(XSParticleDecl.PARTICLE_ONE_OR_MORE, node);
    else if (optimize && node.type() == XSParticleDecl.PARTICLE_ELEMENT ||
             node.type() == XSParticleDecl.PARTICLE_WILDCARD) {
        // Only for elements and wildcards, subsume e{n,m} and e{n,unbounded} to e*
        // or e+ and, once the DFA reaches a final state, check if the actual number
        // of elements is between minOccurs and maxOccurs. This new algorithm runs
        // in constant space.

        // TODO: What is the impact of this optimization on the PSVI?
        nodeRet = fNodeFactory.getCMUniOpNode(
                minOccurs == 0 ? XSParticleDecl.PARTICLE_ZERO_OR_MORE
                    : XSParticleDecl.PARTICLE_ONE_OR_MORE, node);
        nodeRet.setUserData(new int[] { minOccurs, maxOccurs });
    else if (maxOccurs == SchemaSymbols.OCCURRENCE_UNBOUNDED) {
        // => a,a,..,a+
        // create a+ node first, then put minOccurs-1 a's in front of it
        // for the first time "node" is used, we don't need to make a copy
        // and for other references to node, we make copies
        nodeRet = fNodeFactory.getCMUniOpNode(XSParticleDecl.PARTICLE_ONE_OR_MORE, node);
        // (task 4) we need to call copyNode here, so that we append
        // an entire new copy of the node (a subtree). this is to ensure
        // all leaf nodes have distinct position
        // we know that minOccurs > 1
        nodeRet = fNodeFactory.getCMBinOpNode(XSModelGroupImpl.MODELGROUP_SEQUENCE,
                                              multiNodes(node, minOccurs-1, true), nodeRet);
    else {
        // {n,m} => a,a,a,...(a),(a),...
        // first n a's, then m-n a?'s.
        // copyNode is called, for the same reason as above
        if (minOccurs > 0) {
            nodeRet = multiNodes(node, minOccurs, false);
        if (maxOccurs > minOccurs) {
            node = fNodeFactory.getCMUniOpNode(XSParticleDecl.PARTICLE_ZERO_OR_ONE, node);
            if (nodeRet == null) {
                nodeRet = multiNodes(node, maxOccurs-minOccurs, false);
            else {
                nodeRet = fNodeFactory.getCMBinOpNode(XSModelGroupImpl.MODELGROUP_SEQUENCE,
                                                      nodeRet, multiNodes(node, maxOccurs-minOccurs, true));

    return nodeRet;